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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從電子化政府到行動政府: 台北市里長使用市長信箱與1999市民熱線之研究 / From e-government to m-government: li-chiefs' usage of Taipei City mayor’s e-mail box and 1999 citizen hotline

曾健銓, Tseng, Chien Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
在電子化政府的架構下,民眾最重要的數位意見反映管道可謂是民意電子信箱,然而近年全球許多城市開始建制市民熱線系統,讓民眾得以透過電話向政府反映意見,使整個互動介面更為接近「行動政府」的概念,而在台灣的行政系絡下,「村里長」扮演政府機關與一般民眾互動的中介角色,本研究嘗試了解電子信箱與市民熱線這兩項原意用於促進「直接民主」的意見反應管道,對於村里長的工作產生何種影響,並探討村里長使用電子信箱與市民熱線的情況,以及影響他們對這兩項管道滿意認同的變數。 本研究以台北市里長及台北市市長信箱與1999市民熱線為主要標的,透過量化與質化方法的實證資料,主要發現結果包括:(1)台北市里長較常使用市民熱線,較少使用市長信箱;(2)資訊能力、對案件的時效性要求、問題難度與複雜性將影響村里長選擇市長信箱或市民熱線進行意見反映;(3)市長信箱與市民熱線對里長的正面影響包括解決村里民問題、減少工作負擔、提昇服務時效性、減少人情壓力、可有書面或電子資料備查,作為服務表現的基礎;負面影響則包括受申訴的機會增加、村里長工作有被管道取代的危機;(4)服務品質構面的「資訊可信度」、「問題解決程度」及「易用性」,有用性構面中的「解決里民問題」與「有助工作程度」五個變數對管道的滿意度有正向的影響。 本研究根據研究發現,提出三點實務建議:(1)重視「管道問題適用性」之宣傳;(2)促進村里長與意見反映管道結合的服務綜效;(3)思考管道如何對市民產生「有用性」,以提昇公共接觸效果。 / Under the framework of E-government, e-mail is the most important response channel for citizens to interact with governments. However, many cities around the world start to build citizen hotline systems, allowing people reflect their ideas and suggestions via phone. This fact reveals the opportunities of Mobile Government. In Taiwan, Li-chiefs simultaneously reflect residents’ opinions and help delivery public services. The author tries to figure out (1) how Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box and 1999 Citizen Hotline affect the daily works of Li-chiefs; (2) their usage of these two response channels, and (3) what variables might affect Li-chiefs’ satisfaction toward e-mail and citizen hotlines. The study uses Taipei City Mayor’s E-mail Box and Taipei 1999 Citizen Hotline as case examples, and collects both qualitative and quantitative empirical data. The author finds that: (1) The Li-chiefs in Taipei use Taipei 1999 Citizen Hotline more frequently than City Mayor’s E-mail. (2) Information literacy, timeliness and task complexity will affect Li-chiefs’ motives to reflect suggestions via e-mail or citizen hotline. (3) Li-chiefs can use these two channels to solve problems and enhance timeliness. On the other hand, the response channels allow citizens to complain to Li-chiefs more easily, and the positions of Li-chiefs might be replaced by the two channels; and (4) information reliability, problem solving ability, ease of use, the effect of solving citizens’ problems, and helping Li-chiefs’ jobs will positively affect the satisfaction of the channels. Based on the finding, the author suggests the government should: (1) emphasize the “appropriate or right questions” when prompting the channels; (2) teach Li-chiefs how to use response channels well to create synergy; and (3) rethink how response channels produce usefulness for citizens.

從科技契合歷程探討電子化政府發展的轉型:以台灣跨機關整合服務為例 / The transformation of e-government development: insights from the technology alignment process-case studies of integrated public services in Taiwan

程麗弘, Cheng, Li hung Unknown Date (has links)
政府組織導入資訊科技後,帶來進步與改變的契機。過去研究從發展階段論探討此議題,多預設科技會依獨立自主的邏輯發展而對社會造成衝擊,因此主要的管理工作是協助社會大眾適應不可逆轉的科技發展。然而,這些學理上的臆測,在田野真實性是愈往發展後期愈下降,造成理論與實務的脫節。本研究從科技與社會研究(Science, Technology and Society, STS)學術脈絡下手,從實務觀察中,致力於挖掘科技和社會間雙向互動、相互形塑的關係;並主張以契合式纏繞(aligned-entanglement) 觀點,探討科技與政府組織相互形塑呈現出轉型的動態歷程。 本研究援引交引纏繞式(entanglement model)互動的模型,加上科技契合(technology alignment)觀點,應用於電子化政府整合型服務之研究,以解釋為何纏繞產生非預期結果,以致走向轉型。因為資訊科技特性需連結兩個以上組織才可讓資訊跨組織流通,所以科技與組織互動的轉型態樣有別於以往單一組織與科技互動的態樣。本研究在分析架構上的貢獻有三:1. 提出以科技契合的交引纏繞歷程觀點探討轉型,修正及補強以交引纏繞歷程觀點來分析轉型,2.開發出探討跨組織科技契合的分析構面,抽離出田野背後的運作邏輯, 3.重新詮釋公共服務的創新擴散,將以往僅探討科技創新與採用的關係,再行深入,把科技設計者從科技創新分離出,成為探討科技設計者、科技創新以及採用的關係, 由此進一步剖析當科技展演無效而發生轉型現象的論述。 本研究根據此看法,採質性多個案研究法來分析台灣電子化政府發展中兩個整合型公共服務,分別是「農產品產銷履歷系統」以及「G2G2B公文電子交換系統」,探討社會/科技集體從萌生到關係穩定化的歷程,或是位移如何發生,由此探知轉型過程。研究發現四種交引纏繞樣態皆有可能導致社會/科技集體的轉型,分別是「科技誤用,對服務真諦不了解」、「科技挪用,妥協下的次佳選擇」、「科技不適用,未立即傳遞的服務」以及「科技不用/科技調適,端視服務內容可被替代程度而定」四個纏繞軌跡的樣態。其共同特點是剛開始科技與跨組織各要素是契合的,雖偶有不契合也多以微調方式修正即可;但是逐漸在各執行面都有一些偏差,在科技展演無效後,科技設計者在權衡情境後所採取的解決方案,進一步呈現出可能的解釋因素,分別是對「科技精神」的了解程度、設計者對環境變化的認知、或科技特性在特定歷史環境不易充分發揮、或是對服務真諦的了解程度等。 本研究提出契合式纏繞觀點,相信這樣的研究成果會深化電子化政府轉型式發展的分析。本研究建議,在無效科技展演後,要預留迴旋空間(leeway)重新開啟科技的詮釋,允許不僅檢討「進度」達成與否,更要檢討「目標」是否合適,如此該社會/科技集體的纏繞式轉型才較不會走偏。 / The implementation of information technology by government entities brings opportunities for progress and change. The conventional wisdom of technology determinism considers the development of e-government as irreversible and the key objective is to assimilate the users to adopt the technology. However, these theoretical speculations tend to lose their explanation power during the later stages of e-government deployment. In other words, there is a mismatch between theory and practice. This study argues that the adoption of technology in governmental organizations is a result of interactions amongst factors such as strategic alignment, IT alignment, IT-structural and process alignment, business alignment, and service alignment. This study illustrates the dynamic entangled process in offering integrated services for e-government and describes the trajectories of this transformation. The aligned-entanglement perspective is then used to provide a better explanation than the punctuated-equilibrium and situated change perspectives. Three main contributions are made by this thesis. First, it proposes a new model to explore governmental organizational transformation. Second, it develops an analytical framework and makes explicit the operation logics of field practice. Thirdly, it re-interprets the diffusion of innovation in public services by incorporating technology designers, the technology itself, and the adopters as distinct actors in the transformation process. Qualitative case study method is used to analyze the implementation of two integrated public e-services in Taiwan: “Agriculture and Food Traceability System” and “G2G2B Electronic Document Exchange System”. The field studies show how the social/technical collective becomes stabilized overtime or how displacement occurs. This paper finds four patterns of displacement: misuse of technology through lack of understanding, the inappropriation of technology, the inapplicability of technology resulting in non-usage, and resistance or adaptation depending on suitability to the adopter’s tasks at hand. The common theme of these patterns is that, while minor misalignment can be fine-tuned in the beginning, these misalignments tend to accumulate through out the execution phases resulting in ineffective performance outcomes. Furthermore, the choices of technology designers to remedy these issues shed light on issues influencing the outcome; namely, misunderstanding of “technology spirit”, designers’ lack of sensitivity to environment change, the poor fit of technology features given its contemporary government context, and lack of understanding on the essence of services. This study proposes aligned-entanglement perspective and enriches the understanding of transformation in e-government development. This study suggests that, upon ineffective performances in technology, one should make leeway in the calibration of the deployment. By assessing the appropriateness of the initial goals in addition to reviewing progress milestones achievement, the social/technical collective is less likely to go down the wrong path in this (transformation) process.

使用者導向之我國無障礙網路空間服務成效評估 / A user-oriented measure for performance of web accessibility in Taiwan

黃甯婉, Huang, Ning Wan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著身心障礙者資訊素養的提升,「網頁可及性」成為各國發展電子化政府服務必須關注的議題,政府對身心障礙者(Government to the Disabled, G2D)的服務在近年逐漸受到重視。由於不同類型身心障礙者的電子治理需求和網路使用方式互異,行政院研究發展考核委員會參考WCAG 1.0,並參照各國在制訂無障礙網頁相關政策和推廣策略,以及國內近年來在身心障礙者保護政策等相關措施,於2002年6月訂定「無障礙網頁開發規範」,建立具體的無障礙網路推廣目標與策略,並自2003年6月展開「無障礙網路空間服務推廣」。 本研究欲瞭解無障礙網路空間計畫對身心障礙者的使用影響,經由電子化政府評估和網站服務品質評估等文獻檢閱,結合Heeks (2006)電子化政府價值鏈模型與DeLone & McLean (2003)資訊系統成功模型,建構以使用者為中心的無障礙網路空間計畫成效評估因果模型,以行政院研考會2010年委託研究案「電子治理成效指標與評估:G2A與G2D」為次級資料,驗證模型各構面間的因果關係暨群組分析。 研究結果證實本研究之無障礙網路空間計畫成效評估因果模型具相當程度的解釋力,同時根據研究結果提出無障礙網路空間計畫未來發展暨後續研究之建議。整體而言,政府現階段應加強計畫行銷推廣,全面優化網站品質,以提升使用效益與滿意度,循序漸進地引導無障礙網路空間計畫長期影響的正向發展。 / In the development of e-government system, Government to the Disabled (G2D) e-service and the issue of web accessibility have becoming gained much attention in many countries all over the world in recent years. Based on the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0), Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) has launched a Web Accessibility Initiative Program to improve the web accessibility for disabled users in Taiwan since 2003. In the study, we propose a demand-side causal model consisting of web quality, program quality, and project impacts based on the e-government value chain model (Heeks, 2006) and the information system success model (DeLone and McLean, 2003). The data analysis is obtained from questionnaire collected in the program “Constructing and Evaluating an Assessment Framework for E-Governance Impacts on Association and Disabled”. Many causal assumptions in the model we propose are verified and some suggestions for the development of Web Accessibility Initiative Program and future research are made. To promote benefit and satisfaction and further enhance public trust as a long term objective, the government should emphasize more on marketing strategy and overall optimization of web quality at this stage.

以語意分析及Bloom理論為基礎之線上測驗輔助及智慧型評分系統 / A Study on Computer Aided Testing and Intelligent Scoring: Based on Semantic Analysis and Bloom's Taxonomy

應鳴雄, Ying, Ming-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子化學習(E-Learning)環境技術的普及,線上學習與線上測驗已成為資訊教育的重要議題。但是因為填充題及問答題等測驗類型在線上測驗系統上實施有許多問題需克服,當線上測驗系統提供填充題及問答題等題型測驗時,將會產生嚴重的測驗評分等化(Equation)問題。目前線上測驗系統大多仍以是非題、單選題及複選題等題型為主,雖有少數線上測驗系統提供填充題及其他開放式填答的測驗類型,但仍未針對受測者填答之答案進行的語意自動評分。 / 另外,現有線上測驗系統未提供教師設定個人化的評分風格,對於多位教師共用測驗系統平台時所產生的評分規則認知衝突,系統也未提供支援與解決,為了解決上述問題,並使線上測驗能具備與傳統測驗相同的評量效力,本研究使用模糊理論、相似語意詞庫及人工智慧概念等,發展一個線上測驗及智慧評分子系統,此系統除了包括一般測驗系統所提供的是非、單選、複選等題型外,也包含採用智慧評分機制來評分的填充題,完成雛形系統的建置後,本研究再針對傳統紙筆測驗、一般型評分機制、及本研究的智慧型評分機制進行評分效力比較的實證研究。 / 此部分的實證研究結果顯示,在包含填充題型的測驗中,不同的評分機制在測驗成績的評分結果上會有顯著差異,而智慧型評分機制運作初期雖然可以減少與紙筆評分間的差異,並改善一般型評分機制的評分效力,但仍無法在統計上獲得具有相同評分效力的結果。但是智慧評分機制在擴充詞彙語意後,「已擴充語意後的智慧評分機制」與「紙筆評分」的評分結果並無顯著差異,其顯示出若在包括填充題型的線上測驗系統中加入具有擴充詞彙語意關係知識的功能,並提供多功能的智慧型模糊評分機制,允許教師輸入代表個人評分風格習慣的評分規則參數,則線上評分系統將有可能具有與紙筆評分相同的評分效力來處理具有填充題題型的測驗工作。 / 然而線上測驗並不只是在測驗後給予受測者一個分數而已,而應該讓學習者了解自己在知識向度及認知向度的學習結果,因此測驗系統的試題若能包含Bloom教育目標分類資訊,將促使測驗活動能給予學習者更大的幫助。為了降低教師製作試題的負擔,本研究也以本體論、詞彙網路、Bloom分類理論、中文語意庫、人工智慧為基礎,提出一個輔助教師產製題庫的系統架構,並使電腦所產製的試題能涵蓋新版Bloom認知領域教育目標分類中的知識向度及認知向度概念。本研究在電腦輔助教師產製題庫的成果上,不僅能減少教師人工出題的負擔,系統產製的試題也能評量事實、概念及程序等三種知識及記憶、了解、應用、分析及評鑑等五種認知向度能力。受限於線上測驗系統能自動評分的四種題型,本研究尚無法產製屬於創造認知層次的試題,但是卻已能產製出包含基本知識概念的試題,並能提供具有Bloom概念的測驗題庫來評量學習成效。此外,本研究亦針對電子化學習環境,提出適用於線上測驗系統的試題品質及評分等化能力評估概念模式,強調Bloom理論在線上測驗系統環境中的使用範圍與限制。此模式也透過測驗等化觀念,針對教育領域測驗理論在評估試題品質概念上提出新的觀點。 / Since the rapid E-learning development, the online learning and testing have been important topics of information education. Currently teachers still need to spend much time on creating and maintaining on-line testing item banks. Some researches have applied the new Bloom's taxonomy to design meaningful learning assessments. This research has applied ontology, Bloom's taxonomy, Chinese semantic database, artificial intelligence, semantic web, to design an on-line course learning system to assist teachers in creating test items. / Most of present on-line testing only has multiple choice items and true-false items. Though some provide fill-in-blank items, they can only recognize the answers either all right or all wrong through the simple computer binary pattern matching. In order to have the same evaluation effects as the traditional paper-and-pencil testing, this research will adopt the concepts of fuzzy theory, thesaurus, set, and artificial intelligence to develop the fuzzy scoring mechanism. The proposed on-line testing system will have true-false, multiple-choice, and fil-in-blank items. The latter will be graded through fuzzy judgment that is naturally endowed by the human teachers. / In addition, the past research indicated that e-learning students would learn more if provided appropriate feedback messages. In this research will add feedback messages to the proposed system according to different situations. The proposed on-line testing system will not only grade the test items, but also explain the answers and provide related materials to the testers. / The result of study are: (1) we could design the test items that would need a particular cognitive process to a particular type of knowledge, though we still could not have items to test “creative” level of cognitive process; (2) the test items could be used to assess the learning level meaningfully; (3) the computer would assist teachers to create a large number items, and save time of making item; (4) that different scoring mechanisms have a significant effect on test scores; (5) at the beginning, though our fuzzy on-line testing system is significantly better than the usual on-line testing system, it could not achieve the same effect as the paper-and-pencil testing; (6) after expanding semantic vocabularies from feedbacks, our fuzzy scoring mechanism is equivalent to paper-and-pencil.

文官菁英文化與電子化參與-以計畫行為理論的觀點 / Elite Culture and E-Participation in the Public Sector – Perspectives from Theory of Planned Behavior

熊子翔, Hsiung, Tzu Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
資訊與通訊科技的發達,公部門將其應用在公民參與,形成電子化參與。然而,由於政策議題的複雜使得一般大眾對其不甚了解而選擇冷漠,一般大眾將此種複雜的議題交給公部門中的行政菁英作決策,長久以來形成菁英文化。雖然近年來,文官致力於推展電子化參與,但電子化參與所獲得的網路民意,多半具有非理性、瑣碎、情緒化等特性,可能促使公部門菁英文化更加顯著,而影響電子化參與的推展。為了解公部門菁英文化是否會影響文官電子化參與的推展,利用計畫行為理論為研究架構。然而,由於計畫行為理論經常用於非組織內行為的研究,因此忽略組織無形因素的影響(例如:組織文化),因此本研究在利用計畫行為理論為研究架構檢視文官推展電子化參與時,特別納入菁英文化。本研究以文官推展網路民意論壇為研究範圍,採用問卷調查法,以非隨機抽樣,發放250份問卷,回收185份,回收率為74%,有效問卷為179份。 本研究主要發現為,第一、以計畫行為理論檢視組織內個體行為,雖然皆有顧及資源和機會等組織有形的影響因素,然而,許多研究忽略組織抽象的影響因素,如組織氣候,組織文化等。第二、菁英文化對於文官推展民意論壇的行為意圖有其影響性,只是僅有菁英文化其中之一的概念-公務人員相對於民眾對本身知識的看法對於行為意圖有影響,另一概念-公務人員相對於民眾對本身主導與影響力的看法則無影響。第三、計畫行為理論預測行為意圖僅考量態度、主觀規範、認知行為控制,然而,本研究認為在檢視文官推展民意論壇行為意圖時,更需考量菁英文化對行為意圖的直接影響。 為了改善菁英文化對於文官推展民意論壇的影響,本研究對此提出的實務建議有三,第一、利用願景工作坊改善文官對於菁英文化的看法,第二、促使電子化參與制度化使得網路民意品質提升,第三、文官民意分析能力提升以及機關資源的有效利用,促使文官提高推展民意論壇的行為頻率。而本研究後續研究建議有五,第一、樣本代表性的改善,第二、檢驗電子化參與的不同個案,第三、應用結構方程模型及質化研究方法,第四、檢視菁英文化與主觀規範之間的中介變項,第五、檢視菁英文化與行為意圖之間的調節變項。 / The civil servants have set into e-participation due to the fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs). However, because the public can’t understand policy domain knowledge in decision making, they expect the civil servants to cope with these professional matters. This long-term dependence on the civil servants and their expertise may foster the elite culture in the public sector and the elite culture has also impact on the civil servants’ intention for e-participation. In my thesis, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is used to design and survey the above-mentioned elite culture situation for the public servants dealing with e-participation. The survey focuses on the civil servants’ intention and behavior of handling e-forum. 250 copies of questionnaires (non-probability sampling) are distributed and 185 copies returned, with 179 valid responses. Through data analysis, there are three key research findings. First, the majority of the existing research includes the physical organizational factors such as organizational resources. However, many previous studies do not include the implicit organizational factors such as organizational climate, organizational culture. Second, elite culture has general impact on the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum. However, only the civil servants’ evaluation of citizens’ policy expertise has impact on the intention; the other concepts fail to affect their attitude. Third, the study proposes to add elite culture to the existing TPB framework when we study the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum. To change elite culture’s impact on the civil servants’ intention, my thesis addresses three pragmatic suggestions. First, the civil servants can change their perspectives of elite culture through the scenario workshop. Second, the institutionalization of e-participation can enhance the quality of public opinions. Third, the enhancement of the civil servants’ ability of public opinions analysis and efficiency of organization resources can contribute to their performance of e-participation. The following research suggestions are recommended, including improving the representative of samples, studying multiple cases of e-participation, applying structural equation modeling and qualitative methods, studying the potential mediating variables between elite culture and subjective norm, and studying the moderating variables between elite culture and intention.

資訊組織設計之研究-以我國政府部門資訊組織為例 / The Design of Information Departments—An Empirical Study of Information Departments in Taiwan Government

李幸秋 Unknown Date (has links)
我國政府積極投入電子化政府建設已有十多年,與過去研究(Weill & Ross, 2004)中論及非營利組織相當重視資訊科技投資的研究結果是一致的,並且,資訊科技的導入與落實需要組織中其他因素的配合以達到良好的成效,其中一個重要的因素即為組織結構的調整。過去關於資訊組織結構的研究,大多以一般的企業為研究對象。 隨著2000年之後,我國政府開始從事組織改造,政府組織策略及資訊組織改造對我國經濟的影響日益顯著。並且,隨著資訊組織在政府整體發展中的角色日益重要,對政府資訊組織發展的研究成為最新的趨勢和最有潛力的議題之一。 為了前瞻未來政府資訊組織的發展,本論文對於我國某部級政府資訊組織的發展歷程以及其與所屬機關資訊組織之間的關係進行個案實證研究,並且,對於未來個案的組織結構、功能任務、以及與所屬機關資訊組織之間關係,與相關主管進行訪談討論,並進行歸納分析。本研究的結果為:資訊科技演進與調整資訊組織的結構、調整資訊組織的地位、調整資訊組織的授權型態有所關聯、以及在專業式官僚組織的型態下可透過資訊治理的落實來接受創新的挑戰。 本論文亦總結學術與實務意涵。學術價值歸納後呈現在以下幾個方面:對有關組織結構理論進行系統性的回顧和總結、政府資訊組織結構演進模型的建立、以及對政府資訊組織發展歷程進行客觀的描述。而實務意涵主要展現在以下幾個方面:有助於分析政府資訊組織演進發展的歷程和趨勢、以及有助於我國政府資訊組織從組織面迎接電子化政府挑戰。

中美政府出版品寄存圖書館制度之比較研究 / The Comparative Study of Government Publication Depository Library System Between Taiwan and United States

蘇美如, Su, Mei-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
政府出版品是探討一國政府施政運作與績效的重要紀錄,也是民眾瞭解政府施政成果的主要憑藉,被視為現代圖書館重要的參考資料之一。此類出版品無論從內容、資料來源、出版及發行等層面來看,都具有相當程度的權威性、時效性、廣泛性及非營利性等特性,可視為國家重要的資產。由於政府出版品具備上述重要特性,使得一國政府能否建立公開、即時且平等的政府資訊傳佈政策,乃成為民主社會發展的重要指標及基本要求之一。從政府出版品管制度層面而言,先進國家對於政府出版品多規劃有「寄存」及「銷售」兩大途徑,作為提供政府出版品的主要服務窗口。 審視美國地區政府出版品聯邦寄存制度建置迄今已擁有百餘年的發展經驗,而我國政府出版品寄存制度初期的規劃藍圖,大體輪廓皆源自於美國的經驗,惟受到國情、社會文化與經濟條件上的差異性,使兩地區在規劃寄存圖書館制度運作策略上仍各有特色,且彼此間具有可比性。因此,為瞭解中美寄存圖書館制度的形成與未來電子寄存服務的發展及角色定位,本研究擬以政府出版品寄存圖書館制度為論述主題,利用比較研究法對中美寄存圖書館制度相關議題,進行深入的比較分析,據以瞭解其制度的發展歷程。 本研究採比較研究法,配合文獻分析法進行。分別運用「描述」、「解釋」、「併排」及「比較」四個主要研究步驟,探討中美兩國政府出版品寄存圖書館制度之發展。主要的研究目的有四:一、分析中美兩國寄存圖書館制度發展的歷史沿革及制度形成之宗旨、任務與功能;二、探討中美寄存圖書館制度運作的相關法源依據、主管機關組織、管理作業運作現況及電子化寄存服務之發展趨勢;三、探討中美政府資訊公開理念及政府出版品著作權的規範現況,對寄存圖書館制度發展之影響;四、比較中美寄存圖書館制度規劃與運作現況之異同與未來發展趨勢,並據以提出對國內未來規劃寄存圖書館制度之具體建議。為達成前述研究目的,研究者分析、報導中美政府出版品寄存圖書館制度之相關文獻後,綜合歸納制度的比較研究結果,提出六項結論暨十項建議,茲分項臚列如下: 一、結論部份 目的在於綜理上述各章所作的現況探討,具體比較中美兩國政府出版品寄存圖書館制度在規劃與現況運作上的差異性、現況發展及趨勢,並歸納提出免費提供政府出版品之寄存圖書館制度,未來仍有其繼續存在的必要性。比較分析的項目分別有: (一) 中美政府出版品寄存圖書館制度之發展歷史;  (二) 中美政府出版品寄存圖書館制度之相關法源;  (三) 中美政府出版品寄存圖書館制度管理現況;  (四) 中美政府資訊公開政策與寄存制度之發展;  (五) 中美政府出版品電子化寄存服務之發展趨勢;  (六) 政府出版品寄存圖書館制度之存與廢之探討。 二、建議部份  (一)積極爭取上級機關重視與經費支援;  (二)健全政府出版品管理制度法源基礎;  (三)建立正確的政府資訊利用觀念;  (四)暢通寄存圖書館制度的溝通與合作管道;  (五)訂定明確的寄存圖書館作業標準及規範;  (六)釐清政府出版品著作權的授權與合理使用;  (七)建構完善的寄存制度績效與評估獎勵模式;  (八)規劃並建置我國電子化寄存服務環境;  (九)重視寄存館員在職訓練與服務內涵的提昇;  (十)強化政府出版品之灰色文獻的整理與利用。

C計畫融資風險之分析 / Risk Analysis for Supply Chain e-Financing

楊珮倫, Yang, Pei-lun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府大量開放銀行設立,使得銀行間過度競爭,造成存放利差大幅縮小,授信風險為之大增,而2006年本國銀行亦將適用新巴塞爾協定(Basel II)規範,這對銀行在授信管理上是衝擊亦是挑戰。2001年政府運用AB計畫建立之電子化訂單資訊,推動了資訊業金流電子化計畫(C計畫),C計畫係以中心廠與供應商間之交易資訊,作為供應商還款能力的擔保,且透過電子化之傳遞,加快供應商取得融資之腳步,C計畫嶄新之融資概念對銀行來說亦是一項新的衝擊,顛覆銀行以往傳統之授信、放款觀念。 本研究以供應鏈管理之角度,探討中心廠與供應商間之交易流程對於銀行融資風險之影響,以銀行關切之三件事情:中心廠支付金額是否大於融資金額與利息之合計數、中心廠是否在預期期間內付款以及中心廠是否有付款義務,分析其對銀行融資風險之影響,並試圖建立相關之風險監控機制,使銀行得以透過系統監控風險,以承做更多小額之融資。 在中心廠支付金額是否大於融資金額與利息合計數方面,本研究針對供應商延遲交貨、數量不足與品質檢驗不合格之情形,以數學推導方式建議銀行可透過對遲交天數、品質不合格比例與數量不足比例之管理以監控風險;在中心廠是否在預期期間內付款方面,建議透過管理延遲付款天數建議風險監控機制;最後在中心廠是否有付款義務,建議銀行以後單抵前單之作法收回融資金額與利息,節省催收作業之人力與資源。 / On the foundation of existing Project AB e-Supply Chain, Ministry of Economic Affairs has initiated Supply Chain e-Financing Project (Project C) in 2000. Project C encourages banks to employ the transaction information provided by the lead manufacturers as a proof of the suppliers' ability to repay. The concept of Project C is quite a big shock to banks. Project C has been fully executed at the end of 2003. The accumulated amount of e-Finance has reached 230 million at the first quarter of 2004. However, the banks have little understanding of the transactions between lead IT manufacturers and suppliers. The study is to discuss the influence of transaction process to credit risk of banks. In Project C design, the banks concern 3 points: whether the lead IT manufacturers will pay enough for suppliers’ loan, whether they pay on time, and whether they have obligation to pay. For 1st point, the study analyze the examination process when suppliers deliver goods, suggesting banks to control delay, unqualified percentage and insufficient amount to set up a detect mechanism. For 2nd point, the study suggests banks to take deferment payment into consideration. As for the last point, we suggest banks can use the following purchase orders to repay. The study researches on the transaction process and attempts to set up a risk detect mechanism for banks. With the efficient risk detect mechanism, banks can spare resources to do more small-amount loans and manage credit risk well.

政府開放資料使用族群影響力認知評估 -以台灣經驗為例 / Open Government Data Impact Cognition of Data Users: A Taiwan Study

吳昱明, Wu, Yu-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府資料開放(Open Government Data)政策的研究蔚為一片學術研究的藍海,成為各國政府、企業以及公民社會共同關注的治理議題。然而,過去研究聚焦於資料品質以及政府開放資料動機等研究,較少關注開放資料使用族群以及開放資料影響力。因此,本研究從使用者影響力認知著手,探討我國政府資料開放現狀,並且盤點開放資料能否體現透明課責、參與協作等精神,並且促進在政治、社會與經濟上的各種效益。 本次研究採用次級資料分析以及質性訪談方式進行,開放資料影響力問卷部分雜揉各國際組織近年來倡議方向編製而成,衡量指標為透明課、參與協作以及政治、經濟與社會預期效益,發放對象我國開放資料使用族群。質性訪談部分,則觸及我國開放資料的政策執行者、倡議者以及服務開發者,蒐集不同角色之間對於開放資料影響力的認知與意見。 研究顯示,我國開放政府尚未走向以資料利用為前提並且促進公民參與協作與創新的階段。在各項影響力指標當中,我國使用族群對於透明指標的現況較為樂觀,但是對於開放資料促進社會影響力部分則前景堪憂,多數受訪者認為當前開放資料影響力不彰的原因在於缺乏良好且具規模的資料轉化機制,除了政府各單位在推動政策上所遇到的瓶頸之外,政府與民間社群對於資料創新也缺乏想像,因此以資料利用為前提來精進政府資料開放政策實有必要,本研究根據結論提出政策與後續研究上相關建議。 / As a field of practice and research that is fast-growing and a locus for much attention and activity, open government data (OGD) has attracted stakeholders from different sectors. The open data movement holds out the promise of improving transparency, accountability, citizen participation. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear if Taiwanese government are truly fulfilling these promises. Current literature on open government data has uncovered a wide range of challenges related to data qualities and barriers of policy implementation. In other words, most of the open data research based on a technology-driven perspective, rather than a focus on the potential public value and social benefits of data to be used. As a result, the purpose of this study is to test an open data impact evaluative framework and reveal the open data impact cognition among data users in Taiwn from a variety of origins. This study adopts quantitative method, applying secondary analysis, and qualitative method, applying interview survey, in the meantime. The research subjects include different data users in this field, such as open government initiators, developers and policy executors. This study shows that the impact of open data in Taiwan is limited. Although Taiwan obtained a top ranking of Global Open Data Index these years, Taiwanese government and civil society hasn’t tapped the full potential of open data on promoting public value or creating social benefits. As open data initiatives spread across the globe, research is needed that can deepen our shared understanding of the open data potential in creating a better democratic society.


佐伯, 靖雄 24 November 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(経済学) / 乙第13059号 / 論経博第394号 / 新制||経||280(附属図書館) / 立命館大学大学院経営学研究科 / (主査)教授 塩地 洋, 教授 椙山 泰生, 准教授 田中 彰 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM

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