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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李宛容 Unknown Date (has links)
追求顧客滿意對任何一家公司來說都是重要的,畢竟一家公司若沒有顧客,公司就不會有利潤,公司一旦沒有利潤,公司也無生存的機會。如果當產品或服務能夠滿足顧客在消費之前的期望時,顧客滿意度就會提昇,不過,當顧客的這次消費的滿意度提昇後,通常顧客會抱著更大的期望來做下一次的消費,所以公司要滿足顧客下一次的期望,將會付出比這回還要多的成本與心力。若希望不斷的追求顧客滿意,可能公司要不斷地增加成本與心力來達成,這應該不是公司所樂見的。  那麼如果能在顧客期望不提昇之下追求顧客滿意,應該是許多公司更希望追求的。因此,在本研究中,希望藉由大哥大系統廠商來作為研究標的,利用歸因理論中所談的的三構面「區別性」、「一致性」、「共同性」,來檢視公司是否可以找出一種方式,使顧客的滿意度提昇,但顧客期望不要提昇。  研究結果發現,如果公司利用「區別性」所設計的活動,會使顧客滿意度提昇,但是顧客期望不提昇;利用「一致性」所設計的活動,會使顧客滿意與期望皆提昇;利用「共同性」所設計的活動,會使顧客滿意與期望皆未提昇。所以,本研究結果建議公司可多利用「區別性」之特色來設計活動,以利在顧客期望不提昇之下追求顧客滿意。  另外,本研究還接著利用探索性研究的方式,以ELM理論為基礎,檢視「產品知識」的高低是否會影響上述三種情況,不過對於「產品知識」採的是事後分組,所以結果是,不論產品知識高或低,對上述三種情境都不會有顯著的干擾效果,這是值得後續研究加強之處。


柯宜君, Ko, I-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關服務品質及滿意度的探討多著重在服務品質構面的分析及影響滿意度因素之探討,或是PZB Model的應用,然而服務品質僅為影響顧客滿意度的因素之一,其他如產品品質、價格等因素,都具相當的影響力,因此本研究特針對這個主題進行較完整的探討。 根據Zeithaml & Bitner (1996)指出雖然服務品質與顧客滿意度可被視為單獨的服務接觸水準,也可視為一整體性的水準。但由於滿意度通常被視為比服務品質評量更寬廣的概念,故知覺服務品質應是顧客滿意度的組成成份之一。他們提出「顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖」以區隔這兩個概念。其中滿意度直接受到知覺服務品質、知覺產品品質、知覺價格等三個因素的影響,本研究根據此一模型進一步探討顧客知覺之服務品質、產品品質及價格這三個因素,在有形性比重不同之產業中,對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度有何影響,以及各因素之影響力在產業間的比較。因此,本研究選擇有形性比重較高之加油站服務、有形性比重較低之汽車修護廠,以及有形性比重最低之銀行服務等三個產業作為研究對象,樣本分別為500筆、610筆及495筆;其中加油站之價格全國一致,因此僅探討其知覺服務品質及知覺價格對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之影響,銀行由於產品品質近乎無性,因此只討論其知覺服務品質及知覺產品品質對後二者之影響,而對汽車修護廠則完整地討論知覺服務品質、知覺產品品質及知覺價格對顧客滿意度及忠誠度之影響。其後再以這三個產業之產品有形性比重不同的特性,探討知覺產品品質、知覺服務品質及知覺價格在產品有形性比重不同的產業,個別因素對顧客滿意度的影響。 結果顯示,在顧客滿意度的部份,加油站之知覺產品品質對滿意度並無顯著的影響,顧客滿意度主要是受到整體知覺服務品質的影響,也就是加油站之顧客滿意度取決於其整體服務品質的表現。而銀行這種產品品質近乎無形的產業,知覺服務品質及知覺價格都成為顧客衡量滿意度的重要因素。在汽車修護廠方面,三者對滿意度之影響並未有顯著之差別,顯示汽車修護廠廠之知覺產品品質、知覺價格及知覺服務品質三者對滿意度都具有相當之影響力。 關於影響顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之整體模式部份,加油站的顧客滿意度僅受到知覺服務品質的影響,而知覺產品品質及知覺服務品質則同時影響到顧客忠誠度。銀行之知覺服務品質及知覺價格對滿意度及忠誠度分別都具有顯著的影響,且銀行的顧客忠誠度直接受到知覺服務品質的影響,但並未直接受到知覺價格之影響。最後汽車修護廠的結果顯示其知覺服務品質、知覺產品品質及知覺價格皆對顧客滿意度造成影響,知覺服務品質並未直接影響顧客忠誠度,但知覺產品品質及價格兩者對忠誠度則具有直接之影響。 本研究亦發現汽車修護之知覺產品品質對顧客滿意度的影響大於加油站,而加油站之知覺服務品質對顧客滿意度的影響大於汽車修護服務;也就是汽車修護廠的顧客滿意度相較之下受其知覺產品品質的影響較大,而加油站的顧客滿意度相較之下受知覺服務品質的影響較大。另一方面,銀行之知覺價格及知覺服務品質對顧客滿意度的影響與汽車修護廠並無明顯不同。 本研究以服務業特性的差異點,並加入忠誠度的探討,將其與PZB Model作一連結,提供未來學術研究一個新的探討方向,使PZB Model有更完整及廣泛的應用。建議服務業者服務品質、產品品質及價格三者不可偏廢,可將產品品質及價格視為基本要素,因其直接影響顧客忠誠度,而服務品質則為提升顧客滿意度的主要影響因素。

液晶電視品牌接觸點對顧客滿意度與忠誠度的影響之研究 / A study of the influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty of LCD TV's brand touchpoints

吳秀倫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討液晶電視的消費族群特性,以及消費者在購買過程的品牌接觸的經驗要素,並瞭解「品牌接觸點」與「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」之間的關係模式,以及不同消費者在「品牌接觸點印象度」、「顧客滿意度」之差異性,與各集群消費者在「購買行為」、「顧客滿意度」的差異。 研究方法主要透過量化的問卷調查,共獲得422份有效問卷,並輔以質化的專家訪談法,進行最後結論與建議。 經量化研究發現,消費者對「品牌接觸點重要性」的認知,可分為「重視功能」、「重視評價」、「重視廣宣」、「重視服務」、「重視方便」、「重視技術能力」等六項因素;消費者對「品牌接觸點印象度」的感受,可分為「廣宣運用程度印象」、「服務體驗與服務品質印象」、「產品功能與產品品質印象」等三項因素。並得知液晶電視的消費者分群可分有「品牌導向者」、「產品導向者」、「自我導向者」三大集群。 研究也證實「品牌接觸點印象度」對「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」具有中偏高顯著相關;「品牌接觸點重要性」對「品牌接觸點印象度」也具有中度顯著相關。且不同消費者在「品牌接觸點印象度」、「顧客滿意度」,以及三大消費者分群在「購買行為」、「顧客滿意度」也都具有顯著差異。 另為提供更完整的研究建議,最後並訪談了多年來從事液晶電視品牌研究的行銷研究專家,針對此研究量化結果,提供專業意見,作為實務之行銷策略參考。

證券商之『服務品質』、『知覺價值』對『顧客滿意度』及『顧客忠誠度』影響之研究 / The effect of service quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty - A case study of securities corporation in Taiwan

劉明賢, Liu, Thomas Unknown Date (has links)
台灣證券市場發展成熟,同業競爭激烈,加上金控證券商也加入市場,過去榮景不在,如今面臨的是價格的競爭與微利的挑戰。如何在這競爭市場中保持領先的地位成為各大證券商努力的目標,如果在這競爭市場中,可以得到高顧客滿意度,維持高的顧客忠誠度,將有助於站穩市場地位。 本研究探討證券商服務品質、顧客知覺價值對顧客滿意度與忠誠度是否存在明顯之關連性。依據過去學者的研究文獻作為理論基礎調整後,以深入訪談與問卷調查的方式收集各大證券商顧客的意見,再透過統計分析軟體探討服務品質、顧客知覺價值對顧客滿意度與忠誠度間的關係後,發現與建議如下: 一、 知覺價值(物超所值與形象認同)對顧客滿意度與忠誠度有正面且非常顯著之關係,其顯著程度高過於服務品質。 二、 顧客滿意度會直接影響顧客忠誠度,但發現顧客滿意度高並不代表推薦意願就高。 三、 人口統計中女性與高等教育對於服務品質與知覺價值有顯著關係。其中以服務客制化與物超所值構面對人口變項間的影響最為顯著。 四、 影響顧客滿意度之主要因素為知覺價值,而知覺價值包含提供物超所值服務與建立形象認同,這兩因素直接影響顧客滿意度。 五、 建議證券商持續努力建立良好企業形象、服務形象、軟體形象、公益形象、及行銷活動,藉此改善顧客的知覺價值,提高顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 / The securities industry is well developed in Taiwan. Securities brokers have to compete with the other brokers while financial holding securities are also in price competition and profit control. How to keep the leading position in securities industry becomes an important issue for all Securities corporations in Taiwan. To occupy a leading position in securities industry, securities firms not only have to improve customer satisfaction, but also have to maintain highly customer loyalty. This case study is focusing on the effect of securities corporation’s service quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Taiwan. According to theories, we use different ways such as PZB’ SERVQUAL, Petrick, Czepitas and GMK’s factors that measure service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Perceived value have the positive relationship with customer's satisfaction and loyalty. 2. Customer’s satisfaction will directly affect customer's loyalty. But it does not mean there will be highly customer recommendation. 3. The case shows that female comsumers and highly educated customers are easy affected by service quality and perceived value. 4. Perceived value is the major factor that affects customer's satisfaction mostly. 5. The results of the study is proposed that securities corporation should set up good corporate image、service image、software image、public image and sale promotion to improve perceived value on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

網際網路行銷經營策略與顧客滿意之研究–以家具零售公司為案例 / Study on business strategy of internet marketing and customer satisfaction - an example of furniture retail

曾千洳, Tseng, Julia Cendana Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技與網際網路的蓬勃發展,網路購物如雨後春筍般的崛起,導致傢俱零售業處於日益激烈的競爭環境中。傢俱零售業市場是瞬息萬變的,因此若沒有妥善的網路行銷策略就可能被淘汰,因此企業界如何應用網際網路與其應用的程度與否,實則扮演極重要的角色。本研究的目的,在探討企業網路行銷經營策略與顧客滿意度。本研究期望能夠藉此研究,能夠對某傢俱零售業更深入做了解,並了解影響企業網路行銷經營策略與顧客滿意度之因素,並進而提出有助於某傢俱零售業的定位以及未來發展問題。個案公司為創立於北歐的家具零售公司,創立之初主要經營文具郵購、雜貨等產品。個案公司在2009成為全球非常有名的家具零售公司。個案公司的經營理念是提供種類繁多、美觀實用、老百姓買得起的家居用品,故本研究探討該個案公司行銷經營策略與顧客滿意的價值,並期望應用到其他產業。本研究之貢獻為:期望給予企業或組織在投入資源分配對於「網際網路行銷」時有更明確的「經營策略」並能提高「顧客滿意度」。 本研究共發放200位該產業內部顧客實施問卷調查,問卷回收後隨即逐份檢查篩選,有效問卷共計172份,有效問卷回收率達86.00%。資料分析的方法主要有信效度分析、獨立樣本t考驗、變異數分析、相關分析。其結果發現: 1. 重視企業網路行銷人才培育,傢俱零售業透過網路行銷進行人與人之間的溝通協調為一重要之活動,故企業網路行銷人才的培養的問題,均應提早作規劃。 2. 傢俱零售業應與顧客維持良好關係。 3. 企業經營策略的積極性的確會影響企業實施網路行銷之進程,在經營策略上以行銷管理策略影響最大,其原因為:行銷管理策略除年齡個人基本變項外,其餘變項皆很顯著。

顧客消費能力與滿意度之關聯性研究 -以T購物中心為例 / The Study of the Relationship Between Purchasing Power and Customer Satisfaction – The Case of T-Shopping Mall

王淺秋, Wang, Anne Unknown Date (has links)
無畏百家爭鳴,台灣購物中心市場再添新兵,目前全台共有約23個購物中心,業者坦言台灣百貨公司市場太飽和,且把持住所有一線品牌,自1999年台茂搶先跨入購物中心市場以來,台灣購物中心「成功者少,失敗者多」, 至今不少購物中心仍處於虧損狀態。近年來由於台灣產業結構快速變遷、產品的推陳出新、國民所得提高以及通貨膨脹等因素,使得消費者的消費習慣隨著這些大環境的變化而做出相對應的調整。在此嚴峻的競爭環境下,提供消費者所需要且滿意的商品及服務,進而有效提升顧客對於公司之滿意度,並刺激其消費能力,進而增加公司營利,為現今購物中心關切的課題之一。 本研究擬透過T購物中心之顧客滿意度調查問卷,瞭解顧客之消費行為及能力、不同構面下之滿意度概況、影響滿意度之重要因素,以對於該公司之整體現況作深入研究及探討,研究結果如下: 一、 顧客前往T購物中心之目的主要為購物及用餐。 二、 顧客於T購物中心消費之品項以餐飲及超市食(用)品所占比例最高。 三、 大部分顧客之消費頻率為一個月1~2次,且平均每次消費金額以1,000元~4,999元的比例最高。 四、 顧客之性別會影響其對於T購物中心之整體滿意度。 五、 當顧客前往T購物中心有固定的消費頻率時,有較高之「整體滿意度」。 六、 當消費者之職業為學生、專業工作、家庭主婦或退休,且教育程度為專科大學及以下時,對於「商品價值」有較高之滿意度。 七、 消費者的平均月收入落在30,000元至150,000元之間時,對於「服務品質」有較高之滿意度。 八、 中低消費金額之女性顧客對於「環境設施」之滿意度較高。

特展體驗模組之研究:以天才達文西為例 / The exhibition study of sems – the case study of genius Da Vinci

鄭秀姬 Unknown Date (has links)
國內藝文市場發展熱絡,各式特展紛紛來台展出,如何透過行銷創造人潮,在市場中勝出,是重要課題。本研究發現「臺北天才達文西特展」展示品特色多元,具備執行體驗行銷之完整條件,因此引發本研究動機。 本研究利用質化深度訪談方式,訪問六位特展志工以及問卷發放的量化研究方式,共計379份有效問卷,進行統計分析後獲得以下發現。本研究發現如下: 1.體驗行銷策略體驗模組的思考關聯、感官情感及行動體驗對體驗價值的美感趣味有顯著影響。 2.體驗行銷策略體驗模組的思考關聯、感官情感及行動體驗對體驗價值的參觀者投資報酬有顯著影響。 3.體驗價值的美感趣味及參觀者投資報酬對顧客滿意度有顯著影響。 4.體驗價值的美感趣味及參觀者投資報酬對顧客忠誠度有顯著影響。 5.顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著影響。 根據以上發現,對臺北天才達文西特展提出發展體驗行銷的建議: 1. 注意體驗模組跟每一項體驗媒介之間的相互銜接或補強,以創造價值 2. 展場的環境面向將牽動體驗模組的每一個環節 3. 廣宣策略應視參觀者預期的心理調整建議 4. 加強優質服務以提昇顧客滿意度。 5. 加強空間大小適當性、人數控制與定時導覽密度以提昇體驗價值中的服務優越性價值。 6. 改善畫作區與解剖區展示物說明與空調問題。 7. 增加志工培訓專業度與人數。 / When arts began to develop and expand in various directions and more exhibitions are hosted in Taiwan, using effective marketing strategy to attract visitors has become a significant factor for achieving market success. Da Vince – The Genius Exhibition in Taipei, offers comprehensive collections to the audience, and by having these elements, makes it a perfect case study for experiential marketing research which became the initial motivation of this research. In-depth interview method with qualitative approach and survey method with quantitative approach were used in the research. In-depth interviews were performed among six exhibition volunteers. As for surveys, 379 were returned. After analyzing all statistics, results are listed as follows. The research concluded as follow: 1. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with the SEMs (Strategic experiences modules) of think, relate, sense and action has a significant positive effect on experiential value of aesthetics and playfulness. 2. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with SEMs of think, relate, sense and action has a significant positive effect on experiential value of consumer return on investment(CROI). 3. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with SEMs of playfulness and consumer return on investment has a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. 4. It’s confirmed that experiential marketing with SEMs of playfulness and visitor return on investment has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. 5. It’s confirmed that customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Based on the above findings, the following are the marketing strategy advices for Da Vinci - The Genius: 1. Value creation is enhanced by emphasizing the connection and collaboration between experiential modules and experience providers. 2. Experiential modules are influenced by exhibition vicinity. 3. Publicity strategies need to be adjusted based on visitor expectations. 4. Improve customer satisfaction by enhancing customer services. 5. Improve experiential value of service excellence by enhancing the appropriate room space, capacity control of visitors, and availability of guided tours. 6. Improve exhibit description and air conditioning in painting and anatomy sections. 7. Increase volunteers as well as improving their skills and knowledge.

知覺價值、品牌形象與顧客滿意度、忠誠度之相關研究-以台灣區SanDisk記憶卡產品為例 / The relationships among perceived value, brand image, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty: a case of Sandisk flash memory in Taiwan

徐采縈 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著記憶卡技術與發展的成熟,造成市場激烈的競爭,各品牌須致力於維持與消費者之關係,創造良好的品牌形象,讓消費者心中產生價值,重視顧客滿意度程度,進而建立顧客忠誠度,已成為各家品牌最重要的經營策略之一。 本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷335份,並針對業者以及消費者進行深度訪談。 本研究目的在探討知覺價值、品牌形象、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係。分析不同人口統計變數對知覺價值、品牌形象、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之差異性。檢定知覺價值、品牌形象、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談針對SanDisk品牌提出行銷建議。 研究結果顯示,知覺價值以及品牌形象對於顧客滿意度有顯著正相關、知覺價值、品牌形象以及顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關、顧客滿意度與忠誠度有顯著正相關。經過質化與量化的分析,本研究建議SanDisk經營者在行銷策略上能夠以口碑行銷、提高品牌曝光率以及提供多元化促銷方式,深化消費者對於該品牌的知覺價值與品牌形象認同。 / In recent years, the maturity of technology development has created an extremely competitive market for flash memory cards.Every company in the business is trying to establish or preserve an effective customer relationship, building a strong brand image as well as the product value.Understanding the significance of customer satisfaction and developing customer loyalty have now become the most important business strategy for all companies. This study used surveys and interviews as research method, integrating both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Using random internet samples, there were 335 surveys returned.In-depth interviews among companies and customers were also performed. This research focuses on the relationship between perceived value, brand image, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.It analyzes the difference of demographics valuable in perceived value, brand image, customer satisfaction and loyalty; investigates the relationship among each factor and provides marketing advices for SanDisk based on the analysis result of quantitative and qualitative research of the interviews. The research indicates that perceived value and brand image have a significant positive correlation with customer satisfaction. Positive correlation also exists between perceived value, brand image and customer loyalty.Based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative research, this study suggests SanDisk to integrate word-of-mouth, product exposure, and advertising promotions into their marketing strategies, for which to reinforce the perceived value and the brand image to customer.

機能性飲料之行銷研究:以白蘭氏盈而賞美容飲品為例 / A marketing strategy on functional drinking: an example on Brand's InnerShine Beauty Drinks

丘若尋, Chiu, Jo Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
Suffering from the heavy pressure from daily lives and work, a lot of contemporary people hold the idea to consume health foods as a way for keeping healthy. More and more people concern about their own health and would like to achieve this by having a healthy lifestyle or consuming health foods. Almanac of food consumption survey in Taiwan from FIRDI (Food Industry Research and Development Institute) shows that about 58.2% people had consumed functional food more than three times a month in 2010. Functional drink, as a format of oral-intake nutrients for dietary supplements, gradually becomes popular due to its convenience. Among those products, drinks with beauty claims have been particularly favored in the recent years and becomes a noticeable phenomenon. A case study on Brand’s InnerShine beauty drink, which achieves high market share in the past few years is conducted for the study. For a clearer exploration of how marketing strategy works on beauty drinks with consumer-orientated perspective, I chose to study on variables including brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are utilized for probing the scenario. Samples are collected from 465 valid online questionnaires and 5 interviewees of in-depth interviews. The conclusions according to the analysis from the study results are as follows: The theoretical and practical meaning of “brand image,” “perceived values,” “customer satisfaction,” and “customer loyalty” for Brand’s management are examined. Consumers’ perceived value can be increased by reinforcing the brand image. To reinforce customer satisfaction, their perceived value should be firstly enhanced. In addition, customer loyalty can be increased via reinforcing the brand image. The study also found that differences are revealed by consumers with different demographical profiles on “brand image,” “perceived values,” “customer satisfaction,” and “customer loyalty.” Suggestions for marketing strategies on Brand’s InnerShine beauty drinks are elaborated.

群聚競爭型態對群聚行銷活動與績效之影響 / The impact of the cluster types on cluster marketing activities and cluster performance

蘇寬 Unknown Date (has links)
民國84年,經濟部商業司發展「塑造形象商圈計畫」、「商店街開發推動計畫」等各項關於商店街區的改善計畫,旨在輔導國內各傳統商圈重新改善,針對其傳統經營以及其優劣勢方式進行改變。本研究主要透過形象商圈內部不同的競合型態去探討其對地方行銷政策的影響效果,及在競合型態的差異之下,各個形象商圈的廠商營運績效及消費者滿意度各是為何。透過群聚分類架構將商圈分為互補性商圈及商圈兩類型,本研究首先利用判斷抽樣,選取台南安平老街、高雄旗津老街、鶯歌老街、深坑老街、淡水老街、迪化街以及三峽老街為研究對象。共得有效問卷數商家142份、消費者192份。 接著針對不同商圈類型的商家及消費者進行ANOVA單變量分析以了解互補性商圈及商圈是否在知覺度、滿意度及財務績效/消費者實質行為存在顯著差異。再以線性迴歸模型進行分析,以了解知覺度、滿意度及財務績效/消費者實質行為三者相互影響程度,及商圈類型的調節效果。 研究結果得知,1.互補性商圈整體地方行銷政策施行效果較佳,但整體仍須改進。2.消費者及廠商對形象商圈政策知覺度皆低,觀光政策應加強實行及宣傳。3.對形象商圈滿意度低,應加強調店家對於形象商圈之信任。4.消費者滿意度低,應提升商圈公共設施之建設。5.廠商財務績效低、消費者實質行為表現低,應將人潮轉為錢潮。 / The Ministry of Economic Affairs has developed a series of plans aiming to improve traditional business clusters since 1995, guiding them how to renew their old-fashioned business model and helping them to take advantage of their strength and opportunity in transforming into brand-new image business districts. This research aims at investigating whether different levels of competitiveness in image business districts can result in various effects of regional marketing policy on store operation performance and customer satisfaction. This research classifies business clusters into two types, business district and complementary business district. Based on the result of judgmental sampling, Tainan Anpingold street, Kaohsiung Qijin old street, New Taipei city Yingge, Shenkeng and Sanxia old street, and TaipeiDihua street were chosen as our samples. This research received 142 valid store manager questionnaires and 192 valid customer questionnaires. After data collection, this research examines whether there are significant differences between two types of business districts in awareness, satisfaction and operation performance through one-way ANOVA analysis, as well as tests the moderation effect of cluster type by using regression analysis. The research results show that first, the regional marketing policy had the greater effect in complementary business district. Second, since both customers and store managers are unaware of most image business district policy, the authorities should enhance promotion on image business district policy. Third, the satisfaction of store managers toward image business district is low on both types. The government should pay more attention on improving their trust on image business district policy. Fourth, customers aren’t satisfied because of the poor public infrastructure. Finally, the operation performance is low. Most visitors come but spend less money in districts.

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