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企業落實職業安全衛生風險管理與財務績效之關聯性分析 / The relationship between occupational health & safety risk management and firm financial performance

陳思妤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣企業落實職業安全衛生風險管理與其財務績效之關係,並以國際職業安全衛生管理系統認證 OHSAS 18001與台灣職業安全衛生管理系統認證TOSHMS作為實施職業安全衛生風險管理的指標。本研究之樣本資料是以截至2011年12月底,我國通過職業安全衛生管理認證之上市櫃公司為實驗組,而以同產業、同等產規模但未通過認證之公司作為對照組。本研究採用獨立樣本比較以及迴歸分析等研究方法進行實證分析,主要研究結果如下: (一) 以實驗組樣本進行分析,發現企業通過職安管理認證後,能顯著提升其營收能力,但其生產力或是公司價值卻無法獲得有效提升。 (二) 以對照組公司與實驗組公司進行比較,發現投入職業安全衛生風險管理 之公司,相較於未投入職安風險管理的公司,在營收能力上有較佳之表現;然而其公司價值,卻較未投入職安風險管理的企業低。 (三) 將實驗組公司區分為高科技與非高科技產業分別探討,發現高科技產業通過職業安全衛生管理認證後,能有效提升其營收能力;而非高科技產業通過職業安全衛生管理認證後,則不僅能提高營收能力,更能顯著提升其公司價值。


李小梅 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界人口的激增以及對自然資源的迫切需求,每年都有許多自然災害、科技意外、人類衝突以及因管理疏失所造成的重大損失。遺憾的是,此類事故發生的頻率不僅逐日攀高,其形成大災難的例子更是隨處可見。任何一個組織或團體都無法忽視此一趨勢,特別是政府機關更應該避免因為危機管理不當而導致爭議、危及社會安全,甚至動搖國本。 「災害防救法」甫頒布,隨即發生象神颱風,各地方政府防救辦法尚不及訂定;災害發生後,呈現出邊作邊修正,防救工作執行上產生諸多爭議紛擾,不切實際之窘境;尤其因為政府與民眾對法制認知不足,使得防救處理過程,操諸於執政者一念之間,缺乏合理之決策過程,致下游的政策方案,產生結構上與執行上的不利影響。再者,防使災救災具有緊急性,就其政策性質言,危機管理之理論誠有其適用餘地,而政府與利益關係人關係之良窳對於災害預防政策規劃與執行成效影響至鉅。 民國89年的象神颱風對基隆市所造成的災害,祇能用「重創」二字形容之。截至當年十一月十日為止的災情統計資料顯示,死亡三十二人,受傷三十五人,受災戶六千餘戶,在不含公部門損失,民間部門的總體損失近百億元。對於此重大之災情,我國地方政府所採取各種預防措施為何?因應各種自然災變,準備方式為何?有哪些具體準備工作?在這過程中,政府如何與民眾、社區意見領袖與組織內員工等建立關係並就防災觀念進行溝通?與組織內員工、社區民眾等利益關係人宣導過程中,遭遇困難時,是如何排解?對具潛在危機業務,是否給予應有注意? 本研究係從我國地方政府在面臨天然災害時之危機管理概念下的風險管理與溝通、議題管理與利益關係人關係進行基礎性的探討,未來的研究可從增加不同區域或個案,佐以本研究發現之基礎,進行更廣泛地研究。


徐嘉隆 Unknown Date (has links)
關於信用卡詐欺風險管控的研究,係非常專業的問題,除了瞭解信用卡各項作業程序外,必須親自參與實務上的管控經驗,才能充分瞭解現有市場上,信用卡詐欺所發生之原因、詐欺模式、手法與趨勢,也唯有做到理論結合相關實務管控經驗,才能研究出有效的防制策略。目前在實務上防制信用卡詐欺方面,由本文中可發現,業者與警政單位在處理信用卡風險管控與詐欺案件時,有非常多的盲點與困難,也突顯出其專業能力上之不足,因此導致信用卡詐欺問題之嚴重。 在防制信用卡詐欺研究當中,筆者第一次嘗試將信用卡實務運作之模式貢獻出來 ; 以過去到現在的實務經驗,將信用卡所發生的案例,來探究其發生的原因 ; 以運用分析的方法,來建立各項風險管控措施 ; 以闡釋各項業務之作業風險,來遏止風險損失之發生 ; 以紮實的教育訓練教材,讓特約商店做好第一道的防衛 ; 以科學的統計方法,來研究防衛參數與增加偵測系統的防衛效能 ; 以實務管控的經驗,來遏止其犯罪手法的翻新 ; 以實際案件調查的經驗,來瓦解詐欺集團的組織,所以必須瞭解信用卡整體運作的關係與詐欺手法,才能深入瞭解各項風險管控問題,並結合預防作業、偵測系統、調查作業的功能,方能充分發揮信用卡業務詐欺風險管控的效能。 除了建立完整的風險管控作業之外,在第六章之建議事項中,就主管機關、司法機關、警政單位、發卡業者、收單業者、特約商店、持卡人與國際組織等方面 ; 提出個人具體之建言,藉以喚起社會各界對信用卡詐欺問題之重視,以推動損害防阻之功,徹底解決當前所發生之信用卡詐欺問題。 / The research on credit card risk management is a specialized field. Besides the need of understanding the various operational processes, personal involvement’s and practical experiences in respect of credit card risk management are essential in order to fully appreciate the reason for credit card frauds in the current market. An effective credit card fraud prevention strategy consists of the theoretical aspects and practical experiences of credit card fraud management. Based on this paper, it appears that strategies of credit card fraud prevention are solely lacking in the current market. This is because the business sectors and police department encounters numerous ‘blind spots’ and problems when tackling with fraud issues. Also, the lack of professionalism in control and prevention strategies resulted in serious credit card fraud issues. In this research, the author would attempt to showcase for the first time the credit card’s practical working models;1) to try to investigate and understand the reasons for credit card frauds by reviewing past and present real life cases; 2) to develop various risk management methodologies via credit card risks analysis; 3) to explain the various businesses’ operational risks to reduce if not prevent loss occurrences; 4) to constantly upgrade /educate the merchant banks with solid training programmers to make them an effective first line of defense; 5) to employ scientific statistical methods to aid in the research of any defensive mechanisms as well as to increase the effectiveness of early detective systems, if any; 6) to make use of practical credit card risk management experiences in order to prevent repeat offences; 7) to utilize real life investigative experiences to dissolve credit card syndicates and/or groups. Therefore, know the relation of whole operation of credit card and modus operandi could understand in depth of every risk management issue, and combine the function of preventing operation, detection system, investigation process can be fully developed efficiency for credit card risk management. In addition to establish sophisticated a developing risk management methodology, the author has directed his personal opinions to the various industry players such as the regulatory bodies, policing units, credit card issuers, acquiring banks, merchant banks and credit card users. In chapter 6 of the recommendations, he attempts to draw the public’s attention on the seriousness of credit card frauds that exists in our society. He also hopes to completely eradicate the issues of credit card frauds by actively promoting the risk prevention methodology of credit card frauds.


陳宗欽 Unknown Date (has links)
全球物流運籌管理能力已成為台灣電子業的競爭優勢及核心價值之所在。本文期盼能為台灣的電子業提供一些關於全球物流運籌過程具有前瞻性有效的風險管理解決方案。 由於大部份的全球物流運籌過程完全在第三者的管理控制之下,使得物流運籌過程的風險比其它的過程更難以預測及掌控。讓此價值鏈變成非常脆弱。電子業很可能因遭受一個風險事故或事件的影響而無法繼續發展甚至被迫退出產業。故從風險本質及特性,可想而知全球物流運籌風險管理的重要。台灣的電子業必須非常專注並努力於建置有效的全球物流運籌管理解決方案來處理有關的風險。 學術上有很多文獻及創見分別探討風險管理及全球物流運籌管理,但是卻少有文章研究全球物流運籌風險管理的議題。本文希望能提供台灣電子產業棉薄的貢獻或帶給任何對於此議題有研究興趣的團體一些參考價值。 / This paper intends to present prudent solutions of risk management for global logistics operations for the electronics industry from a Taiwan based company perspective. The competitive strengths and sustainable development of global logistics operations have become a core value and competence for the Taiwan electronics industry. The whole logistics operations are vulnerable. One event or incident can hinder business continuity and even wipe a company out of the market. Risks are more unpredictable and uncontrollable in the global logistics operations than in other operations as most of the process is under a third party’s care, control and custody. In light of the nature of this risk, companies should focus more on it and endeavor to implement solutions to deal with it. There are many papers and articles dealing with risk management or with global logistics operations, but very few of them link the two. This paper will contribute to the Taiwan electronics industry with ideas to support continued growth and competitiveness. And we hope that academic groups or organizations will find this paper of interest in their research.


王文鍾 Unknown Date (has links)
由於部分消費者的過度融資消費以及銀行業者之間的惡性競爭所引起的國內金融雙卡危機,造成以經營消金業務為重心的銀行受到嚴重的衝擊。如何藉由此次危機的外在環境變化與銀行內部經營的優勢與劣勢,迅速調整銀行經營策略,重新建立品牌形象來區隔與競爭對手的不同,才能在瞬息萬變的金融環境中繼續發展永續經營,是現階段消金銀行所必須優先因應處理。 本研究以個案銀行為探討對象,希望藉由SWOT分析及其規劃經營策略模式,找出消費者貸款相關的授信風險管理機制,發展出差異化經營方式,進而提升未來競爭優勢以建立新的經營獲利模式。 本研究彙整顯示個案銀行目前採用以下幾點經營策略: 1.強化風險管控機制,特別是客戶的財力與支付能力 2.加強產品創新能力以及行銷企劃 3.透過顧客關係管理資訊,加強並深耕優質客戶往來。 4.加強分行往來優質客群交叉銷售相關消金商品 5.落實組織改造精神,提昇經營綜效 關鍵詞: 雙卡危機、經營策略模式、風險管理機制、差異化經營。


陳淑娟, Chen,Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
企業處於現今的經濟環境,其所面臨之風險是多變的,若無防範於未然,倒閉危機將可能發生之結果。尤旅行業屬於高度競爭之產業,業者為求永續經營與維護消費者之權益,更應對可能衍生之風險,落實風險管理。 本研究以風險管理觀點出發,分析旅行業如何辨識並衡量其可能面臨之風險,選擇其風險控制之工具,後續進一步針對旅行業者倒閉風險之風險分散機制探討。旅行業除了投保商業履約保證保險外,另外研究自我保證之可行性。 本研究認為若旅行業採用自我保證方式來取代商業性履約保證保險,將可解決旅行業、銀行與保險公司三方爭議,並享有低費率之履約保證,且同時兼顧消費者之權益。實務上,若要將自我保證付諸實行,仍是有待主管機關、業者、學者研議解決有關法源依據、自我保證基金不足以因應賠款之情事及監督管理辦法等問題。 / Under the current economic environment, enterprises face capricious type of risks. In the absence of preventive measures, enterprises might face the risk of insolvency. This is especially true with the travel business because it is in a highly competitive industry. In order to achieve sustainable operation and protect consumers’ rights and interests, the travel business is advised to implement risk management concept for the risks it is likely to derive. From the point of view of the risk management, the study analyzes the method to identify and measure the risks that the travel industry is likely to face, and it also helps to choose the risk control tools. Furthermore, the study discusses the risk diversification mechanism for insolvency. Besides purchasing the commercial performance bond, the study also analyses the possibility of self-insurance. The study believes that by implementing self-insurance instead of the commercial performance bond, the travel industry will not only solve the tripartite dispute among the industry, banks and insurance companies would also benefit from the lower rates. At the same time, it also takes account of consumers’ interests. In order to put self-insurance into practice, we still require the regulator, industry and academics to resolve the legal issues, insolvency problem of self-guarantee fund, management issues, and the supervision measures to such problems.

保險業清償能力制度之探討---以歐盟Solvency II為例

譚雅蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
金融服務業的跨業經營讓保險業監理制度面臨新變革,而2008年金融海嘯重創國際金融以及全球經濟更讓金融服務業監理出現更多未可知的變數,歐盟在體解現行保險業清償能力制度(Solvency I)不足下著手於新清償能力制度(Solvency II)之建立,惟透過風險的角度作全面制度的基礎著眼點是否真能適切反映監理需求、達到保護保單持有人的最終目標,並成為帶領保險業駛離本次金融海嘯的諾亞方舟? 本文從歐盟現行保險業清償能力制度談起,逐步進入Solvency II計畫的實質內涵,兼論該制度設計可能存在的問題,並對於新制在未來趨勢上對國際保險業監理所可能造成之影響作初步探討。最後,從歐盟Solvency II計畫的角度出發、反視臺灣現行保險業清償能力監理架構,從而對於未來制度之設計給予相關之建議,並期盼本文能以投石問路之姿,在全球金融籠罩在一片動盪不安的此時,就臺灣保險業清償能力監理制度這一塊,提供另一種可能的思維方向。


王瑄, Wang, Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
醫療糾紛的直接受害者為看診醫師及受診病患,間接受害者包括該醫師家屬、該病患家屬及因為醫師心灰意冷致退出杏林,醫療可近性受影響的潛在病患。換言之,每一個人都會受到醫療糾紛的直接或間接影響。有鑑於今日醫療糾紛問題層出不窮,本論文試圖從法律與風險管理的角度出發,介紹美國賓夕法尼亞州採行的醫療糾紛風險分散機制,供我國參考。 美國賓州主要採行的醫療糾紛風險分散機制,乃要求醫師投保責任保險和加入醫療照護普及和減少錯誤基金(MCARE Fund)。該基金係做為保險金不足時的第二道防線,亦即當醫療糾紛發生時,先由保險人支付保險金,當賠償金額超過保險金時,再由MCARE Fund來支付。如此將可保障被害人之完整受償權,也減輕保險人之負擔。再者,賓州開放金融市場,使醫師有較多種風險分散工具可供選擇,例如風險自留團體。除了事後的填補外,賓州也致力於事前損害的防止,以病人安全通報網路,強制蒐集並整理發生的醫療傷害事件,供醫師做未來之借鏡。而賓州所採行的提出許可證書制度,更有效減少了醫療糾紛的訴訟量,減少醫病雙方在訴訟中所耗費的時間和費用。 以我國法院判決分析的結果觀之,醫療糾紛訴訟判決醫師敗訴僅約一成,但在該些判決中,醫師須負擔賠償金額百萬元以上的卻有半數以上,對於醫師而言應屬事故發生頻率低,幅度大的風險,適合以保險分散之。立委曾提出強制醫療責任保險法草案,但未通過立法,內容也尚有改善空間。衛生署與財團法人醫策會成立的病人安全通報系統,某程度也能有效發現醫療傷害成因。風險自留團體與提出許可證書制度則均有其可取之處,但衡量我國經濟和法治發展與美國有異,均須做足配套措施後,始能於我國施行。


黃銘滄 Unknown Date (has links)
流動性危機的風險是金融機構主要的核心風險,如何避免發生流動性 危機這是風險管理的新趨勢。風險管理文化必須是由上而下才能有效建 立,獨立於業務指揮體系,建立一條獨立的報表呈核機制,以有效地與 各單位及決策高層溝通,風險管理的職責從董事會到基層的業務單位都 應參與,董事會對公司經營負最終責任。 系統性金融危機的發生是一連串的擠兌,造成金融機構倒閉的連鎖效 應,使金融支付體系紊亂,危及信用秩序、清算功能與金融安定,甚至 影響經濟的健全發展,這時需政府出面穩定金融秩序。安全網涵括健全 金融法規與監理、保障補償制度、資金最後融通者及系統安全機制。 金融集團監理的基礎財務報表合併有國內外銀行、證券、保險與相 關金融機構的資產、負債及資產負債表外部位,視同單一營業主體,進 行跨國的合併、透明和聯合監理,這是金融監理改革新趨勢。 金融機構要瞭解金融商品的風險屬性,不懂的商品不賣、不投資,不 了解的公司行業不予授信。銀行家應悉心維護顧客品質,迴歸傳統核心 業務,重視信譽和客戶的價值。金融機構需嚴肅面對此一議題,此波國 際金融危機還視下,才能跨足國際與歐美先進金融機構競爭,這是我國 金融發展的新契機。

家暴社工,我們為什麼要「演戲」? ──家暴安全網的建制民族誌分析 / “Social Workers - Why are we Acting?” : An Institutional Ethnographic Analysis of Domestic Violence Safety Network

許可依, Hsu, Ko-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究的起點,始自我實習時聽到一位家暴社工抱怨參加「安全網」的網絡會議就像是去「演一場戲」。由於大學時代所學到的「家暴安全網」,是一個將家暴高危機案件篩選出來,藉由網絡會議進行工作交流與服務整合的方案。理想上,「家暴安全網」是將有限資源提供在需要密集服務的案件上,不解為何這樣提升服務效能的美意,卻淪為社工實務場上的「演戲」。於是,為了探究「社工為什麼要演戲」,我決定採用建制民族誌作為研究方法,並站在一線家暴社工的立足點上,解構這個「演戲」經驗如何在建制中被形塑。 當我實際投身成為一名家暴社工,與婦女工作的經驗,揭露了當前國家是如何治理「家庭暴力」,並以一種「安全至上」的意識形態,支配著整個網絡人員的工作。當各種建制的文本啟動,定義著婦女的「安全」,婦女的多元經驗便在「安全」的單一視框中被排除,以致「安全網」時常聽不懂婦女的需要,而網絡的資源也難以「投其所好」。 然而,一線的家暴社工,一面鑲嵌在「安全至上」的流程中,受到各種表單、指標與會議的規訓,一面又要與婦女的自主性並肩前行,在「建制最佳利益」與「案主自決」的角力下,「演戲」便成為社工在這場拔河下的生存方式。只要社工按照安全網所期待的安全劇本演出,婦女就有機會從安全網中「解除列管」。屆時社工就得以從各式的流程、指標中解放,讓工作回歸到相對低度建制的狀態,找回與婦女工作的彈性並減輕行政工作的負擔。 研究結果讓家暴社工看見自己在日常工作中,如何因著建制的流程為自己戴上了一副「安全」的眼鏡,產生了一連串權力關係所建構的知識,藉此看清楚社工所處的權力位置,進而長出抵抗的可能。 / The inspiration for my thesis came from a domestic violence social worker who complained that attending “Safety Network” conference is like acting in a show. From my understanding of “Domestic Violence Safety Networks” in college, these are programs for “high-risk” domestic abuse victims who are subsequently referred to the network conference. At this conference, the domestic violence network work together to explore possible safety options and coordinate resources for the victims. Ideally, the “Domestic Violence Safety Network” uses limited resources effectively. However, when it comes to a social work field, it becomes a “show act”. Based on this disjuncture, I decided to examine these conferences from a social worker’s perspective, using Institutional Ethnography as the analytical approach, to clarify the issue of why social workers are acting in the Safety Network. I started my fieldwork as a social worker. Through my working experience, I found that nation's adhering to the ideology of, “Safety is the top priority” with regard to domestic violence, tended to control how network members nanny battered women. When texts are activated in the institution, high-risk classification typically centers on a battered women's “safety” need to the exclusion of all others. Eventually, these “safety networks” fail to understand the multifaceted needs of abused women, and this, in turn, makes network resources more difficult to access. As a domestic violence social worker, safety and autonomy for abused women must be balanced. As a tool to mitigate the struggle between the “client’s best institutional interest” and the “client’s self-determination”, “acting with the safety script” appears to be a solution for social workers. In this way, battered women were able to remove their high-risk label while social workers were liberated from various processes and regulations. Hence, “acting” is the way by which social workers overcome this contradiction, bringing social work back to a less rigid set of working conditions, and increasing their overall flexibility in dealing with clients. The research maps the social relations of the “Safety Network,” determining where social workers stand with respect to this framework institution, how their “safety lens” are activated, and what aspects of it dominate their work. Once social workers understand how this framework functions, it may increase their potential for constructively opposing it.

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