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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'outils de management et actes de langage dans les entreprises de spectacle vivant / Development of Management Tools and Speech Acts in Performing Arts Companies

Caillat, Isabelle 26 September 2011 (has links)
Les entreprises de spectacle vivant évoluent dans un contexte de diminution de ressources externes et de modification des modalités d’attribution des subventions par l’application de la LOLF (Loi Organique relative aux Lois de Finances). Leur problématique repose sur les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour faire face à ces contraintes. Nous nous attachons à démontrer que leur développement dépend de l’amélioration de la logique de coopération entre les acteurs à partir du projet artistique et de l’appropriation des contraintes d’évaluation de la LOLF, pour révéler les performances cachées et développer des ressources internes. Cette recherche se construit à partir de l’hypothèse que l’amélioration de la performance globale des organisations dépend d’une action transformative qui opère selon trois axes interdépendants : l’intervention, les outils de management, le langage–acteur. A partir d’une recherche-Intervention dans un théâtre et d’un diagnostic qualitatif dans un autre, nous accompagnons les acteurs dans une conduite de changement et étudions les conditions de développement managérial dans ce type d’organisation. Nous analysons comment l’utilisation du langage dans le cadre de l’Intervention Socio-Economique modifie les représentations et contribue à l’élaboration d’un nouveau dispositif managérial. Nous proposons d’associer les outils de management socio-Économiques, utilisés comme des matrices de lecture de l’organisation, aux critères d’évaluation et de subvention des pouvoirs publics pour en faire des outils de réflexion sur le processus de réalisation et de diffusion de spectacle et construire une représentation partagée entre les différents acteurs. / Performing arts companies operate in a context of declining resources and changes in the rules governing the allocation of grants, in accordance with the LOLF (Organic Law relative to the Laws of Finance). Their challenge lies in finding ways to address these constraints. We aim to demonstrate that their development depends on improving the manner in which all parties cooperate, based on the artistic project and taking into account the constraints resulting from the evaluation used by the LOLF, to reveal hidden costs and to develop internal resources. This research is based on the hypothesis that improving the overall performance of organizations depends on a transformative action that operates in three interdependent areas: intervention, management tools, and the speech-Actor. Based on intervention-Research in one theatre and on a qualitative study in another, we have assisted actors in the process of change management and examined the conditions in which managerial development takes place in this type of organization. We analyse how language use in the context of Socio-Economic Intervention modifies the representations and contributes to the elaboration of a new managerial instrument. We propose the use of socio-Economic management tools, serving as a framework for analyzing the organisation, combined with the criteria of evaluation and allocation of public funding as a basis of reflexion on the process of creation and dissemination of shows, as well as a means of building a shared representation between the different actors.

L’analyse du langage spontané comme outil de détection précoce du déclin cognitif : une approche écologique

Filiou, Renée-Pier 08 1900 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) – la forme la plus courante de trouble neurocognitif majeur – se caractérise typiquement par des troubles progressifs et insidieux de la mémoire épisodique. Des déficits langagiers font également partie du portrait clinique de la maladie, et sont déjà présents au stade préclinique du trouble neurocognitif léger (TNCL). Des difficultés sur le plan de la production du langage ont été rapportées dans la MA et même le TNCL, ce qui suggère que son évaluation pourrait représenter une opportunité unique de détection précoce du déclin cognitif. Un consensus croissant propose d’ailleurs que le langage spontané (LS) pourrait permettre une évaluation écologiquement valide des capacités de production langagière. Toutefois, les résultats d’études s’étant penchées sur l’évaluation du LS ne convergent pas tous pour dresser un portrait clair de l’impact du déclin cognitif sur la production langagière dans la MA, et moindrement encore dans le TNCL. La première partie de la thèse visait ainsi à décrire de façon exhaustive l’étendue de la recherche dans le domaine de l'évaluation du LS dans les populations MA et TNCL, en réalisant un examen de la portée (étude 1). Les résultats ont révélé que l’évaluation traditionnelle du LS consistait le plus souvent en une analyse quantitative d’une sélection de variables microlinguistiques de LS obtenu à l’aide d’une mesure descriptive standardisée. Ayant répliqué le patron des déficits langagiers largement répandu dans les écrits scientifiques, les résultats de l’examen de la portée soulignent l’apport complémentaire de l’évaluation du LS à l’évaluation globale du langage dans les populations MA et TNCL. Toutefois, l’examen de la portée a également souligné d’importantes lacunes dans le domaine de recherche, notamment le très peu d’études s’étant intéressées au TNCL comparativement à la MA, ainsi que le très peu d’approches écologiques à l’évaluation du LS. Prenant en compte ces lacunes, la deuxième partie de la thèse visait à examiner l’apport d’une évaluation écologique du LS auprès de participants TNCL et de contrôles, dans un contexte expérimental se rapprochant de la vraie vie (étude 2). Plus précisément, une évaluation fonctionnelle des actes de langage produits par ces deux groupes lors de la réalisation, dans un appartement-test, de tâches écologiques inspirées d'activités de la vie quotidienne a été réalisée. La description qualitative des actes de langage spontanément produits pendant la planification et l'exécution de ces tâches complexes a permis d'extraire des stratégies, des barrières et des réactions distinctes en réponse aux demandes des tâches ainsi qu'aux difficultés rencontrées chez les participants TNCL et contrôles. Ainsi, les résultats ont montré que les participants TNCL mettaient en place moins de stratégies proactives avant d’entamer l’expérimentation, puis davantage de stratégies compensatoires pour supporter leur organisation des tâches pendant leur exécution. Plus distraits et moins portés à tenir compte de l’assistance offerte, ils validaient et justifiaient davantage leur performance de façon défensive et étaient plus réactifs à leurs difficultés que les sujets contrôles. Les résultats de la deuxième étude de la thèse soulignent ainsi l’apport novateur d’une évaluation fonctionnelle du LS comme outil d'exploration de l'impact du déclin cognitif lors de tâches écologiques complexes se rapprochant d'activités de la vie quotidienne. Ensemble, les études de la thèse convergent pour appuyer l’apport complémentaire d'une évaluation fonctionnelle du LS à son évaluation traditionnelle dans l’avancement des connaissances au sujet de l’impact du déclin cognitif dans les populations TNCL et MA sur la production langagière. / Alzheimer's disease (AD) – the most common form of major neurocognitive disorder – is typically characterized by progressive and insidious impairment of episodic memory. Language deficits are also part of the clinical picture of the disease, and are already present in the preclinical stage of mild neurocognitive disorder (mild NCD). Difficulties in language production have been reported in AD and even in mild NCD, suggesting that its assessment may represent a unique opportunity for early detection of cognitive decline. There is a growing consensus that connected speech (CS) may provide an ecologically valid assessment of language production abilities. However, the results of studies that have examined CS assessment do not all converge to provide a clear picture of the impact of cognitive decline on language production in AD, and even less so in mild NCD. The first part of the thesis thus aimed to comprehensively describe the extent of research in the area of CS assessment in AD and mild NCD populations, by conducting a scoping review (study 1). The results revealed that traditional CS assessment most often consisted of quantitative analysis of a selection of microlinguistic variables of CS, obtained using a standardized descriptive measure. Having replicated the pattern of language deficits widely found in the scientific literature, the results of the scoping review highlight the complementary contribution of CS assessment to the overall assessment of language in AD and mild NCD populations. However, the scoping review also highlighted important gaps in the research field, including the very few studies that have focused on mild NCD in comparison to AD, as well as the very few ecological approaches to CS assessment. Taking these gaps into account, the second part of the thesis thus aimed to examine the contribution of a functional assessment of CS that is closer to the context of real life, with mild NCD participants and controls (study #2). More precisely, a functional assessment of the speech acts produced by these two groups during the performance of ecological tasks inspired by activities of daily living in a laboratory-apartment was carried out. Qualitative description of the speech acts spontaneously produced by these participants while performing complex tasks allowed for the extraction of distinct strategies, barriers and reactions in response to task demands as well as to the difficulties encountered by the mild NCD participants and controls. Thus, results showed that mild NCD participants implemented fewer proactive strategies before beginning the experiment, and then more compensatory strategies to support their task organization during task execution. More distracted and less likely to take into account the assistance offered, they validated and justified their performance more defensively and were more reactive to their difficulties than the control subjects. The results of the second article of the thesis thus highlight the innovative contribution of a functional assessment of CS as a tool for exploring the impact of cognitive decline in complex, ecological tasks that are similar to activities of daily living. Together, the studies in this thesis converge to support the complementary contribution of a functional assessment of CS to its traditional assessment in advancing knowledge about the impact of cognitive decline on language production in the mild NCD and AD populations.

A Study of Compensation for Face-Threatening Acts in Service Encounters in Japan and the United States

Murakami, Miki 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study examines how people compensate for their inability to accommodate the needs of others in service encounters. Being unable to meet others' needs violates the positive face of one of the participants in a discourse. Many previous studies on speech acts demonstrate how people control their utterances to avoid causing a face-threatening act. However, the language behavior that follows a face-threatening act has not yet received much focus. This paper looks at two different kinds of data in Japan and the United State (hereafter "U.S.") using two different approaches: observation and role-play. In the first, the observational phase, the author acted as a customer in several convenience stores in Japan and asked for an item that they did not carry. In the U.S., a native English speaker interacted with the salesclerk as the customer. (No recording device was used in either situation.) All exchanges were immediately recorded by hand and later coded by semantic formulas. In the second, the role-play phase, native speakers were asked to role-play a parallel situation in which they acted as a salesclerk and had to react to not being able to satisfy customers' requests. The results demonstrate that Japanese sales clerks compensate in the face of their inability to meet another's need (they avoid a direct face-threatening act) whereas most U.S. sales clerks do not attempt to compensate for their inability. These behaviors correlate with social expectations of the participants within both respective service encounters. Moreover, the results also suggest a re-thinking of speech acts and emphasize the importance of natural data.

A correção e a fundamentação de decisões jurídicas, em bases pragmático-universais, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral

Leivas, Paulo Gilberto Cogo January 2009 (has links)
A fundamentação e a correção de decisões jurídicas na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral exigem o cumprimento das regras e formas do discurso jurídico fundado em bases pragmático-universais. As viradas lingüística e pragmática, por obra de Frege, Wittgenstein e Peirce, fundaram os alicerces de uma teoria dos atos de fala, de Austin e Searle, de uma teoria da argumentação, de Toulmin, e de uma teoria comunicativa e discursiva da verdade e correção, em Habermas. A ética procedimentalista e cognitivista habermasiana reconstrói o princípio da universabilidade em trajes discursivos. Alexy enuncia um conceito não-positivista e inclusivo da moral fundamentado na pretensão de correção jurídica e argúi a tese do discurso jurídico como caso especial do discurso prático geral. Uma decisão jurídica correta deve ser justificada com base nas regras e formas da justificação interna e externa do discurso. A fundamentação das decisões por meio de argumentos de princípios coloca a exigência da aplicação do preceito da proporcionalidade. As dogmáticas e jurisprudências alemã e brasileira, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral, utilizam inicialmente uma fórmula da proibição da arbitrariedade ou correlação lógica, da qual resulta uma vinculação fraca do legislador, e passam a adotar uma fórmula baseada na proporcionalidade, com uma vinculação severa do legislador, especialmente quando há tratamento desigual de indivíduos com características especiais elencadas na Constituição. A racionalidade de uma decisão que se utiliza da estrutura da proporcionalidade depende da justificação externa de cada uma das premissas usadas na justificação interna. Há uma relação necessária entre discurso jurídico, proporcionalidade e dogmáticas dos direitos fundamentais. / The justification and correction of legal decisions in the application of general equality principle demands the fullfilment of rules and forms of legal discourse founded on a universal-pragmatic basis. The linguistic and pragmatic turn, by Frege, Wittgenstein, and Peirce, established the foundations of a theory of speech acts, by Austin and Searle, of a theory of reasoning, by Toulmin, and a communicative and discoursive theory on truth and correctness in Habermas. The habermasian proceduralism and cognitivism ethics reconstructs the principle of universability in discoursive ways. Alexy states a non-positivistic and moral inclusive concept of law grounded in the claim to legal correction and argues that the legal discourse must be understood as a special case of general practical discourse. A correct legal decision must be justified on the rules and forms of internal and external justification of discourse. The justification for the decisions by means of arguments of principle sets the demand of applying the partial requirements of proportionality. German and Brazilian legal theory and jurisprudence, in applying the right to general equality, apply initially a formula of prohibition of arbitrary and correlational logic, where there is a weak attachment of the legislature, and start adopting a formula based on proportionality, where there is severe attachment of the legislature, especially in the case of discrimination against individuals with special features listed in the Constitution. The rationality of a decision which uses the structure of proportionality depends on the external justification of each of the premises used in the internal justification. There is a necessary link between proportionality, legal discourse and fundamental rights legal theory.

A correção e a fundamentação de decisões jurídicas, em bases pragmático-universais, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral

Leivas, Paulo Gilberto Cogo January 2009 (has links)
A fundamentação e a correção de decisões jurídicas na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral exigem o cumprimento das regras e formas do discurso jurídico fundado em bases pragmático-universais. As viradas lingüística e pragmática, por obra de Frege, Wittgenstein e Peirce, fundaram os alicerces de uma teoria dos atos de fala, de Austin e Searle, de uma teoria da argumentação, de Toulmin, e de uma teoria comunicativa e discursiva da verdade e correção, em Habermas. A ética procedimentalista e cognitivista habermasiana reconstrói o princípio da universabilidade em trajes discursivos. Alexy enuncia um conceito não-positivista e inclusivo da moral fundamentado na pretensão de correção jurídica e argúi a tese do discurso jurídico como caso especial do discurso prático geral. Uma decisão jurídica correta deve ser justificada com base nas regras e formas da justificação interna e externa do discurso. A fundamentação das decisões por meio de argumentos de princípios coloca a exigência da aplicação do preceito da proporcionalidade. As dogmáticas e jurisprudências alemã e brasileira, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral, utilizam inicialmente uma fórmula da proibição da arbitrariedade ou correlação lógica, da qual resulta uma vinculação fraca do legislador, e passam a adotar uma fórmula baseada na proporcionalidade, com uma vinculação severa do legislador, especialmente quando há tratamento desigual de indivíduos com características especiais elencadas na Constituição. A racionalidade de uma decisão que se utiliza da estrutura da proporcionalidade depende da justificação externa de cada uma das premissas usadas na justificação interna. Há uma relação necessária entre discurso jurídico, proporcionalidade e dogmáticas dos direitos fundamentais. / The justification and correction of legal decisions in the application of general equality principle demands the fullfilment of rules and forms of legal discourse founded on a universal-pragmatic basis. The linguistic and pragmatic turn, by Frege, Wittgenstein, and Peirce, established the foundations of a theory of speech acts, by Austin and Searle, of a theory of reasoning, by Toulmin, and a communicative and discoursive theory on truth and correctness in Habermas. The habermasian proceduralism and cognitivism ethics reconstructs the principle of universability in discoursive ways. Alexy states a non-positivistic and moral inclusive concept of law grounded in the claim to legal correction and argues that the legal discourse must be understood as a special case of general practical discourse. A correct legal decision must be justified on the rules and forms of internal and external justification of discourse. The justification for the decisions by means of arguments of principle sets the demand of applying the partial requirements of proportionality. German and Brazilian legal theory and jurisprudence, in applying the right to general equality, apply initially a formula of prohibition of arbitrary and correlational logic, where there is a weak attachment of the legislature, and start adopting a formula based on proportionality, where there is severe attachment of the legislature, especially in the case of discrimination against individuals with special features listed in the Constitution. The rationality of a decision which uses the structure of proportionality depends on the external justification of each of the premises used in the internal justification. There is a necessary link between proportionality, legal discourse and fundamental rights legal theory.

Řečové akty ve hře Milana Kundery "Majitelé klíčů" / Speech Acts in the Play Owners of the Keys by Milan Kundera

SVOBODA, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the theory of speech acts which is based mainly on analysis of speech and its function in communication. We use speech not only to convey something but to also do something, to change the state of things around us and to accomplish specific goals. Speech acts in a literary piece are then analyzed on theoretical basis, specifically in Milan Kundera's dramatic play Majitelé klíčů.

A correção e a fundamentação de decisões jurídicas, em bases pragmático-universais, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral

Leivas, Paulo Gilberto Cogo January 2009 (has links)
A fundamentação e a correção de decisões jurídicas na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral exigem o cumprimento das regras e formas do discurso jurídico fundado em bases pragmático-universais. As viradas lingüística e pragmática, por obra de Frege, Wittgenstein e Peirce, fundaram os alicerces de uma teoria dos atos de fala, de Austin e Searle, de uma teoria da argumentação, de Toulmin, e de uma teoria comunicativa e discursiva da verdade e correção, em Habermas. A ética procedimentalista e cognitivista habermasiana reconstrói o princípio da universabilidade em trajes discursivos. Alexy enuncia um conceito não-positivista e inclusivo da moral fundamentado na pretensão de correção jurídica e argúi a tese do discurso jurídico como caso especial do discurso prático geral. Uma decisão jurídica correta deve ser justificada com base nas regras e formas da justificação interna e externa do discurso. A fundamentação das decisões por meio de argumentos de princípios coloca a exigência da aplicação do preceito da proporcionalidade. As dogmáticas e jurisprudências alemã e brasileira, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral, utilizam inicialmente uma fórmula da proibição da arbitrariedade ou correlação lógica, da qual resulta uma vinculação fraca do legislador, e passam a adotar uma fórmula baseada na proporcionalidade, com uma vinculação severa do legislador, especialmente quando há tratamento desigual de indivíduos com características especiais elencadas na Constituição. A racionalidade de uma decisão que se utiliza da estrutura da proporcionalidade depende da justificação externa de cada uma das premissas usadas na justificação interna. Há uma relação necessária entre discurso jurídico, proporcionalidade e dogmáticas dos direitos fundamentais. / The justification and correction of legal decisions in the application of general equality principle demands the fullfilment of rules and forms of legal discourse founded on a universal-pragmatic basis. The linguistic and pragmatic turn, by Frege, Wittgenstein, and Peirce, established the foundations of a theory of speech acts, by Austin and Searle, of a theory of reasoning, by Toulmin, and a communicative and discoursive theory on truth and correctness in Habermas. The habermasian proceduralism and cognitivism ethics reconstructs the principle of universability in discoursive ways. Alexy states a non-positivistic and moral inclusive concept of law grounded in the claim to legal correction and argues that the legal discourse must be understood as a special case of general practical discourse. A correct legal decision must be justified on the rules and forms of internal and external justification of discourse. The justification for the decisions by means of arguments of principle sets the demand of applying the partial requirements of proportionality. German and Brazilian legal theory and jurisprudence, in applying the right to general equality, apply initially a formula of prohibition of arbitrary and correlational logic, where there is a weak attachment of the legislature, and start adopting a formula based on proportionality, where there is severe attachment of the legislature, especially in the case of discrimination against individuals with special features listed in the Constitution. The rationality of a decision which uses the structure of proportionality depends on the external justification of each of the premises used in the internal justification. There is a necessary link between proportionality, legal discourse and fundamental rights legal theory.

Los aspectos pragmáticos en manuales suecos de español como lengua extranjera : Su contribución al desarrollo de la competencia pragmática en el bachillerato / Pragmatic aspects in Swedish textbooks for Spanish as a foreign language : Their contribution in the upper secondary school to learners’ development of a pragmatic competence in Spanish

De Matos Lundström, Anna January 2013 (has links)
El objetivo de esta monografía es tratar de determinar en qué medida y de qué manera cuatro manuales didácticos suecos de español como lengua extranjera (ELE), usados en la enseñanza en el nivel de bachillerato, tratan aspectos pragmáticos. Además, evaluaremos el potencial y la relevancia de la información metapragmática y las actividades relacionadas a los aspectos pragmáticos para el proceso de adquisición de una competencia tanto metapragmática como pragmática. En este estudio se parte de la noción de la competencia pragmática como una destreza orientada a saber crear y comprender significados en la interacción de manera eficaz (Thomas, 1995), que supone, más que los conocimientos lingüísticos en una interacción intercultural, los conocimientos extralingüísticos (cf. Bravo, 2005). La hipótesis de partida de este trabajo postula que los manuales no explican a fondo por qué cierto lenguaje se utiliza en ciertos contextos y que el contenido pragmático sería poco variado y difícil de asimilar y que los ejercicios no estarían diseñados principalmente para desarrollar la competencia pragmática. Hasta cierta medida se puede decir que los resultados de esta investigación confirman la hipótesis: los manuales podrían efectivamente ser más exhaustivos en cuanto a los temas que abarcan, asimismo podrían variar y explicar más a fondo aquellos temas. No obstante, parece haber un esfuerzo de incorporar actividades comunicativas e información extralingüística, sin embargo, hace falta una conceptualización y progresión en cuanto a cómo tratar estos temas como el propósito principal. Ni siquiera se ofrecen en las guías del profesor modelos didácticos o información adicional, y por lo general, no se combina la información metapragmática en los manuales con actividades complementarias que pretenden desarrollar las destrezas comunicativas. / The purpose of this paper is to try to determine to what extent and in what way four Swedish textbooks on Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) treat pragmatic aspects, as well as to evaluate the potential and relevance of the metapragmatic information and activities related to pragmatic aspects provided by the textbooks, for the development of pragmatic awareness and competence in Spanish. This study parts from the notion of pragmatic competence as a skill of knowing how to create and understand meanings in interaction effectively (Thomas, 1995), which in intercultural interaction probably requires extra-linguistic knowledge more than language skills (cf. Bravo, 2005). The hypothesis postulated at the beginning of the study was that the manuals would not fully explain why certain language is being used in certain contexts, that the pragmatic content would be scarcely varied and rather difficult to assimilate and that the exercises would not be designed primarily to develop a pragmatic competence. To some extent it can be said that the hypothesis is confirmed: the manuals could have been more comprehensive in terms of the topics covered, they could also have varied and explained those issues further. Despite the fact that there seems to be an effort to incorporate extra-linguistic information and communicative activities, the results indicate that there is a lack of emphasis on or progression on how to treat these issues. For example, there are no didactic models or suggestions in the teacher’s guide, nor is additional information provided elsewhere; usually the metapragmatic information is not combined with any activities, and the activities that aim to develop communicative skills are not combined with further metapragmatic information.

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