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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epistémologie pour la médecine intégrative : comment intégrer la vertébrothérapie japonaise dans la médecine ? / Epistemology for integrative medecine : how to integrate japanese vertebrotherapy in medecine?

Fujimori, Hajimé 05 December 2016 (has links)
La médecine intégrative est un domaine relativement récent qui offre une nouvelle approche holistique pour la médecine. Elle cherche à satisfaire les besoins du public en unifiant la médecine contemporaine basée sur la biomédecine et d'autre types de pratiques médicales, les médecines complémentaires et alternatives (MCA), qui ne sont pas encore scientifique­ment suffisamment vérifiées. Ce que nous appelons la médecine intégrative ici est apparue au début des années 1990. Son potentiel est prometteur, mais il y a cependant des besoins cruciaux de faire progresser les connaissances dans ce domaine et de reconnaître qu'il existe des problèmes méthodologiques qui ne sont pas pris en compte et qui constituent une entrave à son développement. Ce présent projet a pour objectif de fournir une base philosophique plus solide pour la médecine intégrative et, plus concrètement, d'examiner comment intégrer la vertébrothérapie japonaise dans la médecine. L'auteur pratique depuis longtemps la vertébrothérapie japonaise comme métier familial, dont le fondateur était son grand-père maternel. L'auteur se demande pourquoi cette thérapie ne se développe pas davantage et reste mal connue de la société en dépit de son efficacité. Comment peut-on vérifier sa rigueur, en quoi consiste cette thérapie, d'où vient-elle et qui l'a forgée ? Pour répondre à ces questions, l'auteur a commencé à faire des recherches en empruntant la méthodologie de la tradition de l'épistémologie française. Ainsi, pour cristalliser l'histoire scientifique de la vertébrothérapie, il recourt à la méthodolo­gie de Canguilhem et de Cavaillès ; pour former une épistémologie de cette thérapie, il fait appel à la méthodologie de Canguilhem, et pour la manière d'argumenter, à celle de Fagot-Largeault. / Integrative medicine is a relatively new field that offers a new, holistic approach to medicine to satisfy the needs of the public by unifying biomedical medicine and other medical practices; complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), which are not yet scientifically verified. What we call integrative medicine emerged in the early 1990s, and its potential i promising; however, there is crucial need to recognize that there exist methodological problems in this field. In this thesis I want to propose some reflections upon the consequences linked to the disregard for the theory of CAM. I would argue that the special character of today's dominant evaluation methodology -randomized controlled trial (RCT) and the ways in which excessive reliance on RCT distorted the essence of CAM and amplified the predicament. I equally want to propose some reflections upon the effect of the introduction of particular dogmas to CAM into scientific study. I would suggest that the ways in which researches might loose in tum scientific certainty, clarity, and objectivity if they make much of for instance the concept of qi or human sensory subjective diagnostics system in scientific study. Finally, would like to note advantages in introducing Japanese traditional medicine (JTM) into scientific study and the ways in which JTM has reduced influence of, and been freer from, the excessive theorization in Chinese traditional medicine (CTM).

Vyšetřování bezpečného únavového života křídla víceúčelového jednomotorového turbovrtulového letounu / Wing fatigue safe life investigation of single-engine multipurpose aircraft

Hubáček, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Práce se zabývá stanovením bezpečné únavové životnosti křídla. Letadlo, které bylo podrobeno analýze, je vzpěrový hornoplošník celokovové konstrukce. Letadlo je certifikováno na základě předpisu FAR 23 Amendment 23-46. Výpočet bezpečné únavové životnosti musí být proveden v souladu s požadavky předpisu FAR 23 a jeho poradními oběžníky.\\ Teoretická část práce je věnována hlavně přehledu literatury a představení projektu, kde byla stručně shrnuta jeho historie vzniku. Část přehledu projektu také pojednává o podstatě požadavku na posouzení bezpečné únavové životnosti zadavatelem. V další části byl rovněž proveden rozbor literatury týkající se únavy. Jednalo se zejména o rozbor předpisu FAR 23, jeho poradních oběžníků a obecně literatury vztahující se k únavě jak v letectví, tak v obecném strojírenství.\\ Druhá část diplomové práce byla zaměřena zejména na výpočetní analýzu a vývoj specializovaného software. Výpočetní část obsahovala zejména přípravu vstupů, včetně obálek zatížení, stanovení typického letu, výpočet zatížení křídla a napjatostní analýza ve vybraných řezech křídla. Z výstupů prvotní analýzy se následně provedl výpočet poškození a životnosti pro daný typový let.

Příjem a posílání SMS zpráv pomocí aplikace určené pro platformu JavaME / SMS Application for JavaME Platform

Růčka, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to study the potential of Java ME platform for receiving and sending of SMS and to utilize obtained information subsequently in implementation of an application for this platform. The first part of the diploma thesis aims at explaining general terms of the Java language and its basic features. The next part deals with specific properties of the Java ME platform and properties of devices that support this platform. A design of the Java ME application based on theoretical knowledge is created then. This application has to be able to receive, process, store and send SMS and communicate with the server application based on the Java SE platform. The created Java ME application serves as an automated SMS voting server, which can be used in mobile devices that support the Java ME platform and can be remote-controlled via Internet from the Java SE platform application. The final chapter presents the results and conclusions of testing of the created application on real mobile devices.

Représentations et usages des armements contemporains : pour une socio-anthropologie de la complexité technique / Contemporary weapons uses and representations : a social anthropology of technical complexity

Lefeez, Sophie 12 September 2014 (has links)
En Irak et en Afghanistan, les EEI (engins explosifs improvisés) ont durement atteint les matériels militaires et les soldats occidentaux. Cette confrontation entre haute et faible technicité soulève la question des choix techniques. Les rapports institutionnels et les acteurs mettent habituellement en avant deux raisons pour justifier le choix de la haute technicité : la nécessité de jouir d'une supériorité technique sur l'adversaire pour vaincre, et l'imprévisibilité des futures interventions militaires. L'étude de terrain sur le système de missile antichars Milan et son successeur temporaire, le Javelin, montre que les combattants ne lient pas la polyvalence à la technicité, et que leur travail est en train d'être fonctionnalisé. En effet, les concepteurs (États-majors, DGA, industriels) ont recours à l'approche systémique pour améliorer la cohérence entre matériels et accroître la performance d'ensemble. Cette approche s'inspire de la rationalité managériale, qui pénètre de plus en plus le milieu militaire. Or, les combattants réinventent souvent leurs matériels du fait du caractère imprédictible des conflits, et la puissance née de cette rationalité gestionnaire se révèle sur le terrain en partie fragile et déréalisée. La complexité ressentie par les acteurs à propos des armements contemporains serait alors le révélateur d'une évolution technique hors sol et hors du temps commun, distante des êtres humains concrets. / In Iraq and in Afghanistan, IEDs (improvised explosive devices) severely hit Western military equipment and personnel. This high-tech / low-tech face-off raises questions about technical choices. Institutional reports and actors usually justify the choice of high technicity on two grounds: the need to have technical superiority over rivals to win and the uncertainty surrounding future military interventions. A ground study about the Milan antitank missile system and his temporary successor, the Javelin, revealed versatility is not related to technicity in users' mind, and showed servants are being functionalised. Indeed, designers (military HQs, DGA, private industries) have opted for a systemic approach to increase consistency among equipment and gain in overall performance. Users have got considered as a piece of the system — serving a function. This approach owes much to managerial rationality, which has pervaded the military organisation to a high degree. However, fighters often re-invent their equipment role due to war unpredictability, while power delivered by managerial rationality proves to be partly fragile and derealised. Complexity actors detect about contemporary weapons seems to be a pointer of a technical evolution carried out above ground and beyond time, remote from concrete human beings.

GATS同類服務與服務供給者問題之研究 / The Analyses for Issues Related to Like Services and Service Suppliers

林伊君, Lin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
觀察目前服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS)案件,涉及GATS第2條最惠國待遇與第17條國民待遇之數量佔有極高比例。適用第2條與第17條規定時,須先認定案件之服務或服務供給者符合「同類服務與服務供給者」,唯有確定會員系爭措施規範對象與其他會員之服務或服務供給者,抑或是國內服務或服務供給者為同類服務或同類服務供給者,方能檢驗會員系爭措施有無對同類服務與服務供給者為差別待遇,因此,「同類服務與服務供給者」乃第2條與第17條之先決要件,具有極關鍵性地位。 由於服務具有不可識別性與不可儲存性,欲判斷服務或服務供給者間是否為同類服務或服務供給者有相當困難度,加上GATS原文對「同類服務與服務供給者」之服務與服務供給者係以「和」為連接詞,引發學者與會員就如何解釋「同類服務」與「同類服務供給者」適用關係之爭議;甚而,GATS第1條第1項將規範之服務貿易區分為四種不同供給模式,以不同供給模式提供之服務或服務供給者是否會因供給模式而被認定為不同類服務或不同類服務供給者,亦是「同類服務與服務供給者」與GATS規範架構之適用爭議;此外,GATS第2條與第17條「同類服務與服務供給者」之適用範圍,應如何與其規範目的為相呼應之解釋,亦是極具挑戰性之課題。由此可見,「同類服務與服務供給者」存在諸多適用上爭議,尤其在爭端解決小組與上訴機構尚未就「同類服務與服務供給者」適用爭議提出說明之情形,研究「同類服務與服務供給者」乃刻不容緩之事。 鑑於世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)之爭端解決小組與上訴機構對關稅與貨品貿易總協定(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade, GATT)與WTO「同類產品」已大致建立認定方法,並對「同類產品」之適用爭議提出見解,GATS於談判過程中曾有會員建議以「同類情形」作為適用最惠國待遇與國民待遇之規範要件,本文除論述GATS涉及「同類服務與服務供給者」案件之爭端解決小組與上訴機構見解,亦分析GATT/WTO「同類產品」案件與北美區域自由貿易協定(North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA)牽涉「同類情形」案件之判決經驗,為認定GATS「同類服務與服務供給者」與相關適用爭議找尋可能之解決方案。 / Observing recent GATS(The General Agreement on Trade in Services)cases, there are almost quart cases relevant to non-discrimination regulations of GATS, Article 2 and 17.As applying to non-discrimination regulations of GATS, before examining whether Members’domestic measures have discriminated effects to block the international services market, applicants, the Panel or Appellate Body need to determine whether the services and services suppliers concerned are ‘like services’or ‘like service supplier’. For‘like services and service suppliers’being a crucial requirement of non-discrimination regulations in GATS, researching how this requirement is applied to dispute settlement cases is an important mission to GATS. Actually, the vital issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’include: how to determine the ‘like services’and ‘like service suppliers’, how to decide whether the services and service suppliers through different supply modes are like services and like service suppliers, and how to interpret the application between ‘like services’ and ‘like service suppliers’. Moreover, interpreting the coverage of ‘like services and service suppliers’ under GATS is also a tough issue. Notwithstanding the requirement of non-discrimination principles -‘like services and service suppliers’rises many applied issues, there are no regulations of GATS to define the meaning of ‘like services’ and ‘like service suppliers', and no regulations or explanatory footnotes to clarify the applied problems of ‘like services and service suppliers’. The only way for Members or scholars to realize how to apply to this requirement or to determine ‘like services and like service suppliers’ is to analyze relevant judgments of dispute settlement cases relevant. However, WTO dispute settlement panel or appellate body did not analyze the relevant applied issues of‘like services and services suppliers’, and not resolve those applied issues completely. For resolving those issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’, this article make relevant material divided into four parts. First of all is to discuss what issues‘like services and service suppliers’arises, and what the factors cause ‘like services and services suppliers’ is hard to be practiced. The second part is referring to the judgments of dispute settlement panel and appellate body in GATT(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)/WTO cases regarding the applications of ‘like products’. Then, referring to the judgments of NAFTA(The North American Free Trade Agreement) dispute settlement organization in NAFTA cases considering ‘like circumstances’. Finally, this article not only advances the resolutions to resolve those issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’, in order to improve the practice of this requirement, but also recommends several suggestions about modifying the content of this requirement.

Die Entwicklung der ostdeutschen Tagespresse nach 1945. Bruch oder Übergang? / The Development of the Eastgerman Daily Press after 1945. Break or Transition?

Matysiak, Stefan 05 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Characteristic errors in 120-H tropical cyclone track forecasts in the western North Pacific

Kehoe, Ryan M. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / occurring most frequently. For the 217 large-error cases due to midlatitude influences, the most frequent error mechanisms were E-DCI (midlatitude), excessive response to vertical wind shear, excessive midlatitude cyclogenesis (E-MCG), insufficient midlatitude cyclogenesis (I-MCG), excessive midlatitude cyclolysis (E-MCL) and excessive midlatitude anticyclogenesis (E-MAG), which accounted for 68% of all large errors occurring in both NOGAPS and GFDN. Characteristics and symptoms of the erroneous forecast tracks and model fields are documented and illustrative case studies are presented. Proper identification and removal of the track forecast displaying an error mechanism could form a selective consensus that will be more accurate than a non-selective consensus. / Captain, United States Air Force

Pathogenèse de l’oedème cérébral dans l’encéphalopathie hépatique minimale : rôles du stress oxydatif et du lactate

Bosoi Tudorache, Cristina 08 1900 (has links)
L’encéphalopathie hépatique (EH) est un syndrome neuropsychiatrique découlant des complications de l'insuffisance hépatique. Les patients souffrant d'une insuffisance hépatique chronique (IHC) présentent fréquemment une EH minimale (EHM) caractérisée par des dysfonctions cognitives subtiles qui affectent leur qualité de vie. L'insuffisance hépatique entraîne une hyperammoniémie, le facteur central dans la pathogenèse de l'EH. Pourtant, les taux d'ammoniaque sérique ne sont pas corrélés avec la sévérité de l'EH lors d'une IHC, suggérant que d'autres facteurs y contribuent. L'oedème cérébral est une caractéristique neuropathologique décrite chez les patients souffrant d'une EHM et plusieurs facteurs dont le stress oxydatif, les altérations du métabolisme énergétique et l'augmentation de la glutamine cérébrale pourraient contribuer à la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral lors d'une EHM induite par une IHC. Les mécanismes sous-jacents exacts ainsi que les relations entre ces facteurs et l'ammoniaque ne sont pas connus. Présentement, le seul traitement efficace de l'IHC est la transplantation hépatique, une option thérapeutique très limitée. Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à l'avancement des connaissances sur les mécanismes sous-jacents liés au rôle du stress oxydatif, de la glutamine et du lactate dans la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral lors d'une EHM induite par une IHC afin d'envisager de nouvelles options thérapeutiques. Les objectifs précis étaient: 1. Établir le rôle de l’ammoniaque et sa relation avec le stress oxydatif dans la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral lors d'une EHM induite par une IHC. 2. Établir le rôle du stress oxydatif dans la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral, sa relation avec l'ammoniaque et l'effet du traitement avec des antioxydants. 3. Confirmer l'effet synergique entre l'ammoniaque et le stress oxydatif dans la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral. 4. Établir le rôle du lactate et de la glutamine dans la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral et leur relation avec l’ammoniaque. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 2 modèles animaux d'EHM obtenus par microchirurgie chez le rat ont été utilisés: 1) la ligature de voie biliaire, un modèle d'IHC et 2) l'anastomose porto-cave, un modèle d'hyperammoniémie induite par la dérivation portosystémique. Nos résultats démontrent que l'ammoniaque et le stress oxydatif indépendamment n'induisent pas l'oedème cérébral lors d'une EHM. Pourtant, lorsque les 2 facteurs agissent ensemble ils présentent ii un effet synergique qui entraîne le développement de l'oedème cérébral, le stress oxydatif étant une première insulte, qui est suivie par l'hyperammoniémie comme deuxième insulte. En plus, le stress oxydatif a été mis en évidence seulement au niveau systémique, et non au niveau central dans notre modèle d'IHC en association avec l'oedème cérébral, suggérant que le stress oxydatif systémique est une conséquence de la dysfonction hépatique et que l'hyperammoniémie n’induit pas le stress oxydatif ni systémique ni central. Nous avons démontré qu’une augmentation du lactate cérébral est une conséquence directe de l'hyperammoniémie et joue un rôle important dans la pathogenèse de l'oedème cérébral lors d'une EHM induite par une IHC, tandis qu’une augmentation de la glutamine au niveau cérébral n'est pas un facteur clé. La compréhension de ces mécanismes a entraîné la proposition de 3 nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques potentielles pour l'EHM. Elles ciblent la diminution de l'ammoniaque sérique, la réduction du stress oxydatif et l'inhibition de la synthèse du lactate. / Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a metabolic neuropsychiatric syndrome which occurs as a complication of liver failure/disease. Patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) present often with minimal HE (MHE) characterized by subtle cognitive dysfunction which impairs their quality of life. Impaired liver function leads to hyperammonemia which is a central factor in the pathogenesis of HE. However, ammonia alone is poorly correlated with the severity of HE during CLD, strongly suggesting other factors may contribute. Brain edema is a neuropathological feature described in MHE patients and several factors such as oxidative stress, energy metabolism alterations and an increase in glutamine may to contribute to the pathogenesis of brain edema during HE related to CLD. However the exact underlying mechanisms and the relationships between these factors and ammonia are poorly understood. To date, the only effective treatment of CLD remains liver transplantation, a limited therapeutic option. The aim of this thesis is to advance the knowledge into the mechanisms underlying the role of oxidative stress, glutamine and lactate in the pathogenesis of brain edema during MHE associated with CLD in order to uncover new therapeutic options. The study objectives were: 1. Define the role of ammonia and its relationship with oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of brain edema in CLD. 2. Define the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of brain edema, its relationship with ammonia as well as the effect of antioxidant treatment. 3. Confirm a synergistic role of ammonia and oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of brain edema. 4. Define the role of lactate and glutamine in the pathogenesis of brain edema and their relationship with ammonia. To achieve these objectives, we used 2 microsurgical rat models: 1) bile-duct ligation, a cirrhosis model and 2) portacaval anastomosis, a hyperammonemia model following portal-systemic shunting. Our findings demonstrate that ammonia and systemic oxidative stress independently do not induce brain edema in MHE related to CLD. However, when both factors are present, they exert a synergistic effect leading to the development of brain edema with oxidative stress presenting as a “first hit”, followed by hyperammonemia as a “second hit”. Moreover, solely systemic and not central oxidative stress was observed in our CLD rat model in relation to brain edema implying that systemic oxidative stress is a consequence of liver dysfunction and that central oxidative stress is not a direct iv effect of hyperammonemia in the setting of CLD. Moreover, we revealed that increased cerebral lactate is a direct consequence of hyperammonemia and also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of brain edema, while increased cerebral glutamine does not. The understanding of these mechanisms led to the proposal of three different strategies as potential HE therapies. These are directed towards lowering ammonia, reducing oxidative stress and inhibiting lactate synthesis.

Utveckling av marknader för avfallsbaserade resurser : En fallstudie på återanvändning av komplexa avfallsströmmar ur ett värdekedjeperspektiv / Development of markets for waste-based materials : A case study on the reuse of complex waste streams from a value chain perspective

Bertils, Elsa, Elvingson, Herman January 2019 (has links)
Immense amounts of waste are generated daily by our society, and the management of these streams is a critical societal function. Part of this work is reusing and recycling materials with attractive properties, which is also an imperative step towards circular material flows. Although, the reuse of waste-based resources entails a conflict between efficient use of resources and minimal environmental toxicity, which hampers the reuse. The labeling of a resource as waste also makes using or trading the resource problematic, both regarding regulations, but also concerns from the society regarding toxicity or quality. A way of increasing the reuse of waste streams is initiating and organizing a functioning trade with the material. This study aims at clarifying how new markets for waste base products can emerge and evolve. This aim is formulated as identifying the functions that needs to be fulfilled for a new market for waste-based products to function, and what can be done to fulfill these functions. The study is designed as a case study including four cases where waste in some way is put back to use through trade. This reuse is studied as a market, with buyers, seller and brokers encased in institutions. To expose the role of policy instruments in organizing waste-based markets, there is one specific policy instrument per case for which the effect is analyzed deeper. The main empirics has been collected through interviews with actors on the four case markets, aiming to identify typical events in the evolution of the markets, and what is perceived as important as of today. The case markets are residual sludge from biogas production and from waste water treatment being used as fertilizer, and the residual gravel from waste incineration in Sweden and Denmark being used as a construction material. On these markets, the degree of actual trade varies, as well as the maturity of the markets. By studying and comparing four markets for waste-based resources, and considering the perspectives from actors at different ends of the respective resources value chain, twelve market functions have been identified within three market components. The component institutions and networks contain functions not directly related to the supply- or demand-side of the markets but rather the legitimacy and authorization process, ability of the actors to identify with their roles in the value chain, and how certifications and actor-initiatives can form common grounds for actors in the value chain. In the component supply the waste producer’s responsibility and means of influence over the quality and quantity of the resource is identified as functions. Brokers might play a critical role and policy instruments is needed to increase the producers means of influencing the waste streams, and to regulate the use of the resource. In the component of demand marketing, systems for quality assertion, and niche management are identified as methods to fulfill critical functions. Waste based resources by nature appears as a secondary material flow in a process, and therefore it is not naturally integrated in the business model of any actor. The waste-label forces the resource to comply to rules and regulations perceived problematic, while buyer demands are perceived as unfairly promoting virgin resources and getting societal acceptance of the resource is an uphill battle. By studying the behaviors and needs of market actors, and the role of policy instruments during the course of market evolution, opportunities has been identified as to how policy instruments can fulfill the varying key market functions. For each of the identified functions, it is suggested how policy instruments can contribute, or help the market actors, to fulfill the function. / Idag genereras stora mängder avfall från många delar av det mänskliga samhället och att hantera dessa flöden är en viktig samhällsfunktion. En del i det arbetet är att återanvända och återvinna material med tillräckligt attraktiva egenskaper, vilket är ett viktigt steg i utvecklingen mot mer cirkulära materialflöden. Återanvändning av avfallsbaserade resurser innebär dock en konflikt mellan effektiv resursanvändning och minimering av föroreningar i omgivande miljöer, vilket bromsar återanvändningen. Att ett material benämns som avfall medför också att det blir problematiskt att använda och handla med, jämfört med produktklassade material och varor, både på grund av lagstiftning och ökad oro från omgivningen gällande föroreningsinnehåll och bristande kvalitet. En metod för att uppnå ökad återanvändning av avfallsflöden är att initiera och organisera en fungerande handel med materialen. Denna studie syftar till att utreda just hur nya marknader för avfall kan uppstå och utvecklas, vilket formuleras som att identifiera funktioner som behöver vara uppfyllda för att en ny marknad för avfallsbaserade resurser ska fungera och vad som kan göras för att uppfylla dessa funktioner. Studien är utformad som en fallstudie och omfattar fyra fall där avfall på ett eller annat sätt kommer åter i bruk via handel. Denna återanvändning studeras som en marknad, med köpare, säljare och mellanhänder som omges av institutioner uppsatta av både myndigheter och från annat håll. För att synliggöra styrmedels roll i att organisera en avfallsbaserad marknad har det på varje marknad lyfts fram ett specifikt styrmedel vars roll har studerats mer ingående. Den huvudsakliga empiriinsamlingen har utförts genom intervjuer med respondenter från viktiga aktörer på de fyra marknaderna, vilka har syftat till att både identifiera typiska händelser som har lett till förändringar på marknaderna tidigt i marknadens utveckling och vad som upplevs viktigt på marknaderna idag. De studerade marknaderna är rötrester från biogasproduktion respektive avloppsrening som används som gödselmedel inom jordbruket, samt slaggrus från avfallsförbränning som används som konstruktionsmaterial i samhället i Sverige respektive Danmark. På dessa marknader sker handel i olika stor utsträckning och marknaderna befinner sig i olika skeden av utveckling. Genom att studera och jämföra fyra marknader för avfallsbaserade resurser, och ta hänsyn till behov och perspektiv från aktörer på olika platser i resursernas värdekedja har tolv funktioner identifierats inom tre marknadskomponenter. Komponenten institutioner och nätverk berör funktioner som inte är direkt kopplade till köpare eller säljare. Här presenteras att handel måste vara tillåtet och tillståndsprocessen snabb och förutsägbar, vilket innebär att politiska målsättningar behöver gå i linje med marknadens utveckling. Ytterligare funktioner är vikten av att samtliga inblandade i handeln är medvetna om sin roll i värdekedjan och hur certifieringar och branschinitiativ på ett bra sätt kan skapa naturliga mötesplatser för aktörer i hela värdekedjan. Inom marknadskomponenten tillgång har avfallsproducentens ansvar och rådighet över avsättning och kvalitet och kvantitet hos avfallsflödet identifierats som viktiga funktioner. Mellanhänder kan komma att spela en viktig roll och styrmedel kan behövas både för att öka producenters rådighet över avfallsflödet och för att med avseende på föroreningshalter reglera användningen av det. Inom marknadskomponenten efterfrågan är marknadsföring, system för kvalitetssäkring och spårbarhet samt skapande av nischer identifieras som metoder för att uppfylla betydande funktioner. Avfallsbaserade resurser uppstår till sin natur som ett biflöde till en annan process och är därför inte en tydlig del av någon aktörs affärsmodell. Avfallsklassningen gör också att resursen måste passera regelverk som upplevs problematiska, samtidigt som användares krav upplevs premiera jungfruliga produkter och det finns en förtroendemässig uppförsbacke hos potentiella användare. Genom att studera olika aktörers beteende och behov på marknaderna, samt vilken roll styrmedel upplevs ha spelat under marknadernas utveckling så har möjligheter identifierats gällande hur styrmedel kan uppfylla de olika funktionerna. För samtliga identifierade funktioner presenteras förslag på hur styrmedel kan bidra till, eller möjliggöra för marknadsaktörer, att uppfylla den aktuella funktionen.

Commodity Pricing, Credit and Capital Flows: The Role of Financial Intermediaries

Bierbaumer, Daniel 14 August 2019 (has links)
Die globale Finanzkrise unterstrich die Bedeutung von makrofinanziellen Verknüpfungen für Vermögenspreisdynamiken und Konjunkturschwankungen. Bei angebotsseitigen Finanzfriktionen werden hierbei Finanzintermediäre, insbesondere ihre Bilanz und ihre Risikotragfähigkeit, als zentral erachtet. Diese Dissertation wendet verschiedene Klassen von SVAR Modellen und neueste Identifizierungsmethoden an um empirische Belege für die Rolle von Finanzintermediären für Finanzmärkte und die Realwirtschaft zu liefern. Das erste Kapitel untersucht das regimeabhängige Handelsverhalten von Finanzintermediären auf dem Öl-Futures-Markt und zeigt, dass Finanzintermediäre während Krisenzeiten preisunelastischer werden und mehr ihren eigenen Interessen folgend handeln. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine nichtlineare Futures-Preissetzung von Intermediären hin, was die Volatilität im Markt während Krisenzeiten signifikant erhöht. Das zweite Kapitel legt dar, dass die meisten Händlergruppen in Rohstoff-Futures-Märkten eine antizyklische Investitionsstrategie verfolgen. Das einfache SVAR Modell eignet sich für die Analyse der Handelsstrategien verschiedener Händlergruppen sowie deren Auswirkungen für die Preisvolatilität in jedweden Vermögensmärkten. Kapitel 3 identifiziert in einem einzelnen Modell sektorspezifische Kreditangebotsschocks gegenüber Firmen und Haushalten und präsentiert empirische Belege über deren Effekte für die US-Wirtschaft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass beide Kreditangebotsschocks wesentlich zum Konjunkturverlauf während des Beobachtungszeitraums beigetragen haben, wobei Kreditangebotsschocks gegenüber Haushalten klassischen Nachfrageschocks ähneln. Das letzte Kapitel analysiert die globalen Auswirkungen des Schuldenabbaus europäischer Banken und findet, dass europäische Bankbilanzschocks Bruttokapitalzuflüsse und das Kreditwachstum in fortgeschrittenen Ökonomien mit entwickelten Finanzmärkten beeinflussen, aber nur geringfügige Effekte auf das Wirtschaftswachstum haben. / The global financial crisis has demonstrated the importance of macrofinancial linkages for asset price dynamics and business cycles. Regarding supply-side financial frictions, financial intermediaries, in particular their balance sheet and risk-bearing capacity, are considered to be pivotal. This thesis applies different classes of SVAR models and state-of-the-art identification techniques to provide empirical findings on the role of financial intermediaries in financial markets and the real economy. The first chapter studies the state-dependent trading behavior of financial intermediaries in the oil futures market and shows that intermediaries become less price-elastic and trade more according to their own demand. The findings suggest that the futures pricing of intermediaries is nonlinear which significantly raises the volatility in the market during crisis times. The second chapter demonstrates that most trader groups in commodity futures markets employ contrarian strategies. The simple SVAR model can be applied for analyzing the trading strategies of different trader groups as well as their effects for price volatility in any asset market. Chapter 3 identifies sector-specific business and household loan supply shocks in one single model and provides empirical evidence on their effects for the U.S. macroeconomy. The results show that both loan supply shocks have contributed significantly to business cycle dynamics over the sample period, with household loan supply shocks resembling classical demand shocks. The last chapter analyzes the global effects of European bank deleveraging and finds that European bank balance sheet shocks significantly affect gross capital inflows and credit growth in in advanced economies with developed financial markets, but have only minor effects on output growth.

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