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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicación de las máximas de la experiencia en un modelo de valoración racional de la prueba

Oyarzún Riquelme, Felipe Andrés January 2016 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en distinguir los conceptos del artículo 297 del Código Procesal Penal, como son los principios de la lógica, conocimientos científicamente y las máximas de la experiencia; analizar las diversas funciones que cumplen las máximas de la experiencia en un sistema de valoración racional de la prueba como la sana crítica; y estudiar su aplicación en el proceso penal chileno. A través del análisis de jurisprudencia, se intentará conocer el uso que los tribunales superiores de justicia han hecho del concepto, y como éstos han contribuido a precisar los alcances de “las máximas de la experiencia” mediante el conocimiento de recursos de nulidad en materia procesal penal. / 07/11/2017

Konversionen zum Islam in westeuropäischen Gesellschaften. / Eine explorative Studie der Konversion zum "reflexiven Islam" und der Alternation zu einer jugendkulturellen Ausprägung des Salafismus.

Uhlmann, Milena 15 July 2021 (has links)
Konversionen zum Islam erregen Neugier, Faszination, und auch Angst – gerade seit den Terroranschlägen des 11. Septembers 2001 und den darauffolgenden islamistischen Anschlägen auch in Europa. Das Phänomen wirft besonders in diesem Kontext Fragen zu Motivation zur Konversion, dem Bezug der Konvertiten zu ihrem zum Herkunftskontext und zur sozialwissenschaftlichen und sicherheitspolitischen Bewertung des Phänomens auf. Um Antworten auf diese Fragen näher zu kommen, hat die Autorin zwischen 2009 und 2011 insgesamt 27 Konvertiten zum Islam in Deutschland, England und Frankreich interviewt und ihre Einstellungen, Identitätsausdeutungen und Relevanzen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Auswertung setzt sie mit einer Betrachtung des Phänomens des jugendkulturellen Salafismus in Bezug und entwickelt auf dieser Basis zwei grundlegend unterschiedliche Kategorien des Wechsels zum Islam: Die „Konversion zum reflexiven Islam“ und die „Alternation zu einer jugendkulturellen Ausprägung des Salafismus“. / Conversions to Islam evoke curiosity, fascination, and also fear – especially since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and Islamist terrorist attacks that followed also in Europe. The phenomenon raises questions regarding the motifs for conversion, the relation of converts to their society of origin, and the sociological assessment as well as security policy aspects of the phenomenon. In order to come closer to answers to these questions, the author interviewed 27 converts to Islam in Germany, England and France, and analysed their attitudes, identity reconstruction and relevances. She compared the results with a reflection on the phenomenon of a youth-cultural phenomenon of Salafism and developed two fundamentally different categories of people choosing Islam as their religion: “conversion to reflexive Islam” and “alternation to a youth-cultural interpretation of Salafism”.

Effect Of Jacobian Evaluation On Direct Solutions Of The Euler Equations

Onur, Omer 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
A direct method is developed for solving the 2-D planar/axisymmetric Euler equations. The Euler equations are discretized using a finite-volume method with upwind flux splitting schemes, and the resulting nonlinear system of equations are solved using Newton&amp / #8217 / s Method. Both analytical and numerical methods are used for Jacobian calculations. Numerical method has the advantage of keeping the Jacobian consistent with the numerical flux vector without extremely complex or impractical analytical differentiations. However, numerical method may have accuracy problem and may need longer execution time. In order to improve the accuracy of numerical method detailed error analyses were performed. It was demonstrated that the finite-difference perturbation magnitude and computer precision are the most important parameters that affect the accuracy of numerical Jacobians. A relation was developed for optimum perturbation magnitude that can minimize the error in numerical Jacobians. Results show that very accurate numerical Jacobians can be calculated with optimum perturbation magnitude. The effects of the accuracy of numerical Jacobians on the convergence of flow solver are also investigated. In order to reduce the execution time for numerical Jacobian evaluation, flux vectors with perturbed flow variables are calculated for only related cells. A sparse matrix solver based on LU factorization is used for the solution, and to improve the Jacobian matrix solution some strategies are considered. Effects of different flux splitting methods, higher-order discretizations and several parameters on the performance of the solver are analyzed.

Implementation And Comparison Of Turbulence Models On A Flat Plate Problem Using A Navier-stokes Solver

Genc, Balkan Ziya 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
For turbulent flow calculations, some of the well-known turbulence models in the literature are applied on a previously developed Navier-Stokes solver designed to handle laminar flows. A finite volume formulation, which is cell-based for inviscid terms and cell-vertex for viscous terms, is used for numerical discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in conservative form. This formulation is combined with one-step, explicit time marching Lax-Wendroff numerical scheme that is second order accurate in space. To minimize non-physical oscillations resulting from the numerical scheme, second and fourth order artificial smoothing terms are added. To increase the convergence rate of the solver, local time stepping technique is applied. Before applying turbulence models, Navier-Stokes solver is tested for a case of subsonic, laminar flow over a flat plate. The results are in close agreement with Blasius similarity solutions. To calculate turbulent flows, Boussinesq eddy-viscosity approach is utilized. The eddy viscosity (also called turbulent viscosity), which arises as a consequence of this approach, is calculated using Cebeci-Smith, Michel et. al., Baldwin-Lomax, Chien&rsquo / s k-epsilon and Wilcox&rsquo / s k-omega turbulence models. To evaluate the performances of these turbulence models and to compare them with each other, the solver has been tested for a case of subsonic, laminar - transition fixed - turbulent flow over a flat plate. The results are verified by analytical solutions and empirical correlations.

Parallel, Navier

Gecgel, Murat 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to extend a parallel Fortran90 code to compute three&ndash / dimensional laminar and turbulent flowfields over rotary wing configurations. The code employs finite volume discretization and the compact, four step Runge-Kutta type time integration technique to solve unsteady, thin&ndash / layer Navier&ndash / Stokes equations. Zero&ndash / order Baldwin&ndash / Lomax turbulence model is utilized to model the turbulence for the computation of turbulent flowfields. A fine, viscous, H type structured grid is employed in the computations. To reduce the computational time and memory requirements parallel processing with distributed memory is used. The data communication among the processors is executed by using the MPI ( Message Passing Interface ) communication libraries. Laminar and turbulent solutions around a two bladed UH &ndash / 1 helicopter rotor and turbulent solution around a flat plate is obtained. For the rotary wing configurations, nonlifting and lifting rotor cases are handled seperately for subsonic and transonic blade tip speeds. The results are, generally, in good agreement with the experimental data.

Geometric Integrators For Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation

Aydin, Ayhan 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Multisymplectic integrators like Preissman and six-point schemes and a semi-explicit symplectic method are applied to the coupled nonlinear Schr&ouml / dinger equations (CNLSE). Energy, momentum and additional conserved quantities are preserved by the multisymplectic integrators, which are shown using modified equations. The multisymplectic schemes are backward stable and non-dissipative. A semi-explicit method which is symplectic in the space variable and based on linear-nonlinear, even-odd splitting in time is derived. These methods are applied to the CNLSE with plane wave and soliton solutions for various combinations of the parameters of the equation. The numerical results confirm the excellent long time behavior of the conserved quantities and preservation of the shape of the soliton solutions in space and time.

Caracterização físico-química, anatômica e fisiológica de palmito pupunha para processamento mínimo / Physical-chemical, anatomical and physiological characterization of peach palm for minimal processing

Fonseca, Kelem Silva 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:36:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1666363 bytes, checksum: 16bb41c070d91b6aef206286ce710e6f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the palm heart we can distinguish three parts: basal or stalk, middle or leaf palm heart, and apex leaf palm heart. The conventional processing of palm heart usually discards the apical and basal parts, being desirable, however, its full use. We aimed at evaluating physical-chemical, anatomy, and physiology characteristics of the three parts of peach palm, seeking to increase its usage potential when marketed in a minimally processed form. The characterization was performed in two steps: characterization of raw material and characterization during cold storage. In the first step, we performed productivity, firmness profile, chemical, production of carbon dioxide and ethylene, and anatomical characterization analyses. In the second stage, the palm heart was processed according to the steps of minimal processing: washing and removal of the protective sheaths, cutting (separation of the apex, middle and basal parts), sanitation, drainage, and packing. The parts were stored at 5°C for 15 days. We evaluated fresh mass loss, color, and carbohydrates, besides the histochemical characterization for lignin identification. The total use of the palm heart, standardized to 70 cm was 85% and 68% due to the length and fresh mass, respectively. Along the length of the palm heart there was an increase of the values of firmness toward the extremes. The middle part showed higher concentrations of the chemical parameters evaluated. At the end of storage, the mass loss was 1.6% for the apical, 1.8% for the middle, and 1.3% for the basal part. A superficial yellowing occurred in all parts, evidenced by an increase in b* coordinate values. The apical and middle parts showed higher respiration rates. After stabilization, the rates of the parts, both whole and cut, differed little. There was an increase in ethylene production between the parts due to cutting intensity. The middle part, both whole and cut, had higher ethylene production even after the stabilization period. The three parts had different degrees of tissue differentiation. The greater proportion of fiber differentiation in certain parts may be related to the firmness, although the degree of lignification does not differentiate between the parts after cold storage. Thus, the apical and basal parts can be utilized in order to minimize the waste generated at the minimal processing, increasing the yield. Minimal processing of heart palm should consider the differences between cut and whole parts, in order to pack and preserve compatible areas in relation to the respiration rate, ethylene production and firmness. / No palmito se distinguem três regiões: basal ou palmito caulinar; mediana ou palmito foliar e palmito foliar apical. O processamento convencional do palmito geralmente descarta as regiões apical e basal, sendo, no entanto, desejável seu aproveitamento integral. Objetivou-se avaliar características físico-químicas, anatômicas e fisiológicas das três regiões de palmito pupunha, visando ampliar o seu potencial de aproveitamento quando comercializado na forma minimamente processada. A caracterização foi realizada em duas etapas: caracterização da matéria-prima e caracterização durante a conservação refrigerada. Na primeira etapa, foram realizadas análises de rendimento, perfil de firmeza, análises químicas, produção de gás carbônico e etileno, e caracterização anatômica. Na segunda etapa, palmitos foram processados seguindo as etapas do processamento mínimo: lavagem e retirada das bainhas de proteção, corte (separação das regiões apical, mediana e basal), sanitização, drenagem e embalagem. As regiões foram conservadas a 5 oC, por 15 dias. Avaliou-se perda de massa fresca, cor, carboidratos além da caracterização histoquímica para identificação de lignina. O aproveitamento total do palmito, padronizado com 70 cm, foi de 85% e 68% em função do comprimento e massa fresca, respectivamente. Ao longo do comprimento do palmito observou-se aumento dos valores de firmeza em direção aos extremos. A região mediana apresentou maiores teores dos parâmetros químicos avaliados. Ao final da conservação, a perda de massa foi de 1,6% para região apical, 1,8% para mediana e 1,3% para a região basal. Ocorreu amarelecimento superficial em todas as regiões evidenciado pelo aumento dos valores da coordenada b*. As regiões apical e mediana apresentaram maiores taxas respiratórias. Após estabilização, as taxas das regiões, tanto inteira quanto cortada, pouco se diferenciaram. Ocorreu aumento na produção de etileno entre regiões em função da intensidade de corte. A região mediana, tanto inteira quanto cortada, apresentou maior produção de etileno mesmo após o período de estabilização. As três regiões apresentaram diferentes graus de diferenciação dos tecidos. A maior proporção de fibras em diferenciação em determinadas regiões pode estar relacionada com a firmeza, embora o grau de lignificação não apresente diferença entre as regiões após conservação refrigerada. Desse modo, as regiões apical e basal podem ser aproveitadas a fim de minimizar os resíduos gerados no processamento mínimo, aumentando o rendimento. O processamento mínimo de palmito deve considerar as diferenças encontradas entre regiões inteiras e cortadas, com vista a embalar e conservar regiões compatíveis com relação às taxas respiratórias, produção de etileno e firmeza.


27 October 2014 (has links)
Eine wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft kann ihren inneren Austausch und ihre Wirkung nach Außen nur sicherstellen, wenn sie ihren Mitgliedern und auswärtigen Interessierten ein zeitgemäßes Diskussionsforum bietet. Angesichts des gestiegenen Bedarfs an zuverlässigen Informationen über das islamische Recht und die rechtlichen Entwicklungen in islamisch geprägten Staaten besteht seitens der GAIR die Notwendigkeit, hierzu einen verantwortungsvollen Beitrag zu leisten. Um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, wird zukünftig der Schwerpunkt der GAIR-Mitteilungen deutlich stärker auf den fachlichen Diskurs gelegt. Das neue Format deckt neueste Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung aller Rechtsgebiete im In- und Ausland ab, soweit sie das Recht islamisch geprägter Staaten oder aber Menschen aus solchen Staaten betreffen. Wesentlich ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen und Aufsätze, in denen auch islamrechtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert werden.

Zeit­schrift für Recht & Islam: ZR&I

Elliesie, Hatem, Scholz, Peter, Backe, Beate, Kreutzberger, Kai 23 May 2017 (has links)
Eine wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft kann ihren inneren Austausch und ihre Wirkung nach Außen nur sicherstellen, wenn sie ihren Mitgliedern und auswärtigen Interessierten ein zeitgemäßes Diskussionsforum bietet. Angesichts des gestiegenen Bedarfs an zuverlässigen Informationen über das islamische Recht und die rechtlichen Entwicklungen in islamisch geprägten Staaten besteht seitens der GAIR die Notwendigkeit, hierzu einen verantwortungsvollen Beitrag zu leisten. Um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, wird zukünftig der Schwerpunkt der GAIR-Mitteilungen deutlich stärker auf den fachlichen Diskurs gelegt. Das neue Format deckt neueste Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung aller Rechtsgebiete im In- und Ausland ab, soweit sie das Recht islamisch geprägter Staaten oder aber Menschen aus solchen Staaten betreffen. Wesentlich ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen und Aufsätze, in denen auch islamrechtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert werden.:Editorial (5–6) Zur Rechtsprechung: KG, Beschluss vom 7. 4. 2015 – Verfahrenskostenhilfe für Antrag auf Zahlung einer Brautgabe von Peter Scholz (7–9) AG Baden-Baden, Beschluss vom 11. 9. 2015, in Fortführung von AG Darmstadt, Beschluss vom 15. 5. 2014 – Sittenwidrigkeit der Vereinbarung auf Zahlung einer Brautgabe für den Ehevollzug von Peter Scholz (11–14) Artikel: Religionsfreiheit im Lichte der Neutralität. Zu den Entscheidungen des Bundes-verfassungsgerichts, des Landesarbeitsgerichts Berlin-Brandenburg, des Verwaltungsgerichts Augsburg und des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zu Musliminnen mit Kopftuch am Arbeitsplatz von Kirsten Wiese (15–41) Kopftuchverbote für Lehrerinnen im Rückblick von Sabine Berghahn (43–67) Gerechtigkeit und gutes Leben in der Kopftuchdebatte von Felix Ekardt (69–83) Zwischen Logozentrismus und Dekonstruktion. Zur Rolle des istiḥsān im System der uṣūl al-fiqh von Rike Sinder (85–105) Textautorität und Dekanonisierung — Zeitgenössische muslimische Zugänge zum säkularen Topos Menschenwürde im Horizont einer historisch sensibilisierten Exegese des Qurʾān von Rüdiger Braun (107–119) Das islamrechtliche Genre der themenspezifischen Rechtsliteratur Themenspezifische Rechtsliteratur als gegenwärtiges Phänomen von Noha Abdel-Hady (121–140) The Approach to Homosexuality in Contemporary Fatāwā: Sexual Practices or Sexual Orientation? von Serena Tolino (141–158) Die Debatte über weibliche Genitalverstümmelung in ägyptischen Fatwas des 20. Jahrhunderts von Elisabeth Trepesch (159–180) Rechtswissenschaftliche Argumentationsstrukturen und propagandistische Rhetorik in ʿAbdullāh ʿAzzāms Rechtsgutachten „Die Verteidigung der muslimischen Gebiete ist die oberste individuelle Pflicht“ von Petra Nendwich (181–196) How Islamic Is the West? Recent Approaches to Determining the “Islamicity” and “šarī ʿa Compliance” of Modern States* von Sarah Albrecht (197–223) “Paralleljustiz” in Berlin’s Mḥallamī Community in View of Predominately Customary Mechanisms von Mahmoud Jaraba (225–237) Legal Framework of Doing Business with Iran von Tannaz Jourabchi-Eisenhut (239–249) Product Liability in the Near and Middle East. A Comparative Study of Egyptian, Qatari and Iranian Law von Nicolas Bremer (251–274) Liability of Managers and Directors under the Law of the GCC Countries: A Comparative Study of the Liability Regimes Existing in the Gulf Cooperation Council Region Illustrated at the Example of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates von Nicolas Bremer (275–303) Buchbesprechungen: Hans-Georg Ebert / Julia Heilen: Islamisches Recht. Ein Lehrbuch von Peter Scholz (305–307) Hatem Elliesie / Thilo Marauhn (eds.): Legal Transformation in Northern Africa and South Sudan von Matthias Hartwig (309–314) Bruno Menhofer / Dirk Otto (Hgg.): Recht nach dem Arabischen Frühling, Beiträge zum islamischen Recht IX von Katrin Seidel (315–321) Hans-Georg Ebert (Hg.): Beiträge zum Islamischen Recht X von Aouni Shahoud Almousa (323–329) Mahmoud Bassiouni: Menschenrechte zwischen Universalität und islamischer Legitimität von Assem Hefny (331–333) Ghassem Ghassemi: Criminal Policy in Iran Following the Revolution of 1979 – A Comparative Analysis of Criminal Punishment and Sentencing in Iran and Germany von Silvia Tellenbach (335–337) Tagungsberichte: Tagungsbericht „Interdisciplinary Approaches to Legal Pluralism in Muslim Context“ (6.–7. 10. 2016), Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft und Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster von Ulrike Qubaja & Yvonne Prief (339–344) Tagungsbericht Workshop „Islamisches Recht: Methoden und Kontexte“ (14. / 15. 4. 2016), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt von Hakkı Arslan (345–351) Tagungsbericht: „Zakāt in Deutschland? Ansätze, Ideen und Perspektiven“ (21.–22. 9. 2015), Institut für Islamische Theologie (IIT), Universität Osnabrück von Souheil Thabti (353–355) Konferenzbericht: „The Reform of Islamic Law“ (9. / 10. 10. 2015), Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh), Universität Tübingen vonDebora Müller (357–361) Konferenzbericht: „Bioethik im Islam – Theologische, kulturelle und juristische Perspektiven“ (9.–11. 5. 2016), Institut für Islamische Theologie (IIT), Universität Osnabrück von Samet Balci (363–371) Conference Report: 2015 Gingko Library – British Institute of Persian Studies Conference: Iran’s Constitutional Revolution of 1906 and the Narratives of the Enlightenment (14.–16. 9. 2015), British Academy, London, UK von Victor Rohm (373–383) Call for Papers (385–388) Impressum (389–390)

Zeit­schrift für Recht und Islam (ZR&I)

Elliesie, Hatem, Scholz, Peter, Backe, Beate, Kreutzberger, Kai 23 May 2017 (has links)
Die Zeit­schrift für Recht und Islam (ZRI) (vor­mals GAIR-Mitteilungen) ist die Ver­eins­zeit­schrift der Gesell­schaft für Ara­bi­sches und Isla­mi­sches Recht e.V. Neben Nach­rich­ten aus dem Ver­ein befasst sich die ZRI vor allem mit neuen Ent­wick­lun­gen zum und im Recht isla­misch gepräg­ter Staa­ten, gibt einen Über­blick über die Gesetz­ge­bung im In– und Aus­land, berich­tet über aktu­elle Recht­spre­chung und Fatawa, sich­tet jüngst erschie­nene Lite­ra­tur und ent­hält Rezen­sio­nen, Tagungs­be­richte und Auf­sätze.

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