Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3printing"" "subject:"3imprinting""
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Analysis to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing with Desktop 3D PrintingFernández Vicente, Miguel 02 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, la fabricación aditiva a través de la extrusión de materiales ha experimentado un desarrollo y adopción acelerados gracias a la amplia disponibilidad de máquinas y materiales de bajo costo. El tamaño de estas máquinas se ha reducido del tamaño del taller al tamaño del escritorio, lo que permite su uso en configuraciones de oficina o en el hogar. Este cambio ha permitido la adopción de la tecnología por la gama más amplia de usuarios que nunca, con o sin experiencia en diseño de ingeniería.
Este nuevo paradigma ha creado el desafío de cómo habilitar que estos nuevos usuarios aprovechen las capacidades proporcionadas por esta tecnología. Esta tecnología permite la creación de geometrías complejas y productos personalizados con un coste inferior a los procesos de fabricación convencionales. Además, la gran cantidad de usuarios dispuestos a compartir sus diseños permite encontrar soluciones de diseño desde otros diseñadores. Sin embargo, la amplia gama de configuraciones de máquina, parámetros y materiales requiere brindar soporte para obtener resultados exitosos para cualquier combinación.
Esta tesis aborda este desafío identificando las características de diseño y fabricación a considerar e investigando las consideraciones mecánicas y de pos procesamiento. Se propone y evalúa un nuevo marco de diseño que permite a los nuevos usuarios aprovechar las capacidades y considerar las limitaciones.
Esta investigación encuentra que es posible crear un conjunto de herramientas de diseño que permita a los usuarios no capacitados diseñar productos utilizando la complejidad habilitada por la tecnología al tiempo que garantiza la funcionalidad y la capacidad de fabricación del producto. / [CA] En els últims anys, la fabricació additiva a través de l'extrusió de materials ha experimentat un desenvolupament i adopció accelerats gràcies a l'àmplia disponibilitat de màquines i materials de baix cost. La grandària d'aquestes màquines s'ha reduït de la grandària del taller a la grandària de l'escriptori, la qual cosa permet el seu ús en configuracions d'oficina o en a casa. Aquest canvi ha permés l'adopció de la tecnologia per la gamma més àmplia d'usuaris que mai, amb o sense experiència en disseny o enginyeria.
Aquest nou paradigma ha creat el desafiament de com habilitar que aquests nous usuaris aprofiten les capacitats proporcionades per aquesta tecnologia. Aquesta tecnologia permet la creació de geometries complexes i productes personalitzats amb un cost inferior als processos de fabricació convencionals. A més, la gran quantitat d'usuaris disposats a compartir els seus dissenys permet trobar solucions de disseny des d'altres dissenyadors. No obstant això, l'àmplia gamma de configuracions de màquina, paràmetres i materials requereix brindar suport per a obtindre resultats reeixits per a qualsevol combinació.
Aquesta tesi aborda aquest desafiament identificant les característiques de disseny i fabricació a considerar i investigant les consideracions mecàniques i de post processament. Es proposa i avalua un nou marc de disseny que permet als nous usuaris aprofitar les capacitats i considerar les limitacions.
Aquesta investigació troba que és possible crear un conjunt d'eines de disseny que permeta als usuaris no capacitats dissenyar productes utilitzant la complexitat habilitada per la tecnologia al mateix temps que garanteix la funcionalitat i la capacitat de fabricació del producte. / [EN] In recent years, additive manufacturing through material extrusion has experienced accelerated development and adoption thanks to the wide availability of low-cost machines and materials. The size of these machines has been reduced from shop floor to desktop size, enabling their usage in office setups or at home. This change has allowed the adoption of the technology by the broadest range of users than ever, with or without an engineering design background.
This new paradigm has created the challenge of how to enable these novel users to leverage the capabilities provided by this technology. This technology allows the creation of complex geometry and customised products with a cost lower than conventional manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the large number of users willing to share their designs allows finding design solutions from other designers. However, the wide range of machine configurations, parameters and materials requires providing support to obtain successful results under any combination.
This thesis addresses this challenge by identifying the design and manufacturing characteristics to be considered and investigating the mechanical and post-processing considerations. A new design framework that enables new users to leverage the capabilities and consider the limitations is proposed and evaluated.
This research finds that it is possible to create a design toolkit that enables untrained users to design products using the complexity enabled by the technology whilst ensuring the product's functionality and manufacturability. / Fernández Vicente, M. (2022). Analysis to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing with Desktop 3D Printing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185344
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Developing preclinical devices for neuroscience research in the fields of animal tracking, fMRI acquisition, and 3D histology cuttingQuiñones Colomer, Darío Rubén 27 March 2019 (has links)
[ES] La neurociencia es un campo que abarca muchas especialidades. El objetivo de esta tesis es subsanar algunas carencias tecnológicas que existen en los métodos actuales de experimentación animal en neurociencia. En esta tesis, se presentan seis proyectos, que tendrán como objetivo mejorar el "Principio de las tres R", el cual fue enunciado por los biólogos ingleses W. M. S. Russell y R. L. Burch, durante la experimentación animal.
El comportamiento es uno de los aspectos más importantes de la vida animal. Depende de los vínculos entre los animales, sus sistemas nerviosos y sus entornos. Para estudiar el comportamiento de los animales de laboratorio, se necesitan varias herramientas, pero una herramienta de seguimiento es esencial para llevar a cabo un estudio de comportamiento exhaustivo. Varias herramientas de seguimiento visual están actualmente disponibles. Sin embargo, todas tienen algunos inconvenientes. Por ejemplo, en una situación en la que un animal está dentro de una madriguera o cerca de otros animales, las cámaras de rastreo (tracking) no siempre pueden detectar la ubicación precisa o el movimiento del animal. Por esta razón, los entornos enriquecidos para intentar recrear el hábitat natural de los animales en experimentación no pueden utilizarse, ya que los datos recopilados son insuficientes/inexactos.
Con la finalidad de mejorar los experimentos de tracking RFID Assisted Tracking Tile (RATT) es presentado en esta tesis. RATT es un sistema de seguimiento basado en tecnología de identificación pasiva de radiofrecuencia (RFID) y está compuesto por baldosas electrónicas con las que se puede construir una gran superficie, sobre la cual los animales pueden moverse libremente. Esto permite la identificación más precisa de los animales, así como el seguimiento de sus movimientos. Este sistema, que también se puede combinar con un sistema de seguimiento con cámaras, allana el camino para estudios completos de comportamiento en entornos enriquecidos.
Dada la capacidad de rastrear animales y, por lo tanto, realizar experimentos de comportamiento exhaustivos, es posible observar cómo se comportan los sujetos desde un punto de vista externo. Sin embargo, si queremos comprender lo que sucede en el cerebro de estos sujetos, es necesario aplicar otras técnicas de análisis, por ejemplo, el estudio de señales dependientes del nivel de oxígeno en la sangre (BOLD, por sus siglas en inglés).
Las señales BOLD se basan en las respuestas vasculares a la activación neuronal y se utilizan ampliamente en estudios de investigación clínicos y preclínicos. En entornos preclínicos, los animales suelen ser anestesiados. Sin embargo, los anestésicos causan cambios en la fisiología de los animales, p. Ej. hipotermia, y esto tiene el potencial de alterar las señales funcionales de MRI (fMRI). Para evitar la hipotermia en roedores anestesiados, se presenta TherMouseDuino. Este es un sistema de control automático de temperatura de código abierto, que reduce las fluctuaciones de la temperatura, lo que proporciona condiciones sólidas para realizar experimentos de resonancia magnética funcional.
En los cursos de biología y neurociencia, la anatomía del cerebro se enseña generalmente utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética (IRM) o secciones histológicas de diferentes planos. Estos muestran las áreas macroscópicas más importantes en el cerebro de un animal. Sin embargo, este método no es dinámico ni intuitivo. En esta tesis se presenta un cerebro de rata impreso en 3D con fines educativos. La manipulación manual de la estructura, facilitada por la ampliación de sus dimensiones, junto con la capacidad de desmontar el "cerebro" en algunas de sus partes principales, facilita la comprensión de la organización 3D del sistema nervioso. Este es un método alternativo y mejorado para enseñar a los estudiantes en general y a los biólogos, en particular, la anatomía del cerebro de rata. / [CA] La neurociència és un camp que abasta moltes especialitats. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és esmenar algunes manques tecnològiques que existeixen en els mètodes actuals d'experimentació animal en neurociència. En aquesta tesi, es presenten sis projectes, que tindran com a objectiu millorar el "Principi de les tres R", el qual va ser enunciat pels biòlegs anglesos W. M. S. Russell i R. L. Burch, durant l'experimentació animal.
El comportament és un dels aspectes m'és importants de la vida animal. Depèn dels vincles entre els animals, els seus sistemes nerviosos i els seus entorns. Per estudiar el comportament dels animals de laboratori, es necessiten diverses eines, però` una eina de seguiment és essencial per a dur a terme un estudi de comportament exhaustiu. Diverses eines de seguiment visual estan actualment disponibles. No obstant això, totes tenen alguns inconvenients. Per exemple, en una situació en la qual un animal esta` dins d'un cau o prop d'altres animals, les cambres de rastreig (tracking) no sempre poden detectar la ubicació precisa o el moviment de l'animal. Per aquesta raó, els entorns enriquits per a intentar recrear l'hàbitat natural dels animals en experimentació no poden utilitzar-se, ja que les dades recopilades són insuficients/inexactes.
Amb la finalitat de millorar els experiments de tracking/seguiment RFID Assisted Tracking Tile (RATT) és presentat en aquesta tesi. RATT es un sistema de seguiment basat en tecnologia d'identificació passiva de radiofreqüència (RFID) i esta` compost per rajoles electròniques amb les quals es pot construir una gran superfície, sobre la qual els animals poden moures lliurement. Això permet la identificació més precisa dels animals, així com el seguiment dels seus moviments. Aquest sistema, que també es pot combinar amb un sistema de seguiment amb cambres, aplana el camí per a estudis complets de comportament en entorns enriquits.
Donada la capacitat de rastrejar animals i, per tant, realitzar experiments de comportament exhaustius, és possible observar com es comporten els subjectes des d'un punt de vista extern. No obstant això, si volem comprendre el que succeeix en el cervell d'aquests subjectes, és necessari aplicar altres tècniques d'anàlisis, per exemple, l'estudi de senyals dependents del nivell d'oxigen en la sang (BOLD, per les seues sigles en anglès).
Els senyals BOLD es basen en les respostes vasculars a l'activació neuronal i s'utilitzen àmpliament en estudis d'investigació clínics i preclínics. En entorns preclínics, els animals solen ser anestesiats. No obstant això, els anestèsics causen canvis en la fisiologia de els animals, per exemple hipotèrmia, i això te el potencial d'alterar els senyals funcionals de MRI (fMRI). Per a evitar la hipotèrmia en rosegadors anestesiats, es presenta TherMouseDuino. Aquest és un sistema de control automàtic de temperatura de codi obert, que redueix les fluctuacions de la temperatura, la qual cosa proporciona condicions solides per a realitzar experiments de ressonància magnètica funcional. En els cursos de biologia i neurociència, l'anatomia del cervell s'ensenya generalment utilitzant imatges de ressonància magnètica (IRM) o seccions histològiques de diferents plans. Aquests mostren les àrees macroscòpiques més importants en el cervell de un animal. No obstant això, aquest mètode no és dinàmic ni intuïtiu. En aquesta tesi es presenta un cervell de rata imprès en 3D amb finalitats educatius. La manipulació manual de l'estructura, facilitada per l'ampliació de les seues dimensions, juntament amb la capacitat de desmuntar el "cervell" en algunes de les seues parts principals, facilita la comprensió de l'organització 3D del sistema nerviós. Aquest és un mètode alternatiu i millorat per a ensenyar a els estudiants en general i als biòlegs, en particular, l'anatomia del cervell de rata. / [EN] Neuroscience is a field that covers many specialties. The objective of this thesis is to correct some technological deficiencies that exist in current methods of animal experimentation in neuroscience. In this thesis, six projects are presented, which will aim to improve the "Principle of the three Rs" in animal experimentation enunciated by the English biologists W. M. S. Russell and R. L. Burch.
In the present era of impressive progress in neuroscience, it is still not arguable that a complete understanding of the brain cannot be possible without a comparable understanding of animal behavior. In order to study the behavior of laboratory animals, various tools are needed, being a reliable tracking system one of the most important to follow large populations of individual subjects that interact in complex manners. Several visual tracking tools are currently available. However, they all have some drawbacks. For example, in a situation where an animal is inside a cave, or is in close proximity to other animals, tracking cameras cannot always detect the precise location or movement of the animal. For this reason, environments that have been enriched in order to attempt to recreate the natural habitat of the animals under experiment, cannot be used, as the data gathered is insufficient/inaccurate.
In order to improve the current tracking systems , the RATT is presented. RATT is a tracking system based on passive RFID technology and it is composed of electronic tiles. Using several tiles, a large surface area, on which the animals can move freely, can be built. This enables the more accurate identification of the animals, as well as the tracking of their movements. This system, which can also be combined with a visual tracking system, paves the way for complete behavioral studies in enriched environments.
Given the ability to track animals and thus conduct thorough behavioral experiments, it is possible to observe how the subjects behave from an external viewpoint. However, if we want to understand what is going on in the brains of these subjects, it is necessary to apply other analysis techniques, for example the study of BOLD signals. BOLD signals are based on vascular responses to neuronal activation and are used extensively in clinical and preclinical research studies. In preclinical settings, animals are usually anesthetized. However, anesthetics cause changes in the physiology of the animals, e.g. hypothermia, and this has the potential to disrupt fMRI signals. In order to avoid hypothermia in anesthetized rodents, TherMouseDuino is presented. This is an Open-Source automatic temperature control system, which reduces temperature fluctuations, thus providing robust conditions in which to perform fMRI experiments.
In biology and neuroscience courses, brain anatomy is generally taught using MRI or histological sections of different planes. These show the most important macroscopic areas in an animals' brain. However, this method is neither dynamic nor intuitive. An anatomical 3D printed rat brain with educative purposes is presented in this thesis. Hand manipulation of the structure, facilitated by the scaling up of its dimensions, together with the ability to dismantle the "brain" into some of main its constituent parts, facilitates the understanding of the 3D organization of the nervous system. This is an alternative and improved method for teaching students in general and biologists, in particular, the rat brain anatomy. / This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía
y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER funds under grants BFU2015-64380-C2-2-R (D.M.)
and BFU2015-64380-C2-1-R, by EU Horizon 2020 Program 668863-SyBil-AA grant (S.C.). S.C.
acknowledges financial support from the Spanish State Research Agency, through the “Severo Ochoa”
Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (ref. SEV-2013-0317) and by a grant “Ayudas para
la formación de personal investigador (FPI)” from the Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Innovación
y Transferencia of the Universitat Politècnica de València. / Quiñones Colomer, DR. (2019). Developing preclinical devices for neuroscience research in the fields of animal tracking, fMRI acquisition, and 3D histology cutting [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118795
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3D bioprinting in plastic and reconstructive surgeryAlawi, Seyed Arash, Matschke, Jan, Muallah, David, Gelinsky, Michael, Dragu, Adrian 14 August 2024 (has links)
Background: Bioprinting is one of the most rapidly developing fields in medicine. Plastic and reconstructive surgery will be affected enormously by bioprinting, due to its original purpose of restoring injured or lost tissue. This article in particular has the purpose to analyze the current state of bioprinted tissues as well as research engagement for its application in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Material and methods: A systematic search for the time span between 2000 and 2022 was performed on EMBASE, Pub-Med, Scopus, and Web of Science databases according to the PRISMA Guidelines. Criteria for the selection of publications were in vitro, animal in vivo, and human in vivo studies where three-dimensional bioprinting of tissue was performed. We extracted data such as (a) author’s country of origin, (b) in vitro study, (c) animal in vivo study, and (d) human in vivo study and categorized the publications by topics such as (1) neural tissue, (2) vascularization, (3) skin, (4) cartilage, (5) bone, and (6) muscle. Additionally, recent discoveries of in vivo animal trials were summarized. -
Results: Out of a pool of 1.629 articles, only 29 publications met our criteria. Of these publications, 97% were published by university institutions. Publications from China (28%, n=8), the USA (28%, n=8), and Germany (10%, n=3) led the publication list on 3D bioprinting. Concerning the publications, 45% (n=13) were in vitro studies, 52% (n=15) in vivo studies on animal models, and 3% (n=1) pilot clinical studies on humans as reported by Zhou et al. (EBioMedicine 28: 287–302, 2018). Regarding the classification of topics, our study revealed that publications were mainly in the field of 3D printing of cartilage (n=13, 39%), skin (n=7, 21%), bone (n=6, 18%), and vascularization (n=5, 15%). -
Conclusions: To this date, it has not been yet possible to bioprint whole tissue systems. However, the progress in threedimensional bioprinting is rapid. There are still some challenges, which need to be overcome regarding cell survival before and during the printing process, continuation of architecture of bioprinted multilinear cells, and long-term stabilization and survival of complex tissues. Level of evidence: Not ratable.
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Role of Additive Manufacturing in Restructuring Supply ChainsPatil, Himali Kiran 12 1900 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing, has been attracting attention from practitioners as well as academicians with its continuous evolution from being used primarily for prototyping to now end-product production. Despite this technology's current and future potential, few studies indicate that AM has not been extensively used across all industries. This dissertation addresses knowledge gaps by providing theoretical and empirical support for adopting AM through three essays that study the role of AM in restructuring supply chains. Essay 1 provides systematic support for AM implementation by developing a typology derived from technology-specific potentials and challenges to adopting AM. This study uses an exploratory research approach to collect and analyze data from semi-structured interviews of practitioners with deep knowledge of AM and supply chains from diverse industries. In Essay 2, our results show that AM adoption positively influences supply chain responsiveness and, in turn, reshoring decisions. Essay 3 compares different supply chain configurations based on traditional and AM. We developed a hybrid simulation model combining discrete event simulation and agent-based simulation and compared the performance in terms of wait time and costs. Our results indicate that under certain conditions, the centralized configuration delivers spare parts faster than the distributed configuration, contrary to previous literature findings. However, a hybrid configuration (a combination of centralized and decentralized) provides a better response (reduced wait time) than the traditional, centralized, and decentralized configurations. Collectively, the three essays provide academicians and practitioners with a more comprehensive understanding of how AM creates value for supply chains.
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Böjhållfastheten hos 3D-printad polymer avsedd för stabiliseringsskenor beroende på printningsvinkel och polering : - En in-vitrostudie / Flexural Strength of 3D-printed Polymer Intended for stabilization splints Depending on the Printing Angle and Polishing : - An In Vitro StudyTran, Daniel, Entela, Kaloresi January 2024 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka böjhållfastheten på 3D-printat material avsett för stabiliseringsskenor som är tillverkade i olika vinklar och både före och efter polering. Material och Metod Totalt framställdes 50 rektangulära provkroppar i vinklarna 0°, 25°, 45°, 75° och 90° med måtten 64 x 10 x 4,5 mm av Keysplint Hard och hälften polerades med Otec poleringsmaskin. Alla provkroppar utsattes för ett trepunktsböjhållfasthetstest med Instron 4465 med en lasthastighet på 5 mm/min till fraktur och värdena dokumenterades i Bluehill-mjukvara. Resultatet analyserades med One-Way ANOVA, Tukey s’ test och signifikansnivån sattes till α = 0,05. Resultat Enligt resultat från programmet SPSS (IBM® SPSS® Statistics powerful statistical software platform) observerades högst böjhållfasthet i den 3D-printade gruppen vid 25° som var polerad, vilket innebar en signifikant skillnad mellan denna grupp (25°) och de övriga grupperna (p<0,05). Statistisk påvisades inga signifikanta skillnader mellan de andra grupper oavsett om det var opolerade och polerade provkroppar printade i vinklarna 0॰, 45॰, 75॰,90॰ (p>0,05). Slutsats Inom ramen för studiens begränsningar kan följande slutsats dras: Printningsvinkel och polering påverkar böjhållfastheten hos 3D-printad polymer. En printningsvinkel på 25॰ i kombination med polering ger högst böjhållfasthet. En printningsvinkel på 0॰ger numeriskt lägst böjhållfasthet. Mer omfattande studier beträffande olika printningvinklar, olika printningsmaterial (resin) och 3D-printrar och dess inverkan på böjhållfastheten krävs för att säkerställa resultaten. / Aim The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the flexural strength of 3D-printed material intended for stabilization splints that are manufactured at different angles, both before and after polishing. Material and Method A total of 50 rectangular specimens at angles of 0°, 25°, 45°, 75° and 90° with dimensions of 64 x 10 x 4.5 mm were produced by Keysplint Hard and half were polished with the Otec polishing machine. All specimens were subjected to three-point flexural strength test using the Instron 4465 at a loading rate of 5 mm/min to fracture and the values were documented in Bluehill software. The result was analyzed with One-Way ANOVA, Tukey's test and the significance level was set at α = 0.05. Results According to results from the software SPSS (IBM® SPSS® Statistics powerful statistical software platform), the highest flexural strength was observed in the 3D-printed group at 25° that was polished, which means a significant difference between this group (25°) and the other groups (p<0.05). Statistically, no significant differences were detected between the other groups regardless of whether they were unpolished and polished specimens printed at angles 0°, 45°, 75°, 90° (p>0.05). Conclusion Within the limitations of the study, the following conclusion can be drawn: Printing angle and polishing affect the flexural strength of 3D-printed polymer. A printing angle of 25° in combination with polishing gives the highest flexural strength. A printing angle of 0° gives the numerically lowest flexural strength. More extensive studies regarding different printing angles, different printing materials (resin) and 3D-printers and the effect on the flexural strength are required to ensure the results.
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LHCb Upstream Tracker box : Thermal studies and conceptual designMårtensson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will have a long shut down in the years of 2019 and 2020, referred to as LS2. During this stop the LHC injector complex will be upgraded to increase the luminosities, which will be the first step of the high luminosity LHC program (which will be realized during LS3 that takes place in 2024-2026). The LHCb experiment, whose main purpose is to study the CP-violation, will during this long stop be upgraded in order to withstand a higher radiation dose, and to be able to read out the detector at a rate of 40MHz,compared to 1MHz at present. This change will improve the trigger efficiency significantly. One of the LHCb sub-detectors the Trigger Tracker (TT), will be replaced by a new sub-detector called UT. This report presents the early stage design (preparation for mock-up building) of the box that will be isolating the new UT detector from the surroundings and to ensure optimal detector operation. Methods to fulfill requirements such as light and gas tightness, Faraday-cage behavior and condensation free temperatures, without breaking the fragile beryllium beam pipe, are established. / LHC (Large Hadron Collider) kommer under åren 2019-2020 att ha ett längre driftstopp. Under detta driftstopp så kommer LHC's injektionsanordningar att uppgraderas för att kunna sätta fler protoner i circulation i LHC, och därmed öka antalet partikelkollisioner per tidsenhet. Denna uppgradering kommer att vara första steget i "High Luminocity LHC"-programmet som kommer att realiseras år 2024-2026. LHCb-experimentet, vars främsta syfte är att studera CP-brott, kommer också att uppgraderas under stoppet 2019-2020. Framför allt så ska avläsningsfrekvensen ökas från dagens 1MHz till 40MHz, och experimentet ska förberedas för de högre strålningsdoser som kommer att bli aktuella efter stoppet 2024-2026. En av LHCb's deldetektorer, TT detektorn, kommer att bytas ut mot en ny deldetektor som kallas UT. Den här rapporten presenterar den förberedande designen av den låda som ska isolera UT från dess omgivning och försäkra optimala förhållanden för detektorn. Kraven på den isolerande lådan och tillvägagångssätt för att uppfylla dessa krav presenteras. / LHCb, LS2 and LS3 Upgrade
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Integration and Fabrication Techniques for 3D Micro- and NanodevicesFischer, Andreas C. January 2012 (has links)
The development of micro and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) with entirely new or improved functionalities is typically based on novel or improved designs, materials and fabrication methods. However, today’s micro- and nano-fabrication is restrained by manufacturing paradigms that have been established by the integrated circuit (IC) industry over the past few decades. The exclusive use of IC manufacturing technologies leads to limited material choices, limited design flexibility and consequently to sub-optimal MEMS and NEMS devices. The work presented in this thesis breaks new ground with a multitude of novel approaches for the integration of non-standard materials that enable the fabrication of 3D micro and nanoelectromechanical systems. The objective of this thesis is to highlight methods that make use of non-standard materials with superior characteristics or methods that use standard materials and fabrication techniques in a novel context. The overall goal is to propose suitable and cost-efficient fabrication and integration methods, which can easily be made available to the industry. The first part of the thesis deals with the integration of bulk wire materials. A novel approach for the integration of at least partly ferromagnetic bulk wire materials has been implemented for the fabrication of high aspect ratio through silicon vias. Standard wire bonding technology, a very mature back-end technology, has been adapted for yet another through silicon via fabrication method and applications including liquid and vacuum packaging as well as microactuators based on shape memory alloy wires. As this thesis reveals, wire bonding, as a versatile and highly efficient technology, can be utilized for applications far beyond traditional interconnections in electronics packaging. The second part presents two approaches for the 3D heterogeneous integration based on layer transfer. Highly efficient monocrystalline silicon/ germanium is integrated on wafer-level for the fabrication of uncooled thermal image sensors and monolayer-graphene is integrated on chip-level for the use in diaphragm-based pressure sensors. The last part introduces a novel additive fabrication method for layer-bylayer printing of 3D silicon micro- and nano-structures. This method combines existing technologies, including focused ion beam implantation and chemical vapor deposition of silicon, in order to establish a high-resolution fabrication process that is related to popular 3D printing techniques. / <p>QC 20121207</p>
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Development of polymer based composite filaments for 3D printingÅkerlund, Elin January 2019 (has links)
The relatively new and still growing field of 3D-printing has opened up the possibilities to manufacture patient-specific medical devices with high geometrical accuracy in a precise and quick manner. Additionally, biocompatible materials are a demand for all medical applications while biodegradability is of importance when developing scaffolds for tissue growth for instance. With respect to this, this project consisted of developing biocompatible and bioresorbable polymer blend and composite filaments, for fused deposition modeling (FDM) printing. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) were used as supporting polymer matrix while hydroxyapatite (HA), a calcium phosphate with similar chemical composition to the mineral phase of human bone, was added to the composites to enhance the biological activity. PLA and PCL content was varied between 90–70 wt% and 10-30 wt%, respectively, while the HA content was 15 wt% in all composites. All materials were characterized in terms of mechanical properties, thermal stability, chemical composition and morphology. An accelerated degradation study of the materials was also executed in order to investigate the degradation behavior as well as the impact of the degradation on the above mentioned properties. The results showed that all processed materials exhibited higher mechanical properties compared to the human trabecular bone, even after degradation with a mass loss of around 30% for the polymer blends and 60% for the composites. It was also apparent that the mineral accelerated the polymer degradation significantly, which can be advantageous for injuries with faster healing time, requiring only support for a shorter time period.
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Consuming Digital Debris in the PlasticeneParks, Stephen R 01 January 2018 (has links)
Claims of customization and control by socio-technical industries are altering the role of consumer and producer. These narratives are often misleading attempts to engage consumers with new forms of technology. By addressing capitalist intent, material, and the reproduction limits of 3-D printed objects’, I observe the aspirational promise of becoming a producer of my own belongings through new networks of production. I am interested in gaining a better understanding of the data consumed that perpetuates hyper-consumptive tendencies for new technological apparatuses. My role as a designer focuses on the resolution of not only the surface of the object through 3-D printing, but the social implications to acknowledge consequential conditions of new forms of consumer technology.
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Achieving New Standards in Prosthetic Socket ManufacturingGharechaie, Arman Tommy, Darab, Omid January 2019 (has links)
Preface: The research about product development of a prosthetic socket was conducted by two students from Mälardalen University, department of Innovation, Design, and Technology. Background: The most recent public survey shows that an estimated 5 million people in China are amputees, out of which a significantly large portion are below-elbow amputees. Sockets sold to below-elbow amputees are equipped with only two surface electromyography sensors, has low comfortability, has problems with perspiration, and a high weight. The current standard for socket manufacturing has not changed in decades. Research Questions: The following research questions have determined the direction of the research: (1) What measurable factors contribute to a convenient and ergonomic feature design in prosthetic socket from the end-user’s perspective? (2) How can the weight and functionality be improved to achieve a prosthetic socket more suited to the end-user, with respect to the existing prosthetic socket? (3) Which material and manufacturing method is suitable for producing cost-effective and customized prosthetic sockets? Research Method: The research was guided by the 5th edition of Product Design and Development by Ulrich & Eppinger (2012) where the product development process described in five of the six phases from planning to test and refinement were utilized. The data collection and analysis techniques performed in this research was guided by Research Methods for Students, Academics and Professionals by Williamson & Bow (2002). Interviews were conducted with five different stakeholders to find specifications of requirements and concretize subjectivism of what defines quality and ergonomics. Implementation: Currently, below-elbow amputees order sockets from orthopedic clinics. The socket was identified as a product of Ottobock. Investigations were made to find optimal solutions to the specification of requirements. Results: The development of a socket concept was designed for additive manufacturing using a multi-jet fusion printer. Analysis: This concept had significant improvements to parameters: higher grade of customizability, 30 % reduced weight, 48 % cost reduction, a new production workflow with 93,5 % automation, and a 69 % reduction in manual work hours. Conclusions: The data of the research strongly indicate existing potentials in enhancing socket design techniques and outputs by implementation of additive manufacturing processes. This can prove to be beneficial for achieving more competitive prosthetics and associated services. / Förord: Denna forskning om produktutvecklingsprocessen av en armprotes genomfördes av två studenter från Mälardalens universitet, avdelningen för innovation, design och teknik. Bakgrund: Den senaste offentliga undersökningen visar att cirka 5 miljoner människor i Kina är amputerade, varav en betydligt stor del är under-armbågsamputerade. Armproteser som säljs till underarmsamputerade individer är utrustade med endast två yt-elektromyografiska sensorer, har låg komfort, har problem med perspiration och hög vikt. Den nuvarande standarden för armproteser har inte förändrats under årtionden. Forskningsfrågor: Följande forskningsfrågor har bestämt riktningen för forskningen: (1) Vilka mätbara faktorer bidrar till en praktisk och ergonomisk funktionsdesign i underarmsproteser ur slutanvändarens perspektiv? (2) Hur kan vikten och funktionaliteten förbättras för att åstadkomma en underarmsprotes som är bättre anpassad för slutanvändaren med avseende på den befintliga underarmsprotesen? (3) Vilket material och tillverkningsmetod är lämpligt för att producera kostnadseffektiva och anpassade underarmsproteser? Forskningsmetod: Forskningsmetoden styrdes av den femte upplagan av Product Design and Development av Ulrich & Eppinger (2012) där produktutvecklingsprocessen är uppdelad i sex faser. I denna forskning användes de fem första faserna från planering till testning och justering. Tekniker för datainsamling och analys som användes i denna forskning styrdes av Research Methods for Students, Academics and Professionals av Williamson & Bow (2002). Intervjuer genomfördes med fem olika intressenter för att hitta kravspecifikationer och för att konkretisera subjektivitet för vad som definierar kvalitet och ergonomi. Implementering: Underarmsamputerade individer beställer för närvarande armproteser från ortopediska kliniker. Armprotesen identifierades som en produkt av Ottobock. Undersökningar gjordes för att hitta optimala lösningar för kravspecifikationen. Resultat: Konceptutvecklingen av en armprotes utformades för additiv tillverkning med hjälp av en multi-jet-fusion-skrivare. Analys: Det här konceptet hade betydande förbättringar av parametrar: högre grad av anpassningsbarhet, 30 % minskad vikt, 48 % kostnadsreduktion, ett nytt produktionsflöde med 93,5 % automatisering och en 69 % minskning av manuella arbetstider. Slutsatser: Data från denna forskning indikerar att det finns starkt potential för att förbättra designtekniker och utgångar av underarmsproteser genom implementering av additiva tillverkningsprocesser. Detta kan visa sig vara fördelaktigt för att uppnå mer konkurrenskraftiga proteser och tillhörande tjänster.
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