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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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家族企業與股利發放政策之研究 / Family firms and dividend policy

張明芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從代理理論及現金政策觀點,探討家族企業與非家族企業在股利政策上之異同,並進一步分析市占率之影響。本研究就三個不同層面來分析家族特性對股利政策之影響,實證結果發現家族企業和非家族企業在現金股利、股票股利政策之選擇上,有所不同。相較於非家族企業,家族企業較不會發放、發放較少現金股利及股票股利,且較不會增加現金股利,且若家族企業市占率愈低時,較不會發放、發放較少、較不會增加現金股利及股票股利。 / We investigate whether there is any difference between family and non-family firms on dividend policy. Consistent with my predictions, the results indicate that family firms are generally different from non-family firms in both cash and stock dividend policies. We find that family firms are less likely to pay dividends and tend to pay less dividends. Also, family firms are less likely to increase cash dividends. These findings are more pronounced when family firms have less market share.

我國企業提早採用XBRL格式申報財務報告影響因素之探討 / A study of firm’s XBRL early adoption

吳欣華, Wu, Hsin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
XBRL是以延伸性標記語言(eXtensible Markup Language, XML)為基礎,針對商業報告所發展之新標記語言。XBRL主要應用於財務資訊、報表與資料分析等領域,促進企業財務報導在資訊傳遞和分析比較上的及時性與易取得性,以提升其資訊透明度,並減少企業之資訊提供成本,以及資訊需求者之使用成本,並藉由國際標準之訂定,建構全球企業資訊供應鏈。 本研究探討我國上市(櫃)公司提早採用XBRL格式申報財務報告之決策是否會受到股權結構與公司特性等因素所影響。實證分析結果顯示,就股權結構變數而言,機構投資人持股比率與提早採用XBRL格式間呈現顯著正相關,顯示機構投資人持股比率高,會提高企業提早採用XBRL格式申報財務報告之可能性;但股權分散度對於企業是否提早採用之決策並不存在關聯性。 就公司特性變數而言,公司規模、市場別及是否發生虧損與提早採用XBRL格式間皆呈現顯著負向關係,表示公司資產規模小、上櫃公司,以及未發生虧損的企業,較可能提早採用XBRL格式申報財務報告。換言之,資產規模大、上市公司或發生虧損之公司均不傾向於提早採用XBRL格式申報財務報告。至於是否屬於高代理成本公司及是否須編製合併報表則與提早採用XBRL格式申報財務報告之決策,無顯著影響。 / XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a business reporting language based on the eXtensible Markup Language. One of the key attributes of XBRL is an explicit semantic and machine-readable format for varieties of information found in business reporting in general and in financial statements in particular. It is suggested that the use of XBRL helps reduce the costs associated with obtaining and analyzing information from businesses by addressing and eliminating incompatible reporting formats. The benefits also include the enhancement of information transparency and a more effective and efficient information value chain. Using a sample of companies listed in Taiwan Securities Exchange (TWSE) and Gretai Securities Market (GSM), this study investigates the determinants of an early adoption of XBRL in filing annual financial reports from aspects of ownership structure and firm characteristics. With respect to the ownership structure variables, the empirical results show that the higher percentage of shareholding by the institutional investor, the greater the probability for firms to adopt XBRL earlier. However, the study cannot find the evidence that the degree of diversification of ownership is significantly related to the early adoption of XBRL in filing annual reports. With respect to variables of firm characteristics, the research findings indicate that small companies, companies listed in GSM, and profitable companies tend to adopt XBRL for financial reporting earlier. The study cannot find significant association between variables proxied for agency costs and firm complexity and the early adoption of XBRL.


林致平 Unknown Date (has links)
公開收購為爭取公司經營權最直接的方式,透過直接向目標公司股東提出要約收購股份,既無須取得其董事會與股東會的同意,且可縮短併購的時程,在企業併購上扮演相當重要的角色。早期各國對於公開收購並未予以規範,實務上公開收購人通常不公開相關資訊,甚至設計各種不公平的收購技巧,迫使目標公司之股東盲目且倉促地作成決定,嚴重影響股東之權益。在這樣的背景下,各國紛紛立法予以規範。 於國外併購實務上發展之兩階段收購中,公開收購人先以公開收購的方式取得目標公司的控制權,再於第二階段對目標公司進行現金逐出合併,將其餘股東逐出公司。股東面對第一階段的公開收購要約,如認為收購價格不公平,本應拒絕收購要約。但考量如其未應賣股份,且公開收購最後又成功,公開收購人通常會以低於收購價格之現金對價對於目標公司進行合併。因此,即使認為收購價格不公平,仍會選擇應賣其股份,而被迫接受收購要約。此種現象即國外學者所稱的股東壓迫現象。公開收購交易中的股東壓迫現象,扭曲了目標公司股東的決定,影響公司資產透過公司控制權交易作較有效率配置之目的,而減損了社會整體的經濟效益。 企業併購中兩階段收購方式的頻繁出現,對於目標公司及其股東造成相當大的威脅。我國證券交易法對於公開收購雖然已有規範,但面對證券市場上之公開收購案件,能否確實保障目標公司股東之權益,有必要加以控討。本文擬就我國公開收購規範及國外立法予以討論,以瞭解我國公開收購交易中股東壓迫之問題,以供參考。 關鍵字:公開收購、股東壓迫、部分收購、兩階段收購

金融控股公司法下子公司收購機制及個案之研究 / Study on mechanism and cases regarding mergers and acquisition of subsidiaries of financial holding company

楊之婕, Yang, Jhih Jie Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2001年通過金融控股公司法(以下簡稱金控法)以來,迄今已逾十年,金融控股公司(以下簡稱金控)之家數已達16家,其中所整合的金融機構型態包含銀行、證券、保險、投信等相關事業等,多達9 0家以上,子公司之總數量高達100家,顯見金控為增加其股東及公司利益、擴展事業體等目的,而對於併購活動日益頻繁。 依據金控發動併購時是否已取得目標金融機構的同意,可區分為合意收購或非合意收購之屬性,然金控是否均適合兩種屬性?本文藉由金控收購的相關法制深入研究本議題。金控收購子公司之法制歷經三次重大修訂,爰將歷次更迭區分為三個階段分別論述,配合實務上真實發生之個案進行研析,論究金控收購子公司之成敗因素,亦即,本文藉由法制演繹、文獻整合、案例分析之研究方法,探究我國金控法收購子公司之法制,並提出結論與建議。

公司治理機制對個別類型投資人交易行為之影響性 / The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Trading of Different Trader Types

賴可容 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper discuss the issue of how corporate governance variables affect the cognitions of groups of investors to lead they separate their investment strategies in 1997-2011 sample period, the results indicate that firms with higher management stockholdings, lower blockholders’ shareholdings, smaller board size, more outside independent supervisors, CEO duality, and one of ultimate controllers served as chairman would be appealing to individual investors; the robust test from 2007 to 2011 only positively affects the investment strategies for foreign institutional investors. Moreover, we explore that lower blockholders’ stockings and smaller board size are favorable characteristics for investors to increase firms’ trading volumes but also the trading volatilities. Finally, we compute the corporate governance score for every sample company called CG-Index, and discover a perfect corporate governance mechanism would inspire investing motivations of domestic individuals and foreign institutions, after considering the information disclosure ranking in 5 years sample period, the stockholding of whole individual investors is indicated positive related to the corporate governance degree.

金融控股公司採用連結稅之營業費用與利息費用認列爭議研究 / The study on arguments over the tax deductibility of operating and interest expenses under consolidated tax regime by the financial holding company

許祺昌 Unknown Date (has links)
金融控股公司乃金融整併風潮下的新型態公司,設立之初我國政府即配套引進連結稅制,以維持金融機構轉型之租稅中立。惟連結稅制施行十餘年來,法令規章仍未臻圓熟,許多立法時的美意未能落實, 其中爭議最大者,係稅捐稽徵機關將金控公司多數營業費用及利息支出劃歸於免稅收益項下,將金控公司之費用幾近全數剔除,造成金控集團稅負遽增。本研究先彙整爭議發展歷程及相關行政法院判決,以及納稅義務人主張,並參考國外立法例,提出解決方案;建議內部交易損益應予調整或消除、修正免稅所得相關成本費用損失分攤辦法等,以回歸連結稅制之基本精神,解決現行之課稅爭議。

外國企業來台上市櫃股東權益保障之研究 / A Study on Protection of Shareholder Interests Regarding Foreign Issuers’ IPO in Taiwan

藍順得 Unknown Date (has links)
資本市場日趨國際化及自由化,國際主要證券市場大多允許外國企業可至當地第一上市,故開放外國企業來台第一上市櫃掛牌是一必然之趨勢。在各界積極建議下,97年3月政府正式開放未在海外上市之外國企業,得以原股來台申請第一上市櫃。 吾人樂見我國政府對於證券市場的規範跨出一大步,然而政策開放初期,證券交易法並未隨之檢討修正,衍生相關適法性疑義。嗣後雖於101年1月增訂外國公司專章,但對於外國企業股東權益保護事項,仍繼續沿用採「外國發行人註冊地股東權益事項檢查表」規範之作法,要求外國企業在不牴觸註冊地國法令之前提下修訂其公司章程,將我國股東權益保護重要事項(參照我國公司法及證交法之部分規定)納入公司章程。 上開要求,對於自97年起迄今來台第一上市櫃之註冊於開曼群島公司而言,執行上並無太大困難。然在101年起每股面額新台幣十元規定開放後,包括日本企業在內之實際營運實體公司,若擬直接來台第一上市櫃,將面臨我國與註冊地國兩地法令之重大差異,甚至部分股東權益保護重要事項無法修訂公司章程之問題。究竟我國股東權益保護重要事項得否定於章程對股東權益之影響為何?倘無法修正公司章程所採配套措施之可行性?亞洲鄰近證券市場如香港、新加坡之作法為何?等,均值得吾人加以關注。如何因應解決此一問題,勢必影響我國未來推動外國企業來台第一上市櫃之具體成效。因此,將再以日本企業來台第一上市櫃為例,進一步深入探討股東權益保護之議題。 本論文係就外國企業來台上市櫃所衍生相關法律適用與衝突問題為出發點,並以最基本之股東權益保護為中心加以探討,以實務運作之觀察對相關問題提出具體建議,期能對釐清問題有些許貢獻,俾有助在於推動優質外國企業來台上市櫃之同時,得以兼顧我國投資人權益。

企業合併與股權結構的關係研究─以銀行業為例 / Research of Mergers & Acquisitions and Ownership Structure - Subject to Banking Industry

徐士博, Hsu, Shih Po Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究的是公司的所有權結構對於合併關係的影響,衡量是否在雙方銀行持股結構差異較大時,雙方合併的綜效或風險會因此而增加。本研究的另一項重點,在於試圖對一些在股權結構上的傳統認知提出挑戰。我們往往認為政府持股比率越高時,企業整體的營運會趨於無效率化;而當法人或金融機構持股比率較高時,這些公司較能夠用公正的立場來監督董事會或是企業經營的成果;而家族持股比率部分,說法則正反不一。本部分研究與其他類似研究的最大不同點,是挑選了台灣近年蓬勃發展的銀行業,希望能在此高度受到管制的行業當中,找出證據證明或是反駁上述的刻板印象。 經過研究與分析之後我們發現,家族以及政府機關持股比率對銀行的發展存在不良影響,然而我們卻缺乏顯著證據證明金融機構持股比率將有利於銀行合併。最後,在本研究中代表部分文化差異的持股結構差異變數,對於銀行在合併前後的提列呆帳準備、稅前淨利以及營運成本有顯著的不良影響,符合本研究的基本假設。 / This paper is to examine the relationship between corporate ownership structure and mergers & acquisitions, and to comprehend whether the “Ownership Distance” will affect the synergy or the risk during corporate mergers & acquisitions. Moreover, we study the conventional wisdom of relationship between ownership structure and corporate governance. Traditionally, we are usually accepted the idea that government controlling companies will result in operating inefficiency, and institutional shareholders are more impartial auditors. First, our results in sample of Taiwan banking industry indicate that the family and government shareholders are harmful to corporate governance, and the result of financial institutional shareholders is uncertain. Second, we find evidence that the “Ownership Distance” which roughly describes culture distance between merger companies will have a negative impact on several income statement components such as “provisions”, “earning before tax”, and “overhead cost”. The result is cohered with our hypothesis.


鄭傑鐸 Unknown Date (has links)
投資組合保險的概念興起於1980年代,其對於無法承受巨大損失風險或是對於股市未來走勢不清楚的投資人而言,是一種很好的投資策略,既可以保障原本所投資的本金,又可以參與上方的獲利。近年來隨著市場發展與金融創新,亦有許多新金融商品依據其概念設計商品,為投資人提供許多較存放定期存款更好的投資選擇。 本研究以台灣上市公司(金融保險類除外)為研究對象,探討選股策略搭配投資組合保險操作進行實證研究。在選股策略的採用以相對評價法中股價/盈餘比、股價/淨值比與股價/銷售比三項選股指標策略所形成之高低兩類投資組合,並搭配固定比率投資組合保險策略、時間不變性投資組合保險策略、固定比例策略及買入持有策略,尋找面對多頭、空頭及盤整不同狀態市場下之最佳投資策略與探討搭配投資組合保險策略後對投資組合績效表現與避險效果的影響。 實證發現,低股價/盈餘比、低股價/淨值比及低股價/銷售比這三類組合在市場下跌及盤整的狀況報酬率均勝過大盤,表現相對抗跌。搭配投資組合保險策略後皆能達到設定的保本比率要求。從機會成本的角度分析,低股價/盈餘比及低股價/銷售比二類組合搭配投資組合保險策略皆損失了機會成本,至於高股價/盈餘比、高股價/淨值比及高股價/銷售比此三類組合則在大盤上漲的年度內有機會成本的損失;從長期相對平均成本的觀點,買入持有策略仍較投資組合保險策略為佳。 在市場上漲年度,高股價/盈餘比、高股價/淨值比及高股價/銷售比此三類組合搭配CPPI策略有最佳的報酬率;大盤盤整年度,六類組合均以搭配CM策略表現最佳。至於六類投資組合在大盤下跌時分別該搭配何種策略較佳,在實證期間內則沒有一致的結論。

盈餘中應計成份與現金流量成份對股價之影響 / The impact of accruals and cash flow components of earnings on the stock price

賴彥彰, Lai,Yen-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigates the impact of accruals and cash flow components of earnings on the stock prices and whether the stock prices fully reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components of current earnings. This is an interesting issue of narrow framing, an application of behavioral finance. We mainly follow Sloan (1996)’s methodology but adjust hypothesis settings to fit the real situation of stock market in Taiwan. We find that high earnings performance that is attributable to cash flow components is more likely to be sustained than high earnings performance that is attributable to accrual components. / This paper investigates the impact of accruals and cash flow components of earnings on the stock prices and whether the stock prices fully reflect information about future earnings contained in the accrual and cash flow components of current earnings. This is an interesting issue of narrow framing, an application of behavioral finance. We mainly follow Sloan (1996)’s methodology but adjust hypothesis settings to fit the real situation of stock market in Taiwan. We find that high earnings performance that is attributable to cash flow components is more likely to be sustained than high earnings performance that is attributable to accrual components.

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