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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The rights and obligations of a bank when opening a bank account

Makgane, Innocent 16 October 2015 (has links)
The opening of a bank account serves as the genesis of a bank customer relationship. It is imperative that the establishment of a bank customer relationship be regulated by law. Both the common law and statutory law regulate the admission of new clients to the realm of banking. It is a minimum requirement, in terms of both statutory and common law, that the identity of a prospective client who wishes to open a bank account must both be established and verified. This, the need to know one’s customer, is not only good law but common sense and an effective measure to prevent criminals from accessing the banking system. Parties who work together must know each other. The need to establish and verify the identity of a potential customer is commonly referred to as the Know Your Customer standards, alternatively the Customer Due Diligence framework. The Know Your Customer standards are neither unique to South Africa nor have their origins in South Africa. The Know Your Customer standards are international standards which the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision have been advocating for quite some time. A confluence of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision greatly influenced the birth of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act in South Africa. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 prescribes the steps that a bank has to take in order to establish and verify the identity of a potential client. It will be shown in this dissertation that the identification and verification regime established by the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 0f 2001 and the common law are not fool proof. This dissertation makes recommendations on how the current loopholes that exist in the law can be addressed. / Mercantile Law / LLM

The effects of financial liberalisation in emerging market economies

Chauhan, Shobha 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to show the effects of financial liberalisation on emerging market economies, how these economies removed restrictions on financial institutions so that they can be globally integrated, and to show the flow of international finance in and out of a country. This research also illustrates how the financial system in these economies moved from being government-led to being market-led. The main finding of this research is that many countries failed to reap the benefits of liberalisation because of weaknesses in the regulatory structure, undercapitalised banks, volatile markets and contagion effects. The research concludes that the long-term gains of liberalisation certainly supersede short-term instability of liberalisation. Thus, for financial liberalisation to have predominantly positive effects, attention should be drawn to the importance of a more prudent regulatory and supervisory environment. Furthermore, financial liberalisation must be accompanied by a sound institutional infrastructure, proper conduct of monetary and fiscal policies, a reduction in corruption, and an increase in transparency. In addition, liberalisation should be a gradual process whereby the right measures are taken in the right sequence. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)

Writing, and Reading, about Salman Schocken

Poppel, Stephen M. 19 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Comportements individuels et immigration à l'ère du vieillissement démographique

Montcho, Gilbert 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche démontre que, compte tenu des tendances passées dans les comportements individuels face à la participation au marché du travail, l’augmentation de l’âge normal de la retraite n’est ni urgente ni nécessaire au Canada si son seul objectif est de pallier une augmentation de la durée de la retraite. Par ailleurs, si l’accueil d’un nombre toujours grandissant d’immigrants alimente la croissance de la main-d’œuvre, il entraîne aussi un déficit fiscal non négligeable. Celui-ci est toutefois en bonne partie lié au sous-emploi de cette main-d’œuvre potentielle; sous-emploi qui affecte aussi la population native, alimentant ainsi les risques de pénurie de main-d’œuvre. D’une part, et contrairement à l’opinion répandue selon laquelle l’allongement de la vie a été accompagné d’un rétrécissement du nombre d’années dédiées au travail, la durée de vie au travail en 2016 a augmenté de 4,96 ans et représente une part plus importante de l’espérance de vie, soit 3,55 points de pourcentage, comparé à son niveau en 1981. En outre, bien que l’évolution de la structure par âge de la population ait exercé une pression à la baisse (−11,7%) sur la croissance de l’offre agrégée de travail, les changements de comportement individuel quant à la participation au travail (19,3%) et les heures travaillées (5,8%) ont plus que compensé cet effet, entre 1981 et 2016. Au cours de cette période, les comportements individuels, notamment la participation des femmes au marché du travail, ont connu de profonds changements. Si ces changements étaient déjà connus et pleinement documentés, la quantification de leur contribution à l’offre individuelle et agrégée de travail le sont moins. Cette étude vient combler ce vide. Par exemple, et comme on pouvait s’y attendre, la participation des femmes au marché du travail a été la principale source de l’offre additionnelle de travail entre 1981 et 2016, contribuant 9,6 ans (contre 0,25 an pour les hommes) au changement de la durée de vie au travail. Au vu de ces résultats, le vieillissement de la population n’a pas encore entraîné une diminution de la durée de la vie active qui justifierait une augmentation de l’âge normal de la retraite au Canada. D’autre part, si l’immigration explique à elle seule 32,9% de l’augmentation de l’offre de travail entre 1981 et 2016, cette contribution n’est pas à coût nul. Par exemple, entre 1997 et 2015, les immigrants, comparés aux natifs du même âge, ont reçu 110$ de plus et contribué 3 520$ de moins en transferts publics. Ainsi, au même âge, l’immigrant moyen a reçu 3 640 en transferts nets de plus que le natif moyen. Toutefois, 85% de ce surplus provient des déséquilibres sur le marché du travail, dont le sous-emploi de cette main-d’œuvre potentielle. En effet, les résultats de cette recherche montrent que le sous-emploi représente un défi important dans un contexte de vieillissement de la population et de pénurie de main-d’œuvre appréhendée. S’il touche plus durement la population immigrante, il affecte aussi les natifs. Ainsi, en moyenne entre 1981 et 2016, 20,1% des travailleurs canadiens ont été en situation de sous-emploi, alors que le plein emploi aurait contribué à l’ajout de 1,5 million (±0,2) de travailleurs équivalent temps plein. Ces résultats découlent de l’application de plusieurs méthodes notamment la méthode de Sullivan (Sullivan, 1971), le modèle de changement continu (Horiuchi et al., 2008) ainsi que l’optimal matching et l’analyse des clusters sur un large éventail de données. Les sources de données incluent les recensements, les estimations de la population, les enquêtes sur la main-d’œuvre, la santé, et la consommation, au Canada et aux États-Unis. Cette recherche vient nuancer certaines des conséquences prétendues du vieillissement de la population sur la main-d’œuvre canadienne, tout en apportant un nouvel éclairage sur les solutions à mettre de l’avant afin de faire face à certains défis au cours des prochaines décennies. Si l’immigration peut ici jouer un rôle non négligeable, un meilleur arrimage entre l’offre et la demande de travail réduirait le sous-emploi parmi l’ensemble de la population canadienne, tout en améliorant leur niveau de vie. Les discussions sur l’augmentation de l’âge normal de la retraite ou des quotas d’immigration ne peuvent ignorer un tel constat. / This research demonstrates that, given past trends in individual behaviour in the labour market, increasing the normal retirement age is neither urgent nor necessary in Canada if its sole purpose is to offset an increase in the duration of retirement. Moreover, while the inflow of ever-increasing numbers of immigrants fuels labour force growth, it also creates a significant fiscal deficit. However, this deficit is largely related to the underemployment of this potential workforce, which also affects the native population, thus fuelling the risk of labour shortages. On the one hand, and contrary to the widespread opinion that population ageing has led to shrinking worklife for financing longer lifespan, Worklife Duration increased by 4,96 years and 3,55 percentage points of life expectancy over the last four decades. Furthermore, although the change in the age structure of the population has put a slight downward pressure (−11,7%) on the growth of aggregated labour supply, changes in individual behaviour regarding labour participation (19,3%) and worked hours (5,8%) have more than compensated for this effect between 1981 and 2016. During this period, individual behaviours, including women’s participation in the labour market, have undergone profound changes. While these changes were already known and fully documented, their contribution to individual and aggregate labour supply is less so. This study fills this gap. For example, and not surprisingly, women’s participation in the labour market was the main source of additional labour supply between 1981 and 2016, contributing 9,6 years (compared to 0,25 year for men) to the change in worklife duration. Given these results, population aging has not yet resulted in a decrease in working life which would justify an increase in the normal retirement age in Canada. On the other hand, while immigration alone accounts for 32,9% of the increased labour supply between 1981 and 2016, this contribution is at not zero cost. For example, between 1997 and 2015, immigrants, compared to natives at the same age, received $110 more and contributed $ 3 520 less, in public transfer. As a result, the average immigrant has received $3 640 in net transfer more than the average native. However, 85% of this deficit arises from the labour market imbalances such as the underemployment of this potential labour supply. Indeed, the results of this research show that underemployment represents a major challenge in the context of an aging population and a perceived labour shortage. While it affects the immigrant population most severely, it is also prevalent among native workers. Thus, on average, between 1981 and 2016, 20,1% of Canadian workers were underemployed, while full employment would have contributed an additional 1,5 million (±0,2) full-time equivalent workers. This study uses various methods, including the Sullivan method (Sullivan, 1971) and the model of continuous change (Horiuchi et al., 2008), as well as optimal matching and cluster analysis on a wide range of data. The data sources include censuses, population estimates, labour force, and health and consumer surveys in Canada and the United States. This research brings new evidence to the debates around the consequences of population aging on the Canadian workforce while shedding new light on the solutions to be put for facing the challenges in the coming decades. While immigration can play an important role, a better match between labour supply and demand would reduce underemployment among the Canadian population while improving their standard of living. Discussions about increasing the normal retirement age or immigration quotas cannot ignore such a finding.

Le rôle des juridictions supranationales de la CEMAC et de l'OHADA dans l'intégration des droits communautaires par les Etats membres / The role of supranational jurisdictions of CEMAC and OHADA in the integration of community Law by member States

Fipa Nguepjo, Jacques 04 July 2011 (has links)
La Cour de Justice Communautaire (CJC), la Cour des Comptes Communautaire (CCC) et la Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage (CCJA) sont les trois juridictions supranationales créées respectivement par les traités de la CEMAC et de l’OHADA pour renforcer les nouveaux processus d’intégration économique et juridique des Etats membres. Dans la mesure où ces juridictions exercent un contrôle juridictionnel déterminant de la norme communautaire, le premier contrôle étant effectué par les juridictions nationales des Etats parties, la conception, l’organisation, le fonctionnement, les caractéristiques, les rôles ou compétences de ces juridictions nouvelles ainsi que la destinée des décisions qu’elles rendent dans leurs fonctions strictement judiciaires ou dans celles accessoires d’appui à la procédure arbitrale, présentent un intérêt digne d’une recherche doctorale. S’il est apparu que des jalons supplémentaires d’efficacité des nouveaux processus d’intégration ont été plantés par la création desdites juridictions, il a également été constaté que des pesanteurs d’ordre juridictionnel, structurel ou fonctionnel continuent d’en retarder la vitesse de croisière. Les solutions que nous avons proposées pour surmonter ces difficultés se regroupent en une réorganisation des juridictions communautaires, une répartition claire des compétences entre elles, un renforcement de la procédure de contrôle du droit communautaire, une vulgarisation permanente du droit de l’intégration, une revalorisation des titres exécutoires, une clarification des fonctions du juge d’exécution, une restriction du domaine de l’immunité d’exécution, un réaménagement des procédures de recouvrement, une formation continue des acteurs de la justice, une amélioration de leur condition de travail et de vie, une résurgence de l’éthique morale, une réelle indépendance de la justice… C’est dire que l’étude met un accent sur les obstacles qui entravent les nouveaux processus d’intégration et propose des solutions pour parfaire les textes législatifs et leurs interprétations jurisprudentielles, dans la perspective d’accélérer le développement économique des Etats concernés en particulier, pour une meilleure prospérité globale des économies mondiales. / The Communautary Court of Justice (CCJ), the Communautary Court of Account (CCA) and the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) are the three supranational jurisdictions respectively created by EMCAC and OHBLA treaties to reinforce the new processes of economical and judicial integration for their member States. In the measure where these jurisdictions are competent to exercise a juridictional control, by determining the communautary norms, the first control being carried out by the national juridictions, the conception, the organisation, the functioning, the characteristics, the roles or competences of these new jurisdictions and also the destiny of the decisions they rend in their strictly judiciary functions or in their accessory functions of supporting the arbitral procedure, present an interest worthy of a doctorate research. If it appears that the supplementary Milestones of efficiency of the new processes of integration had been installed by the creation of the said jurisdictions, it had also been observed that the gravities of jurisdictional, structural or functional order continue to delay the speed of cruise. The solutions that we have proposed to overcome these difficulties involves the reorganization of communautary jurisdictions, the clearly distribution of competences between them, the reinforcement of the communautarian law control procedure, a permanent vulgarisation of integration law, a revalorisation of executary titles, a clarification of immunity of execution domain, a development of the recovery procedures, a continual training of judicial actors, and improvement of their working and living conditions, a resurgence of moral ethic, a real independence of the Justice… This means that the study put a stress on the obstacles which hold up the new processes of integration and propose solutions to perfect the legislative texts and their jurisprudential interpretations, in the perspective of accelerating the economic development of the concerned States, for the best global prosperity of the world’s economies.

Vliv koncepce dějin F. Palackého na soudobou historickou prózu / The influence of the historical Concept of František Palacký in the contemporary novelistic

ČÍŽKOVÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Diplomová práce přináší příspěvek k problematice inspirace historické prózy devatenáctého století odbornou dějepisnou literaturou. Jejím úkolem je zhodnocení provázanosti Palackého husitské koncepce s vybranými dvěma povídkami Josefa Kajetána Tyla, jejichž děj je situován do první poloviny patnáctého století v Čechách. První část diplomové práce uvádí stručnou charakteristiku obou autorů a jejich tvorby s historickou tematikou. Následující teoretická kapitola je věnována pohledu na husitství v devatenáctém století. Druhá část práce je zaměřena prakticky, neboť vedle srovnání výkladu dějin oběma autory také obsahuje subjektivní interpretaci literárních kvalit postav a okolností, jež si Tyl domýšlí.

Snižování hluku kolejových vozidel v traťových obloucích / Reduction of noise of the railway vehicles in line arcs

Navrátil, Václav January 2019 (has links)
reducing noise, noise in railway transport, management of application of products for modification of adhesion

Vysokovklopn lopata devn­ tÄpky / High tipping shovel for the wood chips

ulk, Petr January 2021 (has links)
High tipping shovel, wood chips, quick coupler, shovel, high tipping shovel frame, Volvo L60H loader, wheel loader accessories, linear hydraulic motor

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LLD

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. D.

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