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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I en tid av terror : En kvantitativ pilotstudie om studenters oro för ett eventuellt terrordåd i Sverige

Ljungdahl, Hannah, Zilic, Melisa January 2023 (has links)
In a time filled with concerns and threats of terrorism, Sweden faces a challenge that demands our full attention. In this critical situation, we have chosen to investigate how students perceive the threat of a potential terrorist attack. Previous research has shown that people's trust in authorities affects the extent to which they feel fear about the possibility of a terrorist attack. Prior research has further emphasized the importance of media consumption and gender in shaping the experience of fear. The purpose of this pilot study is to examine how the increased threat to Sweden influences the level of fear among students across the country regarding a potential terrorist attack in Sweden. Additionally, the aim is to investigate whether trust in the general public has any significance for fear, while controlling for the impact of media consumption and gender. The theoretical framework draws upon Beck's theory of the risk society, Giddens' concepts of ontological security, trust, and expert systems, and finally Misztal's definition of the concept of trust. Data collection involves a survey, with the sample consisting of individuals over 18 years of age residing in Sweden and studying at a university or college. Univariate analysis, as well as bivariate and multiple regression analysis, were used to analyze the collected data. The study revealed that students' experiences of fear varied, with trust in authorities and the general public having no impact on their fear levels. However, the degree of fear was significantly influenced by students' media consumption, which also affected the relationship between trust and fear. / I en tid fylld av oro och hot om terrordåd står Sverige inför en utmaning som kräver vår fulla uppmärksamhet. I detta kritiska läge har vi valt att undersöka hur studenter upplever hotet om ett eventuellt terrordåd. Tidigare forskning har visat på att människors tillit till myndigheter påverkar i vilken utsträckning de känner oro för att ett eventuellt terrordåd ska ske. Forskning har ytterligare understrukit mediekonsumtion och köns betydelse för upplevelsen av oro. Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att undersöka hur det ökade hotet mot Sverige påverkar i vilken utsträckning studenter runt om i landet känner oro för ett eventuellt terrordåd i Sverige. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om tilliten till allmänheten har någon betydelse för oron, samt kontrollera för mediekonsumtion och köns betydelse. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår ifrån Becks teori om risksamhället, Giddens begrepp ontologisk trygghet, tillit samt expertsystem och till sist Misztal definition av tillitssbegreppet. Datainsamlingen består av en enkätundersökning, där studiens urval består av personer över 18 år bosatta i Sverige som studerar på universitet eller högskola. Univariatanalys samt bivariat- och multipel regressionsanalys användes för att analysera studiens insamlade data. Studien visade att studenters upplevelser av oro är utspridd där tilliten till allmänheten inte har någon påverkan på deras oro. Graden av oro påverkas däremot till stor del av studenternas mediekonsumtion som även påverkar sambandet mellan tillit och oro.

Acts of Public Survival: The Role of Artivism in Exposing the Sexist-Ableist Nexus in Campus Rape Culture

Cumpstone, Tess E. 27 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Ecological Temporalities of Things in James Joyce's <i>Ulysses</i> and Virginia Woolf's <i>To the Lighthouse</i> and <i>Between the Acts</i>

Lostoski, Leanna J. 05 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

“Inter Arma Silent Leges: In Time of War the Laws are Silent”

Peterson, Allison A. 29 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.


ADRIANA VIDAL DE OLIVEIRA 26 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os estereótipos de gênero permeiam a vida social sendo, muitas vezes, de difícil percepção, tamanha a naturalização que estes conseguem atingir. Este processo de naturalização ocorre por meio do entendimento de que os atos de fala são meramente descritivos, quando, na verdade, estes são a forma por meio da qual a linguagem constitui a realidade, o que é chamado de ato performativo. Assim, torna-se fundamental o recurso à teoria de Austin, para que, por meio desta, se possa compreender o alcance desses atos de fala. Esses atos performativos foram incorporados pela teoria feminista para desmitificar as identidades de gênero, muitas vezes afirmadas ou com base em uma suposta essência, masculina ou feminina, ou por meio de uma biologização dessas noções. Isto permite entender como a linguagem é constitutiva dos corpos, e também do gênero, ponto fundamental para analisar-se o processo de construção do ideário de mulher e do movimento feminista no Brasil ao longo dos dois últimos séculos. Tendo como marco a Constituição Federal, pilar maior no processo de conquista de direitos na história recente do país, tomam-se por base as discussões travadas ao longo da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, de 1987-1988, para, novamente recorrendo ao arsenal teórico aqui mencionado, explicitarem-se as ideias em torno das noções de gênero que se fizeram presentes naquele debate e as consequências que estas tiveram na luta e constituição de direitos das mulheres. / [en] Gender stereotypes that permeate social life are often difficult to detect, because of the process of naturalization that they can achieve. This naturalization process occurs through the understanding of speech acts that are merely descriptive, when, in fact, they are the means by which language constitutes reality, what is called a performative. Thus, it becomes essential to use Austin s theory, through this, one can understand the scope of these speech acts. These performative acts were merged by feminist theory to demystify gender identities often asserted or based on a supposed essence, male or female, or through a biologization of these notions. This allows us to understand how language is constitutive of bodies, and also the gender, essential to analyse the process of construction of the notion of women and the feminist movement in Brazil over the past two centuries. Starting from the Federal Constitution, bigger pillar in the process of conquering rights in recent history of the country, discussions during the National Constituent Assembly of 1987-1988 are taken for, resorting to the theoretical arsenal herein, emphasize the ideas around the notions of gender that were present at the debate and the consequences they had on the struggle and establishment of women s rights.

From election to insurrection : A Speech Act Theory study of Donald Trump’s tweets in the wake of the 2020 election.

Karapostoli, Paraskevi January 2022 (has links)
This essay utilizes Speech Act Theory to assess Donald Trump’s role in inciting the riot that took place in Washington D.C. on the 6th of January, 2021 and culminated with the attack on the Capitol building. For the purposes of the study a corpus was created with tweets collected from the Trump Twitter Archive. The tweets cover the span between the latest presidential election, on the 3rd of November, 2020, to the day of the attack. The corpus was read manually and sorted into themes. The themes that emerged show that: a) Trump was convinced of his victory, b) felt that the election was rigged, c) accused news networks, the Democrats and even prominent Republicans for his loss, and d) called the people for action. A quantitative method that identified the most common words in the corpus corroborated the identification of the described themes. The themes were compared to Speech Act Theory’s felicitous conditions for directive speech acts. The study found that Trump’s tweets satisfy the conditions for the successful directive speech acts of Order and Command, thus providing grounds to make the case that he was responsible for inciting the attack.

Speech Act Deixis / A situated dynamic account for observational and experimental insights into spoken German

Buch, Friederike Linde 24 May 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation führt den Beweis, dass Sprechaktbezug nicht anaphorischer, sondern deiktischer Natur ist, und stellt ein formales Modell für denselben vor. Korpusdaten in gesprochenem Deutsch und Daten aus Fernseh-Talkshows zeigen, dass man sich nur mit demonstrativen Ausdrücken auf Sprechakte beziehen kann. Zusätzlich unterstützen zwei Experimente die Beobachtung, dass Sprechaktbezüge nicht mit Personalpronomen getätigt werden. Nur selten lassen Muttersprachler des Deutschen ein gegebenes Personalpronomen auf einen Sprechakt referieren, und nur selten wählen sie das Personalpronomen, um sich auf einen gegebenen Sprechaktreferenten zu beziehen. Die klare Präferenz liegt beim Demonstrativum. Um auf Entitäten außerhalb des Diskurses zu referieren, nutzt man im Deutschen Demonstrativ-, nicht aber Personalpronomen. Dementsprechend sollten Sprechakte als Ereignisse im Äußerungskontext und nicht als Teil von sprachlicher Form und Bedeutung aufgefasst werden. Bestehenden Diskurstheorien mangelt es an einer Unterscheidung zwischen Anaphern und Deixis, während umgekehrt Theorien über sprachliche Bezüge sich nicht mit Sprechakten beschäftigen. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) integriert nicht-sprachliche Objekte als Diskursreferenten in die Diskursstruktur, was auch für Sprechakte gilt. Dieser Umstand erlaubt allerdings Anaphern auf Sprechakte. Da sich schwach referentielle Ausdrücke wie Personalpronomen nicht auf Sprechakte beziehen können, muss die Ontologie von Sprechakten in SDRT überdacht werden. Hier wird eine SDRT-Variante vorgestellt, die als Diskursmodell zwei Informationsquellen umfasst, nämlich a) semantische Äußerungsinhalte und b) die physische Umgebung der Gesprächsteilnehmer (d.h. ihre "joint attention"), dargestellt als zwei DRSen. Das Modell unterscheidet systematisch zwischen anaphorischem und deiktischem Bezug und dadurch auch zwischen Bezug auf sprachlichen Inhalt und auf sprachliche "Behältnisse": Sprechakte. / This dissertation provides evidence that reference to speech acts is deictic, not anaphoric, and furthermore introduces a formal model of speech act reference. Corpus data from spoken German as well as observed data from German TV talk shows demonstrates that speech acts are exclusively referred to by demonstrative expressions. Additionally, new experimental evidence supports this observation and shows that speech acts are not referred to by personal pronouns. German native speakers rarely make given personal pronouns refer to a speech act, nor do they decide for a personal pronoun to refer to a given speech act referent when forced to choose between personal and demonstrative pronouns. Demonstratives are strongly preferred. In German, demonstrative pronouns rather than personal pronouns are used to refer to objects external to the discourse. Consequently, speech acts should be modeled as events in the utterance context rather than as parts of linguistic form and meaning. Existing theories of discourse structure lack a distinction between anaphora and deixis, while theories of reference do not integrate the concept of a speech act. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) introduces non-linguistic entities in discourse structure. This includes speech acts, which are introduced as discourse referents, which in return predicts anaphoric reference to speech acts. Since reference to speech acts with weak expressions like personal pronouns does not occur, the status of speech acts in SDRT must be redefined. As variant of SDRT, I propose a discourse model that comprises the two information sources of a) semantic content of utterances and b) immediate physical environment of the interlocutors (i.e. their joint attention), which are represented as a pair of DRSs. This model systematically distinguishes between anaphora and deixis, and therefore between reference to linguistic content and reference to linguistic containers: speech acts.

La «koinônia» des Actes des apôtres : analyse structurelle du verset 2,42 et de son contexte d’insertion

Roy, Jean-Marie 04 1900 (has links)
Jésus de Nazareth accordait beaucoup d’importance à la commensalité, au point de faire du repas en commun le contexte particulier du double geste sur le pain et le vin accompli à la dernière Cène. Après avoir été réitéré dans son contexte d’origine par plusieurs générations de chrétiens, le rappel de la Cène s’est ensuite complètement dissocié du contexte d’un repas. Le terme koinwnia utilisé au verset 2,42 du livre des Actes des apôtres désigne-t-il ce repas communautaire autour duquel se déroulaient les rassemblements chrétiens? Grâce à une analyse structurelle réalisée en entonnoir sur les chapitres 2 à 5 du livre des Actes, le présent mémoire met en relief l’importance des repas communautaires dans la vie de la communauté primitive, tout en montrant que le terme koinwnia a un sens plus étendu que le seul repas en commun, mais tout aussi concret et actif que les trois autres éléments énumérés au verset 2,42. / Jesus of Nazareth used to place much importance on commensality, so much that he wished the common meal to be the particular environment for both actions on bread and wine Jesus did during the Last Supper. For several generations, the memorial of Jesus Last Supper kept on being celebrated in its original context by Christians. But it was later separated from the communal meal. Does the word koinwnia in Acts 2:42 denote those communal meals during which Christian gatherings were held? The importance of common meals in the early community will be highlighted here through a funnel-type structural analysis of Acts 2-5. But it will be shown also that the meaning of koinwnia is more extended than the common meal alone, and just as concrete and active as the three other elements listed in verse 2:42.

La délimitation des frontières entre les domaines administratif et politique en droit public français / The demarcation of legal boundaries between administrative and political domains in French public law

Aubertin, Julie 10 July 2014 (has links)
Paradigme de la pensée juridique française, la distinction entre les domaines administratif et politique est devenue confuse en raison du renforcement de l’Etat de droit et des approfondissements de la décentralisation. Alors que l’Etat apparaît comme une entité politique avec une dimension administrative, les collectivités territoriales constituent des entités administratives dont la dimension politique n’est pas reconnue par la conception traditionnelle de la décentralisation. Pourtant, en distinguant de façon théorique les organes administratifs des organes politiques, les organes locaux tant exécutifs que délibérants présentent des caractères politiques, sans toutefois pouvoir être assimilées aux institutions politiques étatiques qui elles seules exercent la souveraineté. Succédant à cette délimitation organique, la délimitation matérielle des deux domaines, qui se concentre sur les fonctions juridiques de ces organes, leurs actes et leurs responsabilités, confirme le placement des entités étatique et locales à la frontière entre ces deux domaines. Croissante, la dimension administrative de l’Etat s’oppose à l’irréductibilité du politique. La dimension politique des entités décentralisées, qui s’exprime par un pouvoir décisionnel, ne peut s’affirmer que dans le cadre de l’Etat unitaire. Fondée sur une analyse de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence, la délimitation des frontières juridiques entre les deux domaines permet finalement de cerner les notions d’administration et de politique en droit public. / The distinction between administrative and political domains was always a paradigm of French legal thought, yet it became complicated by the strengthening of both the Rule of Law and local autonomy. While the State appears as a political entity with an administrative dimension, local authorities are administrative entities whose political dimension is not recognized by the traditional conception of local autonomy. Nevertheless, by trying to separate administrative bodies from political bodies, local authorities entail political characteristics without being equated with state political authorities (which are the only authorities that can exercise sovereignty). Subsequent to this organic demarcation, the material delimitation of both domains, which focuses on the legal functions of these bodies, their actions and responsibilities, confirms that the State and local authorities are at the boundary between these two domains. Increasingly, the administrative dimension of the State can be contrasted directly with the irreducibility of policy. The political dimension of local entities, which is expressed through decision-making power, cannot question the unitary State. Based on an analysis of the doctrine and jurisprudence, the delimitation of boundaries between the two domains allows us to define ultimately the concepts of administration and policy.

The relevance of the speech act theory to Buzani Kubawo

Scheckle, Linda Ann 10 1900 (has links)
Austin's Speech Act Theory is a valuable tool for the analysis of a literary text. In interaction, the intentionand purpose-success of linguistic communication can be gauged by establishing whether participants have met felicity conditions and have respected maxims. When the Co-operative Principle is ignored, special effects are achieved and receivers can only make sense of utterances through implicature and inferences based on background knowledge and mutual contextual beliefs. In the drama, Buzani kubawo, characters interact on four levels of time in space and place. They reveal themselves and convey theme through their speech and actions. Conflict is entrenched by lines of force drawn between opposing characters and between sub-worlds contrasted. Cohesion, determined by plot structure, and form, expressed on the endophoric and exophoric levels, give meaning to the drama. The micro-analysis of the wedding scene illustrates how communication can misfire should the playwright allow it! / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)

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