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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'agir sanitaire. Processus et formes d'expression à travers le cas aquitain

Monneraud, Lise 10 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La santé est un construit complexe. Les configurations observées en France et plus particulièrement dans un espace régional témoignent d'un constant processus de reconstruction du champ de l'intervention en matière sanitaire, donc du concept même de santé, ainsi que des formes légitimes d'engagement. La santé déborde des frontières de l'intervention et de l'analyse en des termes sectoriels. Saisir non pas tant ce qu'elle est mais ce qu'elle devient appelle une approche de type descriptif au sens latourien. Une telle démarche sert à révéler des dynamiques de reconstruction cognitive et normative et d'engagement multiples de la part d'acteurs hétérogènes. Au-delà de la stricte analyse d'une politique publique, il s'agit de déployer la trame des acteurs, objets et représentations qui par leurs connexions forment un agir collectif en matière sanitaire. L'analyse permet de mettre au jour la construction d'un agir non pas sous forme d'un réseau structuré, d'un projet systémique élaboré collectivement, mais selon un processus d'ajustement : ajustement entre acteurs, ajustement des missions aux situations perçues, ajustement du modèle d'intervention publique. Ce sont donc des dynamiques d'actualisation plus que de réforme qui émergent de l'observation locale. Les acteurs entrent en cohérence selon un processus kaléidoscopique d'adaptation sans fin : sans fin parce que sans terminaison située dans l'espace et le temps, et parce que les interventions ne participent pas de la réalisation d'un but explicite unanimement reconnu comme la visée politique légitime pour l'ensemble des formes d'intervention qui, donc, constituerait un principe de gouvernance en matière sanitaire.

An exploratory factor analysis on the measurement of psychological wellness

Gropp, Liezl 30 June 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the psychometric characteristics of self-actualisation, locus of control, sense of coherence and emotional intelligence as constructs of psychological wellness. Details of the intercorrelatedness of the various constructs will assist in understanding the nature of psychological wellness and its measurement. In the literature review a definition for psychological wellness was determined by studying various definitions and models of psychological wellness. During this investigation it was determined that the four constructs mentioned above were related to psychological wellness. An explorative factor analysis was conducted to address the empirical research questions. Three factors (psychological adjustment, self-actualisation and stress management) were extracted from the analysis. The descriptive statistics were analysed in terms of management responsibility, gender and race. The findings of the explorative factor analysis supported the theoretical definition of psychological wellness. It was found that self-actualisation played a key role in psychological wellness. Meaningfulness, although indicating a low loading on all three factors, must be present to provide meaning to day to day functioning. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A self-actualising learning programme: an educational neuropsychological perspective

Ferarro, Rosalind 01 January 2002 (has links)
This study has examined the effectiveness of a neuropsychologically based learning programme aimed at enhancing the seJt:.actualisation of learners. The aim of the programme is to create awareness of one's unique purpose in life. The need for motivation, commitment and determination must he realised. llolistic thinking is an important concept throughout the programme, in that it is aimed at unlocking latent potential through the encouragement of lateral thinking. The awareness of underlying potential enhances the realisation of each Ieamer's uniqueness and individual contributions to society, and facilitates awareness of the need to accept responsibility for one's own future. 'Ibis failure to fully utilise the potential of the brain has implications for education. A teacher who is made aware ofthe huge untapped storage ofhuman brain potential could be trained to disclose a learner's unused abilities, through adjusted education, thus infonning learners of the intrinsic abilities oftheir brains. / Educational studies / M.Ed.

An analysis of psychological well-being from an educational psychological perspective

Le Roux, Antoinette 29 February 2008 (has links)
In a study of psychological well-being, the researcher attempted to address the challenge of preventing mental illness and promoting mental health using an educational psychological perspective based on Unisa's Relations Theory. According to Relations Theory, humans are understood by the relationships they form. The intra-psychic interaction of the components of the intra-psychic structure (I/ego, self, identity and self-concept) is responsible for people's behaviour, with the essences (attachment of meaning, involvement, experience and self-actualising) and the prerequisites (the forming of relations , the life-world and climate) forming the basis of the structure. The researcher developed and administered a questionnaire on psychological well-being and conducted interviews, and on the basis of the findings reports that psychological well-being from an educational psychological perspective consists of a healthy and positive ego and self, clearly defined identities, positive thoughts and feelings, involvement in the life world, a positive and realistic self-concept and constructive self-talk, and self-realisation. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Spirituality as an aspect of wellbeing among a selected group of Cape Town Christians : a qualitative study

Van de Vyver, Hester Margaretha 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the relationship between Christian spirituality and the general wellbeing of the individual. To this end a literature review is conducted, as well as qualitative interviews with eleven individuals in the Cape Town area (South Africa). Snowball sampling was used to gain access to these eleven research participants who fitted the criteria of adults exhibiting a particular Christian lifestyle. The literature review revealed that nurturing, non-punitive religion has been associated with mental and physical health and that active participation in church activities that enhance a person’s social support system is beneficial. The qualitative interviews yielded the finding that those interviewees who had positive experiences with Christian spirituality during their childhood regard it as a significant contributor to meaning, hope and happiness in their lives. / Christian Spirituality Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

'n Ondersoek na die hantering van seksueel-gemolesteerde kinders

Van Straaten, Helen Wilna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie ondersoek die bantering van seksueel-gemolesteerde kinders. Die kliniese beeld sowel as die fisiese- en gedragsimptome is kriteria by die uitkenning van seksuele molestering. Die bantering van die seksueel-gemolesteerde kind is medebepalend vir die onmiddellike en langtennyn gevolge van seksuele molestering. Seksuele molestering word vanuit 'n sielkundig-opvoedkundige perspektief bespreek. Die studie neem die seksueel-gemolesteerde kind se betekenisgewing, belewing, betrokkenheid, selfaktualisering en selfkonsep in beskouing. Terapeutiese tegnieke, soos toegepas in gevalle van seksuele molestering, word vir gebruik deur professionele persone en instansies, bespreek. Die empiriese ondersoek fokus op die houdinge, hanteringswyses en toepassing van terapeutiese tegnieke deur professionele persone en instansies in die Witbank omgewing. Volgens die navorsingsresultate is daar geen uniforme hanteringswyse of riglyne vir terapie ten opsigte van seksueel-gemolesteerde kinders nie. Die navorsing toon verder swak interinstansie-samewerking wat die voordele van uniforme hanteringswyses en riglyne vir terapie emstig aan bande le / This study investigates the treatment of sexually-abused children. The clinical framework and the physical and behavioural symptoms being some of the criteria utilised to identify such children. The methods used to treat cases co-determine the immediate and long-term effects of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is discussed from an educational-psychological perspective. The study reflects on the child's meanin& experiencing, involvement, selfactualisation, self-concept and their effects on her life. Professional approaches, therapeutic techniques and treatments are described for use by professionals and agencies, based on an empirical investigation conducted in Witbank. The results of the research indicate a non-uniform approach in guidelines used for therapeutic techniques and the treatment of sexually-abused children. The research shows further that interaction between professional bodies and -individuals in treatment of these cases is poor and the benefits that should result from uniform treatment are therefore severely limited / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Spesialisering in Voorligting)

Die Terapeutiese begeleiding van die kind na die dood van 'n ouer

Grobler, Hermien 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die dood van 'n ouer he! 'n effek op die totale lewe van die kind en dompel die kind in emosionele nood wat terapeutiese begeleiding noodsaak. Na afloop van die afsterwe van 'n ouer, vind daar fisieke, emosionele, sosiale en kognitiewe veranderinge in die kind se lewe plaas waarop hy nie voorbereid is nie, en wat hy ook nie verstaan nie. Hierdie veranderinge veroorsaak dat die kind se leefwereld in so mate verander dat sy funksionering benadeel word. Daar is met hierdie studie gepoog om vas te stel watter effek die dood van 'n ouer op die kind he! en tot watter mate terapeutiese begeleiding die kind se emosionele nood kan verlig. Daar is in die studie gevind dat rou inderdaad 'n gekompliseerde proses is wat lei tot die ontstaan van talle onbeantwoorde vrae, gevoelens van magteloosheid en emosionele pyn. Kinders wat in rousmart verkeer word dikwels deur die samelewing misgekyk en kry as gevolg hiervan nie voldoende hulp nie. Di! lei tot die ontstaan van persoonlikheidsontwikkelingsprobleme, relasionele probleme en intra-psigiese probleme soos 'n swak selfbeeld, ego-verdedigingsmeganismes, persoonlike kwesbaarheid, ongunstige betekenisgewing en ongunstige belewenisse. Hierdie probleme veroorsaak dat die kind in sy selfaktualisering gerem word en as gevolg hiervan nie sy gegewe moontlikhede verwerklik nie. Die studie het verder bewys dat die kind wat 'n ouer aan die dood afgestaan het, wel deur middel van terapeutiese begeleiding deur 'n sielkundige gehelp kan word om die verlies van 'n ouer in so 'n mate te hanteer dat die faktore wat die kind se selfaktualisering rem, opgehef kan word. Die studie voorsien die sielkundige van riglyne ten opsigte van die proses van terapeutiese begeleiding aan die kind wat 'n ouer aan die dood afgestaan het. Riglyne word gebied ten opsigte van die hantering van die kind se onmiddellike situasie, die evaluasie van die kind-inrousmart, die vasstelling van doelstellings en doelwitte vir terapeutiese begeleiding, die selektering van terapeutiese tegnieke, die terapeutiese hulpverlening aan die kind, die hulpverlening aan die oorblywende ouer en die hulpverlening aan die onderwyser wat gemoeid is met die kind-in-rousmart. Riglyne word ook gebied ten opsigte van die terminering van terapie. / The death if a parent has an influence on the total life of a child and causes emotional trauma that necessitates therapeutic guidance. After the death of a parent, physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes occur in the child's life for which he is not prepared and that he also does not understand. These factors cause such a change in the child's life-world that his functioning is hampered. In this study it was endeavoured to determine what effect the death of a parent has on a child's life and to what extent therapeutic guidance can alleviate the child's emotional trauma. In this study it was found that mourning is indeed a complicated process that gives rise to countless unanswered questions, feelings of helplessness and emotional pain. Children suffering grief in mourning are often ignored by society and as result of this, they do not receive adequate assistance. This leads to problems concerned with the development of the personality, relational problems and intrapsychological problems such as a poor self-concept, ego defence mechanisms, personal vulnerability, negative ways of acquiring meaning and unfavourable ways of experiencing life. These problems give rise to the hampering of the child's selfactualisation and because of this he cannot realise his potential. The study has furthermore proved that the child who has lost a parent through death, can be helped by a psychologist. This can be done by means of therapeutic guidance so that the child can handle the loss of a parent to such an extent that the factors that hamper his self-actualisation can be removed. The study provides guidelines for therapeutic guidance to the child who has Jost a parent through death. Guidelines are given on handling the child's immediate situation, the evaluation of the child in mourning, the determination of aims and objectives for therapeutic guidance, the selection of therapeutic techniques, therapeutic assistance to the child, assistance to the remaining parent and assistance to the educator who is involved with the child in mourning. Guidelines are also given for the termination of therapy. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Clinical Psychologist)

Invloed van stres op die akademiese prestasie van die volwassene-leerder : 'n orto-andragogiese studie / The influence of stress on the academic performance of the adult learner : an ortho-andragogic study

Lotz, Jan Willem 09 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Stress is a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon of which topical significance is given at present. The aim of this study was to focus on the influence of stress on academic performance of the young student. First, a comprehensive study of the literature was undertaken in order to arrive at an understanding of the foregoing. An overview of the nature, etiology and manifestation of stress, as well as how it is coped with, is offered. Special attention was devoted to factors that cause the young student to experience distress. In addition the way in which the personal actualisation of the young student occurs, was researched. From the research it appeared that owing to, among other things, the experiencing of distress and inadequate personal actualisation, some young students are in a situation involving need, which requires urgent and essential ortho-andragogic guidance. Consequently, the ortho-andragogic responsibility of rendering aid within the context of tertiary training was addressed. Lastly, an empirical investigation of the correlation between distress and particularised academically oriented issues was launched. Based on the findings and conclusions arrived at during the course of the study and investigations, recommendations have been made for future research. / Stres is 'n komplekse en veelvlakkige fenomeen wat in die huidige tydsgewrig van aktuele belang beskou word. Die doel van die studie is om die fokus te laat val op die invloed van stres op die akademiese prestasie van die jeugdige student. Ten einde tot begrip van die voorgaande te kom, is daar in eerste instansie 'n omvattende literatuurstudie onderneem. 'n Oorsig is gebied ten opsigte van die aard, etiologie, manifestering en bantering van stres. In die besonder is gelet op faktore wat aanleiding tot distresbelewing by die jeugdige student gee. Benewens die voorgaande, is die wyse waarop die persoonsvoltrekking van die jeugdige student geskied, nagevors. Uit die navorsing het dit geblyk dat sommige jeugdige studente vanwee onder meer distresbelewing en ontoereikende persoonsvoltrekking, in 'n noodsituasie verkeer, wat orto-andragogiese begeleiding noodsaaklik maak. Gevolglik is 'n blik op die orto-andragogiese aanspreeklikheid vir hulpverlening binne tersiere opleidingsverband gewerp. In laaste instansie is 'n empiriese ondersoek na die korrelasie tussen stres en verbesonderde akademiesgeorienteerde aangeleenthede geloods. Na aanleiding van die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings waartoe daar in die loop van die studie en ondersoek gekom is, ls aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing gedoen. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Orthopedagogics)

Resilience therapy : a group intervention programme to promote the psychological wellness of adolescents at risk

MacFarlane, L. C. (Linda Carol) 06 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the feasibility of inculcating resilience skills in adolescents using the forum of group therapy. Resilience equals the ability to surmount life's obstacles and continue towards self-actualisation, regardless. The study was initiated by the writer's masters thesis, which delineated the profile and characteristics of resilient adolescents. The writer believed that an intervention programme to effect resilience was overdue. Adolescents were generally afforded therapy re-actively. If intervention was to be an exercise in wellness, rather than in repair, a pro-active intervention programme targeting resilience had to be designed. This study focuses on the provision of such a programme. The intervention programme is semi-structured and spans twelve one hour sessions. The intervention programme specifically targets adolescents, given the amplified vulnerability associated with this developmental phase. Should resilience be sabotaged during this phase of life, the repercussions are thought to be lasting. Group therapy was chosen as the forum for intervention, given its suitability to adolescents. Adolescents are peer-group-minded, suggesting that therapeutic intervention by means of group work, would be ideal, if competently lead. The personal attributes impacting on the ability to surmount life's challenges are targeted as an interrelated whole by the group therapy intervention programme involving an experimental group of six adolescents, who appear to have turned their backs on self- actualisation. A control group, which receives no intervention, provides a contrasting profile. The study aims to provide educational psychologists with an intervention programme and an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of resilience, so that vulnerable youngsters might ultimately be therapeutically assisted to choose a more resilient attitude and behaviour. The results of the study suggest the feasibility of inculcating resilience skills. Four of the six group members in the experimental group show marked improvement. Of the remaining two members, one shows some amelioration of vulnerability. Furthermore, results suggest that personal choice underlies resilience, implying that resilience can be coached. Additionally, it would seem that schools can play a leading role in this coaching by facilitating intervention groups. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

K jazyku a stylu událostí let 1971-75 v československých denících (Rudé právo, Mladá fronta, Svobodné slovo) / About a language and style of the events in the years 1971 {--} 75 in Czechoslovak journals (Rude pravo, Mlada fronta, Svobodne slovo)

SVOBODOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This graduation thesis is focused on the description of the language methods used in the texts of the most significat Czechoslovak journals in the years 1971 {--} 1975. The first part of thesis gives a brief characteristics of the publicist{\crq}s style and defines journalistic dilemma. Separated chapters give a brief summary of the events in the years 1971 {--} 75 and explain history and structure of the most significant Czechoslovak journals in the time of my observation. The second and also the most important part of my thesis is searching lexical methods used in texts: fashion words, cliché, phraseologisms, foreign words etc. Thesis is focused on the description of these methods and the characteristic of their practical use in the text.

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