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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Försvarsmakten wants you? – en fallstudie av Försvarsmaktens arbete inom employer branding / The Swedish Armed Forces wants you? –  a case study on the Swedish Armed Forces’ work in employer branding

Wallin, Simon, Ekberg, Linéah January 2022 (has links)
I en tid då Sverige står inför en alltmer osäker omvärld och en förändrad säkerhetspolitik så behöver Försvarsmakten växa, och därmed rekrytera med bibehållen kvalité på sin personal. Behovet av ett effektivt employer branding arbete har därmed aldrig varit så stort inom Försvarsmakten. Employer branding är fortfarande relativt outforskat och ser olika ut för varje organisation eftersom arbetet är unikt utifrån varje organisations förutsättningar. Det är även ett arbete i ständig utveckling, på grund av att en föränderlig omvärld skapar nya förutsättningar och behov. Denna studie har som syfte att försöka förstå och förklara den svenska Försvarsmaktens arbete med employer branding. Utifrån deras unika förutsättningar, vad väljer de att prioritera, vad ser de för utmaningar och kommer employer branding arbetet förändras som en effekt av en mer osäker framtid? Studien finner att Försvarsmaktens viktigaste verktyg för att både attrahera och behålla, såväl militär som civil personal, är att kommunicera myndighetens arbete och relevans. Genom detta skapar och kommunicerar man ett förtroende för verksamheten och en vilja att vara en del av något större än sig själv - ett högre syfte. Försvarsmakten har idag ett fokus på att fortsätta attrahera, engagera och inkludera minoritetsgrupper, något som är väsentligt för att kunna vidhålla expansion med bibehållen kvalité. Historiskt så har det funnits många strukturella hinder som man kommit långt med att arbeta bort, även om behovet av ett fortsatt arbete kvarstår. En utmärkande aspekt för Försvarsmaktens organisationskultur är en stark gemenskap och en förbandsanda med starkt individuell identitet för landets förband. Det är inte ett arbete utan utmaningar, men med möjligheter till utveckling. / At a time when Sweden is facing an increasingly insecure world around them, and a changed security politics, the Swedish Armed Forces needs to grow, and thus recruit while maintaining a high quality of its personnel. The need for effective employer branding has thus never been so great within the Swedish Armed Forces. Employer branding is still relatively unexplored and looks different for each organization because the work is unique based on each organization’s conditions. It is also a work in constant development since a changing world creates new conditions and needs. The purpose of this study is to try to understand and explain the Swedish Armed Forces’ work with employer branding. Based on their unique conditions, what do they choose to prioritize, what do they see as challenges, and will employer branding change as an effect of a more uncertain future? The study finds that the Swedish Armed Forces’ most important tool for attracting and retaining both military and civilian personnel is to communicate the agency’s work and relevance. Through this, they create and communicate a trust in the organization and a desire to be part of something bigger than yourself – a higher purpose. The Swedish Armed Forces today has a focus on continuing to attract, engage and include minority groups, something that is essential in order to be able to maintain expansion while maintaining high quality. Historically, there have been many structural obstacles that they have come a long way to undermine, even though the need for continued work remains. A distinctive aspect of the Swedish Armed Forces’ organizational culture is a strong community and a spirit of unity with a strong individual identity for the country’s regiments. It is not a work without difficulties, but also with potential for improvement.

Svensk snabbinsats med stridsflyg i Libyen / Swedish Rapid Reaction with Air Force in Libya

Jönsson, Anders January 2012 (has links)
Vilja är avgörande för politiska beslut om väpnad insats och i Libyen efterfrågades på kort tid stridsflyg i en konflikt som fick ett starkt folkrättsligt mandat. Viljan till insats med stridsflyg, vilket inte använts internationellt sedan 1963, ställdes mot Sveriges tradition av att ställa upp när FN kallar. I uppsatsen analyseras viljan till insats i beslutsprocessen som föregick insatsen, stridsflygets förmåga och interaktionen däremellan. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med förklarande ambition där intervjuer utgör en stor del av empirin. Den nationella beslutsprocessen har använts som teoretisk struktur för analysen. Sammanfattning: Resultatet visar att stridsflygets förmåga vid tillfället för beslutsprocessen var särskilt hög. Försvarsmakten uppvisade en stark vilja till insats genom hela beslutprocessen. Den politiska viljan var inledningsvis svag för en insats men växte sig stark inom delar av stridsflygets förmågebredd. Förmågan möjliggjorde tidiga och klara besked från Försvarsmakten vilka var avgörande för den politiska viljan. Tillgängligheten skapade en politisk press på att agera och bidrog till ett högt tempo som, med en stark gemensam vilja som grund, kunde förkorta tiden för beslutsprocessen. / Will is decisive for political decisions for armed intervention and in Libya fighters were on short notice requested in a conflict with a strong international legal mandate. The willingness to send fighters to an operation was challenged by the tradition to contribute when needed from UN.  The purpose is to study the capability and willingness, and the interaction between them, in the decision making process prior to the operation. The paper has a qualitative approach and interviews are a major part of the empirical data. The national decision-making process has been used as a theoretical framework in the research. Abstract: The results show that the capability at the time was high and that the willingness from the Armed Forces was strong throughout the whole decision process. The broad political will was initially weak but grew stronger during the process, but only for participation in a certain role in the operation. The capability enabled the early and clear signals from the Armed Forces that were crucial to the political will. The high availability also created pressure for political action and the high pace of decision making that, with a common will, shortened the process.

With Liberty and Justice for All: Psychological and Functional Consequences for Service Members Acquitted of Sexual Assault

Leavey, Jamie 20 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Терские казачьи части в составе Вооружённых сил Юга России и Русской армии П. Н. Врангеля (1919 – 1920 гг.) : магистерская диссертация / Terek Cossack units as part of the Armed Forces of Southern Russia and the Russian army P. N. Wrangel (1919 - 1920)

Пыльцын, Ю. С., Pyltsyn, Y. S. January 2015 (has links)
В работе произведена попытка реконструировать боевой путь терских казачьих частей в составе Вооружённых сил Юга России и Русской армии П. Н. Врангеля. Рассмотрена общая характеристика воинских подразделений терского казачьего войска и их боевой путь от января 1919 г. (когда первые части Добровольческой армии вошли на территорию Терской области) до ноября 1920 г. (эвакуация Терско-Астраханской бригады из Феодосии). / In my work I tried to reconstruct the path of Terek cossack army groups as a part of armed forces in South Russia and Russian army of P.N. Vrangel. I examined overall characteristic of military detachments of Terek cossack army and their war path from january 1919 (when first detachments of Volunteer army entered Terek regiоn) to november 1920 (evacuation of Terek-Astrаkhan brigade from Feodosia).

Framing the War : an analysis on the Swedish Armed Forces framing of Russian military actions in Ukraine

Fernström, Ian January 2023 (has links)
This thesis studies the development of framing used by the Swedish Armed Forces to portray Russian military actions in Ukraine. Framing implies that the way information is framed, or presented, can influence how people perceive and interpret information. The research problem identifies the lack of empirical understanding of how the Swedish Armed Forces frames actors in wars, as a part of military strategy. Through open-end questions, a framing analysis is conducted on two cases of Russian military actions in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This will be done by analyzing statements from the Swedish Armed Forces as well as the Swedish Government. The analysis shows that the Swedish Armed Forces framing has changed from a purely diagnostic frame that identifies the actions but with little additional understanding of its meaning for international security and Sweden directly, to a combination of diagnostic and prognostic frame to achieve consensus mobilization with regards to Sweden’s new political direction, as well as its own capacities and the need of further international cooperation and alliance. As this thesis answers the question of how frame changed, future research might study why it changed and what effects it might have.

Needs of Collegiate Career Practitioners and Student Veterans During Career Advising Appointments

Giffen, Joseph Kerr, IV 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Föreligger skillnader i Försvarsmaktens arbete med jämställdhet före och efter den könsneutrala värnplikten?: En kvalitativ textanalys av Försvarsmaktens officiella dokument om jämställdhetsarbete

Ohlsén Salahshour, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates whether there are differences in the Swedish Armed Forces' gender equality work before and after the introduction of gender-neutral conscription. Previous research indicates that military organizations often encounter resistance in gender equality work, due to deeply entrenched norms. Theoretically grounded in the concept of gender as a social construct and a top-down perspective within implementation theory, this study focuses on three critical factors for successful implementation: clarity, participation, and motivation. The research is structured as a case study. The pre-conscription period spans from the years 2014 to 2017, while the post-conscription period covers the years 2018 to 2022. The study employs qualitative text analysis of the Swedish Armed Forces' official documents, including regulatory letters, action plans, and annual reports. It examines three levels within the organization: policy formulation, decision-makers, and the operational level. The findings reveal differences in gender equality work between the two time periods with policy formulation and decision-making levels, indicating a decline in critical factors following the introduction of conscription. However, this does not seem to have impacted the practical implementation of gender equality measures, as evidenced at the operational level. The study suggests that other informal factors may influence gender equality work, warranting further research in this area.

Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete : En kvalitativ studie av hur kadetter, som identifierar sig som män, upplever jämställdhetsarbetet inom Försvarsmakten.

Friman, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Försvarsmakten har fått som uppdrag av regeringen att integrera jämställdhetsarbetet i hela sin verksamhet och därmed måste all personal vara inkluderad i detta arbete. Det finns en lucka i forskningen när det gäller manlig militärpersonals syn på jämställdhetsarbetet. Uppsatsen syftar till att förstå på vilket sätt kadetter, som identifierar sig som män, upplever jämställdhetsarbetet. Utifrån en kvalitativ design genomfördes 11 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med kadetter som vid tiden då uppsatsen skrevs var inskrivna som kadetter vid Försvarshögskolan. Genom en diskursanalys synliggjordes den sociala verkligheten och vilka diskurser som får ta plats i jämställdhetsarbetet. Resultatet visade att kadetternas upplevelse av jämställdhetsarbetet är att det inte finns förankrat i hela organisationen och att det kan uppfattas som om det finns ett organisatoriskt motstånd mot arbetet. Vidare, likställs jämställdhet med likabehandling av kadetterna vilket kan vara problematiskt. / The Swedish Armed Forces have been tasked by the Swedish government to integrate gender equality efforts throughout their operations, necessitating the inclusion of all personnel in this work. There is a gap in research concerning the perspectives of male military personnel on gender equality efforts. The thesis aims to understand how cadets who identify themselves as men experience gender equality work in the Swedish Armed Forces. Using a qualitative design, eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with cadets enrolled at the Swedish Defence University at the time of the thesis. Through a discourse analysis, the social reality and the discourses that are allowed to take place in the work for gender equality were made visible. The results showed that the cadets perceive gender equality efforts as not being integrated throughout the organization and possibly being seen as if there is organizational resistance to such initiatives. Furthermore, gender equality is equated with equal treatment by the cadets, which can be problematic.

Swedish Defense on the Fence : Roles to play for the Armed Forces 2015-2020

Levin, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
The reason for conducting this case study is to analyze the roles of the Armed Forces of Sweden, as described by the Swedish policymakers. The research question is firstly what those roles are, and as a secondary objective, if those roles are conflicting. By analyzing the two major policy documents produced on Swedish security and defense policy during the period 2015-2020 these questions have been answered. The concept of roles has been central to the thesis and how conflicting roles are a source of organizational problems. The analysis of the material has been done by using discourse analysis in order to identify roles and the underlying discourse where they are constructed. Earlier research shows the importance of security and defense policy in directing the Armed Forces on what and how they should function. The roles were inductively found to be those of National Defender, Neighborhood Helper, Domestic Resource, and Expeditionary Crisis Manager. The results from this thesis show that the Policymakers view the two former roles concerned with national defense and providing military assistance in Sweden’s close vicinity as primary roles for the Armed Forces. The roles could be conflicting because of the non-alignment status of Sweden during the periods. The level of cooperation with other states and/or organizations makes Sweden’s ability to receive and give help uncertain. This is important in understanding Swedish defense and security policy in the context of its application to become a NATO member state in 2022.

Raising a Monster Army: Energy Drinks, Masculinity, and Militarized Consumption

Chesnut, Lauren J. 23 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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