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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le droit à la représentation des salariés dans la négociation collective / Employees' right to be represented in collective bargaining

Marguerite, Magali 15 October 2011 (has links)
La négociation collective est au coeur de la production normative en droit du travail. Le droit à la négociation collective proclamé au niveau constitutionnel, européen et international appartient au salarié ; ce dernier ne l’exerce que par ses représentants. Son droit individuel à la négociation se résout donc dans un droit à être représenté qui se déduit de la lecture de l’alinéa 8 du Préambule de la Constitution et des textes internationaux et européens. Il est paré des qualités d’un droit « justiciable ». Droit subjectif, il peut être invoqué par le salarié. Droit-créance, celui-ci peut revendiquer la mise en place d’une représentation légitime. La légitimité, concept sociologique, doit trouver traduction juridique à travers le droit des représentés de choisir librement leur représentants, et le droit de ceux-ci d’être protégés dans leur mission de négociation. Le vecteur de légitimité est trouvé dans l’expression de la volonté des salariés en vue de la désignation de leurs représentants. Cette expression peut prendre la forme d’un mandat ou de l’élection. Au regard des caractéristiques de l’acte conclu à l’issue de la négociation (l’effet erga omnes des conventions et accords) et de l’intérêt défendu (l’intérêt collectif), l’élection doit être privilégiée. Le législateur s’attache à réaliser la condition de légitimité. Preuve en est la promotion de l’audience électorale par la loi du 20 août 2008. Dans le cadre international et européen, la réalisation d’un droit à la représentation n’est encore que partielle. / Collective bargaining has a key-role in employment law’s construction. French Constitution, European and International laws acknowledge a right to collective bargaining which belongs to employees : employees exercise this right through their representatives. Actually, employee’s right to collective bargaining is reduced to a right to be represented as state both, paragraph 8 of 1946 French Constitution Preamble and European and International laws. This right may find its efficiency before Courts. As a subjective right, it can be put forward by an employee. This makes the employee creditor of the right to claim for the implementation of legitimate representatives. “Legitimacy” as a sociologic notion, must be legally translated through the right of represented employees to design freely their representatives, and the right for these representatives to be protected as long as they exercise their mission of bargaining. Legitimacy is translated through the expression of employees’ will to design their representatives. This expression may be formalized through a mandate or through an election. With consideration to the significance of collective bargaining (“erga omnes” effect of collective bargaining agreements) and of the interest at stake (collective interest), election shall be favoured. Law works at providing the condition of this legitimacy. For example, August 20, 2008 law promotes election results. At a European and International level, the realization of a right to be represented remains unachieved.

"Vi finns till för alla i Sverige" : En visuell analys av den konstruerade målgruppen i Systembolagets antilangningskampanjfilmer

Fermelin, Rolly January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur Systembolaget väljer att konstruera målgruppen i reklamfilmer för deras antilangningskampanj. Systembolaget har inte en uttalad begränsad målgrupp, utan deras målgrupp är den svenska befolkningen. Syftet med denna studie är att genom att studera de semiotiska resurserna ta reda på om Systembolaget, som de beskriver själva ”finns till för alla”, i reklamfilmerna för deras antilangningskampanj eller om det går att finna en begränsad målgrupp. För att besvara syftet med denna studie lyder forskningsfrågorna följande: vilken målgrupp konstruerar Systembolagets i deras reklamfilmer genom sina val av semiotiska resurser? Och stämmer denna målgrupp överens med deras samhällsansvar? Materialet för studien består av tio av Systembolagets reklamfilmer för deras antilangningskampanj mellan åren 2009 och 2020. För att analysera detta material har en visuell analys med en grund inom det sociosemiotiska fältet tillämpats. Iden visuella analysen studeras de semiotiska resurserna genre, scener och kameravinklar; karaktärer och miljö samt språk och värderingar. Resultatet av studien visar att det går att finna en begränsad målgrupp i reklamfilmerna. En tydlig avsaknad av mångfald gällande klass och kön hittas i Systembolagets reklamfilmer med antilangningsfokus. Nästintill alla karaktärer i samtliga filmer består av vita personer samtidigt som nästan alla miljöer visar ett medelklasshem. I de fall där icke-vita karaktärer förekommer är det de vita karaktärerna som innehar de framträdande rollerna.

La experiencia universitaria ante los escándalos de imagen y reputación de un representante académico

Justino Quinto, Yahaira Catherine 22 June 2020 (has links)
Las empresas o personajes públicos que tuvieron una crisis reputacional/imagen han logrado impactar de manera positiva o negativa en la experiencia del consumidor. Dentro de esta problemática, se encuentra el fundador de una institución privada, quien ha sido portada en medios de comunicación desde que anunció su postulación en el 2016 a las elecciones presidenciales del Perú. Por ello, el propósito de la investigación es comprender y describir la experiencia universitaria de los alumnos frente a los escándalos de su fundador. Para ello, se harán entrevistas a profundidad a 15 estudiantes de la universidad privada, quienes estuvieron durante el periodo del 2015-2016 en adelante. / Companies or public figures that have had a reputation/image crisis have managed to impact positively or negatively on the consumer experience. Within this problem, there is the founder of a private institution, who has been on the front page of the media since he announced his candidacy in the 2016 presidential elections in Peru. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to understand and describe the university experience of students in the face of the scandals of its founder. To this end, 15 students from the private university will be interviewed in depth and will be present during the period 2015-2016 onwards. / Trabajo de investigación

Les auditeurs de France Inter : développement d’une pratique radiophonique

Bertin, Juliette 12 1900 (has links)
France Inter est la radio la plus écoutée en France avec un peu moins de 7 millions d’auditeurs quotidiens. Selon l’imaginaire populaire, l’auditeur type de la station serait un individu de classe moyenne ou supérieure, d’une cinquantaine d’années, Parisien, bobo donc par définition de gauche (Gustave & Péronnet, 2013). Ce mémoire s’interroge sur la nature de la relation entre les auditeurs de France Inter et leur station et comment est-ce que la représentation que l’on se fait d’eux influence leur pratique radiophonique ? Les renseignements sur ces auditeurs sont presque inexistants. Les théories de la réception de Stuart Hall expliquent qu’il n’y a pas « un type » d’auditeur et pas une seule manière de s’approprier le contenu médiatique (Hall, 1980). Ensuite, Pierre Bourdieu nous permet de déconstruire l’idée reçue selon laquelle les goûts seraient le fruit d’un choix délibéré, pris sans influence extérieure (Bourdieu, 1979). Le sociologue en vient à la conclusion que nos goûts sont traversés par des mécanismes sociaux de distinction. Ses recherches le mènent à établir une théorie sur les classes sociales, car nos goûts et nos pratiques culturelles peuvent aider à nous situer socialement. L’auditeur de France Inter est mis au centre avec des entrevues semi-dirigées permettant de répondre aux deux questions de recherche : comment est-ce que les auditeurs de France Inter développent et entretiennent l’écoute de cette station ? Et comment est-ce que la représentation que l’on se fait d’eux a influencé le développement de cette écoute ? Quatre influences sur l’écoute sont identifiées : sociale, familiale, sociétale, politique et de l’âge. Face à la représentation de l’auditeur, nos participants ne sont pas d’accord, car ils se basent sur leur propre réalité. Plusieurs se rejoignent néanmoins sur un point : sa curiosité intellectuelle et son besoin de s’éduquer. Toutefois, il est certain que cette représentation n’a pas d’impact notable sur leur écoute. S’ils reçoivent des remarques négatives, cela va seulement les pousser à, d’autant plus, écouter. Pour tous, cette station a eu et a encore une influence monumentale. Elle sert d’horloge, de repère et de compagnon quotidien. Elle affecte les humeurs tout au long de la journée, provoque des réflexions et informe sur le monde d’hier, d’aujourd’hui et de demain. / France Inter is the most listened to radio station in France with almost 7 million daily listeners. According to popular opinions, the typical listener would be a middle or upper class individual, in his fifties, Parisian, a “bobo” therefore by definition from the left-wing (Gustave & Péronnet, 2013). This Master’s thesis questions the nature of the relationship between France Inter listeners and their station, and how does the representation we have of them influence their radio practice? Information on these listeners is almost non-existent. Stuart Hall's theories of reception explain that there is not just one type of listener and not one way to appropriate media content (Hall, 1980). Then, Pierre Bourdieu allows us to deconstruct the received idea that tastes are the fruit of a deliberate choice, taken without external influence (Bourdieu, 1979). The sociologist came to the conclusion that our tastes are shaped by social mechanisms of distinction. Bourdieu’s research led him to establish a theory on social class ; our tastes and cultural practices can help situate us socially. France Inter listeners are put at the center with semi-structured interviews allowing to answer the two research questions: how do France Inter listeners start and keep listening to this station? And how did the representation we have of them influence the development of this listening? Four influences on listening are identified: social, family, societal, political and age. Faced with the representation, our participants disagree because they are basing themselves on their own reality. However, many agree on one point: the intellectual curiosity and the need for education. It is certain that this representation does not have a noticeable impact on their listening. If they receive negative remarks, it will only make them listen even more. For all, this station had and still has a monumental influence. It serves as a clock, a landmark and a daily companion. It affects moods throughout the day, provokes reflections and informs on the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Vers une muséographie numérique : l’impression 3D en tant que dispositif de traduction auprès de publics malvoyants et aveugles

Bérubé, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Schnittstelle Spieler

Piehler, Robert 11 June 2008 (has links)
Die Qualität der Schnittstelle eines Videospiels kann wesentlich zu dessen kommerziellen Erfolg beitragen. Dennoch beschränkt sich die entsprechende Evaluation primär auf die Auswertung qualitativer Daten, die etwa in Nutzertests erhoben werden. Inferenzstatistische Verfahren kommen bisher mangels theoretischer Grundlagen kaum zum Einsatz. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt daher ein theoretisches Framework zur quantitativen Analyse verschiedener Dimensionen der Schnittstellengestaltung in Videospielen zur Verfügung. Dabei wird ausgehend von spielwissenschaftlichen Überlegungen und einer Erweiterung von Huizingas Konzept des „magic circle“ ein Bogen von perzeptiven, psychologischen und soziologischen bis hin zu kulturellen Aspekten gespannt. Methodisch handhabbar wird dieses Konstrukt durch eine Ausrichtung am Genre-Begriff, der für den Bereich der Videospiele diskutiert wird. So entsteht ein ganzheitliches Modell, das den Grundstein zu einem zielgruppenspezifischen und quantitativen Messinstrument für Interfaces in Videospielen legt. / The quality of a videogame’s interface is a decisive factor to its commercial success. However, the current evaluation methods focus primarily on qualitative research data like those generated in usability tests. Methods of inferential statistics are not common yet because of a lack of theoretical fundamentals. To address this issue, this paper provides a theoretical framework for quantitative analysis on different dimensions of interface design in videogames. Aspects of perception, psychology, sociology as well as culture are dealt with in this context and the associated scientific concepts are conflated by a theoretical extension of Huizinga’s “magic circle”. The technical term “genre” in regard to videogames is also discussed in this paper and it proves to be a basis for connecting the various concepts methodically. As a result, this paper presents a holistic model, which can be applied in future audience-specific and quantitative measuring instruments for interfaces in videogames.

Motivace diváků ke sledování beauty videí na You Tube / Viewers Motivations for Watching Beauty Videos on You Tube

Jiroušková, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on motivations for watching beauty videos on YouTube. The aim is to clarify why viewers watch amateur videos that communicate topics related to physical appearance. Assuming the audience as an active actor of media communication the thesis is based on uses and gratification theory. Viewers watch beauty videos consciously to meet their individual needs. Based on an analysis of eleven interviews with regular viewers of beauty videos this thesis reveals five categories of motivation. Beauty videos represent the source of information, the source of entertainment, the platform for communication with individuals with shared theme of interest and the tool for self-education. These motivations are not specific for this specific type of media and can motivate viewers to watch amateur beauty videos and professional beauty shows equally. The key motivation for watching beauty videos on YouTube is the interest of videobloggers. Authors of beauty videos disclose parts of their privacy, show their imperfections and interact with their audience. Using these practices videobloggers evoke the illusion of a close relationship between them and their viewers. Viewers have the opportunity the create strong social ties to videobloggers.

Proměna distribuce audiovizuálních obsahů v kontextu transmediality / Transformation of distribution of audiovisual content in transmedia context

Jakubisko, Jorik January 2016 (has links)
We are currently witnessing the transformation of media landscape since transmedia contents affect the strategy of distributors, producers, and television broadcasters. This new phenomenon has multidisciplinary overlap, so we encounter with different interpretations and terminology in this discourse. The master thesis Transformation of distribution of audiovisual content in transmedia context has two main objectives. Its primary aim is to unify the basic terminology for media, audiovisual, and distribution discourse based on academic literature. The secondary aim is to explore the strategies of 3 largest domestic terrestrial TV broadcasters through formal analysis. The practical part is divided in 2 sections. The first one is focused on how TV stations have implemented transmedia extensions in the context of audience immersion and broadcasters branding in their distribution strategies. The second examines whether there is true transmedia content for original shows and storyworlds in their production. It is just a matter of time before these changes in distribution strategies will affect TV broadcasters. Transmedia extentions are associated with a creative process since ancient times but we could not realize their existence. Keywords transmedia, crossmedia, transmedia storytelling, convergence,...

El estereotipo de género en los spots publicitarios de Youtube y su impacto en la auto percepción de la imagen del público infantil y preadolescente femenino / The gender stereotype in YouTube advertising spots and its impact on the self-perception of the image of the female child and pre-adolescent public

García Lorena, Giuria 01 December 2019 (has links)
Este artículo académico se centra en la investigación de el público infantil y preadolescente y cómo la publicidad expuesta en spots comerciales en redes, específicamente en Youtube afecta a su autopercepción e imagen de ellos mismos dado a los mensajes estereotipados que se encuentran en la publicidad en las redes. Con la principal intención de recabar información acerca de la opinión y pensamientos de la próxima generación acerca de la publicidad de estereotipos de género expuesta en spots en las redes sociales. / This paper focuses around the investigation of the children and pre-teenager audiences and how advertising exposed un commercials spots on social networks, specifically on Youtube, affects their self-perception and self image given to stereotyped messages found in advertising videos on the networks. With the main intention of gathering information about the opinion and thoughts of the next generation about advertising gender stereotypes in spots in social networks. / Trabajo de investigación

Art Spectator and his/her Reflection in Theory and Artistic practice in Czechoslovakia in 1950s and 1960s

Mazalanová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
Názov práce: Art Spectator and his/her Reflection in Theory and Artistic practice in Czechoslovakia in 1950s and 1960s PhD Candidate: Eliška Mazalanová Department of Arthistory Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Marie Rakušanová, PhD. 2019 The dissertation thesis aims to analyze the issue of the viewer or the audience of Czechoslovak visual arts of the 1950s and 1960s. It focuses on the period when a directive method of political and social engagement of art in the form of socialist realism has been applied and on the subsequnet period when the Czechoslovak art scene has been re- establishing its previous developments. The thesis focuses primarily on the latter period, in which new trends in the visual arts were adopted and authentically developed. Their specificity lies in the increased interest in the art spectator, also characterized by a changed relationship of art and its audience, which I also call as a turn to the spectator. The thesis is interested in the historical frameworks and characteristics of the social function of art, in the various forms of art's social commitment, its political or ideological function. The artist's approach to the recipient of his or her works was also significantly determined by the official cultural policy; these new trends were also defined or somehow related to them. Therefore,...

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