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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komunitní nadace a jejich specifika / Community foundations and their specifics

Procházková, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
Today, community foundations undoubtedly play a significant role in building community philanthropy and strengthening civil society through civic engagement. They are unique by their specific connection to the community, ie. to a particular geographically defined area, where this foundation financially supports activities, events, individuals or groups in the form of grants. These grants provide from a collection of donated funds from many donors and the impact on the community is that it addresses its diverse problems and needs. Thanks to this collection and the endowment can address these needs in the long run. In the submitted diploma thesis, is based on analysis of professional literature, the specifics of community foundations are derived and based on the analysis of the documents of the foundations, it is shown how many Czech community foundations correspond to this ideal. Keywords: Community, foundations, community foundations, community philanthropy, social capital, board of directors, community foundation history, foundation growth, specifics of community foundations

The Sustainability of Nonprofit Leaders: Principles and Practices that Encourage and Restore Personal Wellbeing and Professional Effectiveness

Frey, Jeffrey Daniel 26 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ägartypers påverkan på styrelsens förmåga att övervaka företagsledningen : En studie om ägartypers påverkan på styrelsens sammansättning / Ownership types and their impact on the board's ability to monitor : A study on ownership types impact on board composition

Johansson, Tim, Rafstedt, William January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bolagsstyrelsens roll och ansvarsområde har länge varit föremål för diskussion. I Sverige kan man från ett legalt perspektiv se att övervakning av företagsledningen får en central roll. Ägare i svenska bolag har stor möjlighet att påverka styrelsens genom den svenska valberedningsprocessen. Ägare får genom denna process möjlighet att påverka styrelsens övervakningsförmåga genom hur de sammansätter styrelsen. Påverkar därmed vilken sorts ägartyp företaget har styrelsens förmåga att övervaka effektivt. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara hur olika ägartyper påverkar styrelsens förmåga att övervaka. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en deduktiv forskningsansats, där teorierna agentteori, resursberoendeteori och institutionell teori har använts för att göra en teoretisk modell som förklarar ägartypernas påverkan på styrelsens övervakningsförmåga. Denna kvantitativa studie genomfördes genom användningen av data om svenska börsbolags styrelser från 2022. Slutsats: Studien visar att ägartyper har en påverkan på styrelsens förmåga att övervaka. Denna påverkan görs både direkt och indirekt genom styrelsens sammansättning. Dock tyder även resultatet på att det är ägarkoncentrationen av ägartyperna som är anledningen till detta som stämmer överens med agentteorin. / Background: The role and area of ​​responsibility of the board of directors has long been the subject of discussion. In Sweden, from a legal perspective, it can be seen that monitoring of company management has a central role. Owners in Swedish companies have a great opportunity to influence the board through the Swedish election committee process. Through this process, owners get the opportunity to influence the board's monitoring ability by how they compose the board. Can what kind of ownership type the company has then affect the board's ability to monitor effectively. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to explain how different ownership types affect the board's ability to monitor. Method: The study has been carried out with a deductive research approach, where the theories agent theory, resource dependence theory and institutional theory have been used to make a theoretical model that explains the influence of ownership types on the board's ability to monitor. This quantitative study was conducted by using data on the boards of Swedish listed companies from 2022. Conclusion: The study shows that ownership types have an impact on the board's ability to monitor. This impact is shown both directly and indirectly through the composition of the board. However, the results also indicate that it is the ownership concentration of the ownership types that is the reason for this, which is consistent with the agency theory.

The Tangled Web: How Nonprofit Board Members Experience Organizational Crisis

Valicenti, Elizabeth Anne 23 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the Quality of Stakeholder Representation in Regional Planning

Low, Kelly J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Impact of Audit Committee Characteristics on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure

Dwekat, Aladdin 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] A través de cuatro trabajos interrelacionados, esta tesis llena el vacío existente en la literatura al examinar el efecto del Comité de Auditoría (CA) y las características del Consejo de Administración en la divulgación de información RSC. El primer artículo presenta una imagen completa del campo de estudio utilizando dos metodologías: el análisis bibliométrico y el de redes sociales, mapeando el conocimiento de trabajos anteriores y sugiriendo nuevas vías para futuras investigaciones. Este trabajo analizó 242 artículos publicados en revistas indexadas en la Web of Science (1992-2019). El segundo papel revisó la literatura previa sobre RSC y los consejos de administración mediante el análisis de contenido, ofreciendo una imagen novedosa de los impulsores más críticos de su desempeño y divulgación, y proporcionando sugerencias constructivas para guiar la investigación futura. El tercer artículo examina el efecto de las características del Comité de Auditoría y del Consejo de Administración sobre la divulgación de la RSC mediante la aplicación de una metodología de investigación novedosa: el análisis comparativo cualitativo difuso (fsQCA). Esta investigación utilizó una muestra de las 69 principales empresas europeas no financieras en el periodo 2016-2018. Los resultados principales de este trabajo muestran como las estrategias RSC se están formando a partir de determinadas configuraciones de las características del Consejo de Administración y señala como una única dimensión es insuficiente para generar una estrategia eficaz. En este contexto, se debe indicar que existen diversas configuraciones de características óptimas para lograr niveles más altos de divulgación de la RSC. Además, respondiendo a las recomendaciones del segundo trabajo para examinar más a fondo el vínculo entre las características del Consejo de Administración y la verificación del informe de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, el cuarto trabajo prueba el efecto de los atributos de Comité de Auditoría en la adopción de la verificación. Esta investigación utilizó una muestra de empresas europeas que cotizaron en el índice STOXX Europe 600 entre 2011 y 2018. Los dos primeros trabajos han mostrado como las características del Consejo de Administración tienen un impacto significativo y creciente en la literatura sobre RSC, y como sus prácticas juegan un papel crucial en la gestión del desempeño y la divulgación de la RSC. Los hallazgos también identifican el efecto y los patrones que vinculan las características críticas del Consejo sobre el desempeño de la RSC, así como sobre la cantidad y calidad de la información divulgada. En consecuencia, los hallazgos también trazan posibles vías futuras de investigación en el campo con respecto a los vacíos de investigación. El tercer trabajo sugiere que la divulgación de información sobre RSC se basa en una configuración compleja de algunos atributos del Comité de Auditoría y del Consejo de Administración. Estas características juegan un papel fundamental y, en una combinación adecuada, promueven el logro de altos niveles de divulgación. Los resultados empíricos ofrecen una información valiosa para los profesionales y los gobernantes a la hora de establecer y revisar las directrices sobre la composición del Comité Ejecutivo y del Consejo de Administración. Por último, en línea con la literatura anterior, el cuarto de los trabajos desarrollados encuentra que los atributos del Comité de Auditoría relacionados con su independencia, su tamaño, la existencia de un experto financiero y de un comité de RSC están positivamente vinculados con la verificación de la memoria RSC. / [CA] A través de quatre treballs interrelacionats, aquesta tesi ompli el buit existent en la literatura en examinar l'efecte del Comitè d'Auditoria (CA) i les característiques del Consell d'Administració en la divulgació d'informació RSC. El primer article presenta una imatge completa del camp d'estudi utilitzant dues metodologies: l'anàlisi bibliomètrica i el de xarxes socials, traçant el mapa del coneixement dels treballs ja publicats i suggerint noves vies per a futures investigacions. Aquest treball va analitzar 242 articles publicats en revistes indexades en la Web of Science (1992-2019). El segon paper va revisar la literatura prèvia sobre RSC i els consells d'administració mitjançant l'anàlisi de contingut, oferint una imatge nova dels impulsors més crítics del seu acompliment i divulgació, i proporcionant suggeriments constructius per a guiar la investigació futura. El tercer article examina l'efecte de les característiques del Comitè d'Auditoria i del Consell d'Administració sobre la divulgació de la RSC mitjançant l'aplicació d'una metodologia d'investigació novedosa: l'anàlisi comparativa qualitativa difusa (fsQCA). Aquesta investigació va utilitzar una mostra de les 69 principals empreses europees no financeres en el període 2016-2018. Els resultats principals d'aquest treball mostren com les estratègies RSC s'estan formant a partir de determinades configuracions de les característiques del Consell d'Administració i assenyala com una única dimensió és insuficient per a generar una estratègia eficaç. En aquest context, s'ha d'indicar que existeixen diverses configuracions de característiques òptimes per a aconseguir nivells més alts de divulgació de la RSC. A més, responent a les recomanacions del segon treball per a examinar més a fons el vincle entre les característiques del Consell d'Administració i la verificació de l'informe de Responsabilitat Social Corporativa, el quart treball prova l'efecte dels atributs de Comité d'Auditoria en l'adopció de la verificació. Aquesta investigació va utilitzar una mostra d'empreses europees que van cotitzar en l'índex STOXX Europe 600 entre 2011 i 2018. Els dos primers treballs han mostrat com les característiques del Consell d'Administració tenen un impacte significatiu i creixent en la literatura sobre RSC, i com les seues pràctiques juguen un paper crucial en la gestió de l'acompliment i la divulgació de la RSC. Les troballes també identifiquen l'efecte i els patrons que vinculen les característiques crítiques del Consell sobre l'acompliment de la RSC, així com sobre la quantitat i qualitat de la informació divulgada. En conseqüència, les resultats obtinguts també tracen possibles vies futures d'investigació en el camp respecte als buits d'investigació. El tercer treball suggereix que la divulgació d'informació sobre RSC es basa en una configuració complexa d'alguns atributs del Comitè d'Auditoria i del Consell d'Administració. Aquestes característiques juguen un paper fonamental i, en una combinació adequada, promouen l'assoliment d'alts nivells de divulgació. Els resultats empírics ofereixen una informació valuosa per als professionals i els governants a l'hora d'establir i revisar les directrius sobre la composició del Comitè Executiu i del Consell d'Administració. Finalment, en línia amb la literatura anterior, el quart dels treballs desenvolupats troba que els atributs del Comitè d'Auditoria relacionats amb la seua independència, la seua grandària, l'existència d'un expert financer i d'un comitè de RSC estan positivament vinculats amb la verificació de la memòria RSC. / [EN] This thesis fills the literature gap by examining the effect of Audit Committee (AC) and board characteristics on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) in four interrelated articles. The first article presents a full picture of the board-CSR field using two methodologies: bibliometric and social network analysis. Thus, it maps the knowledge of preceding works and suggests new avenues for future investigations to connect board characteristics, Corporate Social Responsibility Performance (CSRP), and CSRD. This article analysed 242 articles published on Web of Science database (WoS) journals (1992- 2019). The second article reviewed the previous board-CSR literature by applying a content analysis method. By doing so, this article offers a novel picture of the most critical drivers of CSRP/CSRD and provide constructive suggestions to guide future research. The first and second articles' main results suggest that little research on the board and CSR field have studied other board variables such as AC characteristics. In addition to that, CSR strategies are forming from several combinations of the board attributes and consider one dimension to be insufficient to generate an effective strategy. In this context, it must be pointed out that there is more than one best possible characteristics combination to achieve higher levels of CSRD. Therefore, building on the first and second articles, the third article examines the effect of AC and board characteristics on CSRD by applying a novel research methodology (fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis). Furthermore, responding to the second article recommendations to further examine the link between board characteristics and the decisions to obtain Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance (CSRA) report, the fourth article test the effect of AC attributes on the adoption of CSRA. The third article used a sample of the top 69 non-financial European companies for 2016-2018. In comparison, the fourth article used a sample of European companies listed on STOXX Europe 600 over 2011-2018. Our first and second articles indicate that board characteristics have a significant and increasing impact on CSR literature. The results also revealed that the board practices play a crucial role in managing CSRP/CSRD-related issues. The findings also identify the effect of the critical board characteristics on CSRP, CSRD quantity, and CSRD quality. Furthermore, our outcomes provide an overarching picture of the patterns and trends of the systematic nexus between board characteristics and CSRP/CSRD quality and quantity. The findings also draw potential future avenues for research in the field regarding research gaps. Furthermore, our results suggest some potential areas of interest for future political reforms of board of directors' guidelines. The third article suggests that CSRD relies on a complex configuration of some AC attributes, for example, independence, financial expert member, chair independence, size and activity, and other board characteristics. These characteristics play a leading part as a recipe ingredient and, in an appropriate combination, promote achieving high CSRD levels. Our empirical results offer multidimensional and valuable insights for professionals, regulators, and policymakers in establishing and revising the guidelines regarding the AC and board of directors' composition. In line with the complementary role of CG and AC mechanisms suggested by prior literature, our fourth article finds that AC attributes related to AC financial expert, AC independence and size of AC, and the existence of CSR committee are positively linked with the adoption of CSRA. However, our empirical analysis further indicates that AC with a higher percentage of financial expert members tends to choose higher assurance scopes. / Dwekat, A. (2021). The Impact of Audit Committee Characteristics on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172178

Le gouvernement d’entreprise en droit européen et brésilien comparé

Laranjeira, Rodrigo de Almeida 08 September 2016 (has links)
Corporate Governance hat einen radikalen Wandel in Europa seit den 1990er Jahren durchgemacht. Der Wandel ist konsolidiert und ist nun Teil des Rechts der modernen Aktiengesellschaften. Brasilianisches Recht wird immer durch die europäische Gesetzgebung inspiriert. Unsere Studie fragt, aus einer vergleichenden Sicht, ob sich das brasilianische Unternehmensrecht auf die europäische Corporate Governance bezieht. Wir konzentrieren uns in Europa auf das deutsche Recht, das englische Recht, das französische Recht und das europäische Recht. Unsere Analyse geht über die Herzen der Unternehmensführung und umfasst Teile, die dem Kapitalmarkt- und dem Umweltrecht angehören, da sie selbstverständlich auch eine Verbindung mit der Corporate Governance und dem Aktienrecht haben. Das Verständnis des Kerns der Unternehmensführung, welcher die Organisation der Verwaltungsorgane der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft ist, hängt von der Analyse der rechtlichen Behandlung von Neben-Themen, die aber verwandt sind, ab, wie die Regeln über die Haftung. / Corporate governance has undergone a radical change in Europe since the 1990s. Change has now consolidated and is part of the company law. Brazilian law has always been inspired by European legislation. Our study asks, from a comparative perspective, if the Brazilian corporate law relates to the European corporate governance. In Europe, we focus on German law, English law, French law and Community law. Our analysis goes beyond the heart of corporate governance and includes parts of capital markets law and environmental law, because they obviously also have a connection with corporate governance and company law. The understanding of the core of corporate governance, which is the organization of administrative bodies of the listed company on a regulated market, depends on the analysis of the legal treatment of incidental subjects, but related, as the regime of liability.


彭惠芳, Peng, Hui-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
在資本主義盛行之今日,「公司治理」已成為舉世矚目之焦點。自從1997年亞洲爆發金融危機後,許多國際組織、非政府組織及亞洲經濟體投入大量的資源與時間研究此一議題,認為完善的公司治理是提昇企業策略能力及國際競爭力的最佳良方。在台灣,隨著資本主義盛行的浪潮,近二十年來產業轉型、高科技事業蓬勃發展的幕後功臣,除了政府主導科技研發計劃與租稅優惠及專案補助措施外,首推「創業投資業」;創業投資業之所以成為台灣高科技產業之推手,主要在於其「投資後管理」之積極性、策略性功能。根據經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)於2002年所發表之研究報告顯示,創業投資業投資額佔GDP比率與該國公司治理績效之評比成正相關,由此可見創業投資業對提昇公司治理的貢獻。 本研究之目的在探討創業投資業於各投資階段,增進轉投資事業公司治理之最佳實務作法,期能提供我國創業投資業者參酌、運用,以發揮其對被投資公司積極、正面之監督控管功能,並符合公司治理的四個基本原則:公平性(Fairness)、透明性(Transparency)、課責性(Accountability)、責任性(Responsibility),建立二者間良性、穩定的溝通模式及信賴關係,讓創業投資業繼續為台灣產業競爭力加分。 「創業投資」(Venture Capital)又稱「風險投資」,而專為投資於高科技、高風險、具發展潛力且成長快速之事業所募集之資金,則為「創業投資基金」(Venture Capital Fund)。創業投資的投資模式是在高風險、高報酬的前提下,對具成長潛力的被投資公司提供中、長期資本及經營、資源、網絡的加值服務,協助投資標的快速成長,克服各項經營問題,申請上市櫃,以實現其高額之資本利得;因此,創業投資業與被投資公司間之投資關係,是建立在相互合作之互信基礎,互謀長期最大利益,而創業投資業最重視的則是,投資資金是否能順利回收及獲利,被投資公司的獲利是否有如預期、體制運作是否健全,進而進入資本市場,讓其所投入之資金有退出機制。 公司治理 (Corporate Governance) 這個議題是從美國發展出來的,當初國內學者對該名詞的翻譯不盡相同,有譯為「公司管理」、「公司治理」者;亦有譯為「公司監控」、「公司管控」者;在台灣統稱為「公司治理」,以兼顧管理、監控及自治、自律之功能。依據中華公司治理協會之定義:「公司治理是一種指導與管理的機制,以落實公司經營者責任為目的,在兼顧其他利害關係人利益下,藉由加強公司績效,保障股東權益」。 良好的公司治理必須符合四個原則,分別是公平性 (Fairness)、透明性 (Transparency)、課責性 (Accountability)以及責任性 (Responsibility)。公平性指的是對公司各投資人以及利益相關者予以公平合理的對待;透明性指公司財務以及其他相關資訊,必須適時適當地揭露;課責性指公司董事以及高階主管的角色與責任應該明確劃分;責任性則指公司應遵守法律以及社會期待的價值規範。 依據OECD公司治理原則之說明,良好的公司治理具有:提高經濟效率、降低資金成本、健全財務結構之基礎等功能。 在台灣,上市公司與大多數國家一樣,公司的所有權結構大都傾向於具有控制股東,而控制股東會透過金字塔結構、交叉持股與互為董事等方式而達到控制公司的目的,在此情況下,控制股東極可能透過利益輸送和掏空公司資產等方式,剝奪奪小股東的財富,並衍生道德危機與逆選擇的相關代理成本,而引發核心代理問題。 本研究發現創業投資業推動公司治理之誘因如下列: 一、期藉由灌輸經營團隊公司治理--「課責性」及「責任性」之基本原則,塑造正確之價值觀,建立企業長治久安之基礎。 二、強調公司治理--「公平性」之基本原則,保障少數股東之權益,維護創業投資業持有股權之股東權益及價值。 三、確信良好之公司治理會提昇轉投資事業之獲利能力及市場價值,同時增加創業投資業退出時所獲之資本利得。 本研究發現創業投資業評估轉投資事業公司治理之重點如下列: 一、轉投資事業之財會數據之正確性、可信賴度及資訊透明度、詳細度。 二、轉投資事業股東成員、股權結構及背景,及具實質影響力之股東特性。 三、轉投資事業董事會運作之情形,如:董事會成員、董事選任方式、董事會議題及會議進行模式。 四、轉投資事業經營團隊之商譽及誠信度,各項法令之遵循程度,公司章程之適法性及可執行程度。 五、董事會、董事長、總經理之權責劃分是否適當及課責性是否落實。 六、轉投資事業之會計制度是否建立且落實執行,以避免轉投資事業做假帳,並確保能按時提供財務報表。 本研究針對創業投資業推動創建期事業公司治理之方法建議如下: 一、建立企業主正規之「公司法制」觀念。 二、正視「公司章程」之法律地位及重要性。 三、導入「股份有限公司」之運作機制,建立「股東會」、「董事會」及「監察人」之基本功能及符合法令規定之決策模式。 四、建制符合「內部控制機制」之作業系統及程序。 本研究針對創業投資業推動擴充期事業公司治理之方法建議如下: 一、善用「公司章程」及「法令規章」解決「核心代理問題」。 二、強化「董事會」、「監察人」職能,推動「上市上櫃公司治理實務守則」。 本研究針對創業投資業推動成熟期事業公司治理之方法則建議由實踐股東行動主義著手;包括: 一、創投業於投資前,應確信公司治理之重要性,將投資標的推動公司治理之績效,納入投資組合考量。 二、執行投資後,創投業應經常與公司重要股東與經營階層充份溝通及於董事會、股東會中充份表達意見,以促使公司控制股東及經營階層重視少數股東之權益。 關鍵字:創業投資業、創建期、擴充期、成熟期、公司治理、核心代理問題、控制股東、公司章程、股東會、董事會、監察人 / According to the OECD research report released in 2002 that existed a positive relevant between the investment amount of venture capitalist to the GDP and the corporate governance performance in the most countries worldwide. The contribution of venture capitalist for the corporate governance is obviously numerous. The objectives of this thesis is intend to research venture capitalist how to enhance the investee corporate governance in the investees’ start-up, development, maturing stages practicably. Basing on this study, both of the venture capitalist and the investee can conduct a beneficial and stable communication manners and relationship. In Taiwan, most of the listing companies are same as the developed countries; the majority shareholders almost constitute the whole shareholders’ structure and possess the great majority voting rights. Under this circumstance, the majority shareholders instinctively intend to create the arms-in-length transactions to deprive the minority the shareholders’ benefits and wealth, and cause the core agent problems. The study was conducted by analysis, induction, and case study methodology covering three samples of venture capitalist. The results of this study are follows: 1.At the investees’ start-up stage, the measures of venture capitalist enhances corporate governance are listed as below: 1)Educating the business owner to establish the corporate legal concept. 2)Paying much attention about the article to follow the company law. 3)Introducing and following the company law’s operating structure, and establish the “shareholders”, “board of directors” and “supervisors” basic functions and decision model. 4)Establish the internal control system and procedures. 2. At the investees’ development stage, the measures of venture capitalist enhances corporate governance are listed as below: 1)Practicing the article and regulation to overcome the core agent problems. 2)Empowering the board of directors and supervisors function, and progressing the “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TSEC/GTSM Listed Companies” in the investees business running. 3. At the investees’ maturing stage, the venture capitalist suggested to practice the shareholders activism; for example: taking the corporate governance performance into the investment evaluation. Key Words: venture capitalist, start-up stage, development stage, maturing stage, corporate governance, core agent problem, majority shareholders, article, shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors supervisor

公司治理和企業併購的超額報酬之關聯性研究 / Study of the relationship between corporate governance and the abnormal return of M&A

林慶哲, Lin,Ching Che Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內外相關弊案的爆發,「公司治理」近幾年來一直是企業相當重視的議題。除了由於受到國際環境變化劇烈所影響之外,公司治理也與整體企業監控制度有密切之關聯。在國內外有相當多的學者從不同角度進行公司治理的相關的研究,而主管機關如金管會、證交所等也陸續制定相關的措施,希望能夠盡最大的力量來保障投資人的權益。 本研究主要是藉由公司治理的主要變數來探討企業購併案所造成的超額報酬與公司治理之間的影響,並進一步討論當公司治理愈差時,宣告購併所產生的超額報酬是否會較低。研究期間為民國87年1月至97年3月間,曾發生併購活動的上市、櫃公司,共選取100個樣本。而實證結果如下: 一. 經理人持股比例和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著正相關 二. 大股東股比例和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著正相關 三. 獨立董事占董事會的比例和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著負相關 四. 董事會的規模和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈顯著負相關 五. 市值規模和公司宣告購併所造成的超額報酬呈現正相關,但不顯著 另外,本研究也針對公司治理較差的公司去進行研究分析,發現若公司治理較差的公司去從事購併案時,可賺取的超額報酬愈少,而當公司治理愈差時,這種關係將愈顯著。最後,本研究也彙整一些相關建議,以供後續學者、企業以及政府機關做參考。 / As scandals related to managers and the wealth of investors spring up worldwide, corporate governance has become an important issue recently. In addition to drastic international macroeconomics changes, corporate governance is also strongly influenced by overall monitor systems. Scholars around the world have done lots of research regarding corporate governance for decades. In addition, relevant efforts and measures, aimed at protecting investors’ rights and interests, have also been done by authorities such as FSC and TSE. The purpose of the study is to study the relationship between abnormal return of M&A and corporate governance by examining the factors we choose. Furthermore, we discuss if a company performs poorly on its corporate governance system, whether the abnormal return caused by merger deals will also decrease? 100 samples were selected from the listed companies from TSE and OTC between 1998~2008. Main findings include the following: (1). The ratio of the stock held by managers has a positive relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (2). The ratio of the stock held by major stockholders has a positive relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (3). The ratio of the outside independent directors has a negative relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (4). The scale of the board has a negative relationship with abnormal return of M&A. (5). The market value has a positive relationship with abnormal return of M&A Moreover, the study has also done some empirical research on companies whose corporate governance pale in comparison with others and found that those who do poorly on corporate governance tend to make less abnormal return when making acquisition announcements. Last but not least, the study has also made some suggestions for scholars, businesses and government and hope that they may come in handy in the future.

Odměňování členů řídících orgánů akciových společností / Remuneration of executive bodies' members in joint stock companies

Hurychová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The PhD thesis deals with the issue of remuneration of executive bodies' members and other executives of joint stock companies in the Czech Republic and on the international level. This issue is a key area of corporate governance and constitutes an ever current and debated topic. The main research intent of this thesis is an analysis of the development and current shape of regulation in the area of executive remuneration and a related assessment of the regulation` influence on the practice in this area in joint stock companies in the Czech Republic and internationally. Attention is focused on both private and public (listed) companies. The thesis presents the results of the doctrinal and normative research led within the framework of the specific research questions set by the author within the defined research intent. The thesis focuses in detail especially on the question of effectiveness of the post-crisis regulation of remuneration on the global scale, on the interpretation of the regulation of remuneration of executive bodies' members in joint stock companies in the Czech Business Corporations Act and on the proper future shape of Czech rules of corporate governance for listed joint stock companies.

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