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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omtolkningens och omladdningens paradox : Tre fallstudier av föremål och historiska fynd i dåtid, nutid och framtid / The Paradox of Reinterpretation and Re-evaluation : Three Case Studies of Artefacts and Historical Discoveries in the Past, Present and Future

Mujkanovic, Elma, Sjöblom, Lina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify what actions of change museums have taken to adjust to the ebb and flow of societal norms and values. The empirical evidence is based on three case studies of objects in three museums: the Birka warrior from grave Bj-581 in the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm, the G’psgolox totem pole in the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm, and the Benin bronzes in the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm and the British Museum in London. Through observations of objects and exhibitions in combination with interviews with museum professionals and researchers, an overall picture is created that shows traces of regulation but also remaining attributes from older times. Through theories of structuration, authorized heritage discourse, norm critique and postcolonial ideas, we highlight the strong connections between social structures, social relations and authorized governing groups that exist in the process of disentangling. With this thesis, we intend to highlight how the phenomenon of change is portrayed and managed in museums. Museums in the west were foremost established during a time when nationalistic and colonial ideals characterized societal norms and the work that took place within museums. As a result of the preservation and presentation of the national identity, museums were often attributed with a character of identity making. Over time, the world has changed and so have the norms within society. Aspects of ethics and morals have become increasingly incorporated into discussions about power and governance. In line with these changes, museums have also had to change to stay relevant in their time. The museums hold to this day some of the old nationalistic and colonial ideals which they were built upon. The old ideals can be identified within the museums’ exhibitions, and because of this, clashes may occur between older and newer norms and values in the process of change, within which transparency becomes an important key element.  This is a two year master's thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

Spill : Om djur, hantverk och nätverk i Mälarområdet under vikingatid och medeltid / Waste : Osseous materials, craft and networks in the Mälaren region during the Middle Ages

Karlsson, Johnny January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of various osseous raw materials in craft activities in the Mälaren region during the Middle Ages. Places studied are: Birka, Sigtuna, Nyköping, Strängnäs and Uppsala. The aim is to capture both chronological and spatial changes in the use of osseous raw materials. Species and materials used reflect regional as well as international networks and how they change during time. The spatial distribution of waste from craft activities, its materiality and temporality mirror activities in different social contexts.  Quantitative and qualitative changes in the handling and exploitation of raw materials reflect varying and changing views of its value and how craft and exchange is affected by both a social and economic agency. In Birka, osseous waste material associated with craft was collected by Hjalmar Stolpe in the 1870s. An examination of the assemblage shows that imported material comprises a significant part of the collection. About a third of the waste consists of imported antler of red deer and reindeer. Red deer is particularly abundant (21%), signifying the importance of southern trading networks. The presence of whalebone can also be linked to south-western trading routes. The waste material collected during excavations in Sigtuna and representing the period c. 980-1300 has a different composition, reflecting different networks and perhaps different means of trade and production. As in Birka, elk antler constitutes the main bulk of the raw material used. Red deer antler is extremely limited, forming less than 1% of the material, appearing continuously though in small amounts from c. 1020-1300.  Reindeer antler is distinctly present in the oldest phase, c. 980-1000. This occurrence might represent a relic of the northern network manifested at Birka. An isotopic study indicates an origin in a forested biotope. After this initial phase the use of reindeer antler becomes as rare as that of red deer until the second half of the 12th century, indicating that the antler craft operated on a minor scale without any demand for long-distance trade in raw materials. A change occurs in the last quarter of the 12th century when large quantities of reindeer antler appear once more. Isotope signatures indicate an origin in more mountainous regions. This coincides with the introduction of another traded raw material of an arctic origin: walrus tusk. The craft had become more marked oriented. This is manifested in larger deposits of debris, a wider range of materials used, including bones from various domestic animals, but also the handling and exploitation of the material changes indicating a different view of production, trade and the value of raw materials than previous. This shift coincides with the introduction of minted silver. Western influences are evident both in the material culture and in the faunal assemblage. It is likely that a majority of the reindeer antler as well as the walrus tusk present in these later phases have a Norwegian origin. In the late 1100s and early 1200s craft in osseous material occur in other towns that emerge in the region but it seems to appear in new social contexts. Small assemblages of antler debris have been found in Uppsala, but the activities they represent lack the spatial continuity that exist in contemporary environments in Sigtuna and Strängnäs, indicating short lived occasional activities in a loosely regulated urban environment. Craft activities dependent purely on bone from domestic animals appear in the 1200s in Nyköping, Uppsala and Strängnäs. They represent craft activities in a new social context outside the private sphere of the local elite and instead subordinated other craft activities where domestic animals have been exploited on a large scale beyond the domestic household. Antler craft represents a social practise in the realms of the local elite with a continuity stretching back to the Iron Age. Monetization and an increasingly feudal society redefine social relations and practise. This can be seen in the occurrence of craft in new contexts in the late 1100s and 1200s, reflecting heterogeneity in social and economic functions in and between the towns in the region.

Digital Marine Osteoarchaeology : The problematization of bodies and bones in water

Fredriksson, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis is intended as a foundation for further development of methods for digital marine osteoarchaeology. The main purpose of this thesis was to examine and problematise the process of locating, documenting, and analyzing skeletal remains in marine archaeological, and other hard to reach sites. Three forms of osteological analysis' was performed and assessed: one based on analysis of physical skeletal remains, another based on 2D documented skeletal remains, and a third on analysis on 3D reconstructed skeletal remains. The secondary purpose of this thesis was to problematise the taphonomic effects on bodies, body parts, and bones in marine environments, necessary for the evaluation of the different methods. The analysis' has been conducted on source material provided by the research projects for the naval ships Mars and Gribshunden, the National Maritime Museum of Sweden, the Sandby Borg project, and the Çatalhöyük project. In addition, a test was carried out, with eight volunteer osteology students at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University, during a seminar exercise. The results collected through the osteological analysis' performed on the three different formats and the students osteology exercise could be used in order to highlight a variation of data available in the different formats. The results was then used in order to create a basis for future digital documentation methods that may be applied in the field. The secondary aim of this thesis was addressed through the use of the naval ships Mars and Gribshunden as case examples in order to address the limited amount of skeletal remains located so far at the marine archaeological sites. / Denna master uppsats är ämnad som grund för vidare utveckling av metoder för digital marinosteoarkeologi. Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och problematisera problemen kring at lokalisera, dokumentera, och analysera skeletala kvarlevor vid marinarkeologiska, och andra svåråtkomliga lokaler. Tre olika slags osteologiska analyser utfördes: en baserad på analyser av skeletala kvarlevor, en annan baserad analyser av 2D dokumenterade skeletala kvarlevor, och en tredje baserat på analyser av 3D rekonstruerade skeletala kvarlevor. Det sekundära syftet uppsatsen var att problematisera den tafonomiska påverkan på kroppar, kroppsdelar, och ben i marina miljöer, nödvändiga för utvärderingen för de olika metoderna. Analyserna har utförts på källmaterial som tillgängliggjorts genom forskningsprojekten för skeppen Mars och Gribshunden, Statens Maritima Museer i Sverige, Sandby borg projektet, och Catalhöyük projektet. Utöver detta har även en studie utförts tillsammans med åtta frivilliga osteologistudenter vid Campus Gotland, Uppsala Universitet, under en seminarieövning. Resultaten som samlades in genom de osteologiska analyserna av de tre olika källmaterialen och student studien användes för att kunna understryka den datavariation som fanns tillgänglig för de olika källmaterialen. Resultaten användes för att skapa en grund för framtida digitala dokumentationsmetoder som kan appliceras i fält. Det sekundära syftet med studien besvarades genom att använda skeppen Mars och Gribshunden som exempel för att kunna diskutera den begränsade mängden skeletala kvarlevor som hittills hittats vid de marinarkeologiska lokalerna.

Maktens ansikte : En studie av den frankiska stormaktensinflytande över det skandinaviska samhället

Fredriksson, Marie January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a historical archaeological essay and deals with the Frankish empire and its sway over the European area. The aim of this essay has been to examine if the sway of the Franks reached the Scandinavian area. The Frankish empire was the most influential power in Western Europe from the 6th century until the death of Charlemagne 814 AD, when the kingdom began to disrupt. The essay is divided into three parts. The first part is a background where I describe the Frankish empire in a historical context. The second part contains the archaeological finds. The third part contains a discussion and conclusions.</p>

Maktens ansikte : En studie av den frankiska stormaktensinflytande över det skandinaviska samhället

Fredriksson, Marie January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is a historical archaeological essay and deals with the Frankish empire and its sway over the European area. The aim of this essay has been to examine if the sway of the Franks reached the Scandinavian area. The Frankish empire was the most influential power in Western Europe from the 6th century until the death of Charlemagne 814 AD, when the kingdom began to disrupt. The essay is divided into three parts. The first part is a background where I describe the Frankish empire in a historical context. The second part contains the archaeological finds. The third part contains a discussion and conclusions.

Deformerade vikingasvärdi Uppland under yngre järnåldern : En undersökningomfenomenets djupare betydelser

Berglund Svensson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the deformed Viking swords as seen in the historical Swedish province of Uplands during the Late Iron Age.Three sites have been selected for their concentration of deformed and fragmented swords,as well as other phenomena that are part of the phenomenon. Birka,Kiplingeberg and Söderby are the three choose parts of Upland chosen for the similarities and difference of the swords appearing in cremation graves. To get a deeper understanding of the phenomenon beyond “killing of an object”, the theoretical perspective of charismatic objects, personhood and ritual theories have been used to approachthe swords.This will allow the essay to address the question of why different forms of swords appear and discuss who the form was for.

Östersjörederiernas marknadsföringsstrategier : en studie om Tallink Silja AB, Viking Line AB och Birka Cruises AB

Holm, Patrik, Klein, Anastassia January 2011 (has links)
Turismaktiviteter till havs har kommit att få ett ökat intresse de senaste åren, där människor har upptäckt fördelen med kryssningsfärjor som transportmedel. De erbjuder ett varierat utbud av aktiviteter och upplevelser ombord, som både privat- och affärsresenärer kan ta del av. Detta omfattar flera kundgrupper med olika behov, vilket innebär att rederierna måste uppfylla kundernas förväntningar och vad de efterfrågar. I nuläget finns det en bred konkurrens på marknaden, där de olika aktörerna försöker skapa en egen nisch genom olika marknadsföringsstrategier i syfte att skapa långsiktiga relationer. Syftet med vår studie är att utreda hur Stockholms tre största rederier, Tallink Silja AB, Viking Line AB och Birka Cruises AB, arbetar för att behålla och vårda sina befintliga resenärer, samt vilka strategier som används för att nå nya kundsegment. Vi har även utgått ifrån kundens perspektiv för att undersöka hur de förhåller sig till företagens produkter och tjänster. Studien baseras på intervjuer med ledningsgruppen på respektive bolag, samt kundundersökningar. Relevanta teorier har valts ut för att analysera hur marknadsföringsstrategier i teorin stämmer överens med verkligheten. Trots att de undersökta kryssningsbolagen erbjuder likartade produkter och tjänster, visade resultatet att företagens affärsidé och varumärke skapade ett specifikt behov hos deras kunder. Detta medförde att företagets marknadsföringsstrategier var utmärkande på individnivå och därmed skapades ingen hög konkurrens mellan de berörda kryssningsbolagen. Samtliga rederier är under utveckling, där de fortfarande arbetar med att ständigt utveckla och anpassa sina kunderbjudanden för att bli ledande aktörer på marknaden. För att åstadkomma detta måste företaget upprätthålla sina imageskapande idéer genom att behålla bra service och erbjuda den kvalité som kunderna efterfrågar.

Spår av textilproduktion : En analys av sländtrissor och vävtyngder från yngre järnålderslokaler i Birkas omland.

Björklund Andersson, Simone January 2015 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats behandlar sländtrissor och vävtyngder från vikingatida lokaler samt yngre järnålderslokaler som angränsar till den vikingatida handelsplatsen Birka. Syftet är att studera sländtrissor och vävtyngder från vikingatida fyndlokaler i Birkas omland; vilket åsyftar geografiska områden i Södermanlands län (Södermanland), Stockholms län och Uppsala län (Uppland). Sländtrissor påverkar de textila råmaterialen och de spunna trådarna, vidare påverkar vävtyngderna varpen och de vävda tygerna. Vilka trådar och vilka tyger som har producerats inom vikingatida lokaler i angränsning till Birka diskuteras utifrån sländtrissornas och vävtyngdernas vikt, form och storlek (trots att fragmentariska artifakter förekommer). Studien omfattar spår av textilproduktion inom vikingatida lokaler i Birkas omland, samt en undersökning gällande om det har förekommit inhemska importer av textilier från fastlandet till Birka under vikingatiden. Resultatet påvisar om att gårdsbaserad textilproduktion har förekommit i Birkas omland och ett fåtalet gårdar i omlandet tolkas ha haft möjlighet att exportera textilier till Birka. / This bachelor thesis is regarding spindle whorls and loom weights from late Iron Age-sites and Viking Age-sites in adjoining relation to the Viking Age town Birka. The basis of this thesis concerns in which amount spindle whorls and loom weights occur at Viking Age-sites in Birka's hinterland; it refers to geographical areas in Södermanland County and Uppland County. Spindle whorls influences the textile raw materials and the spun threads, furthermore loom weights influences the warp and the woven cloths. Which threads and which cloth that were produced at the Viking Age-sites in adjoining relation to Birka will be discussed by regarding the weight, form and size of the spindle whorls and loom weights (though fragmental artifacts occur). The thesis will concern trails of textile production from Birka's hinterland and furthermore an investigation about domestic imports of textiles from the mainland to Birka could have oocurred during the Viking Age. The Results indicates that farmbased textileproduction has occured in Birka's hinterland and furthermore numerous of the farms in the hinterland can be discussed as farms with the possibility to export textiles to Birka.

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