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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林建秀, Lin, Chien-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試利用涉險值(VaR)的估計來衡量投資組合風險和規模效果之間的關係。在歷史模擬法、變異-共變異法及極端值法估計VaR的結果中,皆得到小規模策略投資組合之可能損失風險額大於大規模策略投資組合。由VaR的估計,我們可得以下結論:規模溢酬和風險具有高度相關。小規模策略投資組合的風險高於大規模策略投資組合,故需具備較大規模策略投資組合為高之風險溢酬。 而投資人若進行買進小規模策略投資組合及賣出大規模策略投資組合,則因所承擔之風險較高,故所獲致優於大盤的績效,便在於彌補其所承擔的風險。此結果支持理性資產定價模式(Rational Asset Pricing)的論點。

The Performance of Gross-Profit to Asset on the Swedish Stock Market : A comparison to Book-to-Market and Earnings-to-Price in a time frame of 1994-2013

Emde, Larissa, Yildirim, Cem January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the performance of portfolios sorted by gross-profit-to-asset (GPA) as a quality investing on the Swedish stock exchange. It constructs long-only portfolios and long-short portfolios sorted by GPA, book-to-market (B/P) and earnings-per-price (E/P). Thus, the thesis includes quality and value investing. The thesis compares separately the constructed long-only and long-short portfolios among each other. The long-only strategies are additionally compared to the market index. The study further examines a combined portfolio, sorting for GPA and B/P in order to test Novy-Marx’s findings. He reports, that the average return improves, while the standard deviation remains at the same level for a combined portfolio sorting for GPA and B/P. This requires a negative correlation. The comparison is based on different portfolio measurements as i.e. s.d. The asset pricing models CAPM and 5-Factor Model are applied. In addition, actual returns, excessive return over the risk-free rate and over the market index as a benchmark are assessed for the portfolio. The analysis is conducted for the time period 1994-2013 and separately for downturns, considering 2000-2003, 2007-2009 and 2010. The results show a great applicability of the gross-profitability ratio on the Swedish market. This quality strategy convinces not only during normal times with the portfolios GPA-h (long-only) and GPA-hl (long-short) but also in stressed times. GPA-h reports positive (abnormal) returns GPA-h during downturns. The long-only and long-short portfolios based on GPA outperform the market in both time periods. GPA-sorted portfolios perform in general better and the two value strategies during normal times and downturns, based on the annual average return. Examining the two value strategies EP-sorted portfolios are superior over BP-sorted portfolios. EP-portfolios achieve better performance during downturns, regarding Jensen’s alpha. It can be derived, that EP is countercyclical. The combined portfolio generates high return and has a high standard deviation. The assessed statement of Novy-Marx cannot be confirmed for the Swedish stock market. It has to be stated that we detected positive correlation instead of negative correlation. It can be derived, that GPA ratio is applicable on the Swedish market, considering the assumptions and limitations of this study. EP-based portfolios show a good performance during downturns. BP- based portfolios do not perform well on the sweidish market in the assessed time frame. The combined portfolio GPABP-hh does increase returns with constant standard deviation, referred to BP-h. Our findings show, that both value strategies do not outperform the market index. The EP-based value portfolios outperform BP-based portfolios. EP-h performs better during downturns considering Jensen’s alpha.

Which Factors Explain Stock Returns on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Market? : A Panel Data Analysis of a Young Stock Market

Pan, Lijin January 2012 (has links)
This paper studies factors that influence the stock return on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) market. To achieve this goal, a stock-fixed effects model is estimated using a panel data sample comprising 100 companies listed on the SSE market during the 72-month period from January 2002 to December 2007. I find that number of trades and book-to-market value in both up and down markets have a significant and positive impact on stock returns during the studied period, whereas stock returns were negatively affected by systematic risk in both up and down markets although less so in up markets. Price to earnings ratio did not show any significant effect on stock returns on the SSE. My overall results indicate that SSE did not satisfy the efficient market hypothesis 1 during the studied period from January 2002 to December 2007.


余美儀 Unknown Date (has links)
1997年爆發亞洲金融風暴,隔年(1998年)起公司發生財務危機事件層出不窮,1998年至2005年間最為嚴重;2007年全球金融海嘯至今,投資人擔心買到地雷股,對於投資股票市場仍採觀望態度。在經過層層把關的財報背後究竟隱藏多少危機?這些危機難道是不可預測的嗎?其實,公司爆發財務危機並非一夕之間產生的問題,就如同人類的慢性病不是一天造成的,是長期忽略身體健康警訊造成的結果,事出必有因,因此許多學者便開始探究財務危機背後的成因,試圖找出一些指標供投資人作為投資前之考量因素。 本研究主要之目的在於探究財務危機之預測指標,分別探討Beta、公司規模、淨值市價比以及前一年平均報酬(負的動能效果)是否可作為財務危機之預測指標。本研究之樣本公司為1983年至2007年之台灣上市公司,利用Altman提出之Z-score模型將公司區分為危機公司以及正常公司,再將樣本公司依Beta、公司規模、淨值市價比以及前一年平均報酬分別分組,探討這些變數是否可作為財務危機之預測指標。實證結果指出Beta及淨值市價比無法作為財務危機之預測指標,但公司規模及前一年平均報酬(負的動能效果)可以作為財務危機之預測指標。 / With the Asian financial crisis breaking out in 1997, many companies began to suffer financial distress in the following year, and the situations were getting even worse during 1998 and 2005. Faced the new waves of financial tsunami across the world starting from 2007, the investor, therefore, have been adopting a wait-and-see attitudes towards the stock market, fearing of being hit by the “tank stocks”。How many financial problems hidden behind the carefully prepared financial statements? Are they unpredictable? As a matter of fact, just like the human chronic diseases which actually caused by long-term ignorance of health warning, corporate financial distress never happens suddenly. Thus a number of scholars are dedicated to study the reasons for financial problems, attempting to figure out certain indicators capable of being prior reference for investment decision-making. This paper aims to study the predictors of financial distress. Beta, firm size, book-to-market ratio and average monthly prior-year return (negative momentum effect) are to be considered respectively to determine their possibilities of being predictors. The sample companies discussed in this paper are chosen among the listed companies during 1983 and 2007 in Taiwan. They are grouped into two categories of crisis company and normal company by using the Z-score model developed by Altman. Then the sample companies are divided in terms of Beta, firm size, book-to-market ratio and average monthly prior-year return so as to trace these variables’ likelihood to predict bankruptcy. It eventually turns out that firm size and average monthly prior-year return could serve as predictors of financial distress, other than Beta and book-to-market ratio.

Three essays on the German capital market

Brückner, Roman 04 April 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation umfasst drei eigen¬ständige Aufsätze zum deutschen Aktienmarkt. In allen drei Aufsätzen stehen eigene empirische Unter¬suchungen im Mittel-punkt. Bisherige empirische Untersuchungen zum deutschen Aktienmarkt konzentrieren sich meist auf das höchste deutsche Marktsegment, den Amtlichen Markt in Frankfurt. Die Anzahl der empirischen Arbeiten zu den Aktien der unteren Marktsegmente, insbesondere zum Geregelten Markt in Frankfurt, ist hingegen gering. Der erste Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit dem Geregelten Markt und analysiert, ob die Performance mit dem Amtlichen Markt zu vergleichen ist. Beispielsweise war unklar, ob der Geregelte Markt ein ähnliches Desaster wie der Neue Markt darstellt. Wir stellen fest, dass die Aktien des Geregelten Marktes durchaus mit denen des Amtlichen Marktes mithalten können. Im zweiten Aufsatz wird untersucht, inwiefern das das CAPM nach Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965) und Mossin (1966) die Renditen deutscher Aktien erklären kann. Zusätzlich wird untersucht, ob das CAPM in Deutschland um Faktoren für Size und Buchwert-Marktwert erweitert werden sollte. Auf Basis unserer Untersuchungen stellen wir fest, dass eine Erweiterung des CAPMs um Size- und/oder Buchwert-/Marktwertfaktoren derzeit nicht sinnvoll erscheint. In beiden Aufsätzen und in empirischen Untersuchungen im Allgemeinen spielt die Qualität der verwendeten Daten eine wichtige Rolle. Dementsprechend wird im dritten Aufsatz die Qualität der Datastream Daten für den deutschen Aktienmarkt untersucht. Hierbei kommen wir zu dem Ergebnis, dass Datastream als primäre Datenquelle für den deutschen Kapitalmarkt vor 1990 ungeeignet ist. Nach 1990 kommt es zwar zu zufälligen Fehlern in Datastream, diese sind allerdings nur selten gravierend. / This thesis consists of three empirical essays on the German stock market. Prior empirical research on the German stock market primarily focused on the top market segment in Germany, the Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt. Only few empirical studies look at the lower market segments like the Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt. The first essay examines whether the performance of the stocks of the Geregelter Markt is comparable to the performance of the stocks listed in the Amtlicher Markt. For example, it was unclear whether the stocks from the Geregelter Markt performed as disastrous as the stocks from the Neuer Markt. We find that the performance of the stocks from the Geregelter Markt is comparable to those of the Amtlicher Markt. The second essay, examines whether the CAPM of Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965) and Mossin (1966) explains the cross-section of German stock returns. Additionally, we evaluate whether the CAPM should be extended by factors for size and book-to-market. Based on our results, we conclude that the CAPM should not be extended by size and book-to-market in Germany. Data quality is an important aspect of both essays. As a consequence, we examine the quality of equity data from Datastream for the German stock market in the third essay. We conclude that before 1990 Datastream should not be used as the primary data source for empirical studies on the German stock market. After 1990, we find random errors in Datastream, but these are rarely severe.

Introducing additional factors for the Brazilian market in the fama-french five-factor asset pricing model

Lagnado, Leonardo Mathiazzi 23 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Mathiazzi Lagnado (lagnado@gvmail.br) on 2016-09-09T00:28:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 7778858 bytes, checksum: 16803ed7c2489aa7863aa44717c8719a (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Leonardo, boa tarde Para que possamos aceitar seu trabalho, deverá realizar algumas alterações conforme as normas da ABNT. Segue abaixo: - Na capa: o nome da Escola deve estar em Português. - Na contra capa e na folha de assinaturas, todas as informações também deverão estar em português; exceto o título. - Incluir o Resumo em português. - Retirar a numeração das páginas anteriores à página da Introdução. Em seguida, realizar uma nova submissão. Att on 2016-09-09T16:20:32Z (GMT) / Submitted by Leonardo Mathiazzi Lagnado (lagnado@gvmail.br) on 2016-09-09T17:19:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 2462733 bytes, checksum: 42b0f77db7736bc5bba5fb9151e9bfe7 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Leonardo, boa tarde Retirar EESP que consta ao lado do nome da escola. O resumo, precisa estar em outra página e não junto com o Abstract. Por gentileza, alterar novamente e realizar outra submissão. grata. on 2016-09-09T17:35:09Z (GMT) / Submitted by Leonardo Mathiazzi Lagnado (lagnado@gvmail.br) on 2016-09-09T17:49:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 2161653 bytes, checksum: f9a6629a0d197f07ac895a9744a94dbc (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Leonardo, Verificar as páginas anteriores à Introdução, pois permanecem numeradas. A numeração a partir da Introdução, está correta. Mas os números devem estar ao lado direito. Aguardo. on 2016-09-09T17:55:21Z (GMT) / Submitted by Leonardo Mathiazzi Lagnado (lagnado@gvmail.br) on 2016-09-09T18:10:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 2179487 bytes, checksum: edf32ad2e01e1bd9e7b9d944d5979f47 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: Leonardo, A numeração deve estar ao lado direito, conforme informado anteriormente. Aguardo. Grata on 2016-09-09T18:17:37Z (GMT) / Submitted by Leonardo Mathiazzi Lagnado (lagnado@gvmail.br) on 2016-09-09T18:37:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 2196807 bytes, checksum: 5df765c28e119b9162e7a6ec07a45e4a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-09-09T18:49:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 2196807 bytes, checksum: 5df765c28e119b9162e7a6ec07a45e4a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-09T20:03:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MPFE - Lagnado - Versão Final.pdf: 2196807 bytes, checksum: 5df765c28e119b9162e7a6ec07a45e4a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-23 / This dissertation is aimed at evaluating the risk-return relationship of stocks by incrementing the Fama and French five-factor model (F. FAMA and R. FRENCH, 2015) with two new variables. This was done by creating a six-factor model aimed at capturing the size, value, profitability, investment and governance patterns in average stock returns. An additional seven-factor model was also created by adding a herding factor. Governance and herding were chosen as additional factors because of a hypothesis that they would be relevant in less efficient markets such as Brazil. The evaluation of the two model´s performance versus the traditional five-factor model was performed next, as well as the assessment of relevance of the newly added factors. Testing the six-factor model, it had a similar performance to the five-factor model, and the governance factor proved to be relevant in the Brazilian market. Adding the herding factor weakened the results, although the factor still proved to be relevant in some cases. / O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar a relação risco-retorno de ações incrementando o modelo de cinco fatores de Fama e French (F. FAMA and R. FRENCH, 2015) com duas novas variáveis. Isso foi feito criando um modelo de seis fatores que busca capturar os padrões de tamanho, valor, lucratividade, investimento e governança nos retornos médios de ações. Um modelo adicional de sete fatores também foi criado adicionando um fator para o efeito manada. A governança e o efeito manada foram escolhidos como fatores adicionais por conta da hipótese de que eles seriam relevantes em mercados menos eficientes como o Brasil. A avaliação da performance dos dois modelos contra o modelo tradicional de cinco fatores foi então realizada, bem como a avaliação da relevância dos novos fatores. Testando o modelo de seis fatores, descobrimos que ele tem uma performance semelhante ao de cinco fatores, e o fator de governança mostrou ser relevante no mercado Brasileiro. Adicionando o fator para o efeito manada enfraqueceu os resultados, embora o fator ainda mostrou-se relevante em alguns casos.

A Value Relevant Fundamental Investment Strategy : The use of weighted fundamental signals to improve predictability

Eliasson, Martin, Malik, Khawar, Österlund, Benjamin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility to improve the investment model defined in Piotroski (2000) and the subsequent research carried out on this model. Our model builds further upon the original fundamental score put forth by Piotroski. This further developed model is tested in two different contexts; firstly, a weighted fundamental score is developed that is updated every year in order to control for any changes in the predictive ability of fundamental signals over time. Secondly, the behavior of this score is analyzed in context of recession and growth cycles of the macro economy. Our findings show that high book-to-market portfolio consist of poor performing firms, as shown by Fama and French (1995) and is thereby outperformed by both Piotroski's F_score and our own developed scores. The score based on a rolling window correlation is performing a little better then F_score, but the score based on correlations for prior Up and Down periods is not. The conclusions we draw from the results are that improvements have to be made, both to F_score and our own developments, to sort winners from loser to get an even more profitable zero-investment hedge strategy.

台灣股票市場股票報酬之時間序列研究 / The Time Series Analysis of the Stock Returns in the Taiwan Stock Exchange

陳柏助, Chen, Po-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用Fama and French[1993]所提出之三因子模式為基礎,以公司規模[firm size]、帳面淨值市價比[book to market ratio]、及市場超額報酬[market excess return]為三因子,配合動能因子[momentum]及三種不同的流動性指標[成交量,成交值,成交量週轉率]來延伸探討五因子的時間序列資產定價模式。 本文的研究資料為西元1992年1月到西元2000年12月間的452家上市公司週資料,期望能解釋月資料所無法包含的資訊內涵。 結論: (1.)台灣股票市場確實有規模效果,淨值市價比效果,動能效果,及流動性效果。 (2.)市場因子具有解釋能力。 (3.)小公司投資組合解釋效果不佳,在台灣股票市場可能有其他因素未放入評價模式中驗證。 (4.)流動性指標在台灣股票市場上,確實和股票報酬有負向的關係存在,且建議以成交量週轉率作為流動性的代表指標。 (5.)台灣股票市場有顯著的動能存在,投資者可藉由動能策略獲得更高的超額報酬。 / This article provides evidence that stock returns listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange do have shared variation due to the “market anomalies”, such as size, book-to-market ratio, momentum, and liquidity, which have been argued by scholars and investment professionals for many years. The evidence shows that small-cap effect plays an important role in explaining the violation in stock returns after controlling for other determinants of stock returns. Besides, value, momentum, and liquidity effect do exist in the Taiwan stock market. Moreover, we suggest that turnover rate is a better proxy for liquidity in terms of its stronger relations with the stylized portfolio returns. We empirically estimate the intercepts of our asset-market models using weekly time-series data for individual securities over the sample period from 1992 to 2000 and across 452 securities. To emphasize particularly, our result does not imply that the Taiwan stock market is not an efficient market.

Models explaining the average return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Jämtander, Jämtander January 2018 (has links)
Using three different models, we examine the determinants of average stock returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2012-2016. By using time-series data, we find that a Fama-French three-factor model (directed at capturing size and book-to-market ratio) functions quite well in the Swedish stock market and is able to explain the variation in returns better than the traditional CAPM. Additionally, we investigated if the addition of a Price/Earning variable to the Fama-French model would increase the explanatory power of the expected returns of the different dependent variables portfolios. We conclude that the P/E ratio does not influence the expected returns in the sample we used.


李佳樺, Lee-Chia-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究考慮市場、規模、淨值市價比及前期累積報酬,這四個影響股票報酬的因子,分別以個股特徵之持股比例變動法與四因子評估模型,對共同基金風險調整後的報酬作績效評比,不但可以評估基金的選股能力與擇時能力,並進一步瞭解報酬之風險來源。最後討論這兩種評比方式的適用性,並藉由基準投資組合將市場股票區分成不同的風險類別,根據基金在各類別股票的持有比例,引伸出對基金持股風格的另一種看法。現將本篇研究結果整理如下: 1. 四因子模型對於資產的解釋能力比資本資產評價模型(CAPM)好;並且透過規模、淨值市價比、前期累積報酬之風險溢酬因子,可以瞭解報酬之不同風險來源。 2. 依照個股特徵為基準之持股比例變動法,計算出實際績效、特徵擇時、特徵選股及平均持股型態的績效。結果顯示共同基金多具有正的選股能力,擇時能力,但經過檢定,並沒有顯著的超額報酬。 3. 以四因子評價模型對共同基金績效做評估。結果發現幾乎不具有顯著的超額報酬;兩種方法的評比結果相類似。但是部份基金在規模、與前期累積報酬項有顯著異於零的結果,顯示基金在規模、量能操作上有穩定的績效表現,因此使得檢定的結果顯著。 4. 而以持股類型風格上來看,顯示部份基金會高度持有大型股、以及過去表現良好的股票,持股風險類群明顯而集中,屬於穩健、偏重長期,並配合量能操作的投資策略。 最後根據本文的實證結果,分別對投資人與基金經理人提出建議。而從持股比例計算的過程,對持股風格分析提供一個更簡易明瞭的看法,並將研究中發現的問題,一併列在建議中,提供給後續研究者作為參考。 第一章 緒論…………………………………………1 第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………4 第一節 風險調整因素……………………………4 第二節 四因子評估模型…………………………7 第三節 依個股特徵之持股比例變動法…………9 第三章 研究設計……………………………………13 第一節 研究假說…………………………………13 第二節 研究架構…………………………………14 第三節 研究範圍與期間…………………………16 第四節 變數定義與資料處理……………………18 第四章 實證結果與分析……………………………22 第一節 四因子評估模型…………………………22 第二節 共同基金績效評估………………………27 第三節 基金之持股類型比例……………………36 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………40 第一節 結論………………………………………40 第二節 建議…………………………………………41 參考文獻……………………………………………45

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