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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Mechanics and Fixed Operations of Human Experience

Di Netta, James Dominick 01 January 2016 (has links)
This paper will use the natural laws of the universe and amassed evidence to support a dynamic systems theory approach to explain the mechanics and fixed operations of the human experience taking place inside a causally determined universe without the possibility of free will. By reductionary methods, the universe and all its’ contents, including human agents, will be exemplified as complex dynamic systems. In so doing, the human experience is reduced to being comprised of information acting and reacting with other information existing in the universe, specifically ideas. Allowing ideas to take on a physical manifestation shows how the feedback of information directly results in the rise of human consciousness and the sensation of control and volition over actions. Thus, the methods and philosophies used in this paper will set out to rebut metaphysical libertarian views asserting alternative possibilities by way of Rollback Arguments and two other libertarian arguments raised by Alfred R. Mele. This paper aims to provide a description and deeper appreciation for the mechanics and fixed operations of the human experience in a universe where free will is nonexistent.

Phase de bi-particules localisées par interaction attractive dans un milieu aléatoire

Lages, José 19 October 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Nous étudions dans cet ouvrage les effets conjugués de l'interaction et du désordre sur la localisation de particules fermioniques. Nous montrons que l'établissement au-dessus du niveau de Fermi d'une interaction attractive de Hubbard entre deux particules évoluant sur un réseau désordonné d'Anderson (bi ou tridimensionnel) mène, dans l'état fondamental, à la création d'une paire de particules localisées. Cette phase biparticulaire apparaît dans un régime de désordre où les particules sans interaction ne sont pas encore localisées (phase métallique du modèle d'Anderson). Cette localisation persiste également pour les états excités tant que ceux-ci décrivent un état où les deux particules liées forment une paire. Cette phase de biparticules localisées par interaction attractive (phase BLS) disparaît néanmoins au profit d'une phase de paires de Cooper délocalisées lorsque les fluctuations du désordre sur le réseau sont suffisamment faibles. Un champ magnétique permet également, en altérant la structure des paires, de délocaliser les particules menant ainsi à la disparition de la phase BLS. Ce modèle quantique de deux particules constitue, pour les systèmes désordonnés, une généralisation du problème de Cooper. Nous montrons alors qu'il est nécessaire d'aller au-delà de l'approximation que constitue l'ansatz de Cooper pour décrire correctement la phase BLS. Ce résultat traduit le fait que, pour les systèmes à N-corps, les techniques de champs moyen utilisant l'appariement des particules suggéré par l'ansatz de Cooper ne permettent pas de traiter de manière correcte les influences conjuguées du désordre et de l'attraction dans les supraconducteurs fortement désordonnés. Une extension de notre modèle, au cas de N>2 fermions en interaction, est envisagé, montrant que l'état fondamental à N-corps entreprends une transition d'un état délocalisé (supraconducteur) vers un état localisé (isolant) lorsque le désordre augmente dans le système.

Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojourners

Vallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity.</p><p>This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation.</p><p>Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents.</p><p>The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence.</p><p>Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory.</p> / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.

Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojourners

Vallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity. This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation. Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents. The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence. Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory. / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.

Estimación óptima de secuencias caóticas con aplicación en comunicaciones

Luengo García, David 23 November 2006 (has links)
En esta Tesis se aborda la estimación óptima de señales caóticas generadas por mapas unidimensionales y contaminadas por ruido aditivo blanco Gaussiano, desde el punto de vista de los dos marcos de inferencia estadística más extendidos: máxima verosimilitud (ML) y Bayesiano. Debido al elevado coste computacional de estos estimadores, se proponen asimismo diversos estimadores subóptimos, aunque computacionalmente eficientes, con un rendimiento similar al de los óptimos. Adicionalmente se analiza el problema de la estimación de los parámetros de un mapa caótico explotando la relación conocida entre muestras consecutivas de la secuencia caótica. Por último, se considera la aplicación de los estimadores anteriores al diseño de receptores para dos esquemas de comunicaciones caóticas diferentes: conmutación caótica y codificación simbólica o caótica. / This Thesis studies the optimal estimation of chaoticsignals generated iterating unidimensional maps and contaminated by additive white Gaussian noise, from the point of view of the two most common frameworks in statistical inference: maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian. Due to the high computational cost of optimum estimators, several suboptimal but computationally efficient estimators are proposed, which attain a similar performance as the optimum ones. Additionally, the estimation of the parameters of a chaotic map is analyzed, exploiting the known relation between consecutive samples of the chaotic sequence. Finally, we consider the application of the estimators developed in the design of receivers for two different schemes of chaotic communications: chaotic switching and symbolic or chaotic coding.

Some contributions in probability and statistics of extremes.

Kratz, Marie 15 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Part I - Level crossings and other level functionals.<br />Part II - Some contributions in statistics of extremes and in statistical mechanics.

Δείκτες για τη βέλτιστη στόχευση και ηλεκτρικό ερεθισμό δομών των βασικών γαγγλίων και του θαλάμου στη στερεοτακτική και λειτουργική νευροχειρουργική

Μπάμπος, Κωνσταντίνος 27 July 2010 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσης εργασίας είναι η βιβλιογραφική αναζήτηση, παράθεση και επιβεβαίωση παλαιότερων τεχνικών που έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί κατά καιρούς για τη βέλτιστη στόχευση και ηλεκτρικό ερεθισμό δομών των βασικών γαγγλίων και του θαλάμου, αλλά και η αναζήτηση νέων τεχνικών που θα μπορούσαν να χρησιμοποιηθούν τόσο κατά τη διάρκεια του χειρουργείου όσο και μετά από αυτό. Το κύριο μέρος της εργασίας είναι η εύρεση νέων συνδυαστικών τεχνικών οι οποίες επηρεάζουν τη στόχευση των εν τω βάθει πυρήνων, και πιο συγκεκριμένα την διεγχειρητική στόχευση του υποθαλάμιου πυρήνα κατά την διάρκεια στερεοτακτικής και λειτουργικής νευροχειρουργικής Παρκινσονικών ασθενών, καθώς και ο καθορισμός συγκεκριμένων τροχιών μικρο/μακροηλεκτροδίων οι οποίες να μπορούν να εγγυηθούν μακροχρόνια θετικά κλινικά αποτελέσματα. Προτού αναφέρουμε λεπτομερώς αυτές τις τεχνικές, αναλύουμε τον τρόπο λειτουργίας του εν τω βάθει εγκεφαλικού διεγέρτη, αναφέρουμε κάποια ιστορικά ορόσημα στην ανάπτυξη της στερεοτακτικής και λειτουργικής νευροχειρουργικής και αναφέρουμε τους διαφόρους πυρήνες που έχουν διεγερθεί κατά καιρούς για την αντιμετώπιση των συμπτωμάτων διαφόρων νευρολογικών παθήσεων. Επίσης αναφέρουμε αρκετά ανατομικά στοιχεία (συνοδεία σχεδίων) των υπό διέγερση περιοχών καθώς και τη φυσιολογία που εμπλέκεται έτσι ώστε να έχουμε μείωση ή και εξάλειψη των διαφόρων νευρολογικών/ψυχιατρικών συμπτωμάτων. Αναφερόμαστε στη γενικότερη εφαρμογή του ηλεκτρισμού στην ιατρική καλύπτοντας τόσο το κεντρικό όσο και το περιφερειακό νευρικό σύστημα, σε ασθένειες οι οποίες παρουσιάζουν νευρολογικές και ψυχιατρικές εκφάνσεις, ενώ αναλύουμε και διεξοδικά τον μηχανισμό δράσης νευρολογικών ασθενειών από μοριακό επίπεδο μέχρι των αλλαγών που παρατηρούνται στα μετρήσιμα ηλεκτρικά πεδία τόσο των εν τω βάθει δομών όσο και του φλοιού. Στο τελευταίο κεφάλαιο αυτής της εργασίας αναλύουμε τις μετρήσεις μας που ελήφθησαν από 7 Παρκινσονικούς ασθενείς κατά τη διάρκεια χειρουργείου για την στόχευση και ερεθισμό του υποθαλάμιου πυρήνα, και αναφέρουμε πως με τη χρήση μη γραμμικής δυναμικής και χάους μπορούμε να επιτύχουμε το βέλτιστο κλινικό αποτέλεσμα. / The objective of the present thesis is the bibliographical research, instantiation and confirmation of various techniques that have been occasionally used for the most optimal targeting and electric stimulation of basal ganglia nuclei and thalamus, as well as the finding of new innovative techniques that can be used so much intraoperatively as much postoperatively. The main part of this thesis is the finding of new combined techniques that influence the targeting of deep brain nuclei, and more specifically the targeting of subthalamic nucleus during functional neurosurgery in parkinsonian patients, as well as the determination of specific trajectories of micro/macroelectrodes which can guarantee long-lasting positive clinical results. Before we report in detail these techniques, we analyze the function of the deep brain stimulator, we report certain historical landmarks in the growth of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery and we report the various nuclei that they occasionally have been stimulated for the amelioration of symptoms of various neurological diseases. Also we report many anatomical information (accompanied by drawings) of the areas under stimulation as well as the physiology that is involved so as to induce amelioration of various neurological/psychiatric symptoms. We have analyzed the more general application of electricity in the medicine covering so much the central as much the peripheral nervous system, the symptoms of diseases that present neurological and psychiatric manifestations, while we have analyzed in depth the mechanism of action of neurological diseases from molecular level up to the changes that are observed in the measurable electric fields from both deep brain nuclei and the cerebral cortex. In the last chapter of this thesis we analyze the electric activity that was measured intraoperatively from scalp and deep brain electrodes of 7 parkinsonian patients during targeting and stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus, and we report that with the use of non linear dynamics and chaos we can achieve the most optimal clinical result.

Solitary waves and enhanced incoherent scatter ion lines

Ekeberg, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses solitary waves and their significance for auroral particle acceleration, coronal heating and incoherent scatter radar spectra. Solitary waves are formed due to a balance of nonlinear and dispersive effects. There are several nonlinearities present in ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and dispersion can be introduced by including theHall termin the generalised Ohm’s law. The resulting system of equations comprise the classical ideal MHD waves, whistlers, drift waves and solitarywave solutions. The latter reside in distinct regions of the phase space spanned by the speed and the angle (to the magnetic field) of the propagating wave. Within each region, qualitatively similar solitary structures are found. In the limit of neglected electron intertia, the solitary wave solutions are confined to two regions of slow and fast waves, respectively. The slow (fast) structures are associated with density compressions (rarefactions) and positive (negative) electric potentials. Such negative potentials are shown to accelerate electrons in the auroral region (solar corona) to tens (hundreds) of keV. The positive electric potentials could accelerate solar wind ions to velocities of 300–800 km/s. The structure widths perpendicular to themagnetic field are in the Earth’s magnetosphere (solar corona) of the order of 1–100 km (m). This thesis also addresses a type of incoherent scatter radar spectra, where the ion line exhibits a spectrally uniform power enhancement with the up- and downshifted shoulder and the spectral region in between enhanced simultaneously and equally. The power enhancements are one order of magnitude above the thermal level and are often localised to an altitude range of less than 20 km at or close to the ionospheric F region peak. The observations are well-described by a model of ion-acoustic solitary waves propagating transversely across the radar beam. Two cases of localised ion line enhancements are shown to occur in conjunction with auroral arcs drifting through the radar beam. The arc passages are associated with large gradients in ion temperature, which are shown to generate sufficiently high velocity shears to give rise to growing Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instabilities. The observed ion line enhancements are interpreted in the light of the low-frequency turbulence associated with these instabilities. / Denna avhandling handlar om solitära vågor och deras roll i norrskensacceleration och koronaupphettning, samt deras signatur i spektra uppmätta med inkoherent spridningsradar. Solitära vågor bildas genom en balans mellan ickelinjära och dispersiva effekter. Ickelinjäriteter finns det gott om i ideal magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) och dispersion kan införas genom att inkludera Halltermen i den generaliserade Ohms lag. Det resulterande ekvationssystemet omfattar de klassiska vågorna inom ideal MHD, visslare, driftvågor och solitära vågor. De sistnämnda återfinns i väldefinierade områden i fasrummet som spänns upp av farten och vinkeln (mot magnetfältet) för den propagerande vågen. Inom varje sådant område återfinns kvalitativt lika solitära våglösningar. Om man försummar elektronernas tröghet begränsas de solitära våglösningarna till två områden med långsamma respektive snabba vågor. De långsamma (snabba) strukturerna är associerade med täthets-kompressioner (förtunningar) och positiva (negativa) elektriska potentialer. De negativa potentialerna visas kunna accelerera elektroner i norrskensområdet (solens korona) till tiotals (hundratals) keV medan de positiva potentialerna accelererar solvindsjoner till hastigheter på 300–800 km/s. Strukturbredderna vinkelrät mot magnetfältet är i jordens magnetosfär (solens korona) av storleksordningen 1–100 km (m). Denna avhandling tar även upp en typ av inkoherent spridningsradarspektra, där jonlinjen uppvisar en spektralt uniform förstärkning. Detta innebär att den upp- och nedskiftade skuldran och spektralbandet däremellan förstärks simultant och i lika hög grad. Effektförstärkningen är en storleksordning över den termiska nivån och är ofta lokaliserad till ett höjd-intervall av mindre än 20 km nära jonosfärens F-skiktstopp. Observationerna beskrivs väl av en modell med solitära vågor som propagerar transversellt genom radarstrålen. Två fall av lokaliserade jonlinjeförstärkningar visas sammanfalla med att norrskensbågar driver genom radarstrålen. I samband med bågarnas passage uppmäts stora gradienter i jontemperatur, vilket visas skapa tillräckligt kraftiga hastighetsskjuvningar för att Kelvin-Helmholtz-instabiliteter ska tillåtas växa. De observerade jonlinjeförstärkningarna tolkas i skenet av den lågfrekventa turbulensen som är kopplad till dessa instabiliteter.

Dynamique d'un gaz de bosons ultra-froids dans un milieu désordonné : Effets des interactions sur la localisation et sur la transition d'Anderson

Vermersch, Benoît 23 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
En présence de désordre, la diffusion des particules peut être complètement annihilée, don- nant lieu à la fameuse localisation d'Anderson. En dimension trois, une transition de phase sépare une telle phase isolante du régime diffusif. À partir de différentes approches théo- riques et numériques, cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer l'effet des interactions entre particules sur la localisation d'Anderson et sur la transition d'Anderson, dans le contexte expérimental des condensats de Bose-Einstein. Dans le cas unidimensionnel, la compétition entre désordre et interaction induit l'existence de trois régimes dynamiques dont les caracté- ristiques sont étudiées grâce à une approche spectrale. En nous appuyant sur le modèle du rotateur frappé quasi-périodique, nous caractérisons l'émergence du régime sub-diffusif qui tend à remplacer le régime localisé dans le cas tridimensionnel. Nous étudions également la dynamique des excitations du système et démontrons l'universalité de la transition d'An- derson vis-à-vis des quasi-particules de Bogoliubov. Dans l'objectif d'étudier la validité de l'équation de Gross-Pitaevskii, nous nous sommes enfin intéressés à une nouvelle approche, la méthode de la troncature d'Husimi. Celle-ci nous permet d'envisager une étude de la compétition entre désordre et interaction enrichie par la prise en compte du bruit quantique.

Application des méthodes du chaos quantique aux oscillations d'étoiles en rotation rapide

Pasek, Michael 20 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'astérosismologie a pour but de déduire les propriétés internes des étoiles à partir de l'analyse de leurs fréquences d'oscillation. Cette analyse peut-être grandement facilitée par des informations a priori sur la structure du spectre d'oscillation, telles que celles que l'on peut obtenir par une formule asymptotique. Jusqu'à maintenant, une telle formule asymptotique n'était disponible que pour les étoiles à symétrie sphérique. Or pour une étoile en rotation rapide, la force centrifuge aplatit l'étoile, et la formule asymptotique n'est plus valable. Pourtant, les étoiles pulsantes en rotation rapide sont communes parmi les étoiles massives et de masse intermédiaire de la séquence principale, et un grand nombre d'entre elles sont observées par les missions spatiales dédiées à l'astérosismologie comme CoRoT et Kepler. Dans le cas des modes d'oscillation de pression, la limite asymptotique des rayons acoustiques peut-être décrite par un système dynamique Hamiltonien. Ce système passe, lorsque l'on augmente la vitesse de rotation d'un modèle d'étoile, d'un système intégrable à un système mixte, ou des régions stables et chaotiques coexistent dans l'espace des phases. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons comment obtenir des formules semi-analytiques prédisant des espacements réguliers de fréquences dans le spectre des modes de pression d'étoiles en rotation rapide, en utilisant la théorie des rayons ainsi que les méthodes du chaos quantique. Ces formules relient les espacements réguliers de fréquences d'oscillations aux quantités physiques internes des étoiles, ce qui fournit un nouvel outil théorique pour l'astérosismologie des étoiles en rotation rapide.

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