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Identifying Lean Waste in the Development Pipeline of an In-game 2D Map / Identifiering av Lean Waste Inom Utvecklingspipelinen för en 2D SpelkartaBudak, Ronya January 2024 (has links)
Lean software development is an approach that focuses on identifying and removing unnecessary processes that occur within a pipeline that add no value to the end product. It adapts ideas from lean manufacturing and the Toyota production system for use within the software space, and is ideal for streamlining pipelines. In this paper, the development pipeline of a two-dimensional in-game map is analyzed through the lens of the first principle of lean software development, ’eliminate waste’. Lean waste is identified and measured in order to identify problem areas within the pipeline that can be improved upon in order to streamline the pipeline and highlight issues. Additionally, value stream mapping is used to aid in the visualization of the pipeline and waste identification. The integration of in-game maps within video games serves as an integral component for navigation and gameplay enhancement, assisting the player with identifying their location and marking crucial locations. As the map functions as a relatively contained element of the gameplay, the development of video game maps parallels a small-scale version of the overall game development pipeline. The map development pipeline can be summarized with the following seven subtasks; add features to the prototype tool, export heightmap and watermask, generate map using the prototype tool, render map in game, connect map to UI, export road information, and add roads to map. Throughout development, three types of lean waste were identified: waiting, defects, and motion. Of these, defects proved to be the most significant, accounting for 48% of development time, while motion and waiting consumed 9% and 7% of pipeline time, respectively. The suggested solutions to decrease waste in this pipeline involve testing and improving important tools frequently, writing better and more coherent documentations, as well as removing documents of poor quality. / Lean software development är en metod som fokuserar på att identifiera och ta bort onödiga processer som sker inom en pipeline som inte tillför något värde till slutprodukten. Metoden anpassar ideer från lean manufacturing och Toyotas produktionssystem för användning inom mjukvaruområdet och är idealisk för att effektivisera pipelines. I detta arbete undersöks utvecklingsprocessen av en tvådimensionell karta i ett datorspel och analyseras baserat på den första principen av lean software development, ‘eliminera avfall’, och används för att effektivisera processen. Value stream mapping används för att visualisera utvecklingsprocessen och ta fram problem som kan uppstå. Integrationen av kartor inom datorspel utgör en väsentlig komponent för navigation och en bättre spelupplevelse, vilket hjälper spelaren att identifiera sin position och markera viktiga platser. Då kartan fungerar som ett relativt avgränsat element av spelupplevelsen, betyder det att utvecklingen av spelkartan kan ses som en parallell av en mindre skala till hela spelets utvecklingsprocess. Utvecklingsprocessen för kartan kan sammanfattas med dess sju deluppgifter; lägg till funktioner i prototyp verktyget, exportera höjd- och vattenkartan, generera kartan med prototyp verktyget, rendera kartan i spelet, anslut kartan till användargränssnittet, exportera väginformation, och lägg till vägar på kartan. Under utvecklingen identifierades tre typer av lean avfall: väntetid, defekter och rörelse. Av dessa visade det sig att defekter tog upp mest tid, med 48% av utvecklingstiden, medan rörelse och väntetid krävde 9% respektive 7% av utvecklingstiden. De föreslagna lösningarna för att minska på avfall i denna pipeline innefattar att testa och förbättra viktiga verktyg frekvent, skriva bättre och mer sammanhängande dokumentation, samt att ta bort dokument av dålig kvalitet.
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Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av <em>annat socialt nedbrytande beteend</em>e i 3 § LVUGustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that <em>other social destructive behaviour</em> is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.</p>
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Tvångsvård på grund av problematiskt datorspelande : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av annat socialt nedbrytande beteende i 3 § LVUGustavsson, Cecilia, Lundqvist, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This paper has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 3rd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the prerequisite other social destructive behaviour in four cases where youths has been under compulsory institutional care because of their computer gaming. The study was composed on a legal dogmatic method and a legal sociologist perspective. The legal dogmatic method implies to examine the law and its elaboration, the legal sociologist perspective focus on the consequences and causes of the court of law. The study shows that problematic computer gaming is an increasing problem in society and that other social destructive behaviour is a wide prerequisite that need new amendment in order to ensure citizens certainty.
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SIGHTLENCE : Haptics for Computer GamesNordvall, Mathias January 2012 (has links)
Games in general and computer games in particular have now become a mainstream activity for young people in the industrialized nations. Sadly, people’s interaction with computer artifacts and games are mainly still limited to the visual and auditive modalities. This constrains the richness of our interaction with those artifacts, it constrains the possibilities of using those artifacts to communicate and build relations with others, and it excludes some people from using them at all. This thesis answers the questions of whether it’s possible to use haptics as a single modality for conveying information in computer games, if it’s possible to translate the standard interfaces of existing computer games into haptic interfaces, and if it can be accomplished with the technology used in the gamepads of current generation game consoles. It also contains a theoretical foundation for using haptics in game design and a new design method for analyzing the requirements of computer game interface modalities. A computer game prototype called Sightlence was developed in order to answer these questions. The prototype was developed in four iterative cycles of design, development, and evaluative play sessions. Four groups of people participated in the play sessions: graduate students, and teachers, specializing in games; people who are deafblind; people from the general population; and pupils from a national special needs school in Sweden for children with deafness or impaired hearing combined with severe learning disabilities, or congenital deafblindness. The prototypes were tested with usability techniques for measuring performance and learnability. The usability tests showed that Sightlence can be successfully learned by people from the general population while the pupils with cognitive development disorders from the special needs school would need additional support in the game in order to learn to handle the increased abstraction caused by the haptic interface. The thesis ends with discussion of the designed and developed artifact Sightlence. The discussion touches on the design process, the usability testing, and possible future research and development relevant for making haptics a fruitful tool and medium for designers and people.
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Srovnání fikčního světa počítačovách her a jejich literárních předloh / Comparison of fictional world of computer games and of their literary artworksKovaříková, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to explain the relationship of literature and computer games. The first part deals with the definition of computer RPG genre and literary fantasy genre. It considers aspects which leads players to play computer games and connect between the literary work and the computer game. It deals also with the experience: the experience of the game and reading while specifically dealing with the flow effect and concept of immersion. A central part of this work examines both media through narrative approach. Interpretation and literary analysis of The Witcher Saga by Andrzej Sapkowski and computer game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt follows the specifics of the construction of the story in two different media through narrative figures (events, characters and space) and their possible modifications. Furthermore, it tracks purposes and methods for these variations and their impact on the recipient.
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Specifika režimu DPH pro oblast elektronického prodeje počítačových her / Specifics of VAT for Electronic Sales of Computer GamesŠtefka, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with the issue of VAT for electronic sales of computer games. The thesis contains a theoretical definition of basic concepts with subsequent identification of relevant business sector including obligations in the area of VAT which are relevant to a defined range of entities. Practical part consists of the methodology containing procedures and recommendations concerning the fulfilment of VAT related obligations. The methodology is intended for domestic taxable persons providing electronic services for non-taxable persons from around the world.
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Investigating gameplay and gaming experience in an audio-only puzzle game using stressful versus calm ambienceCrépault Wibe, Catherine January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates if gameplay in an audio-only puzzle game differs when the player is feeling stressed or calm. This was done by conducting a test where 14 participants played an audio-only, puzzle game with two levels. One level containing stressful ambience and the other level containing calm ambience. The players were timed during the playtest and the results were analyzed. The results showed a significant decrease of played time in the level containing stressful ambience. The study has also investigated whether the participants preferred the level with the stressful ambience or the level with the calm ambience. This was done by asking the participants a series of questions. The participants' answers for these questions were analyzed by coding their answers and extracting keywords. The results showed no significant difference in player preference.
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Prosoziales Verhalten in virtuellen Welten am Beispiel von Online‐Rollenspielen: Der Einfluss situativer und dispositionaler Faktoren im Vergleich zu realen HilfesituationenValtin, Georg 25 November 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht am Beispiel von Online-Rollenspielen, wie sich prosoziales Verhalten in virtuellen Umgebungen im Vergleich zu dem in realen Umgebungen unterscheidet. Ausgangspunkt für die Untersuchungen sind die Modelle zum und Einflussgrößen auf das prosoziale Verhalten, die als Ergebnisse der einschlägigen Forschung realer Hilfesituationen vorliegen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Charakteristika und Besonderheiten von Online-Rollenspielen werden verschiedene Variablen wie Attraktivität des Hilfeempfängers, Ähnlichkeit zwischen Helfer und Hilfeempfänger, die Schwere der Notsituation und Gruppenzugehörigkeit auf ihre Auswirkung auf das prosoziale Verhalten in virtuellen Szenarien getestet. Um ein maximales Maß an externer Validität zu gewährleisten, kommt dabei die Methode der In-situ-Untersuchung zum Einsatz, bei der das Verhalten der Probanden in natürlichen Spielsituationen erfasst wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen bei weiblichen Avataren einen signifikanten Einfluss der Attraktivität bei männlichen Helfern, wohingegen es bei fehlender Verfügbarkeit von Attraktivitätsmerkmalen keine Geschlechtsunterschiede gibt. Kein Einfluss auf prosoziales Verhalten kann bei den Variablen Schwere der Notsituation und perzeptueller Ähnlichkeit nachgewiesen werden. Darüber hinaus wird mittels einer Fragebogenstudie der Einfluss dispositionaler Merkmale, die unter dem Begriff prosoziale Persönlichkeit zusammengefasst werden, auf prosoziales Verhalten untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die positiven Prädiktoren empathic concern, other-oriented moral reasoning und der negative Prädiktor personal distress einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Auftreten prosozialen Verhaltens in realen und in virtuellen Szenarien haben. Allerdings unterscheidet sich die Höhe des Einflusses dieser Variablen in Abhängigkeit der Zielpersonen des prosozialen Verhaltens (Ingroup vs. Outgroup) sowie des Umgebung (real vs. virtuell).
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Industrial Phantasmagoria : Subcultural Interactive Cinema Meets Mass-Cultural Media of SimulationDymek, Mikolaj January 2010 (has links)
The video game industry has in three decades gone from a garage hobby to a global multi-billion euro media industry that challenges the significantly older and established cultural industries. After decades of explosive growth the industry surprisingly finds itself in a crisis – in terms of sales, future trajectories and creative paradigms. The global gaming culture receives substantial attention from society, media and academia – but the industry itself appears in comparison as an enigmatic terra incognita with astonishingly little dedicated research. This thesis aims to amend this situation by presenting a study at the cross-section of the video game industry, game studies, literary theory, cultural industries and business studies. It deals with the following question: how does the global game industry relate to its own product, in terms of communication and media dimensions, and what are the (business) consequences, in terms of production, strategy and commercial/creative innovation, of this relationship? This study’s departure point is constituted by a comprehensive description of the industry’s structure, dynamics and processes, based on extensive interviews with industry professionals. It is followed by an examination and comparison of the game industry with other media/cultural industries in relation to their economy and business dynamics. With inconclusive answers regarding the medium-industry relation, this study proceeds by exploring literary theories from the field of game studies, in order to gain insights into the dynamics of medium and industry. Literary theories from ludology and narratology provide rewarding perspectives on this inquiry, since it is found that the ontological dichotomy of simulation vs. respresentation present in the interpretational realm of the game medium is also reflected in the industry and its dynamics. This has pivotal consequences for the analysis of the game industry. This study concludes by positing the current critical condition of the industry as an extremely decisive moment in its history: will it become a truly universal mass-medium, or will it continue down its subcultural path? Subcultural “interactive cinema” meets mass-cultural media of simulation – how will the industry evolve? / QC20100708
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Spatial Mapping in virtuellen Umgebungen / Spatial mapping in virtual environments: The effects of stereoscopy and natural mappping on user experiencePietschmann, Daniel 22 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Auswirkung von reichhaltigen, natürlichen Eingabe- und Ausgabeinformationen in virtuellen Umgebungen in Form von Natural Mapping und Stereoskopie. Dabei steht insbesondere die Kombination der Ein- und Ausgabemodalitäten mit dem damit verbundenen Interaktionsgegenstand im Fokus. Auf Basis von mentalen Modellen werden Transferprozesse von Wissen und Fertigkeiten bezüglich realer Handlungen auf virtuelle Handlungen angenommen. Diese resultieren in einer potenziell höheren User Experience und Performance bei der Interaktion. Spatial Mapping wird als Konzept der räumlichen Übereinstimmung von Wahrnehmungsräumen der Ein- und Ausgabeinformationen eingeführt und damit als holistische Erweiterung von Natural Mapping verstanden. Spatial Mapping bezeichnet in der vorliegenden Arbeit den Grad der Verknüpfung der physikalischen und virtuellen Umgebung, sodass Nutzer im Idealfall eine isomorphe Abbildung der beiden Wahrnehmungsräume erfahren und notwendige Transformationsprozesse für die Verarbeitung der virtuellen Umgebung minimiert werden können. Im Resultat stehen mehr kognitive Ressourcen für andere Inhalte zur Verfügung.
Auf Basis des Spatial-Mapping-Ansatzes wurde ein Pfadmodell konstruiert, das experimentell überprüft wurde. In zwei Experimenten wurden Effekte von Natural Mapping und Stereoskopie in Szenarien mit hohem Spatial Mapping untersucht. Das erste Experiment nutzte dafür ein kommerzielles Computerspiel, bei dem Spatial Mapping für die Interaktion nicht handlungsrelevant war. Beim zweiten Experiment kam ein Virtual-Reality-Simulator zum Einsatz, bei dessen Aufgabenstellung Nutzer vom hohen Spatial Mapping deutlich profitieren konnten. Meist wird Stereoskopie auf existierende mediale Inhalte angewendet, ohne die Inhalte entsprechend darauf anzupassen. Diese Vorgehensweise lässt sich sowohl bei kommerziellen Computerspielen als auch in der Filmindustrie beobachten. Die Experimente zeigen, dass Stereoskopie keinen Einfluss auf UX und Performance hat, wenn das verfügbare Spatial Mapping für den Interaktionsgegenstand nicht handlungsrelevant ist.
Die Arbeit diskutiert den Einsatz von Stereoskopie und Natural Mapping in Abhängigkeit des verwendeten Interaktionsgegenstandes und liefert damit einen Erklärungsansatz, der Eingabe- und Ausgabemodalitäten kombiniert betrachtet.
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