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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implicit Message Integrity Provision : In Heterogeneous Vehicular Systems / Implicit Integritet i Heterogena Fordonsmiljöer Systems

Molloy, Paul January 2023 (has links)
Vehicles on the road today are complex multi-node computer networks. Security has always been a critical issue in the automotive computing industry. It is becoming even more crucial with the advent of autonomous vehicles and driver assistant technology. There is potential for attackers to control vehicles maliciously. Traditionally Original Equipment Manufacturers have relied on physical security and a firewall to secure vehicles but with network connected and autonomous capable vehicles this is not enough. The concept of defence in depth is required. This means not trusting that internal traffic inside the firewall is benign. Each node in the vehicles network should be able to verify the authenticity and validity of communications it receives from other nodes. Implementation of the crypto-graphic systems for doing this is error prone. Therefore a key issue in the thesis is reducing the attack surface by developing these checks in the autonomous vehicle stack in a scalable way so the programmer does not have to be aware of this security layer on a day-to-day basis nor re-implement it for each node in these heterogeneous systems. Although message integrity and authenticity verification have been studied and implemented in many fields, the area of heterogeneous autonomous systems present unique research challenges. There are tight performance constraints due to the real time requirements for vehicle control systems and data publishing rates. It is an open question if this approach can achieve performance within the bounds required for a reliable autonomous vehicle. Additionally the security benefit of scalably automatically generating the message integrity verification code across all of the nodes in a heterogeneous system would help the field quantify the defect reduction and security benefit of this kind of code generation on complex software systems. / Dagens fordon på vägarna är komplexa datanät med flera noder. Säkerheten har alltid varit en viktig fråga inom bilindustrin. Det blir ännu viktigare i och med tillkomsten av autonoma fordon och förarassistentteknik. Det finns en potential för angripare att styra fordon på ett illvilligt sätt. Traditionellt har tillverkare av originalutrustning förlitat sig på fysisk säkerhet och en brandvägg för att säkra fordonen, men med nätverksanslutna och autonoma fordon räcker detta inte längre. Begreppet försvar på djupet är nödvändigt. Detta innebär att man inte kan lita på att den interna trafiken innanför brandväggen är godartad. Varje nod i fordonets nätverk bör kunna kontrollera äktheten och giltigheten hos den kommunikation som den tar emot från andra noder. Genomförandet av kryptografiska system för att göra detta är felkänsligt. En viktig fråga i avhandlingen är därför att minska angreppsytan genom att utveckla dessa kontroller i det autonoma fordonet på ett skalbart sätt så att programmeraren inte behöver vara medveten om detta säkerhetslager dagligen eller implementera det på nytt för varje nod i dessa heterogena system. Även om meddelandeintegritet och äkthetskontroll har studerats och genomförts inom många områden, innebär området heterogena autonoma system unika forskningsutmaningar. Det finns snäva prestandabegränsningar på grund av realtidskraven för fordonskontrollsystem och datapubliceringshastigheter. Det är en öppen fråga om detta tillvägagångssätt kan uppnå prestanda inom de gränser som krävs för ett tillförlitligt autonomt fordon. Dessutom skulle säkerhetsfördelarna med en skalbar automatisk generering av koden för verifiering av meddelandets integritet över alla noder i ett heterogent system hjälpa fältet att kvantifiera felminskningen och säkerhetsfördelarna med denna typ av kodgenerering i komplexa programvarusystem.

Signaling Normative and Economic Orientations during Earnings Conference Calls: Market Performance Antecedents and Consequences

Jancenelle, Vivien E. 16 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Automatic Speech Quality Assessment in Unified Communication : A Case Study / Automatisk utvärdering av samtalskvalitet inom integrerad kommunikation : en fallstudie

Larsson Alm, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
Speech as a medium for communication has always been important in its ability to convey our ideas, personality and emotions. It is therefore not strange that Quality of Experience (QoE) becomes central to any business relying on voice communication. Using Unified Communication (UC) systems, users can communicate with each other in several ways using many different devices, making QoE an important aspect for such systems. For this thesis, automatic methods for assessing speech quality of the voice calls in Briteback’s UC application is studied, including a comparison of the researched methods. Three methods all using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) as a regressor, paired with extraction of Human Factor Cepstral Coefficients (HFCC), Gammatone Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (GFCC) and Modified Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MMFCC) features respectively is studied. The method based on HFCC feature extraction shows better performance in general compared to the two other methods, but all methods show comparatively low performance compared to literature. This most likely stems from implementation errors, showing the difference between theory and practice in the literature, together with the lack of reference implementations. Further work with practical aspects in mind, such as reference implementations or verification tools can make the field more popular and increase its use in the real world.

Pokročilá statická analýza atomičnosti v paralelních programech v prostředí Facebook Infer / Advanced Static Analysis of Atomicity in Concurrent Programs through Facebook Infer

Harmim, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
Nástroj Atomer je statický analyzátor založený na myšlence, že pokud jsou některé sekvence funkcí vícevláknového programu prováděny v některých bězích pod zámky, je pravděpodobně zamýšleno, že mají být vždy provedeny atomicky. Analyzátor Atomer se tudíž snaží takové sekvence hledat a poté zjišťovat, pro které z nich může být v některých jiných bězích programu porušena atomicita. Autor této diplomové práce ve své bakalářské práci navrhl a implementoval první verzi nástroje Atomer jako zásuvný modul aplikačního rámce Facebook Infer. V této diplomové práci je navržena nová a výrazně vylepšená verze analyzátoru Atomer. Cílem vylepšení je zvýšení jak škálovatelnosti, tak přesnosti. Kromě toho byla přidána podpora pro několik původně nepodporovaných programovacích vlastností (včetně např. možnosti analyzovat programy napsané v jazycích C++ a Java nebo podpory pro reentrantní zámky nebo stráže zámků, tzv. "lock guards"). Prostřednictvím řady experimentů (včetně experimentů s reálnými programy a reálnými chybami) se ukázalo, že nová verze nástroje Atomer je skutečně mnohem obecnější, přesnější a lépe škáluje.

Critical Discourse, Critical Action: An Analysis of Federal Discourse and Action in Response to the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Brown, Gillian 14 December 2022 (has links)
Violence against Indigenous women and girls is an unacceptable tragedy in Canada. The 2019 Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls concluded Canada is guilty of "a race-based genocide of Indigenous Peoples ... which especially targets women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people." Using an intersectional feminist research ethic, I undertake a critical discourse analysis to determine in what ways key concepts such as national myth, dismissals of harm against Indigenous peoples, and conceptualizations of genocide influenced the reactions of the five major federal political parties to the Final Report. I review the parties' respective commitments to action by analyzing their 2021 electoral platforms and compare their discourse in the wake of the release of the Final Report with their official platform commitments. In essence, the research's empirical contribution shows an enabling self-confirming relationship between the key concepts present in political discourse in response to the Final Report and a political party's path forward when it comes to addressing violence against Indigenous women and girls.

The analysis of a cell phone record as a source of intelligence in the investigation of copper cable theft

Van Niekerk, Anna-Marie 02 1900 (has links)
Copper cable theft (CCT) has a devastating effect on the South African economy, and essential services such as TELKOM, ESKOM AND TRANSNET have been seriously disrupted, due to CCT. This dissertation focuses on the value of the cell phone record as a source of intelligence during (CCT) investigations. The cell phone industry is growing each year, and millions of people worldwide possess a cell phone. Some of these people are involved in criminal activities – which mean that cell phones, with their advanced capabilities, hold evidence which relates to crime. The activation of cell phone activity is contained on a cell phone record, and, when analysed, such information becomes intelligence which has a positive impact on CCT investigations. The purpose of this study is to assist and give guidance to investigators, in order to analyse the cell phone record(s) of CCT thieves. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Gespräche in einer Krise : Analyse von Telefonaten mit einem RAF-Mitglied während der Okkupation der westdeutschen Botschaft in Stockholm 1975 / Conversations in a crisis : Analysis of telephone communication with a member of the red army faction during the 1975 occupation of the West German embassy in Stockholm

von der Heiden, Gregor January 2009 (has links)
When crises develop, people are confronted with difficulties beyond those experienced in normal everyday activities.  Due to the perceived threats inherent to such situations, familiar behaviors may prove ineffective, and such attempts can pose dangerous and unpredictable risks. Crises are extreme situations, occurring at the very edges of human experience. Oral communication in such situations cannot be casual; the seriousness of the situation demands exceptional communicative performance on the part of the participants. Therefore, certainties about everyday communication conventions are called into question. The following work examines conversations during which the participants were involved in an extreme situation. In this particular crisis, a politically motivated kidnapping, the personal involvement of the interlocutors is substantial. A clear and present fear of the situation escalating and the possibility of a failure to anticipate the resulting reactions from the other party(ies) characterize the communicative acts of those involved. Recorded telephone calls during the occupation of the West German Embassy in Stockholm by members of the Red Army Faction (RAF) on April 24, 1975 comprise the basis for this analysis. One of the occupiers speaks with various interlocutors located in an adjacent embassy building. These interlocutors are relatives of the hostages, the Swedish Minister of Justice, and a German official charged with leading the negotiations. In this study, the communicative processes of the crisis are reconstructed. In order to show how the interlocutors attempt to reach their goals in this tense situation with the resources available to them, as well as what they in fact achieve, ethnographic methods of analysis have been employed. This study shows how, despite strong conflicting interests and motives, a shared reality is built through the actions of the interlocutors. The interaction between two key figures in the early stages of the crisis can even be characterized as a form of coalition building. An explanation as to why this collaboration is not retained in the subsequent course of the events, however, leading to an escalation of the situation, is also presented. Furthermore, the following work sets forth qualities needed to interactively build a coalition in a precarious crisis situation, which has arisen between parties characterized by diametrically opposed aims.

The analysis of a cell phone record as a source of intelligence in the investigation of copper cable theft

Van Niekerk, Anna-Marie 02 1900 (has links)
Copper cable theft (CCT) has a devastating effect on the South African economy, and essential services such as TELKOM, ESKOM AND TRANSNET have been seriously disrupted, due to CCT. This dissertation focuses on the value of the cell phone record as a source of intelligence during (CCT) investigations. The cell phone industry is growing each year, and millions of people worldwide possess a cell phone. Some of these people are involved in criminal activities – which mean that cell phones, with their advanced capabilities, hold evidence which relates to crime. The activation of cell phone activity is contained on a cell phone record, and, when analysed, such information becomes intelligence which has a positive impact on CCT investigations. The purpose of this study is to assist and give guidance to investigators, in order to analyse the cell phone record(s) of CCT thieves. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Une analyse de l'entame conversationnelle de communications orales et écrites, sur répondeur téléphonique et Internet

Falesse, Mireille 04 May 2005 (has links)
UNE ANALYSE DE L’ENTAME CONVERSATIONNELLE DE COMMUNICATIONS ORALES ET ECRITES (SUR RÉPONDEUR TÉLÉPHONIQUE ET INTERNET)<p><p>MIREILLE FALESSE<p>ULB - FACULTÉ DE PHILOSOPHIE ET LETTRES - FÉVRIER 2005<p><p><p><p>La trame de base de l’étude est essentiellement linguistique et la plupart des catégorisations des éléments relevés sont de cet ordre également, l’étude prenant en compte le langage sous son aspect pragmatique dans les limites de la présentation des situations particulières ainsi que du collationnement des données du corpus. <p>Deux types de messages ont été choisis :des messages oraux laissés par des appelants sur répondeur téléphonique et des messages – provenant de nouveaux utilisateurs – recueillis dans des forums de discussion sur Internet.<p>L’analyse permet de préciser les souhaits et intentions communicationnels des émetteurs ;d’autre part le relevé des éléments constitutifs du corpus auquel nous avons procédé dans la seconde partie nous a permis d’entrer plus avant dans sa description. <p>L’énonciation est à l’énoncé ce que le processus de fabrication est à l’objet produit ;l'énoncé est le résultat alors que l'énonciation est l'acte de création du locuteur. C’est cet acte, la procédure de construction du message, les intentions du locuteur, les marques de son intervention en tant que sujet parlant – ses pensées, ses intentions, ses émotions au moment de la « prise de parole » (orale ou écrite) – qui ont fait l’objet de notre propos. Dès lors, les éléments de base du schéma de la communication ont été posés et les particularités de notre corpus explicitées à la suite d’un double choix :celui des outils d’analyse réellement utiles à la démarche et celui des éléments essentiels et nécessaires constitutifs des énoncés retenus et à retenir.<p><p>L’énonciation et l’énoncé<p>Le travail porte sur l’analyse d’un certain type de discours à l’intérieur d’actes de communication sur base d’énoncés, produits d’un acte d'énonciation, qui comportent des marques énonciatives faisant référence à la fois au locuteur et à l'allocutaire. <p>Il en est tenu compte lors de la description du corpus car les éléments retenus portent non seulement sur la structuration phrastique de l’énoncé mais également sur le sens qui lui est donné ainsi que ses utilisations caractéristiques en fonction des intentions, choix et motivations des destinateurs.<p><p>Le sens et le son<p>La considération du langage sous sa double articulation favorise une analyse appariant les points de vue sémantique et phonologique :le sens et le son.<p>\ / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation linguistique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit / Webanwendungen unter Verwendung des Google Web Toolkits

von Wenckstern, Michael 04 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project. / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.

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