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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flexibility and Trust

Höhnel, Anne 02 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Fundamental economic and social changes have strongly influenced the conditions under which companies have to operate during the last couple of years. The dynamics of the business environment, which are among other things increasingly forced by the globalization of markets, development of new technologies and subsequently growing competitive pressure, requires that companies adapt to their environment not only reactive, but rather act proactively to exist on the market permanently. This means, that in companies radical change processes are not even uncommon in addition to permanent changes. Regarding the success of any change process it is of vital importance that the concerned employees and departments are involved in the success of the project and cooperate closely. For this reason trust is becoming more and more important in business environment, especially against the backdrop of economic crisis, of mergers, outsourcing, short-time work and job loss. The setup and permanent care of a trustworthy corporate culture, the content of which includes the constructive handling through management of the anxieties and emotions of the employees concerning upcoming changes, finally provides the basis for successful cooperation. Currently there is no scientific consensus about what trust is, how it can be measured, evaluated and influenced. These issues are now being investigated by empirical studies. Thus, the meaning of "professional" trust was determined by means of a quantitative questionnaire. One aim of the empirical study was to investigate the existence of trust-promoting and trust-inhibitory factors in companies and to generate rankings regarding their importance for the employees. The perceptions should be the basis to build and maintain a reliable culture of trust in companies, especially during the implementation of change processes.

Eine interdisziplinäre Annäherung an betriebliches Vertrauen

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Vertrauen ist zentrales Element menschlichen Lebens und Arbeitens. Im Alltagserleben wird sichtbar, dass der Aufbau von Vertrauen Zeit, Kraft und Geduld erfordert, wohingegen der Verlust von Vertrauen sich schlagartig einstellen kann. Die Folgen, mit denen sich Unternehmen im Falle eines Vertrauensverlustes bei Mitarbeitern, Lieferanten oder Kunden konfrontiert sehen, können enormen wirtschaftlichen Schaden und den Verlust eines Marktvorsprungs zur Folge haben. Die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen der Psychologie, Soziologie und Betriebswirtschaft analysieren das Phänomen Vertrauen aus verschiedenen Forschungsperspektiven mit je unterschiedlichem Erkenntnisinteresse. Da sich der Begriff also einer einheitlichen Begriffsbestimmung entzieht, wird versucht ihn über die Schnittmengen dieser verschiedenen Betrachtungsweisen näher zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte von Vertrauen beschrieben, die für die Entstehung einer belastbaren Vertrauenskultur in den drei Kulturdimensionen (interpersonal, intraorganisational, interorganisational) von Unternehmen relevant sein können. Die Aufarbeitung und Systematisierung des Forschungsstandes wurde dabei mit dem Ziel vorgenommen, Hinweise auf vertrauensfördernde und vertrauenshemmende Faktoren zu destillieren, letztlich also zur Beantwortung der Fragen nach Bedingungen für die Entstehung, Gewährung und Aufrechterhaltung von Vertrauensbeziehungen in betrieblichen Organisationseinheiten beitragen zu können.

Storskalig förändring i komplexa system : Utforskande av en förändringsresa, från traditionell förvaltning till offensivkvalitetsutveckling i en kommun

Stenmark, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Utifrån att samhället genomgår stora förändringar   och står inför nya utmaningar finns ett behov av förmåga att möta framtiden   på ett nytt sätt. Det ställs nya krav på hur organisationer behöver jobba med   utveckling då transformationen skapar nya beteenden hos oss människor.   Offentlig sektor utmanas precis som andra myndigheter och företag. Ambitionen   med examensarbetet har varit att utforska och beskriva en förändring i stor   skala utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. En kommunal verksamhet, som i två års tid arbetat   med att åstadkomma en storskalig förändring, har varit föremål för denna   fallstudie. Fallstudien har genomförts genom bland annat djupintervjuer,   workshops och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen har hämtat inspiration   från Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, och van der Voets (2013)   rekommendationer till forskning om förändring i offentlig sektor.   Rekommendationerna handlar om att inkludera förändringens kontext, innehåll,   process, resultat och ledarskap. Den förändring studieobjektet genomgår   inkluderar värderingar och kultur, arbetssätt och verktyg och drivs med målet   att öka professionaliseringen, öka graden av personcentrering och för att   etablera ett kontinuerligt lärande. Studiens resultat har visat att flera händelser och   insatser är avgörande i en storskalig förändring mot offensiv   kvalitetsutveckling som stämmer överens med tidigare forskning som   rekommenderar att flera olika modeller och strategier bör användas beroende   på situation. Studiens resultat visar också att framgång kan uppnås genom att   bedriva flera förändringsprocesser parallellt och på kort tid. Tidigare   forskning talar istället om att förändring behöver ta tid. Flera upplevda framgångsfaktorer har identifierats   och de flesta framgångsfaktorerna är inte desamma som lyfts i den tidigare   forskning som studerats. De framgångsfaktorer som är unika för fallstudien   är: modigt ledarskap, systemtänkande, att utgå från kundens fokus istället   för kunden i fokus, användning av teoretiska förändringsmodeller för att   förankra förändringsarbetet, att driva flera förändringsprocesser parallellt   i högt tempo och att inkludera organisationens kontext och historia. Studiens resultat har visat att fallorganiastionens   förändringsprocess kan beskrivas i fjorton steg. Vissa av stegen återfinns i   de teorier som studerats och vissa återfinns inte. Att stegen skiljer sig åt   kan bero på att detaljnivån skiljer sig mellan studiens resultat, som mer   specifik och de teoretiska förändrinsmodellerna, som är mer generella. Hörnstenarna i hörnstensmodellen har utifrån   studiens resultat kunnat sekvenseras i en viss ordning och beskrivas med   olika tyngdpunkt och betoning. Hörnstensmodellen skulle enligt studien kunna   användas som en värderingsmodell i ett storskaligt förändringsarbete men   också utifrån arbetssätt och verktyg. / Society is going   through rapid change and social transformation is taking place. This is a   result of mega trends such as individualization and digitalization. People   are behaving in new ways and our future desires are harder than before to   predict. New business models need to develop both within the private and the   public sector. The ambition with this master thesis has been to take a whole   system perspective and explore and describe a large scale transformation   taking place within a large organization. A case study at   the elderly care within public sector has been made to accomplish the   ambition. The organization which has been studied has purposely been working   with a large scale change program for two years with the determination to   achieve a higher level of professionalism and customer orientation. The   research design has included in-depth interviews, workshops, observations and   semi-structured interviews. The analysis has been inspired from Kuipers,   Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, och van der Voets (2013) recommendations to   include context, content, process, result and leadership in change-oriented   research within the public sector. The results from   the case study shows that many different efforts and activites are crucial to   achieve a large scale change implementing TQM. This finding is in line with   previuos reasearch. Another finding from the case study, that differs from   previous research, is many simultaneously initiatives and efforts managed in   a relatively short time seems to be a success factor for large scale change   in large organizations and complex systems. Previous research says in   contradiction that change needs time. Many more perceived   success factors was identified. Some of them are slightly similar to previous   research but many of the findings are not found in theories studied. Critical   success factors uniqe for this case study are: courageous leadership, systems   thinking, a perspective taken from the customers point of view instead of a   customer oriented perspective, the practical use of theorethical change   models, many change projects simultaneously driven in a fast speed and the   organisations history of change projects included as well as the   organisations unique context. The findings from   the case study also shows a change process that can be described in fourteen   steps. Some of these steps are found in the change management theories and   others are not. The descpription of the steps from this case study are   somewhat more detailed and related to the context whereas the theoretical   change models have a more general characteristic. The change   process was also viewed through the TQM-model named The corner stone model,   and this showed that the cornerstones can be sequenced in a certain order   based on the results of the study. The stones can also be described with   different highlighting due to the change context. Different emphasis and   content among the cornerstones could also been seen. The corner stone model   could, accoring to this case study, could therfore be used as a value model   in large scale change, but also as a change model for working ways and tools. / <p>2017-06-28</p>

An evaluation of resistance to change of the East London industrial development zone (ELIDZ) structural realignment

Moonieya, Vernon Craig January 2014 (has links)
From Integrative Summary: This research paper comprises of three sections that include: an evaluation report, a literature review and the research methodology. The first section assesses the management of resistance to change as encountered during the ELIDZ structural re-alignment initiative. The assessment was done after the change initiative had been implemented to see what could be learnt from the exercise, in order to be better prepared for future change programmes. The implemented change was initiated by the CEO of the ELIDZ but its criticality in terms of purpose, or the need for the change was unclear to many employees at the time of initiation. An examination of the literature on change management highlighted the importance of managing resistance to change as part of a change initiative, so as to ensure a successful transition. The review of the literature on management of resistance to change in section 2 of this paper examines the definition of management of resistance to change and in particular, covers key factors like change readiness, participation in change and change communication. These key concepts underpin effective management of resistance during change. The literature on management of resistance to change with respect to the role of change readiness, participation in change and change communication was used to develop a questionnaire that was used to assess the ELIDZ change initiative. The questionnaire was developed in a Likert Scale format with questions across the spectrum of change readiness, change participation and change communication. Section 3 of this paper describes how the quantitative research was provided to the population sample of employees from the ELIDZ where the questions on change readiness, change participation and change communication was used to assess the effectiveness of management of resistance to change during the ELIDZ change initiative. In addition section 3 provides an explanation of how the results of the research were derived. The results on change readiness suggest that the ELIDZ change initiative did not address change readiness adequately. There is therefore a risk of resistance to change that could manifest. This also indicates that change readiness must be planned more thoroughly in future change endeavours. Most of the population sampled did not feel that they participated in the change initiative, suggesting that the ELIDZ did not address participation in the change initiative adequately. Not enabling employees to actively participate in the change is tantamount to decreasing the potential for acceptance of change and increasing the risk of resistance to change. In order to ensure that future change initiatives are not met with employee resistance to change, the ELIDZ should plan for employee participation throughout the change process. The extent to which change communication was addressed in the ELIDZ change initiative was demonstrated by very poor results. The results from the population sampled suggest that the change was not well communicated to employees. As change communication is known to reduce the potential for resistance to change, it is imperative for the ELIDZ to plan for comprehensive communication strategies to cover the change process for future change action.

Développement d'outils de management et actes de langage dans les entreprises de spectacle vivant / Development of Management Tools and Speech Acts in Performing Arts Companies

Caillat, Isabelle 26 September 2011 (has links)
Les entreprises de spectacle vivant évoluent dans un contexte de diminution de ressources externes et de modification des modalités d’attribution des subventions par l’application de la LOLF (Loi Organique relative aux Lois de Finances). Leur problématique repose sur les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour faire face à ces contraintes. Nous nous attachons à démontrer que leur développement dépend de l’amélioration de la logique de coopération entre les acteurs à partir du projet artistique et de l’appropriation des contraintes d’évaluation de la LOLF, pour révéler les performances cachées et développer des ressources internes. Cette recherche se construit à partir de l’hypothèse que l’amélioration de la performance globale des organisations dépend d’une action transformative qui opère selon trois axes interdépendants : l’intervention, les outils de management, le langage–acteur. A partir d’une recherche-Intervention dans un théâtre et d’un diagnostic qualitatif dans un autre, nous accompagnons les acteurs dans une conduite de changement et étudions les conditions de développement managérial dans ce type d’organisation. Nous analysons comment l’utilisation du langage dans le cadre de l’Intervention Socio-Economique modifie les représentations et contribue à l’élaboration d’un nouveau dispositif managérial. Nous proposons d’associer les outils de management socio-Économiques, utilisés comme des matrices de lecture de l’organisation, aux critères d’évaluation et de subvention des pouvoirs publics pour en faire des outils de réflexion sur le processus de réalisation et de diffusion de spectacle et construire une représentation partagée entre les différents acteurs. / Performing arts companies operate in a context of declining resources and changes in the rules governing the allocation of grants, in accordance with the LOLF (Organic Law relative to the Laws of Finance). Their challenge lies in finding ways to address these constraints. We aim to demonstrate that their development depends on improving the manner in which all parties cooperate, based on the artistic project and taking into account the constraints resulting from the evaluation used by the LOLF, to reveal hidden costs and to develop internal resources. This research is based on the hypothesis that improving the overall performance of organizations depends on a transformative action that operates in three interdependent areas: intervention, management tools, and the speech-Actor. Based on intervention-Research in one theatre and on a qualitative study in another, we have assisted actors in the process of change management and examined the conditions in which managerial development takes place in this type of organization. We analyse how language use in the context of Socio-Economic Intervention modifies the representations and contributes to the elaboration of a new managerial instrument. We propose the use of socio-Economic management tools, serving as a framework for analyzing the organisation, combined with the criteria of evaluation and allocation of public funding as a basis of reflexion on the process of creation and dissemination of shows, as well as a means of building a shared representation between the different actors.

An investigation into the organisational leadership brand concept for public listed South African organisations

Eichstadt, Carl 12 1900 (has links)
Global and South African business challenges necessitate an increased focus on the need for effective leadership. The leaders of South African public listed organisations need to investigate new business solutions to enhance and sustain organisational effectiveness. Public listed South African organisations on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) were selected as the organisation type for this study. This study was motivated by the need for public listed South African organisations to explore organisational leadership as a means to assist in differentiating their organisations from competitors, thereby enhancing organisational competitiveness. The primary research objective of this study was to investigate and establish an organisational leadership brand concept model for public listed South African organisations. The discussion of the literature covered the global and South African business context, the concepts of the nature of organisational leadership, brand and organisational leadership brand, and emminated in an exploratory conceptualisation of organisational leadership brand for public listed South African organisations. The pragmatic paradigm was used as the foundation of this study. The study adopted an exploratory, sequential mixed methods research approach, combining a qualitative emphasis and supportive quantitative research approach to conduct the exploratory research. The qualitative findings proposed the concepts: the nature of organisational leadership and organisational leadership brand, including stakeholders and these concepts served as the basis for designing the quantitative survey questionnaire. The quantitative results indicated reliable questionnaire items, and based on the exploratory statistical analysis of the multivariate linear regression equation, described the organisational leadership brand (OLB) concept exploratory model with the best fit. An integration of the qualitative findings and quantitative results provided the empirical support to achieve the primary research objective. The OLB concept model integrates the concepts of organisational leadership and organisational leadership brand. The study contributed across the methodological, theoretical and practical domains as follows: the nature of organisational leadership for South African public listed organisations was conceptualised; the elements comprising the concept of OLB for public listed South African organisations was described; the OLB concept model for public listed South African organisations describes the development of organisational leadership brand equity through four levels of organisational leadership brand equity development; and the OLB concept model for public listed South African organisations may assist by providing guidance for the senior leadership of organisations in establishing organisational leadership brand equity. Furthermore, the study’s research approach provides support for the use of a mixed methods research approach in the study of organisational leadership within the pragmatic context of business organisations / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

Management rizik zaměřený na spolehlivost a výkonnost lidského činitele / Risk Management Focused on the Reliability and Efficiency of the Human Factor

Štěpánová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The mater’s thesis focuses on the issue of the reliability and efficiency performance of the human factor, identifying the risks of potential causes of failure of the chosen company. Based on the theoretical knowledge referred to in the first part thesis is designed procedures useful as a tool to prevent individual failures, focusing on solutions to the adverse conditions of stress or crisis when exposed to the human factor. The final section suggests the motivation of employees by proactively identifying risks.

Strategie rozvoje rodinného podniku / Development Strategy of Family Business

Buchanec, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on strategy of development of family business company Ing. Ján Buchanec Technik, which is trading company. In the first part of the master thesis there are theoretical notes. In the second part there are introduced characteristic of company, individual parts of strategic analysis and evaluation of the results of these analysis. The last part concern recommendation, which should have a positive impact on the further development of the family company.

Návrh informačního systému / Information System Design

Pisarčíková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the design of a management information system, which is represented by a set of dashboards and reports. The main purpose of the system is to provide technological and information support to the management of company in terms of managing strategic goals and business performance. The information obtained by analyzing the company and its surroundings are subsequently used for draft creation. The thesis draft contains a project plan for the design and implementation of the system, the design of the system itself - its content and technical aspects, furthermore, we also deal with the implementation of the system and the management of this change.

La transition entre la pédiatrie et le secteur adulte : quels programmes et quel rôle pour le patient accompagnateur?

Dumais-Lévesque, Guillaume 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : En raison de l’amélioration des traitements pédiatriques, de plus en plus d’enfants atteints d’une maladie chronique deviennent adultes. La transition pédiatrique est donc devenue un enjeu majeur pour la continuité des soins offerts à cette population. Bien que diverses initiatives de préparation à la transition et de normalisation du transfert aient été tentées, il existe encore beaucoup de jeunes qui ne vivent pas un transfert harmonieux et sont donc non suivis une fois adultes. Cela entraîne des périodes d’instabilité pour leur état de santé physique, psychologique et social. Afin de mieux répondre aux besoins de santé particuliers de ces jeunes adultes, la présente recherche évalue les besoins et l’intérêt pour l’instauration d’un programme coconstruit de patients accompagnateurs dans la transition pédiatrique en gastro-entérologie, en se basant sur les expériences menées chez les adultes en oncologie, en chirurgie et en santé mentale. Objectif : L’objectif de notre mémoire est triple : 1) réaliser une revue systématique de la littérature portant sur les programmes mis en place pour favoriser la transition et mettre en évidence les effets de ces programmes; 2) évaluer les principaux défis qu’ont à relever les divers groupes d’acteurs lors du processus de transition entre un centre spécialisé en pédiatrie de la région montréalaise et un centre hospitalier quaternaire de la même région, le Centre hospitalier universitaire adulte; et 3) explorer avec les participants de la recherche leur intérêt à l’égard de la présence de patients accompagnateurs pour les épauler dans ce processus. Méthodologie : Pour atteindre notre premier objectif, nous avons réalisé une synthèse interprétative des connaissances sur les différents programmes de développement des habiletés d’autogestion de la maladie (voir l’article 1 à la section 3.1). Dans le cas de nos deuxième et troisième objectifs, une étude qualitative a été menée grâce à des groupes de discussion et à des entrevues semi-structurées menés avec des adolescents, des jeunes adultes, des parents et des professionnels de la santé d’un centre tertiaire pédiatrique et d’un centre tertiaire adulte (voir l’article 2 à la section 3.2). L’analyse thématique des données a révélé qu’un soutien par les pairs serait pertinent au cours de ce processus de transition, en particulier pour les parents des adolescents et pour les jeunes adultes, auquel cas le soutien serait assuré idéalement par des jeunes adultes. Les adolescents, quant à eux, n’en ont pas manifesté le besoin. Contribution scientifique : Les résultats de notre mémoire contribuent au développement des connaissances dans le domaine de la transition pédiatrique, plus particulièrement pour les patients atteints d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin (MII). En effet, bien que l’apport des pairs aidants ou des patients accompagnateurs en santé mentale et dans d’autres domaines ait été documenté, peu d’études se sont penchées sur l’intérêt d’avoir des jeunes adultes accompagnateurs auprès d’une population d’adolescents, en particulier dans le cas des MII. / Context: As a result of improved pediatric treatments, more and more children with chronic diseases are living into adulthood. As a result, the pediatric transition has become a major issue for continuity of care in this population. Although there have been various initiatives to prepare the transition and standardize the transfer, many young people still do not experience a smooth transfer, and are therefore not being properly followed when they attain their majority. This leads to periods of instability in their physical, psychological and social health. To better meet the specific health needs of these young adults, this study evaluates the need and interest in establishing a co-constructed program involving accompanying patients in the pediatric transition to gastroenterology, based on adult experiences in oncology, surgery and mental health. Objectives: Our thesis has three objectives: (1) to conduct a systematic review of the literature on programs that have been implemented to ease this transition and describe the effects of these programs; (2) to assess the main challenges faced by the various groups of stakeholders during the transition process from a centre specialized in pediatrics in the Montreal region, to a quaternary hospital centre in the same region; and (3) to explore, among the study participants, their interest in having an accompanying patient for support through this process. Methodology: To achieve our first objective, we conducted an interpretive synthesis of knowledge on the various programs for developing skills in disease self-management (see Article 1 in Section 3.1). For our second and third objectives, a qualitative study was conducted by holding focus groups and semi-structured interviews with adolescents, young adults, parents, and healthcare professionals from a pediatric tertiary centre and an adult tertiary centre (see Article 2 in Section 3.2). The thematic analysis of the data revealed that peer support would be relevant during this transition process, particularly for the parents of adolescents and for young adults, in which case the support would ideally be provided by young adults. On the other hand, the adolescents did not feel the need for such support. Scientific contribution: The results of our thesis help further knowledge in the field of pediatric transition and, more specifically, on patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although the contribution of peer caregivers or accompanying patients in mental health and other areas has already been documented, few studies have examined the value of having young adults accompanying a population of adolescents, particularly in the case of IBD.

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