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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kognitiv funktion vid insomni, depression samt komorbid insomni och depression : skiljer grupperna sig åt och spelar det någon roll för behandlingsutfall? / Cognitive functioning in insomnia, depression and comorbid insomnia and depression : do the groups differ and does it matter for treatment outcome?

Häggqvist, Jenni, von Salomé, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Insomni och depression är psykiatriska åkommor som idag drabbar många människor. Forskning har visat att det råder en stor samsjuklighet mellan diagnoserna där många drabbade lider av samtidig insomni och depression vilket utgör en stor belastning för den enskilde individen. Patienter rapporterar ofta en negativ påverkan på kognitiva funktioner, bland annat minnessvårigheter och problem med koncentration och uppmärksamhet. Inom forskningen råder det i dagsläget en osäkerhet kring vilka kognitiva nedsättningar som karakteriserar personer med dessa diagnoser och på vilka sätt de skiljer sig åt. Det finns också ett behov av att undersöka vilken roll kognitiv förmåga spelar för människors möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig psykologisk behandling. I föreliggande studie var syftet att undersöka dessa båda områden. Resultaten visade inte på några signifikanta skillnader mellan personer med insomni, personer med depression och personer med det komorbida tillståndet avseende kognitiva funktioner, när det mättes genom test av uppmärksamhet, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Däremot framkom vissa samband mellan arbetsminne och förbättring av upplevda sömnbesvär, liksom mellan förmåga till bibehållen uppmärksamhet och förbättring av depressionssymtom. Vidare forskning med större och jämnare urvalsgrupper behövs för att undersöka stabiliteten i dessa fynd.

Παιδί και ελληνική οικονομική κρίση : ψυχοεκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα πρόληψης

Ταμάμη, Δέσποινα 07 May 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα έρευνα αναπτύχθηκε και εφαρμόστηκε ένα ψυχοεκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα για παιδιά δημοτικού. Ο στόχος ήταν η κατανόηση από μέρους των παιδιών των αλλαγών που έχουν συντελεστεί στο κοινωνικό και οικογενειακό περιβάλλον, λόγω της οικονομικής κρίσης και η ενδυνάμωσή τους για σωστή διαχείριση των παραπάνω αλλαγών. Σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε ένα ψυχοεκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα έξι συναντήσεων βασισμένο στις αρχές της Θετικής ψυχολογίας και της Γνωσιακής – Συμπεριφοριστικής ψυχολογίας. Οι συμμετέχοντες διδάχτηκαν στρατηγικές και δεξιότητες διαχείρισης της οικονομικής κρίσης. Από τη στατιστική ανάλυση των ποιοτικών και ποσοτικών στοιχείων των ερωτηματολογίων που συμπληρώθηκαν από τους συμμετέχοντες στο ψυχοεκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα εξήχθησαν τα παρακάτω συμπεράσματα: Οι περισσότεροι από τους συμμετέχοντες έμαθαν τις έννοιες των βασικών όρων της οικονομικής κρίσης. Εξέφρασαν τα συναισθήματά τους και αντιλήφθηκαν τις σωματικές αντιδράσεις που τα συνοδεύουν. Επίσης, φάνηκε μια τάση ανάπτυξης των τριών αξόνων της Θετικής ψυχολογίας δηλαδή, της ικανοποίησης από τη ζωή, της ευτυχίας και της αισιοδοξίας τους. Τέλος, έδειξαν κατανόηση των στρατηγικών επίλυσης προβλημάτων. / In this survey was developed and implemented a psycho educational program for primary school children. The goal was the understanding, from the children, of changes that have occurred in the social and family environment due to the economic crisis and their empowerment for proper management of these changes. A six meetings psycho educational program has been designed and implemented based on the principles of positive psychology and cognitive-behavioral psychology. Participants were taught strategies and economic crisis management skills. From the statistical analysis of qualitative and quantitative data of the questionnaires that were completed by the participants, the following conclusions were reached: Most of the participants learned the concepts of key terms of the economic crisis. They expressed their feelings and perceived physical reactions that accompany them. Moreover a development trend of the three pillars of positive psychology was demonstrated, that is, life satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Finally, they showed understanding of problem solving strategies.

Les rêves dysphoriques chez les enfants : épidémiologie, facteurs de risque et traitement

Simard, Valérie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Depression Does Not Affect the Treatment Outcome of CBT for Panic and Agoraphobia: Results from a Multicenter Randomized Trial

Emmrich, Angela, Beesdo-Baum, Katja, Gloster, Andrew T., Knappe, Susanne, Höfler, Michael, Arolt, Volker, Deckert, Jürgen, Gerlach, Alexander L., Hamm, Alfons, Kircher, Tilo, Lang, Thomas, Richter, Jan, Ströhle, Andreas, Zwanzger, Peter, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 13 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Controversy surrounds the questions whether co-occurring depression has negative effects on cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT) outcomes in patients with panic disorder (PD) and agoraphobia (AG) and whether treatment for PD and AG (PD/AG) also reduces depressive symptomatology. Methods: Post-hoc analyses of randomized clinical trial data of 369 outpatients with primary PD/AG (DSM-IV-TR criteria) treated with a 12-session manualized CBT (n = 301) and a waitlist control group (n = 68). Patients with comorbid depression (DSM-IV-TR major depression, dysthymia, or both: 43.2% CBT, 42.7% controls) were compared to patients without depression regarding anxiety and depression outcomes (Clinical Global Impression Scale [CGI], Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale [HAM-A], number of panic attacks, Mobility Inventory [MI], Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, Beck Depression Inventory) at post-treatment and follow-up (categorical). Further, the role of severity of depressive symptoms on anxiety/depression outcome measures was examined (dimensional). Results: Comorbid depression did not have a significant overall effect on anxiety outcomes at post-treatment and follow-up, except for slightly diminished post-treatment effect sizes for clinician-rated CGI (p = 0.03) and HAM-A (p = 0.008) when adjusting for baseline anxiety severity. In the dimensional model, higher baseline depression scores were associated with lower effect sizes at post-treatment (except for MI), but not at follow-up (except for HAM-A). Depressive symptoms improved irrespective of the presence of depression. Conclusions: Exposure-based CBT for primary PD/AG effectively reduces anxiety and depressive symptoms, irrespective of comorbid depression or depressive symptomatology. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

The Social Phobia Psychotherapy Research Network

Leichsenring, Falk, Hoyer, Jürgen, Beutel, Manfred, Herpertz, Sabine, Hiller, Wolfgang, Irle, Eva, Joraschky, Peter, König, Hans-Helmut, de Liz, Therese Marie, Nolting, Björn, Pöhlmann, Karin, Salzer, Simone, Schauenburg, Henning, Stangier, Ulrich, Strauss, Bernhard, Subic-Wrana, Claudia, Vormfelde, Stefan, Weniger, Godehard, Willutzki, Ulrike, Wiltink, Jörg, Leibing, Eric 13 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents the Social Phobia Psychotherapy Research Network. The research program encompasses a coordinated group of studies adopting a standard protocol and an agreed-on set of standardized measures for the assessment and treatment of social phobia (SP). In the central project (study A), a multicenter randomized controlled trial, refined models of manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy and manualized short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy are compared in the treatment of SP. A sample of 512 outpatients will be randomized to either cognitive-behavioral therapy, short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy or waiting list. Assessments will be made at baseline, at the end of treatment and 6 and 12 months after the end of treatment. For quality assurance and treatment integrity, a specific project using highly elaborated measures has been established (project Q). Study A is complemented by 4 interrelated add-on projects focusing on attachment style (study B1), on cost-effectiveness (study B2), on variation in the serotonin transporter gene in SP (study C1) and on structural and functional deviations of the hippocampus and amygdala (study C2). Thus, the Social Phobia Psychotherapy Research Network program enables a highly interdisciplinary research into SP. The unique sample size achieved by the multicenter approach allows for studies of subgroups (e.g. comorbid disorders, isolated vs. generalized SP), of responders and nonresponders of each treatment approach, for generalization of results and for a sufficient power to detect differences between treatments. Psychological and biological parameters will be related to treatment outcome, and variables for differential treatment indication will be gained. Thus, the results provided by the network may have an important impact on the treatment of SP and on the development of treatment guidelines for SP. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Fungerar begränsningar i sovtid för patienter som genomgår kognitiv beteendeterapi mot insomni som exponering mot oro att sova för lite? : En kvantitativ studie på patienter som genomgår internetbehandling mot insomni.

Larsson, Philip, Landbris, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Sömnsvårigheter inklusive insomni är ett utbrett problem för stora delar av befolkningen. Personer med insomni tenderar att oroa sig över sin sömn och har dysfunktionella antaganden kring sömnbristens konsekvenser. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka om skillnader i utfall mellan två behandlingsmetoder för insomni kunde tillräknas en exponeringseffekt. Studiens hypoteser var: 1a) Patienter som deltar i sömnrestriktion kommer få en större reducering av oro över sin sömn. 1b) Det finns ett samband mellan hög följsamhet till behandlingsmetoden och minskad oro över sömnen. 2) En kraftigare exponering medför lägre följsamhet till behandlingsmetoden. 3) Det finns ett samband mellan minskad oro över sömnen och minskade insomnisymptom. Data användes där 185 deltagare randomiserats till någon av KBT-behandlingarna för insomni sömnkomprimering (n=93) och sömnrestriktion (n=92). Oron hade minskat för studiedeltagarna fem veckor efter behandlingsstart men inga signifikanta skillnader påträffades mellan grupperna. Ett signifikant samband observerades mellan minskning av insomnisymptom och oro över sömnbrist. Slutsatser från uppsatsen är det redan etablerade sambandet mellan oro och insomni bekräftas. Studien kunde inte bekräfta hypotesen att exponering leder till minskad oro. Vidare forskning rekommenderas för att avgöra hur exponering kan användas för patienter med insomni för att möjliggöra effektivare behandlingsmetoder. / Sleep impairments including insomnia is a widespread problem affecting a large quantity of the population. Insomnia patients tend to worry about their sleep and having dysfunctional beliefs about sleep deficit consequences. The main purpose of this study was to examine if differences in results between two treatment methods could be attributed to effects of exposure. The hypotheses in the study were: 1a) Patients who participate in sleep restriction will have a greater reduction of sleep-related worry. 1b) There is a correlation between high compliance to the treatment methods and reduced sleep-related worry. 2) A greater exposure induces lower compliance to the treatment methods. 3a) There is a correlation between reduction of sleep-related worry and reduction of insomnia symptoms. Data consisted of 185 participants who was randomised into the CBT-treatments for insomnia sleep compression (n=93) or sleep restriction (n=92). A hypothesis was that sleep restriction implicate more exposure than sleep compression. Worry had decreased among participants after five weeks of treatment but no significant differences occurred between the groups. A significant correlation occurred between reduction of insomnia symptoms and reduction of worries regarding sleep deficit. Conclusions is that the already established correlation between worry and insomnia is confirmed. This study failed to confirm that exposure leads to reduced worry. Further research is advised to determine how exposure can be used for insomnia patients to enable more efficient treatment methods. / ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02743338, CompRest - a Comparison Between Sleep Compression and Sleep Restriction for Treating Insomnia


Fernandes, Elaine Ferrão 08 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:34:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ELAINE F FERNANDES.pdf: 724683 bytes, checksum: e96a0d1306ccd662e5059be967ebf83d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-08 / Research of bibliographical and monographical nature, this paper investigates the psychophysics relaxation in the health area, of children in a period of eight years, between January 1997 and November 2004. Initially, based in neuropsychological literature, it describes the relaxation role in homeostasis and the conscious body health, emphasizing the pleasure and painful behavior. Next, it describes and analyses several relaxation techniques, Jacobson Progressive Relaxation, Schulz Autogenos and Michaux Relaxation. To develop this research it was used 27 databases, due to the lack of production of this theme, per base. As result, it shows the total of 500 articles about relaxation, 200 of them related to children. They are national and international articles, most of them in English. Following this, it classifies these group in production by year, showing a significant increasing, although it is not systematic in number, from 14 articles in 1997 to 39 in 2004. As for the thematic, the data reveals first, the interest in pain, second in breathing problems and third in anxiety. The articles about pain, as they are in more quantity, have more detailed analysis, with discrimination by year, situation type, relaxation usage and pathology characterized by painful behavior. Finally, it is made a classification of the articles due to the usage of relaxation in clinical problems mainly the physical ones, those of affectionate-emotional psychic background, those with no usage of drugs and those with psychic background with the aid of drugs and psychiatric treatment. To discuss the results, several articles researched are also mentioned. Due to the richness of data, showing up the increasing of professionals in this health area, it is suggested further reading. / Trabalho de natureza monográfica bibliográfica investiga o relaxamento psicofísico na área da saúde, em crianças, por um intervalo de oito anos, entre janeiro de 1997 e novembro de 2004. Inicialmente, com base em literatura neuropsicológica, descreve o papel do relaxamento na busca da homeostase e da consciência corporal saudável, enfocando comportamentos de prazer e dor. A seguir, descreve e analisa diversas técnicas de relaxamento, Relaxamento Progressivo de Jacobson, Autógeno de Schultz e Relaxamento de Michaux. A fim de desenvolver sua pesquisa utiliza-se de 27 bases de dados, devido a pouca produção encontrada sobre o tema, por base. Como resultados, levanta ao todo 500 artigos sobre relaxamento, sendo 200 em crianças. São artigos nacionais e internacionais, com predomínio do idioma inglês. A seguir, classifica esses artigos por ano de produção, constatando um crescimento significativo, porém não sistemático em seu número, de 14 artigos em 1997, para 39, em 2004. Quanto à temática, os dados revelam em primeiro lugar, um interesse em dor, em segundo em problemas respiratórios, e, em terceiro lugar, em ansiedade. Os artigos sobre dor, por serem os mais numerosos levantados, sofrem análise mais detalhada, com discriminação da quantidade de artigos por ano e dos tipos de situação e de patologia caracterizados por quadro álgico. Finalmente é feita uma classificação dos artigos segundo a utilização do relaxamento junto à problemática clínica predominantemente física, a de fundo psíquico afetivo-emocional, sem utilização de fármacos e, a de fundo psíquico, com intervenção psiquiátrica farmacológica. Na discussão dos resultados, vários artigos pesquisados são também comentados. Dada a riqueza dos dados, evidenciando interesse crescente de profissionais da área da Saúde na literatura levantada, sugere-se pesquisa complementar.

Efficacy of an Internet-based Intervention Targeted to Adolescents with Subthreshold Depression

Makarushka, Marta Maria, 1969 09 1900 (has links)
xiv, 105 p. ill. (some col.) / Depression during adolescence is highly prevalent with as many as 20% experiencing a major depressive episode by the age of 18. Adolescent depression causes significant impairment across life areas including school functioning, such as poor academic performance and decreased academic achievement. Despite the existence of many evidence-based treatment options, merely 25% of depressed adolescents receive treatment. For this reason, it is essential that easily accessible preventive interventions for adolescent depression be developed and made available. Computerized interventions could broaden the reach of prevention efforts and preliminary results indicate that they have the potential to successfully prevent adolescent depression. The Coping with Depression course is an empirically validated cognitive-behavioral depression treatment and prevention program that is well-suited for computerized delivery. This dissertation reports on the development and evaluation of a web-based interactive multimedia version of the adolescent Coping with Depression course with students experiencing subclinical levels of depression. The Blues Blaster program includes the following six modules, with five mini-sessions in each: (a) defining depression, (b) mood monitoring, (c) increasing fun activities, (d) increasing positive thinking, (e) recognizing negative thinking, and (f) decreasing negative thinking. Key concepts are presented and reinforced in a variety of engaging ways within each session, including video, animation, comic strips, graphics, interactive exercises, and games. The Blues Blaster program was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial with 161 adolescents who were randomly assigned to either the Blues Blaster or informationonly control conditions. Participants were assessed at baseline, post-treatment (six weeks after baseline), and six-month follow-up. Results demonstrated greater improvement for the Blues Blaster condition in depression levels, negative thoughts, behavioral activation, knowledge, self-efficacy, and school functioning compared to the information-only control condition. These findings suggest that this targeted prevention program is appropriate for use with middle school students to decrease depression levels and therefore the risk that they will develop major depression in the future. / Committee in charge: Christopher Murray, Chairperson; Deanne Unruh, Member; Jeffrey Sprague, Member; John R. Seeley, Member; Sara Hodges, Outside Member

Avaliação dos fatores terapêuticos de grupo e a resposta à terapia cognitivo-comportamental para transtorno de pânico e transtorno obsessivo compulsivo / Group therapeutic factors assessment and response to cognitive behavioral assessment therapy for panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder / Evaluación de factores terapéuticos de grupo y respuesta a la terapia cognitivo-actitudinal para el trastorno de pánico y el trastorno obsesivo compulsivo

Behenck, Andressa da Silva January 2015 (has links)
Estudos evidenciam a eficácia da terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo (TCCG) para pacientes com transtorno de pânico (TP) e para pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC). O processo das terapias em grupo é complexo e apresentam fatores considerados terapêuticos por facilitarem novas aprendizagens. Entretanto, estudos sobre o processo terapêutico de TCCG ainda são escassos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar o efeito dos fatores terapêuticos na resposta à TCCG para pacientes com TP e para pacientes com TOC; identificar e relacionar os fatores terapêuticos que ocorrem na TCCG com a fase e as técnicas cognitivo-comportamentais. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico de 12 sessões de TCCG para TP e para TOC. A gravidade dos sintomas foi avaliada antes e depois da TCCG. Em pacientes com TP, utilizou-se a Escala de gravidade do TP (PDSS), a Impressão Clínica Global (CGI), a Hamilton Ansiedade (HAM-A) e o Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI). Em pacientes com TOC, a gravidade específica foi avaliada pela Escala Obsessivo-Compulsivo de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) e pela CGI, bem como pela HAM-A e pelo BDI. O Questionário de Fatores Terapêuticos de Yalom foi aplicado no final de cada sessão para avaliar os 12 fatores: altruísmo, coesão, universalidade, aprendizagem interpessoal-input, aprendizagem interpessoal-output, orientação, catarse, identificação, redefinição familiar, autocompreensão, instilação de esperança e fatores existenciais. O estudo foi aprovado pelo CEP/HCPA (nº 130400). Todos os pacientes assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. A amostra foi composta por 31 pacientes, sendo 16 no grupo do TP com idade média de 36,2(DP=9,98) anos e 15 pacientes no grupo do TOC com idade média de 37,4(DP=11,10) anos. Os fatores terapêuticos totalizaram 192 observações no grupo do TP e 180 no grupo do TOC. Houve melhora significativa da gravidade dos sintomas de ansiedade, depressivos e específicos comparados com a avaliação inicial em ambos os grupos (p<0,001). Oito fatores foram considerados de utilidade significativa para os pacientes ao longo das sessões do grupo do TP. Observou-se interação significativa no grupo dos pacientes com TP entre o efeito do fator reedição familiar na melhora dos sintomas de ansiedade e depressivos. Os fatores existenciais foram significativos com a melhora dos sintomas depressivos e com os específicos do TP verificado pela PDSS. Quanto à CGI no TP, não se verificou interação significativa com nenhum fator terapêutico. No grupo de pacientes com TOC, os fatores considerados mais úteis foram dois. Constatou-se interação significativa no grupo do TOC entre o efeito de nove fatores e a melhora dos sintomas de ansiedade, porém nenhuma interção com sintomas depressivos. Também houve interação significativa entre a melhora dos sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos verificado pela YBOCS com altruísmo, universalidade, aprendizagem interpessoal-input e output, reedição familiar, autocompreensão e fatores existenciais. Quanto à CGI no TOC, houve interação significativa com os fatores aprendizagem interpessoal-input, autocompreensão e fatores existenciais. Os resultados demonstram que fatores terapêuticos de grupo influenciam positivamente a resposta da TCCG para ambos os grupos. Contudo, existem diferenças de efeito a serem consideradas para que haja melhor compreensão do processo terapêutico e aprimoramento da terapia de grupo. / Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) for patients with panic disorder (PD) and those with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The group therapy process is complex and has factors deemed to be therapeutic, in that they facilitate new learning. However, studies on the CBGT therapeutic process are still scarce. The objectives of this study were: assess the effect of therapeutic factors in the response to CBGT of PD patients and OCD patients; identify and relate the therapeutic factors that occur in CBGT with the stage and cognitive-behavioral techniques. This study is a clinical trial involving 12 CBGT sessions for PD and OCD. Severity of symptoms was assessed before and after CBGT. In PD patients, the PD Severity Scale (PDSS), Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used. In OCD patients, specific severity was assessed using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), CGI, HAM-A and BDI. Yalom's Curative Factors Questionnaire was administered at the end of each session to evaluate 12 factors, namely: altruism, cohesiveness, universality, interpersonal learning input, interpersonal learning output, guidance, catharsis, identification, family re-enactment, self-understanding, instillation of hope and existential factors. The study was approved by the CEP/HCPA (No. 130400). All patients signed a free and informed consent form. The sample consisted of 31 patients: 16 in the PD group with a mean age of 36.2 (SD=9.98) years and 15 patients in the OCD group with a mean age of 37.4 (SD=11.10) years. The therapeutic factors totaled 192 observations in the PD group and 180 in the OCD group. There was significant improvement in severity of symptoms of anxiety, depression and specific ones, compared to the baseline assessment in both groups (p<0.001). Eight factors were considered to provide significant benefits to patients over the course of the PD group sessions. There was significant interaction in the PD group related to the effect of the family re-enactment factor in improving the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Existential factors were significant in the improvement of depressive symptoms and PD-specific ones as seen with the PDSS. As far as CGI in the PD group, no significant interaction with any therapeutic factor was noted. In the OCD group, two factors were considered to be the most helpful. There was significant interaction in the OCD group between the effect of nine factors and improvement of the symptoms of anxiety. However, no interaction with depressive symptoms was noted. There was also significant interaction between improvement in obsessive-compulsive symptoms as seen with the YBOCS, in terms of altruism, universality, interpersonal learning input and output, family re-enactment, self-understanding and existential factors. With respect to CGI in the OCD group, there was significant interaction with the factors of interpersonal learning input, self-understanding and existential factors. The results show that group therapeutic factors positively influence the response to CBGT in both groups. However, there are differences of effect to be considered, in order to better understand the therapeutic process and improve group therapy. / Estudios evidencian la eficacia de la terapia cognitivo-actitudinal en grupo (TCCG) para pacientes con trastorno de pánico (TP) y para pacientes con trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC). El proceso de las terapias en grupo es complejo y presenta factores considerados terapéuticos por facilitar nuevos aprendizajes. Sin embargo, estudios sobre el proceso terapéutico de TCCG todavía son escasos. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: evaluar el efecto de los factores terapéuticos en la respuesta a la TCCG para pacientes con TP y para pacientes con TOC; identificar y relacionar los factores terapéuticos que ocurren en la TCCG con la etapa y las técnicas cognitivo-actitudinales. Se trata de un ensayo clínico de 12 sesiones de TCCG para TP y para TOC. La gravedad de los síntomas se la evaluó antes y después de la TCCG. En conjunto con TP, se utilizó la Escala de Gravedad del TP (PDSS), la Impresión Clínica Global (CGI), la Hamilton Ansiedad (HAM-A) y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI). En pacientes con TOC, la gravedad específica fue evaluada por la Escala Obsesivo-Compulsivo de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS) y por la CGI, así como por la HAM-A y por el BDI. El cuestionario de factores terapéuticos de Yalom se aplicó al final de cada sesión para evaluar los 12 factores, a saber: altruismo, cohesión, universalidad, aprendizaje interpersonal-input aprendizaje interpersonal- output, orientación, catarsis, identificación, redefinición familiar, autocomprensión, instilación de esperanza y factores existenciales. El estudio lo aprobó el CEP/HCPA (nº 130400). Todos los pacientes firmaron el término de consentimiento libre y aclarado. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 31 pacientes, 16 en el grupo do TP con edad promedio de 36,2(DP=9,98) años y 15 pacientes en el grupo do TOC con promedio de edad de 37,4(DP=11,10) años. Los factores terapéuticos totalizaron 192 observaciones en el grupo del TP y 180 en el grupo del TOC. Hubo mejora significativa de la gravedad de los síntomas de ansiedad, depresivos y específicos comparados con la evaluación inicial en ambos grupos (p<0,001). Ocho factores fueron considerados de utilidad significativa para los pacientes a lo largo de las sesiones del grupo del TP. Se observó interacción significativa en el grupo de los pacientes con TP entre el efecto del factor reedición familiar en la mejora de los síntomas de ansiedad y depresivos. Los factores existenciales fueron significativos con la mejora de los síntomas depresivos y con los específicos del TP verificado por la PDSS. Cuanto a la CGI en el TP, no se verificó interacción significativa con ningún factor terapéutico. En el grupo de pacientes con TOC, los factores considerados más útiles fueron dos. Se constató interacción significativa en el grupo del TOC entre el efecto de nueve factores y la mejora de los síntomas de ansiedad, pero ninguna interacción con síntomas depresivos. También hubo interacción significativa entre la mejora de los síntomas obsesivo-compulsivos verificado por la YBOCS con altruismo, universalidad, aprendizaje interpersonal input y output reedición familiar, autocomprensión y factores existenciales. Cuanto a la CGI en el TOC, hubo interacción significativa con los factores aprendizaje interpersonal input, autocomprensión y factores existenciales. Los resultados demuestran que factores terapéuticos de grupo influyen positivamente la respuesta de la TCCG para ambos grupos. Sin embargo, existen diferencias de efecto a ser consideradas para que haya mejor comprensión del proceso terapéutico y perfeccionamiento de la terapia de grupo.

Avaliação da resposta ao acréscimo de estratégias de coping e resiliência na terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo para paciente com transtorno de pânico / Assessment of response to additional coping and resilience strategies in cognitive-behavioral group therapy for patients with panic disorder / Evaluación de respuesta a la adición de estrategias de coping y resiliencia en la terapia cognitivo-conductual en grupo para pacientes con trastorno de pánico

Viana, Ana Cristina Wesner January 2018 (has links)
O transtorno de pânico (TP) é uma condição crônica e recorrente, acompanhada por sintomas físicos e cognitivos que causam prejuízos à qualidade de vida e ao funcionamento psicossocial dos pacientes. Apesar do tratamento eficaz com medicamentos e terapia cognitivocomportamental (TCC), a recaída dos sintomas é frequente. A falha de enfrentamento ou coping de eventos estressores tem sido apontada como um gatilho desse desfecho. O protocolo atual de 12 sessões de TCC em grupo (TCCG) é específico para sintomas do TP, não abordando estratégias cognitivas de coping e de resiliência. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de avaliar a resposta em curto prazo ao acréscimo de estratégias de coping e de resiliência ao protocolo padrão de TCCG para o TP. Trata-se de um estudo de método misto, desenvolvido em duas etapas: primeiramente foi realizada uma pesquisa metodológica para o desenvolvimento e a avaliação da clareza de um protocolo com quatro sessões de TCCG, organizadas em um manual; a segunda etapa consistiu em um ensaio clínico controlado com pacientes com TP alocados aleatoriamente no grupo intervenção (TCCG padrão mais o acréscimo de quatro sessões de intervenções com técnicas cognitivas de estratégias de coping e resiliência) ou para o grupo controle (TCCG padrão). A gravidade dos sintomas do TP foi mensurada antes e depois da TCCG. Para identificar as estratégias de coping e de resiliência, foram aplicados o Inventário de Estratégias de Coping (IEC) e a Escala de Resiliência, respectivamente A qualidade de vida (QV) foi avaliada pela WHOQOL-bref. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa de Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (nº 140379). Após a elaboração do manual, um grupo-piloto de sete pacientes avaliou as quatro sessões e contribuiu com sugestões para a versão final. Na sequência, realizou-se o ensaio clínico com 100 pacientes selecionados e alocados 50 para cada grupo. Um total de 36 (72%) do grupo intervenção e 29 (58%) do controle concluiu as sessões de TCCG. Observou-se que ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora significativa dos sintomas do TP ao longo do tempo em todas as medidas de desfecho, porém sem interação tempo*grupo. Após a TCCG, os sintomas de ansiedade (pgrupo=0,016), depressão (pgrupo=0,025) e uso de benzodiazepínicos (ptempo*grupo<0,001) foram significativamente menores no grupo intervenção do que no grupo controle. Houve mudança significativa positiva nas estratégias de coping mais adaptativas e em todos os domínios da qualidade de vida (ptempo<0,001), embora sem diferença entre os grupos. Exceto para o domínio meio ambiente o aumento foi significativo considerando-se a interação tempo*grupo (ptempo*grupo=0,027). A resiliência apresentou um aumento significativo após a TCCG no grupo intervenção (pgrupo=0,041), com interação tempo*grupo (ptempo*grupo=0,027). Portanto, confirmou-se a efetividade da TCCG para melhora dos sintomas do TP, e adicionar as sessões ao protocolo padrão de TCCG mostrou-se uma medida viável e efetiva para melhorar a capacidade de resiliência e de aspectos da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com TP. Contudo, são necessários estudos de seguimentos para que se verifique os efeitos da intervenção em desfechos do TP como recaída. / Panic disorder (PD) is a chronic, recurrent condition characterized by physical and cognitive symptoms that are harmful to patients' quality of life (QOL) and psychosocial functioning. Despite the efficacy of drug treatment and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), symptom relapse is common. Failure to cope with stressful events has been reported as a trigger for this outcome. The protocol with 12 sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) currently used for PD symptoms does not include coping and resilience strategies. This study aimed to assess short-term response to the addition of coping and resilience strategies to the standard CBGT protocol for PD. This mixed methods research was conducted in two phases: first, a methodological research was performed to develop and assess the clarity of a protocol with four CBGT sessions, organized in a handbook; second, a controlled trial was performed, in which patients with PD were randomly allocated to an intervention group (standard CBGT plus four sessions using cognitive techniques for coping and resilience) or a control group (standard CBGT). PD symptom severity was measured before and after CBGT. The Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) and the Resilience Scale were used to identify coping and resilience strategies, respectively. QOL was assessed using the WHOQOL-bref. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (protocol no. 140379) After the handbook was prepared, a pilot group of seven patients evaluated the four additional sessions and contributed with suggestions for the final version. The clinical trial was then conducted with 100 selected patients (50 patients in each group). Thirty-six (72%) patients in the intervention group and 29 (58%) controls completed the CBGT sessions. Both groups showed a significant improvement in PD symptoms in all outcome measures over time, but with no time*group interaction. After the CBGT sessions, anxiety symptoms (pgroup=0.016), depression (pgroup=0.025), and use of benzodiazepines (ptime*group<0.001) significantly decreased in the intervention group compared to the control group. There was a significant positive change in the more adaptive coping strategies and in all QOL domains (ptime<0.001), but with no between-group difference. Except for the environment domain, there was a significant increase considering time*group interaction (ptime*group=0.027). Resilience showed a significant increase after CBGT in the intervention group (pgroup=0.041), with time*group interaction (ptime*group=0.027). Therefore, the effectiveness of CBGT in improving PD symptoms was confirmed, and adding sessions to the standard CBGT protocol proved to be a feasible and effective measure to improve resilience and QOL aspects in patients with PD. However, follow-up studies are required to assess the effects of the intervention on PD outcomes such as relapse. / El trastorno de pánico (TP) es una condición crónica y recurrente, acompañada de síntomas físicos y cognitivos que perjudican la calidad de vida y el funcionamiento psicosocial del paciente. Pese al tratamiento eficaz con medicamentos y terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC), la recurrencia de los síntomas es frecuente. La falla de afrontamiento o coping de eventos estresores ha sido apuntada como un disparador de este desenlace. El protocolo actual de 12 sesiones de TCC en grupo (TCCG) es específico para síntomas de TP y no trata de estrategias cognitivas de coping y de resiliencia. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la respuesta a corto plazo a la adición de estrategias de coping y de resiliencia al protocolo estándar de TCCG para TP. Se trata de un estudio con método mixto, desarrollado en dos etapas: primeramente, se realizó una investigación metodológica para el desarrollo y la evaluación da clareza de un protocolo con cuatro sesiones de TCCG, organizadas en un manual; la segunda etapa consistió en un ensayo clínico controlado con pacientes con TP asignados aleatoriamente al grupo intervención (TCCG estándar más cuatro sesiones de intervención con estrategias cognitivas de coping y resiliencia) o al grupo control (TCCG estándar). Se mensuró la gravedad de los síntomas de TP antes y después de la TCCG. Para identificar las estrategias de coping y de resiliencia, se aplicó el Inventario de Estrategias de Coping (IEC) e la Escala de Resiliencia, respectivamente. La calidad de vida (CV) se evaluó por la WHOQOL-bref. El estudio ha sido aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (no. 140379) Tras la elaboración del manual, un grupopiloto de siete pacientes evaluó las cuatro sesiones y contribuyó con sugerencias para la versión final. A continuación, se realizó el ensayo clínico con 100 pacientes seleccionados y asignados en número de 50 para cada grupo. Un total de 36 (72%) pacientes del grupo intervención y 29 (58%) del grupo control concluyeron las sesiones de TCCG. Se observó que ambos grupos tuvieron una mejora significativa de los síntomas de TP a lo longo del tiempo en todas las medidas de desenlace, pero sin interacción tiempo vs. grupo. Tras la TCCG, los síntomas de ansiedad (pgrupo=0,016), depresión (pgrupo=0,025) y uso de benzodiazepínicos (ptiempo*grupo<0,001) fueron significativamente menores en el grupo intervención que en el grupo control. Hubo un cambio significativo positivo en las estrategias de coping más adaptativas y en todos los dominios de CV (ptiempo<0,001), pero sin diferencia entre los grupos. Excepto para el dominio medio ambiente, el aumento fue significativo, considerándose la interacción tiempo vs. grupo (ptiempo vs. grupo=0,027). La resiliencia presentó un aumento significativo tras la TCCG en el grupo intervención (pgrupo=0,041), con interacción tiempo vs. grupo (ptiempo vs. grupo=0,027). Así, se confirmó la efectividad de la TCCG para mejora de los síntomas de TP, y añadir las sesiones al protocolo estándar de TCCG se mostró una medida viable y efectiva para mejorar la capacidad de resiliencia y de aspectos de CV de los pacientes con TP. Sin embargo, son necesarios estudios de seguimiento para que se verifiquen los efectos de la intervención en desenlaces de TP como recurrencia.

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