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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Large scale companies and the challenge of being innovative: the integration of external startups / Storskaliga företag och utmaningen att vara innovativa: integrationen av externa uppstart

DUMAS, AUGUSTIN YANN January 2018 (has links)
During the 20th century, Large Scale Companies (LSCs) mindset was all about minimizing risks and maximizing profits. On top of this, they were heavily relying on intellectual property – culture of secret – and they were shaped to exploit rather than to explore. In this context, open innovation brought a completely new approach. As part of the changing landscape, trends of corporate venturing appeared about five years ago. Among LSCs which have chosen to get on the train of innovation, different strategies have been adopted from one company to another. Only today are people witnessing corporate venturing getting more structured. Yet, LSCs have not focused enough just yet on the development of venture structures with external startups. It is essential to understand how to make incubation and acceleration of external startups successful within LSCs. This study adopts LSCs’ perspective and aims at providing them with the best practices that currently exist in the innovation ecosystem in terms of corporate venturing. In particular, this study focuses on how Large Scale Companies (LSCs) can take advantage of external startups through a corporate incubator and/or corporate accelerator in order to become more innovative. The study suggests the venturing process should be divided into three main stages: the identification of the appropriate venture structure and of the right startups, the follow-up of the integrated startups of the corporate venture structure and finally the exit strategy. Building upon the business model canvas and customer value proposition theories, the suggestion is made for LSCs to step backwards and reflect thoroughly about the corporate venture strategy they want to adopt. LSCs should be aware that they evolve as part of a complex venturing ecosystem, and that each tool, rather than being isolated, should embrace and collaborate with the multitude of existing structures. / Under de 20 århundradena var Large Scale Companies (LSCs) tankegangen allt om minimering av risker och maximesring av överskott. Utöver detta var de starkt beroende av immateriella rättigheter - hemlighetskulturen - och de var formade att utnyttja snarare än att utforska. I det här sammanhanget kom öppen innovation till ett helt nytt tillvägagångssätt. Som ett led i det förändrade landskapet uppträdde trenderna för företagsvågningar för ungefär fem år sedan. Blandt LSCs, som har valt att få på toget eller innovation, olika strategier har beslutats från ett företag till ett annat. Endast idag är människors vittnesbörd om företagsvågar att bli mer strukturerad. Ändå har LSCs inte fokuserat tillräckligt på utvecklingen av venturestrukturer med externa startups. Det är viktigt att förstå hur man gör inkubation och acceleration av externa startups framgångsrika inom LSCs. Denna studie antar LSCs perspektiv och syftar till att ge dem de bästa praxis som för närvarande finns i innovationsekosystemet när det gäller företagsledning. I synnerhet fokuserar den här studien på hur Large Scale Companies (LSC) kan dra nytta av externa uppstart genom en företags inkubator och / eller företagsaccelerator för att bli mer innovativ. De studier som antyder vid venturingprocessen bör delas in tre huvudfaser: Identifiering av den aktuella riskstrukturen och rätt uppstart, uppföljning av den integrerade uppstarten av den organisationsstruktur och slutgiltigt slutstrategi. Med utgångspunkt i affärsmodellens kanfas och kundvärdes propositionsteorier, görs förslaget att LSCs ska gå bakåt och reflektera noggrant på företagsledningsstrategin som de vill anta. LSCs borde vara medvetna om att de utvecklas som en del av ett komplext venturerande ekosystem, och att varje verktyg, istället för att isoleras, ska omfamna och samarbeta med de många befintliga strukturerna.

Implementation of a Value-Based Pricing Model for a Customised Metal Recycling Solution / Implementering av en Värdebaserad Prismodell för en Anpassad Metallåtervinningslösning

Abedi, Melika, Thun, Elin January 2020 (has links)
As the stainless steel industry continues to grow, so does the environmental impacts generated by the various production processes. Such impacts not only affect the environment but pose great health concerns for humans and other living things. Therefore, it is necessary for all stakeholders to continuously improve their sustainability work. Metal recovery is one of the ways this can be done. There exists different organisations within the stainless steel industry, all of which are likely to benefit from metal recycling solutions. However, it is not obvious what models for value capture are most appropriate regarding such new technology. Adopting an appropriate value capture model is crucial for any organisation offering a service or a product. It is what ultimately determines an organisation’s revenues, profits as well as the amounts reinvested in the organisation’s growth for its long-term survival. By considering a case company offering a metal recycling solution, this study investigates how such a company may best leverage the value created by their technology. This is achieved by implementing a qualitative approach consisting of an extant literature review, accompanied by empirical findings through interviews with potential customers. Different factors affecting the formulation of an offering, as well as a value-based pricing model for that offering, are analysed. The study proposes a framework for how organisations can efficiently and effectively implement a value-based pricing model for a certain offering. This framework is put into context in regard to the empirical findings. Moreover, the empirical study identifies the potential customers’ perceived value as a result of the metal recycling solution as; opportunities for material reuse and circular economy in production, enhanced waste management, improved brand and the corporate image, and increased operational efficiency. Lastly, identified key determining factors of value realisation from the customer perspective were; payback time, operational aspects, organisational and operational size, type of offering of a metal recycling solution, regulations and public process surveillance and views on pricing strategy. / Medans den rostfria stålindustrin fortsätter att växa ökar även miljöpåverkan från dess olika produktionsprocesser. Sådana effekter påverkar inte bara miljön, utan utgör även stora hälsoproblem för människor och andra levande organismer. För att minska dess miljöpåverkan är det nödvändigt för alla parter inom industrin att kontinuerligt förbättra sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Ett alternativt sätt detta kan göras på är med hjälp av metallåtervinning. Det finns olika företag och organisationer inom den rostfria stålindustrin, som alla troligen kan dra nytta av metallåtervinningslösningar. Det är dock inte uppenbart vilka modeller för värdefångst som är mest lämpliga för en sådan teknik, vilket är problematiskt för de som erbjuder en sådan lösning. Att bestämma en lämplig modell för värdefångst är dock avgörande för alla organisationer som erbjuder en tjänst eller produkt. Det är det som i slutändan avgör en organisations intäkter, vinster samt de belopp som återinvesteras i organisationens tillväxt för dess långvariga överlevnad. Genom att studera ett företag som erbjuder en metallåtervinningslösning har denna studie som syfte att undersöka hur ett sådant företag bäst kan utnyttja det värde som skapas av deras teknik. Detta uppnås genom att implementera en kvalitativ metod som består av en litteraturstudie, följt av empiriska resultat från intervjuer med potentiella kunder till företaget. Olika faktorer som påverkar formuleringen av en produkt/tjänst och en värdebaserad prissättningsmodell för den produkten/tjänsten analyseras. Detta arbete tar fram och föreslår ett ramverk för hur organisationer effektivt kan implementera en värdebaserad prissättningsmodell för ett visst erbjudande. Detta ramverk sätts sedan i sammanhang i samband med de empiriska resultaten. Den empiriska studien identifierar även de potentiella kundernas upplevda värde till följd av metallåtervinningslösningen som; möjligheter för materialanvändning och cirkulär ekonomi i produktionen, förbättrad avfallshantering, förbättrat varumärke och företagsimage och ökad operativ effektivitet. Slutligen identifierades viktiga avgörande faktorer för värdeförverkligande ur kundperspektivet som; återbetalningstid, operativa aspekter, organisatorisk och operativ storlek, typ av erbjudande av metallåtervinningslösning, regler och offentlig processövervakning och syn på prisstrategi.

Investigating Product Sustainability and B2B Relationships for creating Customer Value : A multiple case study within the building & construction industry in Sweden & the Netherlands

Eriksson, Casper, Cammerer, Quirin January 2024 (has links)
This study explores how retention options to achieve a circular economy applied in entrance door products together with CSR strategies from a supplier can create customer-perceived value in a B2B market setting. It focuses on the relationship between buyers and suppliers in the construction and building industry in the Swedish and Dutch market. To explore this phenomenon, a qualitative multiple case study was employed using semi-structured interviews as method for main data collection. Facility management, real estate and construction companies from the respective markets were subjects to this study to gather valuable insights. The data was analyzed and presented according to four main value dimensions perceived by customers. Sustainable products can mainly create indirect economic value for customers by enabling higher revenue or reducing tax load. In terms of functional value, customers ask for products with low carbon footprint that supports them to reach their sustainability goals for the supply chain or to reach building certifications. In the transition phase towards a circular economy customers value a closer and mutual beneficial relationship to their supplier. This entails a holistic aftersales support and caretaking of products after the use phase to bring products and resources back into the circle. A supplying company can create symbolic customer-perceived value by engaging in comprehensive and credible CSR activities, since several business customers want to show that they are working with sustainable companies. This study also reveals that most customers do not yet have any measures in place to assess the sustainability of a product or the quality of a suppliers CSR activities, however, it is a future requirement. Practical, the findings of this study undermine the importance for supplying companies to begin developing sustainable offerings and to engage in relationships with their business customers to create profitable business cases from sustainable offerings. Academically, the study highlights the need for further research in circularity and perceived customer value. Thus, the study explored circular product aspects customers can perceive valuable, and how the relationship acts as a foundation for specifying the requirements of bringing circular aspects to different customers and markets.

Information Technology Application on Customer Relationship Management for Steel Industry, an example of Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd.

Huang, Nelson 18 April 2001 (has links)
The procedures of the study are mainly through the review on the relevant reference documents related to the subject of those have been published domestically and internationally, meanwhile to get a better understanding on the most recent development on Information Technology and its associated models which are being applied to the customer relationship management by the organizations and/or business units in the world. Then, through the investigation and review on steel industries to understand the real situations domestically and internationally, specifically to focus on the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. As an example, for which to plan the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by using Information Technology, what problems it will be faced and how is the best strategyfor this implementation. Then after the completion of the study, to make a constructive recommendation to the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd as an useful reference when the Extranet system to be planned and implementedfor. In Chapter-1 ¡©Introduction¡ª¡Ato descibe the backgroud, purposes, procedures and the limitation related to the study¡Fin Chapter-2, the major is concentrate on the review and understand on the relevant documents of the subject related¡Fin Chapter-3, specifically to focus on the existing situations of the steel industries and the Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. how it is the current situation to the subject issue¡Fin Chapter-4, to have further investigation on recent situations for the use of Information Technology in Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd. to make a recommendation for their reference whn they plan for the implementation of Extranet System for the improvement of Customer Relationship Management¡Fand finally, in Chapter-5, to describe the findings and issues for whicht to be expected to have further study in the future to come up a generalized model for which can be applied to all companies not only for steel industies but also to all conventional enpterprises as an important and valuable reference guideline.

以設計思維釋放運動熱情:以團體球類運動為例 / Unleash team ball games enthusiasm: a Design Thinking approach

蘇冠緯 Unknown Date (has links)
環顧國內,整體運動產業之發展,雖有稱作是運動休閒服務之產業,但大多都是傳統的商品販售模式,而非以價值交換為主的服務模式;而近年來在國內各項個人運動隨著穿戴式裝置開始風行之後,無論是慢跑、單車、三鐵等都非常盛行,也連帶著促進了整個運動產業的蓬勃發展。此外,團體球類運動一直以來都相當的風行,而且特別是當國家代表隊於國際賽事上有重大表現時,就會成為全民熱烈討論之話題,也往往會帶起一陣運動消費風氣;由此可見運動實為一個國家展現其國力的重要指標之一,但我國運動產業之發展卻不如歐美興盛。 本論文研究將專注在團體球類運動的服務設計,透過解決「如何讓團體球類運動者與其利害關係人,能夠更有效且便利的保存屬於他們的回憶。」這樣的設計問題,以達成顧客價值共創的系統與服務設計思維,分析其利害關係人、探索利害關係人可能之洞見、辨識系統中之可操作性資源、觀察其互動模式,藉此得出利害關係人之深入觀點,並進行解決方案之設計。 最終得到一個可營運的商業模式,並且可以在未來發展成為一個完整的運動產業生態系統,促進全民健康、提升運動技能、掀起全民運動之風潮;並且讓我國運動產業之發展,能夠追上世界各個已開發國家之運動產業水準。 / In Taiwan, although government defines “what is leisure sports service industry”, but these companies are all with traditional goods-dominate logic business models, not value-exchange service busiess models. These years, personal sport like Jogging, Marathon, Cycling, and Triathlon become very popular in Taiwan because of some modern wearable technology, also improving sports industry development. Team ballgame sports are always a hot topic and bring a shopping rise when our national teams play at international games. This implies that sport can be regarded as a key performance indicator for a country, but our sports industry development is not good as that of United States and Europe. This thesis focuses on team ballgame sports service design, trying to resolve the design challenge of “how to retain the memories of team ballgame players and their stakeholder’s with a more efficient and more convenient way”, in order to achieve customer value co-creative goal through system and service design thinking. Analyze stakeholders, explore stakeholders’ possible insights, identify system operant resources, and oberserve interactions to find out stakeholders’ Point-of-View, and then create the design solution. Throuth these processes, we will build up a feasible business model, and create a sports industry ecosystem in the future. This will improve people’s health, sport skills, and raise sport excerise trend to improve Taiwan’s sports industry development catching up world’s developed country.

La rentabilité de la fidélisation du consommateur : 3 essais complémentaires. / Profitability and Sensitivity of Consumer Loyalty : 3 Complementary Essays.

Vallaud, Thierry 19 June 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse sur travaux, l’auteur part de deux travaux précédents sur la rentabilité de la fidélisation et la détermination du potentiel client pour faire un constat : une partie de la rentabilité de la fidélisation et du potentiel pour une marque est basée sur la part captable du chiffre d’affaire fait à la concurrence ; le taux de captation.Dans ce nouveau travail il s’agit de montrer que le taux de captation est basé sur l’élasticité du taux de nourriture. A partir d’une analyse de la littérature et de plusieurs modélisations sur des données de panel scannérisées, l’auteur démontre, sur plusieurs marchés, que l’élasticité du taux de nourriture est contrainte et prévisible.C’est donc en tenant compte de cet écart limité qu’une marque peut estimer le taux de captation et donc la rentabilité de la fidélisation ainsi que le potentiel client. / In this thesis based on works the author goes from two previous studies on the profitability of loyalty and customer potential determination to make a statement : part of the profitability of loyalty and of the potential for a brand is based on the reachable share of turnover done by the competition ; the catch rate.In this new work it is shown that the catch rate is based on the elasticity of the share of category requirement. From a review of the literature and several modeling on scanning panel data the author demonstrates on several markets that elasticity of the share of category requirement is limited and predictable.Then it’s in taking into account this small difference that a brand can estimate the “catchable” rate and therefore the profitability of loyalty and potential of a customer.

User Experience Design as a Building Block in a B2B Company’s Market Strategy : An empirical study of how the user experience of a software service can be used to create increased customer value

Håkanson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
The after-sales pricing industry has, as many other industries, transformed with the digital era which have enabled automatization and scalable solutions. For companies pricing over 35 000 after sales items, scalable, digital solutions is needed. “The Company” International AB offers their SaaS solution Price, which integrates with the company’s ERP system and helps gain as much profits as possible by assisting with value-based pricing.  But lately, “The Company” has realized to be able to be market leading they need to ensure a better user experience (UX). This research’s aim was to understand how design affect customer value by understanding what UX factors are important to succeed in a B2B after-sales spare part market. The main research question were thereby: How do the UX design affect the customer value on an after sales digital service?. An important note to make is that this study will focus on the market, UX design trends and customers and their needs – not how the design should be done per se (e.g. “this button should be green, not blue”).  From the literature review, the sub-elements of UX were found to be Functionality, UI Design, Usability and Affect. Moreover, Organization is found to be a vital part to enable as good the UX as possible. The review suggested all sub-elements and their units could play a part of creating enhanced customer value.  The study is based upon qualitative interviews, followed up by a quantitative validation form studying the sub-elements and CSI. The interviews were held online with video calls and lasted for about 1–1,5 hr.  The findings verify earlier studies and implications, that all UX sub-elements do affect customer value significantly. The factor with least correlation to CSI is functionality which could be explained by being a hygiene factor, not motivator factor. Another finding, in contrary to B2C research, suggests that positive emotions is not wished for in B2B software’s as the users are “forced” to use the software as it is a part of their job, but this implication need to be further researched.  To be able to use UX as a market strategy “The Company” is advised to, within the product development team, not only prioritize new functionalities but also improving existing functionalities. It is also advised to share UX goals and vision throughout the different division working with Price. Some actions advice to take to enhance Price’s UX is making error messages actionable, enabling the user to save drafts in wizards and make it possible for the user to terminate any actions in the system.

Zavedení a praktické uplatnění hodnotového managementu v organizaci / Implementation and Practical Application of Value Management in Establishment

Vařecha, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a problems of value management as a comprehensive innovative tool designed to enable the company to achieve competitiveness in all its activities, increase productivity and maximize progress towards the objectives set by using minimum resources. Describes the use of values-based approach and its methods, disciplines and application tools. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to establish a common basis for company management, which could successfully implement and apply the value management in practice.

Design of a system for visualizing trends and behaviors based on customer data / Design av ett system för visualisering av trender och beteenden baserat på kunddata.

Andersson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Big amounts of data are produced every day in companies. By analyzing and visualizing the data a lot of insights can be gained. The company Solution Xperts wanted to create a system that could import and visualize Big Data. In this work a system was created and evaluated. The report shows that it can be difficult to visualize Big Data, but when a system is created it can easily be adapted to data coming from different companies and provide a lot of value to companies and organizations.

The Right Price - At What Cost? : A Multi-industry Approach in the Context of Technological Advancement / Rätt Pris - Till Vilken Kostnad?

Leijon, Anna Mikaelsdotter January 2017 (has links)
The business climate is undergoing a transformation and managers are faced with several challenges, not the least of which is related to pricing strategy. With an increased transparency in the market as well as anincreased competitive pressure, and with more sophisticated and well-informed consumers, retail businesses find it hard to navigate the pricing jungle. At the same time, the conventional wisdom in the field of pricing and the theoretical models on the topic, originate from a time long before the digitalization. Old models are not a problem in itself, but when there are new forces in the pricing ecosystem, driven by technological advancement, an assessment of the incumbent models is in the best interest of both businesses and academia. The reason for this is that, the use of old models that rely on inaccurate assumptions may impact businesses’ prioritizing of resources or their overall business strategy. In addition, researchers might be distracted and the research field disrupted. Thus, the purpose of this study is to discuss whether or not there are additional dimensions in pricing strategy that are not covered by the incumbent pricing models. Here, dimensions refer to the key components of businesses’ strategic decision making in regards to pricing. This thesis examines pricing models in today’s business context in order to answer the research question: “Are there additional dimensions of the empirical reality of pricing strategy that are not covered by the incumbent pricing models?” The research question has been studied qualitatively through a literature review, a pilot study and twelve case studies, where the pilot study had the purpose of exploring the depth, whereas the multiple case studies focused on the breadth, of pricing strategies. The case studies cover businesses in different retail industries and of different sizes, namely the industries of Clothing & Accessories, Daily Goods, Furniture and Toys & Tools, and of the following sizes: micro, small, medium and large. The empirical data has mainly been gathered by conducting interviews with production, sales and management personnel at the case businesses. The data has been structured, reduced and analysed with the help of a framework of analysis that has been developed throughout the pilot study. The results of this study lean on previous research and a main divider in pricing strategies has been identified as businesses use either a data-driven or an intuition-driven approach in their strategic work with pricing. As such, it is proposed that the division of pricing strategies need to be acknowledged, since the separate methodological approaches may lead to different results, while implying different costs, resources and required knowledge. Furthermore, the division may form a basis for competitive advantage, be extended to other areas of strategic management and become clearer, since the adoption of technology and its impact will increase in the future. As a result, in the future of pricing, they key is going to be to account for both the strategic perspectives and the methodological approaches in the strategic decision making process of pricing. / Affärsklimatet genomgår en omvandling och företagsledare står inför flera utmaningar, inte minst utmaningar som är relaterade till prissättningsstrategi. Med en alltmer transparent marknad och en ökad konkurrens företag emellan samt en mer sofistikerad och välinformerad konsument, finner företagen i detaljhandeln det svårt att navigera i prissättningsdjungeln. Samtidigt härrör den konventionella visdomen inom prissättning och de teoretiska modellerna på samma ämne från en tid långt innan digitaliseringen. Gamla modeller är inte ett problem i sig, men när det finns nya krafter i prissättningens ekosystem, som drivs på av teknologisk utveckling, är en omprövning av de befintliga modellerna i både företag och akademikers intresse. Användningen av gamla modeller som bygger på felaktiga antaganden kan dock inverka på företagens prioritering av resurser eller på deras övergripande affärsstrategi. Dessutom kan forskare distraheras och forskningsfältet störas. Syftet med denna studie är således att diskutera huruvida det finns ytterligare dimensioner i prissättningsstrategi som inte omfattas av de befintliga prissättningsmodellerna. Här avser dimensioner nyckelkomponenter i företagens strategiska beslutsfattande när det gäller prissättning. Denna avhandling undersöker prissättningsmodellerna i dagens affärssammanhang för att svara på frågan: "Finns det ytterligare dimensioner av den empiriska verkligheten av prissättningsstrategi som inte omfattas av de befintliga prissättningsmodellerna?" Forskningsfrågan har studerats kvalitativt genom en litteraturgranskning, en pilotstudie och tolv fallstudier, där pilotstudien hade till syfte att utforska djupet, medan de flera fallstudierna inriktades på bredden, av prissättningsstrategier. Fallstudierna omfattar företag i industrin för detaljhandeln och företag av olika storlekar, nämligen inom detaljhandeln för Kläder & Accessoarer, Dagligvaror, Möbler och Leksaker & Verktyg, och av följande storlekar: mikro, små, medelstora och stora. Den empiriska datan har huvudsakligen insamlats med hjälp av intervjuer med produktions- och försäljningspersonal samt företagsledare hos företagen i fallstudierna. Uppgifterna har strukturerats, reducerats och analyserats med hjälp av en analysram som har utvecklats under pilotstudien. Resultaten av denna studie tar rygg på tidigare forskning och en huvuddelare i prissättningsstrategier har identifierats, eftersom företag använder antingen ett data-drivet eller ett intuition-drivet tillvägagångssätt i sitt strategiska arbete med prissättning. Som sådan föreslås att uppdelningen av prissättningsstrategier måste tas hänsyn till eftersom de separata metodologiska metoderna kan leda till olika resultat, samtidigt som de innebär olika kostnader samt kräver olika resurser och nödvändig förkunskap. Dessutom kan uppdelningen ligga till grund för konkurrensfördel, utvidgas till andra strategiska områden för företagsledare och bli tydligare, eftersom teknikens utbredning och påverkan kommer att öka i framtiden. Som en följd av detta kommer nyckeln i framtidens strategiska prissättning att vara att ta hänsyn till både de strategiska perspektiven och de metodologiska metoderna i den strategiska beslutsprocessen för prissättning.

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