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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation numérique de l’écoulement et mélange granulaires par des éléments discrets ellipsoïdaux / Numerical simulation of flow and mixing granular by ellipsoidal discrete elements

Trabelsi, Brahim 12 March 2013 (has links)
Les matériaux granulaires sont omniprésents, ils se trouvent aussi bien dans la nature que dans quelques applications industrielles. Parmi les applications industrielles utilisant les matériaux granulaires, on cite le mélange des poudres dans les industries agro-alimentaires, chimiques, métallurgiques et pharmaceutiques. La caractérisation et l'étude du comportement de ces matériaux sont nécessaires pour la compréhension de plusieurs phénomènes naturels comme le mouvement des dunes et les avalanches de neige, et de processus industriels tel que l'écoulement et le mélange des grains dans un mélangeur. Le comportement varié des matériaux granulaires les rend inclassables parmi les trois états de la matière : solide, liquide et gazeux. Ceci a fait dire qu'il s'agit d'un ``quatrième état'' de la matière, situé entre solide et liquide. L'objectif de ce travail est de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre des méthodes efficaces d'éléments discrets pour la simulation et l'analyse des processus de mélange et de ségrégation des particules ellipsoïdales dans des mélangeurs culbutants industriels tels que le mélangeur à cerceaux. Dans la DEM l'étape la plus critique en terme de temps CPU est celle de la détection et de résolution de contact. Donc pour que la DEM soit efficace il faut optimiser cette étape. On se propose de combiner le modèle du potentiel géométrique et la condition algébrique de contact entre deux ellipsoïdes proposée par Wang et al., pour l'élaboration d'un algorithme efficace de détection de contact externe entre particules ellipsoïdales. Puis de de prouver un résultat théorique et d'élaborer un algorithme pour le contact interne. D'autre part, le couplage DEM-chaîne de Markov permet de diminuer très sensiblement le temps de simulation en déterminant la matrice de transition à partir d'une simulation à courte durée puis en calculant l'état du système à l'aide du modèle de chaîne de Markov. En effet, en utilisant la théorie des matrices strictement positives et en se basant sur le théorème de Perron-Frobenius on peut approximer le nombre de transitions nécessaires pour la convergence vers un état donné. / The importance of granular mixing for many process industries dealing with powders and grains can hardly be exaggerated. For example, chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries usually require blending different particulate materials. High-quality products ranging from polymers and pharmaceuticals to ceramics and semiconductors increasingly depend on reliable granular flow and high quality and controllable granular mixing processes. In this work we implement a discrete element method for the simulation and analysis of mixing and segregation of ellipsoidal particles inside industrial tumbling blenders. The most critical step in term of time CPU in a discrete element simulation is the detection and resolution of contact. We use the algorithm of separating plane of ellipsoids and the algebraic condition on the separation of two ellipsoid algebraic conditions for the development of an efficient contact detection algorithm for ellipsoidal particles and to prove a theoretical result and a new algorithm for the internal contact. However, the coupling between DEM and Marckov chain makes it possible to very appreciably decrease the simulation time by determining the transition matrix of a short time simulation then by calculating the state from the system using the model from chain from Markov. Indeed, by using the theory of the strictly positive matrices and while basing oneself on the theorem of Perron-Frobenius we can approximate the number of transitions necessary for convergence towards a given state.

Les traductions françaises de Die Entführung aus dem Serail et Die Zauberflöte de W. A. Mozart sur les scènes parisiennes de 1798 à 1954 / The french translations of Mozart's Entführung aus dem Serail and Zauberflöte performed in Paris between 1798 and 1954

Obert, Julie 24 September 2013 (has links)
De la fin du 18e siècle jusqu’au milieu du 20e siècle, la plupart des opéras de Mozart ont été joués en français sur les scènes parisiennes. Condition essentielle aux représentations, la traduction a donc joué un rôle décisif dans la diffusion des œuvres lyriques de Mozart en France. Cette thèse étudie les traductions françaises des deux plus célèbres opéras de Mozart en langue allemande, Die Entführung aus dem Serail und Die Zauberflöte, représentées sur les scènes parisiennes entre 1798 et 1954. S’appuyant sur de nombreuses sources encore inédites, cette étude cherche à comprendre comment les traducteurs affrontent les multiples enjeux que représente la traduction des livrets allemands pour le public français. Loin de n’assurer que le transfert d’une langue à l’autre, les traductions remodèlent sans cesse le livret comme la partition des opéras mozartiens, donnant souvent naissance à des œuvres entièrement nouvelles. En croisant l’approche historique et les méthodes de l’analyse textuelle, il s’agit de mettre en lumière les spécificités de chaque traduction, d’éclairer les choix des traducteurs et d’interroger l’évolution des traductions au fil du temps. En permettant au public français de découvrir et d’entendre les opéras de Mozart, les traductions façonnent la réception française de ces œuvres en même temps qu’elles en témoignent. Ce qui est en cause est tout autant la situation particulière du monde lyrique français et ses rapports avec les pays de langue allemande, que la conception de la traduction et de l’œuvre d’art. / The two German operas of Mozart, Die Entführung aus dem Serail and Die Zauberflöte were performed primarily in French from the end of the 18th century until the middle of the 20th century. Cultural conventions and market conditions required that the libretti of German operas be translated into French. In consequence, translation was a vital element in the diffusion of Mozart’s operatic corpus in France. This dissertation is the first to focus on all four sequential translations of Die Entführung aus dem Serail and the five of Die Zauberflöte, performed in Paris between 1798 and 1954. Based on a number of unpublished manuscripts and unknown publications, this scholarly study of the process of translation discloses the transformations of the original works into new versions of Mozart’s operas, not only in the libretti but also in the music. What matters most is to understand how these translations were made and how they evolved over time, as well as exploring the way translators approached the particular difficulties presented by the need to translate texts meant to be sung. What we see is not only a set of changes in the nature of translations, but also a shift in the professional and popular understanding of what constitutes a work of art. Translation both transmitted and framed the meanings of Mozart’s operas at the same time as they made them available to the French musical world. In this context we can see how fruitful it is to braid together musicological research and the insights of literary scholarship in German studies. / In Frankreich wurden Mozarts Opern vom Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts bis in die zweite Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts hinein in erster Linie auf Französisch aufgeführt. Um kulturellen Konventionen Genüge zu tun und Markttauglichkeit zu sichern, mussten deutsche Opernlibretti ins Französische übertragen werden, damit das Publikum die Werke verstehen konnte. Folglich waren Übersetzungen eine unumgängliche Voraussetzung für die Verbreitung von Mozarts Opernschaffen in Frankreich. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht zum ersten Mal alle Übersetzungen der beiden bekanntesten deutschsprachigen Opern Mozarts, Die Entführung aus dem Serail und Die Zauberflöte, die zwischen 1798 und 1954 auf Pariser Bühnen zu hören und zu sehen waren. Die Studie zieht eine Reihe unveröffentlichter Handschriften und in Vergessenheit geratener Veröffentlichungen heran und zeigt, dass die Übersetzer nicht nur am Text, sondern auch an der Musik Veränderungen vornahmen, die die neuen Fassungen gleichsam zu eigenständigen Werken machten. Das vorrangige Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin zu verstehen, wie die jeweilige Gestaltung der Übersetzungen zustande kam, und wie sie sich im Lauf der Zeit entwickelten. Dabei wird nicht nur ein Wandel in der Übersetzungsart festgestellt: vielmehr wird auch sichtbar, dass sich bei den Übersetzern wie beim Publikum die Auffassung verändert von dem, was ein Kunstwerk ist, und wie man mit ihm umgehen sollte. Indem sie Mozarts Opern der französischen Musikwelt zugänglich machten, bestimmten die Übertragungen das Verständnis der Werke mit, so dass sie aufschlussreiche Quellen zur französischen Mozart-Rezeption darstellen. Um diesen Verschiebungen und wechselseitigen Wirkungen nachzugehen, werden die Methoden der Übersetzungskritik mit den Grundlagen historischmusikwissenschaftlicher Forschung zusammengeführt.

Främligarna mitt ibland oss : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur asylsökande konstrueras i svenska lokaltidningar. / The strangers that live among us

Holst, Simon, Bingöl, Mizgin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how local newspapers in Sweden frame newsstories involving asylumseekers and how the asylseekers in those stories are constructed from a postcolonial theoryperspective. Furthermore this thesis aims to analys and show the connection between the written word in the articles and a larger, social dimension where ideologies compete for cultural hegemony. To match the aims of this thesis we used a critical discourse analysis, more specificly one influenced by van Dijks socio-cognitive CDA and applied it to five articles from three different newspapers.Our analysis showed that the articles constructed the asylumseekers as Others, and created a dinstinct line between the asylumseekers and the other participants in the texts. This line, based on a constructed community including the article, the reader and some of the participants but excluding the asylumseekers, got significant meaning in the articles when the asylumseekers got identified as a homogenic social group. A perspecive coming from the constructed community and not from themselfes and therefor denying the asylsumseekers their right to define themselves.

Integration der Diskrete Elemente Methode in domänen-übergreifende Systemsimulationen / Integration of Discrete Element Method into Multi-Domain System Simulation

Richter, Christian 08 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Viele Arbeitsprozesse in der Bau- und Fördermaschinentechnik, Lebensmittelindustrie oder Verfahrenstechnik sind gekennzeichnet durch die Interaktion mit Schüttgütern. Beispiele hierfür sind die Gewinnung und der Transport von Erd- und Rohstoffen sowie die Verarbeitung von Getreide, Mais, Pellets oder Granulaten. Zur Abbildung der partikel-mechanischen Vorgänge hat sich die Diskrete Elemente Methode (DEM) als geeignetes Simulationsverfahren etabliert. Für eine prospektive Analyse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Schüttgut und Maschine ist es notwendig diese Methodik mit einem domänen-übergreifenden Systemmodell zu verknüpfen. Es wird eine Lösung vorgestellt, welche eine geschlossene Modellierung und Simulation der DEM in der Software SimulationX ermöglicht.

Análise de imagens baseada em objetos geográficos (GEOBIA) aplicada ao mapeamento da transição entre cinturão orogênico do atlântico e bacia sedimentar do Paraná / Analysis of images based on geographic objects (GEOBIA) applied to the transition mapping between Atlantics orogenic belt and Paranas sedimentary basin

Kawata, Leonardo Takei 11 November 2014 (has links)
O uso de geotecnologias pode contribuir de forma muito significativa para os estudos em geomorfologia. Considerando os principais componentes desta ciência, morfografia, morfometria, morfogênese e morfocronologia, os modelos digitais para a representação da superfície da Terra podem ser amplamente utilizados na aquisição de muitas destas informações. O uso de Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDE) há alguns anos, já é uma realidade em estudos envolvendo geomorfologia. A sua utilização permite a aquisição de variáveis e parâmetros objetivos que podem servir à definição de critérios para o agrupamento de unidades geomorfológicas. Podendo, portanto, ser um instrumento valioso para mapeamento de áreas amplas em escalas de 1:50.000 e 1:100.000. Para tanto, é necessário definir os critérios coerentes e os algoritmos de segmentação que oferecem os melhores resultados para as diversas áreas de estudo. Os MDE gerados pela missão Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) são de vasta abrangência e contemplam todo o território nacional brasileiro. Portanto, os dados gerados pela missão podem ser uma importante fonte de informação para mapeamentos com metodologia única. O alcance deste objetivo não garante avanços metodológicos na cartografia geomorfológica, tendo em vista que a possibilidade de comparação entre diferentes cartas geomorfológicas de detalhe ainda é restrita. / Geotechnologies can contribute significantly to geomorphology studies. Whereas the main principles of this science, mophography, morphometry, morphogenesis and morphochronology, the digital models used to represent the Earth surface can be widely utilized in a bunch of these data. Lately, the use of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be considered a reality in geomorphology studies. The utilization allows the acquisition of objective variables and parameters that can be suitable for definition of geomorphological units. Hence, can be a valuable tool for wide area mapping using 1:50.000 and 1:100.000 scales. For that reason, it is necessary to define coherent criteria and the proper segmentation algorithm in order to reach better results for different study cases. DEM provided by Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are wide range and cover the whole national territory. Therefore, data provided by this mission can be an important information for a single methodology mapping project.

Intera??o de biomarcadores de neuroimagem na Doen?a de Alzheimer : ?-amiloide, subst?ncia branca e metabolismo cerebral

Schilling, Lucas Porcello 16 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T13:52:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LUCAS_PORCELLO_SCHILLING_PARCIAL.pdf: 7497659 bytes, checksum: 1ccccb228b48cbfe2cd307e26ad11ee2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-30T13:52:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LUCAS_PORCELLO_SCHILLING_PARCIAL.pdf: 7497659 bytes, checksum: 1ccccb228b48cbfe2cd307e26ad11ee2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-30T13:52:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_LUCAS_PORCELLO_SCHILLING_PARCIAL.pdf: 7497659 bytes, checksum: 1ccccb228b48cbfe2cd307e26ad11ee2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-16 / The pathophysiology of Alzheimer?s disease (AD) involves several pathological mechanisms, including amyloid-? and neurofibrillary tangles deposition, white matter changes and neurodegeneration. In this tranversal study, we investigated the interaction between white matter (WM) integrity and amyloid-? deposition as a potential determinant of cerebral hypometabolism in the Alzheimer?s disease (AD) continuum. Using the Alzheimer?s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database, ninety-six subjects (cognitively normal (CN), n = 27; mild cognitive impairment (MCI), n = 49; and AD, n = 20) had positron emission tomography (PET) with [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) and [18F]Florbetapir, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). In the first part of the study, we identified areas of fractional anisotropy (FA) reduction in angular bundle and fornix in the AD group. Among these regions, we selected for subsequent analyses a voxel of interest (VOI) in the angular bundle bilaterally. Then, using a voxel-based interaction model we examined the association of FA in the angular bundle, amyloid-? deposition, and also the potential interaction of these variables with [18F]FDG cerebral hypometabolism. In the AD group, [18F]FDG hypometabolism in the striatum, basal and mesial temporal, orbitofrontal, precuneus, anterior and posterior cingulate cortices was associated with the interaction between increase in [18F]Florbetapir standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) in regions of interest and reduction in angular bundle FA. No significant clusters were identified in CN and MCI subjects. The interaction model, including amyloid-? deposition and WM disconnection, supports the concept of an integrative framework of AD pathophysiology where the combination of distinct pathological processes leads to progressive brain dysfunction in important cognitive-related areas / A fisiopatologia da Doen?a de Alzheimer (DA) envolve diversos mecanismos patol?gicos, como ac?mulo de ?-amiloide e de emaranhados neurofibrilares, altera??es na subst?ncia branca e neurodegenera??o. Este trabalho consiste em um estudo transversal, cujo objetivo foi investigar os efeitos da integridade da subst?ncia branca e do dep?sito de ?-amiloide como fatores determinantes do hipometabolismo cerebral no continuum da Doen?a de Alzheimer (DA). Utilizando dados obtidos atrav?s do cons?rcio internacional Alzheimer?s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), foram avaliados 96 indiv?duos (27 sujeitos cognitivamente normais - CN, 49 sujeitos com comprometimento cognitivo leve ? CCL, e 20 pacientes com DA) que realizaram um protocolo completo de neuroimagem com tomografia por emiss?o de p?sitrons (PET) com [18F]Fluordeoxiglicose ([18F]FDG) e [18F]Florbetapir e resson?ncia magn?tica nuclear (RMN) com a sequ?ncia de imagem de tensor de difus?o (DTI). Na primeira parte do estudo, no grupo DA foram identificadas ?reas de redu??o da anisotropia fracionada (FA) no fasc?culo angular e f?rnix. Dentre essas regi?es, um voxel de interesse (VOI) foi bilateralmente selecionado no fasc?culo angular para as an?lises subsequentes. Ap?s, examinamos a associa??o entre a FA no fasc?culo angular bilateral, o dep?sito de ?-amiloide atrav?s do PET [18F]Florbetapir Standardized Uptake Value Ratio (SUVR) nas regi?es de interesse e a poss?vel associa??o da intera??o entre ambos no hipometabolismo cerebral avaliado atrav?s de PET [18F]FDG. No grupo DA, a magnitude do hipometabolismo cerebral no corpo estriado, c?rtex orbito-frontal, temporal basal e mesial, pr?-c?neo e c?ngulo anterior e posterior foi determinada pelo efeito sin?rgico (intera??o) entre a densidade de agregados de ?-amiloide e o grau de desintegrac?o do fasc?culo angular, obtidos via [18F]Florbetapir e FA, respectivamente. N?o foram identificados clusters estatisticamente significativos nos grupos CN e CCL. Estes resultados ap?iam o conceito de que o efeito sin?rgico, mais do que os efeitos independentes da amiloidose e da desintegra??o da subst?ncia branca, determina o hipometabolismo regional na DA. De fato, o efeito da intera??o em nosso modelo, envolvendo o dep?sito de ?-amiloide e a desconex?o da subst?ncia branca, contribui para um conceito integrativo da fisiopatologia da DA, em que a a??o combinada de diferentes processos patol?gicos potencializa a degenerac?o do c?rebro.

Medicamentos utilizados por pessoas com 55 anos ou mais na Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia e sua associa??o com sinais e sintomas de depress?o e d?ficit cognitivo : um estudo populacional

Sgnaolin, Vanessa 28 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Gerontologia Biom?dica (geronbio@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-17T20:10:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SGNAOLIN_VANESSA_TESE.pdf: 5164818 bytes, checksum: 7903e0d0cab4f6b2f39cb20c4d8baac0 (MD5) / Rejected by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br), reason: Devolvido devido ? falta de capa institucional no arquivo pdf. on 2017-08-21T12:33:45Z (GMT) / Submitted by PPG Gerontologia Biom?dica (geronbio@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-23T13:11:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SGNAOLIN_VANESSA_TESE.pdf: 5199437 bytes, checksum: b8092c8a0353302df374eed961532c1c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-24T11:59:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SGNAOLIN_VANESSA_TESE.pdf: 5199437 bytes, checksum: b8092c8a0353302df374eed961532c1c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-24T12:05:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SGNAOLIN_VANESSA_TESE.pdf: 5199437 bytes, checksum: b8092c8a0353302df374eed961532c1c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This study aims to describe the medications used by people aged 55 years and over enrolled in the ?Programa de Envelhecimento Cerebral? (PENCE) of the Family Health Strategy of Porto Alegre. It will also describe among these patients the occurrence of polypharmacy, the use of potentially inappropriate medications and its association with patients? socioeconomic, lifestyle and health variables, especially the signs and symptoms of depression and cognitive deficit. A cross-sectional population-based study conducted from January 2013 to December 2015, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of PUCRS (n? 826.858). The prevalence of polypharmacy was reported in 35.7% of the population and was the most common drug amount of all age groups, including the younger individuals (55-59 years) (28.1%). After adjustment for socioeconomic and health variables, women (OR 2.46; 95% CI 1.71-3.53), 75-79 years (OR 3.13; 95% CI 1.68-5.83), 1-3 years of study (OR 2.57; 95% CI 1.43-4.59), ex-smokers (OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.29-2.78), poor or very poor self-perceived health (OR 6.43; 95% CI 3.20-12.90), chronic conditions (cardiovascular-related) and depression symptoms were strongly associated with polypharmacy. The prevalence of PIM in the total population was 65.4%, representing a common finding in all age groups, including younger individuals (55-59 years) (60.0%). Former smokers (OR 1.06; 95% CI 1.00-1.12) and current smokers (OR 1.10; 95% CI 1.01-1.18), regular self-perception of health (OR 1.08; 95% CI 1.02-1.15), use three or four medications (OR 1.88; 95% CI 1.65-2.15), and individuals with signs and symptoms of cognitive deficit (OR 1.14; 95% CI 1.03-1.26) and depression (OR 1.12; 95% CI 1.04-1.21) were significantly associated with PIM. Polypharmacy (OR 2.80; 95% CI 2.48-3.16) had the strongest association. Polypharmacy and MPI are prevalent in middle-aged individuals, a population that is poorly researched, and the elderly. The present study proposed an advance in pharmacoepidemiological studies, analyzing some gaps in the literature related to middle-aged adults with unfavorable socioeconomic characteristics, such as low income and schooling. / Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever os medicamentos utilizados por pessoas com 55 anos ou mais, cadastradas no Programa de Envelhecimento Cerebral (PENCE) da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia de Porto Alegre, a ocorr?ncia de polifarm?cia, o uso de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados e a associa??o com vari?veis socioecon?micas, h?bitos de vida e sa?de, principalmente os sinais e sintomas de depress?o e de d?ficit cognitivo. Estudo transversal de base populacional, realizado entre janeiro de 2013 a dezembro de 2015, aprovado pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa da PUCRS (n? 826.858). A preval?ncia de polifarm?cia na popula??o total foi de 35,7%, representando um achado comum a todas as faixas et?rias, incluindo os indiv?duos mais jovens (55-59 anos) (28,1%). Ap?s o ajuste para as vari?veis socioecon?micas e de sa?de, as mulheres (OR 2,46; IC 95% 1,71-3,53) e os indiv?duos com 75-79 anos (OR 3,13; IC 95% 1,68-5,83), 1-3 anos de estudo (OR 2,57; IC 95% 1,43-4,59), ex-fumantes (OR 1,89; IC 95% 1,29-2,78), com pior autopercep??o de sa?de (OR 6,43; IC 95% 3,20-12,90), com doen?as cr?nicas (principalmente as cardiovasculares) e com sintomas depressivos foram fortemente associados ? polifarm?cia. A preval?ncia de PIM na popula??o total foi de 65,4%, representando um achado comum a todas as faixas et?rias, incluindo os indiv?duos mais jovens (55-59 anos) (60,0%). Os ex-fumantes (OR 1,06; IC 95% 1,00-1,12) ou atuais (OR 1,10; IC 95% 1,01-1,18), com autopercep??o de sa?de regular (OR 1,08; IC 95% 1,02-1,15), que faziam uso de tr?s ou quatro medicamentos (OR 1,88; IC 95% 1,65-2,15) e com sinais e sintomas de d?ficit cognitivo (OR 1,14; IC 95% 1,03-1,26) e depress?o (OR 1,12; IC 95% 1,04-1,21) foram significativamente associados com o maior consumo de MPI, sendo a polifarm?cia (OR 2,80; IC 95% 2,48-3,16) a vari?vel com a mais forte rela??o. Polifarm?cia e MPI s?o prevalentes em indiv?duos de meia-idade, uma popula??o que ? pouco pesquisada, e em idosos. O presente estudo prop?s um avan?o nos estudos farmacoepidemiol?gicos, analisando algumas lacunas na literatura relacionada aos adultos de meia-idade com caracter?sticas socioecon?micas desfavor?veis, como baixas renda e escolaridade.

Qualidade de Vida Auto Relatada por Cuidadores Familiares de Idosos com Dem?ncia / Self-reported Quality of Life by Family Caregivers of Elderly People with Dementia

Pessotti, Carla Fabiana Carletti 07 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-04-28T13:57:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLA FABIANA CARLETTI PESSOTTI.pdf: 1686396 bytes, checksum: cae4805c98f9d020da8253219f182a5e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-28T13:57:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLA FABIANA CARLETTI PESSOTTI.pdf: 1686396 bytes, checksum: cae4805c98f9d020da8253219f182a5e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-07 / Introduction: The longevity of the population results in a natural increase in the prevalence of diseases associated with aging, such as dementias, according to the current classification of DSM 5 (2013); dementias are in the Major Cognitive Disorder category; Occur in several pathological conditions, has characteristic the multiple development of cognitive deficits with impairments in basic and instrumental activities of daily living (AIVD/AVD), and specific care is required. In Brazil, caring for family/caregivers is common. The objective of this study was to describe the quality of life and the burden of family/caregivers of patients with dementia; analyze and compare the relationships between quality of life and the caregiver's burden. Procedures: 50 family/caregivers (GFC) and 50 patients with dementia (GDM) corresponding to family/caregivers were studied. In the GFC were evaluated sociodemographic aspects, quality of life, burden, depressive symptoms, religiosity index and resilience through the Qvd-DA instruments; Burden Interviw, BDI, PDUREL and Resilience Scale. In the GDM, sociodemographic, cognitive, neuropsychiatric and AIVD/AVD aspects were evaluated through the MEEM, INP, Semantic Verbal Fluency Test, Clock Drawing Test and DAD. The data were analyzed, related and compared between GFC, GDM, GDA and GNDA. Statistical tests were used with significance level p <0.05. Results: GFC predominated in the female gender (88%), mainly daughters (54%) and wives (32%), most married, with a mean age between 50 and 60 years and 8 years of schooling, years and 19 hours per day on average. GDM had a homogeneous distribution between genders, with a predominance of AD (68%), married (44%) and widowers (52%), above 70 years of age (78%), 82% of the patients had some kind of income. The GFC presented moderate burden, without depressive symptoms, high intrinsic religiosity index with daily practices of individual religious rituals and regular attendance to religious institutions, high perception of quality of life and high resilience index. Regarding severity of cognitive and neuropsychiatric impairment, GDA patients presented better performance than GNDA patients. Conclusion: The task of caring for patients with dementia is costly; the findings suggest that family/caregivers adapt to the situation they have experienced; they have shown moderate burden; minimal depressive symptoms; engagement in religious practices; high perception of quality of life and high resilience response to different situations. Family/caregivers with depressive symptoms presented greater perception of burden, lower resilience response, greater perception of quality of life impairment and greater intrinsic religiosity. Those who had greater resilience responses had a lower occurrence of depressive symptoms, a lower perception of burden, and a higher perception of a better quality of life. This data indicates that caregivers with resilience responses have fewer depressive symptoms. / Introdu??o: A longevidade da popula??o traz como decorr?ncia natural o aumento na preval?ncia de doen?as associadas ao envelhecimento como as dem?ncias, de acordo com a classifica??o atual do DSM 5 (2013), as dem?ncias est?o na categoria Transtorno Cognitivo Maior, ? uma s?ndrome que pode ocorrer em diversas condi??es patol?gicas, tem como caracter?stica o desenvolvimento m?ltiplo de d?ficits cognitivos com preju?zos em atividades b?sicas e instrumentais da vida di?ria (AIVD/AVD), sendo necess?rios cuidados espec?ficos. No Brasil ? comum os cuidados por familiares/cuidadores. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever qualidade de vida e sobrecarga de familiares/cuidadores de pacientes com dem?ncia; analisar e comparar as rela??es entre qualidade de vida e sobrecarga do cuidador. Casu?stica e procedimentos: Foram estudados 50 familiares/cuidadores (GFC) e 50 pacientes com dem?ncia (GDM) correspondentes aos familiares/cuidadores. No GFC foram avaliados aspectos sociodemogr?ficos, qualidade de vida, sobrecarga, sintomas depressivos, ?ndice de religiosidade e resili?ncia atrav?s dos instrumentos Qvd-DA; Burden Interviw, BDI, PDUREL e Escala de Resili?ncia. No GDM foram avaliados aspectos sociodemogr?ficos, cognitivos, neuropsiqui?tricos e AIVD/AVD atrav?s dos instrumentos MEEM, INP, Teste de Flu?ncia Verbal Sem?ntica, Teste do Desenho do Rel?gio e DAD. Os dados foram analisados, relacionados e comparados entre os GFC, GDM, GDA e GNDA. Foram utilizados testes estat?sticos com n?vel de signific?ncia p< 0,05. Resultados: GFC predominou o g?nero feminino (88%), principalmente filhas (54%) e esposas (32%), a maioria casada, com idade m?dia entre 50 e 60 anos e com 8 anos de escolaridade, tarefa de cuidar h? 4 anos e 19 horas di?rias em m?dia. GDM houve distribui??o homog?nea entre g?neros, acima dos 70 anos (78%) com predom?nio na DA (68%), casados (44%) e vi?vos (52%), 82% dos pacientes possu?am algum tipo de renda. GFC apresentou sobrecarga moderada, sem sintomas depressivos, elevado ?ndice de religiosidade intr?nseca com praticas di?rias de rituais religiosos individuais e frequ?ncia regular a institui??es religiosas, elevada percep??o de qualidade de vida e alto ?ndice de resili?ncia. Quanto ? gravidade do comprometimento cognitivo e neuropsiqui?trico, os pacientes do GDA apresentaram melhor desempenho do que pacientes do GNDA. Conclus?o: A tarefa de cuidados ? pacientes com dem?ncia ? onerosa, os achados sugerem adapta??o dos familiares/cuidadores ? situa??o vivenciada, demonstraram sobrecarga moderada; sintomas depressivos m?nimos; engajamento em pr?ticas religiosas; elevada percep??o de qualidade de vida e elevada resposta de resili?ncia frente ?s diversas situa??es. Familiares/cuidadores com sintomas depressivos apresentaram maior percep??o de sobrecarga, menor resposta de resili?ncia, maior percep??o de comprometimento da qualidade de vida e maior religiosidade intr?nseca. Aqueles que possu?am maiores respostas de resili?ncia, apresentaram menor ocorr?ncia de sintomas depressivos, menor percep??o de sobrecarga e conseq?ente maior percep??o de melhor qualidade de vida. Esse dado indica que cuidadores com respostas de resili?ncia apresentam menos sintomas depressivos.

Scaling up of peatland methane emission hotspots from small to large scales

Mohammed, Abdulwasey January 2015 (has links)
Methane is an important greenhouse gas that is relatively long-lived in the atmosphere, and wetlands are a major natural source of atmospheric methane. Methane emissions from wetlands are variable across both space and time at scales ranging from meters to continents and a comprehensive accounting of wetland methane efflux is critical for quantifying the atmospheric methane balance. Major uncertainties in quantifying methane efflux arise when measuring and modelling its physical and biological determinants, including water table depth, microtopography, soil temperature, the distribution of aerenchymous vegetation, and the distribution of mosses. Further complications arise with the nonlinear interaction between flux and derivers in highly-heterogeneous wetland landscape. A possible solution for quantifying wetland methane efflux at multiple scales in space (‘upscaling’) is repeated observations using remote sensing technology to acquire information about the land surface across time, space, and spectra. These scaling issues must be resolved to progress in our understanding of the role of wetlands in the global atmospheric methane budget from peatlands. In this thesis, data collected from multiple aircraft and satellite-based remote sensing platforms were investigated to characterize the fine scale spatial heterogeneity of a peatland in southwestern Scotland for the purpose of developing techniques for quantifying (‘upscaling’) methane efflux at multiple scales and space. Seasonal variation in pools such as expansion and contraction was simulated with the LiDAR data to investigate the expansion and contraction of the lakes and pools that could give an idea of increase or decrease in methane emissions. Concepts from information theory applied on the different data sets also revealed the relative loss in some features on peatland surface and relative gain on others and find a natural application for reducing bias in multi-scale spatial classification as well as quantifying the length scales (or scales) at which important surface features for methane fluxes are lost. Results from the wavelet analysis demonstrated the preservation of fine scale heterogeneity up to certain length scale and the pattern on peatland surface was preserved. Variogram techniques were also tested to determine sample size, range and orientation in the data set. All the above has implications on estimating methane budget from the peatland landscape and could reduce the bias in the overall flux estimates. All the methods used can also be applied to contrasting sites.

Interação CFD-DEM em fluidização: aplicação para o setor mineral

CASTELO BRANCO JÚNIOR, Alan Mota January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-04-11T12:33:30Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_InteracaoCfdDem.pdf: 2681948 bytes, checksum: b188acc52b2161b5a81d5b6d7c138a87 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-09-01T13:03:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_InteracaoCfdDem.pdf: 2681948 bytes, checksum: b188acc52b2161b5a81d5b6d7c138a87 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-01T13:03:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_InteracaoCfdDem.pdf: 2681948 bytes, checksum: b188acc52b2161b5a81d5b6d7c138a87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A fluidização de partículas é amplamente utilizada na indústria, principalmente devido às altas taxas de transferência de calor e massa entre as fases. O acoplamento entre a Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics) e o Método dos Elementos Discretos (DEM – Discrete Element Method) tem se tornado atrativo para a simulação de fluidização, já que nesse caso o movimento das partículas é analisado de forma mais direta do que em outros tipos de abordagens. O grande problema do acoplamento CFD-DEM é a alta exigência computacional para rastrear todas as partículas do sistema, o que leva ao uso de estratégias de redução do tempo de simulação que em caso de utilização incorreta podem comprometer os resultados. O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do acoplamento CFD-DEM na análise de fluidização de alumina, que é um problema importante para o setor mineral. Foram analisados diversos parâmetros capazes de influenciar os resultados e o tempo de simulação como os passos de tempo, os modelos de arrasto, a distribuição granulométrica das partículas, a constante de rigidez, a utilização de partículas representativas com tamanho maior que o das partículas reais, etc. O modelo de força de interação DEM utilizado foi o modelo de mola e amortecedor lineares (LSD – Linear Spring Dashpot). Todas as simulações foram realizadas com o software ANSYS FLUENT 14.5 e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais e da literatura. Tais resultados permitiram comprovar a capacidade do modelo linear LSD em predizer o comportamento global de leitos de alumina e reduzir o tempo de simulação, desde que os parâmetros do modelo sejam definidos de forma adequada. / The particle fluidization process is widely used in the industry, mainly due to the high heat and mass transfer rates between the phases. The coupling between the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM) has become attractive for the simulation of fluidization, because in this case the particles movement is analyzed in a more direct way than in other types of approaches. The main problem with the CFD-DEM coupling is the high demand for computational capacity in order to track the movement of all the particles in the system, what it leads to the use of some strategies to reduce the simulation time which in case of incorrect usage can prejudice the results. The present work deals with the application of the CFD-DEM coupling in the analysis of alumina fluidization, which is an important problem for the mineral sector. It were analyzed several parameters capable of influencing the results and the simulation time like the time steps, the drag models, the particle size distribution, the spring constant, the usage of representative particles bigger than the actual particles, etc. The DEM model used was the Linear Spring Dashpot model (LSD). All the simulations were carried out with the software ANSYS FLUENT 14.5 and the results obtained were compared with experimental data and the data available in the literature. These results allowed to verify the capability of the Linear Spring Dashpot Model for predicting the global behavior of alumina beds and reducing the simulation time, since the model parameters are defined adequately.

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