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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inaktuella detaljplaners påverkan på utveckling och hållbarhetsfrågor : En fallstudie i Sollefteå kommun

Settlin, Settlin January 2022 (has links)
Sollefteå kommun är en landsbygdskommun som stått relativt still i exploateringen under många år men som nu blivit aktuell för en rad olika större etableringar. Detta har inneburit att många äldre detaljplaner finns kvar, och kan komma att bromsa utvecklingen. Kommunen har som mål att växa befolkningsmässigt med hållbarhet som utgångspunkt och därför bör det finnas en bra struktur för hur hinder som inaktuella detaljplaner medför kan undvikas. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå vilka problem en inaktuell detaljplan kan leda till, om de förhindrar utveckling samt om hållbarhetsarbetet kan påverkas. Vilka konsekvenser får eventuellt upphävande och ersättning av planerna? Detaljplaner i Sollefteå kommun har studerats och intervjuer med berörda resurser gjorts för att få en bild av hur det ser ut idag och i vilken omfattning problemen uppstår. Den äldsta gällande planen är nära 100 år gammal och därmed framtagen för ett helt annat typ av samhälle. Det visar sig att en del hållbarhetsaspekter alltid funnits med i detaljplaner men idag ställs högre krav i dem och kunskapsläget är bättre. Det medför att en nyare och aktuell detaljplan kan främja arbetet mot att nå vissa miljömål. En svårighet är att en plan får definitionen som inaktuell först när hindren uppstår och de är på så sätt svåra att förebygga. Något som kan konstateras är att en inaktuell detaljplan kan hålla tillbaka utvecklingen samt göra åtgärder både dyrare och mer tidskrävande än nödvändigt. / relatively still in the development for many years, but which has now become relevant for several different major establishments. This has meant that many older detailed plans remain and may slow down development. The municipality's goal is to grow in terms of population with sustainability as a guideline. Therefore, there should be a good structure for how obstacles caused by outdated detailed plans can be avoided. The purpose of this study is to understand what problems an outdated detailed plan can lead to, whether they prevent development and whether sustainability work can be affected. What are the consequences of any revocation and compensation of the plans? Detailed plans in Sollefteå municipality have been studied and interviews with relevant resources have been done to get a good view of ​​what it looks like today and to what extent the problems arise. The oldest current plan is almost 100 years old and developed for a completely different type of society. It turns out that some sustainability aspects have always been included in detailed plans, but today higher demands are placed on them, and the state of knowledge is better. This means that a newer and current detailed plan can promote the work towards achieving certain environmental goals. One difficulty is that a plan is defined as outdated just when obstacles arise, and the problems are therefore difficult to prevent. Something that can be stated is that not updated detailed plans can hold back development and make measures both more expensive and more time-consuming than necessary. / <p>2022-06-21</p>

Återvinningens del i en cirkulär ekonomi : En fallstudie kring avfall och återvinning i ettbostadsområde i Borlänge

Dahlstedt, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Studien började med en observation i att det fanns utmaningar för detkommunala bostadsbolaget att få boende att sortera sitt avfall rätt.Dettaleder till mer jobb ökade kostnader för avfallshanteringen och avfalletspotential att återvinnas nyttjas inte vilket är en miljöbelastning. Genom attminska avfallet och öka återvinngen kan avfallet få ta större plats i ett merhållbart och resurseffektivt samhälle. Med en vilja att undersöka vilkaförutsättningar de boende får till att sortera rätt kombinerat med frågan omen förändring av avfallsplatsen kan bidra till att den blir mer inbjudandetill att sortera rätt började denna studie. Det genomfördes en iterativ studiei ett bostadsområde som fått ett nytt avfallssystem. Studien innehöllplatsbesök, intervjuer och analyserande av avfallet i kombination medlitteraturstudier kopplat till avfall och miljövetenskap. Att avfallshanteringoch återvinning har utmaningar framkom när resultatet pekade påavsaknad av statistik vilket gör det svårt att effektivisera och förbättraarbetet. Kommunerna har en utmaning i att planera för en effektivinsamling av återvinning när de tar över detta ansvar. Studiens slutsats äratt det saknas tillförlitlig statistik för uppföljning och därför är det svårt attdra en slutsats om sorteringen av avfallet påverkats avunderjordsbehållarna. Studien visade även att det är för tidigt för att sägaom underjordsbehållarna bidragit till en bättre sorteringsgrad men detfinns ett långsiktigt perspektiv och en tro på att det nya avfallssystemetkommer ge effekt. / The study began with an observation that there were challenges for themunicipal housing company to get residents to sort their waste correctly.This leads to more work, increased costs for waste management and thewaste's potential to be recycled is not used, which is an environmentalburden. By reducing waste and increase recycling, waste can take a biggerplace in a more sustainable and resource-efficient society. This study beganwith a desire to investigate what conditions the residents get to sortproperly, combined with the question of whether a change to the waste sitecan contribute to it becoming more inviting to sort properly. An iterativestudy was carried out in an area that received a new waste system. Thestudy included site visits, interviews and analyzing the waste incombination with literature studies linked to waste and environmentalscience. That waste management and recycling have built-in challengesemerged when the results pointed to a lack of statistics, which makes itdifficult to streamline and improve the work. Property managers have animportant role in encouraging residents to better waste sorting andrecycling through their personal contact. The municipalities have achallenge to plan for an efficient collection of recycling when they take overthis responsibility. The study's conclusion is that there is a lack of reliablestatistics for follow-up and therefore it is difficult to draw a conclusion asto whether the sorting of the waste has been affected by the undergroundcontainers. The study also showed that it is too early to say about theunderground containers' contribution to a better sorting rate, but there is along-term perspective and a belief that the new waste system will have aneffect. / <p>2023-06-02</p>

Klimatanpassning, lokalisering och miljömål i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar för villaområden : En jämförelse mellan storstads- och landsbygdskommuner / Climate adaption, localization and environmental goals inenvironmental impact assessment for residential areas: : A comparison between urban and rural municipalities

Abu Elkhair, Sabrin January 2024 (has links)
The increasing focus on sustainability necessitates careful planning of future construction projects, with human health and biodiversity being key factors to protect. Planning projects with significant environmental impacts must conduct an environmental impact assessment, which involves identifying potential environmental effects and propose sustainable measures. The aim of the study was to examine how urban and rural municipalities described and assessed sustainability in environmental impact assessments for residential areas. Using thematic analysis, categories such as climate, localization, and environmental goals were established and divided into representative themes. Chi2-tests were used to test statistical significance between the municipal groups. The results revealed significant differences in two climate-related themes and one localization theme. Municipalities primarily utilized various types of stormwater management to adapt projects to climate changes and incorporate green infrastructure. The differences between municipal groups are likely influenced by factors like population density, resources, and surrounding environment. While national environmental goals were included in all environmental impact assessments, did not all proposed plans take them into account Future studies could include a larger sample to enhance reliability and consider underlying factors that may affect municipal conditions.

Kommunala kulturmiljöprogram : strategiska planeringsunderlag för landskapsanalys, kulturhistorisk värdering och utveckling av kulturmiljöer

Nilsson, Erika January 2005 (has links)
<p>In 1999 the Swedish Parliament decided about 15 environmental goals aimed to be achieved in time for the next generation. For example physical social planning must be based on programs and strategies how cultural-historical values has been attended, so called programs of cultural heritage. By law the Swedish municipalities are responsible for reaching these goals by creating program of cultural heritage. But only a few of the municipalities have these programs, meaning that many municipalities need to create programs of cultural heritage in the next five years.</p><p>The aim of this report is to present a model of analysis on programs of cultural heritage in municipalities for preservation and development of cultural environments. By testing the model on the municipalities of Osby and Tomelilla methods on how to create a new program of cultural heritage or how to complete existing documents are formulated.</p><p>One of the conclusions is that one document, program of cultural heritage, functions as landscape analysis, model of cultural valuation and strategy of developing cultural values. One condition is that the program of cultural heritage is established in social planning in the municipality.</p><p>Two case-studies, the Osby and Tomelilla programs of cultural heritage with text-analysis and interviews, constitutes the study. The municipalities do not use these programs in full extension, often based on ignorance. When the program isn’t established with politicians or employees it can’t be established with citizens. The study shows great differences between the program in Tomelilla which can be applied to the physical social planning, and the program in Osby which can’t. The conclusion is that the program needs to be adjusted for the cause if the program can’t be applied in the hysical social planning in the municipality.</p><p>The common meaning in the municipalities is that cultural heritage is a positive factor, which makes it possible to reach the environmental goals, regional development, tourism et cetera. One important part in a program of cultural heritage is to erase the boundaries between nature, recreation and culture by finding the starting point in the specific environment, not based on the administrative responsibility.</p>

Kommunala kulturmiljöprogram : strategiska planeringsunderlag för landskapsanalys, kulturhistorisk värdering och utveckling av kulturmiljöer

Nilsson, Erika January 2005 (has links)
In 1999 the Swedish Parliament decided about 15 environmental goals aimed to be achieved in time for the next generation. For example physical social planning must be based on programs and strategies how cultural-historical values has been attended, so called programs of cultural heritage. By law the Swedish municipalities are responsible for reaching these goals by creating program of cultural heritage. But only a few of the municipalities have these programs, meaning that many municipalities need to create programs of cultural heritage in the next five years. The aim of this report is to present a model of analysis on programs of cultural heritage in municipalities for preservation and development of cultural environments. By testing the model on the municipalities of Osby and Tomelilla methods on how to create a new program of cultural heritage or how to complete existing documents are formulated. One of the conclusions is that one document, program of cultural heritage, functions as landscape analysis, model of cultural valuation and strategy of developing cultural values. One condition is that the program of cultural heritage is established in social planning in the municipality. Two case-studies, the Osby and Tomelilla programs of cultural heritage with text-analysis and interviews, constitutes the study. The municipalities do not use these programs in full extension, often based on ignorance. When the program isn’t established with politicians or employees it can’t be established with citizens. The study shows great differences between the program in Tomelilla which can be applied to the physical social planning, and the program in Osby which can’t. The conclusion is that the program needs to be adjusted for the cause if the program can’t be applied in the hysical social planning in the municipality. The common meaning in the municipalities is that cultural heritage is a positive factor, which makes it possible to reach the environmental goals, regional development, tourism et cetera. One important part in a program of cultural heritage is to erase the boundaries between nature, recreation and culture by finding the starting point in the specific environment, not based on the administrative responsibility.

Draft forest management plan for Cashmere Forest, Port Hills, Canterbury.

Mansell, Jeremy David January 2007 (has links)
Cashmere Forest is currently a production forest comprised of mostly radiata pine (c.85%), Douglas fir (c.5%) and some non plantation areas. The Port Hills Park Trust Board (PHPTB) is interested in purchasing Cashmere Forest for the purpose of creating a public forest park environment where forestry, indigenous biodiversity, recreation and the environment are goals of sustainable management. For this purpose this draft forest management (DFM) plan has been prepared. The preparation of the Cashmere DFM plan comprised three main components: 1. An economic analysis of the current plantation component of Cashmere Forest. 2. Preparation of a draft forest management plan which encompasses the management of plantation and non plantation areas. 3. Preparation of a geographic information system (GIS) for Cashmere Forest. Economic analysis evaluated clearfell, coupe (2 to 5 ha), and a mixture of coupe and continuous canopy management (CCM) as harvesting scenarios. The coupe CCM mix was recommended for implementation primarily as it best suited long term management goals for Cashmere Forest Park while also returning modest value (NPV $561, 966). Normal cashflow analysis was also used to analyse cashflow over the first thirty years of operation from 2007. Under coupe/CCM, accrued profit does not become permanently positive until around 2019 due to initial infrastructure costs. Accrued revenue culminates at around 4 million after 30 years. This figure may drop following implementation of high pruning, alternative growth models and indigenous restoration. The Cashmere DFM plan begins with the 200 year vision which sees a Forest Park ecosystem that achieves production, environmental, ecological and recreational goals appropriate to its Port Hills location. Production forestry is practiced through the selective harvesting of a range of naturally regenerated exotic and restored indigenous species. Landscape, soil and water resources are sustainably managed through the retention of a mixed forest canopy. The forest park has been significantly augmented with indigenous flora and fauna typical of the Port Hills and ecologically significant areas are managed specifically for their indigenous biodiversity. Park recreational users are enjoying ongoing utilisation of a unique Canterbury landscape. Plantation forest management involves coupes of between 2 to 5 ha which will be harvested with cable or ground based systems with areas split approximately 50:50 between the two. Cable harvesting will be carried out with a swing yarder system with ground based operations carried out with track skidders. CCM will be carried out on a trial basis in three compartments. Re-establishment of plantation areas will aim towards occupying around 58% of Cashmere Forest, comprised of areas of radiate pine 65%, radiata pine/eucalypt 24%, Douglas fir/eucalypt 5% and Alternative species 6%. Non plantation areas are identified as either bluff, track or clearing. Within each area there may be one or more vegetation type including tussock grassland, mixed shrubland, rock association and any mixture of the three. It is proposed that the non plantation area will eventually increase to include riparian buffers 31%, restored native 55%, bluff 10% and track 4% areas, reflecting the long term vision of increased native areas in Cashmere Forest. Monitoring of forest operations, restoration, recreation and management progress will be integral to the successful implementation of the Cashmere DFM plan. A database of information will be created to allow periodical reviews of processes and predictions and reconciliation of costs and revenues associated with the management of Cashmere Forest. Periodical reviews will also be undertaken by an independent management advisory group who can liaise with the project manager of Cashmere Forest Park to discuss issues and aid planning and ensure the successful establishment of this unique park resource.

Att styra mot miljömål : En fallstudie om hur en offentlig sjukvårdsverksamhet styr mot miljömål / Management tools : How to steer a public healthcare organization towards environmental goals

Rylander, Elin, Östberg, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
Offentliga sjukvårdsverksamheter möter idag svårigheter i sitt miljöarbete. De har begränsade resurser i både monetära termer och i form av personal. Organisationen kan påverka verksamheten att arbeta med miljöfrågor och nå sina miljömål genom att använda styrverktyg. Denna studie har för avsikt att undersöka vilka styrverktyg den offentliga organisationen Region Östergötland använder på verksamhetsnivå i sin sjukvårdsverksamhet för att nå de uppsatta miljömålen. Studien besvarar vilka miljömål och styrverktyg som organisationen har samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som styrverktygen innebär för verksamheten. Forskningsmetoden som använts i studien är kvalitativ med abduktiv ansats. Utfallet av studien är att Region Östergötland använder flertalet styrverktyg för att nå miljömålen. Det finns två övergripande miljömål, satta av regionfullmäktige, samt delmål som ska bidra till måluppfyllelsen. Både formella och informella styrverktyg har framhävts av vikt ur miljösynpunkt. Miljöledningssystemet ISO 14001, offentlig upphandling och kunskapshöjande åtgärder är några exempel. Utmaningar och möjligheter som finns för att styra mot miljömålen finns likaledes. Exempelvis är ett bestående engagemang från anställda, chefer och politiken av vikt för att miljöarbete ska existera och prioriteras. Därutöver understryks att miljöarbetet inte ytterligare får belasta verksamheten utan måste integreras i det ordinarie arbetet, att målkongruens måste finnas samt att den offentliga upphandlingen är central för att nå miljömålen. Studien har tillfört insikt i problematiken gällande vilka styrverktyg som kan användas för att uppnå miljömålen i offentlig sjukvårdsverksamhet. Studien belyser svårigheter och möjligheter med styrverktygen som identifierats som behöver beaktande för att nå miljömålen. / Today, public healthcare services in Sweden face difficulties in their environmental work. Their operations have limited resources in both monetary terms and in terms of staff. An organization can influence their activities so that they include environmental aspects, and thereby achieve the organization's environmental goals. This by using management tools. The thesis investigates which tools the public organization, Region Östergötland, uses in their healthcare-operation to reach their environmental goals. The study answers what environmental goals Region Östergötland has and what management tools the organization uses. The thesis also illustrates the challenges and capabilities these management tools entail. The research method used in the thesis is qualitative with an abductive approach. The outcome of the study is that Region Östergötland uses a number of control tools to achieve the environmental goals. There are two overall environmental goals, set by the municipality, as well as interim targets that will contribute to the achievement of the all-embracing environmental goals. The study finds that both formal and informal steering tools are used. The environmental management system ISO 14001, public procurement and knowledge-raising measures are some examples. Challenges and opportunities are also found in the study. The findings of the thesis emphasize that interest and engagement from employees, managers and politicians is important for environmental work to exist and be prioritized. Further, the environmental work must not mean additional tasks that burden the business further. The activities must thereby be integrated into the regular work. Additionally, there need to be goal congruence throughout the organization, where public procurement is a crucial part in achieving the environmental goals. The study provides insight to the difficulties of a public health care organization regarding which control tools that can be used, as well as highlighting difficulties. The thesis provides insight in what is needed to take into consideration for achieving environmental goals.

Gröna informationssystem och Agenda 2030 : En kvalitativ studie hur kravhantering påverkar logistiksystems miljöeffekter / Green information systems and Agenda 2030 : A qualitative study of how requirements management affects the environmental effects of logistics systems

Engström, Frida, Wahlqvist, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Att arbeta mer miljövänligt och hållbart blir alltmer viktigt för många företag. Så även inom logistik- och IT-branschen. Gröna informationssystem har hyllats för sina positiva effekter. Dessvärre undersöks oftast inte dess effekter utifrån ett miljöperspektiv, vilken påverkan dessa har på miljön utan mer vilka organisatoriska effekter som uppnås av dess implementation. Det har även identifierats att flest antal fel i utveckling av informationssystem uppkommer genom kravhanteringsprocessen. Problemet adresseras genom att undersöka vilken effekt de gröna informationssystemen inom logistikbranschen har på miljön och hur dessa möjliggör för uppnående av miljömålen i Agenda 2030. Kravhanteringsprocessen studeras även för att undersöka dess inverkan på de möjliga positiva miljöeffekterna av informationssystemen. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor har en kvalitativ studie genomförts med intervjuer hos tre IT-tjänsteleverantörer. Alla med ett gediget hållbarhetsarbete och kunder i logistikbranschen. Litteraturen i uppsatsen låg till grund för intervjuguiden och användes vid de semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuguiden är uppbyggd av sju kategorier. Dessa kategorier är gröna IS lösningar, miljöaspekter, organisatorisk påverkan, utmaningar, förhållningsregler, kravhantering och arbetsmetoder. Efter analys av de transkriberade intervjuerna identifierades ytterligare en kategori med relevans för studiens syfte, arbetsmiljö &amp; hållbarhetsarbete. Dessa kategorier har varit betydelsefulla för utvecklandet av två modeller som förklarar kategoriernas påverkan vid utvecklandet av informationssystem som genererar positiva effekter på miljön. / Working more environmentally friendly and sustainable is becoming more important for a lot of organizations. Both in the logistics and IT industry. Green information systems have been acknowledged for their positive effects. Though when examined it is often not from an environmental view, effects on the environment, but instead on organizational effects from the implementation of the information systems. It has also been identified that most errors in the development of information systems occur through the requirements management process. The problem is addressed through examining the possibility of reaching the environmental goals in Agenda 2030 by the effects of green information systems in the logistics industry. The requirements management process was also studied to examine the impact of possible positive environmental effects by the information systems. To be able to answer the purpose of the research questions, a qualitative study was conducted with interviews with three IT service providers. All with genuine sustainability work and customers in the logistics industry. The literature in the thesis was the basis for the interview guide and was used in the semi-structured interviews. The interview guide is built upon seven categories. These categories are green IS solutions, environmental aspects, organizational impact, challenges, rules of conduct, requirements management and working methods. After analysis of the transcribed interviews, another category relevant for the purpose of the study was identified, work environment &amp; sustainability work. These categories have been important for the development of two models that explain the categories' impact at the development of information systems that generate positive effects on the environment.

Möjligheter eller motstånd : Politikers och tjänstemäns arbete i medelstora kommuner för att öka hållbar mobilitet / Opportunities or resistance : Politicians and civil servants work to increase sustainable mobility in medium-sized municipalities

Germsjö, Linnea, Kanhaleela, Iyara January 2023 (has links)
Vägtrafik skapar flera negativa konsekvenser för miljön men även för människors hälsa. Kommuner ansvarar för lokal infrastruktur och är därför en betydande del i arbetet med hållbar stadsutveckling. Studien undersökte hur politiker och tjänstemän i Sveriges medelstora kommuner arbetar för att bilen ska bli mindre attraktiv och för att öka hållbar mobilitet. Undersökningen utgick från Sveriges miljömål samt den strategi som innefattar nya etappmål för hållbar stadsutveckling. Frågeställningen besvarades genom att använda semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra politiker och fyra tjänstemän från medelstora kommuner i Sverige. Resultat som framkom var att kommunerna arbetar med hållbar mobilitet i olika utsträckning utifrån olika förutsättningar och behov, men att lönsamhet och invånarnas åsikter begränsar arbetet. De slutsatser som drogs var att effektiva strategier krävs för att uppnå hållbar mobilitet vilket inkluderar ökade möjligheter för hållbart resande samt motstånd för bilanvändning. Att ha ett fungerande samarbete mellan politiker och tjänstemän samt ha en sakkunnig person på plats ansågs även vara viktiga prioriteringar och åtgärder. Eftersom att kommunerna värderar ekonomisk lönsamhet och invånarnas åsikter högre än miljön krävs dessutom prioritering på att öka nationell styrning och att regeringen måste sätta hårdare krav på kommuner. / Road traffic creates several negative consequences for the environment but also for human health. Municipalities are responsible for local infrastructure and are therefore a significant part of the work with sustainable urban development. The study examined how politicians and civil servants in Sweden's medium-sized municipalities work to make the car less attractive and to increase sustainable mobility. The study was based on Sweden's environmental goals and the strategy that includes new milestones targets for sustainable urban development. The method consisted of semi-structured interviews with four politicians and four civil servants from medium-sized municipalities in Sweden. The results showed that municipalities work with sustainable mobility to different extents based on different conditions and needs, but that profit and residents opinion limit the work. The conclusions were that effective strategies are required to achieve sustainable mobility which includes increased opportunities for sustainable travel and resistance to car use. Having a functioning collaboration between politicians and civil servants and having an expert on site were also considered important priorities and measures. Since economic profit and residents' opinion is valued higher than the environment by the municipalities, it is necessary to prioritize the implementation of national governance and that the government must set demands on municipalities.

Hantering av byggavfall med hjälp av ett cirkulärt tankesätt / Management of construction waste using a circular mindset

Khalil, Ouies, Zidane, Artina January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: In many construction projects, significant amounts of construction waste are generated, requiring efficient management. Construction waste is an important aspect of the construction industry, and it is common for Swedish projects to strive for what is known as material recycling. This means attempting to recycle materials to reuse them instead of buying new ones. Managing construction waste with a circular mindset involves considering waste as a resource and aiming to maximize reuse and material recycling. An important aspect of implementing a circular approach is to carefully plan and execute effective sorting of construction waste on the construction site. The aim of this report is to highlight the importance of managing construction waste using a circular mindset, which can, in turn, contribute to a more sustainable society in the future.  Method: The study has been conducted using a qualitative methodology and has primarily relied on semi-structured interviews and literature reviews from various databases. To achieve the desired results, different stakeholders within the construction industry, who possess knowledge on the subject of circular management of construction waste, were invited to participate in the interviews. The interviews served as primary data in this study, as it is based on the experiences and perspectives of the participants. The literature review was used as secondary data to examine similarities with previous studies. Results and analysis: According to the results, it was revealed that actors within the construction industry share an overarching perspective on the circular management of construction waste. For most, this entails striving to reuse and recycle materials to the greatest extent possible. The findings also demonstrated positive effects of circular management of construction waste, such as reduced carbon dioxide emissions and potential future economic profitability. Furthermore, it was also evident that there are challenges, such as a lack of knowledge in the field and difficulties with collaboration. Discussion: The study has confirmed the problem formulation by interviewing entrepreneurs within the industry. The study's achieved results consist of several proposals to promote circular construction waste. By utilizing impressions, opinions, and feedback from the entrepreneurs, the study has been able to address its research questions.  Keywords: Waste, Waste Hierarchy, Construction Waste, Circular Construction, Circular Economy, Sustainable Future, Environmental Goals. / Introduktion: I många byggprojekt uppstår betydande mängder byggavfall som kräver effektiv hantering. Byggavfall utgör en viktig aspekt inom byggbranschen, och det är vanligt att svenska projekt strävar efter att uppnå så kallad materialåtervinning. Detta innebär att man försöker återvinna material för att kunna återanvända det i stället för att köpa nytt. Att hantera byggavfall med ett cirkulärt tankesätt innebär att man betraktar avfallet som en resurs och strävar efter att maximera återanvändning och materialåtervinning. En viktig aspekt vid implementeringen av ett cirkulärt tankesätt är att noggrant planera och genomföra en effektiv sortering av byggavfallet på byggarbetsplatsen. Målet med rapporten är att belysa vikten om hur man hanterar byggavfall med hjälp av ett cirkulärt tankesätt som i sin tur kan leda till ett mer hållbart samhälle i framtiden Metod:  Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metodologi och har huvudsakligen baserats på semistrukturerade intervjuer samt litteraturstudier från olika databaser. För att uppnå resultatet tillfrågades olika aktörer inom byggbranschen, som har kunskap inom ämnet cirkulär hantering av byggavfall att delta i intervju. Intervjuerna användes som primärdata i denna studie eftersom det är aktörernas erfarenheter och uppfattningar som studien grundar sig på. Litteraturstudien användes som sekundärdata för att undersöka om det fanns likheter med tidigare studier eller inte. Resultat och analys: Enligt resultaten framkom det att aktörerna inom byggbranschen delar en övergripande syn på cirkulär hantering av byggavfall. För de flesta innebär det att man strävar efter att återbruka och återanvända material i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Resultaten visade även positiva effekter av cirkulär hantering av byggavfall, såsom minskade koldioxidutsläpp och att det kan vara mer ekonomiskt lönsamt i framtiden. Vidare framkom det också att det finns utmaningar, exempelvis brist på kunskap inom ämnet och svårigheter med samarbete. Diskussion: Studien har bekräftat problemformuleringen genom att intervjua entreprenörer inom brunchen. Studiens resultat som har åstadkommit består av flera förslag till att främja cirkulärt byggavfall. Genom att använda intryck, åsikter och synpunkter från entreprenörerna har studien kunnat besvara dess frågeställningar. Nyckelord: Avfall, Avfallstrappa, Byggavfall, Cirkulär byggande, Cirkulär ekonomi, Hållbart framtid, Miljömål.

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