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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guldkvinnorna med många identiteter : En kvalitativ studie om kvällspressens rapportering kring de olympiska spelen i Pyeongchang 2018. / The gold women with many identities : A qualitative study of the Swedish tabloids representation of the Olympic games in Pyeongchang 2018.

Viklund, Klara, Åkerman, Sarah January 2019 (has links)
The motive of our study was to examine the differences and the similarities between how tabloids write about male versus female cross-country skiing participants. The main focus was to examine their adversities and successes at the Olympics in Pyeongchang 2018. The study had two main questions to analyze this: “How does Swedish tabloids report about the female and male cross-country skiing teams at the Olympics in Pyeongchang 2018?” and “How do Swedish tabloids report about the setbacks and successes regarding the Swedish cross-country skiing teams at the Olympics in Pyeongchang 2018?”. The result of our discourse analysis showed us that the tabloids present the female national team’s performance differently to how they present the male national team's performance. We made a discourse analysis of nine different articles from the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen. The tabloids write about the female national team’s performances and successes and they balance it by also writing about their setbacks. The reasoning we found as to why the tabloids writes about female athletes more in-depthly than the men is because there is a larger demand for it, owing to their huge success in the Olympics.In contrary, the articles about the male national team, the tabloids write about their setbacks without questioning underlying factors or previous training that could be the basis of their failures. The tabloids also choose to publish articles with more private themes when it comes to the female athletes. This does not occur in the articles about the male cross country national team. In the articles about the men, the tabloids choose not to include personal facts of any kind, all analysed articles deal instead with performance or setback related types of themes.

Hästtjejen och Konststudenten : En kritisk diskursanalys av styckmördare i två svenska lokaltidningar och Expressen. / The horse girl and the art student : A critical discourse analysis of three Swedish newspapers coverage of two murders

Karlsson, Emil, Larsson Sposito, Miriam January 2019 (has links)
This study was conducted with the motive to analyze and demonstrate the differences and similarities of three Swedish newspapers’ coverage about two different murders. The main focus of the study was to compare and contrast the newspapers’ descriptions of one male and one female murderer. Through the study we also aimed to answer the question “Is it possible to apply the Chivalry Hypothesis in the newspapers descriptions of the murderers?” The Chivalry Hypothesis proclaims that women get treated in a more lenient way than men in the judicial system of America. A study from 2006 discovered that a specific newspaper in USA did in fact not treat criminal women in a more lenient way than criminal men. Our most important theoretical standpoints was that of discourse; as discourse analysis in the way Norman Fairclough preferred it was the method that was used. As we compared differences between the sexes gender studies was also a major theoretical part of the study. The result of our empirical analysis showed that a man and a woman which had committed similar murders during the same time period was partially treated and described different from each other in the articles. The result also showed partial support for the thesis about the Chivalry Hypothesis being translatable to Swedish news-press.

Två skidåkare i kvällspressen : - En studie om rapporteringen kring Charlotte Kalla och Marcus Hellner i OS 2010 och OS 2014 / Two cross-country skiers in the tabloids : - A study of the tabloids coverage of Charlotte Kalla and Marcus Hellner in the 2010 Olympics and the 2014 Olympics

Stenvall, Johan January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the two Swedish cross-country skiers, Charlotte Kalla and Marcus Hellner are portrayed in the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen. The study is based on theories of sports journalism, media- and gender studies. Within these theories there are beliefs that men and women are portrayed differently in sports journalism. Sports journalism is described as a subject where there is a hierarchy in which the man is often framed as dominant in relationship to the woman. This study was made in an attempt to examine whether this was the case in the Swedish tabloid magazines Aftonbladet and Expressens coverage of the winter Olympics. Articles published about Charlotte Kalla and Marcus Hellner in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, and the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 were analyzed by a quantitative content analysis. The two athletes were selected because they during the time of the study were prominent in their sport in which both achieved similar success. The results of the study showed that there were differences in Aftonbladet and Expressen’s media coverage of Charlotte Kalla and Marcus Hellner. Kalla appeared in more numbers of articles than Hellner but she was often described as weak and her physical appearance was often highlighted. Hellner was often described as strong and focused regardless of whether he had failed or was successful.

"Han slog och slog tills hon blev helt apatisk av chocken." : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Expressens gestaltning av våldtäktsfall med okänd gärningsman.

Westerling, Moa, Omer, Elise January 2020 (has links)
Följande studie undersöker hur Expressen har gestaltat våldtäktsfall med okänd gärningsman. Sex artiklar publicerade mellan 90-talet och 10-talet analyseras med syfte att undersöka om gestaltningen har förändrats över tid i en av Sveriges största kvällstidningar. På så sätt kan studien bidra till ökad förståelse för huruvida svensk kvällspress förstärker eller utmanar samhällsuppfattningar om vem som är en potentiell gärningsman och vem som får status som offer. Som metod tillämpas en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som genomförs med utgångspunkt i gestaltningsteorin, teorin om nyhetsvärdering, det ideala offret och medielogikens dramaturgi. Artiklarna analyseras utefter fem teman: rubrik, ingress, miljö, gärningsman och offer. Studiens resultat visar att en förändring har skett från ett subjektivt och väl detaljerat narrativ till ett mer objektivt och aktsamt narrativ i Expressens nyhetsrapportering. Studien visar även att Expressen på 90-talet har gestaltat ideala gärningsmän genom monstruösa beskrivningar. Gradvis har en förändring skett, där gärningsmannen på senare år gestaltas som gemene man. Förändringarna i Expressens gestaltning tyder på att dagens gestaltning förmedlar en bred bild av vem som kan bli ett offer och vem som är benägen att utföra en våldtäkt.

Hur framställs gärningspersoner beroende på kön? : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur svensk dags- och kvällspress porträtterar gärningspersoner utifrån ett genusperspektiv / How is the perpetrator portrayed due to gender? : A critical discourse analysis of how the Swedish daily and evening press portrays the female perpetrator from a gender perspective

Larsson, Ida, Persson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Utifrån kritisk diskursanalys som metod och tillvägagångssätt har denna studie analyserat hur de rikstäckande nyhetstidningarna Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter porträtterar och beskriver kvinnan respektive mannen som gärningsperson med genusperspektivet som utgångspunkt. Studien har genomförts genom en jämförande analys av nyhetsartiklar utifrån två kända rättsfall, mordet i Arboga med Johanna Möller och Mohammad Rajabi samt styckmordet i Karlskrona med Anatoliy Pettersson och Leonard Höglind som gärningspersoner. För att analysera materialet användes Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för kritisk diskursanalys samt andra teorier som bedömdes som relevanta för sammanhanget och ändamålet där genusteori och feministisk teori är de mest framträdande. Studien visade att det mest centrala i fallet med Johanna Möller är att förklara hennes brottsliga beteende genom hennes barndom, familj och psykiska hälsa. Vidare ges Johanna Möller smeknamnet arbogakvinnan som senare används i media i stället för hennes riktiga namn. Bland annat har dokumentärer släppts om Johanna och hon har blivit till ett slags varumärke där ”arbogakvinnan” är aktuellt med nyhetsrapporteringar än idag. I artiklarna används ofta starkt laddade ord i beskrivningen av Johanna som resulterar i en framväxande identitet där ledorden är aggressivitet, manipulation och okänslighet. Centralt i nyhetsmedias beskrivning av Anatoliy Pettersson och Leonard Höglind är att objektivt förklara brottets planering och händelseförlopp. Det går att se en normalisering av brottet genom den neutrala ton som används i artiklarna. Det finns inga lockande rubriker och inget värdeladdat språk används i beskrivningen. Männen nämns sällan vid namn vilket gör att nyhetsmedias bild av männen hålls neutral, informativ och anonym. / Based on a critical discourse analysis as a theory and method, this study has analyzed how Swedish national newspaper, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter portray and describe women and men as perpetrators by a comparative analysis of two known legal cases based on a gender perspective. The cases are the murder in Arboga with Johanna Möller and Mohammad Rajabi as the perpetrators and the murder in Karlskrona with Anatoliy Pettersson and Leonard Höglind. To analyze the material, Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis was used, as well as other theories that were chosen to be relevant to the context and purpose, where gender theory and feminists’ theory are the most prominent. The study showed that the most central thing in the case of Johanna Möller is to explain her criminal behavior by searching for answers in her childhood, family, and mental health. Furthermore, Johanna Möller is given the nickname arbogakvinnan which is later used in media instead of her real name. Podcasts, documentaries, summertalks on Swedish radio station P1 and interviews are released connected to her. A kind of brand is created and the case of arbogakvinnan still occurs in the news today. The articles often use highly charged words in their description of Johanna Möller, which results in an identity emerging where the watchwords are aggressiveness, manipulation and insensivity. Central to the news media’s description of Anatoliy Pettersson and Leonard Höglind is to objectively explain the crimes planning and sequence of events. It is possible to see a normalization of the crime through the neutral tone of the articles as there are no attractive headlines, no strongly value-laden language, words, or statements by others doesn’t appear either. The men are rarely mentioned by their names, which results in news media’s image of the men is kept neutral, informative, and anonymous.

Att bestiga rymden : En tidningsanalys om kalla krigets första rymdmän / To Scale Space : A newspaper Analysis on the First Space Men of the Cold War

Penttinen, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The Space Race during the Cold War was an era when the World saw great possibilities and scientific discoveries. Before 1957, the thing we call space had never been scaled by man. The Soviet Union turned this over with Sputnik 1, the very first artificial satellite which would change our way to research everything beyond Earth. Although this is true, there is also another side of Space Race which has more or less nothing to do with space at all – the politics. There is no denying that the politics about Space Race was far more essential for the United States and the Soviet Union than any scientific research. Kennedy talked about prestige and to “be ahead” in the race for space. Of course, the Americans and the Russians were fully involved and knew what could be gained from winning the race. But what about other nations? What about the Swedes? This thesis brings the Space Race to Sweden and examines two Swedish newspapers to get a clear view on how the people of Sweden actually encountered Space Race. To narrow the thesis down, the author picked two important events where the political side of Space Race is distinct – Yuri Gagarin’s orbit of the Earth in 1961 and John Glenn’s orbit of the Earth in 1962. What kind of position in the Space Race did Sweden have, and how is it reflected in the newspapers? Does the political differences in two leading tabloids affect the outcome of the articles? And which kind of theories about the Cold War could be applied on these tabloids? This kind of research is uncommon to encounter in Sweden, but it ought to be dealt with here.

Kvällspressens bevakning av Paradise Hotel - då och nu.

Gabrielsson, Andreas, Haugen, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
I vår uppsats har vi undersökt hur medierapporteringen av dokusåpan Paradise Hotel har förändrats under tidsperioden 2005 till 2014. Vi har gjort detta genom att undersöka medierapporteringen över tid och jämfört Aftonbladets och Expressens pappersartiklar från de valda åren med varandra. De konkreta frågor som ställts till artiklarna är "hur har rubrikerna förändrats?", "vilken vinkling har artiklarna?", "hur beskrivs deltagarna?" samt "vilken sorts personer rapporteras det om mest?". Eftersom vår studie handlar om en förändrad medierapportering av en dokusåpa så kan den ses som ett fall av kvällspressens nöjesrapportering. Det vi har kommit fram till genom att studera de valda artiklarna är att de artiklar som publiceras i Aftonbladets och Expressens pappersupplagor som uppmärksammar Paradise Hotel i dag inte vinklas hårdare nu. Samtidigt har vi sett en förändring där media har gått från att beskriva programmet som något skandalomsusat till en mjukare beskrivning där negativa epitet som "sexsåpa" i lika hög grad som tidigare inte används i tidningsartiklar om programmet . Rapporteringens fokus har också flyttat från konflikter och bråk deltagarna emellan till sex, relationer och deltagarnas privatliv. Således gestaltas såväl programmet som dess deltagare på ett annorlunda sätt idag än vad de gjordes år 2005, dock nödvändigtvis inte hårdare

De skandalösa kandidaterna - Lögnaren från etablissemanget mot Sexisten med affärsimperium. : En studie av hur det amerikanska presidentvalet år 2016 gestaltades i Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen

Peterson, David, Falk, Hans January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte Medierapporteringen kring det amerikanska valet år 2016 har varit enorm i USA såväl som i Sverige. När media rapporterar och skildrar händelser görs en gestaltning. I och med det faktum att världen är obegränsad och mediernas format är begränsat får således all rapportering en viss gestaltning. Gestaltningar har en stor påverkan på mottagaren och kan exempelvis göra att misstron mot politik och politiker ökar samt att förtroendet för medier minskar. Mycket forskning kring gestaltning i val har gjorts men forskning som avhandlar hur svenska medier gestaltat det senaste amerikanska valet finns det mindre av. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur det amerikanska presidentvalet år 2016 gestaltades i tidningarna Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen. Metod och material En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetstexter i tidningarna Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet och Expressen ligger till grund för den här studien. Innehållsanalysen gjordes på tidningarna som publicerades från den 30 oktober till den 8 november 2016. Totalt analyserades 127 artiklar, 28 i Dagens Nyheter, 22 i Svenska Dagbladet, 25 i Aftonbladet och 52 i Expressen. Huvudresultat Resultatet av studien visar att de olika tidningarna gestaltar valet på varierande sätt men den gemensamma nämnaren är den stora förekomsten av skandalgestaltnng. Sakgestaltning är den dominerande gestaltningen, vilket även är morgontidningarnas vanligaste form av gestaltning. Kvällstidningarna använder sig oftast av spel - och skandalgestaltning. Hillary Clinton beskrivs mer positiv och mindre negativ än Donald Trump trots att hon oftare förekommer som huvudaktör i de skandalgestaltade texter.

"Hopplöst läge" : En kvalitativ studie över rapporteringen om sexualbrott på musikfestivaler sommaren 2016

Fernstedt, Nora, Karlsson, Ayla January 2017 (has links)
This study aimed to examine how swedish tabloid press covered the sex crimes at music festivals that occurred in Sweden during the summer of 2016. The aim was also to examine if and how the press reproduces or opposes stereotypes and myths about sexual crime. The question examined was: How does swedish tabloid press portray victims, perpetrators, the festivals and sex crime?   To approach this we made a critical discourse analysis on 13 articles from the swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen, written during the time of the events. We found that there were many different and contradictory discourses about the sex crimes in our case. The victim was presented as innocent and without blame but there was also a discourse telling that women have a responsibility in making sure not to become a victim of sexual assault, by behaving and dressing right. The perpetrator was described as deviant and evil men, but also as men driven by lust not knowing what they were doing. They were also distant and indistinct in the text, which shifted the blame to the organizers of the festivals and to the police. Sex crime was overall presented as a serious phenomena. It was also presented as a new phenomena, both on the festivals and in the society. The crimes were presented as a problem isolated to festivals but also as a broader social problem. The festivals were described as unsafe places but also as safe places that had been soiled by the sex crimes.

”Han offrades på grund av sitt rena samvete” : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om hur Abbas Rezai gestaltades i svensk nyhetsjournalistik. / “He was sacrificed because of his clean conscience” : A qualitative discourse analysis of how Abbas Rezai was potrayed in the Swedish news journalism.

Larsson, Malin, Almius Cederstav, Lina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how Abbas Rezai, the first male victim of honor- related violence that received media attention in Sweden, was portrayed in swedish news journalism. The questions examined were: How was Abbas Rezai and the perpetrators portrayed in swedish news journalism and how did the portrayal of the characters change over time. We made a critical discourse analysis with Faircloughs model as a base. We examined fourteen articles from a morning paper and a tabloid, during a period of six years. The result showed that Abbas Rezai was portrayed as a honest, considerate and innocent victim, which makes him relatable to the western world. But regardless of the good portrayal noted, however, that he is all this despite the fact that he is an "Afghan asylum seeker". Which makes the news reporting ambiguous, and leaves Abbas Rezai on the borderline between “us” and “them”. When it comes to the perpetrators they are portrayed as heartless, brutal and uneducated. Which by the reporting manifests itself in their cultural and religious background. During the six-years-period that we studied, we noticed that the reporting of one of the perpetrators changed remarkably. He goes from a coldblooded murderer to a victim of his own culture. Which has its explanation in the constant flow of new information. The biggest difference we found between the morning paper and the tabloid was how they selected their sources. The morning paper focused on confirmed fact from the police and the court, meanwhile the tabloid more often choose unconfirmed sources. Our study overall shows that news reporting are producing and re-creating stereotypes and preconceptions.

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