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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FINISH HEN! : En kvalitativ semiotisk analys av Mortal Kombats genusporträttering / FINISH THEM! : A Qualitative Semiotic Analysis of Mortal Kombat’s Gender Portrayal

Hermansson, Casper January 2023 (has links)
Denna analys undersöker representationen av genus i en våldsam spelkontext i fightingspel-serien Mortal Kombat, med fokus på spel 9, 10 och 11. Genom en semiotisk bildanalys med fokus på utvalda karaktärers visuella design och förändring framkommer teman i deras relation med genus. En betydande förändring där de kvinnliga karaktärernas design går från en hypersexualiserad och hyperfeminin gestaltning, till en mer funktionell och täckande utstyrsel. Samtidigt ökar de manliga karaktärernas hypermaskulina drag som tidigt etablerats. De senare spelen visar på en minskad överdriven och stereotypisk design där karaktärerna blir allt mer realistiska. Analysen belyser även hur karaktärers könsidentitet och normer används i relation till identitet inom “den heterosexuella matrixen” för att undersöka hur deras binära representation används. En sen acceptans inom forskningsfältet gör att spelindustrins största fightingspel-serie är intressant att undersöka. / This analysis examines the representation of gender in a violent gaming context within the fighting game series Mortal Kombat, focusing on games 9, 10 and 11. Through a semiotic image analysis, highlighting the selected characters visual design and changes, relating to their gender relation. A significant shift in the female characters designs, going from a hypersexualized and hyperfeminine depiction to a more functional and covering attire. Simultaneously, there is an increase in hypermasculine traits among the male characters, which were seen early on. The later games exhibit reduced exaggerated and stereotypical designs, leading to characters becoming more realistic. Additionally, the analysis sheds light on how characters' gender identities and norms are utilized concerning identity within the “heterosexual matrix”, examining the use of binary representations. A late acceptance within the research field makes the analysis of the gaming industry's largest fighting game series an interesting subject to explore.

FreeDumb Fighting: The Literacy and Liberation of Young People through African American Voice

Thomas, Donja J. 26 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Some kind of glorious

Langley, J. F. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Herman's father warned him of what would follow in the wake of the Faraday Bridge's construction. Like so many others cut short of pay after the bridge was completed, Herman finds himself confined to a plummeting slum during the high American years following World War II. Haunted by his inability to fulfill his dead father's expectations and the fear of losing his girlfriend, Herman confides in a shadowy underground figure who claims to know how the people of the borough can take back everything they have lost. Some Kind of Glorious is an account of one man's struggle to revive life within himself while being urged to tear the world apart for the sacrifice of his endeavor. It explores the minds of common men to understand how far they are willing to stretch morality in order to save themselves from tragedy. The lines separating the mad and the moral begin to fade as Herman and others follow an enigmatic figure into a clandestine battle with the world, and his middle-aged search for manhood blurs as he struggles to understand what he must become to satisfy his love, and his torment.


Palumbo, Allison P. 01 January 2016 (has links)
During the late 1970s and 1980s, feminist critics like Janice Radway began to reconsider so-called women’s genres, like romance novels and soap operas and melodramas, in order to address the forms of subversion and expressions of agency they provided female audiences. However, in spite of greater willingness to consider the progressive potential in romance narratives, there has been little such consideration given to stories of romance for the fighting female character—defined as a protagonist who uses violence, via her body or weapons, to save herself and others. The fighting female has received a good deal of attention from critics like Yvonne Tasker, Sherrie Inness, Rikke Schubart, and Phillipa Gates because she enacts transgressive forms of femininity. However, the typical response has been to ignore the intimate or romantic relationships she has with men or to critique them based on the assumption that such hetero-relationships automatically limit her agency and attenuate her representation as a feminist-friendly heroine. This view presumes that female empowerment opposes or can only be imagined outside the dominant cultural narratives that generally organize women’s lives around their hetero-relationships—whether sexual or platonic, familial or vocational. As I argue, some fighting female relationship narratives merit our attention because they reveal a new cache of plausible empowered female identities that women negotiate through their intimacies and romances with men. These negotiations, in turn, enable innovative representations of male-female relationships that challenge long-standing cultural scripts about the nature of dominance and subordination in such relationships. Combining cultural analysis with close readings of key popular American film and television texts since the 1980s, my dissertation argues that certain fighting female relationship themes question regressive conventions in male-female intimacies and reveal potentially progressive ideologies regarding female agency in mass culture. In essence, certain fighting female relationship narratives project feminist-friendly love fantasies that reassure audiences of the desirability of empowered women while also imagining egalitarian intimacies that further empower women.

開放陸客第一類來臺觀光迄今對治安之影響與對策 / Counter-measures to Impacts of the Open Policyto Mainland Tourists in the First Category

羅韋凱 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年7月政府開放第一類大陸人民來臺觀光, 復於2011年6月開放陸客來臺個人旅遊,霎時大陸旅客蜂湧來臺,然持續擴大開放政策之同時,陸客利用觀光來臺涉犯諸如竊盜、詐欺、賣淫等違法案件所在多有,不禁令人擔憂後遺症是否浮現? 本文研究目的,即在分析政府開放陸客第一類來臺觀光以來,對臺灣治安有哪些影響,並探討其因應對策。文中採用文獻分析法、深入訪談法及次級資料分析法等,並援引「非法移民」、「理性選擇」、「跨境犯罪」等理論,探究該政策實施迄今對我社會治安影響為何?及分析各治安機關執行陸客來臺觀光審核、管理與查緝之問題與瓶頸? 經研究發現,政府開放陸客第一類來臺觀光以來,衍生之治安現象如下:(1)先脫團、後犯案模式轉變;(2)審核不嚴方便『合法入境掩護非法活動』行為;(3)人蛇集團仲介色情賣淫及跨境重大竊盜案、詐騙犯罪問題;(4)違法模式隨政策持續改變。另執行安全管理問題如下:(1)法令受政策影響,有欠通盤考量;(2)陸客人流審核管理現隱憂;(3)安全與經濟、人權呈現拉扯;(4)法制不同影響打擊犯罪合作;(5)審核人力、專業性不足;(6)旅行社業務轉讓,危機意識欠缺;(7)電信犯罪偵查困境仍待突破。 經歸納後提出以下建議:(1)法律制定作長期性考量;(2)設置兩岸官方辦事處,強化源頭管理、促進打擊犯罪;(3)卡式入境許可證結合悠遊卡、電子錢包促銷觀光;(4)兩岸防治跨境犯罪相關規定法制化;(5)檢討移民署組織人力與需求;(6)加強查察旅行社違規接待或轉讓業務;(7)強化治安實務交流與訓練,建構兩岸犯罪資料庫。 / In July 2008, Taiwanese government passed a legislation allowing tour groups from Mainland China to travel into Taiwan. In June 2011, Taiwanese government first allowed travelers from Mainland China on an individual basis and soon generated tremendous numbers of Chinese tourists in Taiwan. Nevertheless, when the opening policy for individual tourists from Mainland China increased substantially, illegal activities such as larceny, fraudulence, prostitution and so on emerged at the same time. It’s worrying that Chinese tourists may have had negative impacts on Taiwan. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impacts on the public security in Taiwan and countermeasures since legislation allowing tour groups from Mainland China to travel to Taiwan. In this paper, research methods (such as literature review, in-depth interview and secondary data analysis) are applied to investigate the impacts of the opening policy for Chinese tourists on the public security in Taiwan. Theories about “illegal immigrants,” “rational choice theory,” “transnational crime,” and so on are cited. The research found that the following negative influences on public security brought by allowing tour groups from Mainland China to travel into Taiwan: (1) tourists from Mainland China leaving the tour group first and using the different modus operandi to do illegal activities, (2) lenient examination on tourists from Mainland China leading to illegal activities covered by legal immigration, (3) criminal behaviors (e.g. trans-border larceny, prostitution, fraudulence, etc.) being conducted by people smuggling syndicates, (4) illegal activities appearing in different forms when the policy change happens. The following are problems of execution of safety control: (1) enactment of laws and orders being influenced by policies, not taking all things into consideration. (2) potential problems with the examination on tourists from Mainland China. (3) dilemma of choosing economy booting, safety control, or human right protection. (4) different legal systems influencing the cooperation of crime-fighting. (5) lack of manpower and insufficient professionalism. (6) travel agencies being lack of the awareness of crisis when transferring business. (7) the plight of the investigation on telephone fraud. Here are some suggestions inducted to solve the problems: (1) enacting the laws and orders with the long-run consideration. (2) establishing the official cross-strait office to enhance safety control and crime-fighting cooperation. (3) combining EasyCard and Visa Cash with entry permit to boost tourism. (4) enacting relating laws to prevent trans-border illegal activities. (5) reviewing the lack of manpower of National Immigration Agency. (6) enhancing the examination on travel agencies to check whether they accept tourists or convey business illegally or not. (7) intensifying the training courses of crime-fighting for police officers, sharing the practical experiences, and setting criminal databases.


尤慶助, YOU, GING-ZHU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的,乃試以路線政策、意識型態與權力鬥爭三個面向來研究現階段中共 改革派與保守派的衝突情形。全文一冊,共分六章十七節,約七萬餘言,各章大要如 下﹕ 第一章﹕導論。主要分為研究動機目的、研究範圍方法與名詞概念的界定澄清。 第二章﹕本章主要探討改革保守兩派在路線政策方面的衝突。共分四節一一政策路線 在中共派系衝突中所扮演的角色、「鄧小平路線」的形成與內涵、改革保守兩派的路 線糾結與衝突、經濟體制改革與「鄧小平路線」的出路。 第三章﹕本章主要探討改革保守兩派在意識型態面向的衝突。共分四節一一意識型態 在中共政權下的特殊地位、「鄧小平路線」與馬克思主義關係、改革保守兩派的思想 紛歧與論爭、現階段中共意識型態運作的取向與困境。 第四章﹕本章主要探討改革派、保守派的權力鬥爭。共分三節一一權力在中共派系衝 突中所占有的地位、鄧小平領導體系的結構與障礙、權力繼承與領導權的爭奪。 第五章﹕本章主要研究現階段中共派系衝突的方式與特徵。栱分三節一一中共黨內鬥 爭的原則、改革保守兩派衝突的方式、現階段中共派系衝突的特徵。 第六章﹕結論。先就本文做個小結。並依研究結果對中共派系衝突的演變做一評估。

May 1856: Southern Reaction to Conflict in Kansas and Congress

Fossett, Victoria Lea 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines southern reactions to events that occurred in May 1856: the outbreak of civil war in Kansas and the caning of Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts. I researched two newspapers from the upper South state of Virginia, the Richmond Enquirer and the Richmond Daily Whig, and two newspapers from the lower South state of Louisiana, the New Orleans Times-Picayune and the New Orleans Bee to determine the extent to which political party sentiment and/or geographic location affected southern opinion towards the two events. Political party ties influenced the material each newspaper printed. Each newspaper worried that these events endangered the Union. Some, however, believed the Union could be saved while others argued that it was only a matter of time before the South seceded.

Qualité des jeux de bataille père-enfant et adaptation sociale de l'enfant d'âge préscolaire

Dubé, Amélie 08 1900 (has links)
Les pères s’impliquent aujourd’hui davantage qu’auparavant auprès de leurs enfants. À l’âge préscolaire, les jeux physiques (incluant les jeux de bataille) sont une caractéristique distinctive du style paternel d’interaction. Quelques études tendent à suggérer un lien entre ce type de jeu et l’adaptation sociale des enfants. Cependant,des contradictions se dégagent de la littérature, notamment quant au lien entre la quantité de jeu physique père-enfant et des mesures d’adaptation sociale, quant aux différentes opérationnalisations de la qualité du jeu physique, ainsi qu’en ce qui a trait au genre de l’enfant. Il y a également un débat entourant le degré optimal de contrôle ou de mutualité) au cours du jeu, de même qu’un nombre très limité d’études sur le lien entre le jeu physique père-enfant et l’anxiété/retrait. Dans ce contexte de divergences entre les chercheurs, la présente thèse vise quatre objectifs, soit : 1)vérifier si la quantité de jeux de bataille père-enfant est liée à l’adaptation sociale des enfants d’âge préscolaire (via des mesures de compétence sociale, d’agressivité/irritabilité, d’agression physique et d’anxiété/retrait); 2) tester si des mesures de mutualité ou de contrôle modèrent la relation entre la quantité de jeux de bataille père-enfant et les mesures d’adaptation sociale; 3) explorer le rôle potentiel d’autres indices de qualité du jeu de bataille; 4) clarifier le rôle du genre de l’enfant. L’échantillon est composé de 100 dyades père-enfant de Montréal et les environs. Les résultats des analyses corrélationnelles suggèrent que la fréquence et la durée de jeu de bataille ne sont pas reliées directement à l’adaptation sociale des enfants et mettent en lumière des variables qui pourraient jouer un rôle modérateur. Les régressions pour modèles modérateurs indiquent que la mutualité père-enfant dans les initiations au jeu de bataille et la peur exprimée par l’enfant au cours de ce type de jeu modèrent la relation entre la durée des jeux de bataille et la compétence sociale de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire. La mutualité modère également le lien entre la durée du jeu et l’agressivité/irritabilité de l’enfant. Les initiations autoritaires faites par le père modèrent le lien entre la durée du jeu et les agressions physiques, alors qu’aucune variable ne modère le lien entre la durée du jeu et l’anxiété/retrait des enfants. Les analyses post-hoc donnent davantage d’informations sur la nature des liens de modération. Bien que les pères rapportent ne pas faire davantage de jeux de bataille, ni jouer plus longtemps à se batailler avec leurs garçons qu’avec leurs filles, trois modèles modérateurs sur quatre demeurent significatifs uniquement pour les garçons. Ces données sont interprétées à la lumière des théories éthologique et développementale. Il est suggéré que plutôt que de traiter l’agression et la compétence sociale comme des variables opposées de l’adaptation, une mesure de compétition permettrait peut-être de réconcilier les deux mondes. / Today’s fathers are increasingly more involved with their children. During the preschool years, rough-and-tumble-play (RTP; including play-fighting) is a significant aspect of paternal interaction style. A few studies suggest that this type of play is linked to children’s social adaptation. However, many contradictions remain in the current literature, particularly concerning the link between the quantity of father-child RTP and social adaptation measures, RTP quality indicators and their measurement, and gender differences. There is also a debate regarding the optimal control level (or mutuality) during play. Moreover, very few studies have investigated the link between father-child RTP and children’s anxiety/withdrawal. The current thesis has four objectives: 1) to verify the presence of a link between father-child play-fighting quantity and preschooler’s social adaptation measures (i.e., social competency, aggressiveness/irritability, physical aggression and anxiety/withdrawal); 2) to verify if mutuality or control measures moderate the relationship between father-child play-fighting quantity and social adaptation; 3) to explore the potential role of other play-fighting quality cues; 4) to clarify the role of child gender. The sample consists of 100 father-child dyads from the Montreal region. Correlational analyses suggest that the frequency and duration of play-fighting are not directly linked to children social adaptation. The regressions for moderation models indicate that father-child mutuality in play-fighting initiations, as well as the fear expressed by the child during play, moderate the relationship between playfighting duration and the preschooler’s social competency. Mutuality also moderates the link between play duration and child aggressiveness/irritability. Although fathers do not report a higher frequency or duration of play-fighting according to their children’s gender, post-hoc analyses show that three out of four moderating models are significant only for the boys. iv The data is interpreted according to evolutionary and developmental theories. It is argued that a measure of competition could shed light on the relationship between aggressiveness and social competency in social adaptation, and that these two variables may not systematically be opposed as it is commonly perceived in RTP literature.

Problematika organizovaného zločinu / Issues in organized crime

Fiala, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Name: Issues in organized crime Aims of the thesis: 1. To define and classify organized crime 2. To describe historical development of organized crime 3. To analyze organized crime in the states where its presence has become evident i.e. Italy, USA, Russia and Japan 4. To characterize the main activities of organized crime 5. To define the means of fighting organized crime Methods: When analyzing organized crime, it is impossible to use research methods that would comprise direct contact with a criminal environment. Indirect evidence was used to compile the thesis. Methods of research: 1. The use of information from publications 2. Analysis of documents 3. Research into selected legal means of fighting organized crime 4. Content analysis of the press 5. Statistics Results: Various views on organized crime, its features and its typology have been defined. Its causes and the conditions under which organized crime arises, as well as its beginnings, were described. Findings about organized crime in selected countries were analyzed; attention was drawn to history, the present day and occurrences and activities of the main organized groups. The main activities of organized crime were described in four groups, focusing on their description, organization and the legal issues. Eventually, possible means of...

"Vad håller ni på med?! Sluta slåss!" : En vetenskaplig essä om barns fysiska lekar i förskolans fria lek / “What are you doing?! Stop fighting!” : A scientific essay about children’s physical play in the preschool’s free play

Topolog, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Denna essä avser att uppnå en djupare förståelse om vad barns fria lek och fysiska lek innebär i förskolan och på vilket sätt fysisk lek bidrar till barns lärande och värdegrundsarbete, genom reflektioner med hjälp av mina erfarenheter och vetenskapliga teorier. Fokus riktas mot barnens inomhuslek. Till denna essä används Lev S Vygotskijs teorier om barns lärande och utveckling samt fantasi och kreativitet. William Corsaros teorier om barns kamratkulturer används för att reflektera över barnens finess i hur de anpassar sig efter förskolans regler. Förutom detta används två lekperspektiv för att fördjupa förståelsen av barns fysiska lek.   Förskolan omfattas av den fria leken där den karakteriseras av att den erbjuder barnen fria val att välja lek, lekkamrater och vilket material som ska användas i leken. Enligt min erfarenhet har jag dock upplevt att fri lek inte är så fri som det låter. Därför kommer jag att undersöka pedagogiska aspekter av den fria leken. Fysisk lek utmanar och väcker pedagogiska frågor och farhågor bland pedagoger i förskolan. Mina reflektioner har fått mig inse att friheten i barns lek är komplext och kräver kritisk reflektion av mitt och andra pedagogers förhållningssätt inför frågor som uppstår vid fysisk lek. Detta har lett mig till förståelsen att fysisk lek har en stämpel som frambringar negativa associationer. Dessa negativa associationer inverkar på hur pedagoger bemöter barn i den fysiska leken. Till exempel frambringar ”bråklek” associationer till allvarligt bråk som leder till konsekvensen att pedagogen avbryter leken. Denna insikt har bidragit till att jag undersökt andra benämningar på fysisk lek vilket fått mig att se vad som sker bortom det som är synligt i barns fysiska lek.    Med nyfikenhet och respekt för barns intresse för att leka fysiska lekar har jag insett hur givande fysiska lekar kan vara för barnen. För att fysiska lekar ska bli givande för barnen behöver pedagogerna ge dem rätta förutsättningar i leken. / This essay intends to achieve a deeper understanding of what children's free play and physical play means in the preschool and in what way physical play contributes to children's learning and value-based work, through reflections using my experiences and scientific theories. The focus is on the children's indoor play. Lev S Vygotsky's theories on children's learning and development as well as imagination and creativity are used for this essay. William Corsaro's theories of children's peer cultures are used to reflect on the children's finesse in how they adapt to the preschool's rules. In addition to this, two play perspectives are used to deepen the understanding of children's physical play. The preschool is embraced by the free play in which it is characterized by the fact that it offers children free choices to choose play, playmates and which material to use in the play. In my experience, however, I have experienced that free play is not as free as it sounds. Therefore, I will examine the educational aspects of free play. Physical play challenges and raises pedagogical issues and concerns among educators in preschool. My reflections have made me realize that freedom in children's play is complex and requires critical reflection of my and other pedagogues’ attitudes to issues that arise during physical play. This has led me to the understanding that physical play has a stamp that gives rise to negative associations. These negative associations affect how educators encounter children in the physical play. For example, gives “play fighting”rise to associations with serious fighting leading to the consequence that the educator interrupts the play. This insight has helped me to see into other names of physical play which made me see what happens beyond what is visiblein children's physical play. With curiosity and respect for children's interest in playing physical play, I have realized how rewarding physical play can be for the children. For physical play to be rewarding for the children, the educators need to give them the right conditions in the play.

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