Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fizinis"" "subject:"krizinis""
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Taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikis psichikos negalią turinčių asmenų fiziniam pajėgumui ir jų požiūriui į fizinę veiklą / An effect of adapted physical activity on physical fitness of persons with intellectual disabilities and their attitude toward physical activityMotiejūnaitė, Rūta 18 May 2005 (has links)
There is no well-balanced psychiatric service in Lithuania. Workers of this service the main attention pay to medical treatment and pay no regard to social and psychological help as well as rehabilitation methods. As a lot of research showed, the well-being and quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities depend on rehabilitation and social help rather than on treatment using medicine. The lack of investigation of this field in Lithuania shows that these questions are great of importance. We designed a study and directed our investigation to the following question: is program of adapted physical activity has an influence on emotional well-being and physical fitness of persons with schizophrenia.
The aim of the study to detect an effect of adapted physical activity program on persons’ with schizophrenia physical fitness and their attitude towards adapted physical activity. The following research tasks were addressed: (1) to examine the cognitive conditions of persons with schizophrenia and according the conditions to prepare individual program of adapted physical activity; (2) to evaluate an effect of adapted physical activity program on attitude towards adapted physical activity; (3) to determine an effect of adapted physical activity program on physical fitness of persons with schizophrenia; and (4) to detect the differences of an effect of adapted physical activity according to gender.
The following research methods of the study were applied: analysis of... [to full text]
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Jonavos miesto ir rajono mokyklų 9-12 klasių moksleivių požiūris į fizinį aktyvumą / The attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its districtLukaševičius, Audrius 19 May 2005 (has links)
When developing positive attitude to the physical activity, the most important is to introduce it to the safe lifestyle mode from very childhood, to make it the tool not only for the physical state improvement, but also for the development of spirituality, creative activity and will as well. Such viewpoint somewhat determined that health of contemporary Lithuanian people (including pupils) is not good. We were trying to ascertain in this work the attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district.
Hypothesis. We suppose that urban pupils are physically more active than pupils living in district, especially boys.
Objective of the research – to identify and compare the attitude of secondary schools’ 9-12 classes’ pupils to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Following research task was formulated after identifying research objective:
1. To identify attendance of the physical culture lessons, going in for sports in leisure time and got injuries for 9-12 classes’ pupils from Jonava town and district. 2. To identify the parent’s attitude to physical activity of 9-12 classes pupils from Jonava town and district. 3. To identify the attitude to active physical activity and knowledge of physical activity of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. 4. To identify forms of leisure time of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district.
Surveying pupils from 9-12 classes in Jonava town and its... [to full text]
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Kauno m. 9 klasių moksleivių kiekybinis ir kokybinis savaitės laiko vertinimas / Evaluation, from qualitative and quantitative aspects, of a week’s time of students studying in the 9th year at secondary schools of Kaunas cityPulkauskienė, Ingrida 19 May 2005 (has links)
At present, there is a growing interest in healthy lifestyle in the society. Therefore, the choice of the theme was not accidental. It is very important for secondary school students to adopt a daily time-table and to keep to it (Haruki, Kawabata, 2005).
The purpose of the work: evaluation, from qualitative and quantitative aspects, of a week’s time of students studying in the 9th year at secondary schools of Kaunas city
Investigation methods used in the work: 1. Analysis and summarizing of literature sources. 2. Poll in the form of questionnaires. 3. Mathematical statistics.
The investigation was conducted in November of 2004 among students studying in the 9th year at Kaunas Gymnasium „Rasos“ based on VMU and at J.Dobkevičius Secondary School.
With an approval of the school administration, anonymous poll in the form of questionnaires was carried out during various classes. Students were familiarized with purposes of the poll and methods of completing the questionnaires. The students were asked to answer the questions individually, without assistance from their friends.
After completion of the investigation, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. On average, students sleep 8 – 8.5 hrs on working days and over 10.5 hrs on weekends. On Saturdays, boys sleep significantly longer (p<0.05) than girls. Majority of students (73 %) fall asleep soon and sleep calmly – boys do this sooner and sleep calmer than girls. On working days, students eat regularly, however girls do this... [to full text]
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Intervencija į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos XI-XII klasių mergaičių kūno kultūros programą: fizinio aktyvumo integruoto ugdymo modelis / Intervention to the physical education curriculum for 11-12 girls of comprehensive school: model of integrated physical activity educationMozūrienė, Ilona 20 May 2005 (has links)
Negative tendencies to change of pupils’ physical activity, health and physical fitness, as well as lack of motivation for physical activity have determined topicality of our work.
Research subject – content of theoretical knowledge of physical education of 11th-12th-formers. Research objective – to create a model of integrated physical activity development (theory and practice) for 11th-12th-formers (girls) of comprehensive school.
Research tasks: 1. To evaluate topicality of content of theoretical knowledge presented in the general physical education curricula for 11th-12th forms and education standards from the aspect of increase of schoolchildren’s physical activity and health improvement. 2. To prepare a cluster of theoretical knowledge of physical education curriculum for 11th-12th-forms of comprehensive school and to make its appraisal. 3. To evaluate strong and weak points of the schoolchildren’s knowledge according to the cluster content. 4. To integrate the prepared cluster of theoretical knowledge with the content of practical lessons.
Hypothesis – intervention in the content of theoretical knowledge of general physical education curriculum of comprehensive school is one of ways to create a model of integrated education prompting physically active behaviour of senior pupils.
The following research methods were applied in the work: analysis of literature sources; intervention method; questionnaire; testing; mathematical statistics.
The following literature sources... [to full text]
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Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų 9-10 klasių moksleivių sveikata ir jos sąsajos su socialine aplinka bei fiziniu aktyvumu / Influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health,who study in the 9-10 classesMilkevičius, Edmundas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of study was to determine the influence of surrounding environmental factors and physical activity for the schoolchildren health, who study in the 9-10 classes. Three tasks were raised in the study:
To evaluate the main disorders of children health, studying in the 9-10th classes.
To determine the relationships of behavioral factors to the school-children health.
To evaluate the relationships of physical activity to the pupils health.
The methods and object. Totally 202 children (104 boys and 98 girls) who study in 9-10 classes, were interviewed. The methods applied in this study:
1. Questionnaire.
2. Analysis of data applying the MS Excel program.
After performing the research the following conclusions were carried out:
1. After performing the research it becomes evident, that the health of pupils is far from good. Exactly half of them have various disorders of health (47%); mostly disorders of posture and vision predommating. 7% of all interviewed children suffer with chronic diseases, mostly there were cases of chronic bronchitis. 58% of all pupils were ill with various diseases during the course of the last year. The most common illness was influenza.
2. In the study pupils behavioral factors are very much prevalenced: permanently smoking every fifth, occasionally smoking every second, so often used alcohol drinks – every sixth, occasionally two third of schoolchildren, but relationships between behavioral factors and health not being evaluated.
3. Middle... [to full text]
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VPU kūno kultūros specialybės studentų greitumo, šoklumo ir jėgos rodiklių kaita trečiais - ketvirtais studijų metais / The change of speed, jumping ability and power indexes in the third –fourth year of studies of the physical education students at VPUKepežėnas, Vaidas 01 June 2005 (has links)
The physical education of physical education students of the VPU is carried out during the academic sports training and during the training session of a chosen sport. The number of hours of academic sports training differs in the course of four years as well as differ the sports skills of every student. Therefore a scientific problem and a practical need to establish if the system of sports studies by branches has the influence on the level of sports students education, and to identify the changes in third and fourth year of studies, after the students have been through the study programs and have adjusted themselves to the social environment, arise.
The goal of the paper is to analyze the indexes of speed, jumping ability and power of the physical education students and to establish their level and changes occurring in the third and the fourth year.
One of the key tasks during the physical training is to develop the need in a student for physical education, to form motives which encourage his/her physical activeness, self-development and self-expression.
The third year students of physical education, both male and female, were checked up at the laboratory of the VPU in the middle of every academic year.
The results of the investigation showed, that the study programs of physical education students, which cover lectures and training, supports or inconsiderably increase the indexes of speed, power , ability to jump and by this provider the opportunity for normal... [to full text]
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Pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose pagalbos fizinį smurtą patyrusiems vaikams organizavimas Kauno m / Organization of help for children who experienced physical violence in the agencies of primary health careNorvilė, Asta 06 June 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health
Organization of help for children who experienced physical violence in the agencies of primary health care.
Asta Norvile
Sciential head doc. Hab. Dr. Apolinaras Zaborskis
Kaunas University of Medicine, faculty of Public Health, department of Social Medicine. –Kaunas, 2005. –50p.
Purpose of the work. To examine a potential of giving aid to the children who have experienced physical violence in the agencies of primary health care in Kaunas.
Research tasks. 1. To compute the number of children who are suspected to have experienced a physical violence. 2. To examine giving aid for the children who have experienced physical violence organized by medics. 3. To rate the possibilities of improving facilities for children who have experienced physical violence. 4. to prepare recommendations of how to run a complex aid for the children who have experienced physical violence.
Methodology. A questionnaire was made by giving questionnaires to the pediatricians and public caregivers working in BPG in the children clinic Kalnieciu, Dainavos, Centro, Sanciu and Silainiu subdivisions in Kaunas. Number of people working with children was 204, 159 took part in the questionnaire. An anonymic formal questionnaire was used. A questionnaire had 33 questions which were divided into 3 parts. Data was analyzed using a computer version of SPSS 10.0.7 and statistical methods of analyzing data: Chi Square criteria and Stjudent t criteria.
Results. In latter years 47... [to full text]
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Paauglių sveikata, fizinis aktyvumas, augimo harmoningumas:natūralaus ugdymo(si) kontekstas / Health, physical capacity and balanced development of teenagers in terms of natural learning/ educationPaulauskaitė, Erika 17 July 2014 (has links)
Paauglystė yra labai reikšmingas žmogaus raidos periodas, itin paveikus ugdymui (Gailiūnienė, Kontvainis, 1994). Jo tikslas – laiduojant vaiko asmenybės skleidimąsi ugdyti sveiką, fiziškai pajėgų, harmoningai besivystantį, aktyvų, savimi ir savo gebėjimais pasitikintį, stiprią pažinimo motyvaciją turintį vaiką, sudarant prielaidas sėkmingam ugdymui(si) mokykloje.
Buvo suformuluotas tyrimo objektas: paauglių sveikatos, fizinio pajėgumo, augimo harmoningumo grupių raiška jiems realizuojant natūralų ugdymą
Siekiant išanalizuoti pasirinktą darbo temą buvo suformuluotas tyrimo tikslas: teoriškai ir empiriškai išnagrinėti paauglių sveikatos, fizinio pajėgumo grupių, augimo harmoningumo raišką realizuojant natūralų ugdymą(si) bei mokyklos galimybes veikti mokinių sveikatą.
Siekiant išspręsti tyrimo uždavinius buvo atlikta teorinė ir dokumentų analizė, anketinė apklausa, matematinė statistika.
Pasitelkus sudarytą anketą buvo ištirta 22 Šiaulių miesto ir 25 Šiaulių rajono mokyklose besimokančių paauglių sveikatos, fizinio parengtumo ir augimo harmoningumo raiška. Tyrimas apėmė 6842 vidutinio mokyklinio amžiaus mokinių. Tiriamųjų amžius buvo 11–16 metų ir jie atitiko paauglių etapą žmogaus ontogenezėje.
Tyrimų rezultatų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant ,,Microsoft Office Excel‘ 2007“ programą. Anketos klausimai buvo orientuoti į šias pagrindines sritis: paauglių sveikatą, fizinį pajėgumą ir augimo harmoningumą.
Paauglių sveikatą lemia jų kasdieninė veiklą, kuo jie užsiima laisvalaikiu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adolescence is a highly significant period of human development which is especially susceptible to education (Gailiūnienė, 1994). Its goal is to ensure the balanced development of a child’s personality and raise a healthy, physically capable, active and self-confident child trusting in own abilities and having strong motivation to seek knowledge. This can be achieved by providing the necessary circumstances for successful learning and education at school.
The research object is the manifestation of health, physical capacity and balanced development of teenagers when applying natural learning processes.
When analyzing the topic of the final paper, the following goal of the study was formulated: to analyze theoretically and empirically the manifestation of health and physical capacity indicator groups and balanced development during the processes of natural education and the possibilities of a school to influence the health of its students.
Theoretical and document analysis, a questionnaire-based survey and mathematical statistics were employed to achieve the goal of the study.
The questionnaire-based survey was designed to analyze the manifestation of health, physical capacity and balanced development of teenagers at 22 schools in Šiauliai City and 25 schools in Šiauliai District. 6842 respondents of average school-age participated in the survey. The respondents were aged 11–16 years and their age corresponded to the teenage period of human ontogeny.
The research results... [to full text]
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Šiaulių miesto progimnazijų 8 klasių moksleivių požiūris į sveikatą, fizinį aktyvumą ir aktyvų laisvalaikį / Attitude of 8th Grade Students from Šiauliai City Progymnasiums towards Health, Physical Activity and Active Leisure TimeKazlauskaitė, Kristina 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama 8 klasių moksleivių požiūris į sveikatą, fizinį aktyvumą ir aktyvų laisvalaikį. Svarbiausia buvo išsiaiškinti sveikatos, fizinio aktyvumo, aktyvaus laisvalaikio aspektus. Nustatyti 8 klasių moksleivių požiūrį į sveikatą, fizinį aktyvumą, aktyvų laisvalaikį.
Tyrimas buvo atliktas Šiaulių mieste 2013 metais. Tyrime dalyvavo iš vis 180 respondentų, 108 vaikinai, 72 merginos, iš 8 klasių, kurių amžius svyravo tarp 13-15 metų.
Anketą sudarė 29 klausimai, pirmoje anketos dalyje respondentai turėjo pateikti savo demografinius duomenis (lytis, amžius, ūgis, svoris). Antroje dalyje klausimai buvo sudaryti apie sveikatą bei mitybą, paskutinėje dalyje buvo klausiama apie fizinį aktyvumą ir aktyvų laisvalaikį. Šiais klausimai buvo norima išsiaiškinti, kokį poveikį turi fizinis aktyvumas augančiam ir bręstančiam organizmui, ar fizinis aktyvumas turi įtakos respondentų sveikatai, kokiomis aktyvaus laisvalaikio fomomis užsiima tyrimo dalyviai.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad moksleivių požiūris į fizinį aktyvumą yra teigiamas: savo sveikatą jie vertina labai gerai arba gerai, tačiau moksleiviai skundžiasi įvairiais negalavimais, kaip galvos skausmai, fizinis išsekimai ir kt. Pastebima, kad moksleivių fizinis aktyvumas yra nepakankamas. Tyrimieji dieną praleidžia gana pasyviai, dažnai sėdi prie kompiuterio, naršo internete, praleidžia laiką pamokose. Tokiomis aktyvaus laisvalaikio formomis, kaip bėgiojimas, važinėjimas dviračiu, dalyvavimas įvairiose sporto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Undergraduate thesis analyzes the 8th grade students approach to health, physical activity and an active freetime. The most important thing was to find out the health, physical activity, leisure elements. Identify 8th classes of students approach to the health, physical activity and freetime.
The study was accomplished city of Šiauliai in 2013. In reserch participated 180 respondents 108 boys and 72 girls from 8th classes, whose age fluctuated between 13-15 years.
The questionnaire consisted 29 questions. In the first part of the questionnaire, respondents are asked to provide their demographic information, that indicate gender, age, height, weight. The second part of the questionnaire questions were asked about health and nutrition. The main part of the questions about physical activity, freetime, hobbies, favorite activities. This is to find out students attitudes towards physical activity and active freetime activities.
The study found that students approach to physical activity are positive, students have a very good and good opinion about their health, but study participants are suffering from various ailments like headaches, physical exhaustion , and so on. It is clear that students physical activity is poor. Participants day spend quite passive, often sitting front of computer, search in the internet, spend time in class. Such active forms of leisure like jogging, riding a bike, participating in various sporting events, competitions , there is no common... [to full text]
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Šiaulių universiteto Socialinės gerovės ir negalės bei Edukologijos studijų fakultetų studentų sveikos elgsenos modeliavimas / Healthy Behaviour Simulation of Students from the Faculty of Social Welfare and Disability and the Faculty of Educology, Šiauliai UniversityButkutė, Karolina 17 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe teorine ir empirine tyrimo dalimi aiškinamasi studentų požiūris į sveiką elgseną, bei jos elementus: mitybą, fizinį aktyvumą, streso problemas. Tyrimui atlikti naudota mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė bei kiekybinis tyrimas (anketa). Anketinės apklausos metodu siekta nustatyti Šiaulių universiteto socialinės gerovės ir negalės studijų bei edukologijos fakultetų studentų sveikos elgsenos modeliavimo galimybes, susijusias su studentų gyvenimo būdu studijų procese. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė.
Iškelta hipotezė jog studentai per mažai rūpinasi savo sveikata, nesidomi sveika elgsena, menkai užsiima fiziniu aktyvumu, nesirūpina savo mityba ir patiria stresą. Hipotezė dalinai pasitvirtino, studentų mityba prasta, bei jų tarpe vyrauja streso problema. Tačiau fizinio aktyvumo duomenys geri, studentai nevengia užsiimti fiziniu aktyvumu.
Empirinio tyrimo išvados:
1. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad studentų gyvenimo būdas pakankamai aktyvus, tačiau didžioji dalis studentų savo gyvenimo kokybę įvertino tik kaip vidutinišką, o savo sveikatą studentai įsivertino kaip gerą. Didžioji dalis studentų teigia studijuodami patiriantys nuovargį. Studentų fizinis aktyvumas pakankamas, kadangi užsiima fiziniu aktyvumu kartą ar du kartus per savaitę, o didžiausia jų motyvacija, geros kūno formos. Pusė studentų stengiasi sveikai maitintis, kita pusė nesirūpina tuo. Didžioji dalis studentų valgo namuose, tačiau nemažai studentų neatsisako greito maisto.
2. Tyrimo duomenys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master`s thesis examines students' approach to healthy behaviour and its components: diet, physical activity, stress problems, and harmful habits. A questionnaire survey focuses on various lifestyle aspects of third-year students of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Social Welfare and Disability Studies of Šiauliai University. The survey involved 200 respondents. The questionnaire was divided into the following five blocks of questions:
1. Demographic information: 7 questions regarding respondents' gender, age, faculty, course, and place of residence.
2. Health behaviour concept: 7 questions related to students' living conditions, the quality of life, and health assessment.
3. Stress and recreation factors: 7 questions to determine how many hours of decent night's sleep students get, if they suffer from exhaustion and stress, how they deal with stress, if they undergo medical checkups.
4. Physical activity: 5 questions covering the issues of students' involvement in physical activity or sports, reasons students should do physical exercise and keep fit.
5. Importance of nutrition: 6 questions to identify students' eating habits and peculiarities, taking food supplements, and choosing dining places.
Hypothesis argues that students take inadequate care of their health, are not interested in health behaviour, show small bouts of physical activity, neglect healthy nutrition and experience stress. With this data, hypothesis can be partially confirmed: students have... [to full text]
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