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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fizinio aktyvumo poveikis preeklampsijos pasireiškimui 20-35 nėštumo savaitėmis / The impact of physical activity on manifestation of preeclampsia in pregnant women within 20-35 week of pregnancy

Vaškevičiūtė, Rasa 10 May 2006 (has links)
Physical activity has versatile impact on female body and strengthens it in addition to improved physiological powers, more active performance of all systems and guaranteed normal course of pregnancy period. As a result, the cardiovascular condition is improved; placental circulation is more active, oxygen transopration and metabolism of the foetus is improved. The death-rate in pregnant women resulting from hypertension is the second after embolism. Preeclampsia is one of the hypertension-related failures, which affects 3 to 5 % of the pregnant women. The present research was targeted to women suffering from preeclampsia. The aim of the research was to investigate the impact of physical activity on manifestation of preeclampsia in pregnant women within 20-35 week of pregnancy. Tasks: 1. to assess arterial blood pressure (ABP) fluctuation of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy; 2. to assess body weight index fluctuation of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy; 3. to assess fluctuation of protein content in urine of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy; 4. to assess life quality (sleep, headache, sight, right underrib pains, physical and physiological fatigue) of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy. Hypothesis. Physical activity in pregnant women... [to full text]

Širdies susitraukimų dažnio kaita intervalinio sunkėjančio fizinio krūvio metu po vidutinio ir didelio intensyvumo aerobinio darbo / Effects of prior aerobic moderate and heavy intensity exercise on heart rate during interval incremental exercise

Lukošiūtė, Rita 19 May 2005 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of 30min. of moderate and heavy intensity aerobic exercise to heart rate during interval incremental exercise. Methods: Eight healthy males (mean SD 23 1yr; 76 4,8 kg; 178 6,6 cm) were tested 3 times. They performed incremental veloergometer exercise test until subjective exhaustion. Pedalling rate was maintained constant at 70 rpm. Test began with 4 min. of cycling at 25 W. Then the workload was increased by 25 W and maintained for 3 min. until participant ,s heart rate (HR) reached 90 % of HRmax (220 - age, year). Between workloads the participants rested for 4 min. Two times exercise was preceded by 30 min. of moderate (equal to lactate threshold), heavy intensity (50 W heavier than lactate threshold) or no warm-up. Capillary blood samples were drawn from finger to measure lactate concentration at rest and 5, 10, 20, 30, min. during work. HR was registered before exercise and every 5 min. during work. Also HR was recorded every 5 s. during interval incremental veloergometer test. The heart rate data were modelled using single exponential models, which included amplitudes, time constants and asimptotics values. Results: Heart rate was more elevated during heavy warm-up compared to the moderate (3 min. – 140 13,7; 13 min. – 158 16,1; 23 min. – 164 13,6; 26 min. - 167 13,7 and 3 min. – 128 8,7; 13 min. – 134 11,2; 23 min. – 140 11,2; 26 min. – 142 10,9 beats/min. respectively). Heavy warm-up resulted... [to full text]

7 - 8 klasių mokinių kūno kultūros žinių įgyjimo ir fizinio aktyvumo skatinimas aktyvinamaisiais mokymosi metodais / Activating teaching methods and their effect on the physical activity of the knowledge of healthy way of life among 7 - 8 form student in a basic school

Balevičiūtė, Rūta 30 May 2005 (has links)
According to the scientific research schoolchildren lack knowledge of healthy way of life and physical education. Most researchers claim that students health is getting worse and physical inactivity, smoking. Irrational nutrition has been spreading. However, school physical education research is mostly based on the development of schoolchildren physical abilities of various body systems. Thees the experiment was carried out to investigate the incorporation of theoretical lessons on physical education and healthy way of life into the process of physical training by using using different activating methods. Research objective: To investigate the efficiency of activating teachings methods and their effect on the physical activity and acquistition of the knowledge oh healthy way of life among 7 -8 fom students in a basic school. 386 schoolchildren participated in the pedagogical experiment conducted in Vilnius „Emilijos Pliaterytės” basic school from September 2004 till March 2005. Research methods used in a Masters thesis were as follows: analysis of literature, questionnaire methods, pedagogical experiment, mathematical, statistical analysis. The change in the knowledge of the healthy way of life and physical educations was determined by a questionnaire method during the period of experiment. Activating methods (discussions, debates, brainstorming, each student active invillvement) were used in experimental gruops to extend and improve students knowledgw of healthy... [to full text]

Pacientų sergančių stabiliąja krūtinės angina gyvenimo kokybės vertinimas / The eveluation the quality of life of patients with stable angina pectoris

Skrockienė, Kristina 15 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Aim: To evaluate the quality of life of patients with stable angina pectoris, the decrease of physical load tolerance by them and influence of prevention measures for their quality of life. Methods of the study: The following research methods were used for the study: questioning of patients, interview method, method of document analysis, statistical data processing. The study sample consisted of 93 investigated persons. All investigated persons were divided into two groups: the first group included patients with stable angina pectoris of functional classes III-IV; the second group comprised the investigated with stable angina pectoris of funktional classes I-II (according to the classification of the Canadian Heart Association). Findings: Very limited physical activity was found in 14,6 % of patients of the investigated group, moderately limited in 29,2 %, partially limited in 39,5 %, litlle limited in 12,5 % and unlimited in 4,2% of patients of the investigated group. After receiving findings of the study we could state that physical activity was more or less limited in more than 95 % of patients with AP (of functional slasses III-IV). The number of patients of the compared group distributed in the following way by the abovementioned ranges: very limited physical activity was in case of 11,1% of patients, moderately limited in 40 %, partially limited in 31,1 %, little limited in 11,1 %, unlimited in 6,7 % of patients of the compared groups. After getting to know... [to full text]

Fizinio krūvio poveikis valinių judesių kontrolei / Physical exercise influence on voluntary movement control

Nemanis, Remigijus 16 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY SUBJECT MATTER OF THE THESIS: Physical exercise influence on voluntary movement control. AIM OF THE THESIS: Assessment of various motivation physical exercise on voluntary movements control in women. The investigated individuals were divided into two groups: group of aerobics and group of local exercises. The Group or aerobics was composed of 51 women with 2 or 3 weekly classes of aerobics (average age 21,6 ±0,4 years, body weight index 20,7 ±0,3 kg/m²).). The group of local exercises consisted of 18 women with 2-3 Pilates health improvement classes (average age 20,9 +/-0,3, body weight index 21,5 ±0,5 kg/m²). METHODS: The computer aided platform “LIBRA” was employed for the investigation in order to determine proprioception. Both the groups were examined twice: before and after physical exercises. The examination was carried out in three positions: by standing on frontal plane, sitting on frontal plane and sitting on saggital plane. For movement control evaluation the following measurements were taken: extension area, extension time, recovery time, which were measured in standard units as well as global instability assessment in scores (0-10). RESULTS: The group of aerobics showed significant changes in most of the parameters under test within the second testing (after physical exercises). While in making assessments for the effect of local exercises on movement control, a significant reduction of extension time and global instability assessment in sitting... [to full text]

Visagino miesto kūno kultūros ir sporto sistema / Visaginas City Municipality physical education and sports system

Gaivoronskaja, Tamara 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama Visagino savivaldybės kūno kultūros ir sporto sistema, kaip Lietuvos sistemos grandis, analizuojamos Visagino kūno kultūros ir sporto sistemos raidos kryptys, problemos ir modernizavimo galimybės. Literatūros analizė parodė, kad kol kas mažai teorinio įdirbio kūno kultūros ir sporto sistemos funkcionavimo srityje. Daugelis sistemos dalių yra iškelta nacionaliniu lygiu ir daug mažiau dėmesio kreipiama į savivaldos lygį. Todėl nėra susiformavęs inovatyvus požiūris į kūno kultūros ir sporto sistemos funkcionavimą valstybinėse institucijose ir ypatingai savivaldybėse. Tai aktuali problema, nes valstybė neturi tiesioginio sąlyčio su visuomene ir negali tiesiogiai vykdyti savo kūno kultūros ir sporto politikos. Kūno kultūros ir sporto sistema – tai specifinių sudedamųjų dalių, susijusių su žmogaus fizine prigimtimi, visuma: nuo fizinio ugdymo, rengimo fiziniams krūviams ir darbinei veiklai, aktyvaus fizinio judėjimo ir laisvalaikio organizavimo, žmogaus organizmo funkcinių rezervų ir galimybių plėtros iki specifinio kryptingumo – geriausio sportinio rezultato ir/ar fizinio tobulumo siekimo. Apibūdinant savivaldybės uždavinius ir tikslus kūno kultūros ir sporto srityje, siūlomos rekomendacijos kūno kultūros, sporto bei rekreacijos sistemoms modernizuoti, kurios padėtų susisteminti kūno kultūros ir sporto modelį, jungiantį vyriausybines ir nevyriausybines organizacijas. Empirinis tyrimas atliktas Visagino miesto sporto mokymo įstaigose ir bendrojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This Master thesis is devoted to the analysis of Visaginas City Municipality physical education and sports system as a segment of Lithuania’s sports system, the trends of Visaginas City physical education and sports development, problems and modernization possibilities. The analysis of literature sources revealed that there is little theoretical knowledge applied in the functioning of physical education and sports system. Most segments of the system are relevant on the national level, thus, less attention is paid to self-government level. Therefore, there is no innovative attitude developed towards the functioning of physical education and sports system in state institutions, especially in municipalities. This is an acute problem because the state does not have a direct contact with society and cannot directly implement physical education and sports policy. Physical education and sports system is the unity of specific segments connected to an individual’s physical nature, i.e. physical education, preparation for physical load and work activities, active physical activities and free time organization, development and possibilities of functional reserves of human organism as well as a more specific direction – the best possible result in sports and/or attempt for physical perfection. When discussing on municipal tasks and goals in the sphere of physical education and sports recommendations for the modernization of physical education, sports and recreation system are... [to full text]

Šeimos pedagogų vaidmuo sveikatos raštingumo ugdyme / The influence of family pedagogue in the development of health literacy

Senikas, Donatas 16 June 2008 (has links)
Viena iš sveiko gyvenimo būdo formavimo veiksnių yra sveikatos raštingumas. Socialinis ugdymas ir pagalba, tame tarpe psichologinė-pedagoginė, šeimoms, auginančioms vaikus, yra viena svarbiausių socialinės apsaugos krypčių. Tokios veiklos svarba yra neabejotina, siekiant užtikrinti visapusišką vaikų gyvenimą dabar ir ateityje: tinkamą buitį, socialinį-psichologinį saugumą, auklėjimą ir kt. Darbo tikslas: atskleisti visuomenės požiūrį į šeimos pedagogo vaidmenį vaiko sveikatos raštingumo ugdyme. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti visuomenės požiūrį į šeimos pedagogo poreikį. 2. Atskleisti visuomenės nuomonę apie šeimos pedagogo specializacijų poreikį. 3. Įvertinti visuomenės požiūrį į šeimos pedagogo vaidmenį sveikatos raštingumo ugdyme. Tyrimo metodika. Duomenų surinkimui pasirinktas metodas – anketinė šeimų, auginančių vaikus apklausa. Respondentų (šeimų, auginančių vaikus) atrankai naudotas prieinamų atvejų būdas. Siekiant išsiaiškinti šeimos pedagogų poreikį bei jų vaidmenį sveikatos raštingumo ugdyme buvo apklausta 126 šeimų atstovai. Iš jų 80,2 proc. sudarė moterys ir 19,8 proc. – vyrai, 54,8 proc. miesto ir 45,2 proc. rajono tipo gyvenviečių ir kaimo gyventojai. Respondentų amžiaus vidurkis 38,9 metai (standartinė paklaida (SD) - 0,7 metai). Jauniausias asmuo buvo 24, vyriausias – 65 metų amžiaus. Tyrime dalyvavę respondentai augino nuo 1 iki 5 vaikų. Pirmojo vaiko amžiaus vidurkis buvo 10,8 (SD = 0,5 metai), penktojo – 20,8 (SD = 0,8 metai). Rezultatai. Respondentų nuomonė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the main conditions for the promotion of healthy lifestyle is health literacy. Social education and assistance including psychological-pedagogical aid for families with children becomes one of the most significant approaches to social security. The importance of a certain activity is undeniable, especially in order to ensure children’s everyday life now and in future: proper household, social-psichological safety, education, etc. Aim of the study. The aim of research is to reveal the public attitude towards the influence of the family pedagogue in the development of health literacy. Tasks: 1. To determine the public attitude towards the demand of the family pedagogue. 2. To reveal the public attitude towards the demand of specializations of the family pedagogue. 3. To estimate the public attitude towards the influence of the family pedagogue in the development of health literacy. Methods. Questionnaire poll, which was filled in by families having children. This method allows selecting large amount of data. A survey covering the opinion of 126 families’ was carried out, in order to ascertain the influence of the family pedagogue in the health literacy education. 80,2 % of the respondents were women and 19,8 % – men. 54,8 % respondents were from urban and 45,2 % from rural areas. The average age of the respondents was 38,9 (Standard deviation (SD) - 0,7). The number of children in the respondents’ families ranged from 1 to 5 children. Results. The attitude of... [to full text]

Fizinio aktyvumo stebėsena panaudojant asmeninį EKG monitorių “Heart Guard” / The watching of physical activity using individual EKG monitor „Heart guard“

Grigelionytė, Edita 18 June 2008 (has links)
Fizinio aktyvumo stebėsena yra reikalinga norint tiksliau įvertinti organizmo atsaką į fizinius krūvius, dozuoti fizinius krūvius, o taip pat norint išvengti rimtų širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos ligų, kadangi mirtingumas nuo šių ligų yra didžiausias ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir daugelyje pasaulio šalių. Šio darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti judėjimo aktyvumo ir ŠKS funkcinių rodiklių informatyvumą vertinant organizmo reakcijas į atliekamą fizinį aktyvumą natūralių lokomocijų metu, panaudojat mobilų asmeninį EKG monitorių “Heart Guard”. Darbe buvo sprendžiami trys uždaviniai: 1 – nustatyti judėjimo aktyvumo kaitos matavimo tikslumą registravimui panaudojant pagreičio jutiklius; 2 – nustatyti triašio pagreičio jutiklio erdvinės orientacijos įtaką judėjimo aktyvumo matavimo tikslumui; 3 – palyginti fizinio aktyvumo vertinimus pagal judėjimo intensyvumą ir pagal ŠKS reakciją, atliekant ėjimo ir bėgimo užduotis. Visi tyrimai buvo atlikti LKKA Kineziologijos laboratorijoje. Tyrimuose dalyvavo sportuojantys ir nesportuojantys asmenys. Vertinamų rodiklių tarpe reikšmingiausi rodikliai leidžiantys daryti išvadas buvo santykinis judėjimo galingumas (W/kg), širdies susitraukimų dažnis ir išskaičiuojamas rodiklis – biologinės krūvio vertės rodiklis. Mūsų surinkti tyrimų duomenys ir darbo patirtis liudija, kad sukurtoji sistema galėtų būti adaptuota ir pritaikyta sportinės treniruotės valdymo problemoms spręsti, tame tarpe didelio meistriškumo sportininkų treniruočių proceso individualizavimui... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The watching of physical activity is very important if you need to test the organism reaction to the physical activity, to do physical activity proportional, and also to avoid cardiovascular illnesses, because the mortality of cardiovascular illnesses is the biggest not only in Lithuania, but in all the world too. The purpose of this job was to test the intensity of movement and cardiovascular functional rates educational testing the organism reaction to the physical activity when you are going or running, using the mobile individual EKG monitor “Heart Guard”. In this job we hade three tasks: 1 – to test dimensional precision of physical activity using acceleration electrodes; 2 – to test the triaxial acceleration electrode influence for the physical activity; 3 – compose evaluation of physical activity by physical intensity cardiovascular system reaction when you are walking and running. All test where done in kinesiology laboratory of Lithuanian Physical academy. We where testing the trained and untrained peoples. The most importance rate, from which we can do the conclusions, was relative movement power (Wkg), heart rate and enumerated rate – biologial load value rate. The facts of our tests shows, that the made program can be adapted and used to solve the problems in sports training and to individualized the training process for elite athletes. The results shows, that the registered accelerometer graph of triaxial acceleration rate let us to appreciate the changes of... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos poveikis asmenų, sergančių šizofrenija, kūno kompozicijos, fizinio pajėgumo bei psichomotoriniams rodikliams / The influence of physiotherapy on body composition, physical finess and psychomotor index in persons with schizophrenia

Mučinskienė, Lina 26 May 2010 (has links)
Asmenys sergantys šizofrenija yra labiau nutukę, daugiau serga įvairiomis somatinėmis ligomis ir jų gyvenimo trukmė yra žymiai trumpesnė nei bendroje populiacijoje. Tiriamieji: Tyrime dalyvavo 42 ilgalaikiame stacionare besigydantys asmenys, sergantys šizofrenija (F20.0). Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė 20 vyrų ir 22 moterys. Tiriamųjų amžius buvo nuo 32 m. iki 57 m. (vidurkis 43,8±1,04 m.). Tiriamieji, kurie sutiko ir nesutiko dalyvauti kineziterapijos užsiėmimuose, buvo suskirstyti į poveikio (n=21) ir kontrolinę (n=21) grupes. Hipotezė: Kineziterapija gali pagerinti asmenų, sergančių šizofrenija, fizinio pajėgumo, kūno kompozicijos bei psichomotorinius rodiklius. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti kineziterapijos poveikį asmenų, sergančių šizofrenija, kūno kompozicijos, fizinio pajėgumo bei psichomotoriniams rodikliams. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti sergančiųjų šizofrenija, kuriems buvo taikyta kineziterapijos programa, kūno kompozicijos, fizinio pajėgumo rodiklius tyrimo pradžioje ir pabaigoje. 2. Įvertinti kineziterapijos įtaką sergančiųjų šizofrenija psichomotoriniams rodikliams. 3. Įvertinti sergančiųjų šizofrenija, kurie kineziterapijos užsiėmimuose nedalyvavo, kūno kompozicijos, fizinio pajėgumo rodiklius tyrimo pradžioje ir pabaigoje. Išvados: 1. Po 12 sav. kineziterapijos sergančiųjų šizofrenija kūno masė, kūno riebalų masė, liemens apimtis, ramybės širdies susitraukimų dažnis ir diastolinis kraujospūdis reikšmingai sumažėjo, 6 min. ėjimo testo bei visų penkių Eurofito... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / People with schizophrenia are more obese, more suffering in various somatic diseases and their life time is considerably shorter than the general population. Subjects: The study included 42 (20 men and 22 women, age average 43.8±1.04 years) in long-term hospitalized persons with schizophrenia (F20.0). Subjects who agreed and refused to participate in physiotherapy sessions were divided in to impact (n = 21) and control (n = 21) groups. Hypothesis: Physiotherapy can improve physical fitness, body composition and psychomotoric index in persons with schizophrenia. The aim of the study: to evaluate the influence of physiotherapy on body composition, physical fitness and psychomotoric index in persons with schizophrenia. Goals: 1. To evaluate the body composition and physical fitness in patients with schizophrenia for whom physiotherapy program was applied at the beginning and at the end of the research. 2. To evaluate the impact of physiotherapy to psychomotor index in patients with schizophrenia. 3. To evaluate the body composition and physical fitness in patients with schizophrenia, who did not participate in physiotherapy sessions, at the beginning and the end of the research. Conclusions: 1. After 12 weeks of physiotherapy patients‘ with schizophrenia body weight, fat mass, waist circumference, resting heart rate and diastolic blood pressure significantly decreased; 6 min. walking test results and the five Eurofit tests component estimates significantly increased; body mass... [to full text]

Sociokultūrinio išvaizdos idealo priėmimo, pablogėjusios nuotaikos ir fizinio aktyvumo ryšys / The relationship between student‘s perception of Sociocultural appearance standards and mood deterioration and physical activity

Kaminskaitė, Monika 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti ryšį tarp studentų sociokultūrinio išvaizdos idealo priėmimo, pablogėjusios nuotaikos ir fizinio aktyvumo. Darbo objektas: ryšys tarp išvaizdos idealo prėmimo, pablogėjusios nuotaikos ir fizinio aktyvumo. Metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė 2. Anketinė apklausa 3. Aprašomoji statistinė duomenų analizė Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti studentų vaikinų ir merginų fizinį aktyvumą 2. Nustatyti studentų kūno masės ir fizinio aktyvumo ryšį 3. Nustatyti studentų išvaizdos idealo priėmimo ir kūno masės ryšį 4. Nustatyti fizinio aktyvumo ir pablogėjusios nuotaikos ryšį. Hipotezė: Moterys labiau priima sociokultūrinį išvaizdos idealą nei vyrai ir dažniau patiria pablogėjusią nuotaiką. Išvados: 1. Išanalizavus ir ištyrus studentų laisvalaikio fizinio aktyvumo duomenis, paaiškėjo, kad įvairiomis fizinėmis veiklomis laisvalaikiu daugiau užsiima vyrai nei moterys. 2. Turinčių ir neturinčių antsvorio studentų fizinis aktyvumas nesiskiria. 3. Turinčių ir neturinčių antsvorio studentų sociokultūrinio išvaizdos idealo priėmimas nesiskiria. 4. Dažniau užsiimantys reguliaria fizine veikla studentai patiria mažiau pablogėjusios nuotaikos nei rečiau užsiimantys fizine veikla. / The aim: diagnose contact between students sociocultural acceptance of ideal look, deterioration in mood and physical activity. Work objects: contact between acceptance of ideal look, deterioration in mood and physical activity. Research objectives: 1. Diagnose and compare boys and girls, of students physical activity. 2. Diagnose weight of body and physical activity contact of students. 3. Diagnose acceptance of ideal look and weight of body contact. 4. Diagnose physical activity and deterioration in mood contact. Hypothesis: Womens accept sociocultural ideal look more than mans, so suffer deterioration in mood more often. Conclusions: 1. Diagnosed and analyzed data of physical activity of students on leisure, it turned that men pactise various physical activity on leisure more than womens. 2. Physical activity of students with and without overweight are equal. 3. Sociocultural acceptance of ideal look of students with and without overweight are equal. 4. Students practise more regular physical activity feel deterioratio in mood less than students practise rare physical activity.

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