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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corpo preparado, alma protegida: jeitos de cuidar e modos de aprender no crescimento da criança Yudja / Prepared body, protected soul: manners of taking care and ways of learning in the development of the Yudja child

Menezes, Paula Mendonça de 23 November 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa de cunho etnográfico teve como objetivo compreender o universo sociocultural da criança para o povo indígena Yudja, habitante do Parque Indígena do Xingu, ao norte de Mato Grosso. O universo sociocultural da criança é desvelado nesse estudo por meio dos cuidados destinados às crianças e uma análise dos modos de aprender, tanto no âmbito escolar quanto das relações sociais presentes na aldeia. A análise desenvolvida parte do estudo das concepções e teorias circunscritas à antropologia da criança e etnologia indígena, como a noção de pessoa, a concepção de criança; a corporalidade e os modos de construção e circulação de conhecimento para essa sociedade, Esse estudo teve a intenção de contribuir com as discussões que apontam potencialidades em aproximar as áreas da educação e antropologia, para melhor compreensão, no caso dessa pesquisa, das diversas possibilidades de infância e do lugar que a criança ocupa em uma sociedade assim como as formas de conhecimentos empreendidas em diferentes contextos. Essa pesquisa permitiu articular a corporalidade como aspecto fundamental na definição de cuidados voltados às crianças yudja e aos modos de construção do conhecimento durante seu crescimento. Essa articulação gira em torno da ideia da formação de um corpo preparado e alma protegida como algo da essência da infância para os Yudja. / This ethnographic research aimed to understand the socio-cultural universe of childhood among the Yudja indigenous people living in Xingu Indigenous Park, in northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil. To get acquainted with that universe, the research tried to identify and analyze indicators such as the care treatment their children get, ways of learning that they are exposed to, in at school life as well within the social interaction system prevailing in the indigenous village. Analysis based on studies of the concepts and theories rooted in child anthropology and indigenous ethnology: the idea of person, the concepts of infancy and corporality, the means and ways knowledge is constructed and circulate in the community. Such analysis should enrich the debate about the potencial convergence between the fields of education and anthropology in order to achieve a fully understanding, among other issues, of childhood\'s multiple possibilities, of the place a child is assigned to in a given social group, as well as the strategy to learn these variables in different contexts This research allowed to articulate the corporality as a fundamental aspect in the definition of care aimed at the Yudja children and the ways of building knowledge during their growth. This articulation works around the idea of the formation of a prepared body and a protected soul as part of the essence of childhood for the Yudja.

Corpo preparado, alma protegida: jeitos de cuidar e modos de aprender no crescimento da criança Yudja / Prepared body, protected soul: manners of taking care and ways of learning in the development of the Yudja child

Paula Mendonça de Menezes 23 November 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa de cunho etnográfico teve como objetivo compreender o universo sociocultural da criança para o povo indígena Yudja, habitante do Parque Indígena do Xingu, ao norte de Mato Grosso. O universo sociocultural da criança é desvelado nesse estudo por meio dos cuidados destinados às crianças e uma análise dos modos de aprender, tanto no âmbito escolar quanto das relações sociais presentes na aldeia. A análise desenvolvida parte do estudo das concepções e teorias circunscritas à antropologia da criança e etnologia indígena, como a noção de pessoa, a concepção de criança; a corporalidade e os modos de construção e circulação de conhecimento para essa sociedade, Esse estudo teve a intenção de contribuir com as discussões que apontam potencialidades em aproximar as áreas da educação e antropologia, para melhor compreensão, no caso dessa pesquisa, das diversas possibilidades de infância e do lugar que a criança ocupa em uma sociedade assim como as formas de conhecimentos empreendidas em diferentes contextos. Essa pesquisa permitiu articular a corporalidade como aspecto fundamental na definição de cuidados voltados às crianças yudja e aos modos de construção do conhecimento durante seu crescimento. Essa articulação gira em torno da ideia da formação de um corpo preparado e alma protegida como algo da essência da infância para os Yudja. / This ethnographic research aimed to understand the socio-cultural universe of childhood among the Yudja indigenous people living in Xingu Indigenous Park, in northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil. To get acquainted with that universe, the research tried to identify and analyze indicators such as the care treatment their children get, ways of learning that they are exposed to, in at school life as well within the social interaction system prevailing in the indigenous village. Analysis based on studies of the concepts and theories rooted in child anthropology and indigenous ethnology: the idea of person, the concepts of infancy and corporality, the means and ways knowledge is constructed and circulate in the community. Such analysis should enrich the debate about the potencial convergence between the fields of education and anthropology in order to achieve a fully understanding, among other issues, of childhood\'s multiple possibilities, of the place a child is assigned to in a given social group, as well as the strategy to learn these variables in different contexts This research allowed to articulate the corporality as a fundamental aspect in the definition of care aimed at the Yudja children and the ways of building knowledge during their growth. This articulation works around the idea of the formation of a prepared body and a protected soul as part of the essence of childhood for the Yudja.

Dokument- och diskursanalys av läroplaner i grundskolans musikämne : Med fokus på skolans mål och riktlinjer samt olika kunskapsformer / Document and discourse analysis of curricula in the compulsory school and the subject of music : Focusing on the goals and guidelines of the school as well as various forms of knowledge

Hellman, Per January 2022 (has links)
Music educational and curriculum research underlies the genesis of the study. Document analysis and discourse analysis have been applied as a theoretical framework as well as a method for describing and analyzing projections between the school's mission, goals and guidelines and how it is textually told about knowledge in comparison with Aristotle's forms of knowledge. The study is based on compulsory school curricula and subject plans in music from the years 1962, 1980 and 2011. The result shows that the differences are in the school's abandonment goals are minimal concerning ideology that rests on a democratic foundation. On the other hand, different qualities or characteristics are promoted, where, among other things, Lgr 62 emphasizes man's theoretical or intellectual abilities in contrast to Lgr 80, which emphasizes responsibility-taking and creation of a more practical nature. Lgr 11, on the other hand, lifted mixed qualities from previous curricula, but nevertheless claims that language is man's greatest tool. Differences concerning practical versus theoretical knowledge in the subject plans' purpose and goals as well as main points and central content are illustrated. In the objective description of the 1962 syllabus, practical experience is emphasized, while the 1980 syllabus focuses on theoretical knowledge such as discussing music. Lgr 11 emphasizes both practical and theoretical knowledge in the purpose description. Based on the main points and central content of the subject plans, the result shows that the knowledge that has been made visible falls within the categories of singing, playing and listening, and through this categorization Aristoteles forms of knowledge could then be applied. Clear connections to purpose and goals with the form of knowledge episteme could be found in the 1980 curriculum and Techne through the 1962 curriculum. Phronesis was made visible in 1962 and through the 2011 subject plan. Touching writings in main moments and central content, the result showed that episteme could relate to knowledge in "singing", techne in "playing" and phronesis in "listening".

Konstverket som essä och tänkandets praktiker

W., Helena Hildur January 2016 (has links)
This study sets out from an artistic workshop designed to investigate light, colour and spatiality. During the original event, a number of participants joined to collaborate by means of painting, dialogue and exercises in movement. From a presentation of the workshop (as determined in time and space), the text argues that the character of an artwork is essentially unfinished; an ongoing ”truth process”. Adopting lines of reasoning from philosophers Vilém Flusser and Theodor Adorno, I gain a first understanding of how the artwork could be reconstituted within the limits of a scientific essay. Once more turning to the workshop's course of events, I find experiences within the actual situation relating to abstract concepts such as ”spirit”, ”quality” and ”freedom”. Next, the text pays heed to Ludwig Wittgenstein's observation that human knowledge is gained and mediated by language-games of various kinds. The selected concepts are consequently tried out in expanded ”studio talks”, involving artists from different fields such as painter Matts Leiderstam, writer Robert Pirsig and sculptor Joseph Beuys. The operation allows me to single out some specific conditions pertaining to artistic dialogue, from which I seek transitions to philosophical discourse. The text briefly reviews three contemporary, art-based projects offering such discursive exchange: "haptiska blickar", "Thinking Through Painting" and "Freikörperkultur". Against this backdrop, I seek to articulate an understanding of knowledge-making which embraces artistically as well as philosophically grounded practises. I find support from philosophers John Dewey and Hans Larsson – Dewey characterizing the esthetic and intellectual faculties as complementary movements within the human mind, and Larsson propounding intuition as the unifying and superior form of thinking. Assenting to their views, I concludingly suggest methodical introspection as another field for discursive interchange between art and science. / Undersökningen tar sin början i en konstnärlig rumsgestaltning, vilken genomfördes i form av en workshop med flera deltagare. Workshopen innehöll flera olikartade metodiska element: måleri, rörelseövningar och samtal. Textens presentation av workshopen som en händelse, begränsad i tid och rum, följs av ett ställningstagande för det konstnärliga verkets karaktär av oavslutat ”sanningsskeende”. Med hjälp av filosoferna Vilém Flusser och Theodor Adorno inventeras förutsättningarna för ett återskapande av konstverket med den vetenskapliga essäns medel. Därefter återvänder jag till workshopen för att följa dess händelseförlopp, och finner då att erfarenheterna i situationen förbinder sig med abstrakta begrepp som ”ande”, ”kvalitet” och ”frihet”. I nästa övergång tar texten fasta på Ludwig Wittgensteins iakttagelse, att mänskligt kunskapande försiggår och förmedlas genom olika slags språkspel. De tre begreppen prövas därför först i ett utvidgat ”ateljésamtal”, vilket också inbegriper andra konstnärliga utövare – bland dem målaren Matts Leiderstam, författaren Robert Pirsig och skulptören Joseph Beuys. Texten belyser det konstnärliga samtalets särskilda förutsättningar, och söker härifrån öppningar mot filosofins samtal. I de samtida konstbaserade projekten "haptiska blickar", "Thinking Through Painting" och "Freikörperkultur" finner jag sådana dialoger mellan konstnärligt och filosofiskt grundade kunskapsformer. Mot bakgrund av dessa prövar jag – med stöd hos filosoferna John Dewey och Hans Larsson – att formulera en förståelse som omfattar helheten. Hos Dewey finner jag bilden av tänkandets skilda praktiker som komplementära riktningar i medvetandet. Därefter ansluter texten till Larssons syn på intuition som tänkandets fullbordan, och föreslår avslutningsvis metodisk introspektion som ännu ett möjligt fält för diskursiva utbyten mellan konst och vetenskap.

Skola på vetenskaplig grund : hur uppfattar lärare och skolledare att de kan realisera skollagens skrivning om vetenskaplig grund i skola och förskola / School based on scientific research : how do teachers and school leaders comprehend that they can realize the school law´s writing concerning scientific research in school and preschool

Sjögren, Torun January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker ett antal attityder till skollagens skrivning att utbildningen skall vila på vetenskaplig grund med syftet att få en bättre förståelse för vilka förutsättningar och uppfattningar och vilket utgångsläge som finns för lagens implementering. Emperin har hämtats från en totalundersökning med en kvantitativ enkät som har skickats ut till skolledare och lärare i skola och förskola i en mindre kommun. Svarsfrekvensen för undersökningen är 40 %. Datan har sedan analyserats och visas som deskriptiv statistik. Uppsatsen har en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt.   Resultatet visar att det överlag finns en positiv inställning till att använda forskning i skolan och förskola. Resultatet visar att samtal med kollegor är den största källan till forskning och att egen forskning är den källa som minst bidrar till en vetenskaplighet i skola och förskola. Studien visar att det som anses vara det största hindret för att använda forskning är tid och språkliga svårigheter. Undersökningen visar på en relativt låg vetenskaplig begreppsbas när det gäller kunskapsteorier och forskningsmetoder. Detta kan tyda på ett mindre utvecklat yrkesspråk. Diskussionens konklusion är att det kommer att fodras åtskilligt med ansträngning och kreativitet, både organisations- och kunskapsmässigt, för att skollagens skrivning skall kunna realiseras. / This paper investigates a number of attitudes to the formation of the Swedish School Law that education shall rest on a scientific base with the aim of getting a better understanding of which conditions and startingpositions these are for the implementing of the law. The basic data have been taken from a quantitative total survey which has been sent to school leaders and teachers on schools and pre-schools in a smaller commune. The response rate of the survey is 40 %. Then the data have been analysed and shown as descriptive statistics. The paper has a phenomenogical starting-point. The result shows that, generally, there is a positive attitude to using research in school and pre-school. The result indicates also that conversation with colleagues is the most important source of research and that one´s own research is the source that least contributes to scientific thinking in school and pre-schools. The study shows that what is considered to be the biggest obstacle for using research is lack of time and linguistic difficulties. The study points at a relatively low scientific base of conception concerning theories of knowledge and research methods. This can indicate a less developed professional language. The conclusion of the study is that much effort and creativity will be demanded concerning both organisation and knowledge in order to realize the formulation of the school law.

Vanans makt : Betydelsen av vana i praktiska verksamheter i naturen

Svenning, Stephan January 2007 (has links)
AbstractOur life-experiences and our background form the way we act and the activities we are involved in. The overall purpose in this thesis has been to study what habits are to be found in different activities related to the outdoors and how these habits have been developed. Hopefully this work can contribute to a better understanding of the meaning of habits in our lives and thereby play a part in a further differentiated talk about habits and knowledge in society. The background and my theoretical approach has been three views of habits:In practice these patterns of habits are not separable so this approach should be seen as a way of making the development of habits clearer. Another purpose is to study how the following concepts can be related to habits: Reflection, master-apprentice, epistéme, techne, phronesis, interest and tacit knowledge. These habits and concepts constitute a background against which the results will be analyzed. The result originates from seven interviews with very experienced professionals. From the results of these interviews I have created short stories. This is a narrative method, a qualitative attempt that is built on life histories. In this case intention is to formulate an idea of how the way to different habits and knowledge are formed.The stories, i.e. the result, illustrates that all respondents, in one way or another, are affected by the social habit. The culture and the traditions that exist where you were born and where you live will influence habits, the way people think and what values they have creates circumstances for further development. The habit of action is also clearly described in the stories where experiences are an essential part of creating habits. To this habit of action, reflection must be added, a reflection related to the experienced actions. These reflections can help to develop and refine so new actions and challenges can be made. The stories also demonstrate that the relation master-apprentice develops habits. The apprentice learns from the master but the master also has the opportunity to learn by reflecting over why he or she acts in the way he or she does. The habit of knowledge by epistéme, techne and phronesis is also shown in the results. The dominating knowledge-form in these stories is techne, which can be described as know how. Phronesis, practical wisdom, can also be seen in some stories. The concept of phronesis is a question of doing the right thing at the right time considering3the unique situation thus the concept of phronesis involves an ethic dimension. Within the frames of phronesis signs of tacit knowledge can be seen, where the stories describe a kind of intuitive action. The result also indicates that interest is a major factor for creating habits and therefore interest is important for the development of knowledge.Finally I hope that this thesis can contribute to a deeper knowledge about habits and different kind of knowledge. My work can hopefully lead to a discussion or contribute to differentiation in the discussion about knowledge that is presented in today’s society. This is especially important to discuss in the university world where more and new knowledge is the foundation for development.Word for seeking: Habits, epistemology, forms of knowledge, reflection, master-apprentice, episteme, techne, phronesis, interest, and tacit knowledge.

Det är superorättvist att vi inte får vara med! : Demokrati och jämställdhet inom fritdshemmet / It is super unfair that we can't join! : Democracy and equality within the leisure center

Axelsson, Elenor, Sjöberg, Ayla January 2023 (has links)
I vår vetenskapliga essä har vi gestaltat två berättelser inspirerade från verkliga händelser. Elenors berättelse har sin grund från en arbetsplats och Aylas berättelse från en praktikplats under sin lärarutbildning.  Vi kommer att dra paralleller i form av skillnader och likheter mellan våra berättelser och reflektera över dem gemensamt utifrån skolan och fritidshemmets demokratiuppdrag ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv.  Syftet med essän är att undersöka dilemman som vi upplever i gestaltningarna och hur vi kan förstå yrkeserfarenheterna i ett annat ljus idag med hjälp av Aristoteles kunskapsformer, episteme, techne och fronesis, samt genom gemensam reflektion lära oss något. Vi vill med essän bidra med en fördjupad förståelse för lärarprofessionens demokratiuppdrag och visa på den komplexitet som det kan innebära i det praktiska arbetet när vi möter elever i lekar och aktiviteter inom fritidshemmet.  Vi har valt att komplettera vår essä med en kvalitativ metod i form av deltagande observationer och som på olika sätt har utvidgat våra förståelsehorisonter eftersom det uppstått fler gemensamma reflektioner kopplat till dilemman i gestaltningarna och till litteratur som behandlar demokrati och jämställdhet. Trots att vi har teoretiska kunskaper om demokrati och jämställdhet, samt praktiska erfarenheter inom fritidshemmet har vi konstaterat att vi kan uppleva utmaningar i arbetet med elever när det gäller hur vi genomför demokratiska procedurer och behandlar orättvisefrågor. Vi fritidshemslärare kan aldrig sluta vara nyfikna på vårt arbete och måste därför ha en vilja att utvecklas och kritiskt granska oss själva, både i vår personliga och professionella syn på demokrati och jämställdhet. En av våra slutsatser är att vår individuella syn på verksamhetens möjligheter och utmaningar kan påverka det praktiska arbetet med eleverna i en positiv eller negativ riktning och få en inverkan på elevernas upplevelse av delaktighet på fritidshemmet. / In our scientific essay we have portrayed two stories inspired by real events. Elenor's story is based on a workplace and Ayla's story from an internship during her teacher training.  We will draw parallels in the form of differences and similarities between these two stories and reflect on them together based on the school's and leisure-time center's democratic mission from a gender equality perspective.  The purpose of this essay is to examine the dilemmas that we experience with our portrayed stories and how we can understand our professional experiences today in a different light, for example with support of Aristotle's knowledge forms called episteme, techne and phronesis, and through common reflections learn something of what we have experienced. With this essay we want to contribute to a deeper understanding of the teaching profession's democratic mission and show the complexity that it can have in practice when we meet pupils in games and activities within the leisure-time center.  We have also chosen to complete the essay with a qualitative method in the form of participatory observations, which in various ways have broadened our horizons of understanding, as more joint reflections have arisen linked to dilemmas in the portrayals and to literature that deals with democracy and gender equality. Despite the fact that we have a solid theoretical knowledge of democracy and gender equality, as well as practical experience from working in leisure-time centers, we have found that we can experience major challenges in the close work with pupils when it comes to how we actually implement democratic procedures and deal with unfair issues. We leisure-time center teachers can never stop being curious about our work and therefore must constantly have willingness to develop and critically examine ourselves, both in our personal and professional view of democracy and gender equality. One of our conclusions is that our individual view of possibilities and challenges in leisure-time centers can influence the practical work with the pupils in a positive or negative direction and therefore have an impact on pupil's experience of participation.

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