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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robert Seethaler Ein ganzes Leben - ein Heimatroman zwischen Naturalismus und Ökokritik? / Robert Seethaler Ein ganzes Leben – a Heimat Novel between Naturalism and Ecocriticism?

Johansson, Nils January 2021 (has links)
This essay is based on Robert Seethaler's novel A Whole Life (Ein ganzes Leben). At the centre of the novel is the main character Andreas Egger and the fictional story describes his long life in a village in the Austrian mountains in the twentieth century. The main character's relationship to, perception of, and interaction with nature is the basis of the thesis as well as how the natural world constituted a place for a variety of interests at the time. Close reading is the method used for the analysis. The aim of this work is to investigate, based on previous research, how the concept of Heimat is illustrated in the text and which characteristics from naturalistic literature are used to emphasise the text's ecocritical perspective.

Möten på akutmottagningar : En litteraturöversikt om patienters upplevelser

Dahl, Hanna, Sundqvist, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I tidigare forskning beskrivs anhörigas och vårdpersonalens perspektiv i möten på akutmottagningar. För att skapa en vård med hög kvalitét behöver patienters perspektiv också uppmärksammas. Detta eftersom patienten bör vara i fokus i vården som ges. Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en översikt över patienters upplevelser av möten med vårdpersonal på akutmottagningar. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt där fem kvalitativa och fem kvantitativa vetenskapliga studier analyserats. Resultat: Patienter upplevde att deras behov inte alltid tillfredsställs i möten med vårdpersonal på akutmottagningar. De upplevde att vårdpersonal brister i sin kommunikation vilket skapar en rädsla för att förlora sin autonomi. Patienter kunde uppleva en tillit till vårdpersonalen om de bemöttes med respekt. Patienter kunde uppskatta att inte vara delaktiga i sin vård om de upplevde en tillit till vårdpersonalens kunskap och kompetens. Slutsats: Det kan konstateras utifrån resultatet att patienters behov inte alltid uppfylls i mötet med vårdpersonalen. När behov som respekt, information, djupare samtal och delaktighet möts skapar det positiva upplevelser för patienter samtidigt som det skapar en förtroendefull vårdande relation mellan vårdpersonalen och patienter på akutmottagningar. / Background: Previous research describes the perspectives of relatives and healthcare staff in encounters at emergency departments. Patients’ perspectives need to be noticed in order to provide the care with high quality. This because the patient should be the focus of the care that is provided. Aim: The aim is to create an overview of patients' experiences of encounters with healthcare staff at the emergency department. Method: General literature review where five qualitative and five quantitative scientific articles are analyzed. Results: Patient experience that healthcare staff lack communication, which creates a fear of the patient losing their autonomy. Patients could experience a trust in the healthcare staff if they treated the patients with respect. Patients could appreciate not being involved in their care if they experienced a trust in the competence of the healthcare staff. Conclusion: It can be stated on the basis of results that patients' needs are not always met in the encounters with the healthcare staff. When needs such as respect, information, deeper conversation and participation in the care are met, it creates positive experiences for patients at the same time as it creates a trusting and caring relationship between the healthcare staff and patients.

Den omöjliga utopin : En läsning av Sara Stridsbergs Drömfakulteten / Impossible Utopia : A Reading of Sara Stridsberg's Drömfakulteten

Carlshamre, Love January 2020 (has links)
Utopias, by their very nature, verge on the impossible. Yet utopian dreams continue to inform the literary imagination. Why is that, and how? The present thesis approaches these questions through a reading of Drömfakulteten: - tillägg till sexualteorin (The Faculty of Dreams: Amendment to theTheory of Sexuality or Valerie), a novel or “literary fantasy” about the life and work of radical feminist and writer Valerie Solanas, by the Swedish writer Sara Stridsberg. The reading examines the possibility of utopian desire and imagination in a hopeless and anti-utopian world. I argue that Drömfakulteten revolves around, and tries to resolve, a seemingly impossible contradiction: to represent an unbearably closed and confined existence, and, at the same time, to break out of this closure from within. A pervading aim of the thesis, then, is to render visible the forms and flows of utopian desire in Stridsberg’s novel. The first part of the reading does this by connecting Drömfakulteten to Fredric Jameson’s and Northrop Frye’s perspectives on historical genres and modes; especially, but not exclusively, on romance. Here, I primarily examine the mechanisms that continually distort and pervert utopian desire in the text. The second part, in contrast, takes as its starting point those utopian forms and impulses that appear to escape or unsettle such distorting mechanisms. The theoretical framework at this stage is provided by Jameson’s structural readings of romance and the utopian form, as well as José Esteban Muñoz queer-utopian thinking. I contend that Drömfakulteten can be read as a narrative structure directed towards a determined closure or ending, which is opened up through various – essentially utopian – strategies.

Video Game Narratives in Swedish EFL Teaching : A Study of How the Use of Video Game Narratives Could Potentially Aid or Hinder Swedish EFL Teaching

Ljungvall, Anton January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to explore the potential benefits and disadvantages of utilizing video game narratives in Swedish EFL teaching. The subject is approached through a qualitative literature review of previous research on the use of video games in the process of L2 acquisition. The results are then discussed from a sociocultural perspective, in relation to the frameworks introduced in the background and to the Swedish steering documents. The results indicate that video games are likely to be part of many students’ out-of-school experiences of the English language and that playing video games can be seen as an example of extramural language learning. The results also highlight how engaging in multiplayer video game narratives can aid L2 acquisition by for example increasing motivation, expanding learner vocabulary and by providing learners with strategies for discourse management such as politeness, humor and small talk. The collaborative and interactive nature of the video game narrative and of video game communities is also shown to align well with the Swedish steering documents that promote social interaction and the development of communicative competence. However, direct classroom implementation of video games is problematized by the fact that not all students have previous experience or tools for interacting with the video game format of storytelling and that gender discrepancies in video game consumption could lead to boys benefiting more than girls from language learning through video game narratives.

Verkligheten stöpt i en litteraturform : Självbiografi, självframställning och metafiktion i Myggor och tigrar / The reality dressed in a literary suit : Autobiography, self-portrait and metafiction in Myggor och tigrar

Malla-Mohammed, Nofa January 2015 (has links)
I denna uppsats har en undersökning av boken Myggor och tigrar gjorts där dels vad som är utmärkande för en självbiografi och ett självporträtt jämfört med andra typer av genrer, dels vad metafiktion är, belysts. Myggor och tigrar har drag av självbiografi, men även fiktion – i denna uppsats benämnd som självporträtt. Ytterligare en sak som har undersökts är hur författaren, Maja Lundgren, gång på gång kommenterar Myggor och tigrar, med avseende på genre. De självbiografiska avsnitten i Myggor och tigrar har gått att verifiera, likaså har de självporträtterande aspekterna utforskats. Det senare i form av exempelvis fokalisering som legat utanför författaren tillika berättaren Lundgrens synfält samt att Lundgren säger sig höra röster. Vad gäller de metafiktiva dragen i Myggor och tigrar har Lundgren genom kommentarer i texten gett dubbeltydiga besked om huruvida Myggor och tigrar ska betraktas som självbiografi eller roman. Hon använder även termen ”dokumentärroman” som innebär att Myggor och tigrar är delvis fabulerad och till viss del överensstämmande med verkligheten – en korsning mellan fiktion och fakta, där bägge gör sig gällande.

Att Uppleva Tid : En Undersökande Läsning av The Time Machine och "A Sound of Thunder" / Experiencing Time : An Investigation of The Time Machine and "A Sound of Thunder"

Reuterbrink, Christopher January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the following essay is to examine various works of fiction featuring time travel and their underlying common theme. The main focus of the essay is the novella The Time Machine by H. G. Wells and the short story ”A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury, but a number of other texts from various different periods in time are also taken into account, mainly to provide a background for the analysis of the chosen texts. The essay is written based on the assumption that there are two distinct subcategories of time travel fiction. There is a significant difference in time travel literature written before and after The Time Machine: mainly because this work was written in a period when the concept of 'time' was changing in the public mind, due to the scientific and cultural advances in the fields of physics, philosophy and psychology. The conclusion of the study is that all examples of time travel fiction (or at least those brought up in this essay) share a common theme, namely the relation to the alien and the uncanny. Furthermore, the analysed texts seem to be firmly rooted in their respective era. Older time travel fiction in particular demonstrates that time travel is used as an alienating effect on the traveller, who is transported (willingly or not) into an unfamiliar time and is hopelessly lost in an inescapable situation. The alienation theme lives on in more modern examples of the narrative as well, but since the introduction of the The Time Machine, the time travelling protagonists have a way of fighting back against the alienation, by trying to take control of their unfamiliar situation. / Syftet med följande uppsats är att undersöka olika litterära verk innehållande tidsresor, samt det underliggande gemensamma motivet. Uppsatsens huvudfokus är kortromanen The Time Machine av H. G. Wells och novellen ”A Sound of Thunder” av Ray Bradbury, men ett antal andra texter från olika tidsperioder tas också i beaktande, främst för att tillhandahålla en bakgrund för analysen av de utvalda texterna. Uppsatsen är baserad på antagandet att det i tidsreselitteraturen finns två distinkta underkategorier. Det finns en väsentlig skillnad i  de verk som publicerades före respektive efter The Time Machine, vilket främst beror på att denna text skrevs i en tid då föreställningen om vad 'tid' är var på väg att förändras i det publika medvetandet, med anledning av de vetenskapliga och kulturella landvinningarna inom fysik, filosofi och psykologi. Studiens slutsats visar att all tidsreselitteratur (eller åtminstone de exempel som tas upp i uppsatsen) har ett gemensamt tema, nämligen relationen till det främmande och det kusliga. Vidare tycks de analyserade texterna vara tydligt förankrade i sina respektive tidsperioder. Äldre tidsreselitteratur i synnerhet använder sig av en alienerande effekt på resenären, som förflyttas (frivilligt eller ej) till en främmande tid och blir hopplöst förlorad i en ofrånkomlig situation. Alienationstemat lever vidare även i mer moderna tidsreseexempel, men sedan The Time Machine publicerades har de tidsresande protagonisterna möjligheten att slå tillbaka mot alienationen genom att försöka (och ibland till och med lyckas) att ta kontroll över den obekanta situationen.

Narren som ögonöppnare : En karnevalisk analys av Berättelsen om Fjärrskådarna och Den Gyllene Mannen

Johansson Nordlund, Sai January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Vrede och solidaritet som motstånd : I Jenny Wrangborgs Vad ska vi göra med varandra och Anneli Jordahls Som hundarna i Lafayette Park / Wrath and Solidarity as Resistance : In Vad ska vi göra med varandra by Jenny Wrangborg and Som hundarna i Lafayette Park by Anneli Jordahl

Bergman, Catharina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores two literary texts written from a female working class perspective: Vad ska vi göra med varandra, a poetry collection by Jenny Wrangborg and Som hundarna i Lafayette Park, a novel by Anneli Jordahl. My aim for this thesis was to find out what kind of function war, seeking refuge, fighting for freedom, as well as experiences of these phenomena, have in the studied works. The categories class, gender, ethnicity and race have been interpreted through intersectional theories. The literary works have also been discussed by using concepts such as respectability, identification, alienation, solidarity, identity, wrath and cynicism. In conclusion, the study shows that the narrators identify themselves on basis of class to a greater extent than gender, and they use the experiences of other ethnicities and non-whites for comparisons with working class experiences as well as to create a common ground of solidarity. In addition, wrath appears as an important motive power in these works. Furthermore, the works got report book characteristics and lend voice to non-privileged groups of people, depict nuanced images of the alienation concept and show that dignity and solidarity can be used as rebellion against a cynical contemporary.

Skånepågen blir dialektlös pojke? : En adaptionsanalys av Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige, transformeringen från bok till film / The Scanian "lad" becomes a dialectless boy? : An adaptation of The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, the transformation from book to film

Haraldsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Selma Lagerlöf's story about Nils Holgersson, The wonderful Adventures of Nils (1906-1907), is unique in several different ways. It was innovative for its time and it was the first school book written as a story, which makes it an interesting foundation to build an essay upon. The essay examines Selma Lagerlöf's novel about Nils Holgersson compared to Dirk Regel's film adaptation (2011). Both the novel and the film are divided into two parts and only the first part of the book is compared to the first part of the film. Adaptations are common in today's society, a common type of adaptation is when a novel transform into a film but it can also be when a poem becomes music or a play turns into a film. The essay discusses what happens when a medium is transformed into another medium. The essay also has a pedagogical perspective and asks what happens when a didactic school book is adapted into a film. The view on children in Lagerlöf's time is discussed in relation to the view on children that prevails in today's society. When it comes to characters, I’m interested in seeing how Nils Holgersson is portrayed in the book versus in the film. The method used is Linda Hutcheon's and Siobhan O'Flynn’s adaptation analysis which focuses is on various factors that affect an adaptation. Regarding theory, I will use both Thomas Leitch’s adaptation theory and Maria Nikolajeva's children's literature theory. The results show that Lagerlöf's Nils Holgersson is a character who has few qualities. In the beginning he is bad and at the end of the story he becomes good, he develops through the story and is thus a flat but dynamic character. In Regel's version, Nils Holgersson is a complex character from beginning to end and he does not develop, he is thus a round but static character. The didactic perspective it is not as prevalent in the film compared to the book, but some episodes can be understood as having an educational message, which I interpret as a reference to the source medium.

Pengar, makt och arbete : En undersökning om modern arbetarlitteratur

Barker, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
This essay is an explorative essay of the essence of modern working-class literature. By using Magnus Nilsson's adaption of Lars Furudal's original theory of working-class literature - working class literature for, from and about workers - three novels were examined. These were Pengar på fickan by Asta Olivia Nordenhof, Dagarna, dagarna, dagarna by Tone Schunnesson and Jag for ner till bror by Karin Smirnoff. By examining these three modern novels with Nilssons adaption of Furulands definition of working-class literature the essay's aim is to explore if they can be categorized as modern working-class literature. The answer to the essay's question was ambiugos and can most easily be summarized as: both yes and no. The study found that none of the above novels could easily be categorized as working-class literature according to Furuland’s definition, as none of the novels meets all three criteria. Then again, according to Nilsson’s definition, at least two of the works can be placed within intersections of Furuland’s critera, and thus they can be defined as modern working class literature. However, it is clear, both from the study and Nilsson’s own reasoning, that whether a novel is working-class literature or not is complicated. There is no obvious definition, and as the present day is constantly evolving, it is difficult to draw clear lines about the definition of modern working-class literature.

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