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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高科技標竿政策因素之初探 / An Exploratory Study on High-Tech Industry Benchmark Policy

張宗凱, Chang, Chung-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
為了面對日益激烈的科技競爭,台灣多年來致力於高科技產業培育和技術能力的提升,期望提升我國全面競爭力,以面對21世紀的挑戰。在面對來自國際科技產業的競爭與國際市場日趨自由化的壓力,台灣希望在世界的科技舞台扮演舉足輕重的地位,則需要提升科技競爭力,而提升科技競爭力則有賴於完整結合了產業發展、國家資源、以及國家發展目標的高科技政策。 本研究首先以國家競爭力的觀點切入,研讀並分析主要的國際競爭力指標,並藉由競爭力指標歸納出科技先進國家的發展趨勢,以及台灣應加強的部分。並搜集科技先進國家的科技政策、目前政經情形,以及社會人文狀況,經過研讀後整理出構成高科技標竿政策之因素。並且,以新竹科學園區的六大類高科技產業為對象,進行問卷調查工作,以驗證本研究所提出之因素是否為產業界所接受,以及是否有其他意見。 研究結果顯示,在本研究所提出的31項因素中,多半皆獲得新竹科學園區經理人的認同,僅有少部分因素在不同產業或不同規模公司間,產生些微的差異。因此,本研究所提出之構成高科技標竿政策的因素,可以做為政策制定時之參考。在最後一章中,列出本研究之建議,希望對國內高科技標竿政策的制定以及科技發展有所助益。 / Taiwan had devoted to fostering the high-tech industry and promoting the technology ability to face the increasingly competition of science and technology in the coming of 21 century. To confront the competition from the international high-tech industry and the pressure of the liberalization of market, Taiwan needs to improve the competitiveness of science and technology if she wants to play an important role on the worldwide science and technology stage. Besides, Taiwan needs to integrate the development of industry, national resource, and the national goals of science and technology policy. This research uses the concept of national competitiveness first, and studies the main international competitiveness indicators. We want to derive the development trends of those advanced countries, and realize what parts we need to improve. Second, we collect the science and technology policy, the political and economical status of those countries we selected. And we sum up the benchmark factors of the high-tech industry policy. Third, we conduct a survey to verify the acceptability of the high-tech industry benchmark policy. The research results reveal that almost the benchmark principles and factors we sum up are accepted by the industry leaders.

Deal or no deal? : En kvantitativ studie om vad som påverkar affären mellan startups och storföretag / Deal or no deal? : A quantitative study on what effects the deal between startups and large companies

Carlsson, Josefine, Paulina, Hansson January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Startupföretag bidrar i dagens samhälle med flertalet innovationer, vilket storföretag kan ta del av genom öppen innovation. När företagen samarbetar med varandra kan parterna tillsammans främja innovation och ta del av ny kunskap. Startupföretag får hjälp med kommersialisering av affärsidén och storföretag kan behålla sin marknadsposition genom användningen av ny teknik. På grund av den stora asymmetrin organisationerna emellan är det av intresse att ge en förklaring för vad som påverkar en affär mellan startupföretag och storföretag, för att möjliggöra fler lyckade samarbeten.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utifrån startupföretags perspektiv undersöka faktorer som påverkar en lyckad affär mellan startupföretag och storföretag inom högteknologiska branscher.  Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvantitativ metod där empirin samlats in med hjälp av enkäter via en tvärsnittsdesign. Vidare har studien utgått från det positivistiska perspektivet där en deduktiv ansats använts. En hierarkisk logistisk regressionsanalys genomfördes för att analysera hur tidigare erfarenhet av storföretag, matchad via stödfunktion, avtalsdesign, förtroende, kommunikation, indirekta värden och direkta värden samvarierar med en lyckad affär mellan storföretag och startupföretag.  Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att ökad omsättning, avtalsdesign, tidigare erfarenhet av kontraktering, stödfunktioner, kostnadseffektivitet och indirekta värden har ett statistiskt signifikant samband med lyckad affär. Ökad omsättning, ett detaljerat avtal, tidigare erfarenhet av kontraktering och matchning via stödfunktion ökar sannolikheten för en lyckad affär. När vikt läggs vid kostnadseffektivitet och indirekta värden minskar sannolikheten att affären blir lyckad. Genom att ta studiens faktorer i beaktning kan både startupföretag och storföretag öka sannolikheten att det blir en lyckad affär. / Background: Startups contribute in today's society with multiple innovations, which large companies can take part of through open innovation. By collaborating, both companies can enhance innovation and take part of new knowledge. Startups receive help with the commercialization of their business idea and large companies can keep their market position through the use of new technology. Due to the large asymmetry between the organisations, it is of interest to create a broader explanation of what affects the deal between startups and large companies, in order to enable more successful collaboration.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine different factors that affect a successful deal between startups and large companies in high-tech industries from the startup perspective.  Methodology: The study used a quantitative research method where the empirical data has been collected by questionnaires. The study is based on a positivist philosophical standpoint with a deductive approach. A hierarchical logistic regression analysis was performed to analyze how the factors previous experience with large companies, matched by a support function, contract design, trust, personal chemistry, communication, indirect values and direct values affects the deal between large companies and startups.  Analysis and conclusion: The result of the study shows that increased revenue, contract design, previous experience of contracting, support functions, cost efficiency and indirect values have a statistically significant correlation with a successful deal. Increased revenue, a detailed contract, previous experience of contracting and matched by a support function increases the probability to perform a successful deal. When focus shifts to cost efficiency and indirect values, the probability of the deal being successful decreases. By taking the factors into account, both startups and large companies can increase the probability that it will be a successful deal.

Unlocking Open Innovation: The Role of Resources & Capabilities in Swedish High-Tech SMEs

Andersson, Gustav, Haque, AKM Azimul January 2024 (has links)
Open innovation is a phenomenon that has gained vast attention since its introduction in 2003. It has been identified that organizations are experiencing a shift from the innovation process towards an open innovation approach. However, research on open innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has shown to require more attention in the literature. This study investigated the effect of resources and capabilities in Swedish SMEs to address the challenges of liability of smallness. The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges that Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry face while opting for an open innovation approach. For that, the following research question was answered: How do resources and capabilities affect Swedish SMEs in engaging in open innovation to overcome the liability of smallness?  A resource-based theory has been implied in this study which examines from five distinct perspectives namely, strategy, process, corporate structure, cross-company network, and culture.  This thesis paper is a qualitative study that has been conducted by semi-structured interviews with five Swedish SMEs. The empirical data was then thematically analyzed and seven themes have been developed from the data analysis. The findings reveal that firstly, Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry are open to external collaboration and accepting innovative ideas coming from both internal and external sources. Therefore, empirical evidence shows that Swedish SMEs are not always reluctant to make a shift towards open innovation. Rather it has been found that SMEs are open to opportunities to tackle the obstacle of smallness. Secondly, resources and capabilities have a positive effect on the performance of the SMEs. Allocation of resources both financial and human resources results in the successful commercialization of a project, thus by gaining a competitive advantage the performance of the firm improves significantly. Thirdly, whilst the liability of smallness has shown to have an impact on Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry, it has also been identified how smallness also can be viewed as an asset. Smallness as an asset has been found to make an impact on Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry and the unique opportunities that they possess. Leveraging open innovation and capitalizing on flexibility, linear corporate structure, inclusive culture, and leveraging formal and informal networks to engage in external collaboration has been shown to have an effect on SMEs and contribute to smallness as an asset. Therefore, a comprehensive conceptual framework has been developed in this study that integrates insights gained from the research.


鄭恩仁, Jeng, En-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以降,「產業群聚現象」為各國在發展高科技產業的歷程中,極重要的趨勢與特色,美國的矽谷模式可謂其濫觴並成為仿效的成功典範。透過在特定的地理區域中,結合產業界(私人部門)、學術機構、研究機構、中央與地方政府(公共部門),建構有利於高科技產業長期發展與繁榮地區經濟的「科學城」。   產業群聚的優勢在於群居成員可分攤基礎建設成本、共享所需的生存資源;更易因地理上的便利性,形成上下游或關聯性產業的合作網路,使產品、技術、資訊與情感的交流更密切,演化為利害與共、共存共榮的「命運共同體」。本研究以產業環境、研究環境與居住環境所組成的共生環境作為形成高科技產業群聚的中心假設,採用組織生態學、資源依賴與合作網路的觀點,以「環境資源共享」與「產業網路互補」為經緯,剖析不同群聚的共生型態與綜效利益,釐清不同的產業特性對群聚利益的呼應,與對整體產業與企業競爭力的影響。   本研究發現共生環境資源的多寡,決定高科技產業群聚的形成與長期發展。產業環境的優勢反映在生產效率與利益的增強,研究環境的優勢反映在技術與研發實力的提昇,居住環境的優勢有助吸引高科技人才加入。而高科技產業專業分工明顯、產品生命週期短、時效性要求高的產業特性,使得合作廠商需要頻繁的溝通與協調,而這些工作卻必須透過面對面的互動才能達成,這也是形成高科技產業群聚的主因。   產業群聚的利益在於地理上的接近性,使群聚成員共享生存環境資源,便於建構合作網路關係。「環境資源共享之經濟性」與「產業網路合作之互補性」兩構面,決定高科技產業群聚的共生綜效利益。共生綜效利益高低,會決定群聚的長期發展與演化。共生綜效利益越高,則產業群聚會趨於成長、擴張;反之,將逐漸萎縮、解散。而合作機制的建立,是提高群聚共生綜效的關鍵。合作網路體系中的核心廠商,則負有建立合作機制的責任,政府(公共部門)也可主導合作機制的建立。   不同的高科技產業特性,搭配「適合的」共生綜效利益,可提高產業與企業的競爭力。環境依賴程度高的產業特性,對環境資源共享之經濟性的需求就會較高;專業分工程度高的產業特性,對產業網路合作之互補性的需求就會較高。

台灣高科技產業財務金融管理人員職能分析與訓練規劃之研究 / A study on compency analysis and career training for financial holding administrative professional in Taiwan high-tech industry

蘇郁翔, Su, Yu Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
全球經濟環境變遷與區域性經濟聯盟的影響下,台灣由過去自產外銷產品的模式,轉而將生產線移往區位條件較佳的國家,以因應複雜多變的產業環境。我國出口貿易持續呈現以科技產業的相關產出佔出口主要部份;科技產業乃為高資本且變化快速的產業,對於企業財務穩健運作及健全管理機制受到高階管理者重視。為達到企業營運績效,培養優秀具遠見之財務人員為現代科技產業集團新生目標,卓越之財務長更是企業永續成長的關鍵因素。 依據本研究結果發現,現今財務人員所應具備專業技能除傳統財務與會計技能;在實務上,軟性技能與個人特質更影響個人與組織績效表現差異。廣泛市場與文化知識、策略規劃與組織能力、良善的溝通協調能力和團隊合作、談判技巧、對於緊急情況的應變能力均成為企業任用選派財務人員基準。而在養成、訓練機制上,國內企業人事管理單位提供財務訓練制度所能帶來成效抱持保守態度。原因大致來自於無法快速適時修正訓練項目服膺金融環境,以及擔心佔用工作時間及主觀性印象促成。相較於中小型企業,大型企業集團擁有完整的企業大學與訓練體制;但與國外相同產業企業比較,明顯對於高階財務人員無相關養成機制,企業高階主管更不涉及內部專業人員訓練課程,使得實際訓練成效停滯於某一管理層級。專任財務長只仰賴由其他企業挖角產生,而非由內部培養而成,遠不及國外企業系統化的財務人員養成結構。 綜觀我國科技產業財務人員訓練機制,雖尚不及外國企業相關規範;但可窺見其逐漸建立相關體制。專業財務人員技能論之,其策略參與、維繫投資人關係、募資籌資方式優劣分析等嶄新技術專業,和結合軟性技能、個人特質的多元多樣能力,使得科技產業財務人員脫離舊有財會人員範疇,以整合型財務專業人員目標邁進。我國科技產業對於財務人員訓練,應適當修正相關機制因應市場環境,建立完整一連串的財務人員養成機制,取得企業專有高階專業的財務人員,為企業在多變競爭環境中注入成功因素。 / Impact of the global economic and environmental trends and under the regional economic union's influence, Taiwan’s economic model from produced for sale abroad product in the past, has transferred and moved the production line toward the better position condition countries, in accordance to complicated and diversified industrial environment. Our country export trade continues to present delivers by tech industry related occupies the export main part; the tech industry is the more capital and fast changing industry, and it receives the higher order superintendent regarding the business finance steady operation and the perfect management mechanism. In order to achieve the enterprise business targets, training of outstanding, foresight for the financial professionals is the modern tech industry groups’ newborn goal, remarkable financial officer is the key aspect that the enterprise continues forever to grow. Discovered based on this study that nowadays the professional skills required for financial professionals, without the traditional finance and accountant the skill, in the practice, the soft skill and individual special characteristic will make the difference performance for individual and the organization achievements. The widespread market and the cultural knowledge, the strategy plan and the organizing faculty, good communication coordinated ability and the team cooperation, the negotiations skill, becomes the enterprise regarding emergency case's strain capacity to assign details the financial professional’s datum. But in the fosters, education and training mechanism, the domestic enterprise human resource management department provides the financial training system is hard to be able to bring the good result. The reason comes from approximately in is unable at the right moment to revise the training project fast to obey the financial environment, as well as worried that takes the operating time and the subjective impression facilitates. Compares to the small and medium-sized enterprise, the large enterprise group with has the complete enterprise university and the training system, however, compares with the overseas same industrial enterprise, not is obviously related regarding the higher order financial professionals fosters mechanism, the enterprise higher management staff does not involve the internal specialists training program, causes the practical training result to stagnate at a management level only. Specially appointed financial director, normally admires by take from other enterprises through offering them a higher pay package, but not from the internal raise, the far inferior to overseas enterprise systematization's financial professionals foster system. Finally, Taiwan’s tech industry financial professionals foster mechanism, although was not good as oversea enterprises related standard, but may sneak a peek at it to establish the related system gradually. For the specialized financial professional skills, its strategy participation, maintains the relationship with investors, to solicit the capital fund raising way fit and unfit quality analysis and so on brand-new technical specialty, and combined with soft skill, individual special characteristic's multi-dimensional diverse ability, causes the tech industry financial professionals to be separated from the old finance and accounting personnel category, makes great strides forward by the conformity finance specialists goal. Our country tech industry fosters regarding the financial professional, still should revise the related mechanism suitably in accordance to the market environment, establishes the complete a succession of financial professional foster mechanism to obtains the enterprise appropriation higher order specialized financial professionals, add the successful factor for the enterprise in the changeable environment of competition.

是誰驅動中關村的發展?全球化下的科技園區與城市發展 / Who Drives the Growth of Zhongguancum? Science Park and Urban Development in China under Globalization

林松甫, Lin, Sung Fu Unknown Date (has links)
中國做為一個崛起的東亞大國,對於建立自己的高科技產業與自主創新能力的急起直追也經歷了許多轉變的過程,這些演變體現在中央領導的科技政策與區域建設的創新系統上。自1988年的北京市新技術產業開發試驗區以來,從沿海到內陸所設置的大大小小的科技園區,在在說明了中國希望藉由這種模式追求創新集群的效益。然而本研究中的北京中關村做為中國的高科技產業龍頭,其空間發展出現了有別於其他東亞後進國家中科技園區的分散樣貌。這樣的空間樣貌乃基於地方治理結構的特殊性,演化出各個分散在北京市下不同市轄區的園區都被稱為中關村科學園區、都各自建立起華麗而昂貴的辦公大樓、研發中心之現象。 本研究欲透過回顧中國的科技產業政策以及地方治理模式的轉變,來說明這樣的分散樣貌,是源自於中國在改革開放後的地方治理權責下放導致北京市轄下的各區縣都採用了一種近似於滾動開發的模式來大興土木以追求快速的成長的情況。換言之,在中關村,土地開發帶來的多階段收入在地方政府的眼中的重要性幾乎超越了對創新能力的追求。本研究將以上述脈絡為主旨,深入探討中國在全球化的壓力以及治理結構轉型過程的拉扯下,致使中關村的發展進入到一種看似快速但卻相當矛盾的情結當中,並進而勾勒出現今中關村的空間樣貌。 / China has been trying to catch up with the Western world since its economic reform. In the process, China imitated the successful experience of Silicon Valley in the U.S. and trying to establish special science parks to speed up technological upgrading and innovation. Beijing’s Experimental Zone for Developing New- Technology Industries, which later was named Zhongguancun(ZGC), was the first one following this policy and proven to be the most successful one in China. However, the prosperity of ZGC or any other science park in China does come with a price. There is a lot of problems raised referring to the highly growing land price such as the overwhelming high rent has affected smaller innovative enterprises to survive in Beijing. The thesis tries to discuss the production of space in Beijing’s ZGC through two theoretical views: The Innovation Theory and The Growth Machine Theory. This thesis argues that there are two different forces which have driven ZGC to its status today. The first is China’s overall goal of economic catching up strategy that gives ZGC the legitimacy to develop and grow with relatively greater freedom from existing regulations. The second is Beijing’s various district governments’ strategy in using the construction of science parks as a site to generate economic development. This thesis argues that China’s tax reformation in 1994 has reinforced the importance of land politics to a higher level, through which the development of real estate sector of ZGC has played an important role for the creation of an innovation cluster. As a result, the local government, together with its land politics, eventually plays the leading role in ZGC’s production of space and makes the best use of ZGC’s shining brand.

智慧財產權管理策略研究-以模具業及其關連高科技產業為例 / Study on Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights Management: Taiwan Mold and Die Industry and Its Related High-tech Industry

廖文璋, Johann Liaw, V. C. Unknown Date (has links)
台灣模具產業具有交期短、品質好、價格具有競爭力、製程安排彈性大等優勢,因此在高科技產業供應鍊中扮演關鍵性的角色。唯近年來,台灣許多高科技產業的外移,造成模具業產值最近連續三年呈現下降與核心技術外流,成為模具業所面臨的嚴重考驗。如何留住核心技術人才,加強研發新的關鍵技術並將研發成果取得智慧財產權相關法律保護,並以必要的組織、制度、人才、措施等妥善加以管理,已經成為模具業以及關連高科技產業必須面對的重要課題之一。 本研究以策略管理的角度切入,探討由策略前提所形成之策略,與智慧財產權管理實際運作下,對「台灣模具業及其關連高科技產業的智慧財產權管理發展現況及當前問題」提出適當建議與解決之道。 研究對象為台灣五家經營績效良好之模具業者及關連高科技業者。模具業者包含金屬沖壓、塑膠射出成型、與壓鑄模具業者;關連高科技業者則包含連接器、筆記型電腦、與行動電話業者。其中三家模具業者尚未擁有專利保護,而兩家關連高科技業者之專利保護已有相當成效。本研究主要發現如下: 一、不同的企業規模,對改善技術能力作法有其差異: (一)共同研發新技術:中小企業傾向與國內研發機構共同研發,並取得新技術之全部或部份智慧財產權或取得授權使用新技術;大型企業則傾向自行研發為主。 (二)自國外引進新技術:中小企業傾向委託財團法人或智財科技服務公司從技術先進國家引進技術;大型企業則傾向自行引進技術為主。 (三)向技術相對落後國家移轉技術方面: 1.中小企業傾向透過財團法人或智財科技服務公司之協助移轉技術,對於較單純之案件可自行為之。 2.大型企業可自行為之或採上述方法,委託專業之單位或公司為之。 3.台灣企業對大陸投資之子公司,大部分並未針對技術移轉收取權利金,僅由子公司之獲利盈餘分配取得回饋,尤以持股比例較大者最為普遍。 二、國內模具業及關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理現況為: (一)制定「營業秘密管理辦法」,規範各業務或利害關係人之營業秘密保護要項: 1.影響製造精度之技術 2.訪客參訪流程與動線 3.與供應商相關之營業秘密 4.顧客之營業秘密 5.矯正預防措施單 (二)制訂「專門技術管理辦法」,加強專門技術保護 1.規範「提案改善制度」 2.培養技術專家 3.掌握專門技術人力資源,塑造: (1)尊重專業 (2)對等報酬 (3)生涯規劃等制度完善之企業文化。 (三)專利管理制度: 1.建立提案與獎勵制度: 對創新提案、申請專利、專利核准、與達成技術移轉等階段均核發獎金,以鼓勵員工技術創新。 2.專利維護: 對專利佈局同時重質與量之提升,專利權之維護,則以成本效益為主要考量,以具市場價值者為優先申請與維護對象。 (四)技術授權考量有二: 1.視技術生命週期採行不同之授權策略,如導入與成長期採技術引進、成熟期採交互授權、衰退期技術則對外移轉。 2.以對子公司持股比例,調整技術移轉之權利金分配,持股較高則以盈餘分配取代權利金,持股較低則傾向依市場機制收取權利金。 由本研究之策略意涵得知,個案公司目前所採行之策略,均能適當地反映出其目前所處環境。如鴻海精密以綿密之專利佈局保護其技術,鉅祥、竣盟、谷崧則實施營業秘密與專門技術管理,神達機構則是專利保護與營業秘密管理兼具。 由此可知,模具業及關連高科技產業之智慧財產權管理作法具有多種不同之形式,專利保護並非模具業與關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理之唯一解答。尤其對中小企業而言,注重營業秘密與專門技術保護,塑造良好的企業文化、工作環境,設計合理對等報酬、制度完備的人力資源管理措施,亦不失為智慧財產權管理的良好解決方案之一。 目前大型之關連高科技企業非常重視智慧財產權,並已發展出一套以專利保護為主軸的管理制度。展望未來,模具業與關連高科技產業之連動性將逐漸加深,模具業者今後亦必須加快建立智慧財產權管理制度之腳步。 / Taiwan's mold & die industry plays a very important role of the supply chain for the high-tech industry around the world due to its advantages of short delivery time, good quality, competitive price and production flexibility, etc. However, in recent years, the continuing migration of the high-tech industry is resulting in production decreases and movement of core technology out of Taiwan. How should we keep the core technology, human and financial resources left in Taiwan; what can be done to strengthen research and development (R & D) on new and core technology; how can the core technology be protected by patents managed by a sever system. This is a matter of great urgency and an important issue that Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry are facing. In view of the above, this study offers Taiwan's mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry some suggestions and solutions for the problems that they faced, based on their current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management development situation. This study was researched from the strategy management view and included five (5) outstanding mold & die manufacturers and their related high-tech companies in Taiwan. These mold & die manufacturers are in the metal stamping die, plastic injection mold and die casting mold industries; these high-tech companies are in the connectors, notebook computer and cellular phone (telecommunication) industries. Three of the companies, the mold & die manufacturers, do not hold any patents, while the other two high-tech companies are well protected by their patents. The main finding of this research is as follows: 1.The strategy of technical improvement for companies of various sizes is different: 1) R & D for new technology- Small and medium companies prefer to cooperate with other local R & D institutes in developing, researching, and obtaining full or partial intellectual property rights protection; or obtaining the rights to use the new technology (invention). On the other hand, large companies tend to do the R & D in-house. 2) Technology transfer from overseas– Small and medium companies prefer to transfer the technology from high-tech orientated countries through local R&D institutes or an IPR service provider. However, large companies prefer to transfer the new technology by themselves. 3) Technology transfer to developing countries– (1) Small and medium companies tend to transfer the technology to developing countries through local R&D institutes or IPR service provider except in the case of simple projects. (2) Large companies tend to transfer their technology out by themselves or through a professional agency. 2.The IPR management situation of Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industries– 1) Establish “Trade Secret Management Regulations” to prevent the following trade secrets from being disclosed: (1) Technology that will influence the accuracy of machining. (1)-1 On site know-how – Limiting the visitors touring sensitive areas. (1)-2 Trade secrets of suppliers. (1)-3 Trade secrets of customers. (1)-4 Corrective action reports. 2) Establish “ Know-how Management Regulations” to: (1) Regulate “Proposal improvement systems” (2) Train and develop technical specialists (3) Retaining knowledgeable human resources by (3)-1 Professional appreciation (respect) (3)-2 Equal award (return) (3)-3 Good and complete system, employees’ career planning and enterprise culture. 3) IPR management system: (1) Establish a proposal and reward system: Encourage employees’ technology inventions by rewarding them for their proposals, applications, and completion of technical transfer for IPR. (2) Patent protection: Consider not only the number of patents, but also the quality of patents. 4) Technology transfer policy Different policy for different technique life cycle. From this research, we realized that companies apply different strategies in response to their recent situation. For example, “Hong Hai” is applying the practice of IPR management in protecting his technology; G-Shank, Giant Union and Coxon are applying the practice of trade secret and know-how management; MiTac is applying the practice of both IPR management and trade secret management. From the above, we also realize that patent protection is not the only solution for IPR management in the mold & die industry and it’s related high-tech industries. Trade secret management and know-how protection, a good corporate culture, good business and human resource management, an improved working environment, reasonable and rewarding work are also the major solutions for IPR management. For the time being, large high-tech companies highly respect IPR and have developed a good management system, especially for patent protection. Therefore, due to the close relationship between the mold & die industry and high-tech industries, speeding up the development of IPR management becomes an urgent issue for the mold & die industry.


湯嘉祥, Tang, Jia-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業已經成為台灣極為重要的產業,而代工業務始終在台灣高科技產業佔有重要的角色。台灣未來產業要升級、並發展成為科技大國,除了要注重研發能力,更需要加強行銷能力,尤其是品牌的經營。 為了能夠深入了解高科技企業的品牌策略,本研究經由深度的訪談,來了解高科技企業是如何面對環境的變化與運用本身的條件來自創品牌,而在自創品牌之後,高科技企業是如何運用行銷活動及品牌管理。這樣的完整經營品牌的過程,是本研究所要了解的課題。 台灣目前的高科技產業是以資訊業為主,而宏基電腦為我國資訊業中在自創品牌方面最富盛名的企業,因此本研究選擇宏基電腦為本研究的研究對象。 本研究得到了下列的結論: (1) 就世界趨勢而言,自創品牌是高科技企業應走的路(2) 高科技產品品牌與消費品品牌策略的基本精神相同,主要的差異在於兩種產品的產品本身、銷售的對象以及市場因素(3) 發展高科技企業品牌策略的先決條件為產品條件與決心(4) 高科技企業可以藉由品牌購併及品牌延伸來達到提升品牌價值的目的(5) 高科技企業的品牌行銷活動除了推廣活動之外,尚須加強服務的工作(6) 高科技企業的品牌策略為整體作業活動的整合性設計。 / High-tech industry is the important industry in Taiwan. However, in order to become the "Technology Island", not only should we improve the ability of R&D, but also the ability of marketing, especially branding. The author used personal interview to understand the brand strategy of high-tech enterprise. The brand strategy means how does high-tech enterprise face the environment、 allocate the resource、 design marketing and brand management activities to create a global brand. Computer industry is the major type of Taiwan high-tech industry. Acer, the most famous enterprise of creating global brand in Taiwan computer industry, was chosen the research object. The conclusions of the research are as follows: (1) For the international trend, creating a self-owned brand is necessary for Taiwan high-tech enterprises. (2)The basic ideas between high-tech and consumer brand strategy are simi lar. But the main differences between these two categories are product itself, consumers who buy it, and market factors. (3)The essential conditions for high-tech products branding are products' quality and executives' determination. (4)High-tech enterprise can enhance its brand value by brand acquisition and brand extensions. (5)Beside brand marketing activities, high-tech enterprise should also enforce its services. (6)Branding strategy of high-tech enterprise should be implemented as the integrated redesign of business model.

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