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Etniskt utanförskap i skönlitterär läsning – normbrytande eller reproduktion av fördomar?Izgi, Hilda January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to clarify and analyze alienation, as a social phenomenon described in two teenage books. The study will also examine the creation of sympathy towards main characters and what impact the novel as a whole could have on it. The intention is also to uncover the role of the Other, as well as to visualize the creation of distance between different ethnic groups. Method: The study is based on a qualitative text-analysis. It includes four different dimensions, including the author’s background and the researcher´s interpretation. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that it´s possible to find values in both of the novels, and therefore makes it possible to create opinions and statements that may contribute to alienation. It also demonstrates that alienation can appear in different forms based on the characters different background. Question formulation: What attitudes and values towards immigration, ethnicity and alienation can be found in the two novels? How are they conveyed in the two novels? What differences and similarities could be found in the characters' ethnic alienation?
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Kulturerna och jag : En studie om att växa upp i en multikulturell kontextLundin Jernberg, Hanna, Andersson, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
Sverige blir allt mer mångkulturellt och det finns idag en stor andel barn och ungdomar som har utländsk bakgrund och därmed ofta två kulturer att förhålla sig till. Det som undersöks i studien är hur det är att växa upp och leva i ett samhälle där man har två kulturer att förhålla sig till, samt vilka erfarenheter detta ger. I studien användes en webbaserad enkät för att samla in studiens empiri, vilken består av korta narrativ som analyserats med riktad innehållsanalys. Enkäten var utformad som ett formulär med långa svarsfält där respondenterna berättat om upplevelser och erfarenheter kring olika ämnen. Studien utfördes på socionomstudenter vid Umeå Universitet som vuxit upp i Sverige och har en eller båda sina föräldrar som invandrat till Sverige från ett utomnordiskt land. Ur empirin kunde vi identifiera tre huvudkategorier: Kulturell ödmjukhet, Kulturell Schizofreni och Annorlundaskap. En majoritet av respondenterna kände en tacksamhet gentemot sin erfarenhet av dubbla kulturer. Många såg det som att man utvecklat en högre förståelse för andra kulturer och såg det som en positiv erfarenhet att ta med sig till arbetslivet. De flesta respondenterna upplevde även en känsla av att inte veta riktigt vart man hörde hemma, i utlandet var man svensk och i Sverige sågs man som invandrare. Känslan av att vara annorlunda hade de flesta upplevt och ofta var det samhället som upplyst om deras annorlundaskap gentemot majoritetssamhället.
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Does parental origin reflect the labor market outcome? : Study of differences between native Swedes and second generation immigrantsEkblom, Jens January 2016 (has links)
Sweden is a country with an increasing foreign born population, where more and more people growing up with two parents born outside of Sweden. In this paper I examine the different labor market outcome for native Swedes and the six largest groups of second generation immigrants in the ages 30-39 years. The analysis is divided in two part where the first examining the level of gainful employment and the second the distribution in line of work. By using data from population register there was possible to perform detailed analysis. The gainfully employment rate are lower for the different groups of second generation immigrants. Unlike earlier studies regarding employment differences depending on parental origin, there are however not as distinct pattern of ethnic penalties. The result regarding line of work from the second part of the analysis show that some groups of second generation have a higher risk of being in less-qualified jobs after controlling for education, personal- and parental variables.
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Äldre invandrares från före detta Jugoslaviens förväntningar i mötet med sjuksköterskor i Sverige : -En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Expectations among older immigrants from the former Yugoslavia when meeting expectations of the meeting with nurses in Sweden -a qualitative interview studyZembo, Jelena January 2016 (has links)
Dagens samhälle blir allt mer mångkulturellt. Det ställer högre krav på både omvårdnaden och sjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskans eventuella brist på kompetens om kulturskillnader kan skapa kulturkrockar, missförstånd och felaktig omvårdnad. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka förväntningar äldre invandrare från förre detta Jugoslavien har i möten med sjuksköterskan i Sverige samt hur sjuksköterskans kompetens kan skiljas från undersköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ med en induktiv ansats och baseras på sex intervjuer med äldre invandrare som ursprungligen kom från fd. Jugoslavien. Personlig kontakt togs med informanterna om deltagande i undersökningen genom serbiska/bosniska/kroatiska/makedoniska. Författaren informerade om studien och att de som ville delta kontaktade författaren. Insamlat material analyserades systematiskt med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det som framkom att de äldre invandrarna förväntade sig i mötet med sjuksköterskan presenteras i följande fem kategorier; Att få bekräftelse för uttalade behov; Empatisk kontakt; Kommunikation och dialog i mötet; Respekt för sina värderingar och syn på hälsa och Trygghet. Slutsatsen: omvårdnad av äldre patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund kräver båda kulturell kompetens och professionellt förhållningssätt. Sjuksköterskan behöver kunna identifiera patientens vårdbehov och i detta fallet även övergå de språkliga barriärer och nå patienten och förstå deras behov. / Today's society is becoming increasingly multicultural which places greater demands on both the care system and the nurses involved. The nurses’ lack of knowledge incompetence of various regarding eventual cultural differences can create cultural clashes and misunderstandings that can result in and improper care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expectations of the elder immigrants, from the former Yugoslavia, when meeting in their meetings with the nurses in Sweden professionally, Method: The study is a qualitative study, with an inductive approach, and is based on six interviews with elderly immigrants who originally came from the former Yugoslavia. Personal contact was made with the informants to participate in the investigation by Serbian / Bosnian / Croatian / Macedonian associations in southern Sweden where these compounds are. The author went to the unions and informed about the study and those who wanted to participate contacted the author. The collected materials were systematically analysed with using content analysis. Results The findings that the older immigrants expecting the meeting with the nurse are presented in the following five categories. To obtain confirmation of the expressed needs, Empathetic contact, Communication and dialogue in the meeting, Respect for their values and views on health and Safety. Conclusion: The care of older patients with a different cultural background requires both cultural competence and a professional approach. The nurses need to be able to identify patient care needs, and in this special situation case be able to cope with even pass the eventual language barriers, in order to and reach the patient and understand their needs.
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Svensk invandrar- och integrationspolitik och dess förändring : Fallet Vallby i VästeråsAbdisalam Ahmed, Hinda, Teimouri, Meriem January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Iranska invandrare och svenska bibliotek : en sociokulturell studie / Iranian immigrants and Swedish libraries : a sociocultural investigationGolrang, Akbar January 1997 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users. When reading newspapers and journals, they prefer those that are easy to read, e.g. comics, fashion magazines and technological magazines. When reading books, they seem to be more fond of the fine arts and less interested in religious and geographical books than Swedish library users.
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Bibliotek och ungdomar med annan språklig bakgrund än svenska : en enkätundersökning / Library and young people with a linguistic background other than Swedish : a QuestionnaireBielecka, Elzbieta January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines what and in which language young people in Sweden with other linguistic backgrounds than Swedish read, as well as if they have access to the literature that they demand, how they use the library and what kind of role the library plays to them. The chosen method was quantitative and it consisted of a questionnaire as this method is useful in quantifying phenomena, which is the purpose of this thesis. The investigation shows that the studied population is bilingual. I hope that the thesis points out the range of the problems and that these issues need to be solved within the society and not the within the family. We need to make use of the resources of the young immigrants, as their cultural competence, in some cases even bi-cultural competence, can be useful for the Swedish society. Regarding group identity, whether Swedish or immigrant, part of the young immigrants perceive themselves as members of both these groups. It is however natural to have different identities in different circumstances. It is of importance that such roles, and the sub-identities that develop from them, are integrated into a harmonious entity. In order to reach this goal, the young people need access to literature in their own language in the library. It is not easy for a librarian to be familiar with names of current writers, which write books for young people in that many linguistic groups. A co-operation between the library and the teachers of native language could result in solving the problem and in purchases of books written by current writers from different linguistic groups being made. Finally it can be said that library is an important place for young people regarding studies, they also appreciate the accessibility of the library and the service-minded librarians. Other comments include wishes regarding more books in the native language, both literature and factual study books, more dictionaries and more new CD’s and films. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Medier på andra språk än svenska : En studie om det mångkulturella biblioteket / Library materials in foreign languages : a study of the multicultural libraryKesten, Melika January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to investigate how librarians approach to the multicultural collection development and which methods they use in providing library materials in minority languages. The questions to be answered are: which methods the libraries use when purchasing library materials in minority languages, how the respondents experience that the minority user groups needs are met in the library and how the multicultural competence of the staff is used in the libraries. For this purpose the qualitative interviews with 6 librarians in Gothenburg are conducted, mainly from the libraries in the immigrant-dense parts of the city, while the study being concentrated on 6 language groups of library users. The study’s theoretical framework is based on theories of multiculturalism, culture, identity and bilingualism. The results of the study reveal the major problems with purchasing library materials in minority languages: the lack of language proficiency, meagre bookmarkets and publishing in some languages along with copyright problems with sound and video recordings. The lack of language proficiency causes cataloguing problems which is why the respondents hope that in the future the purchasing and the cataloguing are going to be provided centrally. The study also reveals insufficient and sporadic consulting of the user communities for the purpose of collection development and the lack of active measures for employing more multilingual staff. The results indicate the need of more substantial involving the ethnic communities into the library services in order to avoid their cultural alienation and segregation.
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Att vara patient med invandrarbakgrund : En litteraturstudie om mötet med sjukvårdenLansenfeldt, Elisabeth, Safi, Eimal January 2008 (has links)
I olika delar utav världen finns idag cirka 20 miljoner invandrare som har lämnat sina länder på grund utav krig och fattigdom. Det svenska samhället utgörs idag utav 20 % invandrare. Med den ökade invandringen blir mötet med invandrare allt vanligare inom sjukvården. Detta möte kan bli problematiskt på grund av kulturkrockar, språkproblem och religiösa uppfattningar. Enligt hälso- och sjukvårdslagen (1982) bör vård ges på lika villkor till all befolkning i Sverige (Hanssen 2007). För att vi som vårdpersonal skall kunna uppfylla detta krav bör vi öka våra kunskaper och vår förståelse för olika etniska grupper i samhället.Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie baserad på tio kvalitativa artiklar som beskriver upplevelser utav hur det är att vara invandrare och hur dessa patienter upplever mötet med sjukvårdspersonalen. Artiklarna representerar invandrare från Australien, England, USA och Sverige. De intervjuade personerna har olika nationaliteter såsom iranier, somalier, mexikanare, pakistanier och ryssar. Artiklarna har analyserats och bearbetas utifrån Evans (2002) analysmodell. Resultatet är uppbyggt på två teman. 1. Upplevelse utav att vara invandrare. 2. Invandrares upplevelser av mötet med sjukvården. Under varje tema finns tre subteman.I diskussionen beskrivs de faktorer som påverkar i mötet med vårdpersonalen, vad som kan bli problematiskt och hur mötet kan förbättras. / <p>Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>
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Tidskriftsrummet och integration : en kvalitativ undersökning av tidningsläsandet hos några individer av första generationens invandrare / The department of periodicals and integration : a qualitative study of newspaper reading among some first generation immigrantsMaran Djudja, Olivera January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to find out in which ways a group of first generation immigrants use Swedish papers and magazines in a public library and which information needs this group has about Swedish society. One important aspect in this essay is integration of immigrants in the Swedish society as a possible effect of newspaper reading. The method used in this study is qualitative. Data is generated through semi-structured interviews. The immigrants have been represented by eight persons from different ethnic groups. Through a literature survey of earlier research I have presented a background to immigrants’ information needs and possible connections between on the one hand education, employment, gender, duration of their stay in the country and on the other hand on the impact on information needs patterns. The study has two theoretical starting points: Diaz’ integration theory and a modified version of Höglund – Perssons’ model of information use. Of great interest for this essay have been the effects of the information use, especially integration of immigrants in Swedish society. The results of the analyses show that information seeking and information use have had a more profound effect on integration in the language community (kommunikativ integration) than on the social, structural and political integration. The majority of immigrants in the study do not feel integrated in the Swedish society. However we can conclude that this study tends to show that reading and information seeking have effect on some aspects of integration and that the public library has an important role in this process. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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