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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


AUGUSTO COMERLATO SPERB 18 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] O sucesso operacional de uma empresa depende muito da maneira como a cadeia de suprimentos é gerenciada. Em razão do seu papel estratégico, a gestão adequada pode proporcionar uma série de benefícios, aumentando sua competitividade e computando a rentabilidade de seus negócios. Esta dissertação avalia por meio de um estudo de caso, a cadeia de suprimentos de bens da Petrobras, especificamente na área de relacionamento com fornecedores e estratégias de contratações de bens. Os processos de suprimentos, especificamente na área de compras de bens, foram analisados utilizando como base a metodologia SCOR em relação a processos de compras, prazos, custos de materiais, canais de suprimentos e planejamento estratégico e então foram identificados os principais gargalos (gaps) e riscos de processos relacionados a padrões internos, exigências legais e relacionamento com o mercador fornecedor. Também foram indicadas melhorias futuras que podem ser implementadas nestes processos de forma a contribuir para melhorias de eficiência em processos de compras da cadeia de suprimentos de bens e relacionamento com o mercado. Além da contribuição acadêmica, este trabalho permite esclarecer ao meio empresarial sobre os benefícios que a metodologia SCOR pode trazer para o gerenciamento de cadeias de suprimentos, além das práticas de aperfeiçoamento operacional. Por fim, neste estudo de caso, foram identificadas oportunidades de melhorias baseadas nos gargalos de processos identificados como Current Disconnects e definidas as melhorias futuras (Future state opportunities) para os processos de relacionamentos com fornecedores e estratégias de contratações. / [en] A company s operational success depends a lot on how the supply chain is managed. Due to its strategic role, proper management can provide a series of benefits, increasing your competitiveness and computing the profitability of your business. This dissertation evaluates through a case study, the supply chain of Petrobras goods, specifically in the area of relationship with suppliers and strategies for contracting goods. The supply processes, specifically in the area of purchasing goods, were analyzed using the SCOR methodology as a basis in relation to purchasing processes, deadlines, material costs, supply channels and strategic planning, and then the main bottlenecks (gaps) were identified. and process risks related to internal standards, legal requirements and relationship with the supplier merchant. Future improvements were also indicated that can be implemented in these processes in order to contribute to efficiency improvements in purchasing processes in the goods supply chain and relationship with the market. In addition to the academic contribution, this work provides clarification to the business community about the benefits that the SCOR methodology can bring to the management of supply chains, in addition to operational improvement practices. Finally, in this case study, improvement opportunities were identified based on process bottlenecks identified as Current Disconnects, and future state opportunities were defined for supplier relationship processes and hiring strategies.

Resurseffektiva förbättringsförslag vid leverantörsvalet för en reducerad klimatpåverkan / Resource efficient improvement suggestions in the supplier selection for a reduced climate impact

Brasch, Elin, Axelsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Med ett generellt ökat hållbarhetsfokus i samhället har Atlas Copco upplevt att de behövt vidareutveckla hållbarhetsarbetet i hela organisationen, vilket resulterade i att de 2021 anslöt sig till Science Based Targets initiative, samt att hållbarhet fått ett utökat fokus i företagets senaste treårsstrategi. Företagets nya ambition och målsättningar handlar om att reducera klimatpåverkan, där varje avdelning har i uppgift att finna lösningar och förbättringar för att nå dessa mål. Inköpsavdelningen har stor möjlighet att påverka inflödet av material och komponenter till Atlas Copco, framför allt genom vilka leverantörer som ska få leverera till företaget. Inköpsavdelningen önskade dock vägledning kring vart fokus bör läggas för att på ett resurseffektivt sätt bidra till företagets nya ambitiösa målsättningar. Därför, formulerades denna studies syfte till:  Syftet med studien är att identifiera samt föreslå förbättringsförslag för Atlas Copco Industritekniks leverantörsval för att effektivt bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte delades studien in i tre steg. Det första steget syftade till att identifiera nuläget, både avseende hur leverantörsval går till idag och vilka resurser som nyttjas, men även leverantörsbasens karaktäristik, för att veta hur ett alternativt läge skulle kunna påverka utsläpp och klimatpåverkan. När nuläget var fastställt, identifierades i steg två möjliga förbättringar, vilka sedan i steg tre utvärderades utifrån resursåtgång och potentiell effekt avseende en reducerad klimatpåverkan. Steg tre resulterade därmed i en rekommendation avseende de mest resurseffektiva förslagen för en reducerad klimatpåverkan, för Atlas Copco Industritekniks inköpsavdelning.  För att fastställa det nuläge som undersökts i det första steget, utfördes flertalet intervjuer med representanter från Atlas Copcos inköpsavdelning. Under intervjuerna framkom att leverantörsval idag utförs på två sätt, där det ena går ut på att välja in en ny leverantör i leverantörsbasen, medan det andra innefattar val av leverantör från den befintliga leverantörsbasen, för inköp av en komponent eller ett material. Intervjuerna gav även insyn i karaktäristiken för dagens leverantörsbas, som kan beskrivas som spridd avseende hållbarhetsmognad. I studiens andra steg genererades 25 förbättringsförslag, dels genom analys av det föregående steget, men även genom att identifiera förbättringar som presenterats i litteraturen. Som komplement till detta, utfördes även två intervjuer med externa aktörer, för att bringa klarhet i vad andra företag gör inom inköp för att nå en reducerad klimatpåverkan. Till sist, i studiens tredje och sista steg, analyserades de 25 förbättringsförslagen utifrån resursåtgång och möjlig effekt avseende reducerad klimatpåverkan, där förslagen kategoriserades till någon av de tre kategorierna; liten, medel eller stor, för respektive aspekt. Grunden till analysen var dels intervjuer med representanter från Atlas Copco och de utomstående företagen, men även dokumentinsamling samt vad som framgick i litteraturen nyttjades för att värdera förslagen. Två av förslagen kunde värderas till att ha en stor potentiell effekt, och en liten resursåtgång vilket gjorde att de kunde anses vara resurseffektiva. De två förslagen var att Övergå från flygtransport till båt- eller tågtransport samt Kravställa användning av fossilfri energi hos leverantören. Även förslag med en stor potentiell effekt, men med en större resursåtgång rekommenderades för implementering på längre sikt, och förslag med mindre effekt men också liten resursåtgång rekommenderades på kort sikt för att komma igång med arbetet mot att nå en reducerad klimatpåverkan. Förslagen har dessutom olika karaktär, både avseende tidshorisont och grad av konkretisering, vilket i denna undersökning försvårat jämförelsen mellan olika förslag. Slutligen lyfts även av författarna att resultatet bör ses som ett underlag, både inför framtida planering av utvecklingsprojekt på inköpsavdelningen, men även för att undersöka vissa förslag vidare och säkerställa resurseffektivitet samt fastställa hur de bör implementeras. / With a generally increased focus on sustainability in society, Atlas Copco have experienced a need to advance the sustainability work throughout the organization. This resulted in Atlas Copco joining Science Based Targets initiative in 2021 and that sustainability has been given extra attention in the company's latest three-year strategy. The company's new ambition and goals are about reducing its climate impact, and each department has the task of finding solutions and improvements to achieve the overall goals. The sourcing department has a great opportunity to influence the inflow of materials and components to Atlas Copco, especially through which suppliers will be allowed to deliver to the company. However, the purchasing department wanted guidance on which area to focus to contribute in a resource efficient way to the company's new ambitious goals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was: The purpose of the study is to identify and propose improvement suggestions for Atlas Copco Industrial Technique's supplier selection to effectively contribute to reduced climate impact for the company. To be able to answer the purpose of the study, the work was divided into three steps. The first was about identifying the current situation, both in terms of how supplier selection is carried out today and what resources that are used, but also how the supplier base is today, to know what an alternative situation could look like and how it relates to climate impact. Once the current situation was determined, possible improvements were identified in step two, which later were evaluated in step three based on resource consumption and potential effect regarding a reduced climate impact. Step three resulted in a recommendation regarding the most resource efficient suggestions for a reduced climat impact, for Atlas Copco Industrial Technique's sourcing department. To determine the current situation in the first step, several interviews were conducted with representatives from Atlas Copco's sourcing department. During the interviews, it emerged that supplier selection today is carried out in two different ways, where one involves selecting a new supplier into the supplier base, while the other involves selecting a supplier from the existing supplier base, for the purchase of a component or a material. The interviews also provided insight into the characteristics of today's supplier base, which can be described as dispersed in terms of sustainability maturity. In the second stage of the study, 25 improvement suggestions were generated by analyzing the previous stage and identifying improvements presented in the literature. As a complement to this, two interviews were in parallel conducted with external companies, to bring clarity to what other companies are doing in purchasing to achieve a reduced climate impact.Finally, in the third and final step of the study, the 25 improvement suggestions were analyzed based on resource consumption and possible effect regarding reduced climate impact, where the improvement suggestions were categorized into one of the three categories; small, medium or large, for each aspect. The basis for the analysis was interviews with representatives from Atlas Copco and the external companies. Document collection and the literature research that was conducted earlier in the study were also used to evaluate the improvement suggestions. Two of the suggestions could be valued as having a large potential effect, and a small resource consumption, which meant that they could be considered resource-efficient. The two suggestions were to Change from air transport to boat or train transport and Require the use of fossil-free energy at the supplier. Improvement suggestions with a large potential effect, yet with a greater resource consumption were also recommended for implementation in the longer term, and suggestions with a smaller effect and resource consumption were recommended in the short term to get started with the work towards achieving a reduced climate impact.  The suggestions are also very different in nature, both in terms of time horizon for implementation, and in specificity, which in this study made it difficult to compare some of the proposals with each other. Finally, the authors also emphasize that the result should serve as a basis for future planning of new projects in the purchasing department. However, it can also be used as a starting point for further investigation of certain suggestions to ensure they are resource efficient and to determine how they should be implemented.

Kontinuerligt lärande förhållbara förbättringar : En fallstudie i hur miljöförbättringsarbete kanbelysa det lärande som sker hoselinstallatörsföretag som arbetar efter konceptetständiga förbättringar / Continuous Learning for Sustainable Improvements

Brorsson, Ellinor, Bartoletti, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Förväntan på att företag arbetar aktivt med att minska sin miljöpåverkan växer sig större för var dag. Med en miljöcertifiering kan företag visa sig ansvarsfulla inför sina intressenter och chanserna för en säkrad plats på framtidens marknad kan öka. Miljöcertifikat såsom ISO 14001-standarden inkluderar behovet av ständiga förbättringar av en organisations processer och miljöstrategiskt arbete. Begreppet ständiga förbättringar har sitt ursprung i Toyota Motors framgångsrika arbetssätt - kaizen - och innebär att allt kan göras lite bättre än i nuläget. På så sätt klingar det väl med miljöförbäattringsarbete eftersom vi fortfarande är på en resa mot det mest miljövänliga sättet att leva på. Två företag inom elinstallatörsbranchen har genom den webbaserade applikationen System C2 TM utmärkt sig i sitt arbete med ständiga förbättringar inom miljö. Eftersom en framgångsfaktor för ständiga förbättringar är utbildning kan det antas att dessa två företag har genomgått ett lärande som har lett till denna framgång, men vad som kännetecknat detta lärande är inte specificerat. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att undersöka vad en sådan utbildning bör innehålla för att inte bara leda till fler miljöförbättringar, utan även för att skapa förutsättningar för ett lärande inom ekologisk hållbar utveckling. För att generera kunskap kring detta genomfördes kvalitativa fokussamtal i två omgångar, med två  olika företag. Samtalen analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att en utbildningsinsats som ämnar leda till ett aktivt miljöförbättringsarbete och ett kontinuerligt lärande ska sträcka sig över flera utbildningstillfällen. Tillfällena i insatsen bör ta vara på verksamhetens kunskap genom inklusion av medarbetare, knyta miljöfrågan till verksamheten, drivas av en engagerad ledning och ta vara på medarbetarnas personliga engagemang. Dessutom ställs krav på företagets kultur i form av att den ska vara öppen för ifrågasättande av rutiner samt drivas av en vilja att utvecklas. Resultaten visar även på likheter mellan konceptet ständiga förbättringar och lärande, och vidare föreslås djupare studier kring dessa likheter. Vidare forskning föreslås även i form av att testa de faktorer som detta examensarbete har resulterat i. / The expectations for a company to actively work on reducing their environmental impact are higher today than ever before. With an environmental certification, companies can show their responsibilities towards the environment to their stakeholders, and improve the chances to securing a position on the future market. An environmental certification, such as the standard ISO 14001, includes the need for continuous improvements to an organization’s processes and strategic environmental work. The term continuous improvements origins from Toyota Motors successful way of working - kaizen. It implies that everything can be madea little better than it is right now. This interpretation of continuous improvements goeswell together with environmental improvements in business since we are still on a journeytowards the most sustainable way of living. Two electrical contracting companies have through the web-based application System C2TM excelled in their work with continuous environmental improvements. Since a success factor to continuous improvements has proven to be education, one can assume that the two studied companies have a learning culture in their workplace that has led to this success. However, this learning culture is not specified. The purpose of this study is to examine what a training session in ecologically sustainable development should involve, not only lead to continuous improvements, but also to continuous learning. To generate knowledge about this, a qualitative study has been made. Two focus group conversations with each of the studied companies were made to gather data about their work with continuous environmental improvements. The data from the focus group conversations were analyzed through a thematic analysis. The results show that a training session that aims to lead to continuous improvements and learning within the organization consists of several sessions. The training sessions should make use of the knowledge within the organization, connect the environmental issue to the organization, involve an engaged leadership, and make use of the personal engagement amongst the coworkers. Apart from this, demands on the company culture are being made in order to create a learning organization. The culture should be open to challenge the existing routines and strive to develop the company to the better. The results from this study show that there are similarities between continuous improvements and learning. Suggested as further research is to examine the similarities between learning and continuous improvements. Another example for further research is to test the factors presented in this study, in a training session about ecologically sustainable development.

The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Loneliness, Life Meaning, and Resilience among Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Post-Secondary Students: Improving Academic Success, Inclusion, and Stress Recovery

Welch, Brooke Erin 07 September 2022 (has links)
Background Research: The COVID-19 pandemic has likely impacted the resilience of Indigenous and non-Indigenous post-secondary students in Canada. Resilience may be negatively impacted by psychological experiences such as emotional loneliness, social loneliness, and a lack of life meaning. These three psychological experiences are exacerbated by lock down measures, quarantining, and cancelled events such as weddings and funerals. Young adults in post-secondary education must already manage challenging developmental milestones, often with unstable social and familial networks. Furthermore, Indigenous students must manage potentially discriminatory post-secondary environments, as well as school curriculums that challenge Indigenous values. Understanding this, school environments require decolonizing improvements that meet the psychological needs of their students in a changing social, economic, and political climate. Improvements to loneliness and life meaning may subsequently improve resilience, in addition to academic success, inclusion, and stress recovery. Objectives: This thesis aims to provide solution-focused data using Indigenous research methodologies. This thesis specifically explores the statistical relations between emotional loneliness, social loneliness, life meaning, and resilience. Barriers to social support options (i.e., counselling, group therapy, clubs, family, friends, etc.) and university-endorsed activities (i.e., jobs, volunteering, leadership roles, etc.) are also explored for their respective impact on experiences of loneliness and life meaning. Students’ response rates and Indigenous written responses are then analysed (1) to better understand students’ lived experiences, and (2) to uncover decolonizing approaches to improving both on campus social support options and university-endorsed activities. Hypotheses: (H1) Students will report higher scores on measures of emotional loneliness than social loneliness. (H2) Lower scores on measures of emotional loneliness, as well as higher scores on measures of life meaning, will predict higher scores on measures of resilience. (H3) Lower scores on measures of perceived barriers when accessing social support options will predict lower scores on measures of loneliness. (H4) Lower scores on measures of perceived barriers when accessing university-endorsed activities will predict higher scores on measures of life meaning. Method: This thesis incorporates a decolonizing methodology outlined by Hayward et al. (2021). This study utilizes 676 participant responses (3.30% of which identified as Indigenous) from students attending the University of Victoria in a full- or part-time program (Ages: 16-56 years, M = 20.13, SD = 3.84). Data collection occurred between September to December 2021, allowing for responses over the course of one semester. During this period, students were in the process of returning to campus, with daily national COVID-19 cases around roughly 3,000-4000 individuals (Worldometer, n.d.). Online recruitment methods were completed through the Department of Psychology SONA Research Participation System, and through a listserv utilized by the IACE at the University of Victoria. Demographic Questions included employment, financial stability, living situation, social circumstances, school status, workload, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on wellbeing. Standardized Questionnaires included the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, the Life Engagement Test, and the Brief Resiliency Questionnaire. Additional Questionnaires were created to assess student experiences when accessing both social support options (i.e., the source for support, the method and frequency of contact, and barriers when accessing) and university-endorsed activities (i.e., valued activities, valued aspects of activities, and barriers when accessing). Analysis: At the broadest level, t-tests and hierarchical regression analyses are used to demonstrate a theoretical relation between various predictors and predicted variables. To provide more detail, student response rates for various questionnaires are used to contextualize student experiences when seeking social support options and meaningful activities. For an in-depth account of student experiences, four separate thematic analyses are conducted on Indigenous written responses. Results: All four hypotheses were supported. Scores of emotional loneliness were higher than scores of social loneliness (H1). Scores of resilience were significantly predicted by scores of emotional loneliness and life meaning (H2). These findings justified an exploratory analysis, which demonstrated that only scores of life meaning, and not resilience, emotional loneliness, or social loneliness, predicted scores of school satisfaction. More frequent experiences of barriers to social support options or university-endorsed activities respectively predicted higher scores of loneliness (H3) and lower scores of life meaning (H4). These results are complemented and expanded upon by notable response rates and themes identified from Indigenous student written responses. Discussion: These results suggest the importance of resolving emotional loneliness and a lack of life meaning among post-secondary students, which may be feasible with the use of social support services and university endorsed activities. This may subsequently improve experiences of resilience and school satisfaction. Social Support Options: The Indigenous and general sample both preferred informal, offline, and known sources of support; they also preferred face-to-face, texting, video calling, and phone calling as methods of communication. Common barriers to social support options included issues of cost, the perceived severity of their needs, availability, and a perceived lack of closeness with supports. Across all domains, Indigenous participants were more likely to experience barriers when seeking support. Indigenous written responses specifically identified a need for (1) more considerate services, (2) more culturally and racially specialized services, (3) increased time and availability for each student, and (4) lowered costs. University-Endorsed Activities: The Indigenous and general sample were both more likely to value paid jobs, volunteering, research assistant positions, and off-campus employment, when compared to teaching assistant positions, on-campus employment, or other unpaid positions. They were also most likely to value meeting people with similar interests and gaining knowledge. Students were most likely to face barriers related to a lack of relevant or remote university-endorsed activities. Indigenous written responses suggest an increased need for meaningful, accessible, culturally relevant, and financially rewarding activities. Twenty-one recommendations are offered to decolonize and improve post-secondary settings. / Graduate

Performance of Digital Currency and Improvements : An analysis of current implementations and the future of digital currency / Prestanda av digital valuta och förbättrningar

Johannesson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Currency has changed a lot, and the introduction of the Internet sped up the evolution of the currency. Digital currency introduced many benefits compared to physical currencies. Ideas such as cryptocurrencies work as an option for other means of payment. During the recent pandemic, interest in new digital currencies has increased, leading to more research on digital currency. With the introduction of new currencies and their increased popularity, many central banks have started looking into the idea of innovating currency. All this new research has coined the term central bank digital currency. As of today, there is no single idea on how a digital currency should work or be implemented. With many variations, the future is still unclear. There seem to be vulnerabilities to solve and many potential ways to improve current systems. When building this new currency it is crucial to know what different use cases could demand from the implementation. In conclusion, the results show that digital currency is still in early development, with central bank digital currency research showing promise. It is theoretically possible to create a better transaction solution contra traditional currencies. More research is needed on the topic of digital currency, but there could be incremental improvements to today’s currency leading to better future solutions. / Valuta har förändrats genom tiderna och introductionen av internet skyndade på denna utveckling. Digital valuta har introducerat många fördelar jämfört med fysiska valutor. Fler idéer som till exempel kryptovalutor har introducerats som alternativa betalmedel. Under den senaste pandemin så har intresset för nya digitala valutor ökat, vilket har lett till mer forskning inom området av digitala valutor. På grund av växande popularitet och nya digitala valutor så har många central banker börjat testa idéen om att nyskapa valuta, och med detta så har termen centralbanks valuta skapats. Det finns inte idag en enda lösning på hur digitala valutor ska fungera eller bli implementerade. Med många varianter så är framtiden fortfarande oklar. Det verkar finnas problem att lösa och många möjliga sätt att förbättra existerande system. Vid byggandet av denna nya valuta så är det extremt viktigt att veta vad som är viktigt och hur det kan finnas olika krav beroende på hur valutan ska användas. Enligt resultaten så är digital valuta fortfarande tidigt i sin utveckling och forsking gällande centralbanks styrda digitala valutor verkar lovande. Mer forsking kommer att behövas inom området digital valuta, men det kan komma många små förbättringar på dagens valuta som leder till bättre framtida lösningar.

Automatisk förtöjning : En analys av användaracceptans och utmaningar med automatisk förtöjning / Automated Mooring : An analysis of user acceptance and challenges with automatic mooring

Falk, Kristian, Arvidsson, David January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utforska och utvärdera framtida befäls upplevelser av automooring inom sjöfarten med fokus på säkerhetsaspekter och effektiviteten. Genom strukturerade intervjuer har användarupplevelsen analyserats för att få en förståelse för hur automooring påverkar säkerheten och effektiviteten ombord på fartygen.   Resultaten av intervjuerna visar att majoriteten av respondenterna ser automooring som ett säkrare och mer effektivt alternativ till traditionell förtöjning. De noterar fördelar såsom minskad manuell hantering av trossar och ökad effektivitet vid förtöjning. Trots detta finns det även vissa bekymmer kring tillförlitligheten hos automooring, särskilt under olika väderförhållanden och för olika fartygstyper.   Respondenterna uttrycker övervägande positiv inställning till införandet av automooring, även om vissa uttrycker oro och tveksamhet. Förslag på framtida förbättringar inkluderar ökad tillförlitlighet hos automooring, anpassning till olika fartygstyper och väderförhållanden samt etablering av standarder och riktlinjer för användning i hamnar.   Slutsatserna visar att automooring har potential att vara ett säkrare och mer effektivt alternativ till traditionell förtöjning, men ytterligare utveckling och förbättringar krävs för att möta de identifierade problemen och utmaningarna.

A industrialização e o desenvolvimento local: parque industrial "Eduardo Dágios" em Pato Branco - PR / The industrialization and local development: industrial park "Eduardo Dagi" in Pato Branco - PR

Lustosa, Cesar Augusto 14 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:31:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cesar Augusto Lustosa.pdf: 3148509 bytes, checksum: 1509365a24976bafd602471441bde073 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-14 / The relationship between global and local should be seen in a dialectical perspective, in which neither the whole can be decomposed or divided into parts, neither the sum of its parts reconstitutes the whole, and therefore they are not divided or self organized. In this perspective the theoretical conceptions and experiences focused on planning, isolated regions. The processes of globalization and technological and structural changes have changed the nature and conditions of local development. The locales should be seen as active spaces with culture, history, human and material resources. In this perspective the innovation and institutional stand formats as central elements, both for understanding as for local development policies. To this end we use mainly the references from Sandra Lencioni, Clério Campolina, Eduardo Gonçalves and Ester Limonad among others we search for a thorough interviewing owners and/or managers of industrial units of industrial park "Eduardo Dágios s" employees etc., to information and data about the thematic studied. This dissertation have reviewed: 1) industrial diversity in the State of Paraná, analyzing the formations of industrial parks and because of this a new territorialization of industry in the State and finally a study on the industry in the region of southwestern Paraná; 2) we see the historical formation of industry in Pato Branco until the formation of the industrial park "Eduardo Dágios"; 3) observe the importance that the bairro Planalto has for some people while dwelling place, leisure entertainment and everyday relations; 4) we see the process of industrialization and local development, having as consequence of the increased quality of life promoted by government agencies and industries, by the way the General infrastructure of the bairro Planalto from the creation of the industrial park "Eduardo Dágios". / A relação entre global e o local devem ser vistas em uma perspectiva dialética, na qual nem o todo pode ser fracionado ou dividido em partes, nem a soma das partes reconstitui o todo, pois são auto-organizativos e, portanto, não desmembráveis. Nesta perspectiva, as concepções teóricas e as experiências de planejamento, não estão voltadas para regiões isoladas. O processo de globalização e as mudanças tecnológicas e estruturais mudaram a natureza e as condições do desenvolvimento local. As localidades devem ser vistas como espaços ativos dotados de cultura, história, recursos humanos e materiais diferenciados. Dessa forma, a inovação e os formatos institucionais se sobressaem como elementos centrais, tanto para o entendimento quanto para as políticas de desenvolvimento local. Para tanto, foram utilizados principalmente os referenciais de Sandra Lencioni, Clério Campolina, Eduardo Gonçalves e Ester Limonad entre outros. A partir desses conceitos foi possível ter embasamento suficiente para realizar uma pesquisa minuciosa entrevistando proprietários, administradores e trabalhadores assalariados de unidades industriais do Parque Industrial ―Eduardo Dágios‖, visando obter informações e dados acerca da temática estudada. Nesta dissertação foram analisados: 1) a diversidade industrial no Estado do Paraná e como ocorrem as formações dos parques industriais e como isso influencia a formação de uma nova territorialização da indústria no Estado e também um estudo sobre a indústria na região do Sudoeste do Paraná; 2) verificou-se a formação histórica da indústria em Pato Branco até a formação do Parque Industrial ―Eduardo Dágios‖; 3) observou-se a importância que o bairro Planalto tem para algumas pessoas enquanto lugar de moradia, lazer entretenimento e relações cotidianas; 4) foi verificado o processo de industrialização e o desenvolvimento local, tendo como consequência o aumento da qualidade de vida promovido pelos órgãos públicos e as indústrias, contribuindo significativamente para a melhoria geral de infra-estrutura do bairro Planalto a partir da criação do Parque Industrial ―Eduardo Dágios‖.

A industrialização e o desenvolvimento local: parque industrial "Eduardo Dágios" em Pato Branco - PR / The industrialization and local development: industrial park "Eduardo Dagi" in Pato Branco - PR

Lustosa, Cesar Augusto 14 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:42:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cesar Augusto Lustosa.pdf: 3148509 bytes, checksum: 1509365a24976bafd602471441bde073 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-14 / The relationship between global and local should be seen in a dialectical perspective, in which neither the whole can be decomposed or divided into parts, neither the sum of its parts reconstitutes the whole, and therefore they are not divided or self organized. In this perspective the theoretical conceptions and experiences focused on planning, isolated regions. The processes of globalization and technological and structural changes have changed the nature and conditions of local development. The locales should be seen as active spaces with culture, history, human and material resources. In this perspective the innovation and institutional stand formats as central elements, both for understanding as for local development policies. To this end we use mainly the references from Sandra Lencioni, Clério Campolina, Eduardo Gonçalves and Ester Limonad among others we search for a thorough interviewing owners and/or managers of industrial units of industrial park "Eduardo Dágios s" employees etc., to information and data about the thematic studied. This dissertation have reviewed: 1) industrial diversity in the State of Paraná, analyzing the formations of industrial parks and because of this a new territorialization of industry in the State and finally a study on the industry in the region of southwestern Paraná; 2) we see the historical formation of industry in Pato Branco until the formation of the industrial park "Eduardo Dágios"; 3) observe the importance that the bairro Planalto has for some people while dwelling place, leisure entertainment and everyday relations; 4) we see the process of industrialization and local development, having as consequence of the increased quality of life promoted by government agencies and industries, by the way the General infrastructure of the bairro Planalto from the creation of the industrial park "Eduardo Dágios". / A relação entre global e o local devem ser vistas em uma perspectiva dialética, na qual nem o todo pode ser fracionado ou dividido em partes, nem a soma das partes reconstitui o todo, pois são auto-organizativos e, portanto, não desmembráveis. Nesta perspectiva, as concepções teóricas e as experiências de planejamento, não estão voltadas para regiões isoladas. O processo de globalização e as mudanças tecnológicas e estruturais mudaram a natureza e as condições do desenvolvimento local. As localidades devem ser vistas como espaços ativos dotados de cultura, história, recursos humanos e materiais diferenciados. Dessa forma, a inovação e os formatos institucionais se sobressaem como elementos centrais, tanto para o entendimento quanto para as políticas de desenvolvimento local. Para tanto, foram utilizados principalmente os referenciais de Sandra Lencioni, Clério Campolina, Eduardo Gonçalves e Ester Limonad entre outros. A partir desses conceitos foi possível ter embasamento suficiente para realizar uma pesquisa minuciosa entrevistando proprietários, administradores e trabalhadores assalariados de unidades industriais do Parque Industrial ―Eduardo Dágios‖, visando obter informações e dados acerca da temática estudada. Nesta dissertação foram analisados: 1) a diversidade industrial no Estado do Paraná e como ocorrem as formações dos parques industriais e como isso influencia a formação de uma nova territorialização da indústria no Estado e também um estudo sobre a indústria na região do Sudoeste do Paraná; 2) verificou-se a formação histórica da indústria em Pato Branco até a formação do Parque Industrial ―Eduardo Dágios‖; 3) observou-se a importância que o bairro Planalto tem para algumas pessoas enquanto lugar de moradia, lazer entretenimento e relações cotidianas; 4) foi verificado o processo de industrialização e o desenvolvimento local, tendo como consequência o aumento da qualidade de vida promovido pelos órgãos públicos e as indústrias, contribuindo significativamente para a melhoria geral de infra-estrutura do bairro Planalto a partir da criação do Parque Industrial ―Eduardo Dágios‖.

Värdeflödesanalys i ett råmaterialflöde : En fallstudie där icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter och dess orsaksfaktorer identifieras

Eriksson, Carl-Oscar, Tornberg, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Syfte – Studiens syfte är att utifrån en värdeflödesanalys kartlägga ett råmaterialflöde samt identifiera icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter och föreslå förbättringsförslag. För att besvara syftet har det brutits ned i tre följande frågeställningar: Vilka icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter kan identifieras i flödet? Vad finns det för argument till att åtgärda de upptäckta icke- värdeskapande aktiviteterna Hur kan de upptäckta icke-värdeskapande aktiviteterna åtgärdas för att höja effektiviteten? Metod - Den genomförda studien är en fallstudie vilken bygger på en induktiv ansats med kvantitativa inslag. Den använda metoden är av kvalitativ karaktär då studien grundar sig på intervjuer och tolkning utifrån observationer av den grundläggande datainsamlingen. Datainsamlingen har genomförts utifrån litteraturstudier, intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. För att nå en hög trovärdighet har det vid utformning av intervjufrågor varit viktigt att dessa kunnat kopplats till uppfyllnad av syftet. Detta arbete gjordes för att minimera risken för systematiska fel. Resultat – Studiens resultat bygger på en kartläggning av ett flöde där en nulägesanalys genomfördes för att sedan genomföra en värdeflödesanalys. Utifrån värdeflödesanalysen framgick det att en brist i flödet var höga nivåer av slöserier. Det största identifierade slöseriet var bristande kvalité, främst orsakat av produktion av defekta produkter. Denna brist påverkar vidare stora delar av flödet. De åtgärdsförslag vilka läggs fram i studien är att via en förändring av kulturen på företaget, genomföra standarder och vidare jobba med ständiga förbättringar. Implikationer – Resultatet visar vikten av att arbeta med effektivisering av slöserier vilket i studiens fall leder till bristande kvalitet främst i form av produktion av defekta produkter. Studien har ett praktiskt bidrag till tillverkande företag, genom att ta till sig de presenterade åtgärdsförslagen kan det generera en bättre samsyn på kvalitet i verksamheten. Även ett teoretiskt bidrag ges i form av att ämnet ständigt är under utveckling och behöver ny uppdaterad data. Vidare forskning skulle kunna se över hur man rent tekniskt och psykologiskt implementerar en förändring likt denna. Begränsningar – Resultatet kan vara svårt att generalisera eftersom detta är en studie genomförd som en enfallsdesign. Vidare är det även komplext att undersöka och utveckla en studie vilken visar på hur kvalitet är kopplat till företagskultur. / Purpose – The purpose with this study is to map a raw material value flow analysis and identify non-value-creating activities and propound suggestions for improvement. Method – The study is a case study based on an inductive approach with quantitative elements. The used methods is of a qualitative character since the study is based on interviews and interpretation based on observations of the basic data collection. The data collection has been done through literature studies, interviews, observations and document studies. In order to achieve high credibility, it has been important that the design of interview questions can be linked to fulfillment of the purpose. This work was done to minimize the risk of systematic errors. Findings – The study's results are based on a mapping of a flow where a current analysis was carried out to then later end in a value flow analysis. Based on the value flow analysis, it appeared that a shortage in the flow was high levels of waste. The largest identified waste was a lack of quality, mainly due to the production of defective products. This shortcoming also affects large parts of the flow. The measures proposed in the study are to implement standards through a change in the culture of the company, and to continue to work on continuous improvements. Implications – The result, which shows the importance of working with streamlining waste, which in this case leads to a lack of quality, mainly in the form of production of defective products. The study can be seen as a practical contribution to manufacturing companies, by embracing these proposals for action, it should generate a better consensus on the quality of the business. Also a theoretical contribution where further research could look at how to technically and psychologically implement a change like this. Limitations – It can be difficult to generalize the results as this is a study conducted as a one-case design. Furthermore, it is also complex to investigate and develop a study that shows how quality is linked to corporate culture.

Självbeskrivning och tjänstekognition : Om processkartläggning på Arbetsförmedlingen / Self-assesment and Service Cognition : Business Process Modeling at the Swedish Employment Service

Fransson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>When duties are documented, new ideas are often created regarding how the work should be carried out. Writing is an important source of development, but unfortunately the possibilities are limited when it comes to transferring new ways of thinking to personnel. As with organizational change in general, employees tend to neglect new instructions. On the basis of their personal ways of thinking, they might find that the new order is incorrect, requires more resources, lacks contact with reality, or cannot be understood. The people who have prepared the new directives think they are surely justified and easy to understand. In their eyes, those who stick to what used to be correct and reasonable seem resistant to change.</p><p>The aim of this dissertation is to understand the influence of self-assessment on service cognition and to propose how this influence can be utilized to attain strategic aims. The term self-assessment refers here to the activity whereby employees, in a structured manner, collectively assess and document their own instructions. The concept of service cognition refers to individual employee’s conceptions on how to carry out their own tasks, on how colleagues carry out theirs, and on connections between activities in the common workflow. The object of study is self-assessment as business process modeling at the local offices of the Swedish Employment Service.</p><p>What is explored is the crass but fruitful understanding that new ways of thinking more easily arise among those who define organizational design than among those who are expected to change. Using socio-cognitive theory as well as longitudinal and extensive action research, the reasons are investigated behind the inevitable development of units which are trusted to write their own instructions and, in so doing, start to talk about the way work is done. Despite the independence needed to coordinate by consensus, it seems that the collective mind thereby induced actually enhances opportunities for central control and change: Units designing their own routines surely become better coordinated, but also more controllable and adaptive to strategic change. Furthermore, some principles are presented to support self-assessment regarding organization and change.</p>

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