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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landskapet som lärobok : Regionalitet och medborgarfostran i Jämtland kring sekelskiftet 1900

Fransson, Per January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between regionality and societal integration at the turn of the 20th century from an historical and pedagogical perspective. The national identity project of the time that made national unity its overarching goal and that imagined the nation as a homogenous entity, also institutionalised regional distinctiveness. How did the agents of the time handle the conflict between the regionally particular and the nationally general? What is analysed here is the publicly constructed and mediated “regionality”, which is to say the production of meanings about a region and the projection onto it of expectations and ideas. A discourse on Jämtland has been demarcated, which is analysed alongside other contemporary discourses, including class and gender. All of these discourses were rooted in the concept of “societal”. The conception showed that the development of the societal whole was primary in relation to other interests. Defined as “societal”, formerly excluded identities could be made participants in the building of the nation. Empirical examination is given to how “Jämtland” and “the Jämtlandic” were defined in the regional press, in the framework of general education, and by the Swedish Tourist Association, regional societies, institutions and so forth. The study shows that at the turn of the 20th century, regionality very much functioned as a means to territorially anchor more general ideas and notions that inheredin the modernisation and democratisation of society. With the objective of attaining a higher degree of national integration, a regional distinctiveness was constructed that was nationally complementary and that served as a metaphorfor subordinated participation in society. From grand, majestic panoramas, historical myths, traditional local handicrafts and provincial flowers a symbolic distinctiveness was created, but with the aim of establishing genuine national unity. Society was to be described and understood from particular and individual viewpoints, so that the individual could develop a sense of the general and so that society’s fundamental values were not undermined by his liberation. Jämtlandic regionality that has been identified in the study can thus be regarded as a supra-ideological institution. What came to be regionalised was something more fundamental than the artefacts of cultural heritage that people and institutions believed themselves to be rescuing from modernisation: it was the nation’s territoriality. The concept of hembygd represented a “spatialisation” of the societally coded concept of citizenship, and helped to tie this concept to the individual’s own lifeworld. More than anything else, regionality indicateda perspective on reality. If it was possible to obtain an overview of a regional context from a local vantage point or an individual locally crafted artefact, it was also possible to conceive of the larger national framework of which this region formed a part. The regional denoted the link between the private and the public, between the individual and his abstract national affiliation.

I skuggan av stormaktens sista krig : Inre förhållanden i den svenska militärstatens Jämtland under stora nordiska kriget

Sundberg, Markus January 2019 (has links)
This paper is focused on the consequences of the drawn-out conflict, known as ”the great northern war”, which lasted from the start of the 18th century up to 1721. More precisely the focus is at the economic situation facing the agrarian lower classes during these years, as well the nature in which their discontent presented itself. The study is restricted to one particular region of early-modern Sweden, Jämtland. The subjects that are examined are: - The amount of tax that were not paid or delivered to the proper authorities in time. - Contemporary depictions of the situation for the agrarian lower classes in Jämtland. - Taxes from earlier years yet to be paid.- Abandoned farms during the period. - Crop failures and their connection to the economic situation. - The so called ”everyday forms of resistance” in Jämtland as an expression of the people’s discontent towards the ruling figures in Stockholm – manifested against their local representatives. / <p>Betygsdatum 2019-06-13</p>

En jämtländsk företagarverksamhet och dess omvärld : Sven O Perssons företagande 1920-1990 / A Jämtland Company in its Regional and National Setting : Sven O Persson's Entrepreneurship 1920- 1990

Bodén, Bo January 1995 (has links)
The subject of this study is the business activities of an industrialist from county of Jämtland, Sven O Persson (S P), from the end of the 1910's to the end of the 1980's. The economic development of Jämtland during the last one hundred years has also been depicted and placed in relation to the national one, during periods of directional change and/or expansion. Of primary interest is the interplay between S P's business operations and the surrounding world.This research looks at S P's business activities both from a structural-analytical perspective and an entrepreneurial. Sven Persson's operations commenced in Jämtland at the end of the 1910's with horse dealing, and the first woodland properties were acquired in 1926. Early on (1932) he linked his operations to the development of the motor vehicle. Up until the middle of the I960's the transport sector was the foremost driving force behind his business expansion. Sven Persson's widespread net of personal contacts provided him with information of important sections of the county's economy, which made it easier for him to discover and capitalize on the business opportunities opened by the breakthrough of the trucking industry the timber boom and the regulated economy of the W W II. It is worth mentioning that his operations integrated Östersund's advantages with those of the countryside and business activity was thus largely independent of the geographical location of this agrarian county and the long distances to populated, affluent markets. After the founding of Persson Invest (PI) in 1968 business operations grew rapidly and principally outside the county, and the main product was then chipboard. The hardening competition in the economy had enabled the concern to acquire insolvent companies and/or firms whose assets were too small to meet future investment costs. In the first year of business of this concern the number of employees was around 500 and in 1976 it had risen to almost 1,750. The new areas included the manufacture of agricultural and forest machinery and snowmobiles and three breweries. By 1980, however, the number of employees had decreased to about 1,100. During the following ten-year period the downswing was broken and employment increased to some 1,300 by 1990. The downswing was mainly due to rationalizations, profitability problems and the sale of Pi's agricultural machinery division. The 1980's upturn was mainly due to new acquisitions within the chipboard industry and the purchase of a large Volvo dealership in Norway. With the sale of the breweries in 1989 the sphere of business was thus nearly the same as in 1968. In a structural-analytic context the concern's acquisitions 1968-1976 were not successful. Rationalization was already far advanced in several of the firms when the takeovers took place, and their operations were centered in stagnating and/or shrinking markets. Using Erik Dahmén's terminology, it was a matter of companies whose production was on the negative side of the developmental fence. The concern's manu­facture of chipboard, however, had great success. A central role in that development can be ascribed to low capital costs. Profits from the car dealerships, regional development grants and the acquisition of chipboard firms explain the low cost. Sven Persson's entrepreneurial talent was to discover opportunities offered by the market at an early stage and to capitalize them, as in the case of the car dealership and the chipboard manufacturing. Other charac­teristic traits was to make decisions based on informal conversations, intuition and personal evaluation, instead of formal decision-making, economic analyses and market research. / digitalisering@umu

Jämtländska reliefspännebärare : Ledande kvinnor under folkvandringstid

Virtala, Carolina January 2017 (has links)
This paper deals with two women who wore relief brooches from Häste and Brunflo during the Migration period in Jämtland. The purpose of the essay is to investigate similarities and differences in the women’s relief brooches, graves and places in order to understand the women’s relations to each other and their time. The essay has implemented gender theory and a comparative method, complemented by a landscape analysis. The conclusion is that the women from Häste and Brunflo were leaders during their time.

Enkla skafthålsyxor i Norrland under senneolitikum-bronsåldern / Simple Shaft-Hole Axes in Norrland During the Late Neolithic-Bronze Age

Lönnqvist, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the study of the artefact type called simple shaft-hole axe (Swedish: enkel skafthålsyxa) that have been found in the northern region of Sweden, Norrland. In contrast to finds in southern and middle Sweden, axes of this type in Norrland have not been extensively studied. Therefor the aim of this paper is to tabulate their number and distribution and see if the axes have any spatial relation to ancient monuments (Swedish: fornlämningar) dated to the same period and to see if the axes have any spatial relationship to any specific type of geography/terrain. This study also analyzes how they compare to the axes found in the rest of Sweden and thus what they may be able to tell us about prehistoric society in Norrland. This paper can be viewed as an extension of Per Lekberg’s dissertation Yxors liv, människors landskap: en studie av kulturlandskap och samhälle i Mellansveriges senneolitikum which is the most modern and extensive analysis of axes found in southern and middle Sweden and has provided a blueprint for the research done in this paper.

Examensarbete, sång – Sofia Hultqvist Kott: Examenskonsert, vernissage &amp; stilanalysarbete: Kirsten Bråten Berg kväder Stev for dagen

Hultqvist Kott, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete innefattar en reflektion inför min examenskonsert och vernissage med musik och konst inspirerad av den Jämtländska fjällvärlden där jag växte upp. Min avsikt var att skapa en hyllning till den plats jag håller närmst om hjärtat, samt att genom olika medel göra ett försök att skildra den.  Mitt stilanalysarbete kretsar kring folksångerskan Kirsten Bråten Berg och hennes framförande av den norska visgenren Nystev. Syftet med arbetet har varit att försöka beskriva Kirsten Bråten Bergs sångsätt och uttryck, och därtill kartlägga nystevens struktur och gestaltning.  Studien har som avsikt att väcka intresse hos den som visar nyfikenhet för den skandinaviska folkmusik- och vokaltraditionen. Min förhoppning är att vederbörande ska få ta del av verktyg, inspiration och material gällande ämnet, och att detta ska leda till ett vidare utforskande av genren. / <p><strong>Program examenskonsert:</strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Årstider</strong></p><p>S. Hultqvist Kott</p><p></p><p><strong>Gamlestev</strong></p><p>Trad. efter Kirsten Bråten Berg</p><p></p><p><strong>Tiden flyr när vill du börja / Erotokritos</strong></p><p>Trad. efter Anders Hoas / trad. Grekland</p><p></p><p><strong>O sommartid så skön och kär</strong></p><p>Trad. efter Dansar Edvard Jonsson</p><p></p><p><strong>Kalhygge</strong></p><p>S. Hultqvist Kott</p><p></p><p><strong>Improvisation ur Gryning över Kalahari</strong></p><p>Författare Lasse Berg</p><p></p><p><strong>Sven Svane / Gåtegangar</strong></p><p>Trad. efter K. Bråten Berg / A. Myrin &amp; G. Nergaard</p><p></p><p><strong>Seint var det om kvelden</strong></p><p>Trad. efter Paul Sveinall</p><p></p><p><strong>På dig jag hoppas</strong></p><p>Trad. efter Gustav Jönsson</p><p></p><p><strong>I norr</strong></p><p>S. Hultqvist Kott</p><p></p><p><strong>Jämtländsk vaggvisa</strong></p><p><em>A. Edwall</em></p><p><em></em></p><p><strong>Medverkande:</strong></p><p>Sofia Hultqvist Kott — sång, shrutibox</p><p>Susanne Rosenberg — sång</p><p>Óskar Guðnason — sång</p><p>Siri Flensburg — sång</p><p>Jim Base — elgitarr</p><p>Albin Myrin — klarinett</p><p>Leif Ottosson — dragspel</p><p>Olov Lindroth — tramporgel</p><p>Christian Mohr Levisen — kretensisk lyra</p><p>Gard Nergaard — hardingfela, altfiol, pedal steel </p><p></p><p><strong>Video och ljudupptagning: </strong></p><p>Alexander Wallin</p>

Continuous Presence : A Historical Ecology of Ängesviken, Jämtland / Kontinuerlig Närvaro : Historisk Ekologi av Ängesviken, Jämtland

Larsson, Petter I. January 2021 (has links)
A case study of a prehistoric site named Ängesviken, in eastern Jämtland, is presented in this thesis. Ängesviken is situated in a region that traditionally has been understood as peripheral and without a significant history prior to the Late Iron Age or even the mediaeval period. The site appears to have a continuous presence of human activities through a period of 3000 years, manifested through a horizontal stratigraphy. In order to study this site of abstruse character a multidisciplinary approach is used, where archaeology, paleoecology, and spatiality are combined. The conceptual framework of the study is that landscapes are the result of socio-ecological processes over time. To frame the data provided by chosen methods, theoretical frameworks of cultural niche construction theory and landscape patchiness applied, which provide insight of the socio-ecological systems present at Ängesviken during the last 3000 years. During the Iron Age, the site was used for pastoralism, combined with hunting. The archaeological and geographical context of Ängesviken indicate that the site might have been connected with other regions through networks of trade during this period. During the mediaeval period there is a reorganisation of the outlands, leading to a phase of regrowth, but the site could possibly still have been utilised as hunting grounds as there are mediaeval villages in the region. In the early modern period and modern period, the site is once again used for pastoralism. Today, the utilisation of the site has changed towards modern forestry and occasional hunting of elk. The continuous presence at Ängesviken could be explained by the resources the outlands provided. This case study indicates that the far-reaching networks of trade during the Iron Age led to a process of local modification of the ecosystem driven by an external market. This study shows that the anthropogenic modification of the boreal forest's ecosystem has a longer history in eastern Jämtland than traditionally has been thought. The investigation of Ängesviken highlights the importance of researching abstruse and previously uncertain sites from a multidisciplinary approach, as the different datatypes complement each other and results in a deeper knowledge of the site and the socio-ecological systems in a long-term perspective. / Uppsatsen består av en fallstudie av en arkeolgosik lokal vid namn Ängesviken i östra Jämtland. Platsen ligger i ett område som vid första anblick ter sig perifeiellt placerat i utmarkerna till medeltida byar och tidigmoderna fäbodar. Tidigare har en vikingatida byggnad sam en intilligande grav undersökts arkeologiskt. Arkeologiska undersökningar har visat att människor tycks ha använt platsen under en 3000-års period, men hur platsen använts eller påverkats av denna användning har arkeologin inte kunnat påvisa. För att undersöka mänskliga aktiviteter vid Ängesviken under de senaste 3000 åren, samt hur dessa aktiviteter påverkat landskapet, undersöks platsen från ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv. Arkeologi kombineras med paleoekologi och rumslig analys. Det konceptuella ramverket för undersökningen bygger på historisk ekologi där kulturell nische konstruktion kombineras med "landscape patchiness". "Landscape patchiness" har sitt ursprung ur ekologin och lägger fokus på lakala vegetationsstrukturer. De äldsta praktikerna på platsen är ännu inte fullt ut klargjorda men platsens läge i landskapet ter sig som en trolig orsak till de första aktiviteterna. Pollenanalysen visar att området används för djurhållning under järnåldern, en aktivitet som kom att förändra landskapets struktur och platsens ekologi. Järnålderns kulturella nische ter sig multifunktionell där djurhållning har kombinerats med andra nyttjanden av utmarksresurser. Pollenanalysen visar att platsen verkar överges under medeltid för att sedan åter brukas för djurhållning under tidigmodern och modern tid. Undersökningen visar på vikten av tvärvetenskapliga undersökningar av otydliga och tidigare svårtolkade arkeologiska lokaler och sammanhang inom det Skandinaviska inlandet.

Life cycle assessment of the semidetached passive house "Röda lyktan" in northern Sweden : A comparison between the construction phase and the use phase / Livscykelanalys av det tvådelade passivhuset "Röda lyktan" i norra Sverige : En jämförelse mellan konstruktionsfasen och användningsfasen

Svensson, Michelle January 2013 (has links)
This report is a life cycle assessment of a relatively newly built semidetached passive house/low energy house located in Östersund/Jämtland. The analysis concentrates on the building materials in the construction phase and the energy in the use phase for 50 years. The construction phase include frame, foundation, interior and exterior walls, ceiling and roof, middle floor structure, floor coverings, interior and exterior doors, windows, interior staircase with banisters, stove and FTX-ventilation system. The inventory to obtain the volume of each material has been made with the help of blueprints and interviews. The inventory of the use phase has been made using measurements from a parallel study by Itai Danielski of the energy use in the house (Danielski, Svensson &amp; Fröling, 2013). The database Ecoinvent has been used to get a result for the volume and energy values. The inventory data is allocated and the characterization methods GWP, CED (cumulative energy demand) and USEtox are used. The aim of this study was to compare the construction phase with the use phase to see which phase that has the highest energy values ​​and environmental impact. Another goal was to examine which materials in the construction phase that has the highest embodied energy and environmental impact. The result shows that in a comparison between the construction phase and the use phase, and when considering the parameters included in this study, the use phase has the highest values for global warming potentials (around 54 %), cumulative energy demand (around 80 %), ecotoxicity (around 56 %), human non-carcinogenic toxicity (around 77 %) and total human toxicity (around 75 %). The construction phase has the highest values for human carcinogenic toxicity (around 57 %). Even if the use phase has the highest values in most categories the construction phase also has high values. As buildings become more energy efficient and with increasing use of renewable energy, the construction phase becomes more important from an environmental perspective. This means that the material choices which are made in passive houses become increasingly important if passive houses should be considered to be environmentally friendly also in the future. The study also shows that the FTX-ventilation system, some of the insulation materials (with cellular plastic sheets and rock wool in top), metals (with sheet metal roofing of steel in top), glued laminated timber and wood fiber boards  have some of the highest values of environmental impact and the highest embodied energy. These materials should in future buildings be considered, if possible, to be replaced with materials with less environmental impact. / Den här rapporten är en livscykelanalys av ett relativt nybyggt passivhus/lågenergihus som också är ett parhus (ett hus delat i två separata lägenheter) beläget i Östersund/Jämtland. Analysen koncentrerar sig på byggnadsmaterialen i konstruktionsfasen och energin i användningsfasen under 50 år. Konstruktionsfasen inkluderar stomme, grund, inner- och ytterväggar, inner- och yttertak, mellanbjälklag, golvbeklädnader, inner- och ytterdörrar, fönster, invändig trappa med trappräcke, kamin och FTX-ventilationssystem. Inventeringen för att få fram volymen på varje material har gjorts med hjälp av ritningar och intervjuer. Inventeringen av användningsfasen har gjorts med hjälp av mätvärden från en parallell studie av Itai Danielski på energianvändningen i huset (Danielski, Svensson &amp; Fröling, 2013). Databasen Ecoinvent har sedan använts för att få fram ett resultat för volym- och energivärdena. Inventeringsdatan är allokerad och karaktäriseringsmetoderna GWP (globalt uppvärmingspotential), CED (kumulativt energibehov) och USEtox (toxicitet) har använts. Målet med studien är att jämföra konstruktionsfasen med användningsfasen för att kunna se vilken fas som har högst energivärden och miljöpåverkan. Målet är också att undersöka vilka material i konstruktionsfasen som har högst förkroppsligad energi och miljöpåverkan, i syftet att eventuellt kunna byta ut vissa material till miljövänligare alternativ, för att få ett miljövänligare hus i framtida liknande byggnationer. Resultaten visar att i en jämförelse mellan konstruktionsfasen och användningsfasen, och med hänsyn till de parametrar som ingår i studien, att användningsfasen har de högsta värdena för globalt uppvämingspotential (runt 54 %), kumulativt energibehov (runt 80 %), ekotoxicitet (runt 56 %), human icke-cancerogen toxicitet (runt 77 %) och total human toxicitet (runt 75 %). Konstruktionsfasen har högst värden för human cancerogen toxicitet (runt 57 %). Även om användningsfasen har högst värden i de flesta kategorierna så har även konstruktionsfasen höga värden. Ju mer energieffektiva husen blir och med en ökad användning av energi från förnyelsebara källor, desto viktigare blir konstruktionsfasen ur ett miljöperspektiv. Det betyder att materialvalen som görs i huset blir väldigt viktiga om passivhus ska fortsätta anses som miljövänliga även i framtiden. Denna studie visar också att FTX-ventilationssystemet, några av isoleringsmaterialen (med cellplasten och stenullen i topp), metallerna (med plåttaket av stål i topp), limträbalkar och träfiberskivor har några av de högsta värdena av miljöpåverkan och den högsta förkroppsligade energin. Dessa material borde i framtida byggnationer övervägas att om möjligt ersättas med andra material med mindre miljöpåverkan.

Ett tvådelat Norrland : En studie om grophus från stenåldern i mellersta Norrland. / A divided Norrland : A study on semi-subterranean houses from the stone age in the middle part of Norrland

Karlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on the semi-subterranean houses in northern Sweden, specifically in the counties Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland. The semi-subterranean houses were usedby hunter-gatherers and the houses date to the end of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. In this study two separate types of semi-subterranean houses are being investigated. Both types of semi-subterranean houses are categorized as ‘settlement embankments’ (Sw. boplatsvall). Within the study one type is called ‘embankments of fire-cracked stones’ (Sw. skärvstensvall) which are situated in the interior part of Norrland, and the other type is called ‘embankmentsof gravel/sand’ (Sw. grusvall) which are mainly found in the coastal areas of Norrland. The purpose of this study is to investigate the number of individuals residing within the semi-subterranean houses. Cross-cultural studies based on ethnographic material is used to calculate how many individuals lived in each house. The cross-cultural study of floor area has resulted in a mean of how much space (6.1 m2) a prehistoric human needs in a dwelling. This number is used to calculate the number of individuals that lived in each house based on the size of the floor area. Another purpose of this study is to investigate if there are any differences between the embankments of fire-cracked stone and the embankments of gravel/sand. Are they simply different construction techniques or are there any other differences between them, such as size, social structure and chronology.

Inställda förrättningar : Orsaker till inställande i Gävleborg, Dalarna och Jämtlands län 2013-2017

Östlund, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Sometimes obstacles arise in cadastral procedures that make it impossible to carry out the party's claim. An obstacle may be that property formation does not meet the conditions in chapter 3. or 5 chap. property formation (SFS 1970: 988). According to a press release issued by the Government Chancellor on January 19, 2017 (Regeringskansliet, 2017), the average processing time for an cadastral procedures is approximately 47.1 weeks at the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (based on the last five years). The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority was commissioned to work towards shorten cases queues. By detecting obstacles in cadastral proceedings earlier, those cases that are not possible to be implemented can be removed from the case queue and help shorten the processing time. By examin cases that have been canceled due to a material barrier, a basis has been provided for reasons of resignation. During the period from 1 January to 31 december 2017, 74 cadastral procedurs were canceled in Gävleborg, Dalarna and Jämtland on due to material barriers. In view of the outcome of Klang (Klang, 2010) and the result of this work it can be concluded that the section of the law that most often cause barriers to cadastral procedurs are found in chapter 3 of the Property Formation Act. An examination of the property formation at an earlier stage would facilitate the work of the establishment. If obvious defects of appropriateness and conditions that are significantly contrary to the applicable land rules are discovered and can be resolved already at the first examination of the application, it could help reduce the processing time for that case. If not, the case would even be considered impracticable already there. However, in order to be able to make such an assessment at first examination, there is a certain kind of competence that is already lacking today. / Ibland uppkommer hinder i förrättningar som omöjliggör ett genomförande av sakägarens yrkande. Ett hinder kan vara att fastighetsbildningen inte uppfyller villkoren i 3 kap. eller 5 kap. fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988). Enligt ett pressmeddelande från Regeringskansliet den 19 januari 2017 (Regeringskansliet, 2017) är den genomsnittliga handläggningstiden för ett förrättningsärende ca 47,1 veckor hos det Statliga Lantmäteriet (baserat på de senaste fem åren). Lantmäteriet fick i uppdrag att jobba för att korta ner ärendekön. Genom att upptäcka hinder i förrättningsärenden tidigare kan dessa ärenden som inte är möjliga att genomföra tas ur ärendekön och bidra till att korta handläggningstiden. Genom att kvalitativt granska förrättningar som har blivit inställda på grund av ett materiellt hinder har ett underlag tagits fram för orsaker till inställande. Under tidsperioden 2013-01-01 till 2017-12-31 inställdes 74 stycken förrättningar i Gävleborg, Dalarna och Jämtlands län på grund av materiella hinder. Med tanke på resultatet som Klang (Klang, 2010) fick fram gällande förrättningar enligt fastighetsbildningslagen och resultatet i detta arbete kan slutsatsen dras att de lagrum som oftast orsakar hinder för att genomföra förrättningar finns i fastighetsbildningslagens 3 kapitel. En prövning av fastighetsbildningslagen i ett tidigare skede skulle underlätta arbetet med förrättningen. Om uppenbara lämplighetsbrister och förhållanden som påtagligt strider emot gällande markbestämmelser upptäckts och kan åtgärdas redan vid första granskning av ansökan skulle det kunna bidra till att handläggningstiden för det ärendet kortades ned. Om inte ärendet till och med skulle anses vara ogenomförbart redan där. För att kunna göra en sådan bedömning vid första granskning krävs det dock en viss typ av kompetens som det idag redan är brist på.

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