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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing Scenes and Telling Time: Post-War German Journal Literature, Between Diary and the News(papers)

Watzka, Michael January 2021 (has links)
Located at the intersection of literary, journalistic, and socio-historical discourses, “Writing Scenes and Telling Time” looks at diaristic texts in post-war German literature through the lens of news reporting and mass media. Since the 1970s, diaristic texts in German emerged across genres in the works of canonical authors. These works are widely read as subjective texts and linked to their authors’ supposedly diaristic interest in introspection and self-expression. However, these texts’ orientation towards the outside world and their interest in the temporality and scene of writing does not fit into this existing narrative. This dissertation looks at four decades worth of journal texts by Peter Handke, Sarah Kirsch, Jürgen Becker, and Rainald Goetz. Considering these texts between the poles of diary and news(papers), “Writing Scenes and Telling Time” argues that the modes of writing that emerged must be read as a new genre. Looking at novels, poetry, prose, blogs, and epics, “Writing Scenes and Telling Time” analyses writing as the site of narrative experiments that resulted in new attempts to define literary categories. “Writing Scenes and Telling Time” establishes links between the accelerating and alienating effects of mass media and the narratological impact of journalistic reporting on literary writing. The project takes reporting and the report as its methodological cornerstones and looks at the journal’s conception of scene, time, image, narrative, and writing through the lens of contemporary literary theory. My project situates itself within the temporal turn and contributes to recent studies on literature and time. The three chapters of this dissertation trace different modes of journal writing emerging since the early 1970s. Chapter I investigates how the texts of Jürgen Becker focus on the temporality of short-term memory and its implications for a new definition of plot. Chapter II traces journal writing in Sarah Kirsch’s poetry and prose and the way in which it focalizes settings of spatio-temporal liminality. Chapter III looks at the works of Peter Handke and their focus on the temporal simultaneity of writing and its relation to the surrounding scene. My conclusion revisits these modes through the lens of 2000s journal writing in the works of Rainald Goetz. “Writing Scenes and Telling Time” suggests that these texts’ very rigid repudiation of mass media and journalistic reporting lies at odds with the extraordinary phenomenological influence both have on the conceptions of writing contained in them. This dissertation, therefore, intervenes in a literary history of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s by challenging common center/periphery binaries that imply an author’s supposed degree of (non)involvement with the modern world. It expands existing theories on diaristic writing, looking at journal writing as a specific genre that transcends existing categories. “Writing Scenes and Telling Time” concludes that a broad range of supposedly diaristic texts from the German post-war era must be reconceived with regards to their genre status. Through its focus on writing, this dissertation ultimately aims at establishing journal writing as a new theory of genre.

Att investera sig själv i omdömet : Litteratur, smak och identitet i Facebookgruppen ”Litteraturgäris” / To Invest Oneself in Opinion: Literature, Taste and Identity in the Facebook Group “Litteraturgäris”

Hedman-Dybeck, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
This thesis intends to examine how taste, identity and community works in a Swedish Facebook group exclusive to women and people who define themselves as non-binary. The study is based on a material that stretches from 2019–01–01 to 2019–06–30. With a political framework, this group has based its values on intersectional feminism and postcolonial theory, which gives the posts made in the group a certain setting to relate to. By using Jürgen Habermas’ classic book The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere : An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society (1962) together with Pierre Bourdieu’s notions on habitus, field, dox and capital, this thesis examines the perception of how the group develops a shared taste, as well as how it forms a certain kind of community. The first part of the analysis introduces statistics to form an overview of where the group members find their interests in literature most fulfilled and how interactions and commentary is spread over different kinds of posts. Here, a categorization is presented to clarify what the most prominent posts in the group are. In the second part, a closer examination is made through an approach to the new public that this group constitutes, how taste is formed and what kind of books the members are interested in and how conflicts arise not through discussions on good or bad taste, but rather political matters. Finally, the analysis shows how the community fulfills certain functions for the members and how they seem to perceive the group as a whole. In conclusion, this new cultural environment has impact on how we can understand our ability to express ourselves and make ourselves heard. Together with this we can see that the group forms a certain taste that mainly consists of popular culture, even though more literary titles can be found. Still, the most important function seems to be the one of community and the sense of belonging to a group, to participate and receive approval as a human being.

Jürgen Moltmann as a biblical theologian : political hermeneutic of scripture as foundational for ecological theology

Lee, Hyo-Dong January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Hymner för redan frälsta : Om lidande och hopp i Den svenska psalmboken / Hymns for the already saved : About suffering and hope in The Swedish hymn book.

Ed, Birgitta January 2021 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats är en textanalys av ett urval av psalmer i Den svenska psalmboken. Textanalysen är genomförd utifrån forskningsfrågan Hur formuleras lidande och hopp i Den svenska psalmboken? Den tyske teologen Jürgen Moltmanns teori om hoppets teologi och den amerikanska teologen Serene Jones beskrivning av berättelsers och vardagserfarenheters betydelse för en teologi kring lidande har fungerat som teoretiska tolkningsramar. Textanalysen har lett fram till några huvudslutsatser. För det första har det fysiska lidandet – sjukdom tex – till stor del försvunnit som tema i de psalmer som handlar om prövning och lidande och som överlevt från Den svenska psalmboken 1937 till Den svenska psalmboken 1986. För det andra beskrivs hoppet i dessa psalmer som ett hopp om räddning här och nu, snarare än ett eskatologiskt hopp om ett evigt liv. För det tredje tar psalmerna sin utgångspunkt i teologiska figurer och för kristna, kända bilder och använder i liten grad vardagen/den upplevda verkligheten som referensram

Les comités d'éthique clinique : analyse évaluative selon deux modèles de validité éthique

Savard, Nathalie 18 November 2021 (has links)
Le but du présent ouvrage est de voir s'il est possible de légitimer le travail des comités d'éthique clinique. Pour ce faire, deux modèles de validité éthique sont étudiés : l'empirisme intentionnel de D.J. Self et l'éthique discursive de J. Habermas. Afin de dégager le schéma de validité éthique de chacun des modèles et de voir leur portée pour les comités d1 éthique, ils sont analysés à la lumière de la place accordée à la pluralité et au consensus, lequel est d'une grande importance pour les comités d'éthique. Il est ici l'objet d'une analyse détaillée guidant l'évaluation parallèle des modèles. En conclusion, il appert que l'éthique discursive rend possible la légitimation du travail des comités d'éthique. Elle demeure cependant un modèle idéal qui n'est pas intégralement appliqué mais qui peut servir à améliorer la qualité éthique du travail des comités d'éthique.

L'hétéronomie du discours : une approche critique de la philosophie politique de Jürgen Habermas / The heteronomy of discourse : a critical approach of Jürgen Habermas political philosophy

Nouët, Clotilde 11 December 2017 (has links)
Nous proposons dans cette thèse une approche critique de la philosophie politique de Jürgen Habermas, qui vise à interroger la conception du discours sur laquelle elle se fonde. De ses premiers textes sur «l’espace public» à la théorie politique et du droit qu’élabore Droit et démocratie, Habermas approfondit l’intuition selon laquelle c’est à travers une certaine pratique du discours argumenté que se forment les espaces de communication, de délibération, et de décision, sans la vitalité desquels la démocratie ne saurait être «radicale». Il convient dès lors de reconstruire cette théorie du discours qui sous-tend sa pensée politique, aux différents niveaux où elle est opératoire : la pratique du langage ordinaire qui est la nôtre lorsque nous communiquons dans la vie de tous les jours ; celle que nous mettons en œuvre en tant que sujets politiques lorsque nous revendiquons des droits dans l’espace public ; celle enfin qui nous permet d’argumenter selon un point de vue moral lorsqu’il s’agit de déterminer les principes de justice. Nous défendons la thèse selon laquelle les normes fondamentales du discours, qu’Habermas établit à un niveau quasi transcendantal, doivent être reconduites à une hétéronomie qui est celle des conditions matérielles du discours. La philosophie sociale d’inspiration matérialiste qu’Horkheimer s’emploie à construire dans les années 1930 ouvre la voie d’une telle analyse. Nous reconstituons à cet effet le débat interne à l’École de Francfort sur la question de savoir comment le matérialisme critique de Marx doit être interprété. / In this dissertation I offer a critical examination of Jurgen Habermas’s political philosophy while questioning the conception of discourse which it is grounded in. From his first texts on the “public space” to the legal and political theory elaborated in Law and Democracy, Habermas explores the intuition that it is through a certain practice of argumentative discourse that spaces of communication, deliberation and decision are formed, the vitality of which is crucial to a truly “radical” democracy. The theory of discourse underpinning his political thought must hence be reconstructed at the different levels it operates on, including the practice of ordinary language through which we communicate in everyday life, the discourse we apply as political subjects when we claim rights in the public space, and the discourse which enables us to form arguments from a moral point of view when principles of justice need to be determined. My thesis supports the idea that fundamental norms of discourse, which Habermas establishes on a quasi-transcendental level, must be confronted to the heteronomy of material conditions of discourse. The materialist-derived philosophy which Horkheimer strove to reconstruct in the 1930s paves the way for this analysis. I therefore reconstitute the debate within the Frankfurt School on the question of how Marx’s historical materialism should be interpreted.

A transparência como ferramenta de ampliação do caráter democrático nos conselhos universitários das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior: o caso da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Monteiro, Fernando Mota 22 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:21:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Mota Monteiro.pdf: 1050639 bytes, checksum: cb577882b5ce52a0ae23fc3a8b0761ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-22 / O Conselho Universitário da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes) é o órgão deliberativo máximo da instituição. Sua composição obedece à Lei 5.540/1968, que determina o percentual mínimo de 70% do número de seus membros formado por servidores do corpo docente, o que tende a ocasionar disparidades entre a força política da categoria docente e da categoria dos servidores técnico-administrativos em educação, fator que possui o potencial de desequilibrar democraticamente as decisões baixadas pelo referido Conselho. Como forma de atenuar tais diferenças, aponta-se a implantação de ferramentas de transparência administrativa, visando à realização de auditorias sociais e à ampliação democrática do equilíbrio de forças entre as categorias, em alusão à Teoria do Discurso de Jürgen Habermas. A Teoria apregoa que a participação do coletivo junto à administração pública produz discursos melhor fundamentados, debatidos e democraticamente mais abrangentes, e defende que a forma de participação deliberativa deve ser realizada por meios institucionalizados. Para que tal teoria seja aplicada, é essencial que o acesso às informações seja amplo, a fim de proporcionar, à comunidade universitária, meios para acompanhar o dia a dia do Conselho. Por meio da realização de pesquisas documentais, constatou-se que o site do Conselho Universitário da Ufes atende irrisoriamente ao disposto pela Lei 12.527/2011, a chamada Lei do Acesso à Informação, o que corrobora para que os processos decisórios do órgão colegiado continuem imersos na cultura do segredo. Também foi constatado que o Conselho Universitário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) obedece plenamente à Lei, e configura-se como um exemplo de boas práticas, principalmente no que se refere às informações disponíveis em seu site, o qual disponibiliza a transmissão ao vivo de suas sessões. Por meio de entrevistas junto aos servidores ligados diretamente aos Conselhos Universitários da Ufes e da UFSC, foi realizada uma análise comparativa sistematizada, que concluiu que, mesmo havendo hegemonia do corpo docente nas duas instituições, o nível de debate junto ao colegiado da UFSC é considerado democrático, enquanto na UFES é apontada predominância da categoria docente sobre as discussões, e que, na UFSC, a comunidade universitária se interessa pelos assuntos tratados pelo colegiado superior, enquanto na Ufes a resposta é a oposta. A partir dessas análises, foi proposta uma plataforma de ação a ser implantada pela administração da Ufes visando à melhoria do acesso à informação por meio do site do Departamento de Administração dos Órgãos Colegiados Superiores, contando com uma ferramenta de transmissão ao vivo das sessões de seu Conselho Universitário que contempla a participação da comunidade universitária, em tempo real, durante a discussão de determinados pontos de pauta. Tendo como base o referencial teórico, as pesquisas realizadas e as análises inferenciais, concluiu-se que a abertura das sessões do Conselho Universitário da Ufes ao público, contemplando o direito à fala por parte da comunidade universitária, possui o potencial de ampliar a característica democrática de suas decisões, e que tal potencial pode ser mensurado quantitativamente a posteriori, a partir de sua aplicação por meio de pesquisas de opinião / The University Council of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) is the highest deliberative body of the institution. Its composition obeys the Law 5.540/1968, which determines that 70% of its members must belong to the faculty, fact that tends to lead to disparities between the political strength of the teaching category and the category of technical and administrative educational employees, a factor that has the potential to destabilize democratically decisions issued by the Council. In order to mitigate such differences, points up the implementation of administrative transparency tools, to provide social audits and expand democratic balance of forces etween the categories, in allusion to the Jürgen Habermas/ Discourse Theory . The theory proclaims that the participation of the collective within the government produces better reasoned speeches, more debated and democratically more embracing, and argues that the deliberative participation must be performed by institutionalized means. For this theory to be applied, the access to information must be broad, to provide means for the university community to monitor the Council s everyday. By conducting documentary research, was found that the Ufes University Council/ s website obeys poorly the provisions of Law 12.527/2011, commonly named Access to Information Law , which confirms that the decision-making processes of the collegiate body remain immersed in a secrecy culture . It was also noted that the Federal University of Santa Catarina/ s (UFSC) Councyl fully complies the mentioned law, and sets up as an example of better-practices, particularly related to the available information posted on its website, which provides the live streaming of their sessions. Through interviews taken with the employees directly bounded to the Ufes and UFSC/ s University Councils, a systematic comparative analysis has been conducted, which concluded that, even with the hegemony of the faculty at both institutions, the debate level in UFSC/ s collegiate is considered more democratical, while in UFES was pointed the predominance of teaching category in the discussions, and that, at UFSC, the university community is considered interested in the issues addressed by the collegiate, while in Ufes the answer is the complete opposite. From these analyzes, has been proposed an action platform to be implemented by the Ufes/ administration, aimed at improve access to information through the website of the Superior Collegiate Bodies Administration Department, with an inclusion of live broadcast of the University Council/ s sessions and a participation tool for the university community, live also, during the discussion of some points of the Council/ s agenda. Based on the theoretical framework , on the conducted research and on the inferential analysis, it was concluded that the Ufes/ University Council sessions opening to the public, contemplating the right to speak by the university community, has the potential to expand the democratic characteristic of it s decisions, and that this potential can be quantitatively measured, retrospectively from this study/ s application, by opinion polls

Recognition of Prior Learning in Health Care : From a Caring Ideology and Power, to Communicative Action and Recognition / Validering i omvårdnadssektorn : från en omvårdande ideologi och makt, till kommunikativt handlande och erkännande

Sandberg, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
During the last decades Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) has become a more frequently used method to recognise adult’s prior learning. This thesis analyses a process of RPL in health care, where health care assistants are assessed against subjects in the upper-secondary health care program. Prior research on RPL is to a high degree non-theoretical and focus is primarily on policy level research. This thesis adds to the field by progressing a critical social theory perspective on RPL. In the thesis the RPL process is analysed through Jürgen Habermas’ theory of communicative action and Axel Honneth’s Recognition theory. General questions posed are: What are the power issues in the RPL process? What implications does the tension between the lifeworld of work and the system of education have? What consequences does mutual understanding and communication have for the outcome of the RPL process? What part does recognition play for the participants? The results disclose the power relations that emerge in the relationship between participants and teachers. A caring ideology is developed and problematized. Further, the importance of mutual understanding between participant and teachers in the assessment of prior learning is discussed focusing on the consequences a lack of mutual understanding could have for the outcome in such assessments. On a macro level the analysis demonstrates the tension between the participants prior learning and the educational systems demand for formalising prior learning. In addition, analyses of a more developmental character that intends to show the potential for critical learning, change and recognition are progressed. The results suggest that communicative action can be used to develop RPL into processes focusing on critical learning and change. Recognition of traits and abilities could also enhance individual’s positive relations with the self. Such recognition could develop self-confidence and thus RPL could encourage learning and cultivate continuing self-realisation through work. / Validering har under de senaste decennierna blivit en alltmer använd metod för att erkänna vuxnas tidigare lärande. Denna avhandling analyserar en valideringsprocess inom omvårdnadssektorn för vårdbiträden med mångårig erfarenhet. Vårdbiträdena valideras mot ämnen inom omvårdnadsprogrammets karaktärsämnen. Tidigare forskning om validering är i hög grad icke-teoretisk och mycket fokus har legat på policynivå. Denna avhandling bidrar till forskningsfältet genom att problematisera validering utifrån ett kritiskt samhällsteoretiskt perspektiv. I avhandlingen analyseras valideringsprocessen utifrån Jürgen Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet och Axel Honneths erkännandeteori. Exempel på mer generella frågor som ställs är: Vilka är maktfaktorerna i valideringsprocessen? Är handlingarna i processen koordinerade mot gemensam förståelse? Hur ser förhållandet mellan system och livsvärld ut? Vilken roll spelar erkännandet i validering för deltagarna? Resultatet synliggör de maktförhållanden som uppstår mellan deltagare och lärare i bedömningsprocessen. En omvårdande ideologi lyfts fram och problematiseras. Därtill diskuteras betydelsen av gemensam förståelse mellan deltagare och lärare vid bedömning, samt vilka konsekvenser brist på gemensam förståelse kan få. På ett makroplan åskådliggör analysen spänningen mellan deltagarnas erfarenheter och utbildningssystemets krav på formalisering. Vidare genomförs mer utvecklingsfokuserade analyser som vill visa på möjligheterna för kritiskt lärande och förändring i validering. Resultatet demonstrerar också, bland annat, betydelsen av att bli erkänd för sina förmågor och hur detta kan utveckla individens självuppskattning och främja lärande. I studien föreslås det att kommunikativt handlande kan utgöra en norm för hur validering kan utvecklas mot mer kritiskt lärande och positiv förändring. Men också att erkännande av tidigare förmågor kan gynna individens positiva relation till sig själv, hur detta främjar lärande, självuppskattning och hur validering därmed kan utgöra en grund för ett vidare självförverkligande genom arbete.

Trabalho e interação: o problema da emancipação no jovem Habermas

Xavier, Vinicius dos Santos 11 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:13:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6506.pdf: 1594372 bytes, checksum: 00ace2c340542fb54365a7bd6f5b0c90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-11 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The goal of this dissertation is to discuss the two main theoretical sources that Jürgen Habermas uses in his essay "Work and Interaction": the Hegel s philosophy of Spirit of Jena period (1804-1806) and the Marx s theory, especially the labor category. In this sense, beyond criticism resumption of primary sources, the study also presents alternative perspectives to those assumed by Habermas in his youth period, mainly in the 1960s. Therefore, a critique of young Habermas' theory becomes possible, from the central concept of the public sphere to the reasoning of cultural formation in the private sphere, this being the focal point of the essay in question. / O objetivo da presente dissertação é discutir as duas principais fontes teóricas que Jürgen Habermas utiliza em seu ensaio Trabalho e Interação : a filosofia do Espírito hegeliana do período de Iena (1804-1806) e a teoria marxiana, especialmente a categoria trabalho. Nesse sentido, além da retomada crítica das fontes primárias, o estudo também apresenta perspectivas alternativas em relação àquelas assumidas por Habermas em seu período de juventude, principalmente na década de 1960. Assim, viabiliza-se uma crítica à teoria habermasiana de juventude, desde o conceito central de esfera pública à fundamentação da formação cultural na esfera privada, esta sendo fundamentada no ensaio em questão.

A Gênese teórica da concepção habermasiana de esfera pública.

Campato, Roger Fernandes 07 February 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:13:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRFC.pdf: 2011180 bytes, checksum: 61c7f3194a9fcfd0de4ff44748fc2269 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-02-07 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This dissertation aims to discuss the theoretical sources taken by Jürgen Habermas to legitimate his concept of public sphere (Öffentlichkeit). The study also presents alternative interpretive perspectives to the one assumed by Habermas in The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit). / Esta dissertação objetiva discutir as fontes teóricas tomadas por Jürgen Habermas para legitimar seu conceito de esfera pública (Öffentlichkeit). O estudo também apresenta perspectivas interpretativas alternativas àquela assumida por Habermas em Mudança Estrutural da Esfera Pública (Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit).

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