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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz dospívání a rané dospělosti v současném románu a povídkách pro mládež a mladé dospělé Ivy Procházkové, Gudrun Pausewangové a Claudie Ruschové (komparace vybraných děl české a německé literatury) / Picture of growing up and the early adult age in contemporary youth literature and literature for young adults (The comparation of selective works of czech and german literature)

Babíčková, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on the literary analysis and comparison of four books for young adults written by different authors. Two of the compared works are novels Eulengesang and Carolina: Ein knapper Lebenslauf by Iva Procházková, originally a Czech author and representative of a so called migrant literature. The thesis deals also with the novel Die Wolke by Gudrun Pausewang and the short story collection Meine freie deutsche Jugend written by Claudia Rusch. The main aim of the thesis is to compare and interpret the portayal of adolescence in the chosen works. Special attention is confined to the types of characters and situations they encounter, motivation for their behaviour and last but not least, to the motives. The opening chapters present historical overview of the Czech and German young adult literature. The thesis also includes a chapter on adolescence from the scientific perspective of developmental psychology. In the conclusion, the master thesis contrasts the chosen literary works in pairs: Eulengesang with Die Wolke and Carolina: Ein knapper Lebenslauf with Meine freie deutsche Jugend.

High fluid intelligence and analogical reasoning

Preusse, Franziska 13 December 2011 (has links)
Hitherto, previous studies on the cerebral correlates of fluid intelligence (fluIQ) used tasks that did not exclusively demand fluIQ, or were restricted to participants of average fluIQ (ave-fluIQ) solving intelligence test items of varying difficulty, thus not allowing assumptions on interindividual differences in fluIQ. Geometric analogical reasoning (GAR) demands fluIQ very purely and thus is an eligible approach for research on interindividual differences in fluIQ. In a first study, we examined the cerebral correlates of GAR, and showed the involvement of parietal and frontal brain regions. This is in line with the assumptions of the parieto-frontal integration theory (P-FIT) of intelligence and with literature reports for other visuo-spatial tasks. Building upon these findings, we report results from a second study with high fluIQ (hi-fluIQ) and ave-fluIQ school students solving a GAR task. Again in line with the P-FIT model, we demonstrated that the parieto-frontal network is involved in GAR in both groups. However, the extent of task-related brain activation in parietal and frontal brain regions was differentially modulated by fluIQ. Our results thus partly run counter to the postulates of the neural efficiency hypothesis, which assumes a negative brain activation-intelligence relationship. We conclude that this relationship is not generally unitary; rather, it can be conjectured that the adaptive and flexible modulation of brain activation is characteristic of hi-fluIQ. Knowledge on the stability of the cerebral correlates of hi-fluIQ during adolescence had been sparse. To elucidate this field, we examined the follow-up stability of the cerebral correlates of GAR in hi-fluIQ in a third study. We demonstrated that the relevant brain network is in place already at age 17 and that improvements in behavioral performance at age 18 due to task familiarity are indicative of more efficient use of the cerebral resources available. / Bisherige Studien zu zerebralen Korrelaten fluider Intelligenz (fluIQ) haben Aufgaben verwendet, die fluIQ nicht in Reinform erfordern oder haben Probanden mit durchschnittlicher fluIQ (ave-fluIQ) beim Lösen von Intelligenztestaufgaben mit variierenden Schwierigkeitsstufen untersucht und ermöglichen daher keine Aussagen zu interindividuellen Unterschieden in fluIQ. Geometrisches analoges Schließen (GA) beansprucht fluIQ in Reinform und eignet sich daher als differentielles Untersuchungsparadigma. In einer ersten Studie haben wir die zerebralen Korrelate des GA untersucht und nachgewiesen, dass parietale und frontale Hirnregionen involviert sind. Dies steht im Einklang mit der parieto-frontalen Integrationstheorie (P-FIT) der Intelligenz und mit Literaturberichten zu anderen visuell-räumlichen Aufgaben. Aufbauend auf diesen Befunden berichten wir Ergebnisse einer zweiten Studie, in der Schüler mit hoher fluIQ (hi-fluIQ) und ave-fluIQ GA-Aufgaben lösten. In Übereinstimmung mit den Annahmen des P-FIT-Modells konnten wir zeigen, dass GA in beiden Gruppen das parieto-frontale Netzwerk beansprucht. Das Ausmaß der Hirnaktivierung wurde jedoch differentiell durch fluIQ moduliert. Unsere Ergebnisse widersprechen damit teilweise den Postulaten der neuralen Effizienztheorie, die einen negativen Zusammenhang zwischen Hirnaktivierung und Intelligenz annimmt. Wir schlussfolgern, dass dieser Zusammenhang nicht generell einseitig gerichtet ist, sondern die flexible Modulation von Hirnaktivierung charakteristisch für hi-fluIQ ist. Befunde zur Stabilität zerebraler Korrelate von hi-fluIQ in der Jugend waren bisher rar. Um dieses Feld zu beleuchten, haben wir die follow-up-Stabilität zerebraler Korrelate des GA in der hi-fluIQ Gruppe in einer dritten Studie untersucht. Wir konnten zeigen, dass das relevante zerebrale Netzwerk schon mit 17 Jahren etabliert ist und Performanzverbesserungen über die Zeit für eine effizientere Nutzung der verfügbaren zerebralen Ressourcen sprechen.

Unsichtbare Bewältigungskarten von Jugendlichen in gespaltenen Städten - Sozialpädagogik des Jugendraumes aus sozialgeographischer Perspektive

Reutlinger, Christian Thomas 11 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Das Aufwachsens von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Stadt im Rahmen des Strukturwandels der kapitalistischen Arbeitsgesellschaft und die damit verbundenen radikalen Veränderungen der sozialräumlichen Bedingungen führen zur Notwendigkeit eines Perspektivenwechsels in der Pädagogik des Kinder- und Jugendraumes, da die biographischen Bewältigungsaufgaben von Heranwachsenden in der Unsichtbarkeit zu versinken drohen. In einem Überblick der Entwicklung der sozialräumlichen Theorie in der Jugendpädagogik werden zunächst die Gedanken der wichtigsten Vertretern dargestellt werden, um damit die Probleme der aktuellen theoretischen Diskussion in der sozialräumlichen Forschung verständlich zu machen. Die Aneignungstheorie aus dem aktuellen sozialpädagogischen Diskurs hat den aufklärerischen Anspruch, für Heranwachsende in einer durchfunktionalisierten und entfremdeten Welt aneigenbare (pädagogisierte) Räume zu schaffen, kann aber die aus der Freisetzungsproblematik heraus entstehenden sozialräumlichen Probleme des Aufwachsens, sogenannte "wilde Aneignungsformen" nicht erfassen. Der sozialgeographische Ansatz der "Alltäglichen Regionalisierungen" des schweizer Sozialgeographen Benno Werlen reiht sich mit seinem Begriffssystem in die Giddens-Becksche-Tradition ein. Er zielt darauf ab, durch die Aufdeckung von Verregelungen und Machtsystemen (vor allem physisch-materielle) Handlungsbedingungen zu schaffen, die ein rationales "Geographie-Machen" im Sinne einer "Politik der Lebensführung" zwischen Chancen und Risiken auf pluralisierte und individualisierte Art ermöglichen. Dass es jedoch unter den Bedingungen der segmentierten Arbeitsgesellschaft nicht um diese rationale Idee der Handlungen geht, sondern gerade durch die erlebten Unsicherheiten und anomischen Zustände um das ständige Streben nach Handlungsfähigkeit im sich wandelnden Kontext, wird mit diesem Ansatz nicht sichtbar. Um die heutigen sozialräumlichen Bedingungen und Herausforderungen des Aufwachsens von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Rahmen des Strukturwandels der Arbeitsgesellschaft aufzuschliessen zu können, ist ein Perspektivenwechsel notwendig. Die aktuellen Vergesellschaftungsformen von Kindheit und Jugend und die damit verbundene Notwendigkeit der Verschiebung des Fokus in der sozialräumlichen Forschung stehen im Zentrum des zweiten Teils des theoretischen Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird mit verschiedenen Zugängen in drei marginalisierten Stadtteilen von spanischen Städten (La Coruña, Madrid und Barcelona) über die Methode der "Grounded Theory" eine spezifische "Empirie der Aneignung" erarbeitet. / Growing up in urban environments is increasingly characterized by living conditions that become more and more globalized. The commonly used approaches of sociospatial children and youth research apply social and action models which were developed in past urban realities and can therefore not detect the problems of children and adolescents living in the global city. In my doctoral thesis, I am going to give a critical description of the predominant German theories in the field of action-oriented socio-geography and of the appropiation approach in the field of socio-educational theory. Further on I am going to demonstrate that it is inevitable to look at modern socio-geographic research in the cities of today from a new angle. The approach of the invisible coping maps starts from the fact that children and youths growing up in the digital capitalist world tend to solve their problems outside the traditional socialization institutions (family, schools, social system). They write invisible coping maps when following their policy of coping and searching for orientation, the meaning of life, acknowledgement and self-esteem. The basic idea is that the individuals (following the idea of making geographies) write their social (coping) maps daily in order to maintain their ability to act even in a world in which more and more people become superfluous.

Wege ins Erwachsenenleben / Ways into adulthood

Schaffner, Nicholas 02 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Der Einfluss jugendlicher Sozialisationserfahrungen auf ausgewählte Aspekte der politischen Identität im Erwachsenenalter / The impact of socialization during adolescence on selected aspects of adult political identity

Mays, Anja 04 February 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Fictional worlds and focalisation in works by Hermann Hesse and E.L. Doctorow / Philippus Wolrad van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Philippus Wolrad January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of this study concerns the contribution of focalisation to the creation of fictional worlds through the combination of the “building blocks” of a fictional world, namely the central focalising and focalised character(s), focalised social contexts, events and spaces, in Hermann Hesse’s Demian (1919), Narziß und Goldmund (1930), E.L. Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times (1960) and Homer & Langley (2009). The relationship between the focalisers and their social contexts influence their human, subjective perspectives and represented perceptions of their textual actual worlds. Focalisation is constructive in the synergistic relationship between the “building blocks” that leads to the creation of fictional worlds. Chapter 2 discusses the theoretical basis of the thesis which is formed by the concepts of M. Ryan, L. Doležel, R. Ronen and T.G. Pavel with regard to possible worlds and fictional worlds. G. Genette’s and M. Bal’s theories provide the foundation of this study with regard to this concept as regards focalisation. Chapter 3 contextualises focalisation and fictional worlds as possible worlds in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction and as such constitutes part of a twofold basis for the following analyses and comparisons. Four textual analyses of the individual novels by Hesse and Doctorow then follow. In the textual analysis of Demian the notions of M. Bal, M. Ryan and A. Nünning provide a theoretical basis that is specifically relevant for the argument that through his consciousness the individual, Emil Sinclair, creates the fictional world, i.e. by “transforming” textual actual world components into individualised fictional world ones. The views of Viktor Frankl, feminist activists against prostitution such as M. Farley, M.A. Baldwin and C.A. MacKinnon as well as the views of Talcott Parsons (in conjunction with those of G.M. Platt and N.J. Smelser) offer a theoretical underpinning for the analysis of the social context as the product of the mindset in the community in Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times and the mindset of the focaliser, Blue, that concurs with the mindset of the community. Focalised events are considered as psychologically credible and as contributing to the fictional world in Hesse’s Narziß und Goldmund. In this textual analysis the theoretical points of departure were based on theories proposed by D. Cohn, M. Ryan and S. Chatman. Concepts advanced by J. Lothe, J. Lotman, H. Lefebvre, L. Doležel, N. Wolterstorff and D. Coste comprise the theoretical basis of the analysis of social spaces in Doctorow’s Homer & Langley. Chapter 8 consists of comparative analyses of the said focalised “building blocks” of Hesse’s and Doctorow’s novels. The analyses and comparisons argue that focalising characters “filter” their actual worlds and “transform” them through their individualistic and subjective representations, as actual people do. Even if characters are “non-actual individuals” their mindsets or physical, social and mental properties (Margolin, 1989:4) are like those of actual people, i.e. “psychologically credible”. Ryan (1991:45) identifies “psychological credibility” or “a plausible portrayal of human psychology” as an “accessibility relation”, i.e. one that allows the mental properties of a fictional character to be accessible from and possible for the actual world. The interaction between a focalising character and his social context that affects his consciousness and focalisation is comparable to the interaction between a hypothetical actual person and his social world, that would also influence his mindset and how he communicates about the actual world. Perspectives of characters such as Sinclair, Blue, Goldmund and Homer Collyer are recognisable to hypothetical actual world readers as psychologically credible. In the light of Bal’s (1990:9) argument that the whole text content is related to the (focalising) character(s), one could say that the elements of a textual actual world become, as it were, focalised “building blocks” of the fictional world. The central finding is that focalisation contributes to the creation of fictional worlds. The relationship between a fictional world and the actual one becomes apparent in literary texts through focalisation that transforms the textual actual world and its elements, i.e. the central (self-focalising) character, the social context, events and space(s), through a focaliser’s consciousness. The focaliser’s consciousness in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction is marked by psychological credibility. A fictional world is comparable to the actual world with regard to other accessibility relations that Ryan (cf. 1991:31-47) identifies, but focalisation specifically allows a fictional world to become possible in actual world terms by creating credibility of this kind. A fictional world is plausible not in mimetic terms, as a factual text presents itself to be, but in possible terms, i.e. through the comparability of human psychology in fictional worlds and the actual world. Focalisation significantly contributes to the creation of a fictional world through the interaction between psychologically credible subjectivity and the imaginary level of the text on which the textual actual world obtains human value through focalisation. A fictional world is, in this sense, a possible world and, in fact, comes about through being a possible world. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Fictional worlds and focalisation in works by Hermann Hesse and E.L. Doctorow / Philippus Wolrad van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Philippus Wolrad January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of this study concerns the contribution of focalisation to the creation of fictional worlds through the combination of the “building blocks” of a fictional world, namely the central focalising and focalised character(s), focalised social contexts, events and spaces, in Hermann Hesse’s Demian (1919), Narziß und Goldmund (1930), E.L. Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times (1960) and Homer & Langley (2009). The relationship between the focalisers and their social contexts influence their human, subjective perspectives and represented perceptions of their textual actual worlds. Focalisation is constructive in the synergistic relationship between the “building blocks” that leads to the creation of fictional worlds. Chapter 2 discusses the theoretical basis of the thesis which is formed by the concepts of M. Ryan, L. Doležel, R. Ronen and T.G. Pavel with regard to possible worlds and fictional worlds. G. Genette’s and M. Bal’s theories provide the foundation of this study with regard to this concept as regards focalisation. Chapter 3 contextualises focalisation and fictional worlds as possible worlds in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction and as such constitutes part of a twofold basis for the following analyses and comparisons. Four textual analyses of the individual novels by Hesse and Doctorow then follow. In the textual analysis of Demian the notions of M. Bal, M. Ryan and A. Nünning provide a theoretical basis that is specifically relevant for the argument that through his consciousness the individual, Emil Sinclair, creates the fictional world, i.e. by “transforming” textual actual world components into individualised fictional world ones. The views of Viktor Frankl, feminist activists against prostitution such as M. Farley, M.A. Baldwin and C.A. MacKinnon as well as the views of Talcott Parsons (in conjunction with those of G.M. Platt and N.J. Smelser) offer a theoretical underpinning for the analysis of the social context as the product of the mindset in the community in Doctorow’s Welcome to Hard Times and the mindset of the focaliser, Blue, that concurs with the mindset of the community. Focalised events are considered as psychologically credible and as contributing to the fictional world in Hesse’s Narziß und Goldmund. In this textual analysis the theoretical points of departure were based on theories proposed by D. Cohn, M. Ryan and S. Chatman. Concepts advanced by J. Lothe, J. Lotman, H. Lefebvre, L. Doležel, N. Wolterstorff and D. Coste comprise the theoretical basis of the analysis of social spaces in Doctorow’s Homer & Langley. Chapter 8 consists of comparative analyses of the said focalised “building blocks” of Hesse’s and Doctorow’s novels. The analyses and comparisons argue that focalising characters “filter” their actual worlds and “transform” them through their individualistic and subjective representations, as actual people do. Even if characters are “non-actual individuals” their mindsets or physical, social and mental properties (Margolin, 1989:4) are like those of actual people, i.e. “psychologically credible”. Ryan (1991:45) identifies “psychological credibility” or “a plausible portrayal of human psychology” as an “accessibility relation”, i.e. one that allows the mental properties of a fictional character to be accessible from and possible for the actual world. The interaction between a focalising character and his social context that affects his consciousness and focalisation is comparable to the interaction between a hypothetical actual person and his social world, that would also influence his mindset and how he communicates about the actual world. Perspectives of characters such as Sinclair, Blue, Goldmund and Homer Collyer are recognisable to hypothetical actual world readers as psychologically credible. In the light of Bal’s (1990:9) argument that the whole text content is related to the (focalising) character(s), one could say that the elements of a textual actual world become, as it were, focalised “building blocks” of the fictional world. The central finding is that focalisation contributes to the creation of fictional worlds. The relationship between a fictional world and the actual one becomes apparent in literary texts through focalisation that transforms the textual actual world and its elements, i.e. the central (self-focalising) character, the social context, events and space(s), through a focaliser’s consciousness. The focaliser’s consciousness in Hesse’s and Doctorow’s fiction is marked by psychological credibility. A fictional world is comparable to the actual world with regard to other accessibility relations that Ryan (cf. 1991:31-47) identifies, but focalisation specifically allows a fictional world to become possible in actual world terms by creating credibility of this kind. A fictional world is plausible not in mimetic terms, as a factual text presents itself to be, but in possible terms, i.e. through the comparability of human psychology in fictional worlds and the actual world. Focalisation significantly contributes to the creation of a fictional world through the interaction between psychologically credible subjectivity and the imaginary level of the text on which the textual actual world obtains human value through focalisation. A fictional world is, in this sense, a possible world and, in fact, comes about through being a possible world. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Male Youth: The Interplay between Symptom Severity, Inflammation, Steroid Secretion, and Body Composition

Walther, Andreas, Penz, Marlene, Ijacic, Daniela, Rice, Timothy R. 04 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The morbidity and societal burden of youth bipolar spectrum disorders (BSD) are high. These disorders are multisystemic in that adult populations there are clear interactions with inflammatory processes and steroidal physiological systems. There are much less data concerning these areas of study in youth populations with BSD. This is surprising given the association of youth-onset BSD with puberty and its associated physiological changes. In this mini-review, we overview the theoretical role of inflammatory processes and steroidal physiological systems in youth BSD, describe the greater literature in adult populations, detail the literature in youth populations when available, and overview current proposed molecular mechanistic pathways and interaction effects based on the available data. We also attend to the interplay of this complex system with body composition and weight gain, an especially important consideration in relation to the role of second generation antipsychotics as the first line treatment for youth with BSD in major clinical guidelines. A developmental model of early onset BSD for boys is hypothesized with pubertal hormonal changes increasing risk for first (hypo-)manic/depressive episode. The dramatic androgen rise during puberty might be relevant for first onset of BSD in boys. A shift from general hypercortisolism driven by glucocorticoid resistance to hypocortisolism with further disease progression is assumed, while increased levels of inflammation are functionally associated with endocrine dysregulation. The interacting role of overweight body habitus and obesity in youth with BSD further indicates leptin resistance to be a central moderator of the dynamic neurobiology of BSD in youth. The intent of this mini-review is to advance our knowledge of youth BSD as multisystemic disorders with important contributions from endocrinology and immunology based on a developmental perspective. This knowledge can influence current clinical care and more importantly inform future research.

Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Male Youth: The Interplay between Symptom Severity, Inflammation, Steroid Secretion, and Body Composition

Walther, Andreas, Penz, Marlene, Ijacic, Daniela, Rice, Timothy R. 04 June 2018 (has links)
The morbidity and societal burden of youth bipolar spectrum disorders (BSD) are high. These disorders are multisystemic in that adult populations there are clear interactions with inflammatory processes and steroidal physiological systems. There are much less data concerning these areas of study in youth populations with BSD. This is surprising given the association of youth-onset BSD with puberty and its associated physiological changes. In this mini-review, we overview the theoretical role of inflammatory processes and steroidal physiological systems in youth BSD, describe the greater literature in adult populations, detail the literature in youth populations when available, and overview current proposed molecular mechanistic pathways and interaction effects based on the available data. We also attend to the interplay of this complex system with body composition and weight gain, an especially important consideration in relation to the role of second generation antipsychotics as the first line treatment for youth with BSD in major clinical guidelines. A developmental model of early onset BSD for boys is hypothesized with pubertal hormonal changes increasing risk for first (hypo-)manic/depressive episode. The dramatic androgen rise during puberty might be relevant for first onset of BSD in boys. A shift from general hypercortisolism driven by glucocorticoid resistance to hypocortisolism with further disease progression is assumed, while increased levels of inflammation are functionally associated with endocrine dysregulation. The interacting role of overweight body habitus and obesity in youth with BSD further indicates leptin resistance to be a central moderator of the dynamic neurobiology of BSD in youth. The intent of this mini-review is to advance our knowledge of youth BSD as multisystemic disorders with important contributions from endocrinology and immunology based on a developmental perspective. This knowledge can influence current clinical care and more importantly inform future research.

Umgang mit Musik als Mittel der sozialen Positionierung: Eine empirische Studie unter Schülern der Gymnasialklassen 10 bis 12 und Studenten

Götz, Jakob 24 June 2014 (has links)
Wie nutzen junge Menschen Musik, um ihre persönliche gesellschaftliche Position zwischen Individualität und Konformität sowohl zu definieren als auch auszudrücken? Die vorliegende Studie nähert sich der Komplexität dieser Fragestellung in einem empirischen, musiksoziologisch motivierten Forschungsansatz und will zu ihrer Ausdifferenzierung anhand der Analyse von quantitativem und qualitativem Datenmaterial beitragen. Aufbauend auf dem sozialpsychologischen Konzept der Einstellung geht die Arbeit dabei über die in der musiksoziologischen Forschung übliche Erkundung von Zusammenhängen zwischen unabhängigen Faktoren und abhängigen Variablen hinaus und befasst sich auch mit der Frage nach statistischen Abhängigkeiten und Zusammenhängen zwischen einzelnen latenten Variablen. Es zeigt sich, dass Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene in ihrem Umgang mit Musik insgesamt zu eher individuellen Einstellungen tendieren, die einzelnen Gewichtungen und Zusammenhänge dieser Tendenzen erweisen sich jedoch als sehr vielschichtig. Hierbei entstehen Erkenntnisse, die nicht nur für die musiksoziologisch interessierte akademische Forschung sondern auch für die musikpädagogische und kulturelle Praxis relevant sind. Neben diesen inhaltlichen Aspekten ist es ein Anliegen der Studie, methodisch-strukturelle Anknüpfungspunkte für ähnlich gelagerte empirische Vorhaben aufzuzeigen. Die Arbeit plädiert dabei für die Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung sequentieller Forschungsdesigns, die eine gewinnbringende Integration der Methoden quantitativer und qualitativer Sozialforschung anstreben.:I Theoretische Überlegungen zum Anliegen der Studie – Entwicklung des Themas, Forschungsstand, Methodik 1. Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Individualität und Konformität als Merkmal der Lebensrealität im 21. Jahrhundert – einleitende Gedanken zur Entwicklung der Fragestellung 2. Das Thema in der Forschungsliteratur – ein Überblick 2.1 Entwicklungspsychologie 2.2 Musikpsychologie 2.3 Jugend und Musik 2.4 Jugendliche Identität und Musikgeschmack 2.5 Musikpädagogik 2.6 Musikgeschmack und soziale Konsequenzen 2.7 Medienphilosophische Aspekte von Realität, inszenierten Wirklichkeiten und Konformität 2.8 Zusammenfassung – Zentrale Erkenntnisse für die vorliegende Studie 3. Diskussion des Forschungsstandes im Hinblick auf die Fragestellung der Studie 3.1 Theoretischer Ausgangspunkt und Einordnung der Arbeit in den musikwissenschaftlichen Forschungskontext 3.2 Praktische Relevanz außerhalb der akademischen Forschung 3.3 Hypothesen und grundlegende Fragestellungen für die empirische Erhebung 4. Methodik – Erhebung und Auswertung der Daten 4.1 Die Untersuchungsgruppen 4.2 Die Datenerhebung 4.3 Auswertung des Datenmaterials 4.4 Einordnung und kritische Anmerkungen zur Methodik II Empirische Studie „Musik als Mittel der sozialen Positionierung“ 1. Datenerhebung - Vorstellung der Einstellungsvariablen 1.1 Individuelles Hörverhalten (HörInd) 1.2 Hörverhalten in der Gruppe (HörGrup) 1.3 Konzerterlebnis (KonzErl) 1.4 Radio 1.5 Haltung gegenüber Popularmusik (PopMus) 1.6 Haltung gegenüber dem Phänomen Popstar (PopStars) 1.7 Erwerb von Musik (MusErw) 1.8 Haltung gegenüber Weltmusik (WeltMus) 1.9 Haltung gegenüber Internet/ Technologien/ social networks (IntTech) 1.10 Allgemeine Weltanschauung (AllgWelt) 1.11 Systematisierung der Variablen 2. Auswertung der Fragebogenerhebung – empirische Ausdifferenzierung des Phänomens „Musik als Mittel der sozialen Positionierung“ 2.1 Vorstellung und Analyse der einstellungsexternen Faktoren und Teilgruppen 2.1.1 Alter der Probanden – Zusammenhänge mit anderen Faktoren/ Teilgruppen 2.1.2 Alter der Probanden – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.3 SchülerInnen <> Studenten – Zusammenhänge mit anderen Faktoren/Teilgruppen 2.1.4 SchülerInnen <> Studenten – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.5 Klassenstufe – Zusammenhänge mit anderen Faktoren/ Teilgruppen 2.1.6 Klassenstufe – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.7 Studienfach – Zusammenhänge mit anderen Faktoren/ Teilgruppen 2.1.8 Studienfach – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.9 Musikalische Vorbildung und Aktivitäten – Zusammenhänge mit anderen Faktoren/ Teilgruppen 2.1.10 Musikalische Vorbildung und Aktivitäten – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.11 Hörpräferenzen (nach Genres) – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.12 Anzahl der gehörten Genres – Zusammenhänge mit anderen einstellungsexternen Faktoren und mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.13 Umgang mit dem Medium Radio – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.14 Formen des Instrumentalunterrichts und Anzahl der Unterrichtsjahre – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.15 Musikerwerb – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.16 Aktivität in social networks – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.17 Art der Freizeitaktivitäten – Zusammenhänge mit den Einstellungsvariablen 2.1.18 Art des Wohnortes in der Kindheit, Sozioökonomischer Hintergrund, Geschlecht 2.2 Statistische Aussagekraft der einstellungsexternen Faktoren und der Einstellungsvariablen hinsichtlich gegenseitiger Zusammenhänge und Abhängigkeiten 2.3 Interpretation der Mittelwerte und Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Einstellungsvariablen 2.4 Diskussion der Ergebnisse des quantitativen Teils der Studie 3. Kontrastive Auswertung der Interviews – Rückführung des Phänomens „Musik als Mittel der sozialen Positionierung“ auf die qualitative Ebene 3.1 Kontrastive Gegenüberstellung von Kernaussagen zu den Vergleichskategorien 3.2 Zentrale Beobachtungen und Forschungsperspektiven III Diskussion und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Anhang

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