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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prestationsmått vid uppstart : En fallstudie av Northvolt Ett i Skellefteå

Sandgren, Martin, Porras, Carlos January 2023 (has links)
Prestationsmått och dess formulering tillsammans med målsättningsteorin är två vanligtförekommande begrepp i de flesta produktionsenheter. Syfte med studien är att beskrivaoch förklara hur prestationsmått formuleras i en ny produktionsenhet. Examensarbetetbeskriver vikten av medskapande mellan företag och dess kunder. Forskningsområdet äri ett tidigt skede som trots det kan förklara de ytterligare värdeskapande som sker närkunderna samarbetar nära ett tillverkningsföretag. Studien följer en abduktivforskningsansats och utgår från tidigare studier för att utforma en teoretisk referensramsom stöd för detta examensarbete. Insamlingen av primärdata utgick från semistrukturerade intervjuer med öppna frågor som hållits med relevanta aktörer ifallföretaget. För att analysera empirin följer studien Eisenhardts sätt att skapa kunskap.Studien genomfördes vid Northvolt Ett i Skellefteå, en produktionsenhet inom NorthvoltAB som tillverkar litiumjonbatterier till framför allt bilindustrin. Analysen visade att detfinns en interaktion mellan företag och kunder i formuleringsprocessen av prestationsmåttgenom bindande av avtal. Genom empiriska intervjuer har vi lyckats dokumentera attformuleringen delvis utgår från de möten som kontinuerligt sker mellan de som påverkasav och påverkar prestationsmått. Det identifierades även en accepterad risk att användaprestationsmått från ansvariga trots att de inte upplevde mätningarna som fullständigttillförlitliga. I slutsatsen blev medskapande målstyrning en central del avprestationsmåttsformuleringen för företagets produktionsenhet genom samarbete medavtalskrav. / Performance indicators and their formulation together with goal-setting theory are twocommon concepts in most production units. The purpose of this study is to describe andexplain how performance indicators are formulated in a new production unit. The studydescribes the importance of co-creation between companies and their customers. The areaof research is in an early stage but could explain the further value creation that occurswhen customers cooperate with a manufacturing company. The study follows anabductive method of research and emanates from earlier studies to create a theoreticalframework to support this thesis. The collection of primary data emanated from semistructured interviews with open-ended questions with relevant actors in the casecompany. To analyze the findings, the study follows Eistenhards method of creatingknowledge. The study was conducted in Northvolt Ett in Skellefteå, a production unitwithin Northvolt AB that manufactures lithium-ion batteries mainly for the automotiveindustry. The analysis showed that there were interactions between company andcustomers within the process of formulating performance indicators through the terms ofcontracts. Through empirical interviews, we were able to document that the formulationparty emanates from meetings that continuously occur between those who affect and areaffected by performance indicators. It was also identified that there was a certainacceptance to risk in using performance indicators from the managers despite them notperceiving the measurements as completely reliable. In the conclusion, co-creation was acentral part of the formulation of performance indicators for the company’s productionunit through cooperations with terms of agreement.

A customer-centric evaluation of a smart manufacturing concept : Development of a continuous improvement strategy for improving the productivity of a small and medium-sized enterprises

Benediktsdóttir, Laufey January 2019 (has links)
Nytt AB is a startup focusing on simplifying the concept of smart manufacturing to small and medium-sized companies providing an add-on machine monitoring solution for data analyzing. The product is currently under development with the final product soon to be launched. In the next phase of Nytt AB, a marketing plan has to be strategized. This thesis, which is built on previous Nytt AB’s work, focuses on addressing issues that will be important when creating a marketing and sales strategy. The customer is put as the focal point and the customer values analyzed including discussions on productivity improvements within the machines and how to standardize the changes to satisfy every customer. Using research questions as a base for the study, the customer values were analyzed by first understanding the main threats, weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for the product and then analyzing data from an installed prototype and the improvements that can be achieved based on the data. The customers can, by using the product get statistical facts about their machines which can be the first step to understand the need for changes within their company. With future development, further customer values will appear, such as providing aid on how to improve KPIs such as availability. Providing this information to the customers will help them obtain a better insight into the field of smart manufacturing, the manufacturing of the future. / Nytt AB är ett nystartat företag som fokuserar på att förenkla konceptet smart tillverkning för små och medelstora företag och erbjuder en maskinövervakningslösning för dataanalys. Produkten är just nu under utveckling, slutprodukten planeras lanseras snart. Nästa steg för Nytt AB är att strukturera en marknadsplan. Detta examensarbete, som bygger på tidigare arbete i Nytt AB, fokuserar på frågor som kommer att vara viktiga när man skapar en marknadsförings- och försäljningsstrategi. Kunden blir i fokus när kundvärdena är analyserade inklusive i diskussioner om produktivitetsförbättringar för maskiner och hur man standardiserar förändringarna för att uppfylla kundens krav. Med hjälp av forskningsfrågor, analyseras kundvärdena genom att först förstå de viktigaste hoten, svagheterna, styrkorna och möjligheterna för produkten och sedan analyseras data från prototypen och de förbättringar som kan uppnås baserat på given data. Kunderna kan genom att använda produkten få statistik om sina maskiner vilket kan vara första steget att inse behovet av förändringar inom kundföretaget. Vid utveckling kommer ytterligare kundvärden att dyka upp, till exempel metoder på hur man förbättrar olika nyckeltal, såsom tillgänglighet. Att ge denna information till kunderna hjälper dem att få en bättre inblick i smart tillverkning, framtidens tillverkning.

Devising a Trend-break-detection Algorithm of stored Key Performance Indicators for Telecom Equipment / Utformning av trendbrytningsalgoritm av lagrade nyckelindikatorer för telekomutrustning

Hededal Klincov, Lazar, Symeri, Ali January 2017 (has links)
A problem that is prevalent for testers at Ericsson is that performance test results are continuously generated but not analyzed. The time between occurrence of problems and information about the occurrence is long and variable. This is due to the manual analysis of log files that is time consuming and tedious. The requested solution is automation with an algorithm that analyzes the performance and notifies when problems occur. A binary classifier algorithm, based on statistical methods, was developed and evaluated as a solution to the stated problem. The algorithm was evaluated with simulated data and produced an accuracy of 97.54 %, to detect trend breaks. Furthermore, correlation analysis was carried out between performance and hardware to gain insights in how hardware configurations affect test runs. / Ett allmänt förekommande problem för testare på Ericsson är att resultat från flera prestandatester genereras kontinuerligt men inte analyseras. Tiden mellan förekommande fel och informationen av dessa är hög och varierande. Detta på grund av manuell analys av loggfiler som är tidsödande och ledsamt. Den efterfrågade lösningen är automatisering med en algoritm, baserad på statistisk metodik, som analyserar data om prestanda och meddelar när problem förekommer. En algoritm för binär klassifikation utvecklades och utvärderades som lösning till det fastställda problemet. Algoritmen utvärderades med simulerad data och alstrade en noggrannhet på 97,54%, för att detektera trendbrott. Dessutom utfördes korrelationsanalys mellan prestandan och hårdvaran för att få insikt i hur hårdvarukonfigurationen påverkar testkörningar.

Monitoring energy efficiency of heavy haul freight trains with energy meter data / Uppföljning av energieffektiviteten för tunga godståg med hjälp av elmätardata

Geiberger, Philipp January 2021 (has links)
In this MSc thesis, it is investigated what parameters are relevant for describing energy consumption of heavy haul freight trains and how these can be used to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) for energy efficiency. The possible set of KPI is bounded by data available from energy meters used in electric IORE class locomotives hauling iron ore trains in northern Sweden. Furthermore, the analysis is only concerned with energy efficiency at the rolling stock level, excluding losses in the electric power supply network. Based on a literature study, parameters of interest describing driver, operations and rolling stock energy efficiency have been identified. By means of simulation, a parametric study is performed, simulating a 30 ton axle load iron ore train with 68 wagons. Train modelling input is obtained from technical documentation or estimated through measurements and statistical analysis. A multi-particle representation of the train is used to calculate gradient resistance for the simulation, which is also applied to determine the curve resistance.  Results show that the motion resistance is simulated quite accurately, while the lack of a driver model in the simulation tool leads to overestimation of energy consumption. Taking this into account, the importance of the driver for energy efficiency can still clearly be showcased in the parametric study. Especially on long steep downhill sections, prioritising the electric brakes over mechanical brakes is demonstrated to have a huge influence on net energy consumption, as has the amount of coasting applied. With the same driver behaviour in all simulations, the savings in specific energy from increasing axle load to 32.5 tons is estimated. Moreover, a comparison of increased train length and axle load points towards higher savings for the latter. In the end, parametric study results are used to recommend a structure for a monitoring system of energy efficiency based on a set of KPIs. With a sufficiently high sampling rate of energy meter data, it is adequate for calculating driver related KPIs and some additional KPIs. More KPIs can be tracked with access to additional data, e.g. cargo load. / I detta examensarbete undersöks vilka parametrar som är relevanta för att beskriva energiförbrukning för tunga godståg och hur dessa kan nyttjas för att utveckla nyckeltal för energieffektivitet. Antalet möjliga nyckeltal avgränsas till sådana som kan beräknas med data från elmätare som används i elektriska littera IORE lok som drar tunga malmtåg i norra Sverige. Vidare så tar analysen endast hänsyn till energieffektivitet för rullande materiel, vilket utesluter förluster i elektriska kraftmatningsnätet. Baserad på en litteraturstudie har relevanta parametrar som beskriver förare, drift och rullande materiel identifierats. Med hjälp av simuleringar av ett malmtåg med 30 tons axellast och 68 vagnar så utförs en parameterstudie. Indata för tågmodelleringen erhålls från teknisk dokumentation respektive uppskattas genom mätningar och statistisk analys. En representation av tåget som flertalet partiklar tillämpas i simulering för att beräkna lutningsmotståndet. Dessutom används densamma för att ta fram kurvmotståndet. Resultaten visar att gångmotstånd simuleras ganska exakt, medan avsaknad av en förarmodell i simuleringsvertyget leder till överskattad energiförbrukning. Med hänsyn tagen till detta så kan betydelsen av föraren för energieffektivitet fortfarande påvisas mycket tydligt i parameterstudien. I synnerhet i långa branta nedförsbackar har prioritering av den elektriska bromsen framför den mekaniska bromsen mycket stor påverkan på nettoenergiförbrukningen, likaväl som hur mycket tåget frirullar. Med samma förarbeteende i samtliga simuleringar har besparingar i specifik energiförbrukning kunnat uppskattats för en ökning av axellasten till 32,5 ton. Dessutom pekar en jämförelse av ökad tåglängd och axellast mot att sistnämnda ger större besparingar. Slutligen så har resultaten från parameterstudien nyttjats för att rekommendera en struktur för ett uppföljningssystem av energieffektivitet baserad på en uppsättning av nyckeltal. Med tillräckligt hög samplingsfrekvens på data från elmätare är den adekvat för att beräkna vissa nyckeltal, framförallt relaterad till förare. Fler nyckeltal kan följas upp med mer tillgänglig data så som lastvikter.

Tratamento de Acordos em Processos de Negócio: Em Busca de Alinhamento Estratégico / Handling Agreements in Business Processes: Seeking Strategic Alignment

Salles, Guilherme Banduki Margarido 16 December 2013 (has links)
O alinhamento estratégico entre as áreas de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e de negócio é motivado pela necessidade das grandes organizações em aproveitar a capacidade da TI em transformar processos de negócio e disponibilizar bons produtos e serviços, destacando-se em um cenário competitivo. Nesse contexto, a Gestão de Processos de Negócio (BPM Business Process Management) e a Orientação a Serviços ganham espaço nas organizações por serem capazes de automatizar e aperfeiçoar os processos e os serviços necessários ao Negócio. No tratamento de processos e serviços, é importante atentar-se não apenas a propriedades funcionais (ou seja, as atividades que devem ser realizadas), mas também a propriedades não funcionais, tais como restrições de operação e de qualidade; dessa forma, é possível minimizar o desperdício de investimentos em TI com ineficiência e retrabalho. As linguagens mais conceituadas para modelagem de processos de negócio, incluindo BPMN, carecem da representação dessas propriedades não funcionais, criando uma lacuna entre a identificação de propriedades funcionais e não funcionais e também entre a modelagem do processo e sua implementação. Este projeto de mestrado teve como objetivo contribuir para o preenchimento dessa lacuna, propondo a abordagem StrAli-BPM (Strategic Alignment with BPM), que se subdivide nas partes BLA@BPMN e BLA2SLA: a primeira para estender a linguagem BPMN visando incorporar propriedades não funcionais, na forma de BLAs (Business Level Agreements) enriquecidos com KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), em sua estrutura de modelagem de processos; e a segunda para derivar semiautomaticamente um conjunto de SLAs (Service Level Agreements), associados a serviços web, a partir de um BLA pré-definido. Com isso, as áreas de TI e de negócio compartilham uma linguagem comum, facilitando o diálogo e o alinhamento entre os objetivos organizacionais e as obrigações da TI. / The strategic alignment between the Information Technology (IT) and the Business areas is motivated by the need of large organizations to exploit IT\'s ability to transform business processes and deliver good products and services to stand out in a competitive scenario. In this context, Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Orientation gain space in organizations, since they are able to automate and optimize the needed processes and services for the business. In the process and services treatment, it is important to attend not only functional properties (i.e., activities that must be executed), but also non-functional properties, such as operating and quality constraints; thereby, it is possible to minimize waste of IT investments due to inefficiency and rework. The most prestigious languages for business process modeling, including BPMN, lack representation of these non-functional properties, which creates a gap between the identification of functional and non-functional properties as well as between the process modeling and its implementation. This masters project aimed to contribute to filling this gap by proposing the StrAli-BPM (Strategic Alignment with BPM) approach, which is divided in two parts BLA@BPMN and BLA2SLA: the former to extend the BPMN language aiming to embody non-functional properties, in the form of BLAs (Business Level Agreements) enriched with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators); and the latter to semi-automatically derive a set of SLAs (Service Level Agreements), associated with web services, from a pre-defined BLA. In doing so, IT and Business areas share a common language, simplifying dialogue and alignment between organizational objectives and IT obligations.

Tratamento de Acordos em Processos de Negócio: Em Busca de Alinhamento Estratégico / Handling Agreements in Business Processes: Seeking Strategic Alignment

Guilherme Banduki Margarido Salles 16 December 2013 (has links)
O alinhamento estratégico entre as áreas de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e de negócio é motivado pela necessidade das grandes organizações em aproveitar a capacidade da TI em transformar processos de negócio e disponibilizar bons produtos e serviços, destacando-se em um cenário competitivo. Nesse contexto, a Gestão de Processos de Negócio (BPM Business Process Management) e a Orientação a Serviços ganham espaço nas organizações por serem capazes de automatizar e aperfeiçoar os processos e os serviços necessários ao Negócio. No tratamento de processos e serviços, é importante atentar-se não apenas a propriedades funcionais (ou seja, as atividades que devem ser realizadas), mas também a propriedades não funcionais, tais como restrições de operação e de qualidade; dessa forma, é possível minimizar o desperdício de investimentos em TI com ineficiência e retrabalho. As linguagens mais conceituadas para modelagem de processos de negócio, incluindo BPMN, carecem da representação dessas propriedades não funcionais, criando uma lacuna entre a identificação de propriedades funcionais e não funcionais e também entre a modelagem do processo e sua implementação. Este projeto de mestrado teve como objetivo contribuir para o preenchimento dessa lacuna, propondo a abordagem StrAli-BPM (Strategic Alignment with BPM), que se subdivide nas partes BLA@BPMN e BLA2SLA: a primeira para estender a linguagem BPMN visando incorporar propriedades não funcionais, na forma de BLAs (Business Level Agreements) enriquecidos com KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), em sua estrutura de modelagem de processos; e a segunda para derivar semiautomaticamente um conjunto de SLAs (Service Level Agreements), associados a serviços web, a partir de um BLA pré-definido. Com isso, as áreas de TI e de negócio compartilham uma linguagem comum, facilitando o diálogo e o alinhamento entre os objetivos organizacionais e as obrigações da TI. / The strategic alignment between the Information Technology (IT) and the Business areas is motivated by the need of large organizations to exploit IT\'s ability to transform business processes and deliver good products and services to stand out in a competitive scenario. In this context, Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Orientation gain space in organizations, since they are able to automate and optimize the needed processes and services for the business. In the process and services treatment, it is important to attend not only functional properties (i.e., activities that must be executed), but also non-functional properties, such as operating and quality constraints; thereby, it is possible to minimize waste of IT investments due to inefficiency and rework. The most prestigious languages for business process modeling, including BPMN, lack representation of these non-functional properties, which creates a gap between the identification of functional and non-functional properties as well as between the process modeling and its implementation. This masters project aimed to contribute to filling this gap by proposing the StrAli-BPM (Strategic Alignment with BPM) approach, which is divided in two parts BLA@BPMN and BLA2SLA: the former to extend the BPMN language aiming to embody non-functional properties, in the form of BLAs (Business Level Agreements) enriched with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators); and the latter to semi-automatically derive a set of SLAs (Service Level Agreements), associated with web services, from a pre-defined BLA. In doing so, IT and Business areas share a common language, simplifying dialogue and alignment between organizational objectives and IT obligations.

Evaluation of KPIs and Battery Usage of Li-ion BESS for FCR Application

Jansson, Samuel January 2019 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to develop and evaluate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and battery usage associated with Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems (LiBESS) used as Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR). The investigation was based on three of Vattenfall´s LiBESS projects that use the same lithium-ion battery technology but vary in system rating and configuration. It was found that two of the most important KPIs are response time and energy efficiency. The response time describes how fast the system can respond to changes in grid frequency. Additionally, the energy efficiency describes how effectively the system can provide energy storage during service and it can be parametrized into the efficiency of the battery, converter and transformer. The results show that all the considered LiBESS can fulfill the response time requirements of 30 seconds for FCR provision. In the future stricter requirements for the response time in grid stabilization services will most likely be required. Nevertheless, the results showed that a well configured LiBESS can provide response times on the millisecond scale. The energy efficiency evaluation showed that the system energy efficiency decreased from 89% to 85% when the power increased from 50% to 100% of rated power. At 75% of rated power it was found that the converter had the lowest efficiency (92%) based on the analysis of the efficiency of all the system components. It was also found that the power consumed by auxiliary loads was nearly constant for the examined power rates and that it significantly reduced the energy efficiency. Lastly, the battery usage analysis showed that the battery often idles or operates at low power rates if the frequency dead-band of ±10 mHz is applied around the nominal value of 50 Hz. Moreover, the battery usage can be characterized by an average State of Charge of 50% and a maximum Depth of Discharge of 30% during both charge and discharge of the batteries.

Den nya intäktsredovisningen : En jämförande studie mellan IFRS 15 och IAS 18 / The new revenue recognition : A comparative study between IFRS 15 and IAS 18

Djavadzadeh, Albin, Hultgren, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
År 2002 startades ett gemensamt harmoniseringsprojekt, Norwalk-agreement, mellan IASB och FASB. Projektet bottnade i ett behov av att lättare kunna jämföra internationella företag samt att bemöta komplexiteten kring intäktsredovisning. Av Norwalk-agreement framställdes IFRS 15 vilken är den nya internationella redovisningsstandarden för intäkter. IFRS 15 kommer träda i kraft 1:e januari 2018 och ersätter alla tidigare standarder vad gäller intäkter från försäljning av varor och tjänster.Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga eventuella skillnader som kan uppstå i och med att en ny standard för intäkter implementeras. Studien kommer fokusera på intäkter som härrör från försäljning av varor och tjänster och undersöka vilka konsekvenser detta kan få på företagsbeskattning, intressenter och särskilda nyckeltal. Studien kommer även undersöka om den goda redovisningsseden i Sverige påverkas. För att uppnå studiens syfte har fyra typfall konstruerats vilka blivit inspirerade av svenska rättskällor. Dessa typfall har i sin tur analyserats genom att tillämpa standarderna IFRS 15 och IAS 18. Metoden för studien är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med abduktiv ansats och studien är av förutsägande karaktär.Studiens typfall och resultat visar på att implementeringen av IFRS 15 kommer ge förändringar vid vilken tidpunkt redovisning ska ske av varor och tjänster vilket föranleds av en förändring av kriterierna för recognition. Detta ger upphov till att företagsbeskattning, nyckeltal samt utdelningsmöjligheter förändras vilka i sin tur påverkar intressenternas relation till företag. Vidare visar resultatet att en möjlig förändring av god redovisningssed föreligger.Slutligen visar studien på att IFRS 15 är en mindre principbaserad standard där den så kallade femstegsmodellen erbjuder en mer omfattande vägledning än nuvarande intäktsstandard IAS 18. / In 2002, a joint harmonization project, the Norwalk Agreement, was initiated by the IASB and FASB. The project was based on the need to more easily compare international companies and to address the complexity of revenue recognition. The Norwalk Agreement resulted in IFRS 15, which is the new international accounting standard for revenue. The new standard, IFRS 15, will come into effect on January 1 2018 and supersedes all previous standards regarding revenue from sales of goods and services.The purpose of this study is to identify possible differences that may arise as a new standard of revenue is implemented. The study will focus on revenue derived from sales of goods and services and investigate the impact this may have on corporate taxation, stakeholders and selected key performance indicators. The study will also investigate whether generally accepted accounting principles in Sweden is affected. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, four theoretical example cases have been constructed that have been inspired by Swedish sources of law. These example cases have been analysed by applying IFRS 15 and IAS 18. The methodology of the study is a qualitative content analysis with abductive character and is a predictive study.The empirical findings of the study indicate that the implementation of IFRS 15 will give rise to changes in the reporting of goods and services resulting from a change of recognition. This impacts corporate taxation, key ratios and dividend opportunities, which in turn affects stakeholder relationships with companies. Furthermore, the findings show that a possiblechange in generally accepted accounting principles in Sweden is at hand.Finally, the study shows that IFRS 15 is a less principle-based standard where the so-called five-step model offers more comprehensive guidance than the current revenue standard IAS 18.This paper is written in Swedish.

A Framework for managing Quality of Service in Cloud Computing through Service Level Agreements

Ziegler, Wolfgang 11 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

圖書館統計應用於大學圖書館績效評鑑 / Study on the library statistics application to performance evaluation at university libraries

黃麗雯, Huang, Li-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
圖書館是一國文化建設的重要指標,在現今知識經濟時代中,資訊服務競爭日趨激烈且多元,面對少子化,大學圖書館應高度回應學術環境的變遷,運用營運績效來表現其在機構任務中的價值,並發展相關專業知識,以陳述圖書館對於學生學習與成功的影響。在執行績效評鑑時,國家圖書館之〈全國圖書館調查統計系統〉係為各館一致遵循,且定期提供的統計數據系統,應可利各圖書館進行營運績效評鑑之應用,同時亦能提供圖書資訊學專家或社會學家進行學術研究之參用。在績效評鑑模式上,關鍵績效指標(KPI)是用以衡量組織績效最為重要的資訊,也是績效指標範圍當中最核心的部分,可以說是引導圖書館發展方向的儀表板。 本研究目的有四:(1)探討大學圖書館績效評鑑與關鍵績效指標。(2)探討大學圖書館統計資料與績效評鑑指標的關係,以建構適合大學圖書館績效評鑑之模式。(3)探討〈全國圖書館調查統計〉支持本研究建構的大學圖書館統計支持績效評鑑模式的可行性,與績效評鑑實施的有效性。(4)探討圖書館統計是否滿足大學圖書館績效評鑑實施的需求。 為獲研究結果,本研究透過焦點團體訪談法建構成五個評鑑構面、20項重要績效指標,作為國內大學圖書館之關鍵績效指標評鑑模式之評鑑工具。為確保績效指標的可行性,經過研究者取樣國內13所大學圖書館統計調查資料,實際進行個案研究結果,獲得以下結論:(1)大學圖書館實施績效評鑑仍為少數,但各館普遍配合〈全國圖書館調查統計系統〉進行統計並如期填報。(2)本研究提出大學圖書館績效評鑑之五大構面20項重要績效指標具可行性,可做自我評鑑及檢視績效成果之用。(3)運用最佳權重和關鍵績效指標,建構出關鍵績效指標評鑑模式。(4)〈全國圖書館調查統計〉統計項目大致可滿足於大學圖書館20項重要績效評鑑指標項目。 針對所獲得的研究結果,提出三點建議:(1)國家圖書館之〈全國圖書館調查統計系統〉,與績效評鑑指標結合,透過各圖書館上傳各項統計至系統後,系統即可自動進行大數據分析,讓統計資料即時轉換為績效成果,預期將節省實施績效評鑑之時間和人力成本,提高大學圖書館全面實施績效評鑑之意願。(2)圖書館可以運用關鍵績效指標評鑑模式,透過全國大學圖書館的績效評鑑結果,進一步針對各館進行SWOT分析,訂定未來營運發展的具體可行之量化與質化目標,展現圖書館的影響價值。(3)推動大學圖書館實施績效評鑑,建立長期和完整的評鑑資料庫。 / A library is an important indicator of a country's cultural construction. In the present time of knowledge-based economy, information services are becoming increasingly competitive and diverse. In the face of a low-birth rate, university libraries have to demonstrate their value through operating performance and develop related professional knowledge in response to changes in the academic environment in order to state their influence on students’ learning and academic success. When carrying out the operating performance evaluation, university libraries may refer to the data published regularly by the Library Statistical System of National Central Library; experts or sociologists may also refer to these data in their academic study. To measure the performance of an organization, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is the most important information and the core of all performance indicators; it can be said to be the dashboard that guides the development of a library. The research has four purposes: (1) exploring the performance evaluation and the key performance indicator of university libraries; (2) exploring the relationship between the library statistics and the performance indicator in order to build an appropriate performance evaluation model for university libraries; (3) exploring the feasibility of supporting the performance evaluation model by the university library statistics established with the support of Library Statistical System and exploring the effectiveness of implementation of performance evaluation; and (4) exploring whether the library statistics satisfy the requirements for the implementation of performance evaluation at university libraries. As to the performance evaluation model, the research has established five aspects of performance evaluation of university libraries and 20 key performance indicators through focus group. To ensure the feasibility of these performance indicators, the researcher sampled 13 university libraries’ statistics and carried out the case study. The conclusions are as follows: (1) only few university libraries carried out performance evaluation, but each university library gathered statistics and filed with the Library Statistical System as required; (2) five aspects of performance evaluation of university libraries and 20 key performance indicators proposed by the research were feasible and applicable to self-evaluation and self-review of performance results; (3) the performance evaluation model was established based on the optimum weight and key performance indicators; and (4) Statistical items of the Library Statistical System generally meet 20 key performance indicators of university libraries. Three recommendations are proposed based on the result of the research: (1) With the application of the Library Statistical System of National Central Library and performance evaluation indicators, university libraries upload the statistics to the system where data are analyzed automatically and converted into the performance results. Such application is expected to save time and labor costs of implementation of performance evaluation and increase the willingness of university libraries to implement performance evaluation; (2) Based on the KPI model and the results of performance evaluation of nationwide university libraries, university libraries may be able to carry out the SWOT analysis and set up the feasible quantitative and qualitative goals of future operation and further demonstrate their influence; and (3) university libraries are encouraged to implement performance evaluation and establish an extended and sound evaluation database.

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