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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le concept d'autonomie s'applique-t-il aux animaux?

Côté-Boudreau, Frédéric 08 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, je cherche à déterminer pourquoi les animaux non humains ne sont pas considérés comme étant autonomes dans les théories libérales contemporaines. Pour ce faire, j’analyse deux conceptions traditionnelles de l’autonomie, soit l’autonomie en tant qu’agentivité morale et l’autonomie hiérarchique (en tant que capacité à agir selon ses désirs de second ordre), et je soutiens que ces deux conceptions ne réussissent pas à bien justifier le respect des choix personnels même chez les agents humains. J’avance que ces deux conceptions de l’autonomie mènent à des conclusions perfectionnistes et paternalistes à certains égards, ce qui est pourtant contraire à leur fonction. J’analyse ensuite quelques versions alternatives de l’autonomie qui ne reposent pas sur la possession de facultés morales ou rationnelles, avant de proposer une nouvelle conception de l’autonomie qui pourrait répondre aux problèmes soulevés et potentiellement reconnaître l’autonomie des animaux non humains. / In this M.A. research, I try to understand why nonhuman animals are not considered autonomous in the contemporary liberal theories. To do this, I analyze two main conceptions of autonomy, autonomy as moral agency and hierarchical autonomy (as the capacity to act according to second-order desires), and I argue that these conceptions both fail to justify the respect of personal choices even for human agents. I suggest that these two conceptions of autonomy lead to perfectionist and paternalist conclusions, although this is inconsistent with their function. I then review a few alternative versions of autonomy that do not rely on possessing moral or rational faculties, before sketching a new conception of autonomy that could answer the different issues raised during this research and potentially recognize the autonomy of nonhuman animals.

Un Dieu se dévoile : herméneutique processuelle d'Éz 16

Perreault, Pierre 04 1900 (has links)
Les penseurs de l’herméneutique du XXe siècle ont redéfini essentiellement l’humain comme un être en quête de sens, interprétant sans cesse le ‘monde’ à travers ‘son propre monde’, cette compréhension transformante contribuant à son devenir. Serait-il pertinent dans une recherche de sens qui caractérise une démarche de foi, d’utiliser des outils herméneutiques ouvrant les Écritures sur d’autres possibles que ce que la Tradition chrétienne propose aujourd’hui ? Le présent mémoire veut répondre par l’affirmative à ce défi, en appliquant une approche processuelle sur le chapitre 16 du livre d’Ézéchiel, un prophète avec lequel la tradition juive a gardé une certaine prudence et un texte particulièrement osé que la pastorale chrétienne a ignoré. Après une mise en situation qui trace les paramètres fondamentaux de la démarche entreprise dans ce mémoire (chapitre 1), une traduction littérale du texte hébreu est proposée, faisant ressortir les nuances que suggèrent les formes verbales et les éléments particuliers que révèle une analyse macro-syntaxique (chapitre 2); la méthode d’analyse processuelle choisie pour interpréter le texte est inédite dans le monde francophone, tout comme la perspective processuelle de l’étude telle qu’elle se déploie dans les chapitres 3 et 4 du mémoire. L’analyse débouche sur des propositions théologiques originales, redéfinissant notamment la Toute-Puissance divine comme un entêtement qui cherche à convaincre, et inscrivant le pardon divin au creux de la liberté et de la responsabilité humaines. / Hermeneutic thinkers of the twentieth century have essentially redefined man as a being who is in search of meaning, constantly interpreting the 'world' through 'his own world', with this transformative understanding contributing to his future. Is it therefore relevant, in the search for meaning that characterizes a journey of faith, to read the Scriptures in ways that open new possibilities other than those currently offered by the Christian tradition? This essay proposes an affirmative answer to this challenge by applying a Process Approach to the text of Chapter 16 of the Book of Ezekiel, a prophet whom Jewish tradition has historically treated with suspicion and a particularly bold text that the Christians disregarded. After setting the parameters of the study (Chapter 1), a literal translation of the Hebrew text is presented, highlighting the nuances suggested by language choice as well as particular elements revealed by macro-syntax analysis (Chapter 2). The process analysis method chosen to interpret the text is unprecedented in the Francophone world, as is the process context of the study outlined in Chapters 3 and 4. The conclusions identify original theological concepts, most notably redefining God as a stubborn will that seeks to convince, and inscribing his forgiveness deeply in human liberty and responsibility.

Du western au crépusculaire : textualités et narrativités du genre pour une approche de l'image-fin

François, Élodie 04 1900 (has links)
Notre étude porte le western crépusculaire et cherche plus précisément à extraire le « crépusculaire » du genre. L'épithète « crépusculaire », héritée du vocabulaire critique des années 1960 et 1970, définit généralement un nombre relativement restreint d'œuvres dont le récit met en scène des cowboys vieillissants dans un style qui privilégie un réalisme esthétique et psychologique, fréquemment associé à un révisionnisme historique, voire au « western pro-indien », mais qui se démarque par sa propension à filmer des protagonistes fatigués et dépassés par la marche de l'Histoire. Par un détour sur les formes littéraires ayant comme contexte diégétique l’Ouest américain (dime-novel et romans de la frontière), nous effectuons des allers et retours entre les formes épique et romanesque, entre l’Histoire et son mythe, entre le littéraire et le filmique pour mieux saisir la relation dyadique qu’entretient le western avec l’écriture, d’une part monumentale et d’autre part critique, de l’Histoire. Moins intéressée à l’esthétique des images qu’aux aspects narratologiques du film pris comme texte, notre approche tire profit des analyses littéraires pour remettre en cause les classifications étanches qui ont marqué l’évolution du western cinématographique. Nous étudions, à partir des intuitions d’André Bazin au sujet du sur-western, les modulations narratives du western ainsi que l’émergence d’une conscience critique à partir de ses héros mythologiques (notamment le cow-boy). Notre approche est à la fois épistémologique et transhistorique en ce qu’elle cherche à dégager du western crépusculaire un genre au-delà des genres, fondé sur une incitation à la narrativisation crépusculaire de la part du spectateur. Cette dernière, concentrée par une approche deleuzienne de l’image-cristal, renvoie non plus seulement à une conception existentialiste du personnage dans l’Histoire, mais aussi à une mise en relief pointue du hors-cadre du cinéma, moment de clairvoyance à la fois pragmatique et historicisant que nous définissons comme une image-fin, une image chronogénétique relevant de la contemporanéité de ses figures et de leurs auteurs. / Our study is centered on the “Twilight western” (western crépusculaire) and is more precisely concerned with the “Twilight” aspect of the genre. The "Twilight" epithet, inherited from the French critical vocabulary of the 1960s and 1970s, encompasses a relatively restrained number of works whose stories, often associated with revisionist discourses, or as “pro-indian westerns”, are dedicated to aging cowboys with a style where aesthetical and psychological realism is put forward in favor of showing how these tired protagonists feel outdated and outmarched by History. By a turn on the literary forms that have for their diegetic background the American West (dime-novels and novels more generally contextualized at the border), our research is structured by a back and forth between the epic and romantic forms of narration, between History and its myths, and moreover between the literary form and the filmic form for a better grasp of the dyadic relationship that the West entertain with its writing of History, both with its more monumental and critical approaches. Less interested towards the aesthetic of these “Twilight” images than the narratological aspects of the film considered as text, our approach is founded on literary analysis to better challenge the classifications which have marked the evolution of the Western film. Based on the intuitions of film critic André Bazin on the “sur-western” (high western), we study the narrative modulations of the genre as much as the emergence of a critical awareness from its mythological heroes (mostly the cowboy). Our approach is epistemological as it is transhistorical since it seeks to conceptualize “Twilight western” as a genre beyond genres, not established on a collection of semantical observations, but on the incitement of a twilight narrativization that emerges from the viewer. We concentrate this narrativization alongside the deleuzian crystal-image as not only an existentialist conception of the western genre in regards to History, but also as a highlighting of cinema’s “hors-cadre” (beyond-frame) perceived as an enlightenment that is both pragmatic and historicizing. We define this precise kind of historiographical image as an “image-fin” (end-image), a chronogenetic image axed on the contemporaneity of theses mythological figures and their authors.

Právo na osobní svobodu v kontextu azylového práva Evropské unie / Right to Personal Liberty in the Context of the Asylum Law of the European Union

Kulda, Miloš January 2019 (has links)
Right to Personal Liberty in the Context of the Asylum Law of the European Union Mgr. Miloš Kulda Abstract: Right to personal liberty is considered to be one of the most important fundamental rights of a person. Unfortunately, the interferences to this right also constitute one of the aspects that generally accompanies asylum and forced migration. Europe is no exception in this respect. The topic of this theses is as follows: Right to Personal Liberty in the Context of the Asylum Law of the European Union. The objective of the theses is particularly to assess the level of protection which is provided within the European Union to asylum seekers and other forced migrant - i.e. refused asylum seekers and so called irregular migrants - against unauthorised deprivation of their liberty. The research is performed in the light of both the European Union law and European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The focus of the thesis stands on two main pillars. The first one are the rules concerning the deprivation of liberty of asylum seekers and other forced migrants according to Art. 5 of the Convention and related case-law of the European Court of Justice. The second pillar are then the rules concerning the deprivation of liberty of the above mentioned groups of persons according...

Le jeu sous contrôle : analyse sociologique des formes de régulations à l'oeuvre dans la pratique contemporaine du poker en France / Gambling under control : a sociological analysis of contemporary poker playing regulations in France

Piedallu, Jeanne 30 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a comme ambition de mettre à jour les formes de régulations à l’œuvre dans la pratique contemporaine du poker, au moment même où cette activité ludique fait l’objet d’un profond renouvellement tant technique (à travers son développement sur Internet à partir du milieu des années 1990) que législatif (à travers la légalisation et l’ouverture à la concurrence de cette offre en ligne en 2010). En mobilisant les notions de liberté et de contrôle, nous cherchons à mettre à jour et à comparer la façon dont les joueurs, leurs représentants et les institutions participent à l’activité de régulation sociale au sein de contextes ludiques particuliers. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, nous avons analysé successivement trois situations ludiques commerciales : les parties clandestines de poker « en dur », les parties illégales de poker sur Internet et les parties légales de poker en ligne. Il s’agissait donc d’aborder une forme ludique traditionnelle à l’âge d’Internet. Les données ont été recueillies suivant une approche socio-anthropologique, inductive et qualitative. L’analyse dynamique entre les mécanismes de transgression et de régulation fait apparaître que les joueurs de poker (en tant qu’acteurs individuels ou collectifs) cherchent, au niveau microsocial, à jouer avec la règle et, au niveau méso-social, à jouer sur la règle. De plus, nous montrons que les formes de régulations (formelles, informelles, endogènes et exogènes) et leurs modes de cohabitation dépendent du contexte légal (offre légale ou illégale) et technique (jeu en ligne ou hors ligne) dans lequel l’activité ludique se déroule. / The present dissertation offers an analysis of the various regulations at work in contemporary poker whilst it is currently undergoing profound transformations, both technical (expansion of internet playing since the 90’s) and legal (liberalization of the online gambling market in 2010). Through the notions of liberty and control, we endeavor to uncover and compare the different manners through which poker players, their representatives and institutions take part in the social regulation of a hobby related activity. We have identified and analyzed three different contexts of merchandised poker playing: underground “real-card” games; online and illegal games; and online and legal ones. Our principal aim is thus to investigate the evolution of a traditional form of hobby in the Internet era. Data has been gathered through a socio-anthropological approach, both inductive and qualitative. The results of the dynamic analysis of transgression and regulation mechanisms indicate that poker players (either individuals or groups) seek either to play with the rules – at a micro-social scale – or to play on the rules – at a macro-social scale. Moreover, our results show that the different forms of regulation (formal, informal, endogenous and exogenous) and their coexistence depend on both the legal (legal vs. illegal) and technical (online vs. offline) contexts of poker playing.

La construction et la déconstruction des modèles de l'absolutisme éclairé dans l'Europe des Lumières / The construction and the deconstruction of models of the Enlightened absolutism in the Europe of enlightened philosophers

Bundalo, Anja 16 November 2018 (has links)
Les philosophes français des Lumières se sont évertués, notamment dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle, à préciser les cas où l’inégalité et les limites de la liberté seraient conformes aux lois naturelles afin de proposer les préceptes permettant une vie sociale épanouie. Ce faisant, ils ouvrirent la voie à la formation des absolutismes éclairés qui trouvent leurs racines juridiques dans la théorie du droit naturel. Elaborée pour une large part par Voltaire qui la mettait directement en relation avec l’idéologie des absolutismes « classiques », l’idéologie des absolutismes éclairés avait pour but principal la création d’un Etat fort. Ayant accepté les propositions des philosophes les « rois philosophes » ou « monarques éclairés » fondèrent les justificatifs d’une telle politique sur la langue, la mode, et surtout sur la confiance dans un progrès que la France avait su promouvoir. / The French philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment, especially in the second part of the eighteenth century, endeavoured to specify the cases in which inequality and the limitations of freedom would be in accordance with natural laws in order to propose precepts for a blossoming life. By doing so, they opened the way to the formation of enlightened absolutism, a model of government that finds its legal foundations in the Natural Law Theory Developed largely part by Voltaire, who put it in the direct relation with the ideology of “classical” absolutism, the ideology of enlightened absolutism had as its principal goal the creation of a strong state. Having embraced the philosophers’ precepts, the “enlightened monarchs” or “philosopher kings” founded the evidence of such a policy on language, fashion, and especially on the confidence in a progress that France had been able to promote.

Télévision, cinéma et pouvoirs en Egypte sour le règne de Moubarak / TV, cinema and authorities in Egypt under Moubarak

Ezzat Elborhamy, Shaimaa 14 December 2015 (has links)
Pas de résumé / No summary

Ficções jurídicas tributárias / Legal tax fictions

Pacheco, Angela Maria da Motta 08 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Angela Maria da Motta Pacheco.pdf: 3255297 bytes, checksum: ff2db84a0ab7d56308680d4f204c23b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-08 / The objective of this work is to address Legal Fictions in the Tax Law Sub-domain, revealing the phenomenon, the true purpose for which it came and the possibility or not of its co-existence with other general and abstract legal rules creators of taxes. The topic discusses Liberty, as a presumption of Law, basis of responsibility, two sides of the same coin, justified by Law as an Order of Restraint and Coercion. In the construction of the Rule of Law liberty refers to the authority of the Powers and of their agencies, as part of liberty. The topic discusses Truth, the Truth of Statutory Law, the fabric consisting of prescriptive language placed, here and now, incorporated by the Fundamental Law, the Constitution, structural laws and statutory laws, in a hierarchical process and of coordination. The construction method of Law is essential for the elucidation of the topic always considering the need of the Law being close and revealing the human condition at the risk, in failing to do so, of becoming incompetent and discredited. It is necessary to make an analysis of the characteristics of the Brazilian Constitution, informed expressly by constitutive values of the norms of principle, and specifically of the Tax System embodied therein, which adopted the principle of free enterprise and individual and social rights. We consider the Law Theory, specifically the Principal Law on Tax Assessment in its constitutive criteria and those specific ones already used as constitutional requisites for the sharing of taxing authority among the federative entities. It is in the scenario of the constitutional tax system that the images of the characters will be projected: the valid principal law on tax assessment, and the legal tax fiction law, in order to determine its validity or invalidity, its pertinence or not to the plot of the play, in light of the informer principles of the system, specifically those of typicity and taxpayer capacity, the expression of the principle of equality. It will be seen, also, that the purpose of legal tax fictions in no way resembles the purpose of legal tax presumptions, legal reasoning, referred to proof in the tax matter / Tem o presente trabalho, por objetivo, tratar das Ficções Jurídicas no Subdomínio do Direito Tributário, revelando o fenômeno, a verdadeira finalidade a que veio e a possibilidade ou não de sua convivência com as demais normas jurídicas gerais e abstratas criadoras de tributos. O tema diz respeito à Liberdade, como suposto do Direito, fundamento da responsabilidade, faces da mesma moeda, a justificar o Direito como Ordem de Coerção e Coação. Na construção do Estado de Direito a liberdade refere-se à competência dos Poderes e de seus órgãos, como parcelas de liberdade. O tema diz respeito à Verdade e, à Verdade do Direito Positivo, o tecido consistente de linguagem prescritiva posta, aqui e agora, integrado pela Norma Fundante, a Constituição, normas de estrutura e normas ordinárias, em processo hierárquico e de coordenação. A forma de construção do Direito é fundamental para o deslinde do tema sempre considerando a necessidade de o Direito estar próximo e revelar a condição humana sob risco de, não o fazendo, tornar-se incompetente e desautorizado . Necessária se faz uma análise do tipo da Constituição Brasileira, informada expressamente por valores constitutivos das normas princípio, especificamente do Sistema Tributário nela inserido, que adotou o princípio da livre iniciativa e os direitos individuais e sociais. Consideramos a Teoria da Norma Jurídica, especificamente a Norma Matriz de Incidência Tributária em seus critérios constitutivos e daqueles específicos já utilizados como pressupostos constitucionais na repartição de competência tributária entre entes federativos. Será no cenário do sistema constitucional tributário que se projetarão as imagens das personagens: norma matriz de incidência tributária, válida, e a norma de ficção jurídica tributária, a fim de se aferir sua validez ou invalidez, sua pertinência ou não ao enredo da peça, diante dos princípios informadores do sistema, especificamente o da tipicidade e da capacidade contributiva, expressão do princípio da igualdade. Ver-se-á, também, que a finalidade das ficções jurídicas tributárias em nada se assemelha à finalidade das presunções jurídicas tributárias, raciocínios legais, referidos à prova em matéria tributária

Princípios constitucionais de direito eleitoral

Vargas, Alexis Galiás de Souza 19 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexis Galias de Souza Vargas.pdf: 1333206 bytes, checksum: b91dded94e4358df09b310c7d6147d3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims the identification and theoretical development of the constitutional principles of electoral law. The Constitution is full of principles, which are legal rules with differentiated normativity, whose application demands a specific methodology. Thus the Theory of Principles took a central role in the new constitutional hermeneutic. The identification and construction of principles, and the methodology used to extract its normativity, are tasks of utmost importance for the interpretation and application of the Constitution. Nevertheless, regardless of how much the national studies on constitutional principles evolved, we see that they have not focused on the field of application of the Constitution that falls specifically on the electoral legal order. Consequently, the electoral law resents the lack of systematization of its rules and a theoretic referential to support it and guide its interpretation and integration. This study humbly seeks to collaborate in the overcoming of these difficulties. It seeks to identify and help the construction of what would be the constitutional principles of electoral law. In order to reach this daring objective, we start from a clear stance regarding the Theory of Principles and the definition of a scientific methodology, within a dogmatic perspective, which allows the outlining of a safe path in the disclosure and construction of these principles, to then pursue the field of constitutional electoral order. It is not a study that seeks to exhaust the subject. This work is necessarily incomplete, considering that principles, by their own nature, can be implicit and constructed through an evolutionary interpretation. On the other hand, the study allows one to safety attest that the rules expressed herein are constitutional principles that shall inform the Brazilian electoral law. The result of this study is a list of constitutional principles of electoral law, classified according to their scope and with the definition of their contents, theoretic justifications and their jurisprudential development / O objetivo deste estudo é a identificação e o desenvolvimento teórico dos princípios constitucionais do direito eleitoral. A Constituição está repleta de princípios, que são normas jurídicas de normatividade diferenciada e cuja aplicação requer metodologia específica. É por isso que a Teoria dos Princípios assumiu papel central na nova hermenêutica constitucional. A identificação e a construção dos princípios, bem como a metodologia para extrair sua normatividade, são tarefas do maior relevo para a interpretação e aplicação da Constituição. Entretanto, por mais que tenham evoluído os estudos nacionais sobre os princípios constitucionais, verificamos que estes ainda não tomaram por objeto o campo de incidência da Constituição que recai especificamente sobre o ordenamento jurídico eleitoral. Consequentemente, o direito eleitoral se ressente da falta de uma sistematização de suas normas e de um referencial teórico que lhe dê sustentação e lhe paute a interpretação e integração. Este estudo visa, humildemente, a colaborar na superação destas dificuldades. Visa ele a identificar e ajudar na construção de quais seriam os princípios constitucionais do direito eleitoral. Para cumprir com este ousado objetivo, partimos de um posicionamento claro a respeito da Teoria dos Princípios e a definição de uma metodologia científica, dentro de uma perspectiva dogmática, que permita traçar um caminho seguro na revelação e construção destes princípios, para então enveredar-se no campo do ordenamento constitucional eleitoral. Não se trata de um estudo que pretende esgotar o tema. Este é um trabalho necessariamente incompleto, eis que os princípios, por sua própria natureza, podem ser implícitos e construídos através de uma interpretação evolutiva. De outra parte, o estudo permite atestar, com segurança, que as normas aqui vertidas são princípios constitucionais que devem informar o direito eleitoral brasileiro. O resultado do estudo é um rol de princípios constitucionais de direito eleitoral, classificados conforme o seu objeto e com a definição de seus conteúdos, justificativas teóricas e seu desenvolvimento jurisprudencial

A tributação na perspectiva do Estado neoliberal: leitura da obra Law, legislation and liberty, de Friedrich August von Hayek

Tuma, Eduardo 11 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Tuma.pdf: 1201861 bytes, checksum: e7a00741ab1789fb5b20b871c679d890 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-11 / In the years that have widened the contradictions of the capitalist system - 1974 - Friedrich August von Hayek wrote a memorable thesis of Law, Legislation and Liberty target of analysis in this study. Spontaneous order, freedom and minimal state intervention in society: these are expressions that represent the essence of the author's thinking, which proposes a constitutional model as opposed to socialist ideas. Until today, the ideas found in reading the work of Friedrich August von Hayek have particular importance, because it proposes concepts to ensure the functioning of the state, especially with regard to the need for fixing the burden distributed to individuals, which requires a total control of public spending. It can not be denied that the work, published more than three decades ago, survives and serves as a stimulus to the State that aims to achieve the so-called fair taxation without neglecting the maintenance of spontaneous order as a necessity for the preservation of the free economy / No ano em que se acentuaram as contradições do sistema capitalista 1974 Friedrich August von Hayek escreveu a memorável obra Law, Legislation and Liberty (Direito, Legislação e Liberdade), alvo de estudo e análise do presente trabalho. Ordem espontânea, liberdade e intervenção mínima do Estado na sociedade: estas são as expressões que representam a essência do pensamento do autor, que sugere um modelo constitucional, em oposição às concepções socialistas. Até os dias atuais, as ideias expostas na leitura da obra de Friedrich August von Hayek assumem especial importância, pois propõem conceitos fundamentais para garantir o funcionamento do Estado, especialmente no que se refere à necessidade de fixação prévia do ônus que deve ser distribuído aos indivíduos, o que exige um controle total dos gastos públicos. Não se pode negar que a obra, publicada ha mais de três décadas, sobrevive e serve de estímulo para o Estado que almeja alcançar a denominada justiça fiscal sem olvidar a manutenção da ordem espontânea, necessária para a conservação da livre economia

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