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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'occupation immobilière : étude de droit privé / Estate occupancy : a private law study

Pezzella, Virginie 12 December 2012 (has links)
En droit privé, l’occupation s’entend, en principe, d’un mode d’acquisition originaire de la propriété des choses mobilières dépourvues de maître : c’est ainsi qu’elle a fait une entrée discrète dans le Code civil en 1804. Toutefois, depuis cette date, l’occupation a acquis une toute autre signification. Le législateur et le juge recourent aujourd’hui à cette notion pour désigner différents modes de jouissance de l’immeuble d’autrui. Il est question de conventions d’occupation précaire, d’occupation privative d’un bien indivis, d’occupant maintenu dans les lieux en suite d’un bail commercial ou d’habitation, d’occupant bénéficiaire d’une réquisition de logement, ou encore d’occupant sans droit ni titre. La notion d’occupation immobilière semble donc avoir acquis une place remarquable en droit privé. L’objet de cette étude est précisément de déterminer le rôle qu’elle tient en droit positif, dans ce domaine. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse réalise l’étude des diverses hypothèses dans lesquelles le terme « occupation » est utilisé pour désigner un fait d’emprise exercé sur l’immeuble d’autrui, que ce soit avec ou sans titre ; elle révèle également des situations officieuses d’occupation, telles que le mécanisme de la reconduction tacite applicable en matière de bail. Dans un second temps, est proposée une théorie générale de l’occupation immobilière en droit privé. L’occupation immobilière apparaît comme un fait d’emprise jouant un double rôle en droit positif : elle peut être simplement la traduction matérielle de l’exercice d’un droit d’usage préalablement reconnu à celui qui va devenir occupant, mais également l’élément permettant à ce dernier d’acquérir un tel droit ou, au moins, de le faire présumer. Reposant notamment sur diverses conditions d’efficacité, telles que la bonne foi ou l’univocité, elle présente alors un certain nombre de similitudes avec la possession, mais les deux notions ne sauraient pourtant être confondues. Au final, cette étude permet de mettre en lumière un nouveau fait créateur de droit, qui trouve sa place aux côtés de la possession et qui démontre une évolution de la propriété privée vers une « propriété pragmatique », soucieuse de s’adapter à des besoins divers, clairement reconnus par le droit positif. / In Private Law, occupancy (French “occupation”) is, in principle, understood as an original method of acquiring property of ownerless movable things: this is how it made a discreet entrance in the Civil Code in 1804. Since then, however, occupancy has acquired a whole new meaning. Today, both the legislator and the judge turn to this concept to describe different means of enjoying the property of others. It relates to precarious occupancy agreements, private occupancy of jointly owned property, tenant kept in the premises after the end of its commercial or residential lease, occupant beneficing an housing requisition, disseisor, or occupant without right or title. The notion of estate occupancy seems to have acquired a prominent position in Private Law. Hence, the purpose of this study is precisely to determine the role it holds in positive law in this area. First, this work aims at studying the various situations in which the term "occupancy” is used to designate the situation where a factual stranglehold is exercised over others’ property, whether with or without title. It also reveals informal occupancy situations, such as leases’ tacit renewal mechanism. Secondly, a general theory of occupancy in Private Law is proposed. Estate occupancy appears like a factual situation of stranglehold (“fait d’emprise”). It plays a dual role in positive law: it may simply be the substantive translation of the exercise of a right to use, previously recognized to whom will become the occupant, and, in the same time, the element allowing him to acquire such a right, or at least, assuming he does. Notably based on various effectiveness conditions, such as good faith or clarity, occupancy shows similarities with the notion of adverse possession, although in French law the two concepts should not be confused. Finally, this study shed light on a new fact giving rise to a right, which finds its place alongside the adverse possession and demonstrates an evolution from the private property to a "pragmatic property" caring to adapt to the various needs recognized by the Law.

Issues on Xitsonga verbs

Mabaso, Ximbani Eric 06 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the predicate argument structure (PAS) of a sub-class of verbs in Xitsonga - verbs of change of possession: give, contribute, future having, providing, obtaining and verbs of exchange. It is shown that these verbs select various theta roles to form their PAS in the different alternations allowed in this language. The effects of the applicative {-el-} and causative {-is-} verbal affixes on the PAS of such verbs are also considered. The study confirms the fact that the ordering of objects in ditransitive verbs is determined by an interplay of syntactic and semantic factors. Ambiguity arises in the case of two animate objects. In this case the object with a definite reading will appear adjacent to the verb. / African Languages / M. A. (Arican Languages)

Palimpsestic writing and crossing textual boundaries in selected novels by A.S. Byatt / Therina van der Westhuizen

Van der Westhuizen, Therina January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines three novels by the author and critic A.S. Byatt, namely Possession (1990), Babel Tower (1996) and The Biographer’s Tale (2000), using a hermeneutic method of analysis. The investigation pays specific attention to the structure of the novels and how this compares to the structure of the ancient palimpsest. Theoretical information on the palimpsest as model is based on relevant writings by Thomas Carlyle (1830, 1833), Thomas De Quincey (1845) through to Josephine McDonagh (1987), Gérard Genette (1997) and Sarah Dillon (2007). The ensuing argument is that Byatt’s use of postmodernist pseudo-intertextuality and intertextuality cause her novels to have a palimpsestic structure of various layers, with the effect that textual boundaries are transgressed. Ultimately Byatt’s writing strategies result in ontological uncertainty for the reader. / MA (English), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014.

Image et survivance en anthropologie visuelle : Ernesto De Martino et l’ethnographie interdisciplinaire

Pisapia, Jasmine 07 1900 (has links)
Ce projet analyse le rôle des images – photographies, films, dessins – produites dans le cadre des recherches ethnographiques « interdisciplinaires » menées par l’anthropologue italien Ernesto De Martino en Italie méridionale dans les années 1950. Ces expéditions ont donné lieu à des documents multiformes puisqu’elles regroupent des chercheurs de formations différentes : historien des religions, ethnomusicologue, psychiatre, photographe, et occasionnellement cinéaste. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit d’étudier le rôle des matériaux visuels dans la recherche sur le tarentisme, rituel de possession observé dans les Pouilles en 1959 par De Martino et son équipe, matériaux dont une partie constitue l’annexe photographique de son œuvre célèbre La terra del rimorso (1961). Nous portons également attention à l’atlas iconographique de son ouvrage sur la lamentation funèbre, Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958), fruit d’une étude de terrain dans la région sud italienne de la Lucania (Basilicata). Tout en considérant les relations intermédiales entre les images, le texte, le son et le corps, ce mémoire identifie les rapports dialectiques entre les techniques d’enregistrement et les logiques répétitives, rythmiques et performatives des rituels en question. Chez De Martino, l’image est point de tension en matière de temporalité et de ressemblance : elle suggère une anthropologie de la « survivance » nous permettant de relever plusieurs correspondances avec l'oeuvre de l’historien de l’art Aby Warburg. / This project deals with the production of images in Italian anthropologist Ernesto De Martino’s 1950s “interdisciplinary ethnographies” in southern Italy. These expeditions, innovative for their time, involved a team of researchers (including a religious historian, ethnomusicologist, psychiatrist, photographer and, at times, a filmmaker) and gave rise to mixed-media documents. While the textual aspects of De Martino’s work have been studied in depth, my approach focuses on image-making practices: photography, film, drawings. Building largely on his famous work La terra del rimorso (1961) on tarantism – a possession ritual observed by De Martino’s team in Puglia in 1959 – as well as on the iconographic atlas of Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958) – his study on mourning rituals led in the southern Italian region of Lucania (Basilicata) –, this thesis suggests that images, despite their ancillary status, formed a major part of De Martino’s fieldwork and transmitted much more than documentary knowledge. Not only does the visual haunt De Martino’s own text as a literary device, but it is also tightly connected to a series of intermedial elements (sound, objects, bodies) inherent to the ritual “apparatus” itself and its documentation process. It was thus possible to perceive a dialectical relationship between technological imagistic devices such as photography and film, which “reproduced” possession rituals, and those practices’ own repetition processes, temporal rhythms, and performativity. Lastly, these images also suggest an anthropology of “afterlife” by means of visual analogies passed through bodily gesture, reminiscent of Aby Warburg’s work.

Sûretés réelles et droit des biens / Securities and property law

Gijsbers, Charles 08 December 2012 (has links)
Propriété, droit réel sur la chose d’autrui, opposabilité, droit de suite, droit de préférence, exclusivité, meubles, immeubles, accession, accessoire, subrogation réelle, fongibilité, universalité, etc. la liste est longue des concepts forgés par le droit des biens que sollicitent les sûretés réelles, non parfois sans les malmener, afin d’atteindre leur finalité propre qu’est la garantie du paiement des créances de somme d’argent. Après plusieurs thèses, articles et monographies consacrés à tel ou tel aspect de ces interactions, la présente thèse livre une étude globale des rapports noués entre les deux disciplines afin de mettre en évidence leurs points de rencontre, leurs points de divergence et, le cas échéant, de possibles enrichissements réciproques. / Property, real rights, tracing, exclusive possession, movables, immovables, accession, accessory obligation, real subrogation, fungibles, funds, etc. are a few of the many concepts forged by property law that are used and sometimes misused, in the law relating to security transactions. The misuse of such concepts in the latter area of law can be attributed to the different purpose that underlies such transactions, being specifically the guaranteeing of debt repayment. After several theses, essays and monographs have been devoted to particular aspects of these interactions between property law and the law surrounding security transactions, this thesis delivers a comprehensive study about the relationship established between the two areas of law, and will highlight their points of convergence, points of divergence and mutual efficiency.

Historie obce Solopysky u Kutné Hory v letech 1918- 1938 / history Solopysky village of Kutna Hora in the years 1918- 1938

Šíbalová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
AAbbssttrraakktt This diploma thesis deals with historical development of village Solopysky situated 12 kilometers from Kutná Hora in Central Bohemia. In the paper is reflected interwar period from 1918 to 1938 which brought a lot of turning points. There is described influence of those milestones on local inhabitants (e.g. establishment of first Czechoslovakia republic, Munich Agreement). Administrative area of this thesis is focused on mechanisms of operation, organization, structure, personnel management, power and municipal governments' activities. Attention is paid to the then legislation and its introduction into practice. The author tries to clarify tendencies of the municipal economy including municipal budget and dealing with the municipal property. Cultural area of this thesis is focused on school environment, activities of local associations and on the political activities including municipal elections. There is also mentioned description of daily life and atmosphere of the village according to the memories of the local old resident - Mr. Václav Sova. The aim of this thesis is confrontation of narrative sources with sources of the official provenance. Particularly thematic viewpoint was taken in consideration during writing this paper. KKeeyywwoorrddss The municipality, self - goverment, federal...

Le droit d'exposition des oeuvres graphiques et plastiques

Mouron, Philippe 10 December 2011 (has links)
Le droit d’exposition des oeuvres graphiques et plastiques est un élément nouveau du droit d’auteur, dégagé par la Cour de cassation en 2002. Il permet à l’auteur d’autoriser ou d’interdire l’exposition publique de ses oeuvres, qu’elles soient de dessin, de peinture, de sculpture, de photographie, d’architecture ou de tout autre oeuvre graphique. Ce droit lui permet aussi d’en contrôler les conditions de présentation et d’en tirer une rémunération. Il est en cela assimilable au droit de représentation, tel qu’il s’exerce pour les oeuvres dramatiques ou musicales. Mais le droit d’exposition ouvre des problématiques nouvelles pour le droit d’auteur. En effet, son objet ne peut être qu’une chose corporelle, qu’il s’agisse de l’exemplaire original de l’oeuvre ou de toute autre copie. Par conséquent, cela oblige à reconsidérer la nature du droit d’auteur, que l’on qualifie usuellement de droit sur « l’immatériel », cette notion étant plus adaptée pour les oeuvres littéraires, dramatiques ou musicales. Cette évolution remet en question le sens même de l’expression « propriété incorporelle », telle qu’elle est employée par le Code de la propriété intellectuelle. Le droit d’exposition interroge donc les fondements du droit d’auteur et bouleverse son contenu et sa portée. La thèse apporte les réponses aux questions qui sont posées par ces problématiques. Ainsi, il sera démontré que l’expression « propriété incorporelle » ne qualifie que la propriété du droit de l’auteur, considéré comme un bien, et non celle de l’oeuvre à proprement parler. En cela, la distinction entre cette propriété et la propriété de l’objet matériel doit être entendue le plus strictement, c’est-à-dire comme une simple distinction des droits. De même, le caractère novateur du droit d’exposition révèle que le droit d’auteur a davantage été conçu pour les oeuvres littéraires, dramatiques et musicales, et non pour les oeuvres graphiques et plastiques. De ce fait, le droit d’exposition concourt également à une harmonisation des prérogatives conférées aux auteurs au titre de la propriété littéraire et artistique / The visual artists display right is a new part of the author’s copyright, introduced by the French supreme court in 2002. It implies, for the author, the right to authorize or prohibit the public exhibition of his works, such as paintings, sculptures, photographs, architectural works or any work of graphic or plastic art. This right also gives the author a control over the conditions of presentation of the work and allows him to exploit it financially. It is similar to the performing right for dramatic and musical works. But the visual artists display right is the cause of new problems about intellectual property. Indeed, the exhibition is based on a physical thing in which the work is embodied. Therefore, we need to examine the nature of copyright, which is considered to have an intangible subject-matter. This concept is more convenient for literary, dramatic and musical works. This development calls the terms “intangible property” into questions, as they are used by the French copyright law. The visual artists display right shakes the very foundations of copyright and upsets its own structure. This thesis is intended to examine theses problems. Thus it appears that the terms “intangible property” refer to the property of the author’s right itself, as a possession, instead of the property of the work. That’s why the distinction between this property and the property of the tangible item should be considered as a distinction between two rights. In addition, the innovative nature of the visual artists display right shows that copyright has more been provided for literary, dramatic and musical works, than for the artistic works. This right also contributes to the harmonization of the literary and artistic property

Direito de retenção e seus limites / Droit de rétention et ses limites

Saba, Diana Tognini 23 March 2016 (has links)
Diante da necessidade de atualização do estudo relativo ao direito de retenção, uma vez que as grandes obras doutrinárias estrangeiras e nacionais acerca do tema datam do final do século XIX e do início do século XX, abordaram-se as principais controvérsias relativas ao jus retentionis à luz da atual codificação a fim de concluir-se se o instituto ainda encontra justificativa em nosso ordenamento, bem como se seria admitido tal qual concebido em suas origens. Para tanto, procurou-se definir o que entendemos por direito de retenção, delimitando seu campo de atuação, suas características, seus elementos e sua natureza jurídica. Ao longo do estudo, analisou-se essa figura à luz do Código Civil de 2002 e do atual estágio da jurisprudência, concluindo que a previsão legislativa do instituto ainda se justifica, porém merece reforma. Ademais, conclui-se que os limites rígidos em que concebido o direito de retenção devem ser flexibilizados em atenção aos princípios da função social da posse e da boa-fé objetiva para admitir-se a utilização do bem retido em alguns casos. / Il est nécessaire dactualiser létude du droit de rétention depuis que les grandes uvres étrangères et nationaux à propos du thème datent de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXème siècle. Ainsi, ce travail adresse les principales controverses concernant le jus retentionis en attention à lactuelle codification, le but étant de savoir si ce droit trouve encore une justification au sein du système juridique actuel et si celui-ci doit être admis de la même manière comme il était conçu auparavant. Pour parvenir à ces conclusions, il sagira de définir le concept du droit de rétention, de délimiter son champ dapplication, de définir ses caractéristiques ainsi que ses éléments fondamentaux et enfin, sa nature juridique. A travers cette étude, le droit de rétention est analysé au regard des dispositions du Code Civil de 2002 et de lactuelle jurisprudence. À la fin, on conclut que la prévision législative en la matière se justifie mais il apparaît nécessaire de réformer cette législation. En outre, il apparaît que les strictes limites entourant le droit de rétention dans sa conception originaire doivent être assouplies en égard aux principes de bonne foi et de possession dans sa fonction sociale, afin dadmettre lutilisation du bien retenu par le rétenteur, dans certains cas.

Legislação urbanística: a norma e o fato nas áreas de proteção aos mananciais da região metropolitana de São Paulo / Urban law: ruling and reality in the areas of waterspring protection in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo

Beré, Cláudia Maria 19 December 2005 (has links)
O intenso processo de urbanização da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo na segunda metade do século XX foi diretamente influenciado pela propriedade privada e pela legislação urbanística. Enquanto as classes dominantes logravam influir sobre a legislação e sobre o direcionamento dos investimentos estatais em infra-estrutura em seu favor, restou às classes dominadas ocupar áreas invadidas ou se instalar em loteamentos de periferia, muitos em áreas de proteção ambiental. A legislação de proteção aos mananciais, editada nos anos setenta, procurou ordenar a ocupação destas áreas, porém é justamente lá que tem ocorrido o maior crescimento da região. A falta de eficácia da norma e a necessidade de garantir o abastecimento de água tornaram necessária a revisão da legislação, objetivando a composição do conflito entre direito à moradia e direito ao meio ambiente, que não devem ser vistos como antagônicos, e sim como conciliáveis. É necessária a implantação de políticas públicas de regularização fundiária sustentável, capazes de garantir a segurança da posse sem provocar danos ambientais. Incumbe à União, Estados e Municípios adotar medidas para possibilitar a regularização fundiária. A regularização administrativa de loteamentos pode ser promovida pelo Município, ainda que com prejuízo a seus padrões urbanísticos. O usucapião especial urbano, individual ou coletivo, permite a regularização fundiária de ocupações em áreas particulares. Nas áreas públicas, a regularização poderá se dar através da concessão especial de uso para fins de moradia, que também poderá ser individual ou coletiva. Caso seja necessária a remoção da população, deverá ser assegurado o exercício do direito à moradia em outro local. Poderá, ainda, ser celebrado termo de ajustamento de conduta perante o Ministério Público, atribuindo-se obrigações a todos os envolvidos na implantação do loteamento, com previsão de penalidade para o caso de descumprimento. A presente dissertação analisa essas questões por meio do estudo de casos inquéritos civis, ações civis públicas e julgados de quatro municípios da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O estudo de casos demonstra que houve muitas falhas do poder público no processo pelo qual a implantação das ocupações nas áreas de proteção aos mananciais ocorreu, contudo, mostra também que, quando todos os responsáveis se interessam, é possível encontrar soluções criativas e viáveis para os problemas. / The intense process of urban development in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo on the second half of the XX Century was directly influenced by private property and urban law. While the upper classes succeeded in influencing urban law and the direction of state investments in infra-structure in their favour, the lower classes had to occupy public and private land or suburban subdivisions, most of which in areas of environmental protection. Watersprings protection laws, issued in the seventies, aimed at organizing the occupation of these areas, however it is exactly there that the area has grown most. The lack of efficacy of the law and the need to ensure the water supply created the need to review the laws, targeting conflict resolution between housing rights and the right to environment, which should not be seen as antagonistic, since they can be conciliated. It is necessary to promote sustainable land tenure regularization programmes, able to ensure the security of land tenure without environmental damages. The Union, the States and the Municipalities must adopt measures to attain this goal. The administrative regularization of subdivisions may be promoted by Municipalities, though with losses to its urban patterns. The special urban usucapiao (adverse possession), individual or collective allows the regularization of private areas. In public areas, regularization may occur through the concession of the real right of use, which can also be individual or collective. If the removal of the occupiers is necessary, housing rights should be ensured somewhere else. It is also possible to celebrate a conduct adjustment agreement with the Prosecution, in which obligations will be granted to all parties related to the subdivision, including sanctions fines in the case of noncompliance. The current dissertation analyses these matters through the case study of investigations, law suit and judicial decisions from four cities in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo. The case study shows that authorities made many mistakes during the process of occupation of the watersprings protection areas, however it also shows that, when all parties are involved, creative and viable solutions for the problems can be found.

A esfera da vida privada do cidadão como limite à interferência do direito penal: a questão da pornografia infantil / Citizens personal privacy field as a limit for the criminal laws interference: the issue of child pornography

Louveira, Leopoldo Stefanno Gonçalves Leone 11 June 2013 (has links)
A dissertação analisa a questão dos limites ao poder estatal de interferência por meio do Direito Penal na vida dos cidadãos quando em jogo elementos de sua esfera íntima, mais precisamente, o exercício da sexualidade humana. Sob o pano de fundo do exame dos diversos aspectos jurídicos relacionados à pornografia infantil, o estudo busca verificar de que forma os discursos do combate ao abuso infantil e da luta contra a pedofilia podem estar ancorados em critérios meramente moralizantes, dando guarida à criação de tipos penais desprovidos de legitimidade. Parte-se de uma abordagem introdutória a respeito da relação entre Direito e Moral incluídas aí as noções de moral social e moral sexual , trazendo um retrato da evolução da matéria até a forma liberal de disciplinar o assunto, sem a influência de tabus religiosos ou éticos. A despeito da tentativa de mudança de paradigmas do chamado Direito Penal Sexual, com o abandono de antigos critérios de tutela do pudor público e a introdução da noção de dignidade sexual, assentada na autodeterminação sexual, a disciplina jurídicopenal da pornografia infantil vem sendo objeto de patente recrudescimento nas últimas décadas. Com o advento da rede mundial de computadores, a tendência internacional de combate aos crimes cibernéticos levou o legislador brasileiro a editar a Lei n.º 11.829/09, que alterou o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), para aumentar penas, criar novos tipos penais e incriminar todos os elos da cadeia da produção pornográfica infantil, incluindo as condutas de mera aquisição/posse de material pornográfico infantil real (artigo 241-B) e a pseudopornografia infantil (artigo 241-C). O trabalho analisa até que ponto essas incriminações seriam justificáveis para o fim invocado, visto que, no caso da modalidade simulada, por exemplo, estão ausentes critérios de exclusiva proteção de bens jurídicos, lesividade e ofensividade, reclamados pelo Direito Penal do Fato. Ao final, a figura do pedófilo merecerá um exame específico, apoiado em conceitos médico-científicos, a fim de delimitar qual seria a melhor maneira político-criminal de abordar os portadores dessa parafilia (pena ou tratamento). / This dissertation analyzes the issues regarding the limits of the states power in interfering by means of Criminal law in the lives of citizens, when elements of his/her intimate plane are at stake, more precisely, the exercise of human sexuality. In the background of the examination of several legal aspects regarding child pornography, the study seeks to verify by which form speeches of combating child abuse and the fight against pedophilia might be anchored by merely moralizing criteria, and in turn supporting the creation of crimes lacking legitimacy. Starting off with an introductory approach regarding the relation between Law and morality here including the notions of social and sexual morality -, and bringing forth a portrait of the evolution of the subject even in its liberal form of disciplining the subject, without the influence of taboos be them religious or ethic. Despite the attempted change in paradigms called Sexual Criminal Law, with the abandonment of old criteria of tutelage of public shame and the introduction of the notion of sexual dignity, based on sexual selfdetermination, the judiciary criminal discipline of child pornography has been subject of manifest recrudescence in the last decades. In the dawn of worldwide net of computers, the international tendency of cyber-crime fighting has led the Brazilian legislator to edit the Law n.° 11.829/09, that altered the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), to raise punishment, and create new crimes and incriminate al the links of the child pornography production chain, including those who merely acquire the true pornographic material (article 24-B) and pseudo child pornography (article 241-C). This presentation analizes up to what point these incriminations would be justifiable for the invoked end, since, in she simulated mode, for instance, the criteria of exclusive protection of the legal interest are absent, prejudice and offensiveness, claimed by the Factual Criminal Law. Finaly, the figure of the pedophile deserves a more specific examination, supported by medical scientific concepts, to bound which would be the best political-criminal way to address the carrier of this paraphilia (penalty or treatment).

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