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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Four Essays on the Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on the French Labor Market / Quatre Essais sur l'Effet des Investissements Directs Etrangers sur le Marché du Travail Français

Laffineur, Catherine 01 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d'analyser et d'identifier les effets des investissements directs étrangers (IDE) sur le marché du travail français. Le premier chapitre dresse un état des lieux de la littérature récente sur cette question. Les autres chapitres analysent empiriquement et théoriquement l'effet des IDE sur le marché du travail. A l'aide de données récentes et détaillées sur les firmes et les employés français, plusieurs aspects du marché du travail sont abordés. Dans un premier temps, la thèse analyse l'effet des IDE sur l'emploi (chapitre 2), puis s'intéresse à leurs effets sur les salaires français (chapitre 3). Le chapitre 4 quant à lui, identifie un canal potentiel par lequel l'IDE affecterait le marché du travail. Ce canal est le changement organisationnel au sein de la maison mère. Enfin, le chapitre 5 identifie les conséquences du changement organisationnel en terme de mobilité de la main d’œuvre au sein des firmes multinationales. Les résultats montrent un effet sélectif de l'IDE sur l'emploi et les salaires. Seuls les IDE vers un pays à bas salaires affectent le marché du travail et seuls les cadres sont impactés positivement par les stratégies d'implantation à l'étranger des firmes. L'emploi semble être la variable d'ajustement en marge extensive, alors que les salaires s'ajustent en marge intensive. Les IDE sont également responsables d'un changement organisationnel au sein de la maison-mère, provoquant d'une part, un déplacement de l'autorité du chef d'entreprise vers les cadres et d'autre part, une augmentation de la mobilité des travailleurs qualifiés au sein de la firme. / This thesis aims to analyze and identify the effects of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) on the French labor market. The first chapter provides an overview of the recent literature on this topic. The other chapters of the thesis analyze empirically and theoretically the effect of FDI on the labor market. Thank to recent and detailed data on French firms and employees, the thesis looks at several aspects of the labor market. First, the study starts by analyzing the effect of FDI on employment (chapter 2) and then looks at the effects on French hourly gross wages (chapter 3). Chapter 4 identifies one possible channel through which FDI affects the labor market, which is organizational change. Finally, Chapter 5 identifies the impact of organizational change on labor mobility within multinational companies. The results show a selective effect of FDI on employment and wages. Only FDI to low-wage countries affect the labor market and only managers' employment is positively affected by offshoring strategies of their firm. Results also show that employment is the main adjustment variable at the extensive margin, while wage is the main adjustment variable at the intensive margin. Results of chapter 4 and 5 highlight the role of FDI on organizational change within the mother company, which is materialized on the one hand, by a decentralization of authority from the CEO to managers and, on the other hand, by an increase of inhouse labor-mobility of skilled workers.

Processos identitários, mobilidade social e migração urbana : estudo sobre a empresa Vale Fertilizantes em Sergipe : um estudo sobre trajetórias profissionais

Alves Neto, Eduardo 28 July 2014 (has links)
In contemporary times, the current production model more flexible labor relations and educational opportunities. Having thus shaken the old social and economic structures that once tended to be rigid to a single financial niche that has evolved into the fast dynamics of a globalized space. Thus workers have become migrants as well as the fashion capital and goods flows moving between social spaces and multi-cultural settings redefine the lines of socioeconomic stratification because social mobility and through trajectories. Inequalities of opportunity before the school when on the geographical and social background are part of the formative elements of identity processes. The overall objective of this study is to undertake a sociological analysis of the knowledge of the staff and their relationships with the placement of employees within the functional hierarchies Taquarí-Vassouras (UOTV) of Vale Fertilizers Sergipe Operating Unit from its geographical origin and level schooling. / Na contemporaneidade, o atual modelo produtivo flexibilizou as relações de trabalho e as oportunidades de escolaridade. Tendo assim, abalado as antigas estruturas sociais e econômicas que outrora tendiam a serem rígidas a um único nicho financeiro que evoluiu para a dinamicidade veloz de um espaço globalizado. Dessa maneira os trabalhadores transformaram-se em migrantes que assim como os capitais e as mercadorias forma fluxos que se deslocam entre os espaços sociais e em múltiplas configurações culturais redefinem as linhas das estratificações socioeconômicas em razão da mobilidade social e por meio de trajetórias. As desigualdades de oportunidade perante o ensino quando relativas a origem geográfica e social constituem parte dos elementos formadores dos processos identitários. O objetivo geral desse estudo é empreender uma análise sociológica sobre os saberes dos funcionários e suas relações com o posicionamento de funcionários no interior das hierarquias funcionais Unidade Operacional Taquarí-vassouras (UOTV) da Vale Fertilizantes em Sergipe a partir de sua origem geográfica e do nível de escolaridade.

O Jardim Ibirapuera da imposição à crise do trabalho / The Jardim Ibirapuera from imposition to the labor crisis

Daniel Manzione Giavarotti 23 January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata do processo de formação e reprodução de um loteamento periférico da metrópole de São Paulo com pouco mais de cinquenta anos existência (1964), o Jardim Ibirapuera. Abordamos sua formação e reprodução a partir de uma reflexão acerca da mobilidade do trabalho experimentada por algumas das famílias que para lá foram morar, além de moradores das favelas adjacentes ao loteamento, quais sejam, Erundina, Felicidade e Pinhal Velho. A crise das regiões, assim como o monopólio da violência centralizado pelo Estado Nacional em formação a partir de 1930 e a gradual formação de um mercado de trabalho em nível nacional marcaram o violento processo de modernização retardatária brasileira. São Paulo se encontrará no centro da mobilidade do trabalho nacional que se instaura a partir de então, ao abrigar as condições necessárias, objetivamente fantasmagóricas, à reprodução de relações sociais de produção fundadas sobre a liberdade contraditória do trabalhador. Daí que a formação do loteamento do Jardim Ibirapuera expressa a forma particular de reprodução do trabalho no contexto de metropolização da cidade de São Paulo, assim como sua reprodução anuncia a própria crise das relações sociais de produção nas quais repousaram a primeira. / This thesis aim at analyzing the formation and reproduction process of a São Paulo metropolitan suburban allotment aging more than 50 years (1964): the Jardim Ibirapuera. We start out from the reflection of the labor mobility experienced by some of the families settled there, as well as that by the nearby established slums inhabitants, such as the communities called by Erundina, Felicidade and Pinhal Velho. The crisis of regions, along with the violence monopoly centralized by the National State, in formation since 1930, and the gradual formation of a national labor market signalized the violent process of the Brazilian late (retarded) modernization. São Paulo state was in the center of the national labor mobility established since then. There were the necessary, yet objectively phantasmagorical conditions to social relations reproduction based on the contradictory freedom of the worker. Thus, Jardim Ibirapuera allotment express the particular form of labor reproduction in the metropolisation context of São Paulo city. Also, its reproduction announces the crisis of social relation of production itself, upon which the former labor reproduction is based.

Internationalisierung der Wertschöpfungsketten und die Mobilität des Produktionsfaktors Arbeit

Scherzer, Falk 12 May 2011 (has links)
Es gibt seit mehreren Jahren eine angeregte Diskussion über Wohl und Übel der Globalisierung beziehungsweise der Internationalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten. Handelspolitische Empfehlungen basieren häufig auf theoretischen Modellen, welche meist positive gesamtwirtschaftliche Wohlfahrtseffekte der Globalisierung prognostizieren. Allerdings verwenden die Standardmodelle oft relativ unrealistische Annahmen bezüglich der Mobilität der Arbeitskräfte. Mit Mobilität ist hier nicht die regionale Mobilität gemeint (welche ebenfalls nicht als perfekt angenommen werden sollte), sondern intersektorale Mobilität (Mobilität zwischen verschiedenen Wirtschaftszweigen) und intrasektorale Mobilität (Mobilität zwischen verschiedenen Berufen). Dabei geht es nicht allein um monetäre Kosten, wie sie durch Umzug oder eine Weiterbildung entstehen, sondern auch um nicht-monetäre Wohlfahrtsverluste. Nicht monetäre Wohlfahrtsverluste können zum Beispiel dadurch verursacht werden, dass eine Person nicht den von ihr erlernten Beruf ausüben kann oder sich an unattraktive Arbeitszeiten gewöhnen muss. Ziel der Arbeit soll es sein, aufzuzeigen, welche Konsequenzen sich aus der zunehmenden Internationalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten für die gesamtwirtschaftliche Wohlfahrt, Lohnhöhe und Einkommensverteilung ergeben. Dabei spielt die Mobilität der Produktionsfaktoren eine bedeutende Rolle für die Anpassungsfähigkeit einer Volkswirtschaft. Es ist zu erwarten, dass geringe Mobilität zu kurzfristigen Wohlfahrtsverlusten für wenigstens einen Teil der Arbeitskräfte eines Hochlohnlandes führen kann. Zunächst soll diese Fragestellung anhand aktueller theoretischer Modelle beleuchtet werden. Da diese statischen Modelle relativ unrealistische Annahmen bezüglich der Mobilität des Faktors Arbeit treffen, soll auf Basis von Daten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus dem Zeitraum von 1975 bis 2004 die tatsächliche intersektorale Mobilität sowie die intrasektorale Mobilität des Faktors Arbeit differenziert nach dem Qualifikationsniveau der Arbeitskräfte geschätzt werden. Unter Verwendung der Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung soll eines der zuvor dargestellten Modelle dynamisiert werden um die Arbeitsmarktimplikationen verschiedener Schocks vor dem Hintergrund internationalisierter Wertschöpfungsketten zu identifizieren.:Abbildungsverzeichnis … III Tabellenverzeichnis … V Abkürzungsverzeichnis … VII 1 Einleitung … 1 2 Literaturüberblick … 5 2.1 Theoretische Modelle … 5 2.2 Empirische Untersuchungen … 10 3 Datenbasis (IABS) … 15 4 Faktorangebot und Spezialisierung in der BRD … 23 4.1 Entwicklung der Qualifikationsintensität … 23 4.2 Spezialisierung … 26 5 Schätzung der Mobilitätskosten … 31 5.1 Das Modell … 31 5.1.1 Die Ergebnisse von Artuc u. a. (2010) … 31 5.1.2 Herleitung der Schätzgleichung … 33 5.2 Spezifische Humankapitalakkumulation … 41 5.2.1 Ansatz zur Berücksichtigung des spezifischen Humankapitals bei der Messung der Mobilitätskosten … 42 5.2.2 Instrumentenvariablen-Ansatz nach Kambourov u. Manovskii (2009) … 49 5.2.3 Schätzung der spezifischen Humankapitalakkumulation … 51 5.2.4 Vergleich alternativer Schätzmethoden … 58 5.2.5 Fazit spezifische Humankapitalakkumulation … 63 5.3 Ergebnisse der Mobilitätskostenschätzungen … 65 5.3.1 Kosten des Sektorwechsels … 67 5.3.2 Kosten des Berufsgruppenwechsels … 72 5.3.3 Robustheitstests der Schätzungen … 78 5.4 Zusammenfassung … 84 6 Ein theoretisches Modell … 85 6.1 Das statische Modell nach Kohler (2008) … 85 6.2 Ein dynamisches Offshoring Modell … 94 7 Simulationen des theoretischen Modells … 107 7.1 Änderung der Präferenzen des Faktors ”einfache Arbeit“ … 109 7.2 Ein allgemeiner Anstieg der Mobilität … 112 7.3 Mobilität des Faktors ”einfache Arbeit“ bei Anstieg des Eisberg-Faktors Ci … 112 7.4 Mobilität des Faktors ”einfache Arbeit“ bei Anstieg des Eisberg-Faktors Cj … 117 7.5 Mobilität des Faktors ”qualifizierte Arbeit“ bei Anstieg des Eisberg-Faktors Cj … 122 7.6 Mobilität beider Faktoren bei Absinken des ausländischen Lohnniveaus w∗L … 125 7.7 Mobilität beider Faktoren bei Absinken des ausländischen Lohnniveaus w∗K … 128 7.8 Mobilität beider Faktoren bei Absinken des Güterpreises pi … 131 7.9 Mobilität beider Faktoren bei Absinken des Güterpreises pj …135 7.10 Ein stetiger Anstieg beider Eisberg-Faktoren … 138 7.11 Änderung der inländischen Faktorausstattung … 142 7.12 Ein stetiger Anstieg beider Eisberg-Faktoren mit Migration … 146 7.13 Zusammenfassung … 150 8 Längerfristige Entwicklung … 153 8.1 Übersicht … 153 8.2 Bewertung der längerfristigen Entwicklung … 161 9 Fazit … 163 Anhang … 166 A Entwicklung der Berufsgruppenzugehörigkeit im IABS … 167 B Variablenerläuterungen 169 C Alternative OLS-Schätzung der spezifischen Humankapitalkosten … 171 D Modellierung von Lohndifferenzen … 181 E Stromgleichungen … 183 F Arbeitsmarktbeispiel … 185 G Klassifizierung der Bildungsniveaus in der Datenbank Laborsta … 187 Literaturverzeichnis … 195


GABRIEL DE BARROS TORRES 01 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] A nova política comercial brasileira, seja associada a exercícios de liberalização negociada ou autônoma, impõe a necessidade de avaliar e administrar os eventuais custos associados à nova situação de abertura comercial, sobretudo do ponto de vista do deslocamento do trabalho em setores tradicionalmente protegidos. Neste sentido, a facilitação da mobilidade do trabalho entre firmas e setores é essencial não apenas para mitigar os custos do ajuste, mas também para maximizar os ganhos esperados na produtividade do trabalho. A partir da experiência internacional com programas de ajuste ao comércio e políticas ativas de mercado de trabalho, este estudo visa analisar as opções e formatos de políticas mais adequados à promoção da empregabilidade no contexto da nova política comercial brasileira. Com base na trajetória recente de políticas de requalificação profissional no Brasil, argumenta-se que o movimento de abertura comercial deva ser acompanhado pela priorização de políticas de mercado de trabalho com elegibilidade universal e orientadas à demanda, com resultados positivos comprovados – em particular, através da expansão do Pronatec Setor Produtivo, tornando-o o principal programa nacional de acesso ao ensino técnico e profissional. Ao mitigar os custos laborais do ajuste à abertura comercial, este exercício poderá contribuir para atenuar resistências setoriais ao próprio processo de liberalização. / [en] The new Brazilian trade policy, whether associated with negotiated or autonomous liberalization, imposes the need to evaluate and manage costs associated with the new competitive situation, especially considering the displacement of labor in traditionally protected sectors. In this sense, facilitating labor mobility across firms and sectors is essential not only to mitigate trade adjustment costs, but also to maximize expected gains in labor productivity. Based on international experience with trade adjustment programs and active labor market policies, this study aims to analyze the most appropriate policy options and formats to promote employability in the context of the new Brazilian trade policy. Based on the recent trajectory of vocational and technical training programs in Brazil, it is argued that trade liberalization should be accompanied by the prioritization of demand-driven universal labor market policies, with proven positive outcomes – in particular, through the expansion of Pronatec Productive Sector, making it the main national program for access to technical and vocational education. By mitigating the labor costs of adjusting to trade openness, this exercise may ultimately help to mitigate sectorial resistance to the liberalization process.

Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance Usage

Kroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.

Regional Variance in Sickness Insurance Usage

Kroksgård, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Which factors best explain the regional variation in sick-listing and early retirement? Data from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency is fitted against variables describing different regional characteristics that have been linked to sickness insurance consumption in the literature. Results, in line with earlier empirical investigation, suggest that particularly the employment rate, the populations‟ age, and its wealth are strong determinants of regional insurance usage. Two further factors, though less discussed in the literature, appear to have some relevance as well: A high share of large workplaces is found to predict higher rates of early retirement, while a large share of foreign-born predict lower sick-listing rates. Both effects have been found before, though the first one perhaps not in Swedish cross section analysis and the latter does not appear to be well understood in the literature. A tentative explanation for it is given here.</p>

Inter-sectoral labour mobility in Korea : its origins and relationship with unemployment

Tan, Fiona Ai Lin January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Asian Financial Crisis was a wake-up call to the South Korean economy that a change to its economic structure was needed. Prior to the Crisis, South Korea enjoyed healthy economic growth and low unemployment. With the onset of the Crisis, Korea experienced severe recession. Unemployment levels soared and turnover in the labour market became commonplace. The Korean government enacted a series of policies and succeeded in combating unemployment in the short-term. To the present time, unemployment levels have been lowered, albeit with job instability and insecurity. A more effective longer-term solution is needed to increase the resilience of this NIE. The role of inter-sector labour mobility as a policy tool to combat unemployment using the relevant determinants of mobility has not been explored in Korea (Asia), although it has been debated at length in the West since the 1980s. Part of the reason for this lies in the lack of longitudinal data to facilitate appropriate research. Recently, such data have been made available by the Korean Labour Institute (KLI). This thesis extends research into the labour mobility-unemployment relationship to South Korea. The priority is to establish whether a mobility-unemployment relationship exists in Korea, and to obtain a thorough understanding of the factors affecting sectoral mobility in this country in order to facilitate the crafting of potential tools for addressing the unemployment problem. The thesis is organised into two parts. ... The main finding is that whilst the monetary variables and worker/industry characteristics impact male and female mobility differently, sectoral unemployment and sectoral shock affect male and female mobility similarly. The thesis is summarised and some policy measures provided in the sypnosis. It is argued that the 'new' mobility-unemployment phenomenon appears to have emerged in Korea after the Crisis, whereas it had been a feature of Western economies in much earlier time periods. Traditional monetary and fiscal policies are inadequate when it comes to combating unemployment in the presence of this mobility-unemployment phenomenon. A combination of macro-policies, given the relevance of the ADH, and micro-policies, given the validity of the SSH, is required. The multi-dimensional nature of mobility implies that the micro policies to control or reduce mobility rates using the relevant variables (to alleviate unemployment) should cover measures related to monetary wages, labour market groups and sector performance. The sypnosis notes a dearth of Asian studies on sectoral mobility, possibly due to the lack of longitudinal data. The collection of quality longitudinal data for other Asian countries, so that research along the lines conducted in the thesis could be undertaken for other NIEs, was seen as being of vital importance. With such data, the standard of research on Asian economies can be at par with that of the Western countries, and the apparently considerable potential benefits of microeconomic policies via sectoral mobility for Asia could be realised.

A asfixia do capital sobre o trabalho no espaço agrário no litoral sul da Bahia

Souza, Dayse Maria 31 March 2017 (has links)
This PhD thesis analyzes labor mobility on the southern coast of Bahia. Initially, a reading was developed on the aspects that involve the submission of work to capital through its valorization logic. The tendency of the sociometabolic reproduction of capital is to make the labor force more and more superfluous, representing one of the contradictions of the irrational and destructive logic of its development. At the same time that it presents the need to expand its productive character, it creates its own denial. It is understood that the logic of capitalist expansion, by developing its value-creating potentialities by increasing the productive capacity of the labor force, tends to decrease its variable part by employing an ever smaller amount of labor power, increasing the levels of exploitation, thus creating a necessary suffocation for true value-makers. On one hand, the necessary suffocation materializes itself in a perverse expansion of the reserve industrial army, denying the sale of the labor force for most of the workers (throughout the social hierarchy of labor's division); on the other hand, those who manage to sell their merchandise labor force, end up performing long work hours, subjected to high levels of exploitation, leading to an increase in the process of degradation of human life in a more general aspect. Linked to the crisis and to structural unemployment, the condition of the mobile character of labor gains a differentiated materiality in the forms of reproduction of capital in the 21st century. There is an intensification of the perverse forms of submission of labor to capital, followed by a precariousness and fluidity of the labor force. For example, with the suffocating tendency of capital over labor, the determinations involving labor relations in the studied reality, accompanied by the expansive character of the capital system show a spatial restructuring that restores a new logic of its reproduction in the southern coast of Bahia. In this process, we observe a greater devaluation of the labor force and an intensification of its mobile character, extending the layer of the superfluous, placing the true producers of the surplus-value towards the paths of labor uncertainty.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ / La presente Tesis de doctorado analiza el proceso de movilidad del trabajo en el Litoral Sur del estado de Bahia. Inicialmente se ha desarrollado una lectura referente a los aspectos que envuelven el sometimiento del trabajo al capital a través de su lógica de valoración. La tendencia de la reproducción socio-metabólica del capital es que la fuerza del trabajo se vuelva cada vez más superflua, representando una de las contradicciones de la lógica irracional y destructiva de su desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo en el que presenta la necesidad de ampliar su carácter productivo, él crea su propia negación. Se entiende que, la lógica de la expansión capitalista, al desarrollar sus potencialidades creadoras de valor mediante el aumento de la capacidad productiva de la fuerza de trabajo, tiende a disminuir su parte variable, empleando una cantidad cada vez menor de fuerza de trabajo, intensificando los niveles de exploración, creando así, una asfixia necesaria a quienes se consideran los verdaderos creados de valor. La asfixia necesaria se materializa, por un lado, para un campo cada vez más perverso de ampliación de la camada del ejército industrial de reserva, negando la venta de la fuerza de trabajo para una gran proporción de los trabajadores (en todas las jerarquías sociales de la división laboral); y por otro lado, son aquellos que consiguen vender su mercadería que es la fuerza de su trabajo, acaban realizando extensas horas de trabajo, sometidos a elevados niveles de exploración, cargando de esa manera con un aumento del proceso de degradación de la vida humana en sus aspectos más generales. Trabada por la crisis y el desempleo estructural, la condición del carácter móvil del trabajo se convierte en una materialidad diferenciada en las formas de reproducción del capital en el siglo XXI. Hay una intensificación de las formas de sometimiento cada vez más perversa del trabajo al capital, seguida del movimiento de precariedad y fluidez de la fuerza trabajo. Con la tendencia asfixiante del capital sobre el trabajo, las determinaciones que envuelven las relaciones de trabajo en la realidad estudiada, por ejemplo, acompañada del carácter expansivo del sistema del capital evidencia una reestructuración espacial que repone una nueva lógica de su reproducción en el Litoral Sur del estado de Bahia. Se constata, en ese proceso, un mayor crecimiento a la no valoración de la fuerza del trabajo y una intensificación de su carácter móvil, ampliando la capa de los superfluos, poniendo así, a los verdaderos productores del más-valor rumbo a los caminos de la inseguridad del labor. / A presente Tese de Doutorado analisa o processo de mobilidade do trabalho no litoral Sul da Bahia. Inicialmente foi desenvolvida uma leitura sobre os aspectos que envolvem a submissão do trabalho ao capital através da sua lógica de valorização. A tendência da reprodução sociometabólica do capital é tornar a força de trabalho cada vez mais supérflua, representando uma das contradições da lógica irracional e destrutiva do seu desenvolvimento. Ao mesmo tempo em que apresenta a necessidade de ampliar o seu caráter produtivo, ele cria a sua própria negação. Compreende-se que, a lógica da expansão capitalista, ao desenvolver suas potencialidades criadoras de valor por meio do aumento da capacidade produtiva da força de trabalho, tende a diminuir sua parte variável, empregando uma quantidade cada vez menor de força de trabalho, intensificando os níveis de exploração, criando, assim, uma asfixia necessária aos verdadeiros criadores de valor. A asfixia necessária se materializa, por um lado, em um campo perverso de ampliação da camada do exército industrial de reserva, negando a venda da força de trabalho para grande parte dos trabalhadores (em toda a hierarquia social da divisão do trabalho); e por outro lado, aqueles que conseguem vender sua mercadoria força de trabalho, acabam realizando extensas horas de trabalho, submetidos a elevados níveis de exploração, acarretando um aumento do processo de degradação da vida humana em seus aspectos mais gerais. Atrelada à crise e ao desemprego estrutural, a condição do caráter móvel do trabalho ganha uma materialidade diferenciada nas formas de reprodução do capital no século XXI. Há uma intensificação das formas perversas de submissão do trabalho ao capital, seguida do movimento de precarização e fluidez da força de trabalho. Com a tendência asfixiante do capital sobre o trabalho, as determinações que envolvem as relações de trabalho na realidade estudada, por exemplo, acompanhadas do caráter expansivo do sistema do capital evidenciam uma reestruturação espacial que repõe uma nova lógica de sua reprodução no litoral Sul da Bahia. Constatam-se, nesse processo, uma maior desvalorização da força de trabalho e uma intensificação do seu caráter móvel, ampliando a camada dos supérfluos, pondo os verdadeiros produtores de mais-valor rumo aos caminhos da incerteza do labor. / São Cristóvão, SE

Externalidades do mercado de trabalho e crescimento regional no Brasil

Brito, José Wilson Aquino de 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-07-13T20:20:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-08T15:52:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T15:52:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josewilsonaquinodebrito.pdf: 2695206 bytes, checksum: 3bde584d1a5844a4f2c9ae314c649731 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-09 / O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi estimar os impactos das externalidades do mercado de trabalho analisadas por meios de graus de especialização, variedade relacionada e não relacionada da mobilidade no crescimento regional no Brasil de 1996 até 2008. Tanto a taxa de crescimento de emprego como taxa de crescimento da produtividade do trabalho foram utilizadas como medidas de crescimento. Para realizar as estimações foi utilizado o modelo de Métodos de Momentos Generalizados (MMG) devido uma possível endogeneidade entre mobilidade e crescimento regional. Os resultados indicaram que o grau de variedade de conhecimento inter-regional é um dos principais impulsionadores do nível de emprego. O grau de especialização intrarregional impacta positivamente no emprego regional. Apenas os graus de variedade de conhecimento apresentaram resultados positivos no crescimento da produtividade do trabalho. Os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho sugerem que a variedade de conhecimento proveniente da mobilidade mão de obra qualificada é um dos principais impulsionadores do crescimento regional. / The main objective of this study was to estimate the impacts of externalities in the labor market analyzed by degrees of specialization, related and unrelated variety of mobility in regional growth in Brazil from 1996 to 2008. Both the employment growth rate and the Labor productivity growth were used as growth’s measures. To estimate the equations was used Generalized Moment Methods (GMM) due to soften a possible endogeneity between mobility and regional growth. The results indicated that the degree of variety of inter-regional knowledge is one of the main drivers of the level of employment. The degree of intraregional specialization has a positive impact on regional employment. Only the degrees of variety of knowledge presented positive results in the growth of labor productivity. The results found in this study suggest that the variety of knowledge derived from skilled labor mobility is one of the main drivers of regional growth.

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