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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zur Mehrsprachigkeit in den ladinischen Dolomitentälern : Ergebnisse einer soziolinguistischen Befragung /

Born, Joachim. January 1992 (has links)
Diss.--Eichstätt--Katholische Universität, 1991. / Références bibliographiques(p. 187-212).

Ladinische Familiennamen : zusammengestellt und etymologische gedeutet anhand der Enneberger Pfarrmatrikeln 1605-1784 /

Videsott, Paul, January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Universität Innsbruck, 1999. / Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Cognoms ladins : coüs adöm y splighês aladô dai libri da bato d'La Pli de Mareo 1605-1784. Bibliogr. p. [352]-364. Index.

Understanding the content and framing of Al-Qa'ida leadership communiqués

Holbrook, Baldvin Donald January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the composition, construction and framing of Al-Qa'ida leadership communiqués – understood as the statements, messages, interviews, written work and other output from the movement's predominant leaders: Usama bin Ladin and Ayman al-Zawahiri. The thesis argues existing research into this corpus is insufficiently rigorous, systematic and comprehensive in scope, thus failing to elucidate nuances and dynamics in the narrative of the Al-Qa'ida leadership since the movement's inception. The current study presents results from the coding of 240 communiqués produced by the two leaders from 1991 to August 2011. The analysis was informed by the literature on Collective Action Frames, which understands this material as the communicative effort of movement leaders towards identified audiences and constituents. This approach divides each message according to diagnostic, prognostic and motivational appeals contained within the narrative and assesses the impact of this collective according to its narrative fidelity (as regards the wider socio-cultural milieu), empirical credibility (in terms of consistency and continuity) and experiential commensurability (in light of experiences and realities of designated constituents). The dissemination of communiqués highlighting the values, aspirations, frustrations and grievances of Al-Qa'ida is a central objective of its leadership. This material provides the metrics to understand the way in which the movement has evolved since its formation. The leaders themselves recognise the importance of communicating with diverse audiences in this way. The longitudinal analysis of the leadership communiqués, however, found that bin Ladin and Zawahiri failed to present coherent justifications for the solutions presented or how they should be focused. Moreover, it found that the leadership failed to reflect the interests of the vast majority of Muslims, particularly in the West, and gradually denounced those it claims to represent – the Muslim ummah. This dissertation thus illustrates how Al-Qa'ida has failed as a revolutionary vanguard based on evidence garnered from a systematic and long-term analysis of the leadership's communiqués.

The syntax and prosody of interrogatives : evidence from varieties spoken in northern Italy

Hack, Franziska Maria January 2012 (has links)
The vast majority of work on question formation examines interrogatives from the perspective of just one single component of grammar, usually the syntax or the prosody. The present dissertation offers a comprehensive account of question formation addressing both the syntax and the prosody of interrogatives and the interaction between these two components of grammar in signalling the question meaning of an utterance. The present work examines question formation on the basis of four genealogically related and geographically closely located Romance varieties spoken in northern Italy: Gherdëina, Badiot, Fascian and Nònes. Given that these varieties differ only with respect to certain microparametric values whereas others remain constant, they constitute an ideal research area to study the interaction between the syntax and the prosody in question formation. The syntactic and prosodic analyses proposed are based on new empirical data. The syntactic analysis is couched within the cartographic approach and the prosodic analysis is based on Autosegmental-Metrical Phonology. This dissertation is motivated by five main research goals: <ol type=i><li>to provide a detailed description of the syntactic variation found in interrogatives in the four varieties Gherdëina, Badiot, Fascian and Nònes based on data collected by the author;</li> <li>to propose a unified syntactic analysis of the interrogatives;</li> <li>to offer a prosodic analysis of statements and questions providing new data from varieties not studied up to now in the literature;</li> <li>to establish the relation between the syntax and the prosody in question formation;</li> <li>to determine how the syntax and the prosody interact in providing clues to interrogative force for the listener as well as the speaker.</li></ol> The main conclusions are as follows: The syntactic structure and the intonational tune are autonomous in question formation. Three aspects matter for interrogative clause typing: (i) syntactic marking, (ii) prosodic marking and (iii) tune-text-alignment.

Landinisch-deutsch-italienische Gesetzestexte : eine Übersetzungskritik mit Verbesserungsanregungen /

Ploner, Eva. January 2002 (has links)
Diplomarbeit - Universität, Innsbruck, 2002. / University publication. Includes bibliographical references (p. 136-141).

Ladin Language and Community in South Tyrol : Ways of Preservation of the Language and Heritage of a minority split even more geographically—the Val Gardena Case.

Popaz, Lia Sergeevna January 2024 (has links)
In the global context, where many minority languages are threatened by globalization and socio-political pressures, the preservation of these languages is crucial for maintaining cultural diversity and heritage. This research explores the intricate relationship between the Ladin language and the Ladin community in Val Gardena, highlighting their inseparability. Initially perceived as intertwined yet distinct entities, it became evident through this study that the language and community are essentially one, shaped significantly by geographical isolation not only from other Ladin-speaking villages but also from neighbouring valleys. This isolation has fostered unique perceptions of identity and belonging within the community.This research centers on a case study examining the Ladin community in Val Gardena. Local voluntary organisations are key in preserving the Ladin language. These organizations, which include cultural associations and educational institutions, play a great role in fostering a sense of community and belonging among Ladin speakers. This approach to language preservation emphasizes the importance of local initiatives in countering the forces of globalization and standardization, demonstrating the Ladin community's response to these challenges.The objectives of the research constituted of understanding the local context of Ladinia and the peculiarities of the linguistic policies in the area and understanding how the language is being preserved and promoted locally and how the local voluntary organisations are impacting this reality. The outcome of the research contains patterns identified in the local communities' way of life and how their communal voluntary groups and associations greatly impacted the situation in which Ladin among other endangered languages is found.

USA versus al-Qaida : linjärt tänkande mot asymmetriska metoder - en studie kring den amerikanska problematiken i kampen mot terrorismen

Blomberg, Björn January 2002 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka på vilket sätt attacker utförda av al-Qaida kanhänföras till begreppet asymmetri och på vilket sätt man kan tolka den amerikanska administrationensrespons på dessa som uttryck för ett linjärt tänkande. Vidare vill jag undersöka vilka svårigheter somkan uppstå i relationen mellan en linjär omvärldsuppfattning och asymmetriska metoder. För attuppfylla syftet med uppsatsen kommer tre av al-Qaidas attacker att studeras. Dessa är: attacken mot deamerikanska ambassaderna i Afrika, 1998, attacken mot USS Cole, 2000 och attacken 11 september,2001. Rapporterna från den amerikanska administrationen efter respektive attack kommer att utgöragrunden i mitt empiriska material. Teorianknytningen grundar sig i Linda Beckermans teori om thenon-linear dynamics of war samt Steven Metz och Douglas Johnsons definitioner på asymmetri. En avuppsatsens slutsatser avseende USA och dess krig mot al-Qaida är att USA bör utveckla sinanpassningsförmåga, och för att göra detta måste deras omvärldsuppfattning och förståelsehorisontvidgas. Detta skulle sammantaget medföra en större beredskap för oväntade händelseutvecklingar samtmedföra en ökad möjlighet att ta rätta beslut, både på lång och kort sikt. / The aim of this essay has been to investigate in what way attacks made by alqaidaare assignable to what is called asymmetric warfare, and in what way youcan interpret the American administration´s response and actions to thoseattacks as a result of linear thinking. Furthermore I want to analyse whatdifficulties that may appear in the relationship between linear thinking andasymmetric methods. To support and fulfil this aim I shall investigate threeattacks committed by al-Qaida, these are: the bombing of the Americanembassies in Africa in 1998, the attack on USS Cole in 2000 and the attacks on11 September 2001, and the subsequent reports made from institutions in theAmerican administration. To interpret and fulfil the purpose of the essay I useLinda Beckerman´s theory about the non linear dynamics of war, and StevenMetz´s and Douglas Johnson´s definition and theory of asymmetric forms anddimensions. One conclusion is that the United States must improve their abilityto identify the world around them and consequently improve their adaptability.In order to do this they have to broaden their horizon of comprehension andthus be better prepared for unexpected developments of events which wouldimprove the possibility of taking the right action in both short and long termperspectives. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 00-02

I betraktarens ögon : En historiedidaktisk studie av läroböckers innehåll och lärares resonemang om elfte septemberattacken och dess konsekvenser / In the eyes of the beholder : A didactic study of Swedish teachers and textbooks in history´s reasoning about nine eleven and its aftermath.

Svanström, Emma, Johansson, Emmy January 2014 (has links)
"In the eye of the beholder- A didactic study of Swedish teachers and textbooks in history’s reasoning about nine eleven and its aftermath" by Emmy Johansson and Emma Svanström aims to show which picture both teachers and textbooks on elementary school and upper secondary school want to mediate on the subject. The study also strives to compare the teachers view with the textbooks. To achieve these goals the study uses materials from eight interviews and fifteen textbooks. The methods are a combination of interviews and textual analysis inspired by the scientist Elizabeth D. Herman. Comparison was also included in order to be able to compare teachers and textbooks. Content analysis and sentence centralization was used in order to analyze the materials. Finally the study used a combination of theoretical concepts which included history didactics, historically consciousness and facts about the production of textbooks. The results show that although there is a great variation in how teachers as well as textbooks reason about the subject there are also many similar thoughts and presentations. This is the case for as well teachers as textbooks and the comparison between them. The study also reveal that although teachers are skeptical about the textbooks they are both needed to form a good education. But such a combination would still leave some effects unmentioned to the students.

Jižní Tyrolsko: užívání jazyka ve veřejném prostoru / South Tyrol: language use in public space

Rubriciusová, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
South Tyrol is an autonomous province, which belongs to the Italian Republic. Its territory is specific for several reasons. This is caused by the historical development and also by the fact that South Tyrol is a crossroad where the Germanic culture and language meets the Romanesque one. The citizens are usually bilingual. The language issue offers a large number of topics, which can be further examined. This thesis is focused on language use in the public sector nowadays. First, the historical context of the South Tyrolean question will be explained with focus on language because the current state results from past events. Second, I will explore three following areas of the public sector: communication with public administration, politicians and at school. The main emphasis will be again placed on language. Next, I will deal with the language model of South Tyrol. My goal is to try to answer this question: Is the described model functional, stable and possibly transferable?

Den föraktade friheten : En idéhistorisk analys av några politiska värderingar i öst och väst / The despised freedom : An idea-historical analysis of some political values in the East and the West

Berger, Ingela January 2022 (has links)
Tal och texter kan innehålla så mycket; både uppenbara budskap och det som finns mellan raderna. Jag tror att vi kan lära oss mycket genom att ta del av andra människors ord och begrepp. Genom de begrepp vi använder uttrycker vi våra värderingar – det vi ser som bra och dåligt, viktigt och oviktigt. Människor i Västvärlden har genom historien generellt representerat ett idéarv som kan sägas vara specifikt för just Västvärlden. Ett sätt att tänka, se och tolka världen, som skiljer sig från människor i Öst. Annorlunda i Östs ögon. Och i Västs ögon är det Öst som är annorlunda. Där har man i generationer istället formulerat och omfamnat andra sätt att tänka, se och tolka världen. Ingen av dessa diskurser har förstås något självklart tolkningsföreträde och ingen kan ensam göra anspråk på sanningen. Men en tydlig konflikt existerar mellan de olika världsbilderna. Och den blir synlig bland annat i valen av ord och begrepp. Ord som frihet, framsteg, lydnad och rättvisa kan skapa olika associationer hos människor i Öst och Väst. Bakom orden och begreppen döljer sig de värderingar som är förhärskande i respektive diskurs. Jag har tittat närmare på några sådana värderingar för att se om de kan ge svar på frågor om orsakerna till konflikterna mellan Öst och Väst. Jag har härlett dessa värderingar bakåt i tiden för att komma åt de idéarv som två av diskurserna bygger på. Det är två diskurser med djupa rötter i historien – till synes oförenliga. Båda säger sig ha det rätta perspektivet och ofta även lösningar på världens problem. Men de tycks tala förbi varandra och se på varandra genom ett slags filter av fördomar, förutfattade meningar och oförsonlighet. När jag zoomat in några av dessa diskursers företrädare har jag sett att de båda diskurserna går att förstå och förklara genom att tillämpa teorier från idéhistorien. Jag har med hjälp av teorier om orientalism och occidentalism velat sätta fokus på politiska hållningar som kan uppfattas som ”extrema” och till synes liberala uppfattningar. Men vad är egentligen vad? Kan Usama Bin Laden hylla kärleken? Kan Tony Blair kräva lydnad? Det är angeläget att söka förståelse för de historiska sammanhang som ofta förblir outtalade eller ensidiga men som har betydelse för vår samtid. Jag är intresserad av hur Väst och Öst talar till och förhåller sig till varandra, med varandra och mot varandra. Med denna uppsats hoppas jag kunna bidra till lite större klarhet och insikt i den språkförbistring som orsakar konflikter i världen.

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