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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem är tornedalingen? : En jämförande studie av två generationers syn på dentornedalska kulturen utifrån ett religionsvetenskapligtperspektiv / Who is the Tornedalian? : A comparative study of the religious aspects of Tornedalianculture from the perspective of two generations ofTornedalians

Hannu, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur två generationer av tornedalingar uppfattar kulturen, språket samt identiteten i Tornedalen och även hur laestadianismen påverkat dessa. Det som framgår utifrån de intervjustudier jag har gjort är att det inte finns en samstämmig syn på vad som är den tornedalska kulturen eller identiteten, även om många likheter går att finna, så som ärligheten, gästfriheten och det stora jakt – och fiskeintresset. Laestadianismens påverkan på Tornedalen går att hitta, även om alla informanter inte var lika medvetna om det som andra. Språket i Tornedalen hade enligt informanterna en stor betydelse för både den tornedalska kulturen så väl som identiteten, dock fanns det inga direkta samband mellan meänkielin (tornedalsfinskan) och laestadianismen, mer än att det språket var talat under predikningar och har på så sätt varit avgörande för att den laestadianska tron fått fäste i Tornedalen.

Medicina e letteratura nella narrativa del secondo novecento / Medicine and literature in the narrative of the second half of the twentieth century / Médecine et littérature dans le récit de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle

Incarnato, Palma 15 April 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche nait de l’intention de retrouver l’influence du « paradigme médical » dans le récit italien de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. Aussi, nous sommes nous donné comme objectif celui de reparcourir l’histoire de la médecine, et de voir comment celle-ci a pu influencer tant le texte littéraire que les différents domaines dans lesquels cette discipline s’est imposée comme modèle interprétatif et cognitif. Notre travail a consisté en une revisitation des principales révolutions médicales dans le but de déterminer les ruptures épistémiques qui ont fourni un modèle, applicable à différents domaines (éthique, politique, épistémologie, littérature). En effet, comme l’a affirmé Kuhn, les théories scientifiques devant être considérés comme des « idées », donc le changement de tout paradigmes ne grave pas seulement sur le domaine disciplinaire où celui-ci se vérifie, car il comporte une transformation de tout le système conceptuelle, c’est-à-dire, la manière par laquelle le monde, et donc l’homme, sont perçus. Les principaux changements épistémiques qui se sont succédés – à partir de la naissance de l’anatomie pathologique jusqu’à la génétique – a permis de déterminer quelques éléments forts à travers lesquels ont été décomposés et analysés les textes littéraires pris en examen. Le cadre théorique a permis d’acquérir des renseignements grâce auxquels il a été possible de (re)lire les « cas littéraires » affrontés dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, constitué de certaines œuvres de Primo Levi, de Stefano D’Arrigo et de Valerio Magrelli, dans lesquelles on a trouvé des aspects du même « paradigme » de connaissance. / This research has originated from the intention of finding the influence of the “medical paradigm” in the Italian literature of the second half of the twentieth century. Also, we want to retrace the history of Medicine, and see how it influenced both literary texts and several areas in which it dictate as interpretative and cognitive model. Our work consisted of a revisitation of the main medical revolutions with the aim of determining the epistemic ruptures which supplied a model applicable to different domains (ethics, politics, epistemology, literature). Indeed, as stated by Kuhn, the scientific theories that must be considered as “ideas”, as well as the change of all paradigms, engraves not only on the disciplinary area where it occurs, because it involves a transformation of the conceptual system, that is to say, the way by which the world and the humans are perceived. The main epistemic changes which took place – from the birth of pathological anatomy up to the genetics – has identified some strong elements through which several texts were decomposed and analyzed. The theoretical frame allowed to acquire information which allowed to read the “literary cases” faced in the second part of the thesis, constituted by certain works of Primo Levi, Stefano D’Arrigo and Valerio Magrelli, in which we found aspects of the same “paradigm” of knowledge.

Levi Ward Hancock: Pioneer, Soldier, Political and Religious Leader of Early Utah

Clegg, Dennis A. 01 January 1966 (has links)
Prominent in the pioneering and settlement of early Utah were many men of great ability. Among them was Levi Ward Hancock. He became a dedicated spiritual leader in the Mormon Church.The life of Levi Hancock began in Springfield, Massachusetts, on April 7, 1803. His father moved about quite often in his attempts to provide a better livelihood for his family. Each move took them farther west. It was while they were living in Ohio that the Hancock family heard the Mormon missionaries preach their new gospel. Levi joined this frontier religion.Joining the Mormon Church changed the whole course of Hancock's life. He immediately became active and was sent to several missions. Some were preaching and proselyting missions; others were for other purposes. One such mission, known as Zion's Camp, was sent to Missouri to relieve what the Mormons believed to be the oppression of their members living there. The intended purpose of the mission failed, but from this group of tried and tested men came the future leaders of the Church. Levi Hancock was selected to be a member of the First Council of the Seventy. This group of seven men presided over the affairs of the Seventy, one of the lay groups of Priesthood in the Mormon Church.

L'équation de Cauchy-Riemann avec conditions de support dans des domaines à bords Levi-dégénérés

BRINKSCHULTE, Judith 19 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Dans une première partie, on considère un domaine $\Omega$ qui est relativement compact dans une variété kählérienne de dimension $n$ et qui vérifie une certaine condition de ``$\log\delta$-pseudoconvexité''. On montre que le problème du $\overline\partial$ avec support exact dans $\Omega$ admet une solutions en bidegrés $(p,q)$, $1\leq q\leq n-1$. En plus, l'image de l'opérateur $\overline\partial$ agissant sur les formes lisses de bidegré $(p,n-1)$ à support das $\overline\Omega$ est fermée. On donne des applications pour la résolution des équations de Cauchy-Riemann tangentielles pour les formes lisses et pour les courants pour tous les bidegés intermédiaires sur le bord d'un domaine faiblement pseudoconvexe dans une variété de Stein et pour la résolution des équations de Cauchy-Riemann tangentielles pour les courants sur les variétés $CR$ Levi-plates de codimension arbitraire. Dans une deuxième partie, on considère le problème du $\overline\partial$ avec trace nulle le long d'une hypersurface à signature constante. On donne des applications pour la résolution des équations de Cauchy-Riemann tangentielles pour des formes lisses à support compact et pour des courants sur l'hypersurface. On prouve aussi que le phénomène de Hartogs se produit dans les hypersurfaces faiblement 2-convexes-concaves à signature constante des variétés de Stein.

Le problème d’équivalence pour les variétés de Cauchy-Riemann en dimension 5 / The equivalence problem for CR-manifolds in dimension 5

Pocchiola, Samuel 30 September 2014 (has links)
Ce mémoire est une contribution à la résolution du problème d'équivalence pour les variétés de Cauchy-Riemann en dimension inférieure ou égale à 5. On traite d'abord du cas des variétés CR de dimension 5, qui sont 2-nondégénérées et de rang de Levi constant égal à 1. Pour une telle variété, on obtient deux invariants, J et W, dont l'annulation simultanée caractérise l'équivalence locale à une variété modèle, le tube au-dessus du cône de lumière. Si l'un des deux invariants ne s'annule pas, on construit un parallélisme absolu, i.e. on montre que le problème d'équivalence se réduit à un problème d'équivalence entre {e}-structures de dimension 5. On étudie ensuite le problème d'équivalence pour certaines variétés CR de dimension 4 appelées variétés de Engel. Ce problème est résolu par la construction d'une connexion de Cartan sur un fibré principal de dimension 5. On traite ensuite du cas de variétés CR de dimension 5 dont le fibré CR vérifie une certaine hypothèse de dégénérecence. Le problème d'équivalence est résolu dans ce cas par la construction d'une connexion de Cartan sur un fibré de dimension 6. Enfin, on détermine les algèbres de Lie des automorphismes infinitésimaux des modèles pour les trois classes de variétés CR étudiées. / This memoir contributes to solve the equivalence problem for CR-manifolds in dimension up to 5. We first deal with the equivalence problem for 5-dimensional CR-manifolds which are 2-nondegenerate and of constant Levi rank 1. For such a manifold M, we find two invariants, J and W, the annulation of which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for M to be locally CR-equivalent to a model hypersurface, the tube over the light cone. If one of the invariants does not vanish on M, we construct an absolute parallelism on M, that is we show that the equivalence problem reduces to an equivalence problem between 5-dimensional {e}-structures. We then study the equivalence problem for 4-dimensional CR-manifolds which are known as Engel manifolds. This problem is solved by the construction of a canonical Cartan connection on a 5-dimensional bundle through Cartan's equivalence method. We also study the equivalence problem for 5-dimensional CR-manifolds whose CR-bundle satisfies a certain degeneracy assumption, and show that in this case, the problem is solved by the construction of a Cartan connection on a 6-dimensional bundle. The last part of this memoir is devoted to the determination of the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms for the model manifolds of the three previous classes.

As traduções brasileiras de Cristo si è fermato a Eboli, de Carlo Levi: figuras de linguagem e dialeto / The Brazilian translations of Christ stopped at Eboli by Carlo Levi: figures of speech and dialect

Marangon, Leila 10 September 2018 (has links)
No romance autobiográfico \"Cristo si è fermato a Eboli\", Carlo Levi narra acontecimentos vividos durante o período em que cumpriu pena de confinamento na Lucânia, imposta pelo governo fascista, de quem era opositor. Publicado na Itália em 1945, o livro teve duas traduções no Brasil, uma em 1952 e outra em 1986. No presente trabalho são analisadas as escolhas das tradutoras brasileiras nos trechos em que os personagens comunicam-se fazendo uso de expressões populares e dialetais e provérbios, bem como naquelas passagens em que Carlo Levi mostra-se irônico ou vale-se de outras figuras de linguagem. A análise tem por fundamento a sistemática de deformação a que se refere Antoine Berman e será observada a forma como tal sistemática manifesta-se nas traduções como um todo e em particular nos trechos acima referidos. A metodologia adotada foi a leitura da obra em análise, seu original em língua italiana, bem como das demais obras narrativas de Carlo Levi, para fins de assimilação do estilo do autor e comparação do texto original com as traduções brasileiras. / In the autobiographical novel \"Cristo si è fermato a Eboli\", Carlo Levi narrates events that occurred during the period of his imprisonment in Lucania imposed by the fascist government, to which he was opposed. Published in Italia in 1945, it has two translations in Brazil, one in 1952 and another in 1986. This work will analyze the choices made by the Brazilian translators in the passages where the characters communicate using popular and dialectal expressions and proverbs, as well as in passages where Carlo Levi is ironic or uses other figures of speech. The analysis is based on the system of deformation referred to by Antoine Berman and will be observed how such system is expressed in the translations as a whole and specifically in the passages referred to above. The methodology adopted was the reading of the book under analysis, its original version in Italian and other narrative works of Carlo Levi, for assimilation of the style of the author and comparison of the original text with the Brazilian translations.

Primo Levi: ciência, técnica e literatura / Primo Levi: science, technique and literature

Maciera, Aislan Camargo 24 September 2014 (has links)
Primo Levi (1919-1987), de origem judaica, antifascista e químico de formação, passa quase um ano de sua vida como prisioneiro em um dos campos de concentração de Auschwitz. Preso como partigiano, deportado como judeu, e sobrevivente por acaso, Levi faz daquela experiência, através da necessidade de narrar, o ponto de partida de sua literatura. Seu percurso parte da literatura de testemunho, matéria de suas duas primeiras obras, Se questo è un uomo e La tregua. Porém, sua grande vocação narrativa faz com que cultive os mais diversos gêneros ao longo de sua carreira, indo desde a autobiografia, até a poesia, o romance e os contos fantásticos e de ficção científica. A análise da obra literária de Levi, obrigatoriamente, deve considerar dois aspectos, que estão na gênese e na construção de seus escritos: o primeiro é a origem de sua literatura, nascida da experiência como prisioneiro e da observação daquele universo e que dele nunca se desprendeu; o segundo é a sua formação, pois, como químico, o olhar que dirigia ao mundo era determinado pelos preceitos da ciência que escolheu, e pela qual era apaixonado. Assim sendo, pretendemos analisar a literatura de Levi a partir da relação que ela estabelece com a ciência, com a técnica e com a tecnologia, partindo de seu livro de estreia, no qual o olhar do cientista permitiu definir o Lager como um grande experimento biológico e social. As referências para a análise serão os dois primeiros volumes de contos, que se ligam à tradição do fantástico e da ficção científica Storie naturali e Vizio di forma e os dois livros da década de 70, que apresentam a técnica e o trabalho como símbolos de liberdade: Il sistema periodico, obra na qual a química, os químicos e o seu trabalho são protagonistas; e La chiave a stella, que apresenta a exaltação do trabalho liberatório, portador de satisfação e felicidade. Dessa forma, demonstraremos que nenhuma página da literatura de Primo Levi está dissociada de sua experiência como deportado ou de sua formação científica, e isso influencia diretamente o seu estilo, transformando-o em um dos principais representantes, na literatura universal, da relação entre as duas culturas, como também em um dos principais prosadores da segunda metade do século XX. / Primo Levi (1919-1987), of Jewish origin, anti-fascist and chemist of formation, passes nearly a year of his life as a prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Captured as partigiano, deported as Jew, and survivor by chance, Levi makes that experience, through the need of narrating, the starting point of his literature. His pathway starts from the testimonial literature, subject of his first two works, Se questo è un uomo and La tregua. However, his narrative vocation makes him cultivate the most diverse genres throughout his career, from autobiography to poetry, romance, fantastic tales and science fiction. The analysis of the literary work of Levi, mandatorily, must consider two aspects that are on the genesis and construction of his writings: the first one is the origin of his literature, born from his experience as prisoner and from the observation of that universe - and from which he never came off; the second one is his formation, since, as a chemist, the way he looked at the world was determined by the precepts of the science he chose, and to which he was passionate. Therefore, we intend to analyze Levis literature from the relationship it establishes with science, technique and technology, starting from his debut book, in which the look of the scientist allows to define the Lager as a great biological and social experiment. The references for this analysis will be the first two volumes of short stories, that bind to the tradition of fantastic and science fiction Storie naturali and Vizio di forma and the two books of the 70s, that present technique and work as symbols of freedom: Il sistema periodico, work in which chemistry, chemists and their work are protagonists; and La chiave a stella, that presents the exaltation of liberatory work, promoter of satisfaction and happiness. Thus, we will demonstrate that any page of Primo Levis literature is dissociated from his experience as deported or his scientific training, and it directly influences his style, transforming it into one of the leading representatives in world literature, from the relationship between \"the two cultures \", as well as one of the major prose writers of the second half of the 20th century.

As traduções brasileiras de Cristo si è fermato a Eboli, de Carlo Levi: figuras de linguagem e dialeto / The Brazilian translations of Christ stopped at Eboli by Carlo Levi: figures of speech and dialect

Leila Marangon 10 September 2018 (has links)
No romance autobiográfico \"Cristo si è fermato a Eboli\", Carlo Levi narra acontecimentos vividos durante o período em que cumpriu pena de confinamento na Lucânia, imposta pelo governo fascista, de quem era opositor. Publicado na Itália em 1945, o livro teve duas traduções no Brasil, uma em 1952 e outra em 1986. No presente trabalho são analisadas as escolhas das tradutoras brasileiras nos trechos em que os personagens comunicam-se fazendo uso de expressões populares e dialetais e provérbios, bem como naquelas passagens em que Carlo Levi mostra-se irônico ou vale-se de outras figuras de linguagem. A análise tem por fundamento a sistemática de deformação a que se refere Antoine Berman e será observada a forma como tal sistemática manifesta-se nas traduções como um todo e em particular nos trechos acima referidos. A metodologia adotada foi a leitura da obra em análise, seu original em língua italiana, bem como das demais obras narrativas de Carlo Levi, para fins de assimilação do estilo do autor e comparação do texto original com as traduções brasileiras. / In the autobiographical novel \"Cristo si è fermato a Eboli\", Carlo Levi narrates events that occurred during the period of his imprisonment in Lucania imposed by the fascist government, to which he was opposed. Published in Italia in 1945, it has two translations in Brazil, one in 1952 and another in 1986. This work will analyze the choices made by the Brazilian translators in the passages where the characters communicate using popular and dialectal expressions and proverbs, as well as in passages where Carlo Levi is ironic or uses other figures of speech. The analysis is based on the system of deformation referred to by Antoine Berman and will be observed how such system is expressed in the translations as a whole and specifically in the passages referred to above. The methodology adopted was the reading of the book under analysis, its original version in Italian and other narrative works of Carlo Levi, for assimilation of the style of the author and comparison of the original text with the Brazilian translations.

Primo Levi: ciência, técnica e literatura / Primo Levi: science, technique and literature

Aislan Camargo Maciera 24 September 2014 (has links)
Primo Levi (1919-1987), de origem judaica, antifascista e químico de formação, passa quase um ano de sua vida como prisioneiro em um dos campos de concentração de Auschwitz. Preso como partigiano, deportado como judeu, e sobrevivente por acaso, Levi faz daquela experiência, através da necessidade de narrar, o ponto de partida de sua literatura. Seu percurso parte da literatura de testemunho, matéria de suas duas primeiras obras, Se questo è un uomo e La tregua. Porém, sua grande vocação narrativa faz com que cultive os mais diversos gêneros ao longo de sua carreira, indo desde a autobiografia, até a poesia, o romance e os contos fantásticos e de ficção científica. A análise da obra literária de Levi, obrigatoriamente, deve considerar dois aspectos, que estão na gênese e na construção de seus escritos: o primeiro é a origem de sua literatura, nascida da experiência como prisioneiro e da observação daquele universo e que dele nunca se desprendeu; o segundo é a sua formação, pois, como químico, o olhar que dirigia ao mundo era determinado pelos preceitos da ciência que escolheu, e pela qual era apaixonado. Assim sendo, pretendemos analisar a literatura de Levi a partir da relação que ela estabelece com a ciência, com a técnica e com a tecnologia, partindo de seu livro de estreia, no qual o olhar do cientista permitiu definir o Lager como um grande experimento biológico e social. As referências para a análise serão os dois primeiros volumes de contos, que se ligam à tradição do fantástico e da ficção científica Storie naturali e Vizio di forma e os dois livros da década de 70, que apresentam a técnica e o trabalho como símbolos de liberdade: Il sistema periodico, obra na qual a química, os químicos e o seu trabalho são protagonistas; e La chiave a stella, que apresenta a exaltação do trabalho liberatório, portador de satisfação e felicidade. Dessa forma, demonstraremos que nenhuma página da literatura de Primo Levi está dissociada de sua experiência como deportado ou de sua formação científica, e isso influencia diretamente o seu estilo, transformando-o em um dos principais representantes, na literatura universal, da relação entre as duas culturas, como também em um dos principais prosadores da segunda metade do século XX. / Primo Levi (1919-1987), of Jewish origin, anti-fascist and chemist of formation, passes nearly a year of his life as a prisoner at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Captured as partigiano, deported as Jew, and survivor by chance, Levi makes that experience, through the need of narrating, the starting point of his literature. His pathway starts from the testimonial literature, subject of his first two works, Se questo è un uomo and La tregua. However, his narrative vocation makes him cultivate the most diverse genres throughout his career, from autobiography to poetry, romance, fantastic tales and science fiction. The analysis of the literary work of Levi, mandatorily, must consider two aspects that are on the genesis and construction of his writings: the first one is the origin of his literature, born from his experience as prisoner and from the observation of that universe - and from which he never came off; the second one is his formation, since, as a chemist, the way he looked at the world was determined by the precepts of the science he chose, and to which he was passionate. Therefore, we intend to analyze Levis literature from the relationship it establishes with science, technique and technology, starting from his debut book, in which the look of the scientist allows to define the Lager as a great biological and social experiment. The references for this analysis will be the first two volumes of short stories, that bind to the tradition of fantastic and science fiction Storie naturali and Vizio di forma and the two books of the 70s, that present technique and work as symbols of freedom: Il sistema periodico, work in which chemistry, chemists and their work are protagonists; and La chiave a stella, that presents the exaltation of liberatory work, promoter of satisfaction and happiness. Thus, we will demonstrate that any page of Primo Levis literature is dissociated from his experience as deported or his scientific training, and it directly influences his style, transforming it into one of the leading representatives in world literature, from the relationship between \"the two cultures \", as well as one of the major prose writers of the second half of the 20th century.


[pt] Este trabalho tem por objetivo abordar criticamente o encontro entre a forma como a memória é compreendida no campo da justiça de transição, por um lado, e, por outro, como é concebida a partir da obra de Walter Benjamin, e transmitida pela literatura Primo Levi. Trata-se, mais precisamente, da tentativa de partir da teoria benjaminiana e da literatura de Primo Levi para pensar criticamente a forma da memória e seus limites, quando inserida no campo da justiça transicional. Isso porque, argumentamos, há certos pressupostos implícitos a esse campo que dão azo a questionamentos sobre sua natureza transitória, e que delimitam a potência da memória como meio de pôr em crítica o presente e, assim, para impulsionar a criação do novo. Para tratar do tema, abordamos, na primeira parte da tese, contornos conceituais e genealógicos da justiça de transição; as formas de expressão da memória, a partir do entendimento da Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH); e alguns dos pressupostos do campo. Na segunda parte do trabalho, apresentamos alguns dos aspectos que marcam a concepção da memória em Benjamin, a fim de alcançar uma outra perspectiva sobre a potência da relação entre a transmissão da experiência pretérita e o presente. Em seguida, aproximamos a memória benjaminiana e a forma literária criada por Primo Levi para transmitir a memória da ofensa. / [en] This thesis aims to critically address the encounter between the way memory is understood in the field of transitional justice, on the one hand, and, on the other, how it is conceived from the work of Walter Benjamin, and conveyed by Primo Levi s literature. This is, more precisely, an attempt to draw from Benjaminian theory and Primo Levi s literature to think critically about the form of memory and its limits when embedded in the field of transitional justice. This is because, we argue, there are certain assumptions implicit in this field that give rise to questions about its transitory nature, and that delimit the power of memory as a means to critique the present and, thus, to drive the creation of the new. To address the theme, we address, in the first part of the thesis, conceptual and genealogical contours of transitional justice; the forms of expression of memory, from the understanding of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR); and some of the assumptions of the field. In the second part of the paper, we present some of the aspects that mark the conception of memory in Benjamin, in order to achieve another perspective on the potency of the relationship between the transmission of past experience and the present. Then, we approximate Benjaminian conception of memory, and the literary form created by Primo Levi to transmit the memory of the offense.

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