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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Life Cycle Perspective in relation to ISO 14001 : 2015 and associated impacts of Design For Environment (DFE) and Sustainable development

Vattamparambil Nalan, Vishnu, Satheesan, Suraj January 2020 (has links)
ISO 14001:2015 is a certifiable environmental management standard applicable to any enterprise, large or small, in all fields of manufacturing or trades and services. It is the updated version of the previous ISO 14001:2004 standard. The updated standard contains a new High Level Framework which is expected to be used in the future by all ISO management system standards. ISO 14001:2015 sets out to implement methodologies such as the environmental management system and prescribes certification criteria including environmental policy and goals, important environmental issues, pollution reduction and continuous improvement of environmental efficiency. This report starts by looking into the documentation regarding life cycle perspective in the context of the ISO 14001:2015 standard. The revised model adopts a holistic approach across the value chain and encourages companies to accept a "life cycle perspective" with regard to the product and service design and development process. The methodology of life-cycle assessment (LCA) is also explored. The report goes on to examine another important aspect in environmental management which is the concept of Design For Environment (DFE). More specifically it is examined whether adhering to DFE principles can also help companies to adapt to the ISO 14001:2015 requirements. The concept of sustainable development in the context of ISO 14001 was given due precedence and it was found that ISO certified organizations will have an implicit awareness of sustainability because of the way ISO 14001 is structured. Corporate sustainability strategies were also discussed and this shed more light into how companies can

Oberoende äldres upplevelse av svensk tandvård : Ur ett livscykelsperspektiv / Independent elderly and their experience of Swedish dental care : A lifecycle-perspective

Wanfors, Felicia, Grimmehed, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate how independent elderly people experience the development of dental care in Sweden. Method and design: The design of the study is qualitative with an inductive approach. Seven elderly was included in the study. The data was collected through seven interviews. The interviews were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. An ethical self-examination was conducted in consultation with the mentor. Results: The result shows that independent elderly people believe that the dental care in Sweden has undergone a positive change from a life-cycle perspective. The results are presented in the main categorieschanges in dental care and professional individual dental care treatment. The main category changes in dental care was divided into three subcategories: more competent dental care professionals and a more expensive dental care. The professional individual dental care treatment was divided into patient-centered dental care, improved working methods and reduced pain during treatment. Conclusion: Dental care has been improved from a life cycle perspective due to improved treatment methods, developed resources and a more accommodating dental care. This study cannot be transferred to the rest of the population. / Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur oberoende äldre upplever tandvårdens utveckling ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Metod: Studien var av kvalitativ design och antogs med en induktiv ansats. Studien utfördes genom intervjuer och analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studien inkluderades sju oberoende äldre som har besökt tandvården regelbundet under hela livet. En etisk egengranskning utfördes i samråd med handledare. Resultat: Resultatet visar att tandvården har genomgått en positiv förändring ur ett livscykelperspektiv hos oberoende äldre. Resultatet presenteras i huvudkategorierna förändring av tandvården och professionellt individuellt omhändertagande. Huvudkategorin förändring av tandvården delas upp i underkategorierna mer kompetenta tandvårdsprofessioner och dyrare tandvård. Huvudkategorin individuellt omhändertagande delas upp i patientcentrerat bemötande, förbättrat arbetssätt och minskad smärta vid behandling Slutsats: Tandvården har förbättrats genom utvecklade behandlingsmetoder med utvecklade resurser och en mer tillmötesgående vård. Resultatet från denna studie går inte att överföra på andra individer.

Greening the Supply Chain in a modified EMS increases Customer's Satisfaction: : (Considering Life Cycle Perspective Combined with Design and Development in ISO 14001)

Bakheit, Amani Abdalla January 2021 (has links)
The green supply chain concept occurs to mitigate environmental degradations and controlair, water and waste pollution through the adoption of green practices in manufacturing andbusiness operations. The essential ideology behind green concept is to enhance environmental sustainability. This can be through some reviews which can be done on some previous studies, articles or /and papers which includes within its concept caring about the environmental issues. Since the environmental issues are increasing concerning the green supply chain a researchabout the actual supply chain performance and its greening in an integrated environmental management system (EMS) is required to be done. This will be shown in this research. As well as the SC is shown to be driven to ISO 14001 to meet the requirements of life cycle incombination with design and development. A modified model of EMS is suggested aftergreening the SC. It is of great importance to green the SC to come till the objective of this thesis. That is tosatisfy the customer by greening the SC and to modify an EMS which includes practisinggreening the supply chain (SC), certain themes should be studied. Firstly, description of someconcepts related to the topic of this research will be forwarded. The definitions of the SC, SCM and how together they integrate in environmental thinking will be clarified in the first hand.This will simplify the comprehensive of greening SC/SCM in an EMS. The green supply chain(GSC) can reduce the environmental pollution and production costs and it can also balance theeconomic process, create competitive advantage in terms of greater customer satisfaction, positive image and reputation. In this research the SC is also to be driven to ISO 14001, the standardization regarding theenvironmental issues and its impact management. It is valuable also to mention and not to forgetthat, as general nowadays, the increase in industry greenhouse emission are considered as aserious matter that may raise the taxes regarding the emission of more carbon dioxide, whichin turn affects the environmental impacts measure. Sweden depends on the natural resourcesand is the leading producer of ores and metals such as zinc, copper andlead. People also depend on the lakes for water so there must be certain means for a continuousimprovement, a decreasing and not an increasing in the environmental impacts which may leadto pollution and contamination. This comes to reality when an environmentally friendly inputsare utilized and transformed into outputs that can be reclaimed and re-used at the end of theirlife cycle thus creating a sustainable supply chain, considering the manufacturing process from product design development, material selection, delivery to the end the life cycle managementafter the product’s useful life. Through the review of 33 papers/studies, four of these reviews are explained and will be justified here in this research. It will be shown clearly and actually that the questions of thisresearch will get an answer and the objective will be met. In another words this research focuseson the green SC with respect to product life cycle and the design development which will beshown to be a key to customer’s satisfaction. SC performance measure; i.e. quality, delivery,cost and flexibility play an essential role on that. This will be shown when an EMS is structured keeping the basis of ISO 14001 (can be the latest version: 2015). The methodology followed is the collection of data from the papers and studies, analysis oftheir results, observations of their conclusions and the comparison of the similarity and contrast of their contributions. Extra conclusion to the conclusions of the papers can be added if found. Some recommendation is given for future studies so as a continuous gain obtained while developing the studies.

Sustainability Assessment Tools for Food Products : Similarities, Deviations, and Future Enhancements / Hållbarhetsbedömningsverktyg för livsmedel : Likheter, skillnader och framtida möjligheter

Ankarstig, Celina January 2022 (has links)
The growing human population puts pressure on our ecosystems and natural resources. One of the major causes of household’s environmental impact has been found to be the consumption of food, which is why actions need to be taken to decrease it. One such action has been taken by the Swedish grocery store Coop, who by sharing Sustainability Declarations for food products provides information on the sustainability impacts caused by their products. Coop has identified a need to further develop their framework and to ensure its legitimacy, something that this master’s thesis aims to contribute too.  Seven sustainability assessment tools of food used within Europe were compared: Beelong Eco-Score, Eco Impact, Eco-Score, Impact Score Shopping, Köttguiden, Vegoguiden and the Sustainability Declarations, for which similarities and differences were identified. Some of the main similarities that were identified were that all tools applied a life cycle perspective, that they mainly focused on consumers and that they aimed to ease the decision of what food to purchase by providing information on sustainability impact. Some of the main differences were the range of scores, type of scores, which functional units were applied and from where the data were collected. Differences were also found in transparency, where some tools provided both scores and detailed descriptions of their framework, whilst others provided a few scores with a brief description of their framework. Whether social sustainability indicators were included or not also differed, and only the Sustainability Declarations were found to include it to a large extent, whilst Impact Score Shopping included it to some extent.  To deepen the apprehension of the tools' methodologies and how these impacted the assessments, scores for six products: Almonds, Chocolate, Flour, Milk, Pork and Rice were also compared. The assessments of flour were similar across all tools, whilst the assessment of almonds differed the most. The Beelong Eco-Score generally assessed products lower than the others, whilst the Sustainability Declarations assessed the products higher. The differences were deemed to both be a result of different methodological approaches, but also to be a result of varying food regulations in the country of origin of the food products.  To further develop the Sustainability Declarations, Coop could consider integrating Agribalyse in their assessments, and to widen their indicators to include seasonality and packaging to a larger extent. It could also be advantageous to provide their customers with alternatives and ideas of more sustainable products. The method used for the Sustainability Declarations seems to be in line with many of the choices and assumptions made for the methodologies within the other tools, and to be in line with the current state of knowledge in the scientific field. / Den växande mänskliga populationen utsätter ekosystemen och våra naturliga resurser för påtryckningar. En av de största orsakerna till miljöpåverkan skapad av hushållen har identifierats som konsumtionen av mat, varför insatser behöver implementeras för att minska denna. Ett sådant initiativ har skapats av Coop, som genom att förse sina kunder med Hållbarhetsdeklarationer innehållande information om vilken påverkan produkter har på olika hållbarhetsaspekter möjliggör för sina kunder att göra mer informerade val av produkter. Coop har identifierat ett behov av att fortsätta att utveckla detta regelverk samt att försäkra sig om regelverkets legitimitet, något som denna masteruppsats syftar till att bidra till.  Sju hållbarhetsbedömningsverktyg för mat som används inom Europa analyserades inom ramarna för denna masteruppsats. Verktygen som inkluderades var Beelong Eco-Score, Eco Impact, Eco-Score, Impact Score Shopping, Köttguiden, Vegoguiden och Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna, och dess likheter och olikheter identifierades. Några av de huvudsakliga likheterna som identifierades var att alla verktygen applicerar ett livscykelperspektiv, att de i huvudsak fokuserar på konsumenter och att deras mål är att bidra med information om matens hållbarhetsavtryck i syfte att förenkla valet av vilken mat konsumenterna ska köpa. Några av de huvudsakliga skillnaderna var vilken poängskala verktygen använde, vilken typ av poäng, vilken funktionell enhet som användes och var data hämtades från. Även verktygens transparens skilde sig åt, då några verktyg både hade tillgängliggjort alla sina produktbedömningar och detaljerade beskrivningar av deras regelverk, medan andra hade tillgängliggjort bedömningarna för några få produkter och endast redogjort för några grundläggande delar av deras metod. Det skiljde sig även mellan verktygen om sociala hållbarhetsindikatorer hade inkluderats eller inte. Endast Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna inkluderade specifika indikatorer och poäng för hållbarhetsaspekter, medans Impact Score Shopping inkluderade några få sociala hållbarhetsaspekter i deras indikatorer.  För att ytterligare fördjupa förståelsen för metoderna bakom bedömningsverktygen och hur dessa tar sig i uttryck jämfördes också poängen för sex produkter, dessa var: mandlar, choklad, vetemjöl, mjölk och ris. Poängsättningen för mjöl var lik inom alla de analyserade verktygen, medan bedömningen för mandlar varierade mest. Verktyget Beelong Eco-Score gav generellt produkter lägst poäng, medan Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna generellt gav produkterna högst poäng. Skillnaderna bedömdes både bero på skillnader i metodval och vara ett resultat och skillnader i lagar och regelverk som påverkar matproduktionen inom länderna.  För att utveckla Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna skulle Coop kunna utvärdera möjligheten att integrera Agribalyse i deras bedömningar, och att utöka deras indikatorer till att också inkludera säsongsvariationer och förpackningar i större utsträckning. Det skulle också kunna vara fördelaktigt att förse deras kunder med alternativa idéer på mer hållbara produkter. Metoden som använts för Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna fanns vara i linje med de val och antaganden som gjorts inom de undersökta verktygen. Metoden fanns även vara i linje med det nuvarande kunskapsläget i det vetenskapliga området.

The Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Food Applications : The Perspective of Swedish Supermarkets / Användning av Livscykelanalys i Livsmedelsapplikationer : Perspektivet från Svenska Stormarknader

Azimova, Irina January 2024 (has links)
Global food production places significant demands on the environment, contributing to climate change and environmental degradation. The transition to sustainable production and consumption systems is therefore critical in meeting the food demands of growing populations while preserving the ecosystem. Supermarkets, as intermediaries between suppliers and consumers, play an important role in promoting sustainable consumption. However, their profit-driven nature has frequently stifled genuine change. The use of tools, such as life cycle assessment (LCA) has recently boomed in the food industry to help combat negative effects of food production. However, the complexity and variability of food production, as well as the tools’ technopolitical considerations, complicate their application to the food value chain, requiring a critical approach. The thesis explored the intersection of these two topics, specifically the sustainability initiatives of Swedish supermarkets and the role of the life cycle perspective in them. The study found that the life cycle perspective does not currently play a significant role in Swedish supermarkets’ sustainability initiatives, with applications primarily limited to generic carbon footprint data. Furthermore, supermarkets were found to promote a weak model of sustainable consumption, with their transformative potential limited by consumer demand and the desire for profit. Nonetheless, the findings revealed a shift in retailer attitudes relative to previous research, with greater recognition of their responsibility and sustainability initiatives in procurement. While more comprehensive and drastic approaches are required for the long-term transformation of the food value chain, shared initiatives and increased standardisation show promise in bringing actors together to achieve this goal. / Den globala livsmedelsproduktionen ställer stora krav på miljön och bidrar till klimatförändringar och miljöförstöring. Övergången till hållbara produktions- och konsumtionssystem är därför avgörande för att möta den växande befolkningens efterfrågan på livsmedel samtidigt som ekosystemet bevaras. Stormarknader, som mellanhänder mellan leverantörer och konsumenter, spelar en viktig roll för att främja hållbar konsumtion. Deras vinstdrivande natur har dock ofta hämmat verklig förändring. Användningen av verktyg som livscykelanalys (LCA) har på senare tid ökat kraftigt inom livsmedelsindustrin för att bekämpa negativa effekter av livsmedelsproduktionen. Men livsmedelsproduktionens komplexitet och variabilitet, liksom verktygens teknopolitiska överväganden, komplicerar deras tillämpning på livsmedelsvärdekedjan och kräver ett kritiskt förhållningssätt. Avhandlingen undersökte skärningspunkten mellan dessa två ämnen, särskilt svenska stormarknaders hållbarhetsinitiativ och livscykelperspektivets roll i dem. Studien visade att livscykelperspektivet för närvarande inte spelar någon betydande roll i svenska stormarknaders hållbarhetsinitiativ, med tillämpningar som främst är begränsade till generiska koldioxidavtrycksdata. Dessutom visade det sig att stormarknaderna främjar en svag modell för hållbar konsumtion, där deras omvandlingspotential begränsas av konsumenternas efterfrågan och önskan om vinst. Resultaten visade dock på en förändring i återförsäljarnas attityder i förhållande till tidigare forskning, med ett större erkännande av deras ansvar och hållbarhetsinitiativ inom upphandling. Även om det krävs mer omfattande och drastiska tillvägagångssätt för en långsiktig omvandling av livsmedelsvärdekedjan, är gemensamma initiativ och ökad standardisering lovande när det gäller att föra samman aktörer för att uppnå detta mål.

Single matky a jejich děti - skupina ohrožená chudobou? / Single mothers and their children - the group on the edge of poverty?

Voráčová, Helena January 2016 (has links)
V této práci jsem se zaměřila na ženy, které se rozhodly pečovat o své dítě či děti samy, označuji je jako single matky. Jedná o skupinu, která dle výzkumů čelí nepříznivé finanční situaci a vysoké míře ohrožení chudobou a sociálního vyloučení. Stejně tak jako jejich děti. Vzhledem k nemožnosti uspokojovat všechny své potřeby trpí deprivací, jejíž následky si nesou do budoucna. Jednou z oblastí, na kterou má vliv jejich obtížná finanční situace jsou volnočasové aktivity. Míra omezení single matek a jejich dětí ve způsobu trávení volného času závisí především na zájmu či nezájmu otců o své děti. Ke kvalitnímu využití volného času single matek a jejich dětí mohou též přispívat neziskové organizace občanské společnosti primárně zaměřené na single matky a jejich děti, kterých je v České republice bohužel nedostatek. Jedním z možných důvodů může být ten, že tyto ženy, přestože jejich přítomnost vnímají pozitivně, netouží být, ať již z jakéhokoliv důvodu, společností označovány a vnímány jako single matky, natož na sebe z tohoto úhlu pohledu nechat nést pozornost. Annotation The aim of this study is to address single mothers. Single mothers and their children are usually in poor financial condition and threatened with poverty and social exclusion. They are unable to meet their basic needs which effect...

Marknad och hushåll : Sparande och krediter i Falun 1820-1910 utifrån ett livscykelperspektiv / Market and Household : A study of savings and credit on the local credit market in the town of Falun 1820-1910 from a life-cycle perspective

Lilja, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
<p>The primary aim of this thesis has been to analyse the transformation of the Swedish capital market from a household perspective. The investigation shows that the transition from a mostly private credit market to a more institutionalised credit market took place at the end of the nineteenth century. At this time there were several actors in the credit market that were able to fulfil the diverse needs of credit that different households might have. This need was very much correlated to the household’s particular stage in its life-cycle. In accordance with the life-cycle theory and the permanent income hypothesis, households displayed a savings and consumption pattern that was dependent on income and the burden of expenditure. Households also seemed to have particular difficulty meeting expenditures, so-called life-cycle squeezes, when the household was first started, when the household size was at its peak and when the head of family reached old age, which coincided with a declining capacity to work. The investigation also shows that household savings were meant for old age. Contrary to the assumption made in life-cycle theory, households seemed to intend to provide heirs with an inheritance. This finding is more in keeping with the permanent income hypothesis, which states that households were expected to maintain their assets intact over the course of a life-time.</p>

Marknad och hushåll : Sparande och krediter i Falun 1820-1910 utifrån ett livscykelperspektiv / Market and Household : A study of savings and credit on the local credit market in the town of Falun 1820-1910 from a life-cycle perspective

Lilja, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis has been to analyse the transformation of the Swedish capital market from a household perspective. The investigation shows that the transition from a mostly private credit market to a more institutionalised credit market took place at the end of the nineteenth century. At this time there were several actors in the credit market that were able to fulfil the diverse needs of credit that different households might have. This need was very much correlated to the household’s particular stage in its life-cycle. In accordance with the life-cycle theory and the permanent income hypothesis, households displayed a savings and consumption pattern that was dependent on income and the burden of expenditure. Households also seemed to have particular difficulty meeting expenditures, so-called life-cycle squeezes, when the household was first started, when the household size was at its peak and when the head of family reached old age, which coincided with a declining capacity to work. The investigation also shows that household savings were meant for old age. Contrary to the assumption made in life-cycle theory, households seemed to intend to provide heirs with an inheritance. This finding is more in keeping with the permanent income hypothesis, which states that households were expected to maintain their assets intact over the course of a life-time.

Hodnocení systému prevence a pomoci osobám ohrožených ztrátou bydlení v České republice / Evaluation system of prevention and assistance to persons at risk of losing their homes in the Czech Republic

Kšandová, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis covers the main problems related to loss of housing in the context of the institutional setting in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is explaining the institutional setup of the system of prevention and help people / households that are at risk of losing housing and evaluate the system in terms of the possibility of prevention of social exclusion.The introductory part describes the characteristics of the key concepts in housing policy in relation to social housing and various approaches to social housing in selected countries (Sweden, Germany, Great Britain). The thesis focuses on the institutional analysis of the existing legal framework and possible solutions to the current housing shortage (welfare, social work, social services). In the research part of this thesis a case study of Louny municipality has been chosen as a model sample of resolving the current shortage of housing. Results of the analysis had been confronted and evaluated by perspective of people solving housing problems and relevant social workers working with poor people. In the end of the thesis, a SWOT analysis is delivered identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the system.

Kommunalt handlingsutrymme för att öka byggandet i trä : En studie av planeringsförutsättningar / Municipal possibilities and constraints to increase building in wood : A study of planning conditions

Kalén, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen om vilka förutsättningar som påverkar kommunernas handlingsutrymme att styra mot ökat byggande i trä. Utgångspunkten är att ökat byggande i trä är en viktig hörnsten i Sveriges arbete för att nå klimatmål om minskade koldioxidutsläpp. I fallstudie undersöker jag Växjö och Skellefteå kommun som sedan länge arbetat aktivt med att öka byggande i trä och båda antagit kommunala träbyggandsstrategier. I fallstudie undersöker jag hur såväl kontextuella (projektspecifika och informella förutsättningar) som formella förutsättningar påverkar kommunens handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visar att processer för att identifiera planförutsättningar och överbrygga olika perspektiv är avgörande för att skapa ett kontextuellt handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visar vidare att kontextuella förutsättningar även har potential att till viss del skapa handlingsutrymme utanför det formella handlingsutrymmets ”uppenbara” ramar. / The aim of this study in to increase the knowledge of municipal possibilities and constraints to increase building in wood by examining the municipal planning conditions. Point of departure is that building in wood is a prerequisite to reach the Swedish climate targets of drastically reducing national CO2-emissions. In a case study two municipalities are examined, Växjö and Skellefteå, two municipalities with strategies to increase building in wood and with long experience in doing so. The study explores how contextual planning conditions (project specific and informal conditions) alongside formal planning conditions affects the municipal space of action. The result shows that processes to identify planning conditions and to bridge different perspectives are crucial in order to create a contextual space of action. The result further demonstrates that contextual planning condition withhold the potential to, to a certain degree, create space of action outside the presupposed boundaries of the formal planning system.

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