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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Velhice na cultura contemporânea

Danielle de Andrade Pitanga 14 December 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar os modos específicos de envelhecimento no contexto cultural contemporâneo. Levando-se em consideração que cada sujeito envelhece de modo absolutamente singular,podemos, então, dizer que existam inúmeras formas de envelhecer e de velhices. A sociedade contemporânea do consumo, de ritmo veloz e frenético, é marcada por uma cultura da imagem. O corpo é sobrevalorizado e super exigido. O êxito e a felicidade implicam na adesão a modelos calcados no encantamento narcísico, beleza e juvenilidade. No pólo oposto, está a velhice que, inevitavelmente, costuma-se caracterizar com os atributos negativos: decrepitude, nostalgia, degeneração, declínio, obsoletismo e improdutividade.Instaura-se, pois, um cenário que nos leva a pensar na idéia de rejeição e temor ao envelhecer em virtude do mito da eterna juventude. As reflexões acerca do narcisismo exacerbado e do culto ao corpo, instigaram-me a pensar e a interrogar qual seria o lugar reservado para os idosos? Ao que parece, tudo leva a crer que é exatamente o não-lugar. A proposta é tão somente dar vez a esses velhos, ou seja, reservarlhes um lugar e, sobretudo, o desejo de dar-lhes voz, mediante a escuta atenta de seus discursos. Para isso, foram realizadas 06 entrevistas com idosos de ambos os sexos, acima dos 60 anos de idade, de classe média da zona urbana da Cidade do Recife, todos ativos, mantendo algum tipo de atividade intelectual e física.Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórico-clínica, de inspiração psicanalítica, embora também tenha destacado para a discussão, as contribuições mais recentes de autores que se dedicam à temática do processo de envelhecimento e da velhice.Tem o caráter do método clínico, isto porque os fragmentos clínicos de alguns idosos por mim atendidos em consultório e os depoimentos colhidos com os entrevistados foram submetidos à interpretação, servindo, portanto, para ilustrar a teoria / The scope of this research is to investigate the specific ways of getting old in the cultural context of nowadays. Taking in account that each individual gets old in an absolutely particular way, we can say that there are several forms of getting old and several kinds of old aged. The nowadays consume society, in a fast and frenetic way is marked by the culture of image. Body is super valorized and requested. Success and happiness imply in the acceptance of models printed in the narcisistic charm, beauty and youth. In the opposite side is the old age that, unavoidably, uses to prior negative attributes: decrepitude, nostalgia, degeneration, decline, obsolescence and improductivity. It is thus created a scenery that leads to the idea of rejection and fear to get old due to the myth of everlasting youth. Reflection over exacerbated narcisism and worship to the body, led me to think and question what would the position to old people be? Apparently, all leads to believe that is exactly the nowhere. The proposal is only to give a chance to these old people, i.e., give them a place, and, above all, the desire of giving them voice, by listening their speeches. To achieve this goal, six interviews were taken with old aged people of both sexes, over 60 years old, of medium class, all of them actives, keeping some kind of intellectual or physical activity. It is a theoretical-clinical research, of psychoanalytic inspiration, despite the most recent contributions of authors that deal with the matter of getting old and old aged, have importance to the discussion. The research has the character of clinical method, because the clinical fragments of some old aged attended by me in consultory and the answers were submitted to interpretation, serving them to illustrate the theory

Os caminhos da paixão amorosa e alguns de seus destinos patológicos

Ana Claudia Zuanella 01 April 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teórica surgiu do interesse em estudar a paixão, especialmente no seu sentido pático. Partimos da sua etimologia originada do termo páthos da Grécia Clássica que tem o sentido de passividade e sofrimento e é igualmente o radical de patologia. Utilizamos a metapsicologia freudiana para estudar alguns dos destinos marcados pelos aspectos patológicos da paixão, começando com a ideia de que no apaixonamento o objeto é colocado no lugar do ego ideal do sujeito, lhe caracterizando uma dinâmica psíquica particular. Concluímos que pode haver três tipos de paixão: aquela que dá lugar ao amor (enamoramento), aquela que termina sem maiores danos, por autocombustão (arrebatamento) e a paixão patológica, cujo destino é ficar aprisionado à fixidez, ao excesso, ao sofrimento. Nos detivemos nesse terceiro tipo de paixão, pesquisando alguns dos seus desdobramentos: o narcisismo patológico, a melancolia, a negação da alteridade, a alienação e o fetichismo. / This theoretical research came from the interest in studying love passion, mainly in its páthic sense. Starting with its etymology from Classic Greeks word páthos which means passivity and suffering and is also the root of pathology, we used Freudian metapsychology to study some of love passion destinies related to its pathologycal aspects, beginning with the idea that in it, the object in put on the subjects ideal ego. This gives passion a particular psychic dynamic. We concluded that may there be three kind of love passion: one that gives place to love (endearment), one that finishes with no great damages by self-combustion (catchment) and pathological passion, which destiny is to be prisoner of fixation, excess, pain. We tarried on the third kind of love passion, researching some of its consequences: pathological narcissism, melancholy, lack of otherness, alienation, fetishism.

Dynamique de la persistance identitaire : complémentarité graphique et numérique dans l'autoportrait du XXIe siècle / Identity persistence dynamics : graphical and numerical complementarity in the self-portrait of the XXI century

Aboussioud, Rachid 15 May 2014 (has links)
La Dynamique de la Persistance Identitaire se veut, à travers l'autoportrait plastique, une analyse des notions du moi et du surmoi. L'autoportrait soulève pour la majorité des artistes, des plus anciens aux plus novateurs, la question de l'identité à travers l'apparence, le caractère, mais aussi des origines sociales et culturelles et son exacerbation amène à un narcissisme qui fut le moteur de l'activité de nombreux maîtres parmi les plus illustres. Se remémorer certaines périodes de la vie, des souvenirs heureux ou malheureux de situations vécues, conduit à l'introspection, où le temps est une notion majeure artistique et nécessaire à la structuration psychologique d'un individu. De nombreux artistes se sont penchés sur leur image en employant de nombreuses techniques plastiques traditionnelles et, depuis peu, expérimentales (expériences tridimensionnelles). Ces représentations, à l'aide des nouveaux outils informatiques accessibles à tous, sont désormais modifiables à volonté, apportant un choix illimité d'altérations réversibles en mode uniquement virtuel. Dans un travail initial (Evolution Identitaire) ce dessein interroge l'autoportrait de l'auteur à l'aide de dessins unicolores éclairés de rehauts de blancs ou chaque visage apparaît trait par trait pour constituer l'individu. La Dynamique de la Persistance Identitaire remet en question ces trente et un visages représentés le plus objectivement possible pour dévier de l'image réelle à l'image rêvée, par la technique du Makeover, très utilisé sur internet et donnant ainsi une possibilité de reconquête de l'identité, à la recherche d'une esthétique optimisée, adaptée au choix de l'artiste: deux cent dix-sept dessins, toutes réalisations confondues, sont ainsi conçus. Cet ensemble est diffusé à travers une exposition et une vidéo et il est adaptable à plusieurs espaces sous trois formes complémentaires :une double frise chronologique en parallèle d'autoportraits format A4 sur un papier légèrement teinté où sont confrontées représentations objectives et subjectives des formes suivant les critères des lois de la Gestalt. une vidéo projection ou les visages se dévoilent progressivement, donnant ainsi naissance à une technique dite "dessin évolutif', proche de l'animation, et donnant vie à l'individu avec le morphing en étape ultime qui dévoile avec fluidité un nouveau visage rectifié selon les désirs de l'auteur, une longue frise chronologique format A2 blanc où l'image vécue est couplée et confronté à l'image idéalisée, sur une même représentation, par deux couleurs différentes pour signifier les corrections accomplies. Cette recherche devrait être complétée, dans l'avenir, toujours avec pour moteur la recherche de réalisations d'autoportraits tridimensionnels, à l'aide de technologies pointues, telles anamorphoses et imprimante 3D. / Dynamics of identity Persistence wants, through the plastic self-portrait, an analysis of the concepts of ego and superego. Self Portrait raises for the majority of artists, from the oldest to the most innovative, the question of identity through the appearance, character, but also social and cultural origins and exacerbation leads to a narcissism that was the engine the activity of man y of Art masters. Remember certain periods of life, happy or unhappy memories of life situations, leads to introspection, where time is a necessary artistic and psychological structuring an individual major concept. Many artists have focused on their image using many traditional engineering plastics and, more recently, experimental (three-dimensional experiments). These representations using new tools accessible to all are now modified at will, bringing unlimited choice reversible alterations only virtual mode. In initial work (Identity Evolution) this design questions the portrait of the author with one colored drawings illuminated highlights of each face appears white or line by line to form the individual. Dynamics of identity Persistence puts into these thirty questions and faces presented as objectively as possible to deviate from the actual image to the perfect picture, the technique Makeover, widely used on the Internet and giving an opportunity to reconquer identity, the search for an aesthetic optimized, adapted to the choice of the artist: two hundred and seventeen drawings, ail outputs combined, are well designed. This package is distributed through an exhibition and a video that is adaptable to many spaces in three complementary ways:-A double timeline of self-portraits in parallel on A4 paper with a lightly tinted face objective and subjective representations of forms depending on the requirements of Gestalt's laws. -A video projection where faces are gradually revealed, giving rise to " evolutionary drawing " , close to the animation technique, and giving life to the individual with the morphing ultimate step reveals a new face smoothly corrected according to the wishes of the author. -A long white frieze chronological format A2 where the image is coupled lived and confronted with the idealized image, on the same representation by two different colors to signify the completed corrections. This research should be completed in the future, always with engine research achievements of three-dimensional self-portraits, with pointed and such anamorphic 30 printer technologies.

A mãe na dobradiça : a função educativa da maternidade em famílias monoparentais femininas contemporâneas

Vitorello, Marcia Aparecida January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese investiga as representações de maternidade em mulheres situadas na configuração monoparental feminina da contemporaneidade, analisando as implicações dessas significações no exercício da maternidade. Aborda as relações entre os significados, as atribuições da maternidade e a cultura, destacando as variações nas significações do ser mãe, atreladas aos deslocamentos dos sentidos do ser mulher, no curso do processo civilizador. Investiga as representações da maternidade para compreender a subjetividade da mulher-mãe na cultura contemporânea e os modos dessa exercer a função educativa no contexto monoparental, entendendo a centralidade do Desejo da Mãe na subjetivação do filho, na transmissão da ordem simbólica e na construção da sua cidadania. A pesquisa foi realizada com cinco mulheres sem cônjuge, com filhos, através de entrevistas semiabertas, sendo esse recurso empregado desde o campo conceitual da Psicanálise. A metodologia adotada foi a da pesquisa psicanalítica, em que o método freudiano de investigação dirigiu a escuta e interpretação das falas dos sujeitos. Para analisar essas falas, foram destacados elementos fundamentais desse grupo cultural, emergentes nos discursos das mulheres: a mãe, o filho e o pai. A base conceitual da Psicanálise sustenta a interpretação dos discursos das mães sobre o tema da maternidade, onde o narcisismo, a feminilidade, o complexo de Édipo e o Desejo de Mãe foram os eixos teóricos interpretativos principais, tomados na análise da subjetividade feminina. Na leitura e compreensão dessa temática, também foi realizado um diálogo com outras disciplinas das Ciências Humanas. A tese indica que os significados da maternidade e os modos de ocupação do lugar parental materno dependem das vivências narcísicas, identificatórias, edípicas e da economia de gozo da mulher, em conjunção com as expectativas culturais sobre parentalidade, filiação e conjugalidade. Em relação a essas questões, o estudo aponta a presença de pontos de tensão nas experiências das mães situadas na dobradiça, isto é, na transição da modernidade para a pós-modernidade. Os relatos permitem dizer que a Função Paterna inscrita na mulher, o pai simbólico da mãe, é o que torna possível a limitação da onipotência materna na configuração monoparental, assim como afirmar ser o pai real um importante agente na regulação da economia libidinal nessas famílias. Este estudo questiona o suposto da emergência de um matriarcado no laço social contemporâneo e o declínio da Função Paterna, assinalando que as mudanças da posição da mulher na cultura não implicam a realização da fantasia da mulher toda. Por outro lado, aponta uma possível mudança na economia pulsional das mulheres, naquilo que concerne ao gozo Outro, na maternidade. / This thesis investigates the representations of motherhood in women situated in the contemporary female single parent family configuration, analyzing the implications of these significations in the practice of motherhood. It approaches the relations among significances, motherhood attributions and culture, highlighting the variations in the significations of being a mother, linked to the displacements of the meanings of being a woman, along the civilizing process. It investigates the representations of motherhood in order to understand the subjectivity of the woman-mother in the contemporary culture and the ways they perform the educative function in the single parent context, understanding the centrality of Mother’s Wish in the subjectivation of the child, in the transmission of the symbolic order and in the construction of their citizenship. The research was developed with five women, no spouse, with children, by the means of semi-open interviews, being this resource used from the perspective of the conceptual field of Psychoanalysis. The methodology adopted was the psychoanalytic research, in which the listening and interpretation of the subjects’ speech was guided by Freud’s method of investigation. In order to analyze these speeches, fundamental elements of this cultural group, emerging from the women’s discourses, were highlighted: the mother, the child and the father. The conceptual basis of Psychoanalysis gives support to the interpretation of the discourses of these mothers about motherhood, where narcissism, femininity, the Oedipus complex and the Mother’s Wish were the main interpretative theoretical axes, taken in the analysis of female subjectivity. In the reading and understanding of this issue, a dialogue with other subjects of the Human Sciences was also developed. The thesis indicates that the significations of motherhood and the modes of occupation of the mother’s parental place depend on narcissistic, identification and oedipal experiences of the woman’s jouissance economy, associated with cultural expectations in relation to parenthood, filiation and conjugability. In relation to these questions, the study points to the presence of tension points in the experiences of mothers situated on the hinge, that is, in the transition from Modernity to Post-Modernity. From the reports, it is possible to say that the Paternal Function inscribed in the woman, the mother’s symbolic father, is what makes the limitation of maternal omnipotence possible in the single parent configuration, as well as to assert that the real father is an important agent in the regulation of the libidinal economy in these families. This study questions the supposed emergence of a matriarchy in the contemporary social bond and the decreasing of Paternal Function, pointing out that the changes of woman’s position in the culture don’t imply the coming true of the whole-woman fantasy. On the other hand, it points to a possible change in women’s drive economy, concerning the Other-jouissance, in motherhood.

Mourning in feminine procreation and sterility: A psychodynarnic and projective approach / Duelo en la procreación y en la esterilidad femenina: enfoque psicodinámico y proyectivo

Clement, Anne K., Theis, Amandine, Tychey, Claude de 25 September 2017 (has links)
This paper uses a psychoanalytical framework to analyze women's mourning with regard to procreation and sterility. The psychodynamic factors related to this topic are described and illustrated with the presentation of a clinical case. This case was assessed with interviews and the Rorschach Inkblot Test according to the French system (de Tychey, 1994). The analysis of the data allows the discussion of the theoretical concepts and addresses the importance of the variety of conflicts that interfere with the desire of procreating. The findings are also discussed from an ethical point of view regarding the role that the clinician plays when he has to face these types of severe cases. / Se investiga sobre el trabajo en duelo de la procreación y en la esterilidad femenina dentro de un marco referencial psicoanalítico. Se describen desde el punto de vista teórico los factores psicodinámicos y se ejemplifica través de la presentación de un caso clínico evaluado con entrevistas y el test de Rorschach siguiendo el sistema francés (de Tychey 1994 ). Los resultados permiten discutir los conceptos teóricos y plantear la importancia de la variedad de conflictos que interfieren en el deseo de procrear. Se discuten los hallazgos desde un punto de vista ético en relación con la función del clínico para ayudar al cliente a enfrentar su severa problemática.

A exibição de si no ambiente virtual : uma abordagem teórica feita em concordância com os escritos de Heinz Kohut

Alves, Carla Faro 31 August 2015 (has links)
This work intends to study the virtual self- exhibition, believing it maintains an intimate relation with today´s man narcissistic manifestations flood. This manifestations, in our perspective, are the main responsible for a new discursive style widely present in the media (social networks), but that also finds representatives in film and television (the reality shows and intimacy documentaries). All these examples, are related to a new process for existence aesthetics, therefore are a new form of being subject and in the world. We will direct our attention to the speech itself in the virtual environment and it existential anesthetization in order to understand them in the psychoanalysis field. In order to attend this assumption, we will use the Heinz Kohut´s writings on the Self Psychology and narcissistic transference mobilizations. Through this theoretical conceptualization, we propose that the virtual self- exhibition e is the grandiose self´s expression. Just as we have confidence that narcissism present in social networks are also this archaic structure byproduct. To better grasp what all this means, we will lay them in symptomatic level. Not because they are necessarily pathological, but because this theoretical device transforms them into a phenomena that decrypts itself. Based on this thinking, we seek to understand the facebook bonds and what it makes visible regarding new contemporary subjectivity modes. / O presente trabalho pretende estudar a exibição no ambiente virtual, por acreditar no seu parentesco com a avalanche de manifestações narcísicas do homem do agora. A nosso ver, essas manifestações são as principais responsáveis por um novo estilo discursivo amplamente presente nos meios de comunicação (nas redes sociais), que também encontram representantes no cinema e na televisão (os reality-shows e documentários da intimidade). Todos esses exemplos estão relacionados a um novo processo de estetização da existência e, por isso, são representantes de uma nova forma de ser sujeito e estar no mundo. Direcionaremos a nossa atenção, apenas, para o discurso de si no ambiente virtual e sua estetização existencial, a fim de compreendê-los no terreno da psicanálise. Para atender tal premissa, utilizaremos os escritos de Heinz Kohut sobre a Psicologia do Self em especial nas mobilizações transferenciais propriamente narcísicas. Por intermédio dessa conceituação teórica, proporemos que a exibição, no ambiente virtual, possa ser uma expressão do self grandioso, assim como temos a confiança de que o narcisismo, presente nas redes sociais, e também fora dela, também seja um subproduto dessa estrutura arcaica. Para melhor apreensão do que isso tudo significa, colocaremos essas manifestações a nível sintomático, não por acreditar que elas sejam necessariamente patológicas, mas porque esse artifício teórico as transfigura em fenômenos decifráveis por si mesmos. Partindo desse pensamento, procuramos entender tanto os laços mediados pelo Facebook, assim como o que ele torna visível a respeito dos sujeitos contemporâneos.

Consumo e narcisismo nas sociabilidades em rede

Silva, Juliana Correia Almeida e 28 March 2014 (has links)
In this study 18 sediment samples were collected from the upper continental slope across the coast of the state of Sergipe in January 2007. The composition and distribution pattern of recent foraminifera were studied. For each sample, 300 foraminifera shells were identified, reaching 5400 different specimens. The samples were treated initially with the division by quartering, washed with water, weighed to 1 g and finally screened. The study shows 4504 specimens from benthic and 896 planktonic foraminifera. A total of 167 taxa were identified, with 84 genera and 157 benthic taxa. The benthic species most frequent were Amphistegina sp, Cassidulina laevigata, Siphonina pulchra and Peneroplis carinatus. Benthic and planktonic foraminifera appeared in all samples. For seven genera of planktonic foraminifera, an amount of 10 species could be identified. Planktonic species most frequent were Globigerinoides conglobatus, G. ruber, G. trilobus, Globorotalia menardii e Globigerina bulloides. The 18 sampling sites in the study area are predominantly located in bioclastic environments, except for two points that are located near of the São Francisco canyon, which is a siliciclastic environment. These results are completely new and they will allow extending the composition of foraminifera that occur along the studied area. The data are consistent with those found by other authors in different regions of the northeastern Brazilian coast. Taxonomic changes observed on this study at the generic and specific level of the studied foraminifera agree with literature data. / A presente dissertação aborda a sociedade contemporânea e como as sociabilidades em rede reforçam o consumo simbólico e o narcisismo. Para tanto, a abordagem epistemológica propõe um panorama das práticas sociais no ambiente da cibercultura. Mais do que um lugar de encontro no ciberespaço, essas novas formas de interações têm sido locais profícuos para se perceber a mudança de comportamentos em um possível quadro adverso à vida pública no que diz respeito à falta de uma dimensão perceptível entre o que é publico e privado. Exibicionismos do consumo e o narcisismo no software social Facebook foram utilizados como objetos de análise porque são características que se apresentam com muita frequência na cultura urbana que reforçam o caráter superficial de inserção nas sociabilidades em rede

Les actrices de Sacha Guitry / The actresses in Sacha Guitry's movies

Uro, Yves 15 December 2012 (has links)
Sacha Guitry fit de sa vie le sujet principal de son œuvre brillante mais assez élégiaque et relativement mélancolique où les personnages suicidaires joués par lui sont assez fréquents. Dans son œuvre, l’osmose est quasiment complète entre le théâtre et la vie. Ses épouses actrices furent les premières à souffrir de cette osmose et de cette instrumentalisation de leur personne et elles se lassèrent presque toutes (sauf Marconi) d’être éternellement considérées comme des êtres élégants mais souvent muets, en dépit du train de vie brillant qu’il leur offrit. Il perdit ainsi périodiquement des partenaires de qualité (il ne remplacera jamais la très brillante Yvonne Printemps) car, l’une après l’autre, elles refusèrent de sacrifier leur vie personnelle au profit du programme théâtral et cinématographique d’un seul homme. Nous tenterons de voir pourquoi Guitry eut avec les acteurs-hommes de meilleures relations qu’avec les femmes érotisées comme ses cinq épouses. C’est pourquoi nous analyserons les rapports idylliques qu’il eut avec trois autres actrices (Carton, Pierry et Fusier–Gir) que le temps avait déjà marquées physiquement. Nous tenterons surtout de redonner vie à ses cinq actrices-épouses en tenant compte des études récentes relatives au "gender" au cinéma ainsi que des star-studies, même si aucune d’entre elles n’est vraiment une star. Nous nous efforcerons d’analyser les conséquences de son comportement souvent machiste et narcissique sur la vie et la carrière de ces femmes pendant 50 ans. Nous analyserons enfin ce qu’il leur apporta et ce qu’elles offrirent à son brillant cinéma par leur présence. / Sacha Guitry made his own life the main topic of his apparently cheerful and brilliant plays and films which are often also sometimes elegiac and melancholy. Surprisingly in his works, quite a few characters played by him seem to be fascinated by suicide. There is no real boundary in his works between life and theatre and the actresses who were also his wives suffered from this absence of a frontier-line between those two worlds. They also disliked the way he took unfair advantage of their personality in his plays and almost all of them (except Marconi) eventually got tired of being considered as very smart but speechless creatures, although he offered them a very luxurious way of life. He thus lost quite a number of excellent partners (actually he could never really replace Yvonne Printemps, the exceptional player and singer) because, one after the other, they refused to sacrifice their personal life for the benefit of someone with exacting prospects concerning the theatre and the cinema. We shall therefore try to understand why Guitry usually kept up a better relationship with men-actors than with actresses with obvious sex appeal, like his five wives. We shall then examine the perfect friendship he formed with three elderly actresses whose growing age was becoming quite noticeable. We shall try to "bring back to life" the real personalities of the five actresses who also became his wives by resorting to the recent discoveries about "gender" and star-studies. We shall also try to analyze the influence of his narcissistic and chauvinistic attitude upon the lives and careers of these actresses. We shall eventually try to find out what he brought them by his presence and what they added by theirs to his brilliant cinema.


CAROLINA MARINHO AMADO 28 July 2003 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo a compreensão da escolha amorosa a partir da teoria psicanalítica. Partimos da hipótese de que as relações amorosas são, muitas vezes, repetições de certos padrões de comportamento da infância. As escolhas amorosas repetem essencialmente dois aspectos da formação do sujeito: a relação mãe/bebê e o Édipo. No entanto, isso ocorre de diversas formas a partir das histórias familiares de cada cônjuge. Cada sujeito, na sua singularidade, vai dar um destino para aquilo que lhe é transmitido. Mas, muitas vezes, é difícil escapar de algo que não foi representado nas gerações anteriores. O que não pôde ser revelado vai aparecer de alguma forma, ainda que disfarçado. / [en] The aim of this paper is to try to understand the love choice from the psychoanalytical point of view. We assume that loving relationships often repeat some patterns of childhood behavior, mainly the Oedipus and the mother/child relationship. Nevertheless, the choice occurs in different ways according to each partner`s family history. Each individual, with his own singularity, will give a destination to his heritage. Sometimes, however, it becomes difficult to run away from something that has not been expressed at preceding generations. Things that could not be revealed will somehow appear, even though disguised.


CELSO DE MORAES VERGNE 10 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] A história brasileira remete a insistentes acontecimentos, fatos e propostas de nação que evidenciam a rejeição da população negra, apesar de sua incorporação como pessoa subalterna. Há a existência de teorias que poderiam entrar em conflito, mas que se harmonizam na vivência cultural brasileira: assim existem posições teóricas que apontam para a eliminação do negro pela mistura, que convivem com as propostas eugênicas de purificação racial, como concordavam personalidades públicas como Monteiro Lobato e Roquete Pinto. No caso do Rio de Janeiro temos ainda convivido com práticas de extermínio que permanecem ainda nos dias de hoje, em especial nos bairros pobres da capital, favelas e Baixada Fluminense. No entanto a prática do extermínio é apenas o limite extremo de uma rejeição social e de um consentimento na eliminação de negros e pobres. Ao consentimento da eliminação relaciono a prática de genocídio consentido e realimentado no cotidiano das relações dos habitantes da metrópole. A morte é o resultado final das rejeições vividas pela população negra, muitas vezes também reprodutora e consentidora destas eliminações. Este trabalho, a partir de uma análise de bricolagem da metrópole, a partir de cenas capturadas do cotidiano, busca apresentar os impasses do cotidiano, entre o desejo e o afeto, que nos constituem como sujeitos, que acabam por dar sustentação à prática de genocídio negro em um clima de suposta harmonia racial. / [en] Brazilian history refers to persistent nation events, facts and proposals that evidence rejection to the black population, in spite of their incorporation as subordinate person. There are theories that could enter into conflict, but that harmonize in Brazilian cultural experience; thus there are theoretical positions that point to the elimination of negroes by mixing, which cohabit with eugenic proposals of racial purification, accepted by public personalities such as Monteiro Lobato and Roquete Pinto. In Rio de Janeiro, for instance, we have always cohabited with extermination practices that remain until the present times, especially in needy neighborhoods of the capital, in slums and at the Baixada Fluminense. However, the practice of extermination is only the extreme limit of a social rejection and of a consent to the elimination of negroes and paupers. I relate the practice of consented and refed genocide in day to day relations of inhabitants of the metropolis to the consent of elimination. Death is the final outcome of rejections lived by the negro population, often also reproducer and complaisant to these eliminations. This work, as of a bricolage analysis of the metropolis, as of scenes captured from the daily life, seeks presenting the deadlocks of daily life, between desire and affection, which constitute us as subjects, who end up supporting the practice of negro genocide in an atmosphere of supposed racial harmony.

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