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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mellan redaktionernas rader : En presshistorisk undersökning av två småländska tidningars inställning till Nazi-tyskland under mellankrigstiden / Between the editiorial lines : A study of the newspapers Smålänningen and Kronobergaren on their attitude towards Nazi-germany during the interwar period.

Nygren Kristoffersson, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
The study is a qualitative textual analysis comparing how two newspapers fromSmåland reacted to Nazi Germany during the interwar period. The purpose of the studyis to illustrate how newspapers' political orientation may influence its content. Theexamined material is limited to letters to the editor, editorials and columns. The twopapers are of different political orientations, Smålänningen is bourgeois andKronobergaren is social democratic. The theoretical basis is founded in Klas Åmarksperspective on Sweden's position in the war, the so-called small state realistic paradigmand the moral perspective, as well all Kosellecks theory about the written word. Theresults of the study shows that what’s written in the editorials, columns and letterswidely differ depending on witch political orientation it has. The social democraticnewspaper, Kronobergaren, had a strong anti-Nazi attitude and wrote a lot about theNazis and Germany. There are many texts that ridicule and criticize Hitler and theNazis. The bourgeois newspaper Smålänningen had significantly fewer textscommenting the Nazi-Germany and their content is often contradictory. Some of thetexts are strongly anti-Nazi, some give their support to Germany and proclaimunderstanding of its actions. Kronobergaren is deeply sympathetic to the Jews andSmålänningen has an anti-Semitic tone in many of their texts. There are also similaritiesbetween the two papers, its joint condemnation of war and the recognition of its terribleconsequences. The study in many ways confirms the previous research available on thesubject.

Analyzing Nursing as a Dispositif : Healing and Devastation in the Name of Biopower. A Historical, Biopolitical Analysis of Psychiatric Nursing Care under the Nazi Regime, 1933-1945

Foth, Thomas 05 October 2011 (has links)
Under the Nazi regime in Germany (1933-1945) a calculated killing of chronic “mentally ill” patients took place that was part of a large biopolitical program using well-established, contemporary scientific standards on the understanding of eugenics. Nearly 300,000 patients were assassinated during this period. Nurses executed this program through their everyday practice. However, suspicions have been raised that psychiatric patients were already assassinated before and after the Nazi regime, suggesting that the motives for these killings must be investigated within psychiatric practice itself. My research aims to highlight the mechanisms and scientific discourses in place that allowed nurses to perceive patients as unworthy of life, and thus able to be killed. Using Foucauldian concepts of “biopower” and “State racism,” this discourse analysis is carried out on several levels. First, it analyzes nursing notes in one specific patient record and interprets them in relation to the kinds of scientific discourses that are identified, for example, in nursing journals between 1900 and 1945. Second, it argues that records are not static but rather produce certain effects; they are “performative” because they are active agents. Psychiatry, with its need to make patients completely visible and its desire to maintain its dominance in the psychiatric field, requires the utilization of writing in order to register everything that happens to individuals, everything they do and everything they talk about. Furthermore, writing enables nurses to pass along information from the “bottom-up,” and written documents allow all information to be accessible at any time. It is a method of centralizing information and of coordinating different levels within disciplinary systems. By following this approach it is possible to demonstrate that the production of meaning within nurses’ notes is not based on the intentionality of the writer but rather depends on discursive patterns constructed by contemporary scientific discourses. Using a form of “institutional ethnography,” the study analyzes documents as “inscriptions” that actively interven in interactions in institutions and that create a specific reality on their own accord. The question is not whether the reality represented within the documents is true, but rather how documents worked in institutions and what their effects were. Third, the study demonstrates how nurses were actively involved in the construction of patients’ identities and how these “documentary identities” led to the death of thousands of humans whose lives were considered to be “unworthy lives.” Documents are able to constitute the identities of psychiatric patients and, conversely, are able to deconstruct them. The result of de-subjectification was that “zones for the unliving” existed in psychiatric hospitals long before the Nazi regime and within these zones, patients were exposed to an increased risk of death. An analysis of the nursing notes highlights that nurses played a decisive role in constructing these “zones” and had an important strategic function in them. Psychiatric hospitals became spaces where patients were reduced to a “bare life;” these spaces were comparable with the concentration camps of the Holocaust. This analysis enables the integration of nursing practices under National Socialism into the history of modernity. Nursing under Nazism was not simply a relapse into barbarism; Nazi exclusionary practices were extreme variants of scientific, social, and political exclusionary practices that were already in place. Different types of power are identifiable in the Nazi regime, even those that Foucault called “technologies of the self” were demonstrated, for example, by the denunciation of “disabled persons” by nurses. Nurses themselves were able to employ techniques of power in the Nazi regime.

O Triunfo da vontade e a estética nazista:o nacional-socialismo como modernidade alternativa / The Triumph of the will and the nazi aesthetic: national socialism as an alternative modernity

Juliane Lassarotte Eichler 22 October 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O Nacional-socialismo representou, ao negar os princípios centrais da modernidade ocidental, a idéia de uma outra modernidade baseada, ao mesmo tempo, no resgate e na projeção futura das antigas glórias da nação germânica. Neste sentido, o filme O Triunfo da Vontade da cineasta alemã Leni Riefenstahl aparece como a grande representação estética do nazismo, traduzindo em imagens os principais aspectos da ideologia nacional-socialista. Ao trabalhar com extrema genialidade todo um conjunto de referências simbólicas e míticas presentes no imaginário alemão, Riefenstahl construiu, portanto, uma das mais impactantes peças de divulgação do regime hitlerista, apresentando ao mundo os ideais do Terceiro Reich e a força da nova Alemanha. / The National Socialism, as it denied the basic principles of the occidental modernism, represented the idea of another modernity based on the rescue and the future projection of the past glories of the Germanic nation. In this sense, the movie Triumph of the Will produced by the German film-maker Leni Riefenstahl appears as the great representation of the Nazism esthetics, showing through images the main aspects of the National Socialist ideology. By working every symbolic and mythical reference presented in the German imagination with a great geniality, Riefenstahl built one of the most impacting instruments of distribution of the Hitler regime, showing to the world the ideals of the Third Reich and the strength of the New Germany.

Sur les chemins de terre brune : voyages et voyageurs dans l'Allemagne nationale-socialiste (1933-1939) / On the brown ways : travels and travellers in National-Socialist Germany (1933-1939)

Sallée, Frédéric 07 November 2014 (has links)
Dans la lignée des travaux de l'historien allemand Peter Reichel sur la notion de fascination totalitaire et du mouvement historique initié en France par Fred Kupferman, François Hourmant ou encore Sophie Cœuré autour du voyage des intellectuels en Union soviétique dans les années 1930, cette thèse a pour objectif de dénouer les rouages du voyage en terre nazie, de l'accession d'Adolf Hitler à la chancellerie jusqu'à la déclaration du second conflit mondial. Thématique délaissée par l'historiographie du national-socialisme préférant voir dans le voyage une évidence anecdotique relevant des nécessités diplomatiques, elle s'impose cependant à l'historien devant la masse d'archives léguées. Engluée et limitée jusque-là dans la représentation classique d'un Brasillach devant la « cathédrale de lumière » de Nuremberg ou du sort des délégations étrangères aux Jeux olympiques de Berlin 1936, la pratique du voyage ne peut se résumer à une vision archétypale voulant que seul le « fasciste en formation » ne parcoure un IIIème Reich réduit à quelques points névralgiques. A partir de sources issues du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, de périodiques, de récits de voyages et d'ouvrages rétrospectifs (mémoires, correspondances, écrits privés), ce travail s'articule autour de trois axes allant de l'intérêt de l'étude du déplacement dans la compréhension d'un phénomène totalitaire, aux temps du voyage (accueil, séjour sur place, réception du voyage) tout en analysant le rôle du voyage et son degré d'implication dans la formation d'une bienveillance personnelle ou d'un rejet du totalitarisme. Un des intérêts fondamentaux de l'étude du voyage en Allemagne hitlérienne réside dans les motivations préalables conduisant au déplacement. Le voyage est avant tout objet d'histoire vécu et perçu par ceux qui l'entreprennent. Cette conscience du « moment d'histoire » entrepris amène à étudier les motivations structurelles du voyage (intérêt pour la modernité politique, déconstruction de son propre modèle national, naissance d'une diplomatie parallèle) comme existentielles (inspiration morale, dépassement de la frontière de la germanité), tout en mettant en avant l'étonnante diversité des voyageurs (origine géographique, culturelle et sociale), signe de l'attraction magnétique du national-socialisme au-delà des frontières (insertion dans le débat de la place de la spécificité nationale dans le cadre d'un minimum fasciste). Préalable indispensable à toute compréhension du phénomène, les temps du voyage permettent d'éclairer la construction d'une véritable politique nazie à l'égard du voyageur étranger d'une part, de souligner la prégnance des réseaux et contacts d'autre part. L'étude du temps sur place sera orientée autour de l'impression de l'accessible rencontrée par les voyageurs. Le temps du retour d' « Hitlérie », fait d'une variété de la forme et de l'usage, permettra de mettre en avant l'obligation naturelle, morale - voire politique - de relayer les impressions de la « chose vue ». Enfin, le voyage comme maçon d'une nouvelle image de l'Allemagne dans les mentalités collectives étrangères viendra clore ce travail. La construction de l'image totalitaire semble aller de pair avec une tentative de rationalisation de l'aveuglement rencontré quand, pour d'autres, le voyage est un mécanisme de résistance. La place du voyageur face à la question juive devient également nécessité. D'une tribune offerte à l'antisémitisme aux premiers actes de dénonciation, le voyage devient un outil de la pensée intellectuelle. La conscience d'un totalitarisme naissant fait du voyageur un homme éclairé, noyé dans la masse de la dérive fasciste transnationale ayant fait ses armes idéologiques dans le Reich. / In line with the studies by German historian Peter Reichel concerning the fascination of totalitarianism and the historical movement initiated in France by Fred Kupferman, along with the studies by François Hourmant and Sophie Coeuré regarding intellectuals traveling in Soviet union in the 1930's, the objective of this thesis is to describe the experience of the voyage on Nazi territory, from Hitler's accession to power to the beginning of World War II. This theme has been disregarded in the national-socialism historiography, due to the fact that they viewed the voyage as an anecdotic evidence of diplomatic duty. However, the amount of archives bequeathed on this topic led historians to believe that it is more relevant than previously thought. Limited to the classical image of Brasillach in front of the “Cathedral of Light” of Nuremberg as well as the image of foreign delegations during the Olympic Games of Berlin in 1936, the act of traveling shouldn't be reduced to this archetypal vision implying that only the “future fascists” would travel and discover the IIIrd Reich. Using sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, newspapers, travel logs, essays, and letters, this work hinges on three parts covering the significance to study the voyage with the goal to understand the totalitarianism phenomenon, the different stages of the voyage (the reception, their stay, the return to their countries of origin), and to analyze the role and the importance of the voyage in the development of either an acceptance or a rejection towards the totalitarianism. One of the main interests in studying the voyage in Hitler's Germany is the reasoning behind the motivation for the voyage to take place. Traveling is at first a moment in history lived and perceived by those who experience it. This awareness of the experienced moment in history leads us to study the structural motivations of this voyage (interest for modern politics, deconstruction of our own national model, beginning of a parallel diplomacy) and also the existential motivations (moral inspiration, surpassing the line of “germanity”) while underlining the surprising diversity of the travelers (geographical, cultural and social origin), which shows the power of attraction of the national-socialism far across the borders. Prior to understanding this phenomenon, the different phases of the voyage help to enlighten the construction of a specific Nazi policy towards the foreign traveler on one hand, and to underline the existence and development of a real network of contacts on the other. This component will examine how the model of national-socialism seemed attainable for the travelers. The return from Germany will bring to the forefront the feeling of obligation for the travelers to explain and describe what had been experienced during the travel. Finally, the voyage as propagator of a new image of Germany in foreigner's minds will complete this study. The shaping of the totalitarian image seems to go hand in hand with an attempt to rationalize the obliviousness of a part of the population, while for others the voyage is a mechanism of resistance. The standpoint of the travelers towards the Jew's situation is also necessary to broach. Like a window that offers a view on anti-Semitism and the first acts of denunciation, the voyage becomes a tool of intellectual thinking. The awareness of this rising totalitarianism makes the traveler a knowledgeable man, lost in the masses, sliding in this transnational fascism first learned in the Reich.

O Triunfo da vontade e a estética nazista:o nacional-socialismo como modernidade alternativa / The Triumph of the will and the nazi aesthetic: national socialism as an alternative modernity

Juliane Lassarotte Eichler 22 October 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O Nacional-socialismo representou, ao negar os princípios centrais da modernidade ocidental, a idéia de uma outra modernidade baseada, ao mesmo tempo, no resgate e na projeção futura das antigas glórias da nação germânica. Neste sentido, o filme O Triunfo da Vontade da cineasta alemã Leni Riefenstahl aparece como a grande representação estética do nazismo, traduzindo em imagens os principais aspectos da ideologia nacional-socialista. Ao trabalhar com extrema genialidade todo um conjunto de referências simbólicas e míticas presentes no imaginário alemão, Riefenstahl construiu, portanto, uma das mais impactantes peças de divulgação do regime hitlerista, apresentando ao mundo os ideais do Terceiro Reich e a força da nova Alemanha. / The National Socialism, as it denied the basic principles of the occidental modernism, represented the idea of another modernity based on the rescue and the future projection of the past glories of the Germanic nation. In this sense, the movie Triumph of the Will produced by the German film-maker Leni Riefenstahl appears as the great representation of the Nazism esthetics, showing through images the main aspects of the National Socialist ideology. By working every symbolic and mythical reference presented in the German imagination with a great geniality, Riefenstahl built one of the most impacting instruments of distribution of the Hitler regime, showing to the world the ideals of the Third Reich and the strength of the New Germany.

Pequena história do mal: Anselm Kiefer e Walter Benjamin / Short narrative of evil: Anselm Kiefer and Walter Benjamin

Lilian Santiago 13 October 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa procura reunir as reflexões pictóricas de Anselm Kiefer no âmbito da tradição intelectual da literatura, do mito, da história e da religião, e que se condensam na categoria da catástrofe de O Drama Barroco Alemão e do Trabalho das Passagens de Walter Benjamin. Procuraremos mostrar o estatuto da metrópole como o lugar do Mal, inscrevendo as produções artísticas de Anselm Kiefer no campo do pensamento trágico da vida, no sentido de viver sem o Bem e sob o amparo do Mal. Kiefer apresenta-se como o pintor cujas produções oscilam entre a Hybris do progresso e o terror da máxima destruição, do silêncio e do automatismo voltados para uma permanente catástrofe. Ao fim, delineia-se uma utopia negativa de uma barbárie positiva em meio ao Mal, que se tornou radical na nossa contemporaneidade. / The present Dissertation attempts to bring together Anselm Kiefers pictorial reflections toward the intellectual tradition sphere that encompasses Literature, Myth, History and Religion, all condensed by the Catastrophe label detached from The Origin of the German Tragic Drama and The Arcades Project both written by Walter Benjamin. The depiction of the Modern Metropolis as an embodiment of Evil is part of Anselm Kiefer artistic poetics. Kiefer depicts himself as the painter whose pictorial masterpieces oscillate between the Progress Hybris and the Terror of the supreme destruction, silence abysses in an ineluctable catastrophe. Towards the end, a negative utopia is outline from a positive barbarism, among the Evil that became radical in our contemporary societies.

Liturgia cinematografica : luzes e sombras nazistas / Cinematographic liturgy: nazist lights and shades

Silva, Josirley Maria Menezes da, 1977- 23 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Milton Jose de Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T12:43:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_JosirleyMariaMenezesda_M.pdf: 29768864 bytes, checksum: 2dcb63f4e7a5cd98841db0e021aeae79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação apresentam-se interpretações para a Luz cinematográfica: políticas e manipulações dos momentos em luz no cinema. E suas sombras: as inscrições guardadas nos espaços escuros da tela: interpretações e significados. Essas interpretações dão-se em torno do filme "O triunfo da vontade", de Leni Riefenstahl, lugar em que se coloca o olhar, buscando, nas transparências e opacidades da imagem, remontar os vitrais que constituem as imagens nazistas e seus valores de ordem, pureza, poder e sacralização: uma transparência controlada em luz e difusa em sombras; sugerida nas sombras e opacas na luz. Através de um caminho - os dias e os lugares em que acontece o Congresso Nazista - procuram-se as imagens latentes em construção. / Abstract: I explored interpretations for the "light" as it appears in the movies: politics and manipulations of light moments, and its shadows: interpretations and meannings. These interpretations are presented in a major production: "The triumph of will", by Leni Riefenstahl, as a counterface of Dürer's stained glasses in Nürenberg: images of order, purety, power and religious values: a ligth control and uncontrol shadows: during the Nazi Congress, 1934. / Mestrado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Mestre em Educação

Os anacronautas do teutonismo virtual : uma etnografia do neonazismo na internet / Anachronauts of the virtual teutonicism : an ethnography of the neo-nazism in internet

Dias, Adriana Abreu Magalhães 09 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Suely Kofes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T10:20:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dias_AdrianaAbreuMagalhaes_M.pdf: 5397738 bytes, checksum: 8753af9a4da3efc95e5b7c1c3b47492d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa busca apreender o universo simbólico das URLs racistas, revisionistas e neonazistas na Internet. O propósito da investigação é, por meio da observação etnográfica das práticas e representações discursivas expostas em sites, portais, comunidades, fóruns, chats e listas de discussão, que abordam este tema, compreender que tipo de relação se constrói entre o espaço digital e a defesa da idéia de "raça ariana", realizada por meus "nativos". Como foco privilegiei os aspectos simbólicos que melhor evidenciam a interface entre estas duas dimensões, por meio da pesquisa empírica e do exercício teórico. A partir deste recorte, emergiram algumas perspectivas relevantes na construção identitária que o racista desenvolve para si e para o outro, tais como as marcas genômicas e mitológicas evidentes em seu discurso, as redefinições da fronteira entre digitalidade e realidade e a luta política "dos arianos", na WEB. O argumento central resultante da pesquisa é de que o neonazismo interpreta simbolicamente o mundo contemporâneo, nos sites analisados, articulando mitos, narrativas e rituais. Neste processo, evidencia-se a elaboração de uma forma específica de identidade: o ¿teutonismo¿ / Abstract: This research attempts to apprehend the symbolic universe of racist, revisionist and neonazi pages in the Internet. The aim of the investigation is to understand what kind of relationship is built between the digital space and the defense of the idea of an "Aryan race" attempted by my 'natives¿. This is done by means of ethnographic observation of practices and discoursive representations posted at sites, forums, communities, chats and discussion lists. I focus on those symbolics aspects that highlight best the interface between digital space and racism, by means of both empirical research and theoretical exercise. From this vantage point, some features of the identitary construction developed by racists for themselves and for others were made visible, namely, the genomic and mythic marks of their discourse, the redefinition of the frontiers between digital world and reality, and the ¿aryan¿ political struggle in the WEB. The main argument resulting from this research is that the neonazism interprets symbolically the contemporary world by articulating myths, narratives e rituals. Along this process, a specific way of identity is manifested: the ¿teutonicism¿ / Mestrado / Antropologia Social / Mestre em Antropologia Social

História invisível: uma análise psicossocial das raízes mágico-religiosas do nacional-socialismo / Invisible history: a psychosocial analysis of magical-religious of the National-Socialism

Ricardo José Barbosa da Silva 30 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em uma análise psicossocial (de inspiração psicanalítica) das relações entre a ideologia nazista e o esoterismo alemão, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao mito racial ariano (sua mitologia científica). Ele pretende investigar, portanto, suas possíveis influências mágico-religiosas que remontam à mitologia germânica e, mais modernamente, às correntes esotéricas ocidentais e orientais. Convém esclarecer que não pretendemos com isso explicar o nazismo através de seus possíveis vínculos com as sociedades secretas, reduzindo-o a um mero capítulo da história do esoterismo, mas apenas indicar uma nova direção de pesquisa em Psicologia Social para o tema e, conseqüentemente, para a análise dos movimentos neonazistas. / This research consists in a psychosocial analysis (with a psyshoanalytical inspiration) of the relation between the nazi ideology and the german esoterism, specially its racial myth (its scientific mythology). It therefore aims to investigate its possible magical and religious influences that go back to german mythology and, more recently, to ocidental and oriental esoterical movements. It is important to elucidate that we do not intend to explain the nazism through its possible links with secret societies, reducing it to a mere chapter of the history of esoterism, but only to point a new direction of research in social psychology to this subject and, consequently, to the study of neonazi movements.

Um coração que ainda bate após Auschwitz: um estudo de caso sobre o Holocausto / A heart that still beats after Auschwitz: a case study

Thaís de Santis Rocha 12 August 2016 (has links)
A presente investigação tem como objetivo estabelecer a relevância da relação dos descendentes do Holocausto com a memória desse evento através da análise da obra Meu coração Ferido, escrita por Martin Doerry. Essa obra retrata a trajetória de uma mulher judia entre 1900 e 1944, mostrando como as medidas nazistas alteraram seu cotidiano, incluindo cartas escritas no período no qual esteve confinada em um campo de concentração. Ela possui um destaque dentro da literatura atual devido a sua narrativa, que mescla textos produzidos na época com a contextualização dos fatos feita pelo autor. Pretende-se apontar como ocorre a transferência desse tipo de memória com descendentes de vítimas do holocausto, mostrando como as gerações posteriores convivem com esse tipo de memória e escrevem sobre a mesma. / This research aims to analyze the Holocaust representation possibilities from a biography, \"Meu Coração Ferido,\" written by Martin Doerry, and seek to understand how occur the Nazi understanding of processes during installation and the prospect of separated families war, using as source letters exchanged in the period. During the writing process of this work, the author\'s purpose was to understand how his grandmother, Lilli Jahn, differed from others who suffered under Nazism, in their struggle for the liberation of the children and their peculiar character and the preservation and protection of the family. The research focuses on the study of how the descendants understand the Holocaust through in their search for an identity for many years silenced.

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