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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I gränslandet mellan svensk frikyrka och tysk nazism : Frikyrkans förhållningssätt till nazismen i Vecko-posten, Missions-Baneret och Bibliskt Månadshäfte 1933, 1938, 1939 och 1945 ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv

Törn, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera den frikyrklig gränsdragning i förhållande till nazismen med hjälp av sociologisk teori om gruppidentitet. På grund av att synen på judarna är avgörande för nazismen behandlas synen på judarna både avskilt från, och tillsammans med nazismen. De övergripande frågor som behandlar syftet ur detta dubbla perspektiv är: 1. Drar respektive samfund/rörelse/åsikt en gräns mot den tyska nazismen och judarna under 1933-1945? Om ja, var dras den? 2. Varför dras gränsen gentemot den tyska nazismen och judarna där den dras och hur motiveras den? Studiens metod byggs på Zygmunt Baumans teori om gränsdragningen mellan in- och utgrupper och utgör grunden för urval, tolkning och övergripande förklaring. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av två organ för frikyrkliga samfund/rörelser och ett organ som vill värna en viss bibelsyn.

Kampen om historien : levande eller statlig historia i skolan?

Edwardsson, Peter January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att försöka se vilka frågor eller argument som kommit fram i debatten kring det uppdrag som Forum för levande historia (FFLH) har fått av regeringen se hur olika historielärare ser på informationskampanjen. Undersökningen inriktar sig på att genom användandet av de teoretiska verktygen historiemedvetande och historiebruk, försöka se om det finns en diskrepans mellan den akademiska världen och skolans värld, mellan forskare på våra universitet och historielärare ute på våra skolor och det utifrån den debatt som uppstått kring Forum för levande historias senaste uppdrag – att belysa och informera om brott mot mänskligheten under kommunistiska regimer. Det resultat som undersökningen kommer fram till, är att utifrån mitt undersöknings-material kan det påvisas att det finns en synlig diskrepans mellan den akademiska världen och grund- och gymnasieskolan. På frågan om man kan härleda de olika inblandades agerande utifrån olika historiebruk, så tror jag också att jag har fått fram att så är fallet.

Analyzing Nursing as a Dispositif : Healing and Devastation in the Name of Biopower. A Historical, Biopolitical Analysis of Psychiatric Nursing Care under the Nazi Regime, 1933-1945

Foth, Thomas 05 October 2011 (has links)
Under the Nazi regime in Germany (1933-1945) a calculated killing of chronic “mentally ill” patients took place that was part of a large biopolitical program using well-established, contemporary scientific standards on the understanding of eugenics. Nearly 300,000 patients were assassinated during this period. Nurses executed this program through their everyday practice. However, suspicions have been raised that psychiatric patients were already assassinated before and after the Nazi regime, suggesting that the motives for these killings must be investigated within psychiatric practice itself. My research aims to highlight the mechanisms and scientific discourses in place that allowed nurses to perceive patients as unworthy of life, and thus able to be killed. Using Foucauldian concepts of “biopower” and “State racism,” this discourse analysis is carried out on several levels. First, it analyzes nursing notes in one specific patient record and interprets them in relation to the kinds of scientific discourses that are identified, for example, in nursing journals between 1900 and 1945. Second, it argues that records are not static but rather produce certain effects; they are “performative” because they are active agents. Psychiatry, with its need to make patients completely visible and its desire to maintain its dominance in the psychiatric field, requires the utilization of writing in order to register everything that happens to individuals, everything they do and everything they talk about. Furthermore, writing enables nurses to pass along information from the “bottom-up,” and written documents allow all information to be accessible at any time. It is a method of centralizing information and of coordinating different levels within disciplinary systems. By following this approach it is possible to demonstrate that the production of meaning within nurses’ notes is not based on the intentionality of the writer but rather depends on discursive patterns constructed by contemporary scientific discourses. Using a form of “institutional ethnography,” the study analyzes documents as “inscriptions” that actively interven in interactions in institutions and that create a specific reality on their own accord. The question is not whether the reality represented within the documents is true, but rather how documents worked in institutions and what their effects were. Third, the study demonstrates how nurses were actively involved in the construction of patients’ identities and how these “documentary identities” led to the death of thousands of humans whose lives were considered to be “unworthy lives.” Documents are able to constitute the identities of psychiatric patients and, conversely, are able to deconstruct them. The result of de-subjectification was that “zones for the unliving” existed in psychiatric hospitals long before the Nazi regime and within these zones, patients were exposed to an increased risk of death. An analysis of the nursing notes highlights that nurses played a decisive role in constructing these “zones” and had an important strategic function in them. Psychiatric hospitals became spaces where patients were reduced to a “bare life;” these spaces were comparable with the concentration camps of the Holocaust. This analysis enables the integration of nursing practices under National Socialism into the history of modernity. Nursing under Nazism was not simply a relapse into barbarism; Nazi exclusionary practices were extreme variants of scientific, social, and political exclusionary practices that were already in place. Different types of power are identifiable in the Nazi regime, even those that Foucault called “technologies of the self” were demonstrated, for example, by the denunciation of “disabled persons” by nurses. Nurses themselves were able to employ techniques of power in the Nazi regime.

Analyzing Nursing as a Dispositif : Healing and Devastation in the Name of Biopower. A Historical, Biopolitical Analysis of Psychiatric Nursing Care under the Nazi Regime, 1933-1945

Foth, Thomas 05 October 2011 (has links)
Under the Nazi regime in Germany (1933-1945) a calculated killing of chronic “mentally ill” patients took place that was part of a large biopolitical program using well-established, contemporary scientific standards on the understanding of eugenics. Nearly 300,000 patients were assassinated during this period. Nurses executed this program through their everyday practice. However, suspicions have been raised that psychiatric patients were already assassinated before and after the Nazi regime, suggesting that the motives for these killings must be investigated within psychiatric practice itself. My research aims to highlight the mechanisms and scientific discourses in place that allowed nurses to perceive patients as unworthy of life, and thus able to be killed. Using Foucauldian concepts of “biopower” and “State racism,” this discourse analysis is carried out on several levels. First, it analyzes nursing notes in one specific patient record and interprets them in relation to the kinds of scientific discourses that are identified, for example, in nursing journals between 1900 and 1945. Second, it argues that records are not static but rather produce certain effects; they are “performative” because they are active agents. Psychiatry, with its need to make patients completely visible and its desire to maintain its dominance in the psychiatric field, requires the utilization of writing in order to register everything that happens to individuals, everything they do and everything they talk about. Furthermore, writing enables nurses to pass along information from the “bottom-up,” and written documents allow all information to be accessible at any time. It is a method of centralizing information and of coordinating different levels within disciplinary systems. By following this approach it is possible to demonstrate that the production of meaning within nurses’ notes is not based on the intentionality of the writer but rather depends on discursive patterns constructed by contemporary scientific discourses. Using a form of “institutional ethnography,” the study analyzes documents as “inscriptions” that actively interven in interactions in institutions and that create a specific reality on their own accord. The question is not whether the reality represented within the documents is true, but rather how documents worked in institutions and what their effects were. Third, the study demonstrates how nurses were actively involved in the construction of patients’ identities and how these “documentary identities” led to the death of thousands of humans whose lives were considered to be “unworthy lives.” Documents are able to constitute the identities of psychiatric patients and, conversely, are able to deconstruct them. The result of de-subjectification was that “zones for the unliving” existed in psychiatric hospitals long before the Nazi regime and within these zones, patients were exposed to an increased risk of death. An analysis of the nursing notes highlights that nurses played a decisive role in constructing these “zones” and had an important strategic function in them. Psychiatric hospitals became spaces where patients were reduced to a “bare life;” these spaces were comparable with the concentration camps of the Holocaust. This analysis enables the integration of nursing practices under National Socialism into the history of modernity. Nursing under Nazism was not simply a relapse into barbarism; Nazi exclusionary practices were extreme variants of scientific, social, and political exclusionary practices that were already in place. Different types of power are identifiable in the Nazi regime, even those that Foucault called “technologies of the self” were demonstrated, for example, by the denunciation of “disabled persons” by nurses. Nurses themselves were able to employ techniques of power in the Nazi regime.

Det var livet att slåss, att alltid vara en krigare : En studie om unga i vit makt

Sydhagen, Karin, Matamoros, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
We have studied the process of recruiting young people to the white power movement. With the help of theoretical concepts as Outsiders and Stigma, we have elaborated the purpose of the study. The focus of the study lays in finding out which elements contributes to adolescence seeking membership in white power, and furthermore what white power organizations offers young people, to attract them to recruitment. We also want to find out if it possibly lays a desire for communion, behind adolescences decision to join these movements, and also how the communion manitains within the group? To expand our knowledge in the field of White Power, we have taken note of a body of literature that deals with the current topic, and previous research that treats questions about subculture, community and recruitment. The methodology underlying this approach is qualitative in nature, with interviews and informant-research of four former supporters of white power. Our empirical data shows that young people enter this movement, when feeling alienated, neglected and abused by social institutions. For young people who seeks belonging in life, the belonging is easier to find in an environment of a divergent nature. Especially if the adolescence lacks of safeness and belonging. Furthermore, most of these youths have a deviant behavior, where they replace their primary emotions with secondary in the form of threats and violence to achieve power and control over as many as possible. However what really comes to show, is that those whom recruited, find themselves in an alienation with deviant tendencies. / Vi har studerat unga som rekryterats till vit maktrörelsen. Med hjälp av teoretiska begrepp som Outsider samt Stigma har vi utarbetat studiens syfte. Vi ville huvudsakligen ta reda på vilka faktorer som bidrar till att unga söker sig till vit makt, samt vad vit makt organisationer erbjuder som lockar ungdomar till rekrytering. Vi har även haft för avsikt att söka svar på om det föreligger en önskan om gemenskap bakom ungdomars beslut att gå med i dessa rörelser, och hur gemenskapen väl upprätthålls inom gruppen. För att utöka vår kunskap inom området vit makt, har vi tagit del av en mängd litteratur som behandlar området, samt tidigare forskning som behandlar fenomen som subkultur, gemenskap och rekrytering. Metoden som ligger till grund för denna ansats är av kvalitativ karaktär med samtalsintervjuer och informantundersökning av fyra personer som varit anhängare av vit makt. Vår empiri och datamaterial har resulterat i att unga söker sig till denna rörelse i skeden av livet då de unga befinner sig i ett utanförskap och upplever sig åsidosatta samt kränkta av samhälleliga institutioner. Unga som befinner sig i ett sökande stadium i livet, dras lättare in i en miljö med avvikande karaktär om denne saknar trygghet samt tillhörighet. Vidare har de flesta individer ett avvikande beteende och ersätter sina primära känslor med sekundära i form av hot och våld i syftet att uppnå makt och kontroll över så många som möjligt. Det som verkligen föreligger är att de som söker sig eller blir rekryterade till vit makt befinner sig i ett utanförskap med avvikande tendenser.

Det nazistiska hotet i Tidens spegel 1932-1939 : Arbetarrörelsen i spänningsfältet mellan demokrati och diktatur

Wallin, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect the Nazi threat had on the swedish labour movement between 1932 and 1939 and to enrich what kind of pre-understanding they had about the fall of the Weimar Republic and the upcoming and effects of the Third Reich. Brought by the development in Germany, a debate and struggle took place in the Social Democratic journal Tiden over the meaning of concepts and there ability, in the hands of demagogs, to overthrow democratic structures. The concept of socialism and its concepts attribute play a major part in this investigation. By establishing fields of tension such as - nation vs internationalism, socialism in theory and in practice, political democracy vs evolved democracy and the diverse principles of neutrality, the first principle meaning the defending of national boarders, the other meaning not only defending your own country but taking an active part in defending democracy in the world - I was able to observe the movement and change of concepts within this fields. The result showing that the concept of socialism and near related attributes, in the hands of national socialists had undertaken a wast change of meaning, which applied in the Swedish debate threatened to undermine the power and force of the Social Democrats applied in the political discourse in Sweden. To defend itself and strengthening the Social Democratic hegemony as well as maintaining the goal of evolved democratic expansion, they were forced to win the confidence and votes of the middle class. To do that they had to revise and adapt and to some extent marginalize the socialistic ideology and the concepts attached to the Marxian legacy. Make it fit to the economic and social demands of the time. The understanding of the German development between 1918 and 1939 and the strategy and ideology of the Nazi movement in Tiden is explicit. A main reason for the democratic doom was considered the Treaty of Versailles.

The Political Discourse Of Extreme Right In Western Europe In The Light Of &quot / classical&quot / Fascism: The Case Of The Front National In France

Usta, Utku 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The prime objective of this thesis is to grasp the terms of continuity and discontinuity between classical fascism and the contemporary extreme right in Western Europe. With respect to a hypothetical ideal type of fascism, the study will exclusively focus on French Front National case and try to unveil its historical and ideological linkages to the fascist rules in Italy and Germany during the inter-war years. While doing this, the transformation (if any) which certain elements of the extreme right rhetoric went through, will also be examined.

Die Gleichschaltung und Entnazifizierung der Wörterbücher Das Beispiel der Wörter „Art“, „Blut“ und „Rasse“ und ihrer Komposita im Meyers-Konversations-Lexikon und im zweisprachigen deutsch-französischen Larousse (1925-1971)

Labbé, Cindy 04 1900 (has links)
Étude de certains mots du vocabulaire typiquement nazi (« Art » (espèce), « Blut » (sang) et « Rasse » (race) ainsi que leurs composés) dans les dictionnaires de langue allemande (spécialement le Meyers Konversations-Lexikon) et les dictionnaires bilingues allemand/français (Larousse) pour la période 1925-1971 (apparition de nouveaux mots, redéfinitions de mots déjà existants dans les dictionnaires sous l’ère nazie et leur disparition et/ou redéfinition après 1945) / A study of certain words in the typically Nazi vocabulary ("Art" (species), "Blut" (blood), "Rasse" (race) and their compound nouns) in German-speaking dictionaries (Meyers Konversations-Lexikon) as well as in bilingual French-German dictionaries (Larousse) for the time period, 1925-1971 (apparition of new words, redefinitions of pre-existing words during the Nazi era as well as their disappearance and/or redefinition after 1945).

Die deutsche Psychoanalyse und der Nationalsozialismus.

Wachtler, Benjamin 23 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Formen des biographischen Umgangs mit der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Berufsbiographien von PsychoanalytikerInnen, die vor dem 01.01.1937 geboren wurden und ihre psychoanalytische Ausbildung im frühen Nachkriegsdeutschland begannen. Dafür wurden 23 berufsbiographisch fokussierte narrative Interviews mit Angehörigen psychoanalytischer Fachgesellschaften geführt und mittels der dokumentarischen Methode ausgewertet. Es zeigte sich, dass der Zeit des NS in den Berufsbiographien eine große subjektive Bedeutung zugewiesen wird. Wichtige Etappen der beruflichen Formung, wie die Berufsfindung oder die Lehranalyse werden mit dieser Zeit in Zusammenhang gesetzt. Es lassen sich zwei Typen des biographischen Umgangs erkennen, wobei der eine sich als persönliches „Opfer“ des NS beschreibt und über diese Leidensgeschichte den Weg in die Psychoanalyse fand. Während der Lehranalyse konnten diese subjektiven Beeinflussungen jedoch meist nicht thematisiert werden. Der andere Typ beschreibt eine nachteilige „inhaltlich-strukturelle“ Beeinflussung der eigenen Ausbildung, die in den Veränderungen der Psychoanalyse während des NS begründet sei. Gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass die Psychoanalyse in einer defensiven Haltung gegenüber dem NS dargestellt wird und Veränderungen während dieser Zeit als heteronom produziert begriffen werden. Es wird in der Arbeit nachgezeichnet, welche Diskurse um die Geschichte der deutschen Psychoanalyse in den verschiedenen Etappen der historischen Aufarbeitung prägend waren. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Interviewten die verallgemeinernden Diskurse der ersten Aufarbeitungsetappe reproduzieren um ihre psychoanalytische Identität zu stabilisieren. Es wird diskutiert, welche Bedeutung diese Ergebnisse für die weitere Entwicklung der deutschen Psychoanalyse hatten.

Judendom och läromedel : En diskursanalys av läromedel i religionskunskap utgivna under åren 1980 - 2009

Sjölund, Lovisa January 2014 (has links)
Judendom och läromedel är en producerande uppsats som undersöker om presentationen och synen på judar i religionsläromedel har förändrats under åren 1980 till 2009. Den har även som mål att se om judendomen har fått minskat utrymme i läroböckerna. Uppsatsen undersöker också om sociala och politiska strömningar som muslimsk invandring, boken …om detta må ni berätta… samt oroligheterna i Israel och Palestina kan ha påverkat hur kapitlen om judendomen utformats. Slutsatsen blev att judendomen har fått minskat utrymme i läroböckerna i religionskunskap samtidigt som kapitlen om islam har utökats. I vissa fall kan man även se att de ovannämnda sociala och politiska processerna har tendenser till att ha påverkat författarnas text. Genomgående var att de flesta författare knappt berörde Förintelsen och staten Israels tillkomst och utveckling

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