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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Vad talas det om och hur under en pandemi : En diskursanalys av Flashback Forum / What is talked about and how during a pandemic : A discourse analysis of Flashback Forum

Rönnewald, Bodil, Evbäck Cabrera, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Sedan mars 2020 pågår en global pandemi efter att SARS-CoV-2 tog världen med storm och sjukdomen covid-19 utvecklades. Sjukdomen ger främst symtom på luftvägarna, vilka varierar i grad från milda till att ibland kräva intensivvårdsbehandling. Intensivt arbete under året har lett till att flera vaccin numera finns att tillgå. Pandemin har dessutom genererat i en infodemi, vilket innebär att informationsspridning har eskalerat och digitaliseringen har varit högst bidragande. För att komma till bukt med falsk och alarmerande informationsspridning behövs målgruppsanalyser genomföras i syfte att rikta och förbättra kommunikationsarbetet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur aktiva deltagare på Flashback Forum talade om och förstod covid-19-pandemin. Metod: Foruminlägg från Flashback Forum samlades in och analyserades med diskursanalys och Foucaults teori. Resultat: Analysarbetet genererade i fyra olika diskurser: Spekulationsdiskursen, känslodiskursen, samhällskritiska diskursen och diskrimineringsdiskursen. Analysen frambringade även vad som togs för givet i diskurerna samt vad som osyndliggjordes genom dessa. Slutsats: Fynden i detta arbetet visar på vikten av att vara närvarande på digitala plattformar, nyttan av hur kunskapen kring dessa plattformar och diskurserna som förekommer kan användas för att nå ut till nya och fler målgrupper i kommunikationsarbetet. / Introduction: Since March 2020, a global pandemic is underway after SARS-CoV-2 took the world by storm and the COVID-19 disease developed. The disease mainly causes symptoms of the respiratory tract, which vary in degree from mild to sometimes requiring intensive care treatment. Intensive work during the year has led to several vaccines now available. In addition, the pandemic has generated an infodemic, which means that information dissemination has escalated and digitalization has been highly contributing. In order to overcome false and alarming information dissemination, target group analyses need to be carried out in order to target and improve communication work. Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate how active participants on the Flashback Forum talked about and understood the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Forum posts from Flashback Forum were collected and analyzed using discourse analysis and Foucault's theory. Results: The analysis generated in four different discourses: the speculation discourse, the emotion discourse, the socially critical discourse and the discrimination discourse. The analysis also produced what was taken for granted in the discourses and what was indisclosed by them. Conclusion: The findings in this work show the importance of being present on digital platforms, the benefits of how the knowledge about these platforms and the discourses that occur can be used to reach new and more target groups in the communication work.


FERNANDO DO AMARAL PEREIRA 12 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Em um contexto de profundas transformações nas relações de trabalho causadas pela tecnologia, milhares de entregadores se movimentam pelas ruas brasileiras entregando comida e outros itens sob o comando de plataformas digitais. Essa modalidade de trabalho, em ascensão nos últimos anos, tem sido alvo do interesse de pesquisadores em função das peculiaridades que a caracterizam. Um aspecto relevante a ser estudado diz respeito ao controle sobre esse tipo de trabalho. Nesta direção, a presente dissertação buscou entender de que forma o controle exercido pelos aplicativos é percebido pelos trabalhadores de entrega por aplicativos em suas relações de trabalho e quais as suas formas de resistência. Para isso foi feita uma netnografia em redes sociais que analisou 21 grupos no Facebook com 136 postagens de entregadores, e foi criado um grupo, Conversas sobre o trabalho por aplicativos, para complementar a coleta de dados. Todo o material coletado foi analisado com base em análise temática. A teoria do processo de trabalho de Harry Braverman foi utilizada para entender como o controle se manifesta nessas relações trabalho, desde o controle técnico e burocrático até o controle normativo e neo-normativo, bem como nas transformações que a tecnologia tem criado nas relações de trabalho e no controle algorítmico sobre os trabalhadores, exercido pelas plataformas digitais de entrega de comida, operando no Brasil. Os principais achados da pesquisa indicam que, embora o trabalho de entregador tenha características claras de precarização e intensificação do trabalho, sua inserção no contexto brasileiro, marcado por desemprego sistêmico e estrutural, faz com que essa atividade seja considerada como uma opção melhor do que o trabalho formal, sendo considerada mais garantida e, até mesmo, pertencente a uma elite entre os precarizados. Além disso, a construção identitária dos entregadores, marcada por discursos de reforço de estereótipos de masculinidade, como o do homem provedor e pai de família, bem como discursos de empreendedorismo, de liberdade ressignificada, ao depender somente do esforço pessoal do indivíduo, mascaram os aspectos deletérios desse tipo de trabalho. Argumenta-se que esses fatores contribuem para a produção do consentimento e enfraquecimento das possibilidades de resistência, da representação sindical e da transformação da realidade dos entregadores frente aos aplicativos. / [en] In a context of deep changes in labor relations caused by technology, thousands of food-delivery worker move through Brazilian streets delivering food and other stuffs by digital platforms. This kinda of work, which has been increase in recent years, has been the target of interest by researchers due to the peculiarities that characterize it. A relevant aspect to be studied concerns the control over this type of work. In this direction, the present dissertation get to understand how the control by applications is perceive by food-delivery worker through applications in their work relationships and what are their forms of resistance. For this, a netnography was carried out on social networks that had analyzed 21 groups on Facebook with 136 posts from food-delivery worker, and a group was created, conversations about work through applications. All material collected was analyzed based on thematic analysis. Harry Braverman s labor process theory was used to understand how control manifests itself in these labor relationships, from technical and bureaucratic control to normative and neonormative control, as well as the transformations that technology has created in labor relationships. and in the algorithmic control over workers, exercised by digital food delivery platforms, operating in Brazil. The main findings of the research indicate that, although the delivery job has clear characteristics of precariousness and work intensification, its insertion in the Brazilian context, marked by systemic and structural unemployment, makes this activity to be considered a better option than the formal work, being considered more guaranteed and even belonging to an elite in the middle of the precariat. In addition, the identity construction of the food-delivery worker, marked by discourses that reinforce masculinity stereotypes, such as the provider and family man, as well as discourses of entrepreneurship, of resignified and guaranteed freedom, depending only on the individual s personal effort, mask the deleterious aspects of this type of work. It is argued that these factors contribute to the production of consent and weakening of the possibilities of resistance, union representation and the transformation of the delivery people s reality in front of the applications.


GABRIELA VIOL VALLE 24 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] O foco do presente estudo são interações através de comentários em um vídeo do YouTube que aborda a temática do feminismo O objetivo principal da pesquisa consiste em analisar debates sobre gênero na rede social, mediante comentários de um vídeo. A base teórico-analítica apoia-se em abordagens na interface de ordem interacional entre a Sociolinguística Interacional, a Análise da Conversa e a Antropologia Linguística. Da Sociolinguística Interacional, são importantes os conceitos de Goffman de footing, face, gerenciamento de impressão e performance. Da Análise da conversa, são utilizados os conceitos de formulação e accounts. Da Antropologia Linguística, são consideradas as concepções de indexicalidade e escalas. A metodologia da pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e interpretativista e netnográfica. A análise dos comentários, a partir do vídeo do YouTube selecionado na pesquisa, foi feita em dois momentos. No primeiro, os comentários versam sobre a pluralidade do feminismo. Há diferentes participações no fluxo da interação, com relações de concordância, discordância e indagações. No segundo momento, os comentários indicam manifestações interacionais conduzindo a um debate sobre gênero, com os direitos dos homens e a busca pela igualdade de gênero. Na ordem micro, os participantes trazem a ordem macro, dicotomizando o feminismo, em seus alinhamentos. Nas análises, nota-se que o meio termo dificilmente surge na interação. Há posturas de ataques e contra-ataques, que ora defendem o feminismo, ora questionam e reforçam o patriarcado. / [en] The focus of the present study is interactions through comments on a YouTube video that addresses the issue of feminism. The main objective of the research is to analyze debates about gender in the social network, through comments on a video. The theoretical-analytical basis is based on approaches in theinteractional order between Interactional Sociolinguistics, Conversation Analysis and Linguistic Anthropology. From Interactional Sociolinguistics, Goffman s concepts of footing, face,impression management and performance are important. From Conversation Analysis, the concepts of formulation and accounts are used. From Linguistic Anthropology, the concepts of indexicality and scales are considered. The research methodology is qualitative and interpretive, with a netnographic nature. The analysis of the comments, based on the YouTube video selected in the research, was carried out in two moments. In the first, the comments are about the plurality of feminism. There are different participationsin the flow of interaction, with relationships of agreement, disagreement and questions. In the second moment, the comments indicate interactional manifestations leading to a debate on gender, with men s rights and the search for gender equality. In the micro order, the participants bring the macro order, dichotomizing feminism, in their alignments. In the analyses, it is noted that the middle ground hardly appears in the interaction. There are postures of attacks and counter-attacks, which sometimes defend feminism, sometimes question and reinforce patriarchy.

“I Feel so at Home in This Subreddit" : A Netnographic Analysis of the Fan Subreddit r/ThelastofusHBOseries and Its Community-Building Aspects

Penn, Marlene January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the online fan community of the HBO series The Last of Us on the social media platform Reddit. Within this study, the fans’ communication practices on the subreddit r/ThelastofusHBOseries are researched and analyzed from a community-building perspective. The subreddit was observed employing a netnographic approach. The observed communicational behavior was divided into categories. The patterns arising from this process were analyzed using discourse analysis and a theoretical framework rooted in fandom, knowledge communities, and uses and gratifications theory.  The research’s results show that the community on r/ThelastofusHBOseries provides a space for fans to connect, share their passion, and engage in meaningful discussions about the show. It embodies convergence culture, the value of mutual knowledge, and participatory practices. The use of insider language, adherence to spoiler etiquette, and organization of regular events further contribute to community building. The subreddit is a valuable platform for fans to exchange interpretations, enrich their reception experience, and foster community belonging. While extensive research has explored fan communities, there is a lack of studies on their online community-building practices. Notably, the subreddit r/ThelastofusHBOseries remains unexplored due to its novelty, alluding to the study’s relevance. Despite the limitations concerning its time frame, missing complementary methods like interviews, and possible sampling bias, the research is still a valuable snapshot, providing significant insights and findings. Future research could thus observe the community’s development over time to examine evolving communication and community building, paying a particular focus to regular events or insider language. Future research would also benefit from complementary methods.

Can the Subaltern Tweet? A Netnography of India’s Subaltern Voices Entering the Public via Social Media

Kujat, Christopher Norman January 2016 (has links)
This netnography depicts the notions of India’s subaltern voices entering the public via social media. The study puts an emphasis on feminists and caste critics, divided into two case studies. The study witnessed dynamics of Twitter use between sociality and activism as well as the notions of performance and identity of these two intersecting, yet polarised groups.Privilege remains a governing factor, which regulates access, accessibility and the use of the subaltern sphere and makes it exclusive for a privileged group of the subaltern. The main benefits of Twitter in the subaltern sphere, as the study suggests, is the factor of sociality and networking around causes, which leads to peer dialogue in the public sphere and increases visibility. This eventually leads to more attention for certain causes in the public discourse and to the countering of mainstream media narratives, for example in the case study of the Dalit Lives Matter Movement and its ad hoc fame, which evolved after the suicide of the Dalit PhD scholar Rohith Vemula.Further, while online activism is present, its impact remains hard to measure. The main benefits of the space are the plurality of voices that inhabit it. Also, the unleashing of the counter­narratives towards the mainstream media that are even more controlled by the state than the new media landscape, is an important benefit.


RENATA MARTINS AMARAL 14 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese analisa, em uma perspectiva de múltiplos ciberespaços, performances identitárias de Vitória e Glória, mulheres em tratamento de câncer de mama que, através de suas interações online, constroem-se como vítimas ao descobrirem a doença e passam a agir como protagonistas em redes sociais, na luta contra o câncer. Sendo assim, os objetivos deste estudo são: (i) analisar as performances identitárias de duas mulheres com câncer de mama em diferentes sites; e (ii) compreender de que forma as participantes se constroem como protagonistas em redes sociais ao longo do tratamento da doença. A perspectiva teórica da pesquisa situa-se em estudos sobre as performances identitárias na narrativa e no discurso multimodal, no protagonismo discursivo e social e na teoria do posicionamento. A metodologia da pesquisa é qualitativa e interpretativa de cunho netnográfico. Os dados consistem de vídeos, entrevistas e narrativas das participantes que estão registradas em páginas públicas do Facebook, do YouTube, de três sites institucionais e de um blog. As análises indicam que: (i) há mudanças de performances identitárias e de posicionamento das participantes nas redes sociais, sinalizando transformação das trajetórias de vida ao longo de seus tratamentos – do ser comum ao protagonismo; (ii) as participantes ressignificam suas experiências de dor e lamentação, em uma perspectiva de discurso como ação social via discursos de emoção, esperança, triunfo e engajamento político; (iii) o agenciamento é direcionado aos interlocutores nas redes sociais, enquanto posicionamento político e identitário de enfrentamento do câncer. Nesse sentido, como contribuição social, esta tese sinaliza que, na sociedade contemporânea, as redes sociais se tornam espaços férteis de resistência e de empoderamento pessoal e de outros usuários, e espaços de metamorfose de lagarta a borboleta em relação ao câncer. / [en] The present thesis analyzes, from a multi-sited perspective, the identity performances of Vitória and Glória, women in treatment of breast cancer who, through their online interactions, construct themselves as victims when they discover the disease and begin to act as protagonists in social networks in the fight against cancer. Thus, the objectives of this study are: (i) to analyze the identity performances of two women with breast cancer in different websites; and (ii) to understand how the participants construct themselves as protagonists in social networks throughout the treatment of the disease. The theoretical perspective of the research is located in studies on the identity performances in narrative and multimodal discourse, in the discursive and social protagonism and in the theory of the positioning. The methodology of the research is qualitative and interpretative of a netnographic nature. The data consist of videos, interviews and narratives of the participants that are registered in public pages of Facebook, YouTube, three institutional websites and one blog. The analysis indicate that: (i) there are changes in identity performances and in the positioning of participants in social networks, signaling the transformation of life trajectories throughout their treatments - from being ordinary to protagonism; (ii) participants reassign their experiences of pain and lamentation, from a discourse perspective as social action through discourses of emotion, hope, triumph and political engagement; (iii) agency is directed to interlocutors in social networks, as a political and identity positioning for coping with cancer. In this sense, as a social contribution, this thesis indicates that, in contemporary society, social networks become fertile spaces of resistance and personal/users empowerment, and spaces of metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly in relation to cancer.

Kvinnliga skönhetsideal på sociala medier : En netnografisk studie av mediefenomenen ”Self-Care” och ”Clean-Girl”

Segersköld, Maja January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks framställningen och förmedlingen av kvinnliga ideal på sociala medier, med fokus på mediefenomenen “Self-Care” och “Clean-Girl”. I studien diskuteras det ökande inflytandet av sociala medier i unga kvinnors liv, där särskilt fokus ligger på TikTok som är en av de mest framträdande plattformar i den yngre generationen. Det uppmärksammas i studien hur sociala medier förmedlar och förstärker kvinnliga skönhetsideal genom att fokusera på fenomenen “Self-Care” och “Clean-Girl, vilka representerar två populära skönhetsideal som presenteras på sociala medier. Metoden som används är netnografisk, vilket möjliggör en djupgående undersökning av hur kvinnliga skönhetsideal konstrueras på sociala medier. Datainsamling sker genom en analys av medieinnehåll relaterade till fenomenen “Self- Care” och “Clean-Girl” på TikTok. Det insamlade medieinnehållet analyseras genom tillämpningen av det teoretiska ramverket, innehållande Erving Goffmans begrepp om främre och bakre region samt Leon Festingers teori om social jämförelse.  Under analysen identifierades det att unga kvinnor aktivt formar en idealiserad bild av sig själva i den främre regionen på sociala medier, i enlighet med normer och förväntningar från mediefenomenen. Denna framställning kan dock leda till en känsla av diskrepans mellan den offentliga och privata sidan av deras liv. Vidare diskuteras det hur unga kvinnor blir utsatta för en jämförelse med idealiserade standarder som presenteras på sociala medier, vilket kan påverka deras självbild och leda till känslor av otillräcklighet och press kring den egna kroppen och det egna utseendet. Resultatet och analysen betonar även ett motstånd mot ”Self-Care” och ”Clean-Girl”, där unga kvinnor aktivt väljer att ifrågasätta de traditionella skönhetsnormerna. Slutligen lyfts behovet av inkludering och representation av olika kvinnliga perspektiv på sociala medier. / This study examines the production and transmission of feminine ideals on social media, focusing on the media phenomena of “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl”. In the study it is discussed the increasing influence of social media in the lives of young women, with particular focus on TikTok, which is one of the most prominent platforms among the younger generation. The study draws attention to how social media spreads and reinforces female beauty ideals by focuses on the phenomena of “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl”, which represent two popular beauty ideals that appear on social media. The method used is netnographic, which enables an in-depth analysis of how female beauty ideals are constructed on social media. Data collection takes place through an analysis of media content related to the “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl” phenomena of TikTok. The collected media content is analyzed through application of the theoretical framework, containing Erving Goffman ́s concept of frontstage and backstage and Leon Festinger ́s theory of social comparison.  The results and analysis make visible that young women actively form an idealized image of themselves in the frontstage on social media, in accordance with norms and expectations from the media phenomena. This representation can lead to a sense of dissonance between the public and private side of their lives. Furthermore, it is discussed how young women are exposed to a comparison with the idealized standard presented on social media, which can affect their self- image and lead to feelings of pressure regarding their own body and appearance. The results and the analysis also emphasize a resistance to “Self-Care” and “Clean-Girl, where young women actively choose to question the traditional beauty standards. Finally, the need for inclusion and representation of different female perspectives on social media is highlighted.

Exploring value creative and value destructive practice through an online brand community: : The case of Starbucks.

Dia, Uzezi January 2015 (has links)
This paper explores value co-creation and value co-destruction with a focus on the social practices embedded in the online brand community “My Starbucks Idea (MSI).” The objectives of the research are accomplished through a detailed explanation of the study’s stages, starting with the Research design/Planning, and followed by the Community Entry (Entrée), Data collection, Limitations, and Ethical implications. Since the study is exploratory in character, the qualitative research strategy was used. As Bryman and Bell (2011) note, qualitative research gives particular attention to words rather than numbers in the gathering and interpretation of data. This study applied a modified ‘netnographic’ approach, a new qualitative method devised specifically to investigate consumer behaviour vis-à-vis cultures and communities present on the Internet (Kozinets 1998). This study identifies three elements of practice: stalking, gossip, and exhibitionism. It also supports the idea stated by Echeverri & Skålén (2011) that there is no positive without a negative in interactive value formation. Although those authors’ work was focused on the provider-customer interface, the idea proves applicable to the online brand community (OBC) used for illustration in this study. The present study also draws attention to a vital characteristic of practice often forgotten: ‘Language’ as an enabler of all other elements (Whittington 2006). The paper contributes to the knowledge in the practice theory domain, and thus consumer culture, especially relating to OBCs. When using OBCs as a marketing tool, considerable ingenuity must be employed by business managers to gain strategic information and feedback from online forum discussions. Such information can help in the company’s strategic decision making. By building relationships and gaining new customers through the process of collaboration, managers can become more like brand storytellers. Also, such communication can be channelled as a means to create greater awareness, both of the brand and the users’ experiences, along with aiding in the development of better services and products to meet customers’ needs. In the current study, consent was an ethical concern that limited the scope and path taken by the paper. The ten-week research period was another limiting factor in properly covering all of the contextualized consumption activities and gaining sufficient experience within the MSI community.

Práticas de comunicação e saúde no ciberespaço: uma análise a partir da campanha nacional de combate à dengue 201 1/2012

Sobreira, Isabel Levy January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Tereza Risi (tereza.risi@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2013-10-11T19:29:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabel Levy.pdf: 2081227 bytes, checksum: d87790882fbeedaf43096403d4e742be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-11T19:29:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabel Levy.pdf: 2081227 bytes, checksum: d87790882fbeedaf43096403d4e742be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil / O advento e a popularização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação ± dentre elas, a internet e as redes sociais on - lin e ± têm modificado profundamente as formas como pessoas e instituições se relacionam. No campo da Comunicação e Saúde, diversas experiências contemporâneas apontam a concorrência entre forças centrípetas e centrífugas no ciberespaço e levantam a questão: o investimento das instituições públicas de saúde em atividades desenvolvidas na internet, por meio das redes sociais on - line, é de fato uma inovação em suas práticas discursivas ou corresponde a uma inovação relativa ao suporte, mas não ao modo de relação com os seus interlocutores? Por meio da abordagem da netnografia, a pesquisa buscou mapear, descrever e analisar práticas de comunicação do Ministério da Saúde no ciberespaço, tendo como objeto específico a Campanha Nacional de Combate à Dengue 2011/2012. O estudo aponta que, a o assumir algumas características que tradicionalmente são observadas na forma como a mídia hegemônica aborda os temas de saúde, os espaços virtuais do Ministério da Saúde constituem - se mais como mídias digitais e menos como redes soc iais on - line. Os resultados nos levam a concluir que, apesar da inovação no uso de suportes digitais e no investimento em recursos criativos como as narrativas transmídia, as práticas de Comunicação e Saúde desenvolvidas pelo Ministério da Saúde no ciberes paço durante a Campanha estudada repetem as dinâmicas que caracterizam o modelo hegemônico de comunicação de natureza transferencista, bipolar, linear unidirecional e centralizado no emissor, e consolidam o discurso campanhista de saúde / The information and communication technologies ± especially the internet and online social networks - have profoundly changed the relationshi p between people and institutions. In the field of Communication and Health, various contemporary experiences indicates the competition between centripetal and centrifugal forces in cyberspace and raise the question about the public institutions investmen t in online activities. Is it is indeed an innovation in their discursive practices or represents an innovation on the devices , but not on the mode of relationship with their interlocutors? Through netnography approach, the research sought to identify, des cribe and analyze communication practices of the Ministry of Health in cyberspace, with the specific object of the National Campaign to Combat Dengue 2011/2012. The study shows that by taking a few features that are traditionally found in how the hegemonic media covers WKH WRSLFV RI KHDOWK 0LQLVWU\ RI +HDOWK¶V YLUWXDO VSDFHV DUH PRUH OLNH GLJLWDO PHGLD DQG less like online social networking. The results lead us to conclude that, despite the innovative use of digital media and creative resources as transmed ia narratives, Communication and Health practices developed by the Ministry of Health in cyberspace during the Campaign repeat the dynamics that characterize the hegemonic model of communication - bipolar, linear and unidirectional, centralized in an emit ter polo - and consolidate the health's prescriptive speech

Les enjeux de gestion des espaces numériques interstitiels à thématiques professionnelles : introduction à une approche systémique. Recherche exploratoire menée sur les espaces numériques spécialisés dans la gestion des ressources humaines de la fonction publique territoriale / Interstitial professional digital spaces : an introduction to the autopoietic systems approach. An exploratory study conducted on digital spaces specified in the HRM of the french public territorial sector

Peng, Hongxia 30 October 2014 (has links)
Les réseaux sociaux numériques professionnels, qualifiés ici d’espaces numériques interstitiels à thématiques professionnelles (EIP) dans cette recherche, suscitent, en raison de leur nature émergente et ambivalente, des interrogations tant sur le plan empirique que sur le plan conceptuel. A partir des observations exploratoires menées avec une démarche inductive et qualitative sur les EIP spécialisés dans la gestion des ressources humaines de la fonction publique territoriale (FPT), cette recherche propose, d’une part, une conceptualisation systémique de l’analyse du fonctionnement des EIP, et, d’autre part, une analyse des fonctionnalités gestionnaires des EIP dans le contexte du développement des nouvelles pratiques RH dans le secteur de la FPT. S’appuyant sur le concept des systèmes autopoïétiques de Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998), cette recherche propose un cadre d’analyse qui considère que les EIP sont des systèmes fonctionnant avec des processus d’auto-maintenance et d’auto-renouvellement, au travers des communications entre les individus qui sont à la fois contributeurs et consommateurs, réunis par des moyens numériques dans des lieux collectifs interstitiels. Un système comme l’EIP peut être analysé selon un cadre composé de trois dimensions qui s’interagissent : dimension structurelle, dimension technologique et dimension vectorielle. Ces observations montrent que, pour les professionnels RH du secteur, l’EIP est avant tout un outil professionnel de complémentarité disposant de différentes fonctionnalités managériales et gestionnaires, que l’on peut illustrer par quatre métaphores du quotidien : le jardin public pour se ressourcer et échanger, la fenêtre pour observer, le miroir pour s’ajuster, et la courroie de transmission pour articuler différemment la GRH et le SI. Ce travail se termine par une mise en réflexion de la potentialité des EIP dans l’évolution de la GRH de la FPT. / Professional digital social networks, defined as interstitial professional digital spaces (IPDS) in this research, arouse, because of their emergent and ambivalent characteristics, empirical and academic questions. From an exploratory study conducted with an inductive and qualitative approach about the IPDS specified in the human resources management of the French public territorial sector, this research suggests, firstly, a systemic conceptualization in analysis of the IPDS’s functionaries, and second, an analysis of its management functionalities in the development of new HRM practices in this sector. Based on the autopoietic system theory of Niklas Luhmann (1928-1998), this research proposes a theoretical framework for analysis whereas the IPDS is a system with self-maintenance and a self-renewal process through communications between individuals who are both contributors and consumers, assembled by digital tools in interstitial spaces. The results stemming from the observation data show that, for HR professionals, IPDS are above all complementary professional tool with different features which can be illustrated as a public garden for broadening the mind, a window for observation, a mirror for self-examination, and a transmission belt for articulating HRM and IS. This work ends with reflection on the IPDS’s potentialities in a development of HR practices in the public territorial sector.

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