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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att våga synas och vägra skämmas för sin kropp : Framställning av kroppsaktivism på Instagram av kvinnliga influenser

Shemmon, Donna January 2020 (has links)
The main purpose of the study was to answer how body-positive movement on Instagram is portrayed by female influences. The aim was also to understand how young women relate to body ideals and how they challenge the normative female body. To answer these questions, the study has been inspired by a narrative analysis method. My intention for this essay was to draw attention to the women's story about their experiences. To understand and be able to carry out an analysis of the empiric, previous research was used about social media and Instagram, the term influences, body ideal on social media, what impact social media can have on women's self-image, what body positivity means and fat phobia in society. The starting point for the literature search has been to map the research field and to strengthen my research question. To analyze the extracted empire, different theories were chosen. The theories I considered most suitable were feminist theory, the dramaturgical perspective, the mirror self and the social comparison theory. The result was divided into 7 themes which were: imagery of body positivity, feminism and body activism, influencers´ responsibilities to their followers, society's view of fat people, Instagram vs. reality, the concept of taking care of oneself as well as sisterhood and role models. The result shows that the female influences, with their body activism, wants to challenge the normative assumptions about how a woman should look and be. They want to create a platform to help in the normalization process of women with a larger body shape, as well as highlight the complications you as a woman with a non-normative body can encounter in society. The influencers hope that with their body activism they can strengthen the self-esteem of fat women. / Studien hade som huvudsyfte att besvara hur kroppspositiva rörelsen på Instagram framställs av kvinnliga influenser. Syftet var även att förstå hur unga kvinnor förhåller sig till kroppsideal och hur de utmanar den normativa kvinnokroppen. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har studien inspirerats av en narrativ analysmetod. Min avsikt för arbetet var att rikta uppmärksamheten på kvinnornas berättelse om deras upplevelser och erfarenheter. För att förstå och kunna föra en analys kring empirin användes tidigare forskning av sociala media och Instagram, termen influenser, kroppsideal på sociala medier, vilken påverkan sociala medier kan ha på kvinnors självbild, vad kroppspositivitet innebär samt fettfobi i samhället. Utgångspunkten för litteratursökningen har varit att kartlägga forskningsfältet samt att styrka min forskningsfråga. För att analysera den utvunna empirin valdes olika teorier. De teorier jag ansåg vara bäst lämpade var feministisk teori, det dramaturgiska perspektivet, spegeljaget samt social jämförelseteorin. Resultatet delades upp i 7 teman som var: bildframställning av kroppspositivitet, feminism och kroppsaktivism, samhällets syn på tjocka människor, influensers ansvar gentemot sina följare, Instagram vs. reality, begreppet ta hand om sig själv samt systerskap och förebilder. I resultatet framkommer att de kvinnliga influenserna vill med sin kroppsaktivism utmana de normativa antagandena om hur en kvinna ska se ut och vara. De vill skapa en plattform för att hjälpa till i normaliseringsprocessen av kvinnor med större kroppsform, samt belysa vilka komplikationer man som kvinna med en icke normativ kropp kan stöta på i samhället. Influenserna hoppas att med sin kroppsaktivism kunna styrka tjocka kvinnors självkänsla.

Normative Power Europe: Ett verktyg för konsolidering av europeiska normer? : En kvalitativ studie om EU:s normativa maktutövning genom grannskapspolitiken i Moldavien. / Normative Power Europe: A Tool for Consolidating European standards? : A qualitative study of the European Union's normative power practice through the European Neighborhood Policy in Moldova.

Essby, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the Moldovan government has become both fragile and unpredictable. With a high susceptibility to external pressures, the country has fallen into a limbo between democracy and autocracy and is today classified as a hybrid regime. Since Moldovas entry to the EU's Neighborhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership in 2008, the country's sensitivity to social and political change has become evident. The EU has acted as a normative power in the country in several ways by pursuing a neighborhood policy that seeks to consolidate European norms. This study aims to explain how the EU can be seen as a normative power in Moldova through the theoretical framework of Normative Power Europe (NPE). The thesis also aims to descripture how the EU uses the five basic principles of NPE regarding peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law as normative guidelines for influencing the country's political direction. A conclusion can be drawn that the EU appears to be using the neighborhood policy tools to consolidate European norms through sanctions, association agreements and treaties, thus keeping Moldova's political development in an iron fist.

Stryk! Förtydliga! Varför ändrar du tempus här? : En studie om hur lärare formulerar skriftlig återkoppling och vilken effekt den har på elevers skrivprocess

Andersson, Julia, Lagerström, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt hur svensklärare formulerar skriftlig respons på gymnasisters texter. Studien har betraktat lärares responspraktik som en sociointeraktiv handling där texter utvecklas i dialog mellan lärare och elever. Studiens resultat grundar sig i en såväl kvantitativ som kvalitativ metodansats. I den kvantitativ metoden har lärares marginalkommentarer sammanställts och analyserats med avseende på dess form. Studiens kvalitativa analys åskådliggör materialet utifrån textkedjor för att studera marginal- och slutkommentarers funktion samt vilken effekt de har på elevers skrivutveckling. Resultatet visar att lärares respons tenderar att vara normativ men bidrar till elevers skrivutveckling. Kommentarer formuleras främst som lokuta talhandlingar där vissa kommentarer tenderar att avskrivas av eleverna. Således kan kommentarernas funktion ifrågasättas då elever tenderar att inte till sig av dess syfte. Slutligen har studien också identifierat att lärarrespons främjas av ett sociointeraktivt perspektiv.

Obligatorisk träning på arbetstid : Förmån eller påtvingad träningshets? / Mandatory training during working hours : Benefit or forced training?

Persson, Linda, Johansson Thörnberg, Josefina, Karlsson, Daniella January 2022 (has links)
Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi III, Organisation 15 hp, 2FE78E,Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar. VT 2022. Författare: Daniella Karlsson, Josefina Thörnberg Johansson, Linda Persson Handledare: Iva Josefsson Examinator: Mikael Lundgren Titel: Obligatorisk träning på arbetstid - förmån eller påtvingad träningshets? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med en ökad förståelse för hurmedarbetare upplever obligatorisk träning på arbetstid samt hur eventuellpåverkan av deras personliga integritet ser ut. Vidare ämnar fallstudien attbidra med underlag för andra liknande organisationer som vill implementeraträning på arbetstid. Frågeställningar: Hur upplever anställda obligatorisk träning på arbetstid?Hur kan den obligatoriska träningen påverka den personliga integriteten? Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med induktiv ansats.Datainsamlingen har skett via intervjuer med vår kontaktperson som är HRansvarig och sex respondenter. Samtliga respondenter arbetar somtjänstemän på ett byggnads-konsulterande företag med kontor i Malmö och Göteborg. Slutsats: Vår insamlade data har visat att samtliga respondenter överlagkänns mycket nöjda med konceptet obligatorisk träning på arbetstid. Dockuppmärksammas resultat som tyder på att ett etiskt dilemma kan uppstå,grupperingar kan bildas och att det finns gränsöverskridande inslag i form avprestationsmätningar vilka upplevs som mer negativa företeelser i det annarsuppskattade konceptet. Nyckelord: fysisk aktivitet, träning, friskvård, obligatorisk, organisatoriskkontroll, normativ styrning, etik, personlig integritet / Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration III, Organization 15 credits,2FE78E, School of Economics at Linnaeus University in Kalmar. Spring -22 Authors: Daniella Karlsson, Josefina Thörnberg Johansson, Linda Persson Supervisor: Iva Josefsson Examiner: Mikael Lundgren Title: Mandatory training during working hours - benefit or forced training? Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to contribute with an increasedunderstanding of how employees experience mandatory training duringworking hours and what the possible impact on their sense of privacy lookslike. Furthermore, the case study intends to provide a basis for other similarorganizations that want to implement training during working hours. Questions: How do employees experience mandatory training duringworking hours? How can mandatory training during working hours affectindividuals sense of privacy? Method: The study is a qualitative case study with an inductive approach.The data collection took place via interviews with an HR manager and sixrespondents. All respondents work as salaried employees at a constructionconsulting company with offices in Malmö and Gothenburg. Conclusion: Our collected data have shown that all respondents generallyfeel very satisfied with the concept of mandatory training during workinghours. However, attention is drawn to results that indicate that an ethicaldilemma can arise, groupings can be formed and that there are cross-borderelements in the form of performance measurements which are perceived asmore negative phenomena in the otherwise appreciated concept Keywords: physical activity, training, wellness, mandatory, organizationalcontrol, normative governance, ethics, privacy

Ett blint öga till Polen? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om EU:s hantering av Polen

Daudzvards, Janis January 2022 (has links)
During the last ten years the European union has faced several new challenges, especially with regards to the democratic backsliding that has been happening in its member states. Poland, which has had a positive democratic development and has been seen as being in the forefront of positive democratic consolidation, has since 2015 changed course towards becoming authoritarian regimes. EU has acted against this development, but this hasn’t stopped Poland in growing even more in an authoritarian direction.The aim of this paper is to examine what actions the European union has taken to stop the democratic backsliding in Poland through normative power, and what are the reasons for the failure of EU’s earlier sanctions against Poland. The conclusion of this thesis is that EU has used all the tools at its disposal to deal with Poland, without much success. What can be seen is that the member states in the union don’t always agree on defending the same values. But also, that the legal procedure to pursue a member which has gone against the core values of the union, are far too complicated. But it is not only dark, but as brighter future might also be ahead of EU, as its latest actions against Poland might be having an effect.

Revision i en digitaliserad värld : En kvalitativ studie om hur digitala kompetenser formar yrkesrollen som revisor

Hemström, Max, Westman, Olle January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringens framfart formar samhälle, arbetsmarknad och yrkesroller. Digitalt arbeteinnebär inte bara effektivitetsförbättringar utan även sämre matchning på arbetsmarknadenoch interna kompetensutmaningar. I takt med utvecklandet av nya teknologier kommer blandannat revisorns yrkesroll förändras till att innehålla mer digitala arbetssysslor, och därav skeräven en förändring av de kompetenser som arbetet kräver. Denna studie behandlar frågan omhur digitala kompetenser formar revisorns yrkesroll, med syftet att skapa förståelse fördigitala kompetenser inom revisorsprofessionen. Studien är kvalitativ samt i huvudsakinduktiv men innehåller även abduktiva inslag, och har genomförts genom en kombinationav att granska platsannonser samt genomföra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med revisorer. För att uppnå studiens syfte används de tre pelarna inom institutionell teori samt teori omroller som en referensram för att analysera det empiriska resultatet. De tre pelarna inominstitutionell har i tidigare studier använts för att analysera roller inom ekonomistyrning menhar inte applicerats inom revision. Studiens resultat visar på att digital kompetens inteframstår efterfrågas av arbetsgivare i platsannonser trots att revisorer upplever att god digitalkompetens kan effektivisera arbetet och därigenom utgöra en framgångsfaktor i yrkesrollensom revisor. Vidare framstår yrkesrollens behov av digital kompetens skifta under yrkeslivetdå arbetet för juniora revisorer framstår vara mer tekniskt krävande än för seniora revisorer. På så vis belyser studien hur yrkesrollen som revisor framstår progressivt övergå från mertekniskt krävande arbete till mer socialt orienterat arbete.

Questioning the unquestionable : A normative study of the values, argumentation and logic of the Swedish drug policy / Ifrågasätta det oifrågasättbara : En normativ studie av värdena, argumentationen och logiken i den svenska drogpolitiken

Carmler, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Sweden’s drug policy still invokes the ideas of zero-tolerance and prohibition despite the high reported number of drug-related deaths and arrest rates for using drugs in Sweden in the latest years. To reach knowledge about why prohibition of illegal drugs has remained such a strong staple of Swedish politics for the latest 60 years, this study asks questions about which ideas and arguments constituting the Swedish drug policy, examines the logical coherence of these, and proposes an alternative policy route which aims to mitigate the shortcomings of the current policy. The drug policy field is extensive and studies from different nations show that drug policies that move away from prohibitionist ideas have succeeded in both reducing drug-related mortality rates and reducing the stigma that is attached to either using or abusing psychoactive drugs. Because of an identified unclarity of why the prohibitionary ideas in Sweden have remained despite recent developments, this study aims to fill a gap in existing research by normatively analyzing the ideas in the policy. Since these ideas have great importance in restrictions of individual liberty and public health considerations, knowledge about them is essential to create because liberty and public health are fundamental aspects in any democratic society. The research endeavor performs an internal validity check as the methodological approach to check the internal logic and arguments of the policy and uses a theory of liberty to shed light on the trade-offs between liberty and public health. What is discovered is that the Swedish drug policy builds on inconsistent arguments and incoherent logic and has a moralizing intent that allows for restrictions on individual liberty to reach a utopian vision of a drug-free society. Also, this study shows that it is possible to create a policy that can mitigate the harms caused by the current by adhering to the principle that individual liberty should stretch as far as possible when no harm is caused to another. The implications of this are that it will be harder to justify the zero-tolerance approach in the future and that future policy must look to other policy approaches rather than build policy on assumptions based on outdated moralism.

Toxiska kulturen: Deskriptiva normaliseringen av toxiska beteenden i MMORPG

Edlund, Linus, Sellgren, Julius January 2022 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker MMORPG-spelares uppfattningar och erfarenheter av toxiskt beteende. Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att ge bredare perspektiv om deskriptiva normativa uppfattningar kring toxiska beteenden bland MMORPG-spelare, hur detta påverkar spelarnas beteenden samt hur det påverkar spelarbasen. Studien utförs med en intervju-orienterad kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Utgångspunkten för studien är de teoretiska ramverken om deskriptiva normativa uppfattningar och online-hämningslöshetseffekten som utgör grunden för rekrytering av deltagarna samt intervjufrågorna. Studiens resultat påvisar att det finns indikationer på att det finns ytterligare faktorer som påverkar normaliseringen av toxiska beteenden hos individer än de som är direkt relaterade till spelandet. Studien visar att spelare anser att belöningar är en bättre lösning än bestraffningar för att förbättra deras beteenden. Deltagarnas egna beteenden förändrades i relation till deras egna uppfattningar huruvida spelsamhällets norm är att vara toxisk eller inte. Denna innebär en direkt påverkan av det normaliserade beteendet i den sociala miljön. Slutligen konstaterades att deltagarnas motivation att fortsätta spela minskade när de kommit i kontakt med toxiska beteenden. / This essay examines MMORPG players’ normative perceptions of toxic behavior. The primary purpose of this essay is to provide additional perspectives on normative perceptions about toxic behaviors among MMORPG players, how this affects player behaviors, and how it affects the player base. The study utilizes a qualitative research method with a theoretically essentially latent approach. The starting point for the study is the theoretical frameworks theory of normative beliefs and online disinhibition effect, which is the basis for recruitment of the participants and the interview questions. The results demonstrate additional aspects which affect the normalization of toxic behaviour other than gaming-related factors. Further, players believe that rewards are a better solution than penalties for improving their behavior. The participants’ behavior changed concerning their perceptions of whether the game’s norm is to be toxic or not. The players’ behavior is thus directly affected by the normalized behavior in the social environment. Finally, players describe motivation to continue playing decreased when they came in contact with toxic behaviour.

“Man behöver ju inte vara barnfri för att man inte skaffar biologiska barn” : En intervjustudie om unga personers resonemang kring att skaffa barn / You Don't Have To Be Childfree For Not Having Biological Children : An interview-based study on young adults’ reasoning on having children

Pernius, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the rationalization behind young adults' decision on whether or not they want children. The goal is to help contribute to previous studies on how reproductive mindsets differ based on whether or not a person wants children. This is a qualitative study rooted in interviews with eleven women and one man all aged 19 to 31 years of age. The theories used to analyze the results are concentrating on the terms expected lifeline, biological destiny, self-fulfillment, active mothering and intense mothering.  The results of this study show that the personal definitions of "success" in life do not differ drastically based on the desire to have children. Additionally, the informants all had similar expectations of what was "needed" from life,  in a financial sense, to achieve desired living conditions before having children. What did matter was what a person found self-fulfilling and their self-image in determining their desire for children. The results also show that the informants had experienced similar interactions with the pressures of societal norms on expected lifeline and that they worry about not living up to the notion of what a good parent is like.

Politik och Personlig Integritet : En Diskursanalys av Debatten om GDPR i Sverige / Politics and Privacy : A Discourse Analysis of the GDPR Debate in Sweden

Eriksson, Malte January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Swedish debate about integrity represented by the GDPR regulation. The study focuses on and compares the debate within the parliament and the debate within the media. Critical discourse analysis has been the method used to discover how the debate about GDPR in Sweden has developed and shaped. To interpret the result of the study the political science theories public choice and normative institutionalism have been used. The three most dominant discourses in the debate were the relationship between GDPR and Swedish law, how GDPR affects innovation and economic growth and also insight in how actors collect and handles personal data. It can also be concluded that the debate within the parliament is rather absent due to lack of disagreement. The debate that occurred within the media contains a higher level of conflict and appears to be more dynamic. Both theories used to interpret the result can be, to some extent, useful when trying to understand why the debate turned out the way it did. To gain more understanding about political conflicts concerning integrity within the information society more studies need to be accomplished.

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