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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att göra rätt : En studie om professionell respektabilitet, emotioner och narrativa linjer bland relationsvåldsspecialiserade åklagare / Doing just right : A study on professional respectability, emotions and narrative lines among prosecutors specialised in relationship violence

Törnqvist, Nina January 2017 (has links)
I likhet med många andra länder har våld i nära relation, sexuellt våld och våld mot barn uppmärksammats mer och mer i Sverige de senaste fem decennierna. I takt med att kunskapen om våld i nära relation har ökat har det också vuxit fram en kritik mot brister inom rättsväsendet, i synnerhet när det gäller att ge skydd och upprättelse till de som utsätts för dessa former av våld. Genom denna utveckling ställs det idag andra krav på de rättsliga aktörerna gällande kunskap och bemötande. Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska hur relationsvåldsspecialiserade åklagare förhandlar om sina professionella identiteter i relation till de förändrade diskurserna om professionalitet inom rättsväsendet. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med 32 relationsvåldsspecialiserade åklagare på åtta åklagarkammare runt om i Sverige. Utifrån en narrativ och emotionsteoretisk ansats belyser avhandlingen hur dessa åklagare iscensätter en respektabel professionalitet i relation till möten med målsägande, tilltalade och rättsliga aktörer samt i relation till särskilda arbetsuppgifter, så som att leda förundersökningar, fatta beslut om åtal samt vara part i rätten. Avhandlingen synliggör de normativa motsättningar och spänningar som åklagarna upplever och hanterar i sitt arbete. I sina narrativ rör de sig mellan, och förenar, positioneringar kring objektivitet-engagemang, rationalitet-magkänsla, skepticism-lyhördhet, auktoritet-ödmjukhet, distans-närhet och iscensätter på detta sätt en komplex professionell respektabilitet. En av avhandlingens centrala slutsatser är att den professionella respektabiliteten iscensätts genom en prövande och ambivalent hållning till den auktoritet och makt som arbetet bygger på. Genom berättelser om tvivel och maktlöshet, snarare än genom berättelser om ofelbarhet och autonomi, konstrueras professionalitet som ett lärande, reflexivt projekt. Inom en professionell kontext där känslor kan anses vara särskilt nedtystade, bidrar analysen av åklagarnas tal om emotioner med ett viktigt perspektiv. Analysen visar att tal om känslor tänjer den diskursiva uppdelningen mellan ett professionellt respektive ett privat jag och fungerar som ett narrativt element som både bekräftar och utmanar gränserna för den professionella respektabiliteten. Som helhet, bidrar avhandlingen till det kriminologiska forskningsfältet i de nordiska länderna genom att synliggöra en central rättslig aktör, åklagare, och bidrar till fältet om våld i nära relationer genom att belysa varför strukturer och praktiker som har kritiserats under så lång tid består men också hur de kan förändras. / As in many other countries, intimate partner violence, sexual violence and violence against children have been the focus of an increasing amount of attention in Sweden over the past five decades. As the knowledge on relationship violence has increased, the Swedish criminal justice system (CJS) has faced growing criticism for its failure to protect and provide redress to the victims of these forms of violence. Justice system actors are facing new demands in terms of their levels of knowledge and the quality of the service they provide for those they meet in the context of their work. The aim of the dissertation is to explore how prosecutors who specialise in relationship violence negotiate their professional identities and their normative boundaries in relation to the changing discourses of professionalism within the criminal justice system. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 32 prosecutors specialised in relationship violence, from eight prosecutors’ offices in different parts of Sweden. On the basis of a narrative and emotion theoretical approach, the dissertation explores how these prosecutors accomplish professional respectability in relation to situations where they meet with complainants, defendants and legal actors as well as in relation to specific work tasks, such as the leadership of police investigations, making indictment decisions and presenting the prosecution case in court. The dissertation discusses the normative dilemmas and tensions the prosecutors experience and handle in their work. In their narratives, they both shift between, and manage to reconcile, objectivity-engagement, rationality-gut feeling, scepticism-receptiveness, authority-humility and distance-intimacy, and in doing so perform a complex professional respectability. One of the dissertation’s central conclusions is that professional respectability is performed by maintaining an exploratory and ambivalent attitude towards the power and authority that their work is based on. By means of narratives of doubt and powerlessness, rather than narratives of infallibility and autonomy, professionalism is constructed as a learning, reflexive project. In a professional context in which emotions may be viewed as being particularly suppressed, the analysis of the prosecutors’ speech on emotions constitutes an important perspective. The speech about feelings disrupts the discursive separation between a professional and a private self and often serves to both confirm and challenge the boundaries of professional respectability. Overall, the dissertation contributes to the field of Nordic criminology by raising the visibility of prosecutors as a central legal actor, and to the field of relationship violence by illuminating why structures and practices that have been criticised for such a long time endure, but also how they may be changed.

Probabilité, invariance et objectivité / Probability, invariance and objectivity

Raidl, Éric 04 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse fournit une analyse de la probabilité, avec une considération particulière du rôle que jouent les symétries et l’invariance dans son caractère objectif. La thèse défend un dualisme rationnel-physique. Nous développons une théorie de la probabilité épistémique ainsi qu’une théorie de la probabilité physique. La première concerne les degrés de croyance rationnels ; la seconde, la propension singulière peu fluctuante sur laquelle émergent les fréquences relatives stables. Du côté épistémique, nous défendons le bayésianisme objectif et ses règles d’attribution de probabilité, l’attribution invariante et la maximisation d’entropie. Nous généralisons également le bayésianisme orthodoxe et sa règle de changement de probabilité, la conditionnalisation, à la minimisation de la divergence Kullback-Leibler. Le bayésianisme orthodoxe généralisé est développé à partir d’une analyse générale de l’apprentissage, incluant la théorie AGM et la théorie de rang. L’analyse de l’opposition des deux bayésianismes culmine dans un pluralisme du bayésianisme combiné, instancié par une famille de révisions probabilistes qui répondent au problème de l’itération. Du côté physique, nous développons une explication de la fréquence relative à partir de l’approche par la loi des grands nombres. Nous répondons au dilemme de Gillies, selon lequel une théorie scientifique objective de la propension singulière et de long terme est impossible. Dans ce cadre, nous développons la méthode des fonctions arbitraires comme attribution de propension singulière peu fluctuante, et proposons une analyse détaillée de la mécanique statistique et du cas paradigmatique du lancer de pièce. / This thesis analyses the concept of probability and the role of symmetry and invariance in its objectif character. It defends a rational-physical dualism. I first develop a theory of epistemic probability, which addresses (the rational degrees of belief. I also develop a theory of physical probability, conceived as single case propensity on which stable frequencies emerge. Epistemically, I defend an objective Bayesianism and its rules of probability attribution, that is, the invariant prior attribution and maximizing entropy. I also generalize orthodox Bayesianism and its rule of probability change, conditionalization, to the minimization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Generalized orthodox Bayesianim is developed from a general investigation of learning, which includes the AGM theory and ranking theory. I resolve the opposition of the two Bayesianims through a pluralism of combined Bayesianism, instantiated by a family of probabilistic revisions which solve the iteration problem. Physically, I explain stable relative frequencies with the law of large numbers approach. I answer Gillies dilemma, according to which there is no scientific objective theory of propensity that is both single case and long term. I here develop the method of arbitrary functions as an attribution of relatively stable single case propensity and analyse in detail statistical mechanics and the paradigmatic coin toss.

The role of the media in transition to democracy: An analysis of the coverage of the alleged arms deal corruption by the Sowetan and the Mail&Guardian

Radebe, Jemina Lydia 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9400560N - MA research report - School of Social Sciences - Faculty of Humanities / This research report critically analyses – through qualitative content analysis – how the Sowetan and the Mail&Guardian newspapers reported the alleged corruption in the arms deal in November 2001. The analysis includes a contextual discussion of factors shaping or influencing media coverage of important political topics in a transition to democracy. Theories of the role of the media in democratic transition inform the analysis of media coverage of the arms deal. ‘Transition’ in the context of this research report is used to refer to the process of South Africa’s ‘conversion’ from an undemocratic apartheid system based on unfair prejudices and practices grounded on class, race and gender to a ‘fair discrimination’ and application of remedial measures (political, social and economic) to correct the imbalances caused by apartheid policies. The research applies liberal pluralism, gatekeeping, public sphere, as well as Marxist-related media theories, including the critical political economy of the media approach and notes that it is not possible for a single approach to offer an absolute analysis of the role of the media in a transition to democracy. In addition, the research employs theories of news, language and society to show how social relations affect language used in news and ultimately affect notions of ‘bias’ and ‘objectivity’. The study observes that complete ‘objectivity’ as an ideal is unattainable, especially when one considers that news making processes are complex and influenced by diverse factors, some of which allow for anticipated processes of selection and inevitably, bias. This applies to the two publications under study. The report observes that through their reportage of alleged corruption in the arms deal during the month of November 2001, these newspapers attempted to open up, create and democratize the space for free inquiry. At the same time, however, it is noted that this space was dominated by certain voices and not representative of all civil society organizations and interests that had a stake in the arms deal. The report concludes that media should be encouraged to promote genuine diversity of voices. Diversity, within such a scheme, should be measured by equal and participatory dialogue from all the voices of all civil society institutions.

Revisorers strategi för att upprätthålla sitt oberoende.

Eriksson, Stina, Molin, Viktoria January 2019 (has links)
Ett flertal redovisningsskandaler har ägt rum världen över där revisorer varit inblandade, vilket gjort att revisionskvaliteten ifrågasatts och framförallt revisorernas oberoende. Tidigare studier rapporterar om faktorer som kan påverka oberoendet där gåvor, social identitet, professionalism, relationer, påtryckningar, rykte och ekonomi har visat sig kunna påverka revisorernas agerande. Syftet med denna studie var att förklara hur revisorer strategiskt agerar för att upprätthålla sitt oberoende mot sina klienter, samt att förklara skillnader i agerandet utifrån professionens perspektiv. Tidigare studier visar att det föreligger skillnader kring människors handlingssätt beroende på kön, ålder, erfarenhet, vilken ort man är verksam i samt vilken byrå man arbetar för. Denna studie utfördes genom en tvåmetodsundersökning där vi med hjälp av intervjuer skapade oss en överblick över professionens syn på oberoendet, vilket senare lade grunden för utformningen av studiens enkät som resulterade i 317 fullständiga svar. Genom en korrelationsanalys och en multivariat regressionsanalys undersökte vi om det förelåg samband mellan de oberoende variablerna kön, ålder, storlek på ort, storlek på byrå, erfarenhet och de beroende variablerna gåvor, social identitet, professionalism, relationer, påtryckningar, rykte och ekonomi. Fyra av studiens hypoteser fick stöd, däribland att manliga revisorer är mer benägna till närmare relationer till sina klienter i jämförelse med kvinnliga revisorer. Vidare fann vi även stöd för att revisorer på mindre orter är mer benägna till närmare relationer till sina klienter i jämförelse med revisorer i storstäder. Vi fann även stöd för att yngre revisorer i högre grad beaktar sitt rykte i jämförelse med äldre revisorer. Slutligen fann vi även stöd för att manliga revisorer i högre grad beaktar klienters ekonomiska betydelse i jämförelse med kvinnliga revisorer. Utöver de hypoteser som testades fann vi ytterligare samband av intresse att analysera, däribland ett signifikant negativt samband mellan ålder och revisorers benägenhet att ta emot gåvor och acceptera närmare relationer. Vidare noterades att manliga revisorer i högre grad tycks beakta sitt rykte i jämförelse med kvinnliga revisorer. Revisorns ålder ocherfarenhet visar även ett negativt signifikant samband med revisorers benägenhet att beakta klientens ekonomiska betydelse. Slutsatsen är att revisorer tycks följa olika strategier för att bemöta faktorer som kan påverka oberoendet och att det föreligger vissa skillnader i agerandet beroende på revisorns erfarenhet, ålder och kön samt storleken på den ort revisorn är verksam  i. / Several accounting scandals have taken place around the world where auditors have been involved, which means that the audit quality is questioned and especially the auditors’ independence. Previous studies report on factors that may affect the independence, where gifts, social identity, professionalism, relationships, pressure, reputation and economy are factors that have been shown to affect the auditor’s actions. The purpose of this study is to explainhow auditors act strategically to maintain independence with their clients, as well as to explain differences in action based on the professional perspective. Previous studies shown that there is behavioral differences regarding gender, age, experience, the city you operate in and which firm you work for. This study was conducted through a two-method study in which we, with the help of interviews, were able to create an understanding of the auditor’s  independence from the profession’s perspective. The interviews contributed to the creation of the study’s survey which had a sample of 317 responses. Through a correlation analysis and a multivariate regression analysis we examined whether there is a correlation between the independent variables gender, age, the size of city, the size of firm, experience and the dependent variables gifts, social identity, professionalism, relationships, pressure, reputation and economy. In our study four of the hypotheses received support, including that male auditors are more likely to have closer relationships with their clients compared to female auditors. Furthermore, we also found support for the fact that auditors in smaller cities are more likely to have closer relationships with their clients compared to auditors in larger cities. We also found support for the fact that younger auditors care more about their reputation compared to older auditors. Finally, we also found support for that male auditors are more liable to care about their clients'economic importance compared to female auditors. In addition to the hypotheses that were tested, we found other relationships that were of interest to analyze, including a significant negative relationship between age and auditors' tendency to accept gifts and closer relationships. Furthermore, it is noted that male auditors care more about their reputation compared to female auditors. The auditor's age and experience also shown a negativelysignificant relationship with auditors' tendency to consider the client's economic importance. The conclusion in this study is that auditors seem to follow different strategies to address the various factors that may affect independence, where the study shows that there are differencesin the action depending on the auditor's experience, age and gender and also the size of city the auditor operate in.

Obraz volby amerického prezidenta v r. 2016 v českých médiích. / Reflection of the AS presidential election in 2016 given in the Czech media.

Vojtíšková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the media, its history and function, and some other specific associated terms (in particular, the concept of objectivity and the theory of agenda- setting). In my thesis, I will also address the relationship between the media and politics. The aim of the practical part of the thesis is to analyze the work of three Czech journals (Hospodářské noviny, Mladá fronta DNES, Právo), and two television newscasts (Televizní noviny on TV Nova and Události České televize), in each case focusing on the theme of the American presidential election within a defined period of time (7. 11. 2016 - 13. 11. 2016). The core of the analysis consists of observing the proportion of total space and time that was dedicated to the topic, and in this analysis, I will focus on objectivity, or on the occurrence of the tabloid features. Key words media, mass communication, news, agenda-setting, objectivity, tabloid press, political marketing, election, president

Reasonable creates : British equestrianism and epistemological responsibility in late modernity

Jones McVey, Rosie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the ethical work British horse riders conduct in order to know their horses well. This ethical imperative emerges out of a changing equestrian context. A broadening socio-economic demographic of equestrian participants, with an increasingly female population, moves equestrianism further away from its military and elitist heritage, and towards more 'one-horse owners' who nurture the ideal of close, companionable, 'partnerships' with their horses. At the same time, an increasing number of options for horse care and riding style instil the owner with responsibility to act as their horse's agent in choosing well. One of the things that they must choose, from a commercialist sphere of options, is how to educate themselves and their horses in order to achieve true partnership. This market is fraught with critique and debunking, reform and invention. I describe how this relates to a broader neoliberal context in which the idea of 'real connection' is highly valued and nostalgically missed. Through this ethnography, I aim to bring the anthropology of ethics and the 'animal turn' in anthropology into productive dialogue with one another. This is no easy task, since the former is concerned with the human sphere of moral conduct, while the latter has implemented a substantial challenge to anthropocentric study and advocated a recognition of life 'beyond the human'. However, I find grounds for mutual engagement in investigating the role that reflective thought plays within intersubjective equestrian dynamics. Many authors within the 'animal turn' critique the Cartesian distinctions between mind and body, self and other, human and non-human, and advocate that we should be cautious of the forms of detachment they invoke. In contrast, I argue that the 'epistemological responsibility' involved in knowing the horse well requires a complex and highly particular mastery of the dualistic distinctions, rather than a negation of them. In making this argument, I also contribute to the anthropology of ethics an example of nuanced relatedness between embodied intersubjectivity, self-critique, and knowledge evaluation. I demonstrate ethnographically that horse riders critique and cultivate a number of ethical, epistemological skills: open-mindedness, management of real and non-real registers of speech, self-awareness and self-comportment, narrative competence, accurate sensitive perception and good 'feel' for the horse. I demonstrate that highly valorised experiences of 'true connection' comprise of moments where horse and human move in such harmony that a third-person reflective stance is redundant; no interpretative work, communicative repair, or self-assessment is necessary. However these moments are rare and fleeting, because in this context, relational skill is (self)critical skill, riders continually learn to 'feel' more detail, to evaluate more critically, and to better recognise subtle signs of disengagement and miscommunication. In sum, this thesis demonstrates that 'true relatedness' is performed as precarious within this particular classed, gendered and epistemological context, and mobilises this finding to contribute to debates in the anthropology of ethics and the 'animal turn'.

Telejornalismo em transição: reconfigurações da informação e apelo popular na notícia

Belém, Vitor Curvelo Fontes 30 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-07-11T12:46:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vitor Curvelo Fontes Belém.pdf: 80820952 bytes, checksum: 8a7e262d42a4eb67ec50ba39ee3e8dee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-11T12:46:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vitor Curvelo Fontes Belém.pdf: 80820952 bytes, checksum: 8a7e262d42a4eb67ec50ba39ee3e8dee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the midst of the transformations that mark the history of television in Brazil, the approximation between the borders of the environment and the cultural industries impel the emergence of new ways of producing, distributing and consuming television products. In this context, the tension between information and entertainment properties in television news is evident. The objective of this study is to analyze how this articulation is processed in the local television news, to understand how the genres, as forms of mediation, redefine and alter the configurations of the news. In this process, one questions how and why the news programs adopt the strategies of popular appeal, without decharacterizing them as a journalistic product or banalizing the understanding of the facts. For this, the concept of news is discussed and an update of the classification of its formats in the television is proposed. The perception of the strategy of the transformations in the television news is made from the observation of the corpus by seven categories of analysis proposed by the study. This bias will be analyzed in a comparative investigation between six editions of the television series "SETV 1st edition" and "SPTV 1st edition", presented in March 2017. From the qualitative research technique, it will be possible to better understand this phenomenon, considering the possible differences Between productions in their regional or national links. Thus, the study is not restricted to the analysis of the communicational technique, but also considers the relational processes, which involve the cultural dimensions of this approach. For this, the conceptual foundation of the research is based on theories of journalism, based on authors such as José Marques de Melo and Miguel Alsina, and on linguistic studies, with Mikhail Bakhtin and Lia Seixas. The theoretical framework is also based on cultural studies, with scholars such as Raymond Williams and Jesús Martín-Barbero, in order to understand the workings of television news, based on its link with culture and on the relation with infotenimento, conceptualized by Itania Gomes and Fábia Dejavite / Em meio às transformações que marcam a história da televisão no Brasil, a aproximação entre as fronteiras do meio e das indústrias culturais impulsionam o surgimento de novas formas de produzir, distribuir e consumir os produtos televisivos. Nesse contexto, evidencia-se o tensionamento entre as propriedades da informação e do entretenimento no telejornal. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar como se processa essa articulação nos noticiários televisivos locais, para compreender como os gêneros, enquanto formas de mediação, se redefinem e alteram as configurações da notícia. Nesse processo, questionase como e porque os telejornais adotam as estratégias de apelo popular, sem que os descaracterize como um produto jornalístico ou banalize a compreensão dos fatos. Para isso, discute-se o conceito de notícia e propõe-se uma atualização da classificação dos seus formatos na televisão. A percepção da estratégia das transformações no telejornal é realizada a partir da observação do corpus por sete categorias de análise propostas pelo estudo. Esse viés será analisado em uma investigação comparativa entre seis edições dos telejornais “SETV 1ª edição” e “SPTV 1ª edição”, exibidas em março de 2017. A partir da técnica de investigação qualitativa, será possível compreender melhor esse fenômeno, considerando as possíveis diferenças entre as produções em seus vínculos regionais ou nacionais. Assim, o estudo não se restringe à análise da técnica comunicacional, mas também considera os processos relacionais, que envolvem as dimensões culturais dessa aproximação. Para tanto, o fundamento conceitual da pesquisa parte das teorias do jornalismo, com base em autores como José Marques de Melo e Miguel Alsina, e dos estudos linguísticos, com Mikhail Bakhtin e Lia Seixas. O referencial teórico apoia-se também nos Estudos culturais, com estudiosos como Raymond Williams e Jesús Martín- Barbero, para compreender o funcionamento do telejornal, a partir da sua vinculação com a cultura e na relação com o infotenimento, conceituado por Itania Gomes e Fábia Dejavite

Incerteza e processo: um estudo direcionado às técnicas recursais e à ação rescisória / Uncertainty and civil procedure

Machado, Marcelo Pacheco 23 September 2009 (has links)
O trabalho trata das situações de incerteza na técnica processual civil, analisando causas, efeitos e, principalmente, meios adequados para o tratamento dessas situações. Defende a idéia de que os litigantes não podem ter seus direitos processuais cerceados pela falta de objetividade na técnica processual, circunstância na qual deverá ser privilegiada a eficácia dos atos das partes. Nos três primeiros capítulos, é estudada a função do processo perante o direito material (aspecto positivo da instrumentalidade do processo), seu formalismo e sua flexibilidade, acentuando-se a aplicação da instrumentalidade das formas e do dever de saneamento das irregularidades processuais (aspecto negativo da instrumentalidade do processo). No capítulo quarto, são identificadas as crises de certeza no direito processual, suas fontes e os melhores meios de se evitá-las. No capítulo quinto, é justificada, à luz do direito processual vigente, a necessidade de manutenção da eficácia dos atos processuais realizados em zonas de incerteza. Por fim, nos capítulos seis e sete, o trabalho trata da fungibilidade recursal e da incerteza relativa aos pressupostos formais da ação rescisória, propondo meios de se permitir que os atos processuais realizados em zonas de incerteza produzam todos os seus efeitos, ainda que a opção dos litigantes divirja daquela adotada pelo juiz. / The present dissertation deals with the uncertainty about Brazilian civil procedure techniques, analyzing causes, effects and, chiefly, adequate means of treatment of such issues. It argues that the litigants may not have their procedural rights suppressed by the lack of objectivity on procedural law, situation in which the efficacy of their acts must be privileged. In the first three chapters, it studies the function of the procedural Law considering the substantive Law (positive aspect of procedural instrumentality), its formalism and its flexibility, enhancing the applicability of the norm of instrumentality of the forms and the judges obligation of remedying procedural irregularities (negative aspect of procedural instrumentality). In chapter four, crises of uncertainty of procedural law are identified, its sources as well as the best ways to avoid them. In chapter five, the needs of maintaining the efficacy of the parties acts in situations of uncertainty are justified considering the current procedural Law. At last, in chapters six and seven, the study addresses the rule of commingling remedies and the matter of uncertainty related to the procedural requisites of the termination action, proposing that the procedural acts performed in zones of uncertainty will produce all their effects, even if the option made by the litigants be different from that made by the judge.

Det är bara en myt : En undersökning av trovärdighet i en Flashbacktråd / It is just a myth : A study of reliability in a thread on Flashback

Wahlund Hansson, Isabella January 2019 (has links)
Om något är sant eller inte är upp till forskningen och vetenskapen att undersöka. Trots det kan mycket information upplevas som sanning även om det bara är en åsikt, egen erfarenhet eller myt. Den här studien undersöker hur privatpersoner online skapar sanningar utifrån en osanning. Undersökningen är baserad på en tråd från diskussionsforumet ”Flashback”. Tråden har en frispråkig och destruktiv diskurs om personer från Somalia. Analysen är baserad på olika sätt att få något att upplevas som trovärdigt, exempelvis modalitet, hänvisningar och objektivitet. Resultatet visar att de flesta åsikterna och upplevelserna är modifierade på olika sätt för att framstå som mer trovärdiga och om något är trovärdigt ökar det chansen att någon annan anammar samma åsikt eller åtminstone tror att den är sann. / Whether something is true or not is a matter for science and research to investigate. Although, a lot of information can pass by as true even though it might just be an opinion, personal experience or myth. This study investigate how private persons online create a truth out of something untrue. The investigation is based on a thread from the forum for discussion named ”Flashback”. The thread have an outspoken and destructive discourse about people from Somalia. The analysis is based on different ways to make something appear as reliable, for example modality, referencing and objectivity. The result shows that most opinions and experiences are in different ways modified to seem more reliable, and if something is reliabile it increases the chanses of someone else to acquire the same opinion, or at least believe it to be true.

La valeur des biens en droit français / The value of goods in French law

Vaillant-Sayous, Anne-Gaëlle 17 December 2018 (has links)
À la question de savoir ce qu’est la valeur des biens, le courant doctrinal majoritaire affirme que la valeur des biens est leur prix et que c’est en raison de cette valeur que les biens sont désirables et appropriables. Pourtant, juridiquement, le prix et la valeur des biens ne s’appliquent pas aux mêmes branches du droit et visent deux rapports d’équivalence différents. Même leurs expressions divergent puisque, contrairement au prix qui ne connaît qu’une expression monétaire, la valeur des biens connaît, en plus, une expression symbolique. Quant à l’affirmation selon laquelle la valeur des biens rend ces derniers désirables et justifie leur appropriation, il s’agit là d’un renversement du raisonnement. En effet, l’étude du droit français révèle qu’il conçoit la valeur des biens comme une mesure relative aux biens. En conséquence, c’est la catégorie juridique des biens qui est au cœur de leur désirabilité. Une étude comparative de celle-ci avec les autres qualifications juridiques relatives aux choses, démontre ainsi que les biens sont appréhendés comme une réserve non naturelle de choses entièrement appropriées, dont le propriétaire est connu et qui sont bénéfiques aux hommes en ce qu’elles leur fournissent un complément de service. Les biens contribuent ainsi à la subsistance des individus, c’est-à-dire qu’ils leur apportent une aide à leur existence matérielle. L’homme se caractérisant par son individualité et sa sociabilité, ils contribuent à chacun de ces besoins. Cependant, tous n’y contribuent pas dans la même proportion. La valeur des biens mesure ainsi cette contribution à la subsistance individuelle ou sociale des êtres humains. Ces deux types de subsistance connaissant des antagonismes, ils justifient des régimes juridiques et des expressions de la valeur différents. Ainsi, les biens contribuant à la subsistance individuelle connaissent un régime dynamique et une expression monétaire. Ce sont les biens les plus répandus et au cœur du droit commun. Il s’agit des biens à valeur économique. Les biens contribuant à la subsistance sociale connaissent, quant à eux, des régimes conservateurs et une expression symbolique et constituent des exceptions au droit commun. Il s’agit des biens à valeur morale. / To the question about what is the value of goods, the main body of doctrine maintains that the value of goods is their price and that is why the goods are desirables and appropriables. However, legally, price and value of goods do not apply to the same branches of law and aim at two different kind of equivalence. Their expressions also diverge. Contrary to the price, which knows only one monetary expression, the value of goods knows, besides, a symbolic expression. As for the assertion according to which the value of the goods become desirables and proves their appropriation, this is a reversal of the reasoning. Indeed, the study of French law reveals that the value of goods is a measure relative to goods. Consequently, the goods, as a legal category, are desirable as such. A comparative study of this one with other legal categories related to the things, shows that goods are knew as a non-natural reserve of completely appropriated things, to which the owner is known and which are advantageous to him to have a complement of service. So, the goods contribute to the subsistence of the individuals, because they help them for their material existence. Considering that the humanity is characterized by individuality and sociability, the goods could be analysed as a contribution to every kind of these needs. However, every goods do not contribute to it in the same proportion. The value of goods measures this contribution in the individual or in the social subsistence of the human beings. These two types of subsistence is characterised by an antagonism. It justifies different legal regimes and expressions of the value. So, the goods which contribute to the individual subsistence have a dynamic regime and a monetary expression. These are the most spread category of goods and the legal reference. They are the goods with an economic value. The goods which contribute to the social subsistence have two conservatives regimes, a symbolic expression and are exceptions to the legal reference. They are the goods with a moral value.

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