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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Låttexten i fält : Åsikter om låttexten som litteratur i debatten om Bob Dylans nobelpris i svenska dagstidningar

Blomberg, Alvin January 2019 (has links)
När Svenska Akademien år 2016 tilldelade Bob Dylan nobelpriset i litteratur väcktes en enorm debatt i svenska tidningar rörande frågan ifall priset kan tilldelas en musiker och ifall låttexten går att betrakta som litteratur. I denna uppsats undersöks vilka argumenten i debatten var för och emot låttexten som litteratur. Utöver detta analyseras även vilka litteraturideal debattörerna baserade sina argument på. Materialet för studien är artiklar ur svenska tidningar publicerade år 2016-2018 och debatten analyseras med hjälp av den franske sociologen Pierre Bourdieus fältteori för att påvisa hur det litterära fältets aktörer reagerade på Akademiens val av Dylan och en textform utanför det konventionella litteraturbegreppet. Studiens resultat visar att det i debatten förekom åtta argument för eller emot att Bob Dylans låttexter är litteratur. De till priset negativt inställda kritikerna menade att hindren för låttexten att vara litteratur är dess beroende av sin ljudande form, dess stora popularitet och publikframgång, den separata marknaden och de säregna marknadsförutsättningarna för låttexter gentemot den konventionella litteraturen. De positiva kritikerna menade istället att låttexten är litteratur på grund av likheten med antikens och romantikens lyrik och poesi, intertextualiteten och likheten med modernismen, dess estetiska kvalitéer och rim, samt dess emancipatoriska innehåll. Utöver detta påvisar undersökningen att Svenska Akademiens val av Bob Dylan tolkades av tidningarnas kulturskribenter som att institutionen försökte bredda litteraturbegreppet till att även innefatta låttexter.  För att försvara det litterära fältets autonomi användes strategier av de positiva kritikerna som att försöka förknippa Dylan med litterärt kapital och låttexterna med konsekrerade verk ur den västerländska kanon. De negativa kritikerna anklagade Svenska Akademiens val för att vara för kommersiellt samt hänvisade till värnandet om det skrivna ordet och den smala kulturen. Avslutningsvis ges låttexter och det litteratursamhälle som omgärdar dem som förslag på forskningsobjekt för framtida litteratursociologisk forskning.

A Menu-based Universal Control Protocol / Ett menybaserat universiellt kontroll-protokoll

Gustafsson, Per-Ola, Ohlsson, Marcus January 2002 (has links)
<p>This thesis-project aims to research the possibilities of new wireless technologies in general control-situations. We have studied different existing control protocols, and developed a new protocol focusing on textbased menus. Our protocol is scaleable, easy to implement, and platform- and media independent. Since our protocol supports Plug and Play with dynamically allocated id’s, it does not require a unique id in the hardware. </p><p>To test the protocol we have developed a prototype system, consisting of a mobile phone connected to a server, which in turn is connected to two slave units, controlling peripheral equipment on 220 Volt. </p><p>The phone is an <i>Ericsson T28,</i> equipped with a Bluetooth unit. The server is runningthe real-time OS <i>eCos </i>on an A<i>RM 7TDMI Evaluation Kit</i>, and the slave units consist of two developer boards equipped with <i>PIC-processors</i>. Communication between the phone and the server is done over Bluetooth. However we did not find a working Bluetooth protocol stack ported to eCos, so a serial cable was used instead. Communication between the server and the slaves is done over a RS-485 serial network which simulates the traffic over a radio-network. </p><p>The results show that our protocol is working, and that our system would be easy to implement, cheap to produce and very scalable.</p>

Hjältar och förebilder : en studie av äventyraren och hans inspirationskällor / Heroes and models : a study of the adventurer and his sources of inspiration

Viklund, Johan January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how the adventure is accomplished as a project, and how this is vindicated, through science or by other means. The scientists of today are not seen as adventurers or heroes, at least not as they used to, but this image lives on as a sort of role or social institution, that can be used by anyone and in any purpose. These roles could be seen as a type of rules for the modern adventurer, and act both as a limit or a possibility. This essay compares two North Pole travelers, Ola Skinnarmo and Salomon August Andrée. / Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka hur man genomför äventyret som ett projekt och hur detta legitimeras, genom vetenskap eller på annat sätt. Vetenskapsmännen ses idag inte som äventyrare eller hjältar, i alla fall inte på samma sätt som förr, men den bilden lever kvar i form av en "rollbeskrivning" eller en sorts "social institution" som kan användas av vem som helst och i alla möjliga syften. Dessa"rollbeskrivningar"skulle kunna ses som en sorts "spelregler" för dagens moderna äventyrare och verka både begränsande och möjliggörande. I uppsatsen jämförs två polarfarare, Ola Skinnarmo och Salomon August Andrée, och deras respektive expeditioner.

A Menu-based Universal Control Protocol / Ett menybaserat universiellt kontroll-protokoll

Gustafsson, Per-Ola, Ohlsson, Marcus January 2002 (has links)
This thesis-project aims to research the possibilities of new wireless technologies in general control-situations. We have studied different existing control protocols, and developed a new protocol focusing on textbased menus. Our protocol is scaleable, easy to implement, and platform- and media independent. Since our protocol supports Plug and Play with dynamically allocated id’s, it does not require a unique id in the hardware. To test the protocol we have developed a prototype system, consisting of a mobile phone connected to a server, which in turn is connected to two slave units, controlling peripheral equipment on 220 Volt. The phone is an Ericsson T28, equipped with a Bluetooth unit. The server is runningthe real-time OS eCos on an ARM 7TDMI Evaluation Kit, and the slave units consist of two developer boards equipped with PIC-processors. Communication between the phone and the server is done over Bluetooth. However we did not find a working Bluetooth protocol stack ported to eCos, so a serial cable was used instead. Communication between the server and the slaves is done over a RS-485 serial network which simulates the traffic over a radio-network. The results show that our protocol is working, and that our system would be easy to implement, cheap to produce and very scalable.

Samsyn och konflikt i svensk utrikespolitik : En beskrivande idéanalys av olika riksdagspartiers ståndpunkter beträffande konflikterna i Vietnam, Sydafrika, Afghanistan och Centralamerika 1972-1982

Karlsson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates differences in foreign policy among Swedish political parties during 1972-1982. For 44 years, Sweden was led by the Social Democrats until the centre-right coalition gained power in 1976.  Social Democrat Olof Palme is probably one of the most notable Swedish politicians, known for his strong commitment in foreign policy including opposition to American involvement in Vietnam. However, certain signs show that the centre-right parties also had a strong commitment in many conflicts during the investigated period. Deepened research comparing the left and the right during this period has however not been done. Hence, this study aims to compare if there was any change in policy after 1976, but also look into similarities and differences between the political parties during the whole period. This is done through a comparison of the yearly Swedish foreign policy debates from 1972 to 1982, comparing views in four conflicts at the time: Vietnam, South Africa, Afghanistan and Central America. The findings show many similarities and differences, with small general differences in Swedish foreign policy before and after the historical shift of power in 1976. Interestingly, there is a notable commitment to foreign policy among the centre-right parties - sometimes stronger than Palme and the Social Democrats.

Cultural Memory in Elena Poniatowska’s <i>Tinisima</i>

Morelock, Ela Molina 01 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Claves estéticas de la ciencia ficción cinematográfica (2014-2019): la representación de lo otro a través del diseño de producción audiovisual.

Cuenca García, Celia 28 November 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta investigación de Tesis tiene como objetivo principal analizar un determinado corpus de producciones de la ciencia ficción cinematográfica reciente. Estas películas parecen compartir unas claves visuales que, lejos de mantener los parámetros tradicionales del género, abordan otras referencias estéticas relacionadas con lo familiar, lo orgánico y lo nostálgico. La investigación comienza con el planteamiento de los objetivos, el marco teórico y las metodologías de trabajo y avanza con la delimitación del corpus y la justificación del mismo. A continuación se profundiza en el género de la ciencia ficción y en el lenguaje visual como herramienta fundamental para abordar la cultura visual reciente. Gracias a esta exploración, se propone una línea temporal de la evolución estética de la ciencia ficción cinematográfica mediante la que definir las corrientes mayoritarias del género, detectando a su vez los giros y propuestas alternativas más relevantes. Al realizar este ejercicio se localizan una serie de producciones de los años sesenta que, por su discurso en torno a la nostalgia y la subjetividad parecen inspirar al corpus actual. A partir de esa información se aborda el análisis del corpus, desde sus elementos conceptuales y narrativos -relacionados con la estética de la dirty scifi- a su expresión formal, precisada en tres claves definidas: lo natural -en un género que tradicionalmente rechaza lo orgánico-, lo espiritual -en tramas definidas por la razón- y lo físico y lo íntimo -que vuelve la mirada del afuera y del futuro al aquí y al ahora-. Por último, al profundizar en estas claves, se exploran determinados elementos que actúan como figuras simbólicas de cada relato. Elementos referidos en este análisis como artefactos que representan visualmente la propuesta conceptual -o novum- de cada película y que, como construcciones diegéticas, permiten ciertas reflexiones sobre el modo en el que la sociedad que las ha diseñado se relaciona con los conceptos de memoria, nostalgia y futuro. Finalmente, las conclusiones dan cuenta de aquello que -previamente planteado en los objetivos iniciales- ha quedado resuelto, de qué preguntas se han podido responder y de qué otras han surgido a partir del análisis realizado. Como resultado, la investigación propone un recorrido que abarca las generalidades de la ciencia ficción cinematográfica y su cualidad simbólica para detectar un impulso estético que, si bien se intuye en la contracultura de los años sesenta, asume hoy una presencia compartida. Esta perspectiva trata de ofrecer al lector un desarrollo explicativo equivalente al desarrollo investigador, de forma que le resulte posible descubrir esta tendencia y reflexionar acerca de cómo sus motivos visuales podrían evidenciar el carácter de su contexto creador. / [CA] Aquesta investigació de Tesi té com a objectiu principal analitzar un determinat corpus de produccions de la ciència-ficció cinematogràfica recent. Aquestes pel·lícules semblen compartir unes claus visuals que, lluny de mantindre els paràmetres tradicionals del gènere, aborden altres referències estètiques relacionades amb allò familiar, orgànic i nostàlgic. La investigació comença amb el plantejament dels objectius, el marc teòric i les metodologies de treball i avança amb la delimitació del corpus i la justificació d'aquest. A continuació s'aprofundeix en el gènere de la ciència-ficció i en el llenguatge visual com a eina fonamental per a abordar la cultura visual recent. Gràcies a aquesta exploració, es proposa una línia temporal de l'evolució estètica de la ciència-ficció cinematogràfica mitjançant la qual definir els corrents majoritaris del gènere, detectant al seu torn els girs i propostes alternatives més rellevants. En realitzar aquest exercici es localitzen una sèrie de produccions dels anys seixanta que, pel seu discurs entorn de la nostàlgia i la subjectivitat semblen inspirar al corpus actual. A partir d'aqueixa informació s'aborda l'anàlisi del corpus, des dels seus elements conceptuals i narratius -relacionats amb l'estètica de la dirty scifi- a la seua expressió formal, precisada en tres claus definides: allò natural -en un gènere que tradicionalment rebutja l'orgànic-, allò espiritual -en trames definides per la raó- i allò físic i íntim -que gira la mirada del fora i del futur a l'ací i a l'ara-. Finalment, en aprofundir en aquestes claus, s'exploren determinats elements que actuen com a figures simbòliques de cada relat. Elements referits en aquesta anàlisi com a artefactes que representen visualment la proposta conceptual -o novum- de cada pel·lícula i que, com a construccions diegétiques, permeten unes certes reflexions sobre la manera en què la societat que les ha dissenyades es relaciona amb els conceptes de memòria, nostàlgia i futur. Finalment, les conclusions donen compte d'allò que -prèviament plantejat en els objectius inicials- ha quedat resolt, de quines preguntes s'han pogut respondre i de quines altres han sorgit a partir de l'anàlisi realitzada. Com a resultat, la investigació proposa un recorregut que abasta les generalitats de la ciència-ficció cinematogràfica i la seua qualitat simbòlica per a detectar un impuls estètic que, si bé s'intueix en la contracultura dels anys seixanta, assumeix hui una presència compartida. Aquesta perspectiva tracta d'oferir al lector un desenvolupament explicatiu equivalent al desenvolupament investigador, de manera que li resulte possible descobrir aquesta tendència i reflexionar sobre com els seus motius visuals podrien evidenciar el caràcter del seu context creador. / [EN] To delimit and analyze a certain corpus of productions of recent cinematographic science fiction is the main objective of this Thesis research. These films seem to share some visual keys that, far from maintaining the traditional parameters of the genre, approach other aesthetic related to familiar, organic and nostalgic references. Research begins with the statement of the objectives, the theoretical framework and the working methodologies and it progresses with the delimitation of the corpus and its justification. It then delves into the genre of science fiction and visual language as a fundamental tool for approaching recent visual culture. Thanks to this exploration, a timeline of the aesthetic evolution of cinematic science fiction is proposed to define the main currents of the genre, detecting in turn the most relevant turns and alternative proposals. In carrying out this exercise, a series of productions from the sixties are located which, due to their discourse on nostalgia and subjectivity, seem to inspire the current corpus. Based on this information, the analysis of the corpus is approached, from its conceptual and narrative elements -related to the aesthetics of dirty sci-fi- to its formal expression, specified in three defined keys: natural -in a genre that traditionally rejects the organic-, spiritual -in plots defined by reason- and physical and intimate -that turns the gaze from the outside and the future to here and now-. Finally, by delving deeper into these keys, we explore certain elements that act as symbolic figures in each story. Elements referred to in this analysis as artifacts that visually represent the conceptual proposal -or novum- of each film and that, as diegetic constructions, allow certain reflections on the way in which the society that has designed them relates to the concepts of memory, nostalgia and future. Finally, the conclusions give an account of what -previously raised in the initial objectives- has been resolved, which questions have been answered and which others have arisen from the analysis carried out. As a result, the research proposes a journey that covers the generalities of cinematic science fiction and its symbolic quality in order to detect an aesthetic impulse that, although intuited in the counterculture of the sixties, assumes today a shared presence. This perspective tries to offer the reader an explanatory development equivalent to the research development, so that it is possible to him or her discover this tendency and reflect on how its visual motifs could evidence the character of its creative context. / Cuenca García, C. (2022). Claves estéticas de la ciencia ficción cinematográfica (2014-2019): la representación de lo otro a través del diseño de producción audiovisual [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/190242

Skönhetsdyrkare och socialdemokrat : studier i Bengt Lidforss litteraturkritiska gärning

Leopold, Lennart January 2001 (has links)
Bengt Lidforss (1868–1913) was professor of botany between 1910 and 1913. But after the turn of the century he also emerged as a charismatic leader within the Swedish working-class movement. He became one of its foremost publicists. In the social democratic newspaper Arbetet in Malmö he wrote about natural sciences but also about political, philosophical and literary issues. As a literary critic Lidforss was the keenest protector of the Scanian literary school, and his struggle for Ola Hansson and Vilhelm Ekelund has made its mark in Swedish literary history, as have his contributions in favour of Gustaf Fröding and August Strindberg, culminating in the polemic articles during the Strindberg Feud (1910–11). Skönhetsdyrkare och socialdemokrat. Studier i Bengt Lidforss litteraturkritiska gärning (Worshipper of Beauty And Social Democrat. Studies in Bengt Lidforss’ Achievement As A Literary Critic) emphasises the paradoxic combination of Lidforss’ fundamentally socialist views and a strong belief in art. To him art was not isolated from society but quite the contrary; a significant factor in the changing of society. The new socialistic human being should be ennobled by arts instead of emasculated by religion. With the help of Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of “field”, it is shown how Lidforss, by attacking leading middle-class newspapers and publicists, created for himself and Arbetet a constantly stronger position within the field of journalism. Within the field of literary criticism he attacked the middle-class critics, and thus participated in associating Strindberg and Fröding as well as the young Scanian writers with the working-class movement. Lidforss’ literary taste was seen as an alternative to middle-class taste and the worshipping of beauty thereby became fashionable among socialists. The fact that one finds sympathies not only for symbolism but also for decadent descriptions with Lidforss the socialist, has to do with the fact that the descriptions of the discomfort of the heroes revealed the disadvantages of the capitalist society. Nevertheless Lidforss’ issued warnings against programmatic pessimism, since he was of the opinion that literature should strengthen people in their struggle. When it came to the plight of the human being under capitalism he was a pessimist, but he believed the stronger in a future socialist society. The terms for the artists would be more tolerable in such a society, he prophesied. He admitted that revolutionary poetry could be useful but was of the opinion that the quality of art would lessen if it consciously served politics. The revolutionary poetry he praised in his reviews was poetry he found genuine and coming from the heart. He did not favour pronounced tendencies, but he liked to use poetry in a political context. / Bengt Lidforss (1868–1913) var botaniker, men också publicist och socialist. Skandalomsusad och färgstark har han porträtterats av ett stort antal skönlitterära författare, allt ifrån August Strindberg till Inger Alfvén. Hans mångsidiga medarbetarskap i Arbetet hjälpte tidningen fram till en uppmärksammad position. I denna bok skildras hans kamp för en ledande position också inom det litterära fältet. Lidforss var en skönhetsdyrkare av stora mått men samtidigt socialdemokrat. Detta ledde till att han stred på många kulturella arenor – inte bara mot kritiker, författare, och Svenska Akademien, utan också mot inflytelserika män inom kyrka och politik. Skönhetsdyrkare och socialdemokrat ger oss oväntade svar på vad dessa bataljer handlade om och vi får möta Lidforss samtida giganter som Fredrik Böök, Vilhelm Ekelund, Albert Engström, Verner von Heidenstam, Oscar Levertin, August Strindberg med flera.

Reducción de la congestión vehicular a través de la implementación de la Ola Verde en la Av. Caminos del Inca en el tramo comprendido entre Jr. Batallón Callao Norte y Jr. Cádiz en el distrito de Surco / Reduction of vehicular congestion through the implementation of the Green Wave on the Caminos del Inca Avenue in the stretch between Batallón Callao Norte street and Cadiz street in the district of Surco

Campomanes Campomanes, Alfredo Jorge, López Olivera, Joel Moisés 15 January 2019 (has links)
El congestionamiento vehicular es uno de los problemas que más se agudiza en la ciudad de Lima. Este problema se ve reflejada en casi todas las calles y avenidas principales de la ciudad, debido a factores como el incremento del parque automotor que hacen colapsar la capacidad de la infraestructura y dejan en desuso la gestión de tránsito para la que fue diseñada; dicho de otra manera, el incremento del flujo vehicular ocasiona gran congestión, largas colas, prolongadas demoras y niveles de servicio deficientes. La zona de estudio a tratar se encuentra en el distrito de Surco y la vía intervenida es la avenida Caminos del Inca en el tramo del jirón Batallón Callao hasta el jirón Cádiz atravesando avenidas importantes como Velazco Astete e Higuereta. Esta avenida es una de las más transitadas del distrito de Surco a causa de los centros comerciales, institutos, universidades, entre otros, que se encuentran cercanas a esta importante arteria vial. Por ello, este trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo principal disminuir la congestión vehicular de la Av. Caminos del Inca en el tramo de estudio y mejorar los niveles de servicio en sus intersecciones con la implementación de la ola verde a través del modelamiento y simulación en el software Synchro 8. Para la elaboración de este trabajo se recopilaron datos de campo como el aforo vehicular para determinar la hora punta y el volumen horario de máxima demanda vehicular, asimismo se realizó la medición de los ciclos semafóricos y sus faces en un día típico de la semana. Con todos estos datos compilados en el trabajo de campo, se obtuvieron los grados de saturación y los niveles de servicio actuales para que posteriormente sean evaluadas a fin de implementar la ola verde y optimizar el tránsito. Finalmente, con la implementación de la ola verde y las modificaciones de gestión de tráfico se obtuvieron mejoras notables como optimización de los niveles de servicio en las intersecciones, por ejemplo, en la intersección N° 01 pasó de C a B, en la N° 02 de F a D, en la N° 03 de C a B y en la N° 04 de C a B; asimismo, las esperas en las intersecciones disminuyeron favorablemente como se indica a continuación, en la intersección N° 01 Bajó de 20.1s a 16.7s, en la N° 02 de 332.2s a 35.3s, en la N° 03 de 239.9s a 11.4s y en la N° 04 de 37.0s a 6.3s; de igual forma, el tiempo de recorrido de un punto extremo, intersección N° 01, al otro, Intersección N° 04, mejoró considerablemente de 6 minutos y 30 segundos aproximadamente a 1 minuto y 28 |segundos debido a la sincronización progresiva del color verde de los semáforos en cada intersección. / Traffic congestion is one of the most acute problems in the city of Lima. This problem is reflected in almost all the streets and main avenues of the city, due to factors such as the increase in the vehicle fleet that collapses the capacity of the road infrastructure and leaves the traffic management for which it was designed in disuse; In other words, the increase in the flow of vehicles causes great congestion, long queues of vehicles, prolonged delays and poor service levels. The study area to be treated is in the district of Surco and the intervened road is the Caminos del Inca avenue in the stretch from Batallón Callao street to Cádiz street crossing important avenues such as Velazco Astete and Higuereta. This is one of most heavily traveled avenue in the district of Surco because of the shopping centers, institutes, universities, among others, that are close to this important traffic artery. Therefore, this thesis work has as main objective to reduce the vehicular congestion of this avenue and improve the service levels of its intersections with the implementation of the green wave through modeling and simulation in the Synchro 8 software. For the elaboration of this research work, field data were collected, such as the vehicle capacity to determine the peak hour and the hourly volume of maximum vehicular demand, as well as the measurement of the traffic light cycles and their faces in a typical day of the week. With all this data compiled in the field work, saturation degrees and current service levels were obtained so that later they can be evaluated in order to implement the green wave and optimize traffic. Finally, with the implementation of the green wave and traffic management modifications, notable improvements were obtained such as optimization of service levels at intersections, for example, at intersection No. 01 it went from C to B, at No. 02 from F to D, in No. 03 from C to B and in No. 04 from C to B; in the same way, the travel time from an extreme point, intersection No. 01, to the other, Intersection No. 04, improved considerably from 6 minutes and 30 seconds approximately to 1 minute and 28 seconds due to the progressive synchronization of the green colour of the traffic lights in each intersection. / Tesis

Teologisk normativitet - en vetenskaplig synd? : En komparativ analys angående acceptabel normativitet inom akademisk teologi

Knutsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to discuss what kind of normativity can be considered acceptable in academic theology today in Sweden. This I do by critically and comparatively analyze two debates. The first debate is from Sweden and has its origin in the book Den okände Jesus written by Cecilia Wassén och Tobias Hägerland. The second debate is an international debate about Joseph Ratzingers or Benedict XVI book Jesus of Nazareth. For the purpose of comparison I am working with three analytical questions. I am asking the different texts whether the author express any ontological assumptions or if he or she argumenting at a epistemological level, what enables intersubjective verifiability according to the author and what kind of methods does the author see as acceptable to reach historical knowledge? This questions works as a methodological cluster and the answers indicate what the authors think about acceptable normativity in academic theology. After that I identify similarities and divergences and I ́m comparing different positions and arguments. Finally I evaluate the reasonability of these positions and argument. The reader will be lead to the conclusion that intersubjective verifiability in academic theology and exegetic doesn ́t demand naturalistic or empirical points of departure but rather transparency and cognitive understandable argument which includes theological normative arguments and research. An attitude I name as methodological reciprocity.

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